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FOOD POLICY Index to Volume 20 February, April, June, August, October and December 1995 Articles — titles Issues in valuing food aid: the cash or in-kind Agricultural commercialization and diversifica- controversy, Merle D. Faminow, 20, 1, 3-10 tion: processes and policies, Prabhu L. Pingali Liberalization of grain markets in Nicaragua: and Mark W. Rosegrant, 20, 3, 171-185 from market substitution to state minimalism, Agricultural commercialization: impacts on in- Max Spoor, 20, 2, 99-110 come and nutrition and implications for policy, Multinationals and agricultural policy in the EC Joachim von Braun, 20, 3, 187-202 and USA, Margherita Scoppola, 20, 1, 11-25 Agricultural diversification and export promotion PDS: beyond implicit subsidy and urban bias — the in sub-Saharan Africa, Christopher L. Delga- Indian experience, M. H. Suryanarayana, 20, do, 20, 3, 225-243 4, 259-278 Agricultural diversification and policy reform, Policies and institutions in transition economies: a Jorge A. Quiroz and Alberto Valdés, 20, 3, political economy perspective on the agri-food 245-255 sector, Jonathan Brooks, 20, 6, 487-499 Agriculture after socialism: the transformation Processing and preparation costs for rice and and development of Lithuanian agriculture, coarse grains in urban Mali: subjecting an /pse Nicholas Maddock, 20, 2, 129-137 Dixit to empirical scrutiny, David Dibley, An analytic model for emergency food provision, Duncan Boughton and Thomas Reardon, 20, Kurt C. Schaefer, 20, 4, 315-321 1, 41-50 China’s grain imports: an empirical study, Xiao- The emergence of parallel markets in a transition yuan Dong, Terrence S. Veeman and Michele economy: the case of Mozambique, David E. M. Veeman, 20, 4, 323-338 Sahn and Jaikishan Desai, 20, 2, 83-98 Demand-side constraints on the introduction of The food-first bias and nutrition policy: lessons new food technologies: the case of food from Ethiopia, David L. Pelletier, Kassahun irradiation, Spencer Henson, 20, 2, 111-127 Deneke, Yemane Kidane, Beyenne Haile and Development reconsidered: the African chal- Fikre Negussie, 20, 4, 279-298 lenge, Daniel W. Bromley, 20, 5, 425-438 The impact of the GATT agreement on EU fruit Export credit guarantees: the commodity credit and vegetable policy, Alan Swinbank and corporation and US agricultural export policy, Christopher Ritson, 20, 4, 339-357 Bengt Hyberg, Mark Smith, David Skully and The nature of agricultural systems: food security Cecil Davison, 20, 1, 27-39 and environmental balance, K. G. Cassman Food and nutrition policy in Malta, Leonard and R. R. Harwood, 20, 5, 439-454 Mizzi, 20, 6, 475-486 The recovery of agricultural productivity in sub- Gender differentials in farm productivity: implica- Saharan Africa, Steven A. Block, 20, 5, tions for household efficiency and agricultural 385—405 policy, Christopher Udry, John Hoddinott, Water policy for efficient agricultural diversifica- Harold Alderman and Lawrence Haddad, 20, tion: market-based approaches, Mark W. 5, 407-423 Rosegrant, Renato G. Schleyer and Satya Getting agriculture moving: do markets provide Yadav, 20, 3, 203-223 the right signals?, C. Peter Timmer, 20, 5, 455-472 Impacts of devaluation on Senegalese households: Articles — authors policy implications, Valerie Kelly, Thomas Abdoulaye Fall, Amadou, see Kelly, Valerie Reardon, Bocar Diagana and Amadou Alderman, Harold, see Udry, Christopher Abdoulaye Fall, 20, 4, 299-313 Baker, Derek, see Chmielewska, Wanda Introduction to Getting Agriculture Moving, C. Beyenne, Haile, see Pelletier, David L. Peter Timmer, 20, 5, 379-383 Beynon, Jonathan, The state’s role in financing Is the locus of poverty changing?, Rosamond L. agricultural research, 20, 6, 545-550 Naylor and Walter P. Falcon, 20, 6, 501-518 Block, Steven A., The recovery of agricultural 609 Index productivity in sub-Saharan Africa, 20, 5, Kelly, Valerie, Reardon, Thomas, Diagana, Bocar 385-405 and Abdoulaye Fall, Amadou, Impacts of Boughton, Duncan, see Dibley, David devaluation on Senegalese households: policy Bromley, Daniel W., Development reconsidered: implications, 20, 4, 299-313 the African challenge, 20, 5, 425-438 Khan, M. Mahmud and Riely, Frank, A note on Carney, Diana, The changing public role in choice of indicators for food security and services to agriculture: a framework for analy- nutrition monitoring, 20, 1, 63-68 sis, 20, 6, 521-528 Lewa, Peter M. and Hubbard, Michael, Kenya’s Cassman, K. G. and Harwood, R. R., The nature Cereal Sector Reform Programme: managing of agricultural systems: food security and the politics of reform, 20, 6, 573-584 environmental balance, 20, 5, 439-454 Maddock, Nicholas, Agriculture after socialism: Chmielewska, Wanda and Baker, Derek, The the transformation and development of Polish agricultural marketing system: a policy Lithuanian agriculture, 20, 2, 129-137 perspective on developments, 20, 1, 51-57 Mizzi, Leonard, Food and nutrition policy in Davison, Cecil, see Hyberg, Bengt Malta, 20, 6, 475-486 Delgado, Christopher L., Agricultural diversifica- Naylor, Rosamond L and Falcon, Walter P, Is the tion and export promotion in sub-Saharan locus of poverty changing?, 20, 6, 501-518 Africa, 20, 3, 225-243 Negussie, Fikre, see Pelletier, David L Deneke, Kassahun, see Pelletier, David L. Pelletier, David L., Deneke, Kassahun, Kidane, Desai, Jaikishan, see Sahn, David, E. Yemane, Haile, Beyenne and Negussie, Fikre, Diagana, Bocar, see Kelly, Valerie The food-first bias and nutrition policy: les- Dibley, David, Boughton, Duncan and Reardon, sons from Ethiopia, 20, 4, 279-298 Thomas, Processing and preparation costs for Pingali, Prabhu, L. and Rosegrant, Mark W., rice and coarse grains in urban Mali: subject- Agricultural commercialization and diversi- ing an Ipse Dixit to empirical scrutiny, 20, 1, fication: processes and policies, 20, 3, 171-185 41-50 Quiroz, Jorge, A. and Valdés, Alberto, Agricultu- Dong, Xiao-yuan, Veeman, Terence S. and Vee- ral diversification and policy reform, 20, 3, man, Michele M., China’s grain imports: an 245-255 empirical study, 20, 4, 323-338 Reardon, Thomas, see Dibley, David Falcon, Walter P see Naylor, Rosamond L Reardon, Thomas, see Kelly, Valerie Faminow, Merle D, Issues in valuing food aid: the Riely, Frank, see Khan, M. Mahmud cash or in-kind controversy, 20, 1, 3-10 Ritson, Christopher, see Swinbank, Alan Farrington, John, The changing public role in Rosegrant, Mark W., Schleyer, Renato, G. and agricultural extension, 20, 6, 537-544 Yadav, Satya, Water policy for efficient agri- Haddad, Lawrence, see Udry, Christopher cultural diversification: market-based Harriss-White, Barbara, The changing public role approaches, 20, 3, 203-223 in services to food and agriculture. The legal Rosegrant, Mark W., see Pingali, Prabhu, L. regulation of food markets in India, 20, 6, Sahn, David, E. and Desai, Jaikishan, The emerg- 585-596 ence of parallel markets in a transition eco- Harwood, R. R., see Cassman, K. G. nomy: the case of Mozambique, 20, 2, 83-98 Henson, Spencer, Demand-side constraints on the Schaefer, Kurt C., An analytic model for introduction of new food technologies: the emergency food provision, 20, 4, 315-321 case of food irradiation, 20, 2, 111-127 Schleyer, Renato G., see Rosegrant, Mark W. Hoddinott, John, see Udry, Christopher Scoppola, Margherita, Multinationals and agri- Hubbard, Michael, see Lewa, Peter M. cultural policy in the EC and USA, 20, 1, Hubbard, Michael, The ‘new public management’ 11-25 and the reform of public services to agriculture Skully, David, see Hyberg, Bengt in adjusting economies: the role of contract- Smith, Lawrence D., Malawi: reforming the ing, 20, 6, 529-536 state’s role in agricultural marketing, 20, 6, Hyberg, Bengt, Smith, Mark, Skully, David and 561-571 Davison, Cecil, Export credit guarantees: the Smith, Mark, see Hyberg, Bengt commodity credit corporation and US agri- Spoor, M. Liberalization of grain markets in cultural export policy, 20, 1, 27-39 Nicaragua: from market substitution to state Jonathan Brooks, Policies and institutions in minimalism, 20, 2, 99-110 transition economies: a political economy Suryanarayana, M.H., PDS: beyond implicit perspective on the agri-food sector, 20, 6, subsidy and urban bias — the Indian experi- 487-499 ence, 20, 4, 259-278 Jones, Stephen, Food market reform: the chang- Suryanarayana, M. H., Public distribution of food ing role of the state, 20, 6, 551-560 in India: a clarification, 20, 1, 59-62 Kates, R., Mid-course review of the Bellagio Swinbank, Alan and Ritson, Christopher, The Declaration: overcoming hunger in the 1990s, impact of the GATT agreement on EU fruit 20, 6, 597-599 and vegetable policy, 20, 4, 339-357 610 Food Policy 1996 Volume 20 Number 6 Index Tickner, Vincent, Employment and food crop/ Chmielewska and Derek Baker, 20, 1, 51-57 food marketing, 20, 2, 139-144 World consumption of cereals: will it double by Timmer, C. Peter, Getting agriculture moving: do 2025?, Nicholas Alexandratos and Hartwig de markets provide the right signals?, 20, 5, Haen, 20, 4, 359-366 455-472 Timmer, C. Peter, Introduction to Getting Agri- Letters to the Editor culture Moving, 20, 5, 379-383 A note on choice of indicators for food security Udry, Christopher, Hoddinott, John, Alderman, and nutrition monitoring, M. Mahmud Khan Harold and Haddad, Lawrence, Gender dif- and Frank Riely, 20, 1, 63-68 ferentials in farm productivity: implications for Public distribution of food in India: a clarification, household efficiency and agricultural policy, M. H. Suryanarayana, 20, 1, 59-62 20, 5, 407-423 Valdés, Alberto, see Quiroz, Jorge A. Monitor Veeman, Michele M., see Dong, Xiao-yuan 20, 1, 69-76 Veeman, Terence S., see Dong, Xiao-yuan von Braun, Joachim, Agricultural commercializa- Conference reports tion: impacts on income and nutrition and Aquaculture policy options for integrated re- implications for policy, 20, 3, 187-202 source management in sub-Saharan Africa, Yadav, Satya, see Rosegrant, Mark W. Randall E, Brummett, 20, 1, 77-78 Yemane, Kidane, see Pelletier, David L. Confronting the silent challenge of hunger: a conference synthesis, David Tschirley, T. S. Special feature papers Jayne, Lawrence Rubey, Thomas Reardon, Food market reform: the changing role of the John M. Staatz, James Shaffer and Michael T. state, Stephen Jones, 20, 6, 551-560 Weber, 20, 4, 367-370 Kenya’s Cereal Sector Reform Programme: man- XXII International conference of agricultural aging the politics of reform, Peter M. Lewa economists, Merle D. Faminow, 20, 2, 145-147 and Michael Hubbard, 20, 6, 573-584 Malawi: reforming the state’s role in agricultural Report marketing, Lawrence D. Smith, 20, 6, 561-571 Income and dietary change: international com- Mid-course review of the Bellagio Declaration: parisons using purchasing-power-parity con- overcoming hunger in the 1990s, R. W. Kates, versions, Thomas, T. Poleman and Lillian T. 20, 6, 597-599 Thomas, 20, 2, 149-159 The ‘new public management’ and the reform of public services to agriculture in adjusting Book reviews economies: the role of contracting, Michael Agricultural Commercialization, Economic De- Hubbard, 20, 6, 529-536 velopment, and Nutrition edited by Joachim The changing public role in agricultural extension, von Braun and Eileen Kennedy (reviewed by John Farrington, 20, 6, 537-544 Vincent Tickner), 20, 2, 161-163 The changing public role in services to agriculture: Agriculture Environment and Health Sustainable a framework for analysis, Diana Carney, 20, 6, Development in the 21st Century edited by 521-528 V. W. Ruttan (reviewed by John Nelson), 20, The changing public role in services to food and 6, 603-604 agriculture. The legal regulation of food mar- Cities Feeding People: An Examination of Urban kets in India, Barbara Harriss-White, 20, 6, Agriculture in East Africa edited by Axumite 585-596 G. Egziabher, Diana Lee Smith, Daniel G. The state’s role in financing agricultural research, Maxwell, Pyar Ali Menon, Luc J. A. Mougeot Jonathan Beynon, 20, 6, 545-550 and Camillus J. Saw (reviewed by James Sumberg), 20, 6, 605-606 Viewpoint Coping with Vulnerability and Criticality edited by Employment and food crop/food marketing, Vin- John Nelson (reviewed by Penny Allen), 20, 6, cent Tickner, 20, 2, 139-144 601-602 The Polish agricultural marketing system: a policy OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Poland perspective on developments, Wanda (reviewed by D. Baker), 20, 4, 371-372 Food Policy 1996 Volume 20 Number 6

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