llollo*, I)"ts * d.,, o e I)u"lir,q Io Quih, JOAN SEGNA andJAYME CROW oleztuyr(< D.Ji"otior. Thjsbookis dedicated to my farhe!, Dave Berglin. Thankyou for always suppo.ring my arristic efforrs. Wten I $,as a young girl, you admired and encouraged my efforts and shared with me your "fàncy doodles." when I was a young mother enteringthe arrisric woÍld, you faithfully purchased my creations, stating, Mom and I need rhis." When I started quilting,I made you yourvery own quih, and rhe inscriprion on rhe back says it all: .'Stárs for your patriotism and plaids for rhe shirrs I remember you wearing when I was a linle girl. Sritched into a quilr ro keep you warm." Now you proudly tell yout friends rhàr "Jáymc makes blankcts-she made one for met,' And ro my mother, Bernie Berglin. You are the one who encouraged me ro learn to sew. And you were always roleranr of my ,.crearive messes., Thank you for encouraging rwo of my greatesrjoys-sewing and quitring. you srill use my firsr cobbled- togetherflannel quilt ro cuddle thc grandchildren whilc you reád to rhem. Follow the Dots . . . ro Dazzling Quilts Printed in China O 2005 byJoan Segna andJayme Crow 10 09 08 07 06 87654]2 olft(hí/^tk No paÍt of this prcdu( ftaybe repmduced in any form, unless orherwise sráted, in which case reproducrion islimired to rhe use of rhe purchaser That patchwork placc' is an imprinr of The wrirren instrucrions, photographs, designs, Martingale & Company'. projecrs, andpatterns are inrended for rhe personal, noncommercial use ofthe retail purchaser and are Martingale & Compeny under federál copyright lawsithey are nor to be 20205 l44th Avenue NE reproduced by any eledronic, mcchanical, or orher Woodinville. WA 98072,8478 IISA means, including inforfiational srorage or retrieval systems, forcommercial use. peÍmission is granred ww$amartingale pub.com to phorocopy patterns for the personal use of the Íetail purchaser. C'"Jik The info.mation in rhis book is presenred in good fairh, but no wàrranry is given norÍesuhs President.........-.-..................... NancyJ- Marrin guaranteed. Since Marringale & Company has no control over choice of materials orprocedures, the CEO ......................... .......... Dàni€lJ Vàrtin company assumes no responsibility for the use of VP and GeÍeral Manager....... Tom Wierzbicki Publisher................................. Hamrda Jane Editorial Dift cror.................... Mary V Green LibÍary of Cong.ess Cat.loging-i.-Publication Data Managing Editor..................... ïna Cook sesna,Joan. Technical Ediror...................... Ellen pahl Follow th€ dols . . . ro dazzling quilrs / Joan scgnà Copy EdÍor............................. Durby Pererson Design Director................-...... Sran creen ISBN r,s6477-r97 6 Illustrator...........-.................... Robin Strobel l Párchwork Parrems. z. Quihing. 3. Dors(Arr) CoveÍ and Text Designer ........ Sran Creen L Crow,Jayme. IL Title. Photographer-...-.............-.-.-... Brent Kane TT835.S443 2005 746-46'04l- À.22 2005003.180 \1,.,,,,,, \r.,r,,,,,,,r Dedicared to providing qualiry producrs and service ro inspire crcátiviry. Co'.t"r,t, INTRODUCTION DOTS ALL ABOUT POLKA l'.Ë. 5 t' BASTCS QUTLTMAKTNG r 1 t:" FINISHING YOUR QUILT 19 a o oo a)\ THË POLKA-DOT QUILTS L"o C"Li" P.lt" 23 h" All I)"t" 31 "Lo"t P.,lL. Dot kp""". 37 Wiot." A"p"r'. 47 S..**"" S.ili,.s 55 ) C".r$,, S..lo.. 65 Dok * NI"o. 75 D"i"i." L)" T.ll 81 D"t [J"t [o 8e f; RESOURCES 95 MEET THE AUTHORS 96 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 96 a a a Iot"oJ,,ctior, Po ko-dot fobrics hove been oround for os long os most of us con remember, probobly since fcbric wos creotedl From our chidhoods, we remember dotted Swiss for sweel frilly dresses, po ko-dotted clown cosiumes, lorge po ko dots in the ecry sevenlies, bold dots for contempotory pi ows ond oll the myricd of dots in beÍween. To those who ove po ko dols cs we do-this book is for youl We have long had a love affair with polka Along the way, you'll be inrrodllced ro rhe dots. In the explosion of new fabrics for the ''art quilt ' lorm in a simple yet exciting $'aÍ quilting industry fabric designers often add a When you challenge yourself to create u.ithin a polka dot to a fabric line. Multiply that polka- defined parameteq you grovr as a designer and dot fab c by three or four colorways, and voilál an artist. Often, it lorces you to be creative to Polka dots now reign in their own righ!. fill a void. For example, in case you dor, t ha|e Of course, we use a broad definition for the just the right polka-dot fabric, \\'e share $iih polka dot. Any shape resembling a circle is admit you some ways to create your orvn polka dots ted into the not so exclusive polLa'dot family. So let's explore the many things $e can ; Even fabrics with just a few dots here and there do with polka-dot fabric. Imaginc goins on are admitted for membership As the designer of polka dor fabric hunt. lookirglo anJ . l your own quilt, you are free to choose who's in polka dots anew. erpandrng rou'd< 'r'i' 'r. o' rrrrr-.. and who's out of your polka dot world. rhepolkadot.andenrisorrirr.'c :.: After experiencing this booL, you wili see ries. Imàgine getlrng togeLhe- 'r r" ..o-: . . r Do'l.l e' . polka dots in a whole new light. You, too, may ing friends for Dor OLrrli -. ::: become a polka-dot addict, and lor that, we are (Don't forget the M&Ms-the uldnra;c il' sorry. There is no cure. The only way to keep làte polka dots!) this condition under control is to use the dot Polkadotsr-epl r""1.:rdrh r r:: ': labdcs in your quilts adding a most delight- rhe.hild $ilhrn u.. lhe\ reen F :r:.::. .: ful qualiry This. in turn, gives you the exclusive give us permission to color ours:ie :::: ::... dght to purchase more polLa-dot labricl rnd de\elop rd( a. Lh"L do- r . , ' .rb.i . : . This book ollers you, as a quilter. the chance tronri rules \À'nolongcr - _.:-- to develop your skills at quiltmaking using a ruleLh"L.al: Yo. .Jn $P.: cr:.. , - defined parameter of design-po1ka dots only. rogerher \\, pLr Drn\ ^-' - . -:-:. : You w !ro-k wirh polka dots rn a wrde ranety rogerhe- r' rh . r..rba.hed -i',:.- _: of colors, sizes, and shapes. By naÍ rowing your can bc.tunnrng ,rL i. -l : : . . : focus to one fabric type, dotted fabrics, you are So..o tl o-r quiltrn- ' '._ . - 1 not overwhelmed with endiess options- \\'ith dorsl It s a deligh.-iul r:.-c:;::: 'l All P"lk" Dot. 'Lo,'t ln order to keep irock of the whole fomiy of polko dots, we come up with c sysiem to identify our dols. Our reosoning is this: lf they ore coiegorized cnd hove on "officiol" nome, fhen they belong on the polko dot Íomily tree. Eoch cotegory p oys c distinctive ro e in design, which we discuss below. And now, wiihout further cdo, we inlroduce the stors oÍ the -'. show-the poll,o do-s ond 'he r co-t D*. T"'Jiti.,...l P-lL" These are the old-fashioned, classic, round polka dots- It s basic polLa-dot fabric with symmetrical, evenly spaced dots and definite distinction between the dot color and the background color These dots march stiffly in straight rows up and down the fabric in perfect precision. LiLe the chorus line, they add punch and definition to your quilts. Ror.J.,- D.,t. These are dots randomly placed on the background, and they can be in a wide variety of colors. Random dots are more playful than polka dots; they are out of sequence, out of 1ine, and not always the same size. Random dots can add a more organic feel. M"t.J Dot. These are subtle; they blend with the bacLground eitherbecause they are a similaÍ color or they are very small (minidots). At a distance, mured dots looklike a solid fabric. Upon closer inspec tion, one discovers rhat the dots are indeed there, adding depth and interest. These are perfect as filler fabrics and backgrounds. l) Al-.,"t D,rt, These are unconventiona] dotsl The\ are thc un:ou:ri .:.,:. ::. square dots, and other funny shaped dots. From a ii:i,r:rc. ::r. read as dots. so they are included as shirlteil couiini n ii. .':: : : family. Not-O,.it" Dot. These are the most distant relatives of the polka_dot clan. ;:r': they are the rcbels in the family. They are actua111 srirrls. rour: squiggles, and other "interesting ' dots. Thev add spice io rhc : : famiiy, and when they show up, nothing is ercr quiie the '-::lt They dance the polka lvith all thc rcsr and add r p1l ful --,:r- energizjng Íbrce to thc grouP. D"t' Sp""Ll.J These are the smallesr of rhe dot famih : r ou ctr:: '- rror. lillipur.lhel r-eperl"crforb"c\r, .' : texture where needed. Clo*,. Dnt. Clown dots are the lifc of the parn big. r...1 lhe) \ho\\ up. norhrnt i. \er r ri P' l- .i ' rhcre are no rvallflorvers here. Do.trl Dol. These dors are unique because rher h.l\(::: :..: :.: :' a dor \e c:ll rhem Do '- Do . b. . . Lràdirionrlly rou_d -nd \e1Do. - .: . mrdd e. I nê) rc tle -'r\, .rd oi L . '\I I, ABOU'I POLKA DOTS trJ"l,Ll" D"t" Here we have the social butterflies of the polka_dot famíly, flitting here and there like bubbles on a breeze. You'll see these sprightly dots fit right in anywhere, ftom backgrounds to front'and center stage. R.t"o Dot, Granny does the polkal These dots are a blast lrom the past, reminiscent of the thirties as well as the seventies. They meld the generations of dots together. Not f...t Dot. "NotJust Dots" are those that married outside their social circle; they have another shapc printed along with them. These dots are very helpful in keeping the lamily reunions lively and ínteresting. T.*t r".J Dot. These are the shyest dots and the subtlest of all. You have to look hard to see them, as they are dots of dimension and texture, not color ALLABOUT POLKA DO'I'S D.rig'ir.g *itl. Dot" Using dotled fabrics exclusively to create |our enrir. i.':::: :. :: interesting challenge. You will rlanr ro choose do:s i:o:: : ::_- categones to deÊne your design and a1lo* one ribi. :. s::.: :r:r: Fom ànoLh( r. Dcpendrng roor tL,' p_o e. . '. .\ .' ' 1 fully select your fabrics not only by color but also I'r : . :::. : : intensiry dor placement, and dot densitr: This mày sound confusing and a bir bàÍLnS. bu: :: :. :.: . quite simple once you get in tune $ith the dor t:n::.. . :. ::::. if you were creating "Salon Grotto, vou r oul; .r. i !: : :_ : ! _ colored small. muted do! that \\'ould reàd rr r rho:: -r:: . :. :. . soiid flesh-tone fabric. It just \\'ouldn r Jo Io h.:r L : : ., - : :.- fàc. 'ooking liLc chicken po' Ho\\ ele- Salon Grolt'o ro hrgl-l'ght round. r o.y cheeks arrd , bo r, . - Nore he Áe 'rf shtpet, bt:.ghtet llors ro dor'_ elel,shes Con\êr- lJ. dr'.. I ii theÍórcSromd iS rcsand]/l. tal ier..otalarge.orerwh,lmingCot.br. "r ': . - .lats "t tl]r b,]'ckgto kd. dtc rn siz( .o the person . bod.. l :r'o: - :1 . : backgrounds. Playrng rr rLh doL co-o d^ . . {rerLe J- inlere\t -g'ool íor thc .ot- . nj : . .. . . : rhe loÍeg-ound r. " s\rrpcr io' u':r'-l .i . - -rut(d.r',:(. . coo-:: bac\gror.rndsare mo.e .. Ler'sco'1srderJnorhr_eramlle" :.. .. = I og Càbrn Polkà. In tl-rs de. gn tl e . . - thc cenler 5quJre "ab_ic lor, ". h s,. ror. : . i.madcupofloursec.on..Tr. . \'-- - choo"e ro o-r rhar enhonce rLe ce- Lr- eàch otle- l'erch .e.rio ol h, b o, . ; . i,.\ rLe lour (( crions drc puL rogerLe ". - Thr.quilri.-,bu.1 sihdoL..-.lrr:.-.. : r - _eed\ ol where rh"L 1ou- eie J ' ' .'. ,quares all rhe.ame color. TL r Log Cabin Polka unily the qujlt. l' \', ,. Fnbncs in èach qL ter oí theblock When arrarrgrng rLe - are caordinateà. Thcy i,\'otk Íiccly colo- br eal' bcm ee th, bo , tqether aÍouÍá the timmok.e teí erc[cmenL dnd keep. ) all the fun you vc dcsigr,ed inio ir ÀLL ÀBOU I POLKA DO'IS you look lhrough thc photos of rhe qullts in thc book, you ^s Ni11 nodce rhat wc did nor usc dotred fabrics exclusirel): Somc lin1es it s nccessary to add a largc floral as rn Polka Dot Exprcss' or à coordinating fabric as rve did in the border of \\rjnlcr .^sPens ' to give rhc needecl drama lo a quilt. EriPerimcnt with other pdnts and solids to get the e1}èct you rvish. Pollo-Dot Frpress C".uli". f)oï. Srll f.rrlr jlrl,r t1rll i l)i 'cr 'rc bor',ier T/rc irrr3e scale /loral àotder Somctimes \!c can t Íind a dot in just thc light size, color, ol .orltldrr.nrr rhcfdlftd íiotu dtd d.$t ro.trrr ,u n,rJs _l't, t'uLe-er",l il.dl \r ''cc:'Jl b rtrr.q.\' it ,ril rogcrfur .hd l-Írrig4L rcally Íl)wl Find the perfecr color of labric fbr 1'our prolecr and adcl your orvn dots b) llsing beads, buttons, o[ fabÍic pàint ln Polka' Dot Erprcss," rve used a polka clot stcncil and fuchsia fabric paint ro crcare rhe ligbt pink labdc with fuchsia dots 'just thc righ! touch to completc or-Lr'menu of labrics. I Winler Aspens Corrr rt iJ tllc ndrrdof rlrt.llllc. /!Ítiporr lttirl dgdlrat ddrl ro.r.drc Jdtn. Àdn,lpdillc.lir.Ijid r0rr onro Thdr€.iotr r'Ía 'rddr orrPirrul .iirrrjion, .ní: Lr)cr$i ll .loh ordr ItJl,l frrk làbri.làr "Poltut] Dor l,ryrdrr. " fubric \tnh Jàhtic PtLtht Md tl€ hanàLe ttP Lt[ a PaLtttbarh Anodrer \\,a) !o gct.just lhc Íighr dots is ro use apPliquó Choose rhe labric that rvjll rvo|kbcsr, cut a circlc, and àpPliqué it oD, lhus crcàling your oNn dots. We did this in Megà Dols ' and ádded anorher climcnsion to the dot thenc. Mega Dots Dats tlrlt tt{tt pei€ctryround dtld ..,/ftrd ddd írrrr.i! drrd d rÀi]lfuillll. dÍrijti. qídlilt' to ri'J qurir. Ar I ÀBOl,t POLKÁ t)OiS