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Following God’s Plan for Your Life, Pastor Kenneth Hagin Sr. PDF

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Preview Following God’s Plan for Your Life, Pastor Kenneth Hagin Sr.

Following God’s Plan for Your Life, Pastor Kenneth Hagin Sr. Why this book? To give further insight into discerning God’s purpose for us through the Holy Spirit leading. Pg 1-12 Supplementary readings: Hebrews 11:39 and 12:1, Ephesians 3:14-15, 1 Corinthians 10:23, 2 Timothy 4:7, John 14:26, and Matthew 11:28-30. Why is it important to follow God’s plan for our lives? Pg 1 How can we successfully run our race (follow God’s plan) and finish our course? Pg 1 What do you think about the great cloud of witnesses? Hebrews 11:39-12:1, Ephesians 3:14-15 Can you see why Pastor Hagin could not finish the race of his ill sister? Can you give an example of when you tried to run the race of someone else? What was the result? 2 Timothy 4:7 calls for three things in our personal journey, what are they? How do we run our race (follow God’s plan) in such a way that God’s plan will be fulfilled in our lives and Heaven will rejoice? John 14:26, Hebrews 12:1 What are weights you’ve had to strip off or need to strip off? Pg 11. Examples: wrong motives, selfish ambition, carnal inclination, flesh desire, pride, double minded, spiritual sloth, fear, running the race that God did not tell you to run. Matthew 11:28-30, 1 Corinthians 10:23 1 Corinthians 10:23 highlights our free will but cautions that not all that is permissible is beneficial. Any thoughts? Can you explain how these have hindered your race (God’s plan for you)? So what’s the secret to figuring out our purpose? Proverbs 19:21, Proverbs 16:9, John 14:26 Pg 12-20 1. Read your translation of Hebrews 12:1-2. It says to run with _________ . What perspective might your assume with the translation of run with patience versus run with endurance? Or would nothing change, because the words are interchangeable. I.E. run with patience means being like Abraham waiting on the promise versus run with endurance means enduring the ups or downs. What do you think the Lord really intended with this scripture? 2. James 1:1-7 describes well the purpose of endurance. What three things do we attain through endurance? How does this benefit our faith and others? Please share a personal example. 3. What happens when we act too early (lacking the key three points)? Pg 12-13 4. Are there specific moments you can recall yourself getting ahead of the Lord? What was the result? Why do we do this? Pg 13 5. How have you benefitted from the wait time between a vision God gave you and the reality of the vision? 6. Imagine every year you do a 5K. One year you trained 3-5 days a week and kept a special diet. One year you barely trained at 1-2 days a week with no special diet. Which year might you be better equipped to endure the 5K? Can you relate your personal season of life to the year you are training 3-5 days a week or training 1-2 days a week? Pg 14-15 7. Moses was given a vision from God that he would deliver the Israelites. Like us, Moses had a personal idea and jumped ahead of God. Read Exodus 2:11-15. What was his great idea? God still fulfilled His promise but what was the consequence of Moses jumping ahead of the Lord and not waiting? Deuteronomy 8: 1-5. 8. Pastor Hagin reminds us of the Proverbs 3:15-16 principle (read). Should we try to figure out things in our natural understanding? Why? 9. Final thoughts or favorite points of the evening Pg 20-32 1. Read your translation of Romans 12:11 and Ephesians 5:18-21 (Never lacking in zeal but keep your SPIRITUAL FERVOR, serving the Lord). What does spiritual fervor (spirit filled life) look like? Pg 22-23 2. Can you think of someone maintained the glow or spiritual fervor? What was unique about them? 3. Read Acts 2:44-47. What additional characteristics can be identified with Believers with the glow or spiritual fervor? 4. Read Acts 6:1-3. What sort of man (characteristics) was sought out to handle the business affairs? Pg 25 5. Which man/men were chosen and what were their characteristics? 6. Looking at the article on countenance, what other characteristics identify the Believer who is aglow or with spiritual fervor (i.e. what do they look like, sound like – Ephesians 5:19) 7. Thinking about how the Holy Spirit is our counselor (last week) and helps us in discernment of God’s plan, how might we build ourselves up in that spiritual fervor (letting the Spiritual fervor or glow dwell within us) to engage the world in our personal journey? 8. Final thoughts Pg 32-44 1. Read 1 John 2:10-11. How can we expect to receive specific direction from God and follow His plan for our lives when we walk in spiritual darkness? 2. Think of the story of the deacon (pg 33). Are there particular instances where you struggle to walk in love/do not/did not maintain “the glow” or attitude of the heart? Please share. 3. One of the marks of the Holy Spirit is the singing of psalms, hymns, spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18). What song fills your heart today or these past few weeks? 4. Think of the Israelites in the desert. They were right in the middle of a promise of God. Rather than show thanksgiving and follow God wholeheartedly in faith of the promise, they opted to not follow God wholeheartedly, doubted the promise, and demonstrated a complaining spirit. What was the consequence of the Israelites unfaithfulness to the Lord? Read Numbers 32:10-13. 5. Rather than complain, what does Pastor Hagin suggest we do when we are in the midst of trials (pg 34-35)? 6. He also highlights that trials ARE NOT the work of God but the work of the devil, the adversary, the enemy. Pastor Hagin states “No we don’t want to thank God for what the devil has done.” How did Job respond to the various trials he faced in Job 1 and 2 (In turn how should we respond to trials). Read Job 2:1-10. 7. The devil, the adversary, the enemy is the author of our trials (thievery, death, destruction – John 10:10). We can give thanksgiving to God who will deliver us, we can have faith (live by faith not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7), and remember God has given the authority over the works of the devil, the adversary, the enemy (Luke 10:19). Pastor Hagin demonstrated this thanksgiving, this faith, and this authority by laughing at his trials in his early days of ministry. 8. Another mark of the Holy Spirit is Humility (pg 37-38). Humility is characterized by submission. What is the Believer’s definition of submission? What does it not mean? How can we live in humility and live the strong spirit filled life (pg 40)? Acts 4:31. 9. Pastor Hagin states, “Sometimes in following God’s plan for your life, you’ll have to do some things you’d rather not do. But if you will obey God step by step day by walking in the light of His Word and being prayerful, obedient, and consecrated, you will stay aglow with His Spirit, and you’ll eventually fulfill the plan of God for you.” Final thoughts. Pg 45-61 1. Matthew 26 describes Jesus’ prayer of dedication/consecration to do the Father’s will. Jesus knew of his eminent death and even asked three times if the cup could be passed from him. Yet he knew his purpose for humanity and surrendered. Why is your consecration important for both you and others? 2. Read the 2nd paragraph on pg 47. “The Lord’s eyes roam throughout the earth to find people who hearts are dedicated to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9. What do you think God sees in you? What about our peers in the Body of Christ and larger culture? 3. Has God challenged you recently to put something on the altar that you would prefer not to (i.e. relationships, hobbies, jobs, control, and forgiveness)? Has He challenged you to do something you said you would never do? Share. 4. Genesis 22:1-18 and pg 48-49. Pastor Hagin mentions that Believers are willing to lay some things in life on the altar (surrender) but not all. How might Abraham’s life been different had he not literally laid everything (his son) on the altar? What was the reward for his obedience? 5. Read the 5th paragraph on pg 53. We will only experience the fullness of God’s plan and ful measure of His anointing and blessing on our lives if we are willing to obey Him in every area of our lives. How does this line up with our modern “have it your way”, self determinism society? 6. Read last paragraph on pg 55 to 4th paragraph on pg 56. When have you tried to change God’s mind? Share. 7. Read 2nd and 3rd paragraphs on pg 57. What area of life do you struggle to surrender? Has Satan presented you with something very attractive to keep you from God’s purposes (i.e. greed, new job, and new relationship)? 8. At each crossroad, Pastor Hagin says we should renew our commitment to do the Lord’s will, not our own. Final Thoughts. Pg 62-77 1. In order to be Spirit led, you will have to ---------- yourself to God's plan for your life instead of following after a ---- -- ---- --- ------. Pg. 63 2. If you can't ------- what the Lord is saying to your Spirit, you will have a difficult time following --- ---- and ------- for your life. Pg. 63 3. God communicates with us through our ------. Pg. 65 Read Romans 8:16. Does this truth run counter to what you've been raised to believe about God's will on senses or circumstances? 4. Pastor Hagin states, "we are to be led by the Holy Spirit according to God's Word, not by other people's guidance or opinions". How can we balance Godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14) with being Holy Spirit led? Which is primary? 5. Can you recall a moment/season when you experienced the inward witness of the Holy Spirit? Describe. 6. Pastor Hagin states if we persist in violating our conscience or still small voice, we will experience what? Can you share when you did not listen to the still small voice? What was the result? Pg. 69 last 2 paragraphs to 70 1st 4 paragraphs. 7. How does being led by your soul (feelings, reasonings, emotions) verses spirit hinder spiritual development? 8. How does being led by the Holy Spirit versus circumstances (i.e. series of bad things, coincidences) affect our spiritual development? 9. Read Pg. 75-76 and Matthew 18:18. How might seeking agreement from other Believers benefit in our God given path? Pg 77-85 1. Read pg 77-78. If you are going to develop your spirit to discern God’s plan for you, you need to do what? 2. Read Isaiah 55:8-9. How can we keep ourselves from mixing God’s revelation (Holy Spirit’s inner witness to us) with our personal “soul decisions” (feelings, natural reasonings, emotions – pg 70)? Pg. 78 3. Pastor Hagin states “the voice that speaks to you in the Word is the same voice that leads you by your spirit”. How can we sharpen/increase our ability to hear God speaking to us? How often do you do this? Are there any changes that you could make? Pg 78 4. Read 4 th paragraph on pg 79 to second paragraph on pg 80. Our minds can be just as noisy as our hands and feet. There are two ways we can prepare our mind and body to hear the inner witness on God’s plan for us? Pg 88. 5. Read Acts 2:2-4. What hallmark identifies the Believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit? In your current season, does this describe you? If not, have you ever prayed to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit or speak in tongues? Would you like to? Pg 79 6. Pastor Hagin reminds us to be led by the Holy Spirit not by our soul (feelings, emotions, circumstances). “Without knowledge of God’s will fixed firmly in your spirit, you will ride the waves of circumstances, so to speak, up one day and down the next. And you’ll even get off course, because you’ll be lead by natural circumstances rather than the leading of the Holy Spirit in your spirit.” Pg 81 – Any recent instances of this in your life? 7. Read Mark 11:24-26. What can we harbor in our hearts that blocks our receiving God’s leading (answered prayers)? 8. Are these the only hindrances to answered prayers? Read Hebrews 12:1 9. Read paragraph 3 and 4 on pg 84. To pray, we must prepare ourselves so we can hear God clearly. What things must we do before we seek God’s guidance? 10. When God reveals a particular plan for you and you have obstacles from getting there, what should we do? Pg 84-85 Pg 86-98 1. Read pg 89 second paragraph. If we become spiritually lethargic, we run what risk? 2. How can we distinguish between our "soul desires" and the Holy Spirit's leadings? How can we distinguish between the voice of the Lord/Holy Spirit and voice of Satan? 3. Pastor Hagin recommends we check our personal motives in decision makings. - Why do I want to? - Is it for selfish gain? - Is it because someone else is doing it? - Is this a soul desire? - Is this something God wants me to do? 4. Have you ever made a decision because of impure motives (ie a friend was doing it, to be seen)? If that situation were to arise again, how might you do things differently? 5. Read pg 91 second paragraph to fifth paragraph. The --------- ----- realm is the root, stem, & ground out of which all else grows. 6. Read pg 93-94. Pastor Hagin describes the development of a working relationship with God. What does this look like? 7. Read pg 95 first paragraph to second paragraph, Daniel 10:1-2;12-13, and Ephesians 6:10- 12. We recently read that our personal hinderances of unforgiveness and not honoring others (spouse, parents) can hinder prayers. Daniel was a faithful servant who's prayers were hindered by a different source. Who's the source? 8. Read Luke 10:19 and Mark 11:23-25. Do these spiritual attacks really have power over us or do we have power over the attacks? 9. Read pg 96 third paragraph to pg 97 second paragraph. What are your final thoughts? Pg 99-130 1) Read paragraph 2 on pg 99 to 2nd paragraph on pg 100. Whose responsibility is it for receiving God’s direction for your life? Does God guide you through other people or use someone else to confirm what’s in your spirit? 2) Read last paragraph on pg 100 and 1st two paragraphs on page 102. In the story of Acts 27, Paula was warned by God of impending danger. Paul warned his shipmates of the revelation but it was initially dismissed. What had to happen before the shipmates listened to the revelation? Have you found yourself in similar situations? Share. 3) How would you describe the Inner Witness? Any personal stories/experiences to share? Pg 103- 104. 4) Read paragraph 2 to 7 on pg 108. How would you describe a “check in your spirit”? How is this different than the inner witness? What should we do if we receive a check in our spirit? 5) Read paragraphs 1 to 3 on pg 112. Even after the Lord gives us an inner witness, we may want God to give us much more Spectacular Guidance (confirmation). Why do we want/request this? 6) Read pg 116. Pastor Hagin describes Hearing the Lord not in an audible voice but a ____ ____ voice. He further describes this as one’s personal spirit picking up on the Holy Spirit. 7) Read Acts 11:1-2. Peter received the _____________ voice of God. How is this different than the still small voice? Pg 117-122. 8) Read last paragraph on pg 124 to end of 125. God gave Joseph a word of wisdom (W.O.W.) about the future. What was the time line between Joseph’s W.O.W. moment and completion of the vision? 9) Final thoughts Pg 131-142 1. Read the last paragraph on pg 131. Obeying God doesn’t ____? It what? ___ 2. Not obeying God may cost you what? 3. Pastor Hagin talks about his disobedience regarding the sin of worrying and its hindering his faith. Read all 5 paragraphs on pg 133 to first 3 paragraphs on pg 134. What did Pastor Hagin report happened to him when he persisted in skipping/ignoring Matthew 6? Are there any areas of your life where you have persisted in ignoring God’s Word? What results have your reaped? 4. Read Exodus 23:25-26, Hebrews 8:6, and last paragraph on 136 to first paragraph on 137. Both the old and new covenant promises the rewards of freedom from sickness and disease. But this reward is conditional upon what? Do you feel this is fair? Why? 5. Read the third paragraph on pg 138 to second paragraph on pg 139. What do we bring upon ourselves with disobedience? What door do we open with our disobedience? Does it pay? 6. Genesis 37-50 tells the story of Joseph. In the many years it took for the vision to become reality and countless hardships, Joseph remained ________ to God? Joseph’s father Jacob also needed to remain faithful in allowing his youngest son Benjamin to go Egypt to see the governor/prime minister (unbeknownst to Jacob that he was sending Benjamin to see Joseph). Read Genesis 42:3-17. What reward did Jacob receive in being faithful in sending Benjamin to Egypt? 7. Final thoughts Pg 143-154 1. Read 2nd to last paragraph on pg 142 to 4th paragraph on pg 143. The minister in this story had the blinders removed regarding a belief his denomination did not practice (speaking in tongues). He was confronted with sharing the truth with his denomination or saying nothing in exchange for keeping his prestige and approval. What did he choose? What was the result? 2. Does God send sickness? When we are ____, we are on whose territory? Resulting in what? 3. Read James 5:14-15. What does it say about sickness? 4. The minister had never heard of this passage and thus the benefits of its truths. Have there been particular passages that you have found to very helpful to you in this current season of life, that you did not know of previously? Please share. 5. It took two years and a nearly fatal sickness before the minister submitted to God’s revelation about speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit. Any thoughts. 6. Read the last paragraph on pg 146 to the 2nd paragraph on pg 147. Are there any areas of your life, relationships, etc that you are being challenged to forgive? What about the concept of forgiving yourself? Is lack of forgiveness hindering your purposes in God? How so? 7. Read Philippians 3:13-14 and 2nd Corinthians 5:17. So we’ve forgiven, what else does God tell us we need to do? How does God describe us in this current state? 8. On pg 151 Pastor Hagin states, “It’s just as wrong to be unwilling to forgive yourself as it is to be unwilling to forgive others. Failure to forgive others and yourself and forget the mistakes of the past will hinder you from receiving from God, from growing spiritually, and from being what God wants you to be.” Final thoughts. Pg 155-166 1. Read the last paragraph on pg 155 to 5th paragraph on 156 and read 1 John 3:15. Have you ever felt hatred or acted in ways that did not walk in love towards someone? Did you feel justified in this hatred? Anyone who hates his brother is a ________ . Are you holding on to hatred towards anyone? 2. We learned previously that unforgiveness which includes hatred or not walking in love can open the door to Satan. The woman in the story was letting her human _________ and her _____ dominate her. If we harbor unforgiveness or hatred towards anyone, we close the door to _______ life. Any thoughts? 3. Read John 13:34. What new commandment was given in this verse? What did Pastor Hagin tell the mother of the sick child on pg 158-159 she needed to do in order for her child to be healed? 4. This story shows how the mother’s not walking in love had negative effectives on those around her including her child (see Galatians 4:1-3 on explanation on children’s bondage to parents until they grow up/leave home). Have you experienced firsthand or second hand the negative effects (i.e. sickness, broken relationships) of not walking in love? What happened to you and/or those around you? 5. Read Matthew 22:37 and John 14:15. How do we not walk in love towards God? 6. Similar to the consequences of not walking in love towards each other, what can happen when we don’t walk in love towards God? How can we remedy this? 7. Read Romans 13:9-10. The old covenant had the Ten Commandments. The new covenant has what new commandment? 8. Pastor Hagin states, “If you walk in love, you’ll never break any of the commandments that were given to curb sin. So love is the only commandment you need to concern yourself with. Love is the fulfilling of the Law.” Final Thoughts.

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