FOLKBIBLIOTEK MAKT OCH DISCIPLINERING Dan Andersson FOLKBIBLIOTEK MAKT OCH DI- SCIPLINERING En genealogisk studie av folkbiblioteksområdet under den organisera- de moderniteten Dan Andersson © Dan Andersson, Stockholm 2009 ISSN 1104-1625-163 ISBN 978-91-7155-951-7 Tryckt i Sverige av Elanders Sverige AB, Stockholm 2009 Distributör: Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet Till minne av professor Kenneth Hultqvist Abstract During the first decade of the twenties century the Swedish public libraries´ were became an institution for general education with a mission to educate the Swedish people. The aim of this study is to enhance the knowledge of the construction of the Swedish citizen within the public library field. What were the functions and the possible influences of the educational efforts that the public library institution directed towards the Swedish population during the period of 1910 to 1990? What procedures, technologies and techniques were used, what impact was inherent and how did they govern and shape the citizen? The study is based on historical documents, monographs, handbooks, textbooks used in educational settings, articles, statistics, material produced by central and local agents addressing issues related the public libraries and its role in general education. Inspired by the work of Michel Foucault the library discourse is examined from a genealogical perspective searching statements that is illuminating discursive and non-discursive apparatuses, technologies and relations of power within the public library practices. As a complementation an analysis of the origin of the library apparatus has been carried out. The analysis shows that the apparatus within field of public library were forming an organization divided into national, regional and local library units with different activities. The national library units were given the over- all responsibility for library technology, education, information and econom- ic means, thus governing the regional and local libraries to appropriate activ- ities (books, method for studies, and so on). The local libraries were, on the other hand, given the responsibility to offer the citizens appropriate books and methods for general studies. The citizen constructed by local library activities could be described as active, accountable, capable of making choices and willing to develop her self during the lifetime preferably by self studies and consumption of books, fiction and non-fiction. The conclusion is that a citizen consuming knowledge and high culture corresponds well to the requirements of the modern society. The library apparatuses were inherent with sets of techniques and power technologies that were exerting specific influence on the actors´ acting and being (library staff, library users); establishing books and studies that were considered as appropriate for the citizen. Bio-power technologies and discip- linary techniques, such as panoptical, experts´ strategies and central govern- ing were in use. The expert strategies (limited selections, exclusions, rating based on hierarchical principles, govern at distance, self-regulation) are the most important and common not only within the field of public library but in society as a whole. Keywords: History of public library and general education, power, socialisation, genealogical analyses, socaial practice, discourse.