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FOOD AND HEALTH IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE FOOD AND HEALTH IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE DIET, MEDICINE AND SOCIETY, 1450–1800 David Gentilcore Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc LONDON • NEW DELHI • NEW YORK • SYDNEY Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 50 Bedford Square 1385 Broadway London New York WC1B 3DP NY 10018 UK USA www.bloomsbury.com BLOOMSBURY and the Diana logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc First published 2016 © David Gentilcore, 2016 David Gentilcore has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organization acting on or For Fabiana, of course refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by Bloomsbury or the author. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN: HB: 978-1-4725-2889-6 PB: 978-1-4725-3497-2 ePDF: 978-1-4725-3319-7 ePub: 978-1-4725-2842-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gentilcore, David. Food and health in early modern Europe / David Gentilcore. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4725-2889-6 (HB) – ISBN 978-1-4725-3497-2 (PB) – ISBN 978-1-4725-3319-7 (ePDF) – ISBN 978-1-4725-2842-1 (ePUB) 1. Health promotion–Europe. 2. Nutrition–Europe. 3. Food supply–Europe. 4. Food consumption–Europe. I. Title. RA427.8.G42 2015 613.094 – dc23 2015004354 Typeset by Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd. For Fabiana, of course CONTENTS List of Figures viii Introduction 1 1 Healthy Food: Renaissance Dietetics, c.1450–c.1650 9 2 Healthy Food: The Fall and Rise of Dietetics, c.1650–c.1800 27 3 Rich Food, Poor Food: Diet, Physiology and Social Rank 49 4 Regional Food: Nature and Nation in Europe 75 5 Holy Food: Spiritual and Bodily Health 95 6 Vegetable Food: The Vegetarian Option 115 7 New World Food: The Columbian Exchange and Its European Impact 133 8 Liquid Food: Drinking for Health 157 Conclusion 181 Notes 184 Bibliography 219 Index 238 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 ‘Sancho at the feast starved by his physician’. Engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth, late eighteenth century (Wellcome Library, London). 10 1.2 Title page of Baldassare Pisanelli’s Trattato della natura de’ cibi et del bere, 1586 (Wellcome Library, London). 13 1.3 Title page of Thomas Elyot’s Castel of Helth, 1539 (Wellcome Library, London). 23 2.1 ‘Thomas Wood, the abstemious miller’. Engraving by R. Cooper after J. Ogborne, 1773 (Wellcome Library, London). 28 2.2 Santorio Santorio (Sanctorius) on his weighing chair, 1718 (Wellcome Library, London). 34 2.3 Title page of the 1704 English translation of Louis Lémery’s Traité des aliments (Wellcome Library, London). 36 2.4 George Cheyne. Mezzotint by J. Faber after Johan van Diest, 1732 (Wellcome Library, London). 41 2.5 ‘Le médecin et le malade, où le gastronome égoïste et le gastronome à la diète’ (Doctor and patient, or the self-centred gourmand and the dieting gastronome). Engraving by L.-F. Charon, late eighteenth century (Wellcome Library, London). 43 3.1 ‘Le festin royal’: banquet given by the city of Paris to celebrate the birth of the dauphin. Engraving by J.-M. Moreau after P.-L. Moreau, 1782 (Wellcome Library, London). 53 3.2 Bakers and bread types. Coloured etching, late eighteenth century (Wellcome Library, London). 59 3.3 ‘Caseus. Chese’. Woodcut from Peter Treveris, The grete herball whiche gyueth parfyt knowlege and understandyng of all maner of herbes and there gracyous vertues, 1529 (Wellcome Library, London). 67 4.1 ‘Good old Dutch beer’: tavern scene. Engraving by J. Suyderhoff after A. van Ostade, seventeenth century (Wellcome Library, London). 80 4.2 ‘O the roast beef of old England’. Engraving by C. Mosley after W. Hogarth, 1848 (Wellcome Library, London). 91 List of Figures 5.1 ‘La marchande de poisson’ (The fish seller). Engraving by J. Beauvarlet after A. Carré, eighteenth century (Wellcome Library, London). 98 5.2 Extreme abstinence: Apollonia Schreier of Galz, near Berne. Woodcut from Paulus Lentulus, Historia admiranda, de prodigiosa Apolloniae Schreierae, virginis in agro Bernensi, inedia … tribus narrationibus comprehensa, 1604 (Wellcome Library, London). 106 6.1 A gardener working in a fruit and vegetable garden. Coloured woodcut from Eucharius Rösslin, Kreuterbüch, von natürlichem Nutz, und gründtlichem Gebrauch der Kreutter, Bäum, Gesteud, und Früchten, fürnemlich Teutscher Lande, 1550 (Wellcome Library, London). 121 6.2 ‘Gustus. Le goust’ (The sense of taste), with the prized artichoke as centrepiece. Engraving by A. Bosse after his painting The artichoke feast, c.1630–50 (Wellcome Library, London). 123 6.3 Roger Crab, frontispiece of The English Hermite, 1655 (Wellcome Library, London). 126 7.1 ‘Fragaria. Strawberrie’, the wild strawberry. Woodcut from The Seconde Parte of William Turner’s Herball, 1562 (Wellcome Library, London). 137 7.2 ‘Capsicum’ (chilli pepper). Woodcut from Nicolás Monardes, De simplicibus medicamentis ex Occidentali India delatis, quorum in medicina usus est, 1574 (Wellcome Library, London). 139 7.3 Title page of Melchior Sebisch’s De alimentorum facultatibis, 1650, with turkey in evidence (Wellcome Library, London). 143 7.4 ‘Potato of Virginia’. Engraving from John Gerard, The Herball or, Generall Historie of Plantes, 1597 (Wellcome Library, London). 151 8.1 ‘De ebrietate’ (drunkenness). Woodcut from Johann Brettschneider’s De tuenda bona valetudine, 1550 (Wellcome Library, London). 159 8.2 Acquajolo di Napoli (Neapolitan water seller). Watercolour, artist and date unknown (Wellcome Library, Naples). 161 8.3 ‘Temperance’, represented mixing water and wine into a drinking bowl. Engraving, artist unknown, late sixteenth century (Wellcome Library, London). 165 ix

Food and Health in Early Modern Europe is both a history of food practices and a history of the medical discourse about that food. It is also an exploration of the interaction between the two: the relationship between evolving foodways and shifting medical advice on what to eat in order to stay heal
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