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FOLLOWER, PREDECESSOR, AND EXTENDER SET SEQUENCES OF β-SHIFTS THOMASFRENCH 7 1 0 Abstract. Given a one-dimensional shift X, let |FX(n)| be the number of 2 follower sets of words of length n in X, and |PX(n)| be the number of pre- decessor sets of words of length n in X. We call the sequence {|FX(n)|}n∈N n the follower set sequence of the shift X, and {|PX(n)|}n∈N the predecessor a setsequenceoftheshiftX. Extendersetsareageneralizationoffollowersets J (see [4]), and we define the extender set sequence similarly. In this paper, 4 weexamineachievabledifferencesinlimitingbehavioroffollower,predecessor, and extender set sequences. This is done through the classical β-shifts, first ] introduced in [8]. We show that the follower set sequences of β-shifts must S grow at most linearly in n, while the predecessor and extender set sequences D maydemonstrateexponentialgrowthrateinn,dependingonchoiceofβ. . h t a m 1. Introduction [ For any N or Z shift X and finite word w appearing in some point of X, the 1 follower setofw, writtenF (w), isdefinedasthesetofallwordsusuchthatthe X v word wu occurs in some point of X. The predecessor set of w, written P (w), 3 X 7 is the set of all words s such that the word sw occurs in some point of X. The 1 extender set of w, written EX(w), is the set of all pairs of words (s,u) such that 1 the word swu occurs in some point of X. It is well-known that for a Z shift X, 0 finiteness of F (w) w in the language of X is equivalent to X being sofic, that X . { | } 1 is, the image of a shift of finite type under a continuous shift-commuting map. 0 (see [5]) (In fact it is true that finiteness of E (w) w in the language of X is X 7 { | } equivalent to X being sofic as well, see [6]). 1 WedefinethesetF (n)tobe F (w) w has length n foranypositiveinteger : X X v n. Thus F (n) is the total nu{mber of|distinct followe}r sets which correspond X i | | X to some word w of length n in X. PX(n) and EX(n) are defined similarly for | | | | predecessor and extender sets. Since the alphabet is finite, there are only finitely r a manywordsofagivenlengthn,andsoforanyshift(soficornot), F (n), P (n) X X | | | | and E (n) are finite for every n. If X is sofic, F (w) w in the language of X X X | | { | } is finite, and thus the follower set sequence FX(n) n∈N must be bounded, and {| |} similarly for the predecessor set sequence PX(n) n∈N and extender set sequence {| |} Ex(n) n∈N. {| |} In [3], the author showed that these sequences can exhibit surprising behavior. Inthesoficcase,thesesequencesmaybeeventuallyperiodicratherthaneventually constant, and the period, as well as the gaps between values, can be arbitrarily prescribed. Theauthoralsoshowedtheexistenceofanon-soficshiftwhosefollower and extender set sequences were not monotone increasing. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 37B10. 1 2 THOMASFRENCH In all of these examples, the follower, predecessor, and extender set sequences behaved similarly, oscillating with the same periods, or in the non-sofic case, ex- hibiting the same growth rates. In this paper we establish that this is not always the case, demonstrating examples in which the follower set sequence displays dif- ferent limiting behavior than the predecessor and extender set sequences. We do thisbyuseoftheclassicalβ-shifts,introducedin[8]. Weshowthatthefollowerset sequence must grow linearly, while the predecessor and extender set sequence may grow exponentially. We also show a wide class of complexity sequences which may be realized as predecessor set sequences of shift spaces. To do this, we prove that for any right- infinite sequence d with complexity sequence Φ (d), the sequence Φ (d)+1 may n n { } be realized as the predecessor set sequence of a β-shift for some β. 2. Definitions and preliminaries Let A denote a finite set, which we will refer to as our alphabet. Definition 2.1. A word over A is a member of An for some n N. We denote ∈ the length of a word w by w . | | Definition 2.2. Foranywordsv An andw Am,wedefinetheconcatenation ∈ ∈ vw to be the pattern in An+m whose first n letters are the letters forming v and whose next m letters are the letters forming w. Definition 2.3. A word w is a prefix of a right-infinite sequence z if the first w -many letters of z are the letters forming w. We denote the n-letter prefix of a | | sequence z by (z) . n Definition 2.4. The language of a Z shift X, denoted by L(X), is the set of all wordswhichappearinpointsofX. Foranyfiniten N,L (X):=L(X) An,the n ∈ ∩ set of words in the language of X with length n. The complexity sequence of a Z shift X is Φ (X) = L (X) for every n N. That is, the complexity sequence n n | | ∈ is the sequence which records the number of words of length n appearing in some point of X for every length n. Definition 2.5. For any one-dimensional shift X over the alphabet A, and any word w in the language of X, we define the follower set of w in X, F (w), to be X the set of all finite words u L(X) such that the word wu occurs in some point of ∈ X. The predecessor set of w in X, P (w), is defined to be the set of all finite X words s L(X) such that the word sw occurs in some point of X. In some works, ∈ the follower and predecessor sets have been defined to be the set of all one-sided infinitesequences(inAN orA−N forfollowersandpredecessors,respectively)which may follow/precede w. This definition is equivalent for followers, and in the case of a two-sided shift, for predecessors as well. For a one-sided shift, of course, no infinite sequence may precede a word w. The results of this paper will apply for either definition in any case where either definition makes sense. Definition 2.6. For any one-dimensional shift X over the alphabet A, and any wordwinthelanguageofX,wedefinetheextender set of w in X,E (w),tobe X the set of all pairs (s,u) where s,u L(X) and the word swu occurs in some point ∈ ofX. Again,adefinitionreplacingfinitewordswithinfinitesequencesisequivalent in the two-sided case. FOLLOWER, PREDECESSOR, AND EXTENDER SET SEQUENCES OF β-SHIFTS 3 Remark 2.7. Foranywordw L(X),defineaprojectionfunctionf :E (w) w X ∈ → F (w)byf(s,u)=u. Suchafunctionsendstheextendersetofwontothefollower X set of w. Any two words w,v with the same extender set would have the property thenthatf (E (w))=f (E (v)),thatis,thatwandvhavethesamefollowerset. w X v X Similarly, words which have the same extender set also have the same predecessor set. Definition 2.8. For any positive integer n, define the set F (n)= F (w) w X X { | ∈ L (X) . Thus the cardinality F (n) is the number of distinct follower sets of n X } | | words of length n in X. Similarly, define P (n) = P (w) w L (X) and X X n { | ∈ } E (n) = E (w) w L (X) , so that P (n) is the number of distinct prede- X X n X { | ∈ } | | cessorsetsofwordsoflengthninX and E (n) isthenumberofdistinctextender X | | sets of words of length n in X. Definition 2.9. Given a shift X, the follower set sequence of X is the se- quence FX(n) n∈N. The predecessor set sequence of X is the sequence {| |} PX(n) n∈N. The extender set sequence of X is the sequence EX(n) n∈N. {| |} {| |} Example 2.10. LetX beafullshiftonthealphabetA. Thenanywordw L(X) may be followed legally by any word in AN, and thus the follower set of an∈y word is the same. Hence there is only one follower set in a full shift. Similarly, there is only one predecessor and one extender set in a full shift. Then FX(n) n∈N = {| |} PX(n) n∈N = EX(n) n∈N = 1,1,1,... . {| |} {| |} { } Example 2.11. The even shift is the one-dimensional sofic shift with alphabet 0,1 defined by forbidding odd runs of zeros between ones. It is a simple exercise { } to show that the even shift has three follower sets, F(0),F(1), and F(10). The follower set sequence of the even shift is FX(n) n∈N = 2,3,3,3,... . It is easy {| |} { } to verify that for any word w in the language of the even shift, the follower set of w is identical to the follower set of one of these three words. Definition 2.12. A one-dimensional shift X is a shift of finite type if there exists a finite collection of words such that a point x is in X if no word from F F ever appears in x. Definition 2.13. A one-dimensional shift X is sofic if it is the image of a shift of finite type under a continuous shift-commuting map. Equivalently, a shift X is sofic iff there exists a finite directed graph with G labeled edges such that the points of X are exactly the sets of labels of infinite (or in the two-sided case, bi-infinite) walks on . Then is a presentation of X G G and we say X = X (or that X is the edge shift presented by ). Another well- G G knownequivalenceisthatsoficshiftsarethosewithonlyfinitelymanyfollowersets, that is, a shift X is sofic iff F (w) w in the language of X is finite. The same X { | } equivalenceexistsforextendersets: Xissoficiff E (w) w in the language of X X { | } is finite. (see [6]) This necessarily implies that for a sofic shift X, the follower set sequence and extender set sequence of X are bounded. In fact, the converse is also true: if the follower set or extender set sequence of a shift X is bounded, then X is necessarily sofic. (See [6]) Definition 2.14. A word v is synchronizing if for any words u and w such that uv and vw are both in the language of X, the word uvw is also in the language of X. Forasoficshift,thereexistsapresentation ofX suchthateverypathlabeled G v terminates at the same vertex. 4 THOMASFRENCH Definition 2.15. Suppose there is an order < on the alphabet . Given two A distinct words of the same length x = x x ...x and y = y y ...y , we say that x 1 2 k 1 2 k is lexicographically less than y (denoted x y) if there exists 1 i k such ≺ ≤ ≤ that for all j < i, x = y , but x < y . That is, at the first place where x and j j i i y disagree, x takes a lesser value than y. We may also compare two right-infinite sequences using the lexicographic order. Definition 2.16. Two-sided shifts may be constructed from one-sided shifts using the natural extension: Given a one-sided shift X, create a two-sided shift X(cid:98) by asserting that a bi-infinite sequence x is in X(cid:98) if and only if every finite subword of x is in L(X). 3. Follower, Predecessor, and Extender Set Sequences of β-shifts Givenβ >1,considerthemapT :[0,1) [0,1)givenbyT (x)=βx (mod 1). β β Let d : [0,1) β +1 N be the map w→hich sends each point x [0,1) to its β → {(cid:98) (cid:99) } ∞ ∈ expansion in base β. That is, if x = (cid:88) xn, then d (x) = .x x x .... (In the βn β 1 2 3 n=1 case where x has more than one β expansion, we take the lexicographically largest expansion.) The closure of the image, d ([0,1)), is a one-sided symbolic dynamical β system called the β-shift. (Introduced in [8]). It is easily established that the β- shift is measure-theoretically conjugate to the map T : If we partition [0,1) into β the intervals [k,k+1) for k = 0,1,..., β 1, along with [(cid:98)β(cid:99),1), labeling each β β (cid:98) (cid:99)− β interval with its corresponding k, then for a given x [0,1), x will be the label of i ∈ the partition element in which Ti(x) resides. β Anequivalentcharacterizationoftheβ-shiftisgivenbyaright-infinitesequence d∗(1) = limd (x). For any sequence x on the alphabet 0,..., β , x X if β x(cid:37)1 β { (cid:98) (cid:99)} ∈ β and only if every shift of x is lexicographically less than or equal to d∗(1) (see [7]). β Then clearly, the sequence d∗(1) has the property that every shift of d∗(1) is lexi- β β cographicallylessthanorequaltod∗(1). Thesequenced (1)onlyterminateswith β β an infinite string of 0’s in the case that X is a shift of finite type, however, the se- β quence d∗(1) never terminates with an infinite string of 0’s. Indeed, d∗(1)=d (1) β β (cid:54) β if and only if X is a shift of finite type (see [1]). β Example 3.1. ThegoldenmeanshiftX ,theshiftonalphabet 0,1 inwhichthe ϕ { } word 11 may not appear, considered as a one-sided shift, is the β-shift correspond- √ ingtoβ =ϕ= 1+ 5. Sincethegoldenmeanshiftisashiftoffinitetype,weshould 2 have that d (1) terminates in an infinite string of 0’s, and d∗(1)=d (1). Indeed, ϕ ϕ (cid:54) ϕ d (1)=.11000000...,andd∗(1)=.1010101010...Thereadermaycheckthatthere- ϕ ϕ quirementthateveryshiftofarightinfinitesequencebelexicographicallylessthan or equal to d∗(1) is equivalent to the requirement that the right-infinite sequence ϕ never see the word 11. In fact, any right-infinite sequence d satisfying the two properties we have dis- cussed must be equal to d∗(1) for some β: β Lemma 3.2. Let d be a one-sided right-infinite sequence on the alphabet = A 0,1,...,k (with k occurring in d) such that every shift of d is lexicographically less { } than or equal to d and d does not end with an infinite string of zeros. Then there exists k <β k+1 such that d=d∗(1). ≤ β FOLLOWER, PREDECESSOR, AND EXTENDER SET SEQUENCES OF β-SHIFTS 5 Proof. Suppose d=.d d d ... be a sequence on the alphabet = 0,1,...,k with 0 1 2 ∞ A { } the symbol k occuring in d. Let 1=(cid:88) di . Because not all d are equal to zero, βi+1 i i=0 the equation has some solution β by the Intermediate Value Theorem. Because d doesnotendinaninfinitestringof0’s,itcannotbethecasethatdisanexpansion which is equal to d (1) = d∗(1) as in the case where X is a shift of finite type. β (cid:54) β β Furthermore, the requirement that every shift of d is lexicographically less than or equal to d necessitates that d = k, for if d < k but d = k for some i = 0, then 0 0 i (cid:54) σi(d) d, a contradiction. Then, multiplying both sides of the equation by β, we (cid:31) get ∞ ∞ ∞ β =(cid:88) di =d +(cid:88) di =k+(cid:88) di >k βi 0 βi βi i=0 i=1 i=1 with the final inequality being strict because not all of d ∞ may be equal to 0. { i}i=1 On the other hand, ∞ ∞ ∞ β =(cid:88) di (cid:88) k =k(cid:88)(cid:16)1(cid:17)i =k(cid:16) 1 (cid:17)=k(cid:16) β (cid:17) βi ≤ βi β 1 1 β 1 i=0 i=0 i=0 − β − as β >1. But then (cid:16) β (cid:17) β k ≤ β 1 − β(β 1) kβ − ≤ β 1 k − ≤ β k+1. ≤ (cid:3) Moreover, X is sofic if and only if d∗(1) is eventually periodic (see [1]). We use β β these facts to characterize the follower set sequences of all one-sided β-shifts: Lemma 3.3. If w,v L(X ) and w does not terminate with any prefix of the β ∈ sequence d∗(1), then wv L(X ). Thus, F (w)=X =F( ). β ∈ β Xβ β ∅ Proof. If v L(X ), then v0∞ X trivially. Then we claim wv0∞ x as well. β β β ∈ ∈ ∈ Given σi(wv0∞), if i w , σi(wv0∞) d∗(1) as v0∞ is legal. If i< w , then the ≥| | (cid:22) β | | first w ilettersofσi(wv0∞)arenotaprefixofd∗(1),butsincetheyarecontained | |− β in the legal word w, must be lexicographically less than the first w i letters of d∗(1), and thus, σi(wv0∞) d∗(1). Thus, wv0∞ X and wv |L(|X−). (cid:3) β (cid:22) β ∈ β ∈ β Theorem 3.4. For any β-shift, F (n) n for any n if and only if X is sofic. | Xβ |≤ β Proof. Since β > 1, we have β 1. Clearly d (1 (cid:15)) for very small (cid:15) > 0 must β (cid:98) (cid:99) ≥ − beginwith β , andsod∗(1)mustbeginwith β , whichislexicographicallylarger (cid:98) (cid:99) β (cid:98) (cid:99) than 0, and so by Lemma 3.3, F(0) = F( ) for any β-shift. It was shown in [2] ∅ that having a word w L(X) with F(w) = F( ) implies the conjecture of Ormes ∈ ∅ and Pavlov: F (n) n for some n if and only if X is sofic. Thus, this conjecture X holds for ever|y β-sh|if≤t. (cid:3) Theorem 3.5. For any β-shift, and for any n N, we have F (n) n+1. ∈ | Xβ |≤ 6 THOMASFRENCH Proof. Fixn Nandpartitionthewordsw L (X )inton+1classes S ,S ,...S n β 0 1 n ∈ ∈ { } based on the maximal prefix of d∗(1) appearing as a suffix of the word w. So the β class S will contain words which do not contain any prefix of d∗(1) as a suffix, 0 β while the words in the class S are words ending with the first letter of d∗(1), but 1 β containing no larger prefix of d∗(1) as a suffix, and so on, up to S , which consists β n of the single word formed by the first n letters of d∗(1). We claim that for two β words w and v L (X ) such that w and v are in the same class, F(w) = F(v). n β ∈ This will imply the result. By Lemma 3.3, any word w S will have F(w) = F( ), and so the claim is 0 ∈ ∅ certainlytrueforS . S containsonlyoneword, sotheclaimholdstriviallyforS 0 n n as well. So let 0<k <n and consider two words v,w S . Then the last k letters k ∈ of v and w are identical, and equal to the first k letters of d∗(1), and so w and v β may only differ on their first n k letters. Let s be some word in F(w), so there − exists some right-infinite sequence z such that wsz is a point of X. Then every shift of wsz is lexicographically less than or equal to d∗(1). Then, certainly, every β shift of vsz beyond the first n k shifts is lexicographically less than or equal to − d∗(1), because after the first n k letters, vsz and wsz are equal. Furthermore, β − for 0 i < n k, σi(v) is not a prefix of d∗(1) by definition of the class S , and ≤ − β k so σi(v) is already strictly lexicographically less than the first n i letters of d∗(1) − β because v is a legal word. Then, any sequence sz may follow σi(v) and σi(vsz) will be less lexicographically than d∗(1). So in fact, the first n k letters place no β − restrictionswhatsoeveronthewordswhichmayfollow v, andindeed, s F(v). So ∈ F(w) F(v) and similarly, F(v) F(w), so F(v)=F(w). Hence, for any β-shift X , F⊆ (n) n+1 for all n N⊆. (cid:3) β | Xβ |≤ ∈ Corollary 3.6. For any nonsofic β-shift Xβ, {|FXβ(n)|}n∈N ={n+1}n∈N. Proof. By Thm. 3.5, F (n) n+1 for all n N. If X is non-sofic, by Lemma 3.4, F (n) n+1|foXrβall n|≤N. Thus, for al∈l n N wβe have F (n) =n+1, that|isX, tβhe f|o≥llower set sequenc∈e {|FXβ(n)|}n∈N of X∈β is equal to| {Xnβ+1|}n∈N. (cid:3) Remark3.7. TheshiftX containsasynchronizingwordifandonlyifthereexists β somewordw L(X )suchthatw isnotasubwordofthesequenced∗(1)(see[1]). ∈ β β This provides examples of non-sofic shifts which contain a synchronizing word and still have the property that F (n) = n + 1 for all n N. Non-sofic β-shifts X | | ∈ are furthermore remarkable because, unlike Sturmian shifts and other examples in which F (n) =n+1foralln,non-soficβ-shiftshavepositivetopologicalentropy. X | | (β >1 and the topological entropy of a β-shift is log(β)). Though this is sufficient to characterize the follower set sequences of non-sofic beta-shifts, we may also prove that non-sofic beta-shifts have n+1 follower sets of words of length n for every n using the following lemma, which will be useful later: Lemma 3.8. Let X be a β-shift. Let w L (X ) such that w contains multiple β n β ∈ different prefixes of d∗(1) as suffixes (all necessarily nested subwords). Say the β longest prefix of d∗(1) contained as a suffix of w has length j. Then σj(d∗(1)) β β (cid:22) σk(d∗(1)) for every k such that w has a prefix of d∗(1) of length k as a suffix, and β β therefore the follower set of w consists of exactly all finite prefixes of the sequences which are lexicographically less than or equal to σj(d∗(1)). β FOLLOWER, PREDECESSOR, AND EXTENDER SET SEQUENCES OF β-SHIFTS 7 Proof. Suppose k < j and w contains a prefix of d∗(1) of length j and a prefix of β d∗(1) of length k as suffixes. We will denote the prefix of length j by (d∗(1)) , and β β j similarlyfork. Notethatthefirstk andthelastk lettersof(d∗(1)) mustbeequal β j to (d∗(1)) . So d∗(1) might look like: β k β (d (1)) (d (1)) d∗β(1) : ∗β k ∗β k ... (d (1)) ∗β j (Itisalsopossiblethatnolettersexistinthemiddleportionbetweenthetwooc- curences of (d∗(1)) , or even that they overlap; the proof still holds in such cases). β k If σj(d∗(1)) σk(d∗(1)), then it is easy to see that σj−k(d∗(1)) d∗(1), a contra- β (cid:31) β β (cid:31) β diction,aseveryshiftofd∗(1)mustbelexicographicallylessthanorequaltod∗(1). β β Therefore σj(d∗(1)) σk(d∗(1)), establishing the result. Since the right-infinite β (cid:22) β sequences which may legally follow w consist of the sequences z st. every shift of wz is lexicographically less than or equal to d∗(1), we have β F(w)= s s is a prefix of some right-infinite sequence z { | s.t. z σk(d∗(1)) k s.t. w has a k-letter prefix of d∗(1) as a suffix . (cid:22) β ∀ β } Since σj(d∗(1)) is the smallest such shift, the follower set of w consists exactly of β prefixes of those sequences lexicographically less than or equal to σj(d∗(1)). (cid:3) β Corollary 3.9. Let X be a β-shift, n N, and the classes S ,S ,...,S be as β 0 1 n ∈ defined in the proof of Theorem 3.5. Then the follower set of words in class S is j equal to the follower set of words in class S if and only if σj(d∗(1))=σk(d∗(1)). k β β Proof. Lemma 3.8 shows that we may distinguish between follower sets of words by only looking at σj(d∗(1)), where j is the length of the longest prefix of d∗(1) β β appearing as a suffix of the word. The corollary follows immediately from that observation. (cid:3) Itiseasytocharacterizethefollowersetsofanon-soficβ-shiftfromthiscorollary: since d∗(1) is not eventually periodic, j = k implies σj(d∗(1)) = σk(d∗(1)), and β (cid:54) β (cid:54) β therefore the follower sets in each class S ,S ,...S must all be distinct. Thus, for 0 1 n each n, F (n) = n+1 (confirming a result we already established in Corollary | Xβ | 3.6). On the other hand, the corollary will also aid in characterizing the follower set sequences of sofic β-shifts: Theorem 3.10. For any sofic β-shift, let p = min j N k < j, σk(d∗(1)) = { ∈(cid:40) | ∃ β n+1 n<p σj(d∗(1)) . Then for any n N, we have: F (n) = β } ∈ | Xβ | p n p ≥ Proof. IfX issoficsequenced∗(1)iseventuallyperiodic(see[1]). Letp=min j β β { ∈ N k < j, σk(d∗(1)) = σj(d∗(1)) . Then for every length n < p, the shifts | ∃ β β } 8 THOMASFRENCH σi(d∗(1)),0 i n,arealldistinct,andso F (n) =n+1byCor. 3.9. However, β ≤ ≤ | Xβ | at length p, the word in S will have the same follower set as words in length k for p somek <j byCor. 3.9,andsotherewillonlybep(ratherthanp+1)followersets ofwordsoflengthp. Butifσp(d∗(1))=σk(d∗(1)),thenσp+(cid:96)(d∗(1))=σk+(cid:96)(d∗(1)) β β β β forall(cid:96) N,andsoafterlengthp,nolengthswillcontributeanynewfollowersets. Indeed, ∈F (n) =p for all n p. (cid:3) | Xβ | ≥ We next explore the predecessor set sequences of β-shifts. Theorem 3.11. For any β-shift Xβ, the predecessor set sequence {|PXβ(n)|}n∈N of Xβ is equal to the complexity sequence {Φn(d∗β(1))}n∈N of d∗β(1). Proof. First, partition all finite words into classes S ,S ,... as before, indexed by 0 1 the maximal prefix of d∗(1) appearing as a suffix of the word. So S is the set of β 0 words containing no prefix of d∗(1) as a suffix, S is the set of words terminating β 1 with the first letter of d∗(1) but containing no larger prefix as a suffix, and so on. β Note that, as we are considering all finite words, not just finite words of a fixed length,therewillbeinfinitelymanyclasses,eachcontainingwordsofmanydifferent lengths. Letk,n Nandw L (X ). ThenallofthewordsinS areinthepredecessor n β k ∈ ∈ set of w if and only if w (σk(d∗(1))) (we are implicitly using Lemma 3.8 to (cid:22) β n rule out the possibility that a prefix of d∗(1) of length less than k could introduce β someillegalword). Fortherestofthisproof, whenawordw satisfiesthecondition w (σk(d∗(1))) , we will simply say that w satisfies condition k. Since k may (cid:22) β n range from 0 to infinity, while n is fixed, every n-letter word in d∗(1) will appear β as the upper bound in condition k for some k. Moreover, these predecessor sets are nested–if S is part of the predecessor set of a word w, then it is also part of k the predecessor set of every lexicographically smaller word of the same length. So, given a word w, the predecessor set of w depends only on how many of Φd∗(1)(n) β different conditions on w are met. But since these conditions are nested, there are onlyΦd∗(1)(n)+1(nested)subsetsoftheseconditionswhichmaybesimultaneously β met. Moreover, w must satisfy at least one of them, because for any legal word w L (X ), w (d∗(1)) , so w satisfies condition 0. If this is the only one of the ∈ n β (cid:22) β n conditionssatisfied,thenthepredecessorsetofwonlyconsistsofwordsinS andS 0 i for any i such that (σi(d∗(1))) =(d∗(1)) (that is, that condition i and condition β n β n 0 are the same condition). If w satisfies this condition and only one other, the predecessor set of w contains S and any such S as before, along with any S such 0 i k that (σk(d∗(1))) is equal to the lexicographically greatest n-letter word in d∗(1) β n β besides(d∗(1)) ,andsoon. Inotherwords,wordsinS arepartofthepredecessor β n k set of w when w satisfies condition k, but there are only Φd∗(1)(n)-many subsets of N which are realizable as the set of all k for which w satisβfies condition k. Thus, foralln, thereareΦd∗(1)(n)predecessorsetsoflengthninXβ. Sothepredecessor β set sequence of any β-shift is Φd∗(1)(n) n∈N. (cid:3) { β } This is enough to see that the predecessor and follower set sequences of β-shifts may exhibit vastly different limiting behavior: Example 3.12. Letdbeanyright-infinitesequenceon 0,1 whichcontainsevery wordinL(X )asasubword,thatis,that (d)= σi(d){i }N isdensein 0,1 N. [2] O { | ∈ } { } Letd˜=.2d,sothefirstdigitofd˜is2andσ(d˜)=d. Thend˜satisfiesthehypothesis FOLLOWER, PREDECESSOR, AND EXTENDER SET SEQUENCES OF β-SHIFTS 9 of Lemma 3.2 and so there exists some 2 < β 3 such that d˜= d∗(1). Since d˜is ≤ β certainly not eventually periodic, X is non-sofic, and so the follower set sequence β of X is F (n) = n+1 by Corollary 3.6. On the other hand, by Theorem β {| Xβ |} { } 3.11, the predecessor set sequence of X is P (n) = Φ (n) = 2n+1 . This β {| Xβ |} { d˜ } { } shows that the predecessor set sequence may grow exponentially in n even when the follower set sequence grows only linearly in n. We see that the complexity sequence of any sequence which serves as d∗(1) for β some β may be realized as the predecessor set sequence of a shift space. This leads us to a new question: May any complexity sequence appear as the follower or predecessor set sequence of some shift? The following propositions answer the question in the affirmative for a wide class of sequences: Proposition 3.13. Let Φ (n) be the complexity sequence of a right-infinite se- d quence d such that for a{ll i N}, σi(d) d. Then the sequence Φ (n) is the d ∈ (cid:22) { } predecessor set sequence of X for some β >1. β Proof. If d is such that for all i N, σi(d) d, and d does not end in an infinite ∈ (cid:22) string of 0’s, then by Lemma 3.2 there exists β such that d = d∗(1), and by β Theorem 3.11, P (n) = Φ (n) . If d is such that for all i N, σi(d) d, {| Xβ |} { d } ∈ (cid:22) but d does end in an infinite string of 0’s, define a new sequence dˆsuch that each digit of dˆis one greater than the corresponding digit of d. Then dˆhas the same complexitysequenceasd,andalsosatisfiesthepropertythatforalli N,σi(dˆ) dˆ, and so by Lemma 3.2 there exists β such that dˆ= d∗(1), and by∈Theorem 3(cid:22).11, β P (n) = Φ (n) = Φ (n) . (cid:3) {| Xβ |} { dˆ } { d } Proposition 3.14. Let Φ (n) be the complexity sequence of any right-infinite d { } sequence d. Then the sequence Φ (n)+1 is the predecessor set sequence of X d β { } for some β >1. Proof. Suppose d does not satisfy the property that for all i N, σi(d) d. (We ∈ (cid:22) mayassumethatwehavealreadyadded1toeachdigit,ifnecessary,sothatddoes not end in a string of 0’s). Then create a new sequence d˜so that σ(d˜)=d, but the first letter of d˜is lexicographically greater than any symbol in d. Then d˜satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.2 and so there exists β such that d˜= d∗(1), and by β Theorem 3.11, P (n) = Φ (n) . For each length n, d˜will have one more n- {| Xβ |} { d˜ } letterwordthanthenumberoccuringind. Specifically,thefirstnlettersofd˜cannot occur in d because the first symbol of d˜is not in the alphabet of d. Moreover, any word occuring in d˜which does not see the first letter of d˜is necessarily a subword of d, as σ(d˜)=d. Therefore, for any n N, Φ (n) = Φ (n)+1 . (cid:3) ∈ { d˜ } { d } Finally, we explore the extender set sequences of non-sofic β-shifts. Lemma 3.15. Let X be non-sofic. Then for any distinct words w,v L (X ) β n β ∈ withw L (d∗(1))–thatis, w isawordactuallyappearinginthesequenced∗(1)–w ∈ n β β and v have distinct extender sets. Proof. If both words w and v appear in d∗(1), w and v will have different prede- β cessor sets–there will exist some n-letter word in d∗(1) which one of the words is β lexicographically less than or equal to but the other is not, namely, whichever of w and v is lexicographically lesser. Thus in this case, w and v have different extender 10 THOMASFRENCH sets. On the other hand, suppose w L (d∗(1)) and v / L (d∗(1)). If v and ∈ n β ∈ n β w have different follower or predecessor sets, they trivially have different extender sets, so suppose P(w) = P(v) and F(w) = F(v). (This implies that w and v end with the same maximal prefix of d∗(1), and, by the above argument, that v w. β ≺ Note that obviously any digits on which v and w differ must occur before their shared suffix). Let u be the shortest finite word such that uw is a prefix of d∗(1). β Chooseawordz F(w)whichislexicographicallystrictlylargerthan(σ|uw|(d∗(1))) . ∈ β |z| Such a z must exist: If there does not exist a legal word z F(w) which is lexico- ∈ graphically strictly larger than (σ|uw|(d∗(1))) , then either w is the first n letters β |z| of d∗(1), in which case the requirement that v and w end in the same maximal β prefixofd∗(1)forcesv =w, orelse(σ|uw|(d∗(1))) isthelexicographicallylargest β β |z| legal z -letter word in X , meaning that (σ|uw|(d∗(1))) = (d∗(1)) . But since | | β β |z| β |z| thismustbetrueforeverypossiblevalueof z , wehavethatσ|uw|(d∗(1))=d∗(1), | | β β and so X is sofic. β After choosing such a z, it is clear that (u,z) is not in the extender set of w. However, (u,z) is in the extender set of v: v is a synchronizing word, and since P(w)=P(v) and F(w)=F(v), uv and vz are legal, so uvz is legal. (cid:3) Note that, in the sofic case, if only one of w and v is in L (d∗(1)), w and v may n β still have the same extender set: Example 3.16. Recall that for the Golden Mean shift of Example 3.1, the one- √ sided shift is realizable as a β-shift for β = ϕ = 1+ 5. In such a case, we have 2 d∗(1) = .1010101010..., a periodic sequence. It is clear that for a sequence z on ϕ 0,1 N, having σi(z) d∗(1) i N is equivalent to z having no two adjacent 1’s. { } (cid:22) ϕ ∀ ∈ Moreover, the word 000 clearly has the same extender set as the word 010, despite 010 appearing in d∗(1), showing that the result of Lemma 3.15 does not hold in ϕ the sofic case. Theorem 3.17. Let X be a non-sofic β-shift. For n N, let the classes S ,0 β k ∈ ≤ k n,beasdefinedintheproofofTheorem3.5. Letη(w,k):L (X ) 0,1,...n n β ≤ ×{ }→ 0,1 be defined by { } (cid:40) 1 if v S ,v =w s.t. P (v)=P (w) η(w,k)= ∃ ∈ k (cid:54) Xβ Xβ 0 otherwise. n (cid:88) (cid:16)(cid:88) (cid:17) Then for any n N, E (n) =Φ (d∗(1))+ η(w,k) . ∈ | Xβ | n β w∈Ln(d∗β(1)) k=0 Proof. Let X be a non-sofic β-shift and n N. By Lemma 3.15, for any word w β ∈ in L (d∗(1)), and any word v L (X ),v = w implies E (w) = E (v). Thus n β ∈ n β (cid:54) Xβ (cid:54) Xβ X has Φ (d∗(1)) distinct extender sets corresponding to words in L (d∗(1), and β n β n β moreover,anywordsnotinL (d∗(1))willhaveextendersetsdistinctfromthoseof n β wordsinL (d∗(1)). Also,foranyβ-shiftX (soficornot),ifwandvbothfailtobe n β β inL (d∗(1)),thenwandvarebothsynchronizing,andsoP(w)=P(v)andF(w)= n β F(v) is sufficient to prove E(w)=E(v). Thus, the number of additional extender sets in X corresponding to words not in L (d∗(1)) is the number of pairings β n β of predecessor and follower sets achievable by those words. By Thm. 3.11, each predecessor set is represented by some w L (d∗(1)). By Thm. 3.5, the follower ∈ n β

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