Following Stigma and Segregation of Individuals Afflicted with Lepromatous Leprosy Deanna Bogaski University of Manitoba Key Words: burial practices; segregation; stigma; multibacillary leprosy; isolation; compassion; graves; leprosaria; Hansen’s disease; cross-‐cultural compairison; palaeopathology; osteology; endemic disease; germ theory; fear of infection Abstract Modern Western society tells a tale of fear and exclusion of individuals with leprosy on a global scale, yet case studies from across the globe tell a tale of compassion, not of stigmatization. The effects of leprosy can be crippling and cause disfigurement, and many cultures had their own beliefs associated with the disease. In the 19th century a rise in the prevalence of leprosy incited fear in the population and historical methods of treatment were sought, namely Leprosaria. In this case fear of contracting this disfiguring disease cultivated a repulsion from those affected. Originally, Leprosaria were founded because it was believed that those who had contracted the disease had sinned, and through living a life of piety would be redeemed. Modern Western society believed that this had inadvertently helped to isolate the contagious disease. The model was mimicked but isolation and segregation were forced, propagated by the idea that this was the method to which all afflicted populations had eventually turned, finding no effective alternative. Archaeological and ethnographic accounts from Japan, India, and Europe, demonstrate that in most cases, segregation was not a method practiced, and when it occurred it was through individual choice; many infected individuals chose to remain with their families and communities until death. the world and continues to persist in Introduction certain regions. My query is when the Leprosy, now known as Hansen’s disease, stigma that is so commonly associated is associated with social stigma, fear, and with lepers and leprosy in modern hatred in both life and death. Visceral Western society (Europe and North reactions occur to the disfigurement and America) originally arose. Is it possible to effects of this disease and its slow and assess social marginalization or ostracism prolonged progression. This is a disease through burials and archaeological present in the Old World (Asia, Africa, remains? In many cases, what could be and Europe) at least since the rise of perceived as evidence of discrimination urbanization. It has spread to all parts of UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) could in fact be much more complex. The Tucker (2012), and Rawcliffe (2006), which case of leprosy throughout human history revised the ideas on stigma associated illustrates this very well, in finding both with medieval lepers. Further, research normal and abnormal burial practices of conducted in other countries was often individuals with the disease. Through an published in the national language, and understanding of the diseases effects, has yet to be translated into English, such archaeological findings, and the visible as further information on the peculiar changes in perception it can be hoped to Nabe-‐kaburi burials from Japan to be gain a better understanding of the discussed later (Suzuki et al. 2014). opprobrium associated with the disease, As well, the query in itself has limits and of the human ability for compassion. to what it can achieve. Today there are a The first section will discuss multitude of feelings and attitudes limitations, the second section will towards leprosy, individuals have different introduce the bacterium that causes reactions and the same scope and leprosy, and will be followed by complexity can be thought to have terminology. The fourth section discusses occurred in the past. Attempting to what social stigmatization of leprous understand the complexity of this issue individuals was believed to look like. Then historically through an assemblage of the pathologies found in archaeological archaeological sources and historical remains of leprous individuals and references can only be reflective of a small leprosy’s physical manifestations will be portion of the ideas and practices that discussed, and how it has been occurred and are subject to individual determined if an individual lived with interpretation. The archaeological data leprosy. Then specific archaeological gathered cannot ascertain the nuances examples from Western and Eastern of an individual’s everyday life. contexts will be examined in order to Bioarchaeological examinations are largely ascertain if the modern Western belief limited to qualitative data and cannot that leprosy is a globally stigmatized produce verifiable qualitative data. disease holds any truth. How these For example in isotopic analysis diet modern Western beliefs came to existence can be ascertained, but not the quality and will lead into the conclusion on whether freshness of the food when consumed, leprosy holds social stigma on a global which could be affected by stigma; food scale. may have been given to individuals with leprosy only after it was no longer suitable or desirable for others to eat (Linderholm Limitations and Kjellström 2011). Further, the bones A limitation that I faced in conducting this and burials themselves, while being a large research was access to sources I wished to source of information, may also pose consult. Some limitations were due to the many limitations. The osteological limits of the University of Manitoba’s paradox comes to mind when assessing library resources for undergraduates, such the apparently healthy skeletons from as F.O. Touati’s influential works, cited in numerous leprosaria (Wood et al. 1992). the work of Brenner (2010), Roffey and Were a number of the individuals interred Bogaski 2 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) at the cemetery of the hospital at the speculated origin of M. leprae is Chichester, England healthy as it would approximately 40,000 years ago (Robbins appear from their bones (Lee and et al. 2009:6). Skeletal manifestations of a Magilton 1989), or were they weak and the more ancient origin may be found in disease caused their death so quickly that future excavations. osteological changes did not have the time The bacillus has a single clone origin, necessary to occur? Empirical evidence as suggested through analysis of the from DNA analysis has proved useful in genome which has observed nearly positively identifying suspected victims of identical strains in numerous location Mycobacterium leprae (Suzuki et al. 2010). across the globe, although it was possible However, to do such an analysis on all to classify these into four types (Maiden skeletal material would be costly, both in 2009, Suzuki et al. 2010, Grimm 2005). The time and money, as well as destructive. current theory, based on the large portion Finally excavations of burial sites are of inactive genes in the chromosome of often only partial excavations, and can the bacillus, is that M. leprae underwent give only a glimpse into the data that may extreme evolutionary selection, and is the be available; this could easily produce outcome of bottlenose selection and sample biases. For example, the study by reductive evolution (Maiden, 2009:1265). Lee and Magilton (1989:275) demonstrates The gene decay present has caused leprosy this possibility as the hospital cemetery to be an almost uniquely human disease, that was excavated extends at least and the only other organism to-‐date who beneath the modern road, and perhaps has been found to be susceptible is the even further north. Further, as my nine-‐banded armadillo (Maiden research occurs through secondary 2009:1265). Regardless of the endemic sources, I only have access to data that has presence of this disease over the course of been excavated and published on, and the human history, research on M. leprae has data is presented in a manner that may been difficult and requires much limit or aid in my research efforts. persistence. The bacillus reproduces slowly and resists artificial cultivation, hampering our understanding of the Overview of Mycobacterium disease’s aetiology (Maiden 2009). leprae Leprosy, or Hansen’s disease, is caused by Terminology a pathogen called Mycobacterium Leprae, which has affected human populations for The terms “leprosy” and “leper” are at least 4,000 years (Maiden, 2009). This is controversial today, as the opprobrium confirmed through archaeological associated with this disease in a time of evidence from an ancient skeleton from misunderstanding continues to exist India, which dates to 2,000 BCE, which today. This has resulted in the disease shows pathology consistent with a being renamed “Hansen’s Disease” in diagnosis of leprosy (Robbins et al. 2009). order to free contemporary sufferers from This disease may have affected such negative connotations (White populations for generations before that, as 2005:318). Leprosy refers to the chronic Bogaski 3 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) infection caused by M. leprae, and the historical interpretation of disease term “leper” refers to individuals who were causation. afflicted with leprosy during the medieval period. My choice in using these terms is influenced by my desire to include and Stigma Associated with Leprosy understand the origins of this stigma as It has long been believed by the general well as my desire to maintain a tie to the population, myself included, that leprosy history of the disease. Using these terms is a disease that carries the heavy baggage maintains these metaphorical of social stigma, fear, hatred, and associations, and in re-‐examining misunderstanding wherever it is found. historical attitudes can perhaps influence Terms such as the “living dead”, and contemporary responses to such terms. In depictions like Richard Cooper’s painting some cases, the terms “leper” and “Medieval villagers scrambling to get away “Hansen’s disease” have become from a leper” (as seen in Rawcliffe 2006:15) associated, bringing the prejudices of the aid the propagation of such ideas. past into the present. As stated by White Alongside these reports there are various (2005:318) “if popular meanings of pieces of literature that vilify lepers, or hanseníase reproduce those of lepra, the potentially fabricate rituals of separation name shift could be rendered irrelevant.” and social death associated with the The Latin term “lepra” resulted from a contraction of such a disease (such as the translation of the Hebrew “Zara’at,” a “Leper Mass” so willingly quoted by Covey word for skin diseases found in the Bible, [2001:318] which is of a questionable and originally was similarly used for skin source [Rawcliffe 2006: 20]). This disorders which “turned the skin rough, propaganda on the social prejudice and scaly, or flaky” (Brenner 2010:390). The cost of this disease has likely only aided in definition of leprosy did not become creating more fear of infection among the solidified until later, with translations population. from Greek and Arabic medical texts This disease was not feared and dating to the 11th and 12th centuries CE dreaded because it was fatal, but more (Brenner 2010:390). Rawcliffe makes the likely, because it was not. Fear of the valid point that, even with the medical effects of this disease, which is amongst diagnosis, in medieval times there were the most crippling and potentially is the “many leprosies: of bodies and souls, of most physically disfiguring infectious saints and sinners, of men and metals, of disease, is a large contributor to the animals and plants” (2006:43). Because stigma associated with leprosy. This this is a study of a disease’s history, any infection could persist for the remainder sources from the past must take into of the individuals’ life, becoming more account the variety of meaning ascribed to debilitating and disfiguring as the the term. Stripping the term from the infection progressed, with no known cure disease can only serve as a limit to our until the 1940s (Sato and Narita 2003). For knowledge and understanding, as the some with a stronger immune response knowledge contemporary western the infection would be paucibacillary and biomedicine offers often does not reflect could be limited to a small lesion. Bogaski 4 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) Due to these factors, leper-‐houses or assault (Gilmore 2008:73). The leprosaria were believed to be places of paucibacillary form, also known as isolation for the victims of leprosy. These tuberculoid leprosy, occurs when there is individuals may have been thought of as a strong immunological response, and “unclean” or “untrustworthy” and were does not have the same devastating and seen as evident of divine punishment for disfiguring effects on the body as the sin, and served to remind others to live a multibacillary, or lepromatous, form may life free of sin (Covey 2001:320). Leprosaria have, in which the bacillus encounters were also cited in the 19th century as the little to no immunological reaction only effective management of the disease, (Gilmore 2008:73). The multibacillary and were ascribed with the decline in form, if left untreated, can lead to loss of leprosy seen in the 14th century in Europe sensation that may result in lesions (Rawcliffe 2006:13), which aided in subject to secondary infection (Gilmore justifying isolation practices at the end of 2008:73). the 19th century when a rise in the Multibacillary Leprosy prevalence of leprosy occurred. Recent research on medieval leprosaria has shown The most characteristic features of that this degree of ostracism and fear, multibacillary leprosy involve the which we associate with poor medieval rounding and abnormal enlargement of sufferers, may in fact be a much more nasal aperture, disappearance of anterior recent development, occurring most nasal spine, and antemortem resorption of acutely in the colonial era. The the alveolar process of the maxillae segregation policies while at first were (Suzuki et al. 2010:3). Degenerative and voluntary, later became enforced, and reactive changes on the palatal process are forcible separation from society occurred also descriptive of the disease process, and in many places, and rewards were even these rhino-‐maxillary changes are offered to those who brought a leper in exclusive to the lepromatous or near (Small 2009:36). lepromatous forms (Mariotti et al. 2005:213). Further elements that can aid in the diagnosis of lepromatous leprosy Palaeopathology of Leprosy involve periostitic changes of tibia and fibula (Suzuki et al. 2010), and “resorptive There are several characteristic lesions changes to phalanges, metatarso-‐ that occur in the skeleton that can be used phalangeal joints, diaphyseal remodelling, to diagnose multibacillary leprosy. cupping and remodelling of the joints” Unfortunately paucibacillary leprosy does (Mariotti et al. 2005:313). Another element not often have these characteristic lesions useful in diagnosis (if preserved) would be and the effects on a skeleton may be in changes to the hyoid, as leprosy often overlooked or similar to other pathologies causes lesions of the larynx; Gilmore and therefore incapable of producing a (2008:82) observed skeletal changes in positive diagnosis. When contact with M. 36.6% of untreated multibacillary cases to leprae occurs, there is a significant amount the hyoid as well as to the 3rd through 6th of variation in individual reactions that cervical vertebrae. depend on the immune responses to the Bogaski 5 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) adult burial; in Vedic tradition (originating with the Indus civilization), Archaeological Examinations and cremation of the bodies of individuals Consideration with leprosy was not practiced, as their bodies were not considered appropriate Through an examination of knowledge offerings to the Hindu Gods. Individuals garnered from archaeological excavations, afflicted with leprosy were buried, and it is possible to illuminate some of the occasionally buried alive in parts of India intriguing and varied social reactions to (Robbins et al. 2009). Given this this almost uniquely human disease. information with no further research into Beginning with the suspected area of the cultural context, it would be simple to origin and moving onwards to various identify this case not only as the earliest periods and regions, the stigma associated evidence of lepromatous leprosy, but also with this disease throughout history is as the earliest case exemplifying blurred and questionable, until modern stigmatization of an individual with times. leprosy through the denial of normal India burial practices to the deceased, or even The earliest archaeological evidence of murder in cases where an individual is multibacillary leprosy comes from the buried alive. suspected area in which M. leprae Looking at an ethnographic account originated, India. The individual found is a dating from 1869, by A. Campbell, we can male approximately 37 +/-‐ 5 years of age, perhaps understand this not as an and dates to approximately 2000 BCE inhumane act, but one of compassion. The (Robbins et al. 2009). The skull of this individual who was afflicted with leprosy, individual exhibits all the diagnostic when feeling that their decaying state was criteria of lepromatous leprosy. too much of a burden on relatives and Antemortem tooth loss, remodelling of friends “expresses a desire to bury himself the alveolar process of the maxillae and of alive” (Campbell 1869:195). The relatives the nasal aperture and pitting in the who care for the sufferer would try to palatine process are all easily observable discourage this thought, until eventually, and support a diagnosis of multibacillary they would agree. Once the relatives leprosy (Robbins et al. 2009). This adult acquiesced the request, a funerary rite was found in a flexed position inside a appears to have commenced, the entirety stone enclosure and was buried in vitrified of the village may present themselves, a ash from cow dung, which may be from pit was dug, which the leper voluntarily funerary rites (Robbins et al. 2009). entered, then the individual's friends The remains were found in northwest proceed to bury him or her, and finally a India, and the presence of new pottery few days later opium water was shared at styles and monumental architecture the home of the deceased (Campbell suggest this large settlement was in 1869). Considering the individuals contact with the Indus civilization probable knowledge, due to the endemic (Robbins et al. 2009). This connection presence of this disease in India, of the could explain the abnormal presence of an abysmal existence of a leper once the Bogaski 6 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) disease progressed to a significant extent, Late Middle Ages. The meaning of the requiring aid with quotidian activities pots covering the heads is speculative, but such as feeding, bathing, and dressing, it has been hypothesized that it offered a this practice seems analogous to form of protection for the living from the contemporary practice of euthanasia, in leprous individuals. which a suffering individual may ask for Individuals from Nabe-‐kaburi burials aid in ending their life if they lack the from two sites were analysed, two from ability to do so themselves. Although this “Tawara-‐ga-‐yatsu” and one from practice is not without controversy, it can “Usukobo”, both sites dating to the 18th be viewed as a method of harm reduction. century CE (Suzuki et al. 2014). The Campbell's (1869) account is individual TK5 from “Tawara-‐ga-‐yatsu” extremely ethnocentric in this regard, and was buried with two iron pots and one does not take into account the societies mortar pot covering his head as well as desires and customs, which may hold some currency and three glass beads, and meaning and provide purpose to the the head of individual TK6 was covered leprosy sufferers. For example, Purein with one iron pot, while a mortar pot Singh, an individual with leprosy, was covered his feet, he had five pieces of voluntarily burnt to death in 1866 currency, and also displayed skeletal (Campbell 1868:196). When an individual lesions characteristic of leprosy (Suzuki et with leprosy was burnt to death, it was al. 2014). At the “Usukobo” site, individual believed to provide safety to their entire K48 was examined; buried in a bent family from the infection, and so Purein position, with an iron pot on the head, Singh may have honourably sacrificed and containing a smaller iron pot, a pipe, himself for the sake of his kin, whereas and an iron tablet, this skeleton also Campbell (1869) portrays the family's aid showed skeletal changes characteristic of in his death as a terrible crime that leprosy (Suzuki et al. 2014). DNA analysis became punishable by law. confirmed the presence of M. leprae in both individuals showing osteological Japan: “Nabe-‐kaburi” evidence for leprosy, and returned Nabe-‐kaburi burials from the 15th to the negative results for individual TK5, who 19th centuries found in Japan translate to did not display skeletal lesions associated “pot – put on”, and are very descriptive of with leprosy (Suzuki et al. 2014), what these burials entail; an individual is indicating these burials occurred not only buried with a pot of iron or of mortar over in leprosy patients, but also in a broader their heads, for some yet to be determined range of the society. reason (Suzuki et al. 2014:1). There are 105 According to Suzuki et al. (2014) there burials of this type found to date, and 5 are two hypotheses in circulation on the out of 21 skeletons examined displayed meaning of these burials. One hypothesis pathologies consistent with leprosy is that these pots were a burial method to (Suzuki et al. 2014). Suzuki and colleagues block disease. The second hypothesis is (2014) noted similarities between the that these individuals died during a three-‐ Nabe-‐kaburi burials and leprosy patient day ceremony for the ancestors to return. burials, and believe their study can shed The ancestors would find this rude and light on social discrimination from the Bogaski 7 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) would have beaten their heads if they present for millennia in Europe without encountered them on the passage between stigma evident in burials can be insightful. worlds and so the pots were used to This may reveal that it may not have been protect the deceased (Suzuki et al. 2014:1). due to the increased prevalence of the disease, but because of migrations of Suzuki et al. (2014) also note the grave peoples and their beliefs. goods in these burials are similar to those found in common cemeteries, and these The earliest palaeopathology with a burials are often found with ceremonial determined diagnosis of leprosy in Europe devices used for cleansing the spirit and is from Italy, and is found in a skeleton offering salvation in the case of an unusual dating to the 4th century BCE, which is death. Further, these individuals were consistent with the current stance on the buried with valuable items, such as the spread of the disease (Mariotti et al. iron pots, provided with currency 2005:321). The skeleton displays lesions (possibly for the passage to heaven), and and bone remodelling in the metatarsals, lived long enough to develop and reduction in their medio-‐lateral palaeopathologies indicative of leprosy, diameters, the tibia and fibula show signs suggesting palliative care (Suzuki et al. of periostitis, and the hands show features 2014). The only difference in the burial which indicate hyperflexion, all of which treatment of these individuals from the are usual manifestations of leprosy burial treatment of others is the “Nabe” on (Mariotti et al. 2005:314-‐316). Some other their heads (Suzuki et al. 2014:7). Further typical manifestations of leprosy are not these theories are not mutually exclusive, present, such as the resorption of the as an individual afflicted with leprosy anterior nasal spine and of the alveolar could pass away at any given time. If the process of the maxillae, but the palatine prevalence of leprosy was high in this process does show pitting and porosity, population a number of individuals may which is equally if not more important, in display skeletal markers, yet could have the diagnosis of leprosy (Mariotti et al. lived without social stigma. Cross-‐ 2005). Mariotti et al. (2005) stated the examination of all Nabe-‐kaburi burials intent to obtain DNA from the remains, with non-‐Nabe-‐kaburi burials is a future which would determine without doubt if research area that would help elucidate the individual had leprosy, and which this burial method’s meaning. could also uncover the type of leprosy. Currently no further articles have been Europe published on this specimen, which would There is speculation that a skeleton dating help to elucidate the spread of the disease. to approximately 2000 BCE from Scotland This burial is the same orientation, had leprosy, due to changes in the rhino-‐ and placement as the other burials of the maxillary region (Roberts 2007). This period, and thus at such a point in time, would stimulate a change in the believed perhaps at the point of introduction of the spread of the disease to Europe, currently disease into Europe, no prejudice or held to be approximately 4th century BCE spatial segregation can be seen (Mariotti (Mariotti et al. 2005). Although DNA et al. 2003). The conclusions drawn from analysis has proved inconclusive, the the early burials conducted by Mariotti et suggestion that this disease has been Bogaski 8 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) al. (2003) is mirrored in the findings of the piety, such that if an individual became research conducted by D.A. Lunt (2013) on afflicted with leprosy while leading a two individuals from Scotland dating from religious life, it may have been deemed 600-‐1100CE, which show evidence for unnecessary to relocate them from their leprosy, but no spatial segregation. These brethren (Rawcliffe 2006:254-‐256). The individuals are found in cemeteries for the foundation of leprosaria was influenced by general public, and are actually located at beliefs that the afflicted had sinned, and the centre of an area in the graveyard the physical illness represented an ailment showing “the most careful arrangement of of the soul, and therefore could be seen as the graves” (Lunt 2013:317). Lunt (2013) important sites of conversion (Brenner states that the Scottish burials are similar 2010). Rawcliffe (2006:264) mentions the to the majority of archaeological data from religious devotion necessary to maintain Britain, where most skeletons diagnosed residence at such institutions, and states, with leprosy are buried in contextually “far from attempting to detain unwilling normal settings. While literature on or difficult residents, most leprosaria had leprosy burials in “normal” cemeteries in always moved quickly to evict possible England is difficult to locate, there are troublemakers”. many leprosaria cemeteries that contain a The medieval hospital and cemetery of high percentage of apparently healthy St Mary Magdalene, at Winchester in individuals (Lee and Magilton 1989), and England, shows the almost exclusive there is no spatial segregation of leprosy presence of lepers. Roffey and Tucker sufferers in England at Blackfriars Friary, (2012) argue that this was not a practice of Ipswich (Mays 2009). exclusion, but an example of sufferers Mays (2009) speculates that in some wishing to pursue religious vocation being cases, due to familial relations, the custom provided with a place to do so, which also of burying leprous individuals in leprosy provided the necessary care. The hospital cemeteries could be disregarded. individual most afflicted with the disease This is based on a rare genetic scapula was an adult male, between 26-‐35 years of anomaly found in two lay burials within age, who would have needed daily care Blackfriars Friary, one of which showed with feeding, dressing and bathing due to leprous lesions, involving changes to the the extreme progression of lepromatous rhino-‐maxillary, region, the tarsals, the leprosy (Roffey and Tucker 2012). The fibula and the tibia (Mays 2009). The burials in the cemetery of this hospital, religious order is dependent on donations dating as early as 1066 CE, are carefully to maintain function, and so Mays (2009) laid out, with anthropomorphic graves, believes that if a benefactor relationship similar to those seen in high-‐status would be sacrificed, the custom could be ecclesiastical sites, and there is a broad overlooked. According to the data distribution of age along with the presence published in Mays’ (2009) study, another 4 of both sexes (Roffey and Tucker 2012). cases of leprosy are present in the burials There is also the burial of a pilgrim of this friary. It seems that Mays (2009) present in this cemetery, demonstrating did not take into account the importance further that this was a religious site of that leprosaria placed on religion and some importance (Roffey and Tucker Bogaski 9 UMASA Journal Vol 33(2015) 2012). individuals with data obtained from an isotopic analysis of 19 other human While burials in “normal” cemeteries skeletons from the same cemetery, but in England may be difficult to locate, there located closer to the church, to test the was a study conducted in Odense, notion that these individuals were treated Denmark that shows many burials of differently in life as well as death, in this individuals with leprosy alongside healthy known stratified society. The data individuals (Boldsen and Mollerup 2006). obtained indicates that all of these The prevalence of leprous lesions in individuals had the same diet, even ordinary cemeteries ranges from 14-‐17% though the leprous individuals were before 1400 CE, after which rates decline buried at the periphery of the churchyard, (2006). The researchers suggest that a place reserved for the low status segregation did take place, as well as individuals (Linderholm and Kjellström discrimination, based on the separation of 2011). the individuals with the most advanced facial lesions to the leprosarium (2006). In this case, the burial place is not This is based on the foundation of the reflective of the deceased’s life, as we leprosarium between 1270 and 1280 CE, the would expect to see differences in the diet high prevalence of leprosy present in its if these individuals were social pariahs, cemetery (95%), and the following decline although quality and freshness of the food in leprous burials in normal cemeteries, eaten cannot be assessed. There is although this also coincides with a decline mention of burial regulations, and a law in the prevalence of leprosy in the assigning areas farthest from the church population (2006). While this may be a for the burial for the poor and outcast factor of segregation, it may also be a (Linderholm and Kjellström 2011:925). This question of care, and the quantitative data is the cause for the spatial segregation, provided by these burial locations does which may simply be due to reserving the not provide the qualitative data that the areas closest to the church for those who study by Roffey and Tucker (2012) are more likely to be, or to become, provides. A study focused on using benefactors. This law has no bearing on qualitative data in this location may show the life of these individuals, and they were that those with facial lesions were those cared for long enough to develop skeletal most in need of care, and therefore lesions, perhaps by the church, perhaps by housing within the leprosarium. family, or perhaps by the community. In Sigtuna, Sweden, Anna Linderholm Summary and Anna Kjellström (2011) conducted an These cases all illustrate the need to isotopic analysis of 6 individual skeletons understand more than the spatial showing evidence of leprosy in their arrangement of a cemetery, which may or remains. These individuals were buried at may not be indicative of the life of the the periphery of the churchyard and thus individual. Spatial segregation in burial are believed to of a lower social stratum practices can express social segregation, (Linderholm and Kjellström 2011). but practices vary in different regions. Linderholm and Kjellström (2011) proceed There is no clear universal way in which to contrast the data obtained from these leprosy was treated, and no clear signs Bogaski 10