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Food and cast analyses as a parameter of turn-over of materials by earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) PDF

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Preview Food and cast analyses as a parameter of turn-over of materials by earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.)

Pcdobiologia 37, 245-256 ( 1993) Gustav Fischer Vcrlag Jena Food and cast analyses as a parameter of turn-over of materials by earthworms (Lumhricus terrestris L.) Ortrun Heine and Otto Larink Zoologischcs lnslilut tier Tcchnischcn Univcrsitiil Braunschwcig. Pockclsstral.k I Oa. D-38106 Braun schwcig Summary. Earthworms (L11111hrirn.1· terrestris L.) were kept 111 glas::, tubes as an artificial burrow system. They were fed with maize leaves and hay, an<l partly artilicial ~oil was , added. C0 -production of the worms, food consumption, and cast pro<luct1on were measured. 2 Food and casts were analysed for Ca, P. and N. L11111hricu.1· terrestris utilizes only a small amount of these elements The content of Ca. P, and N in the casts was higher than in the same amount of food. During the passage through the gut the pH-value decreases. Ca in the gut an<l the cast did not inOuence this pH-value. Key words: Earthworms, artificial burrows. food. cast. Co -production. Ca-. P. and 2 N-turnovcr. pH-alteration Introduction More than 100 years ago Hensen ( 1877) and Darwin ( 1882) tackled the question of the significance of earthworms. Lunt & Jacobson ( 1944) established that the earthworm's faeces arc enriched with the nutritive elements N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Most of this excrement wa deposited near to the plant roots, where the increased element concentration could be absorbed directly by the roothairs (Joshi & Kelkar 1951). A mixing and disintegrating of plant and animal remains is brought about through the activity of the soil fauna, so this material is made more accessible to bacteria and fungi. The pm.!-.age of org;•nic and mineral material through the worm's gut results in the formation of more complex and stable aggregates, while a portion of the plant material is transformed into humus (Edwards cl al. 1969). Of course, soil animals cannot increase the soil's nutnmenl content. but they do help to transform it into a more avail.iblc form for plant:,. Sharpley & Syers (1977) investigated the chemical influence of earthworms on nutritive substances: gut enzymes act directly on the ingested organic material. A portion of the organic material is metabolised and the quantity of endmctabolics increased considerably. Also. the soirs C ratio t!> reduced in favour of N by the soil organism!>. Recently Shipitalo cl al. (1987) have studied the metabolic turnover of earthworms. but they only carric<l out food analyse~ In thi!> paper the metabolic turnover of one of soil fauna's most important representatives. the oligochaetc L11111hrim.1 tern•stris Linnaeus is investigated. The main aim was to deduce ;111swers to questions ;1hout metabolism hy comparing chcmic<tl analyses or rood and casts. In contrast to earlier studies the earthworms were kept untcr artilicial condition!>. which allowed the supply or organic material to he controlled. !>O that it was possible to <lctermine Pc<lnhiologia 37 i l 993) 4 245 what kind of food the experimental animals actually ingested and how the material was transformed. Actual soil with all its unknown parameters and its heterogeneous distribution of humus material is thus eliminated. In addition. it was sought to provide material for consideration of the following questions: how high is metabolic turnover and -intensity under the given conditions and by what factors arc they innuenced? To what extent are nutritive substances enriched in the casts of Lu111hrirns terrestris'? Material and methods or The ex penmen ls were rnnJuctcd al temperatures 8 C and 13 C in a dark climate chamher with 8 hour\ light every day. The duration or the experiment was 205 days for the 14 worms fed on mai1e ,1nd. 011 ing 10 some initial experimental problems 120 days for the 12 worms fed on hay. Usu<tl. commercial hay was nol accepted hy them. so tha?it was necessary lo add some inorganic suhs1ra1e or 111 the form artificial soil (OECD 1984) which had been modified especially for these experiments. 20 g ground ha}. 2 g kaolin. IJR g quarl7 sand, and 4 g CaC0 for each feeding box. The artificial 3 burrows. formed after an idea of 0 Kalbcrlah. and illustrated in Fig. I, consisted of 50 cm lengths of corrugated glasstuhcs \\llh an 111~1dc diameter of 6 mm. In order 10 separate these tubes for cleaning they were connected with a riccc of short ncxiblc tubing to a glass y-tubc. The y-1ubc was inserted into the feeding box. made of rolystyrenc (20 x 15 x 5 cm). and anchored with a 1,5 cm thick layer or rlastcr. Finall). a layer or wa\ protected the plaster from moisture. The upper end of the corruga11.:d glasstube was scaled with a riccc of fabric. A glass vessel filled with distilled water enclosed this end to keep it moistened with water of evaporation. To prevent the possibility of the earthworms escaping, a lransrarent foil was bound with a strong elastic band over the feeding box. Each box accommodated one earthworm. I 2 times a wed, faeces samples were rinsed out of the tubes with distilled water. Afterwards the samrles were dried in a drymg oven al 100 C and frozen -18 C un1il lhey could be worked on. Samples from all the animals feeding on the same kind of food were mixed together. For rurposcs of comrarison food samrlcs were also collected. first before the experiment was initiated (t = 0) and again al the end of the experiment (l = end). The ratio of food taken ur lo faeces cgcsted was determined in additional experiments, also conducted at 8 C and 13 C. These experiments lasted between 7 and 12 days and were conducted with 7- 13 FiJ,!. I. Artificial liurrow for / .. 1errc•stn1· 246 Pcdob1olog1a 'J7 ( 19931 4 earthworms. The food (maize and hay) was dried overnight at 40 'Cina drying oven. After determining its dry weight the food were moistened and stored for 5 days so that a microbial nora wuld rcestablish itself. Subsequently. measured amounts of food were placed in the plastic hoxes (I 3 x 21 x 11 cm) \~hich contained the worms. The average life weight of the worms during the experiment was ascertained. The experiment with the worms fed on hay had to be aborted. Faeces- and J<wd analyses The sample material was ground with mortar and pestle until ll was all passed through a 0.5 mm metal sieve before being analysed. The samples were analysed for their content or phosphorus. calcium. nitrogen and sand. In addition. pH-value or cast and food samples. the carthworm·s CO~-production and Oruptakc were measured. The ·amtliehe Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahrcn na1.:h § 35 LM BG may 1980 3 J.00/6' served as analytical guideline for the phosphorus dctcrminatilln. From a mixture of molybdic phosphoric acid and molybdic acid. only the former is rcdu1.:cd 10 molybdt.:num blue by thc wrrcsponding reducing agent. The amount of molybdenum hluc formcd is proportional the phosphorus content. The extinction of the sample solution which wntaim:d tlu: molybdenum blue was determined photometrically (photometer: Carl Zeiss PM Q 2: sample thid ness was I 0 mm). After 1.:arrying.-out the analysis for phosphorus the remaining main sample solution was n11cred with a filterstcwpan A I and then washed with 50% concentrated HCI and dried ready for the calcium analysis. The filtrate inside the stewpan was weighed 10 ascertain the sand content. The digested sample maleri,11 was analysed by means of AAS (Perkin Elmer, model 503) for its calcium 1.:ontenl. As fud gas a mixture of acetylene and nitrous oxide (N 0) was used. The N-conlenl was determined hy the micro-method 2 ac1.:or<.ling to Kjeldahl. In this 1.:ase the digestion was carried out with H101. Because of the great diffi1:1ilty cncountcred in digesting the sample. the amount of 1-110 1 had lo he incn:ascd S<l !hat it \1·a, digcstcd within a 5- 6 hour period. pH was measured with a glass ckctrmt..: (WTW 1m:sstcchnic rH DIGJ 88). The values were ascertained first in distilled water and than 1n KCI solu11011. Datu on metabolic activity were obtained by measuring C0 and 0 content at inlc.:rvals (during. Junc. August 1 1 and January). 0 -contenl was measured at defined points of time. in .lunc, i\ugust and .January. All 1 c.:arthworms fc.:d on 111ai1.c. For testing tlcpendem:c on tcmrcralun:: the.: 1rn:asurc.:111c.:nts wc.:rc.: madc at 8 C and 13 (' in 250 ml Schottnasks scalcd with a sc.:p1um cap. Thc .;cpta wuld h.: pic.:n:cd with a syringe (Precision sampling corporation. 0.5 ml, series BJ. Gas samph:s 11·cre 1111111cd1atcl) inJCCtc.:d 111w a gas chromatograph (Packard. model 419) for analysis. Each nask contained I - 5 c.:arthworms. Results and discussion fl!fl11e11ce t!f' 1111rririo11 011 rhe earrhwor111.1· · 11•eighr The initial average weight of the animals fed on maize amounted 10 4.09 g. Llw:.e. fed on hay weighed a Lota I of 2.99 g (see Fig. 2). No earthworm maintained il' initial weight. 1 he worms fed on hay showed a more or less constant average weight, while those red on maize decreased in weight. However, the hay group was rather less active. Maize had lo be replenished at times. while the initial hay fegd sufficed for the duration of Lhe experiment. In all maize feed samples a considerable portion of sand was round. pro ha hly splashed by rain on to the maize while it was in the field. Sand was enriche<l in the casl samples. panicularly in the 8 C maize-experiment. Between the maize raeccs samples al both temperatures there were only negligible differences, which agreed with the food samples. Sand conlenl of the hay food and corresponding cast samples differed a lit1lc but may be considered as unchanged (see Fig. 3). The values of all following analyses refer 10 their organic content which was calculated previously. For a belier comparison they were convened Lo 1 g analysed organic material. Food without sand particles was not accepted by the earthworms. On account of its small particle size, the earthworms \Vere not able to select between the particles of hay-food and the particles of sand. but had to ingest the substrate indiscriminately. With the maize-food, on the other hand. owing LO its lar greater particle size. the animals were in a position to choose between inert and nutrilalivc particle~ of substrate. From the enrichment of sand in the animals faeces one can conclude that Pcdobiologia 37 ( 1993) 4 24 7 -- Mai7P. G------€l Hay 2.5+--------~-------~--------< 0 70 140 210 Time [days) Fig. 2. Change~ or /. . ,,,,.,., .., ,,.,,, Ille weigh! against lime al 8 'C and U 'C. Arrows 1nd1ca1e date of lcmrcraturc elevation these morgarnc particles are an essential part of L. 1e1'/'estri.v' diet. A portion of the organic material will be broken down during its passage through the gut and absorbed. The consequence is a concentration of inorganic particles in the faeces. Neuhauser et al. ( 1980) established in feeding experiments the importance of soil to the growth of Eisenia /oetida Sav1gny on horse manure or sludge. Worms weight was about a third higher after 3 months in the presence than in the absence of soil. The great signi(jcance or the sand particles apparently lies in the role they play in the gut of mechanically helping to break up the particles or food and thus increasing its surface area for attack by digestive enzymes (Syers & Springett 1983). Particle size innuences the earthworms· weight, too. Maize was offered in coarse chaffed pieces. the hay in a (jne ground form. Bostrom & Lofs-Holmin ( 1986) found that by reducing particle size by a factor of 5. the weight of Allolohophora caligino.rn could be doubled. If the organic material is (jnely divided the greater surface area results in an increased population of bacteria, which also serve as food for the earthworms (Edwards & Lofty 1977). While the earthworms fed on maize gradually lost weight the 'hay group· maintained theirs. Satchell & Lowe (1966) established that particu- ~ 1.00~----------------------~ D L t=O .". - ~ ~ t=end 8°C E - ~ t=end 13°C .!' 0. 75 a. Cast 8°C .E. Cast 13°C Ill ~a.so OI ~ c g~ 0. 25 u I ".cO. c......i== lll (). 00 ,__ _.__ ....... Maize samples Hay samples Fig. 3. Av.:ragc "111tl content in the maize and hay samples related to I g sample material 248 Pcdob1olog1a 37 ( 1993) 4 larly N-con1a111ing food is preferred and results in better growth (Edwards & Loft} 1977) Maize has a nitrogen content which is about hair that of hay. Sand. nitrogen co111ent and particle size. therefore, have an essential innuence on L11n1hrirns terrestris nutrition. Food co11.rn111ptio11 and cast production With rising temperature food intake increased, while cast production remained the samL Al 8 C the ratio of consumed food 10 produced faeces was 2: I but al I 3 C it was 4- 5 I (see Tab. 3). The utilization of food is much better at 13 °C than at 8 C which is confirmed by food and cast analyses and also by the gas measurements. With increasing temperature the efficiency of the enzymatic action increases, Loo. Within this temperature range. which corresponds to L. terrestris · natural environment (Graff 1971) more organic ma tcrial can be broken down and absorbed. The correlation established in the food consumption ·cast production experiments was about 4- 5: I at both temperatures. Comparing these results with that calculated from the calcium analyses. one notices a distinct agreement. The calculated food/cast ratio for maize was about 3 - 4: I. Food consumption is stubstanliall) rnOuenced by temperature (Dickschen & Topp 1987). pH-value (Edwards & Lofty 1977). soil calcium content (Satchell 1955). moisture con1ent (Graff 1971) . and food palatabilrt) (Satchell 1963 ). C alci11111 in food am/ faC'Ces CaC0 being a component of the artificial soil, the Ca-content of the food was necessarily 3 increased. II is especially noticeable that calcium is greatly concentrated in the faccc' samples. which demonstrates its little utilization by the earthworm itself. ln the maize cxpcriments its concentration is only a liule higher at 13 C. than at 8 C but the food-Ca: cast-Ca ratio is at 13 °C about I : 4 and at 8 C about I : 3. Calcium consumption by the earthworm's metabolism was nol taken into account (see Fig. 4). That more calcium was conccnlraled in the food oflhe 13 Chay experiment is probably the result of incomplete mixing of all the artificial soil components. The casts of the animals fed on hay also shO\\ differences related Lo temperature. In the case of hay a food-Ca :cast-Ca ratio of I: 1.6- 1.7 was determined. Ccntrary to the findings of Lunt & Jacobson ( 1944) a strong enrichment ;o CJ t=O ~ '- -~ t=end 8°C QI ~IO ~ t=end 13°C E 1111 Cast 8°( c 20 Cast 13°C QI 0) '- 0 0) ' 0) L.J 10 wc QI wc 0 u I uIO 0 Maize sample Hay sample Fig. 4. 1\\cr;1gc calcium content in the maize and hay samples related to I g organu.: material Pcdooiologia 37 ( 199:1) 4 249 of calcium was observed in the cast of L. terreslris. Piearce ( 1972) found a concentration factor in the faeces or about 2.8. but there were strong nuctuations between different locations and species. K<ile & Krishnamoorthy ( 1979) found that the Ca concentration in the cast varies with quality and quantity of food. A proper comparison with the data found 111 the literature is not possible because there the values were compared with the surrounding soil. while in these experiments values are compared with the initial Ca-content of the organic material. The concentration of the calcium in the earthworm's cast is the highest or all the elements analysed. The calcium in the faeces only originated from the food thus or making an estimation direct clement turnover possible. In the maize experiment a food eonsumpuon 'cast production ratio of about 3- 4: I was determined. depending on tem perature. while 111 the ha) experiment a ratio about 1.6- 1.7: I was found. This theoretically a~ccrtained turnover allows us to make statements concerning the utilization of the elements by the earthworm. Phosphorus in .f0 11d m11/ .ft1c'c£'.\ or The faeces samples the maize fed earthworms showed a strong concentration of phosphorus. whcn;by it is less pronounced at 8 C. At 8 C the concentration of phosphorus in the castings is almost double that in the food. while at 13 'C it is three fold. The phosphorus concentration in the hay is higher than in the maize. The hay food samples arc characterized by a continuous rise in the concentration of phosphorus. At 13 'C phosphorus was enriched in the faeces. but not at 8 "C. Phosphorus. like nitrogen. is a limi1111g growth factor or plants. A great deal of data in the literature provide confirmation that phosphorus 1n a form available to plan~s is enriched in earthworm casts (Graff 1970: Lee 1985: Scheu 1987). The concentration in the casts of L. tcrrestris increases with lcmpernture anu corrc:-pnnds to increasing enzymatic activity and metabolic rate. While th<.: values forth<.: maw.:-1\:cd samples remain fairly constant, the hay-food samples show con~1derable lluctuations. Perhaps one or the artificial soil components contained phos phorus compounds anu mixing was incomplete. If one compares the final food sample (ha~) w11h the ca~l ~ample in the 8 C experiment. no significant enrichment of phosphorus h.is taken plaC\:. ).~ -c::::::J t=O ~.'! -~ t=end 8°C ~ §l t=end 13°C ~ "' Cast 8°C E ~ c 0. 2 Cast 13°C "' I Cl I 0~ ,. I Cl ' Cl c ~ ~c c I u • Cl. '.l.O' Maize sarnole Hay sample Fil!. 5. Average ph11,rh11ru' Cl>ntenl 111 1hc mai/e and hay samples related lo I g organic material ]50 Pc<lobiolog1a J7 ( 1993) 4 22.0 ~ CJ t=O ~ - !I. . ~ t=eno 8°L - ~ 17." E3 t=end 13°C E Cast 8°C c C~ l 13. 2 Cast t3°C I.. 0 Cl ' Cl 8.8 ~c G ~c J.4 0 u zI 0.0 Maize sample Hay samples Fig. 6. i\vcrngc nitrogen contcnl in the maize and hay samrlcs rcla1cd 10 I g nrga1111: 111a1crial Ni1mgl!11 co1111!11I m11! l!.\'crl!lio11 The l'aeces of the experimental animals fed on maize were enriched with nitrogen. The highest concentrntion was found at 13 C. The tendency is similar but not marked as for calcium and phosphorus. The hay's nitrogen content was more than double that found in the mai7c. In contrast 10 the maize. hay did not produce any nitrogen increase in the ca~l. The ni1rogen content 1n the cast had the smallest values. Only nitrogen excreted in the cast!> was determined It was not possible to determine how much nitrogen left the bod) with the mucous !iecrc11on or urine. Thal is why the ascertained N-values are always lower than in n:altty. The amount of ab~orbcd nitrogen exceeded metabolic requirements by for. Al higher conccn1ra1101i:,. nitrogen wmpounds are toxic and the body has the tendency to eliminate them (Till111ghast 1967). The calcium concentration in the casts is used as a ba~i~ for all calculat10ns or metabolic turnover. The N-content calculated from the calcium ratio differs l'rom th<tl actually measured. This difference repre~ents anabolic nitrogen and the nitrogen which 1, lost in urine and mucous secretion. This explains the lower than 3 !'old nitrogen ratio in the casts or those earthworms fed on maize. If one calculated the theoretical values for the hay cast samples based on calcium anal)se~. under the same conditions a~ for maile. an enrichment of nitrogen in the casts of about 1.6- 1.7 times is obtained. Subtracting from this theorellcal v;ilue the difference. which fc)I maize was counted as non-determined. one obtained values which arc vcrv close to tho,,c actually found and which arc below those in the initial food. 13ut why the. nitrogen or the hay cast sample decreased with a ri~e in temperature in contrast to the maize sample~ can not be conclusively explained. Because so much excreted nitrogen is found in the cast!>. L. terres1ri.1· must be considered a poor N-utilizer. pH-l'lll11e.1· <?I the sa111pl1!.1· 1?f'.fiwd wul.faen'.\ The linal food samrle in the 8 C maize-experiment could not he anal~~ed hecau:>e all or or the sample material had been consumed (sec arrow in Table I). The pH-,alue the rood sample l = 0 was acidic at 5.6 measured in distilled water. and al 5 . .1 measun.:d in KCI. The values increased during the experiment but after passage through the gut the pH-value: decreased (see Tab. I). P.:dnbioh,gia 37t19931 4 ~51 Table I. pi I-value or rood and cast samples measured in distilled water and in KCI. (The arrow marks the linal food 'ample.: of the X C experiment which could not be analysed because all the sample material was consumed. M = ma1/c.:. 11 = hay) Sample.:' pi I-value pi I-value l:1qua dc!->t.J (KCIJ \1 t "" 0 5 (l 5.J c Mt end X c M t = end I J 5.8 5.7 x c M c;ist 5.-l 5.1 M ca-.1 11 c 5 s 5.2 11 t - 0 5.X 5.8 c II t =end 8 7.2 7.8 c II t =end 11 7. 7 7 2 c 11 l:il~t 8 6.2 6.8 11 cast 1• ( 6.1 6.8 The large increase in pH-value of the hay was due to the CaC0 content of the arttlicial 3 ~oil. The further rise in the final sample of the 13 C experiment is the result of incomplete mixrng. The pH-value of the faeces of the earthworms fed on hay was also lower than the food. The pH-value of the soil inOuences the earthworm's activity and abundance (Springett & Syers 1983). Along with soil and organic material organic acids arc also ingested !Laverack 1963). which may result in a drop in pH. Earthworms als secrete urine and an alkaline slime (Lee 1985). These compounds contribute to a higher pH-rise of the food. particularly when the earthworms were in the feeding boxes a long time. On the other hand L. lerrestris· casts show a pH-value which lies clearly below that of the food. Poboszny ( 1975) ascertained a pH-value in the casts of some earthworm species which was closer to neutrality than was the surrounding soil. Peters ( 1984) could not lind any difference in pH between soil and cast. The intestinal pH-value of L. 1erres1ris lies between 6.2 and 6.7 (Laverack 1963). The maize experiments did not support this statement since although. the surrounding substrate was acidic. the casts' pH-value was lower still. Needham ( 1957) reported that when L. 1err<•.11ri.1 und t: fi>etida were well fed. in contrast to unfed animals l)r tht: same spct:ies. the) produced higher amounts of titnable acids. Laverack ( 1963) .:~tahl1shed that 1n t:ast sample~ with low pH-values CaC03-concretions were found which did not affect the pi 1-valut:. Thcrt:forc. the strong enrichment of calcium in the casts of the earthworms fed on maize docs not contradict the pH-values found within the casts. That there 1s no inOucnce on the pH of the surrounding substrate by the Ca in the gut and faeces resrectively was recently shown by Schrader ( 1991) . Ga.1 11w11s11n•111e1111 1111cl re.111ira1 ion Bcl'ore the experiments were begun all animals were fed on the same food (maize) to exclude an) differing effects or rood on respiration. A linear relationship between Orconsumption and time was found. illustrated in Fig. 7. 0 -consumption in the separate vessels nuctuated 2 at both experimental tcrnreratures. At 13 Ca higher average Orconsumption was recorded but not in all the vessels. The data collected at 13 C in August arc on average nearly identical with the average data collected at 8 °C in June and January. There is also a linear dependancy between C0 -production and time which is seen in figure 8. At 13 °C the 1 earthworms produce more CO than at 8 C. COrproduction in June is at both temperatures 2 higher than during the other measuring periods (sec Fig. 8). The June data for both temperatures are one average nearly identical 111 respect to C0 -production and 0 -consurnption. In contrnsl. average C0 -production at 8 °C in 1 1 2 e .. ~..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---. - 8°C January 0 a0c June ~ ...c.. lr-€1 13°c July t3°C August Q) ~ Ol ' Ol E c 0 c. E :> "' c 0 u I N 0 10 20 30 Time (h] or Fig. 7. Average Oz-<:On,ump1ion L. tcrrc"tn.' led on rna11c .1ga111,1 ol 111nc at X l" and IJ l I he 'ingk s1raight lines applieo 10 the average value' of all the Sehottlla,b ;11 one dclinc point of tlllll" January is only half the corresponding 0 -consumption while in August at 13 C it was a 2 lilllc higher than 0 -consumption. Comparing the data for both temperatures in June. Onl: 2 can ~cc that a temperature increase of 5 C results in a 1.8 fold incrca,c in 02-con~umpltoii. while the incrcasc in C02-production wa~ 1.6 fold. A comparison of the other <lata 1~ not meaningful because of the seasonal nuctuations. The mean value of all the 0 -eonsumption 2 data and all COrproduction data at 13 C arc higher than thc mean values al 8 C. While Orconsumption at 8 C in January i~ higher than in June the oppn"Lc is true in regard lo COrproduction. At 8 C mean C0 -production is lower than Orconsump11on. ,.,,h1lc 2 al 13 C it is higher. All respiratory quotients (RQ) arc identical within each single month although the Or and C0 -dala difTer strongly. When temperature increases 0 -consumption and COr 2 2 production increase proportionally and the RQ remains the same. The RQ values within a single month fluctuate only a lillle. but the fluctuation!. bct\\cen difTcrcnL month arc considcra blc. - ,.., E.. ---- 8°C January 0 /'.3°\. .J11nP ~ -.5. .. G---tl 13°C July Q) 2 G---£1 13°C August Ol ' Ol E c 2 0 :J 1..J 0 c. I N 0 0 u 0 10 Time (h) 20 30 or Fig.8. Average 0 1-consumpuon L. 1<•1.,-cstn.1 against oft1111c at !S C and 13 C. The single ~traight line; applied to the average values of all the Sehonnasks al one delln.: point uf 1imc l\:tlubi11log1a 37 ( 1993) 4 253 Table 2. A\c.:ragc.: RQ of 1h..: ..:arthwmm~ w11h1n the Sc.:ho11nasks x C-c,rcrnncnt RQ 13 C-expcrimenl RQ Ju11c.:: I.I June: 1.8 x l) 8.9 8.9 Januar): X.5 Augu,1: 1.3 X. .5 I. I 8 .5 I. I 8 5 1.4 X.:' 1.3 8.5 As Ill other po1kilo1hcrm1c a111mals. temperature innuences the respiration rate of carth \\Orms. The C-01- and 01-data for the two temperatures arc not identical. Two reasons arc the diITerent hPdy surface ;1nd weight of the earthworms. and the seasonal nuctualion. At 8 C and I J C the June \;tlues of C0 production are the highc~t. The C0 values for 1 1 4 different months gave 4 :.lraight lines with diITerent gradient:.. The causes are agarn \Casonal nuctuaiions. In regard to the RQ it is seen in table 2 !hat there arc unimportant nuetuat1ons within an) single month but large nuctuations between months. Holton & Ph1llipson ( 1976) found that the RQ undergoes seasonal nuctuations at the inter- and 1111raspccific lc\'el. Under field conditions the following RQ's for L. ('l/,\'((//l('/IS were round: in ,pring 0.52. in ,ummer 0-5.:l. in <1uturnn 0.58 and in winter 0.7. The tendency is not 1dcn11cal 111th lhe value' round for L. 1erre11ri.I'. hul provides an explanation for the varying RQ' . It is po-,-,1hk 1ha1 lhc animal's phy,inlogy is ~ubject to seasonal dianges in connection \\Ith lhc rormation of ~toragc substances. It is also conceivable !hat here an endogcnic rhythm linds e.\pressinn. despite 1hc constant laboratory conditions. Another explanation IS given by Doeksen (I %8) who round !hat a daily rhythm or activity and 01-consumptio11 arc subject to a lunar pcnodicily. Acknowledgements fh1s ln\Cst1ga11on \\,1., supported by the Botanischcs lnsl1tut dcr TU Braunschwc1g, the lnst11u1 fiir Lchcnsmi11clchc.:m11: dc.:r TU Braunschwcig. the lnstitut ftir Mikrobiologie dcr TU Brau11- ~l.'hwc1g. Arh..:itsgrurpc ll1ol11g1~chc linden- und Grundwasscrrcinigung. Wasscrtcc.:h1wlugic.: 111111 Oi..11- physiologic and the Snndcrforschungsbercich 179 "Wasser- und Stoffdynamik in Agrar- und Oko \y~tcm" dcr TU llraun~chwcig_ We wish to thank Mr. Roger Hicks for reviewing the English manuscrirt. Table 3. Food comumpt1on .1nd casl production of the animals fed on mai7C at 8 C and 13 C Temp. food con-,u111p1ion cast production ralio [dry weight [dry weight food :cast mg g carthwor1111dayj mg/g earthworm/day! c 8 25.X 13.1 2: I x c 12.6 6.S 2: I 13 (' 37 I 7.3 5: I 13 (' 64 I 16.9 4: I 254 Pcdob1olog1a 37 I I l)l)J) 4

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