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Food Fortification in a Globalized World Food Fortification in a Globalized World Edited by M.G. Venkatesh Mannar Richard F. Hurrell AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 125LondonWall,LondonEC2Y5AS,UnitedKingdom 525BStreet,Suite1650,SanDiego,CA92101,UnitedStates 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom Copyrightr2018ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical, includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfrom thepublisher.Detailsonhowtoseekpermission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspoliciesandour arrangementswithorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyrightLicensingAgency,canbe foundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. ThisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightbythePublisher(otherthanas maybenotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging.Asnewresearchandexperiencebroadenour understanding,changesinresearchmethods,professionalpractices,ormedicaltreatmentmaybecomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgeinevaluatingandusingany information,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribedherein.Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshould bemindfuloftheirownsafetyandthesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessional responsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors,assumeanyliabilityfor anyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromany useoroperationofanymethods,products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN:978-0-12-802861-2 ForInformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:AndreGerhardWolff AcquisitionEditor:MeganR.Ball EditorialProjectManager:BillieJeanFernandez ProductionProjectManager:OmerMukthar CoverDesigner:MarkRogers TypesetbyMPSLimited,Chennai,India Contents LisotfC ontributors xv 2.3C onclusions 24 Foreword xvii References 25 FurthReera ding 28 3.D evelopiNnagt ionSatlrat egietso SectiIo n Prevenatn dC ontroMli crountrient Needa ndA pproach 1 Deficiency:R olTeoh feF ood Fortification 1.F oodF ortificaPtaisoEtnx p:e rience, MduduzNi. N.M buyaa ndL ynnetMc.eN eufeld CurrenStt ataunsdP, o tenftoira l Globalization 3.1I ntroductTioowna:r dCso untry Led StrategfioerPs r eventiaonndC ontrol M.GV.e nkatMeasnhn aarn dR ichard F. Hurrell ofM icronutriDeenfti ciencies 29 3.2F oodF oritfication andN utrienntta kIes: 1.1B ackground 3 The Evidence 30 '1.2 Early SWucithc eFsosodeF so rtification5 1.3T ypeosf F ortification 6 3.2.L1 agre-Scale FoodF ortificaanldi on HeallOhu tcomes 31 1.4S election ofV ehicles 7 1.5B iofortification 8 3.2.L2S FaFn dN utrient Intakes 31 1.6C urrenSti tuatiIsosune,s andC hallenges 9 3.2.T3a rgetFeodr tificNauttiroine,n t 1.7C oncludiTnhgou ghts 10 Intakaensd. Health Outcome3s 1 References 11 3.2.F4o odF ortificaantdiR oins okf AdverEfsfeec ts 32 3.3Im plicatnsif oorN ationFaolr tification 2.P revalenCcaeu,s esa,n dC onsequences Plans 32 3.4F oodF ortificaantdiO otnh er ofM icrountirenDte ficiencTiheeG sa.p ApproachteosC o ntroolf M icronutrient BetweeNne eda ndA ction Deficiencies 33 3.5E videncDee cainsdMi aokni ng: JaDnrl rnton-Hjlf A Needf orD ata-DriCvoeonrd ination 34 2.1I ntroduction 13 3.6N utritiAocnt iontso E nalbea nd 2.2T heG api nM icronutrIinetnatk aets SupporFto od Fortification 35 Popualtion levealn d theR esultant 3.0.N1 utritAicotni onEs.v:e rybody's DeficiencOyu tcomeBse inAgd dressed 13 Business.N oabnod dy's 2.2.I1r oDne ficiaendnA cnyem ia 15 Responsibility 35 2.2.to2d ine 17 3.6.N2u tritAicotni ollCs.a:l lAilln Hga nds 2.2.F3o late Naenudra lT ubeD efects on Deck 36 INTDs) 18 3.0.N3 utritAicotni oAnss:k itnhgeR ight 2.2.V4i tdmiAn D eficiency 19 Questions 37 2.2.Z5i nc 21 3.7C onclusion 38 2.2.O6t heMri cronutrients 22 References 38 v vi Contents. SectiIoIn 5.7T he Way Forwarfdo rN ational MandateFdo ritficatPiroong rams 60 RecommendatiaonndGs u idance4 1 Acknowledgments 61 References 61 4.U sinDgi etaRreyf erenVcael uetso Further eRading 62 DefinFeo rtificaLetvieolnfs o r NationParlo rgams 6.M arke-tDriveFno rtification LindsaAyl lHe.n PetrKal assen-aWnidgD geenriV sB arclay 4.1I mportanocfFe o odF ortification 43 6.1C ontexfto rt heF oodI ndustry 63 4.2A pplicatoifRo enc ommendeIdn take 6.2K eyC onsiderations 63 Values 43 6.21 Documented Evidenocfe MD 63 4.2.A1v eragRee quiremeanntdUs p per 6.2.N2u tritiRoenlaelv anocfe Levels 43 Markel-drFiovretni ficVaetcitoonr s 63 4.2.R2e commendIendt akaensdA d equate 6.2.F3 ortification level 64 Intakes 44 6.2.S4a fety 64 4.3C alculattihnePg r evalenocfIe n adequate 6.25 Cosotf F ortificaantdAi fofno rdabi6l5i ty Intakes 44 6.2.C6o mmunication-Nutarnidt ion 4.4N utrieDnatt aB ases 45 HealtChl aima,n dR egulations 65 4.5C orrectfionrDg a y-tn-Vdaaryi anicne Intake 45 6.2.O7r ganoleIpmtpiacc atn dS tability6 5 4.6B ioavailaFbaicltiotrys 45 6.28B ioavailaVbeirlisOturysg a noleptic 4.7E xceediUnpgp erl eveolfsI ntake 46 QualiExtaypm:le o fI ron 66 4.8U sinSgo ft.wtaorP el aFno rtificBaatsieodn 6.2.E9v aluatoifMo anr ket-driven on DietaryR eferenIcnet akes 46 FortificIanttieornv entions 66 4.9A lternaAtpipvreo achteosS etting 6.3So lutiaonndsO utlook 66 FortificLaetvieonl s 47 6.3.D1e velopmoenfFt o rtificants References 49 WithI mprovBeido availaabnidl ity OrganolePprtoipce rties 66 6.3.2 Bio(oiritciiaoln 66 SectiIoIIn 6.33P ublci-Priv.leP artnerships 67 Delivery Methods 51 References 67 FurthReera ding 67 5.N ationMaaln dateFdo od FortificPartoigorna ms 7.B iofortificatAigorni:c ulAtnT uoroall GreSg.G arrett toA ddresMsi neraaln dV itamin Deficiieensc 5.1I ntroducTthieoR na:t ionfaolre NationFaolo dF ortificPartoigorna ms 53 How.lrEt. hB ou;s 5.2A SnapshooftN ationFaolo dF ortification Programs Around the World 53 7.A1g ricultaunrdeM ineraanld V iLamin 5.3S electainnA gp proacMha:n datory DeficienicniD eesv elopiCnogu ntries 69 FortificVaotliuonnt/a ry Fortification, 7.J2u stificfaort Biioonf ortification 70 andP ubliDci stribuotfFi oornt ifFioeodd s 54 7.2.C1o mparatAidvvea ntages 70 5.3.M1a ndatoFroyr tification 54 7.2.C2o st-Efefelvienses 70 5.3.V2o luntaFroyr tification 56 7.3Nu ttriionBailo avbaiilliaatnyd E fficacy 5.3.F3 ortiFofoidesasd aC omponent Evidenec 71 of PuDbilstirci buStyisotne ms 57 7.3.Ir1o Cnro ps 71 5.4A ctorisnN ationFaolo dF ortification5 7 7.3.V2i tamAi Cnr ops 71 5.5N ationFaolo dF ortificAaltliioann ces 57 7.3.Z3i nCcr ops 72 5.6F rameworfokrsN ationMaaln dated 7.3.F4u tuArree aosf I nvestigation 72 FortificPartoigorna ms 58 7.4C ropD evelopment 72 5.0.T1h eB uild/ExSptaangde 58 7.4.T1r ansgeAnpipcr oaches 73 5.0.T2 heIm proSvet age 59 7.4.I2n ternatiNounrasle ries/Global73 Testing 5.0.T3h e Measure/SuSsttaagien 60 7.34 low-Co,Hti,g hT hroughMpeulth ods 74 Contenvtiis 7.4.R4e leaseso fB iofortCirofpise d 74 9.2.S2 tageFsi naonfc ionfNg a tional 7.5D elivery ExperienicneT sa rgeCto unties 74 FoudF ortifiPrcoagtriamosn 94 7.5.V1e getatiPvroeplagya ted Crops 75 9.2.L3 evelFn ianocfi nRge quired 95 7.5.C2a ssavianN igerainad D RC ongo 75 9.2.S4o urcoesfF inancing 95 7.5.S3e lf-iPnooltlCe rdo ps 75 9.2.A5f fordaboiflF iotryt ification 95 7.5.B4e anisn R wandaan dD R Cogno 76 9.3E nhancitnhgeS ustainaboifl iFtoyo d 7.5.R5i ce Biann gladesh 76 Fortification 96 7.5.H6 ybrCirdo ps 76 9.3.E1c ology 96 7.5.7 Maizien Z ambia 77 9.3.E2c onomic 97 7.58. PearMli llientI ndia 77 9.3.P3o iltical 97 7.5.L9e sosns LearnedF romD elivery 77 9.3.C4u ltural 98 7.6B uildiBnlgo ckfso Grl obDaelliv ery 77 9.4C onculsion 98 7.6.S1t andJarnddsR egulatryo 78 References 99 7.6.M2 uliltateralI nsituttoins 78 7.6.P3 rivSaetcet or 78 7.6.N4C Os 78 10.C reatgi CnonsumerD emanda nd 7.6.M5o vingBe yondT argCeotu ntrtioe s DriviAnpgp rorpiatUet ilizaotfi on PartnerCsohuinpt Srtyr ategies 79 FortifFioeodd s 7.7A Future VisioTno D rivea ndG uide Mainstreaming 79 Martji. van aLnideS rues anS hulman References 79 10.1I ntroduction 101 Annex1 :E videnocne t heB ioavailability, 10.2S upplFya ctoWrshi hc Plaayl l EfficaacnydE, f fectiveonfeB si5o fortified ImportatnR olein Driving Demand 102 Foods 81 10.2.A1f fordabainldVi atlyu -efor- Money 102 SectiIoVn 10.2.A2v ailabaisla i Dtryi voefr Demand 104 TechniacnadlB usiness 10.2.P3e rceiQveuadli ty andP roduct Considerations 83 Attributes 106 10.2.P4a ckilgaisnM ge anst o 8.G raiFno rtificaPtrioocne sses, Communicate 106 10.3D emand Fafocr Ftoorrtsi fFioeodd s 107 TechnologainedsI ,m plementation 10.3.F1r omA warenetsoCs o nsumer Criteria Relevanacned P reference 107 SaraZhi mmermana ndS cotMto}n.tg omeyr 10.32. FromF irTsrital t oR egulUars e 108 10.4C omplianacned E ffectUisvee 108 8.1G raiFno rtificPartoicoens ses, 10.5C onclusiaonndsR ecommendations1 10 TechnologainedsI ,m plementatCiroint eri8a5 Refreences 110 8.l.I1n trdouction 85 FurtheRre ading 112 8.2P rocesses 86 8.3T echnologies 87 8.4I mplementaCtriiotne ria 87 11.T heI mpotrancoef P ublicr-iPvate 8.5C onclusion 90 CollaboraitniF oono d Fortification Acknowlgemdents 90 References 91 Programs FurthReer ading 92 GregS . GarrCeatrto,l iMnaen usa ndA ndreas Bleuthner 9. FinancianngdS ustainaboifl ity 11.1I ntroduction 113 FoodF oritfication 11.2W hy CollaborotBeitwoene n the Luc Laviolette Privaantdeu blPic Sectoirs Critical forS uccess 114 9.1I ntroduction 93 113. FrameworkTso,o lasn,d P rocessefso r 9.2F inancing ofF oodF ortification 93 EffectPiuvbel ic-PriCvoaltlea borati1o1n4 9.2.F1o oFdor tificatoni isa G ood 11.E4x ampleof5P ubic-lPrivate Investment 93 Collabroation 115 viiiC ontents 11.4.N1a tionFaolr tificAaltliioann ce1s1 5 13.5.D2e liveOrpyt ionsF ofrtoirf ied 11.5G apsa ndO pporutnitiesf or mIproved Rice 138 Public-PriCvoaltlea boration 116 13.6C onclusion 140 11.5.H1u manC apacity 118 References 140 11.5.S2e ttiLnegg islaatnidSotn a ndards foIrm pact 11S 14.S alt 11.6R egulatoMroyn itoring 116 11.7C onclusion 116 M.G.V enkatesh M.lnnar References 119 FurthRere ading 119 14.1S alats a CarrioefrN utrients 143 14.2l odizatoifSo anl t 143 14.2.C1o nsolidaatnido n SectiVo n Modernizaotfit ohneS alt FortificVaethiiocnl es 121 Industry 144 14.2.M2o nitoringa ndE valuation 145 14.2.I3n ternational Suppor1t4 5 12.W heata nd MaiFzleo uFro trifaitcion 14.3K eyD eterminatnoAt csh ieve HelenPa achon UniversSaalll to dization 145 14.3.M1a kinSga llto dizatai Golno bal 12.1I tnroduction 123 IndusNtorrym 145 12.2F ortificIantduisotrny Structufroer 14.3.S2u staiPnuebdl iEcd ucation WheatF louarn dM aizeF lour 123 andS ociMaolb ilization 147 12.3G lobaGlu ideliensf orF ortification12 4 14.3.S3u pportSimnagl Slal tP roducer1s4 7 12.4C Olitnr iWeist hM andaotry and VoluntaLreygis lation 124 14.3.E4ng aging thPer ocessed Food Industry 148 12.5N utrienFtosr,t ificaanndtl se,v els IncluidnLe edg islation/Standar1d2s4 14.3.5 MonitorainndgA djustIiondgi ne 12.6C overagaen dC omplianicne Intakes 148 Mandaotry andV oluntary 14.3.D6o ublFeo rlifSiaeidl 148 Countries 126 14.4M ultipleF ortificoaftS iaolnt 149 12.7H ealtIhm pacFtr om Flour 14.5 Scale oUfpD FS 150 Fortification 127 14.6C osot.f M ultipFloer tification 150 12.8W ay Forward toA ccelertahtee 14.7C onclusions 150 Coveragaen dI mpacotf F lour References 151 Fortificatino 127 Further Reading 151 Acknowledgements 128 References 128 15.C ondimenatsn dS auces Vis;Ct.hha vasaintd j untimPah oti 13.R iceF ortification 15.1I ntroduction 153 Saskia de PeeL, .TB seacnkg,y 15.2F ormosf C ondiments 153 SaraZhi mmerman aSncda lMio ntgomery 15.3F ortification Process 154 13.1I ntroducttioRo ince Fortification1 31 15.3.S1o liCdo ndiments 154 13.2H istoorfyR iceF ortification 132 15.3.S2e mi-SoCloindd iments 1.\5 13.3C hoice ofT echnologiest oP roduce 15.3.L3i quCiodn diments 155 FortifRiiecdeK ernels 133 15.4C hallenges 156 13.3.C1o nsiderRiincgFe o rtification 15.5P otential 156 TechnologieFsro m aC onusmer References 156 Perspective 133 13.3.C2o nsidgRe irciFneo rtification 16.B ouillCounb es TechnologFireos.am ManufactuPreirnsgp ective 135 DiegMoor ettRii,c harHudr rFe.l l and 13.4W hichM icronutriteonA tdsd toR ice 136 ColiIn.C ercamondi 13.5I ntroducingF oRritcief icaHtoiwo n- 16.1B ouillCounb es 159 andW here? 136 13.5.R1i ceL andscaApnea lysis 138 16.2E stimatUeseda nd Consumption ofBo uillon Cubes 159 Contents j" 16.3C urrenFto rtificPartaicotni ces 160 19.B reakfaCsetre als 16.3.I1o dine 160 Kathryn Wiemer 16.3.Ir2o n 161 16.33F uturRee searDcirhec tions 163 19.1I ntroduction 163 16.34O ther ForAtdidfeidt coa nts 19.1.1P olicy andR egulatHoisrtoyr y 183 BouillCounb es 164 19.2C erealF ortifciation Considerations 164 16.4C onclusioannds O utlook 164 19.2.1S cientifci 184 Reefrences 164 19.2.T2e chnaincdaP lr ocessing Method 186 17.M icronutriFeonrittif catioofn Edible 19.3I mpacotf C ereaFlo rtificoanti on NutriIenntta kes 169 Oils 19.4F uturCeo nsiderations 169 LevenLities zOli6o saadnyd References 190 KiruKbrai shnaswamy 17.1 Introduction 167 SectiVoIn 17.2R ationafloerF ortificoaftE idoibnl e NutrieWnits eR evieowfE vidence Oils 167 17.3N ecessfiotryF ortificoaftO iiolWn i th andS afeotfyF ortification Micronutrients 166 17.4T echnologyf orE dibOliel F ortificat17i0o n 20.E fficaacnydS afetoyfI ron 17.5P ostprocReesqsuiinrge mineO nilt s Fortiifcation 170 Fortiicfation 17.5.Q1u aliCtoyn trol 171 RichaF. rHdu rrell 17.5.S2t ialibtoyfV itamins 171 17.5.S3a featnyd T oxicity 20.1I roFn ortiicfatiCoonm poundsW ith Considerations 172 ConfirmeEdf ficacy 196 17.6S tandaradnsd R egulations 172 20.11. Defining thIreon Fortification 17.6.Q1u aliSttya ndards 172 Level 196 17.6.2 Monitorinagn dE nforcement 172 20.1.A2s corbAicci d 197 17.6.C3o mmercialyl Available 20.1.F3e rrSouusl fate 197 PremfioxOr i l Fortific17a2t ion 20.1.Fe4r orus G[ucontae 198 17.7B iolcaolg iEfoffiF coratciyfO iield 173 20.1.F5e rroFuusm arate 198 17.8C urrentS tatuosfM icronutrient 20.1.6 FerrPiycr ophosphate 198 FortificoaftE idoinb Olei ls 173 20.1.E7le ctrloyitc Iron 199 17.9C onclusion 173 20.1.SBo diuImr on References 174 EthylenediaillineAtceitrd2a 0a0c etic FurthReera ding 174 20.1.F9er rous Bisglycinate 201 20.2T echnologiMcoadlilfyi eIrdon 18.M ilka nd DairPyr oducts CompoundWsi thC onfirmed Efficacy 201 20.2.E1n capsulFaetrerdo Suusl fate 201 DaniLeople zd eR omaiia, 20.2.E2nc apsulated FerroFuusm arate2 02 Mc1(HlOelJi varaensd F ernandPoi zarro 20.2.M3i cronizDiespde rsibleF erric 18.1I ntroduction 175 Pyrophosphaet SunAcliFvee 202 18.2H istory 175 20.3O ther Potentially UseCfoumlp ounds 202 18.3C urrentP rcatice,s Micronutrients 20.3.1 FerArmimco nium Citrate 202 Addeda,n dC ompounds Used 176 20.3.F2e rroLuasc tate 203 18.4V ehicCloen sumption Patterns 177 20.3.F3e rric Orthophosphat2e0 3 18.5T echnologies 177 20.3.F4e rroSuusc cinate 203 18.0P otnetialf orI mpact 179 20.4C urretnD evelompents iInr on 18.7 Challenges 160 Fortiftiicoan 203 References 160 20.4.1 Phytase 203 " Contenls 20.4.N2a noIr on 203 22.3N utritionalG oitrogeTnhsa tI nfluence 20.4.3 irAons p 203 IodinEef ficacy 224 20.5 SuggestIerdo Cno mpoundfso r 22.4A ssessmeonfIt o dineat uSsit n DiffereFnoto dV ehicles 203 Populations 225 20.5.C1e reaFli ourBsrle ad Paansdt2 a0 3 22.5T heS afetoyfI odizSeadl Ptro grmas 20.5.R2i ce 204 andt he EffecotfIs o dinExec ess 225 20.5.S3a lt 204 22.6C onclusions 228 20.5.S4o yS aucaned F isSha uce 204 References 228 FurtheRera ding 230 20.5B.o5u illCounb easn dS pice Mixes 205 20.5.M6i I kP roducts 205 23.G lobaSlt atuosf FoAlciicd 20.S.B7e verages 205 Fortific-aPtrioognr easnsd G aps 20.5.C8e rel-aBasedC omplementary Foods 205 CregS .C arreatntd L ynnB .B ailey 20.5M.i9c ronuPtorwideenrts 205 23.1In torduction 231 20.5.1C0h ocolaDtrei nPko wders 205 23.2G lobaSlt atoufsF oliAcc id 20.5.1B1re akafstC ereals 205 Fortifictioan- Progressan d Gaps 232 20.6P otentHieaall tRhi skosfI ron 23.3R esearcGha psO,t herP otential Fortification 205 FortifiVaebhliec laensdI n novations 235 20.6.I1n fecDtiisoeuasse 205 23.4 Summary andC onclusion 237 20.6.I2r oOnve rload 206 Acknowledgments 237 20.6.C3a rdiovasDciusleaars e 206 CompetinIgnt erests 237 References 237 20.6.D4i abetTeysp e2 207 FurthReera ding 239 20.6.C5a ncer 207 20.7B alancBee tweeBne nefaintd R isk 207 References 207 24.A ssessianltglh eE videncfeo r Riskasn dB enefiWtitsh F olAicc id 21.Zin c Fortiictfaion Fortifiiocnaa ntdS upplementation JaiK. D as, RSaj.Ka h aann dZ ulfiqAa.Br h utta Irwin RHo.s engba enrJda coSbe lhub 21.1I ntroduction 213 24.1F oliAcd d FortificoaftG iroani n 21.2Z incB ioavailaabnidlM iettya bolism 213 Products 241 21.3M easuring SZtiantcau nsd D eficienc2y1 5 24.2I nvestigaotfiE ofnf ecoftH si gh 21.4H ealtRhi skasn dB enefiotfZs i nc 215 Folic Acid Intakes 241 21.5Z incFo rtifciants 216 24,3V itamiB1n2 - FolAicc idI nterventio2n4 2 21.6N ative Zinacn dZ incF-ortifFioeodd s 216 24.4U nmetabolizFoelidc A cidan dF olic 21.7 SafaentdEy f ficoacfFy o rtificatio2n1 7 AcidE xcess 243 21.8C onclusions 218 24.5E videnocfeIn creased Vulnerability References 218 toF oliAcc idE xcesisnP opulations WithG enetiPco lymorphisrns 244 24.6C oncludiRnegm arks 245 22.E fficaancdyS afetoyfI odine References 245 Fortification MichaeBl.Z ;mmerm�nn 25.N utrite-nWiseR eview Eovfi dence 221. IntroductTihoenI :o dinDee ficiency andS afetoyf F orticiaftiVoint:a miAn Disorders 221 22.1D.i1f fGuosieta enrd M utinodular SheryrA .T anumihc:1fdjo ToxiGco iter 221 25.1C hemicaFlo rmso fF ortificants 247 22.1.N2e urocogniItmpiJivreme nt 221 25.2E ficfayc Studies 247 22.2E fficoafcI yo dizSeadl Nta:t ional 25.3E ffectivSetnuedsise s 248 andG lobaIlo dinSet atus 223 25.4C ost-EffectiAnvaelynseess s 248

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