C ONTRIBUTORS EmineErcikanAbali The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NewJersey08903 YehudaG.Assaraf Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed;Email:[email protected] CarolE.Cass Department of Experimental Oncology, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1Z2, Canada and Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,AlbertaT6GIZ2,Canada HilalCelikkaya The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NewJersey08903 KarenE.Christensen MontrealChildren’sHospitalResearchInstitute,Montreal,QC,CanadaH3Z2Z3 JamesK.Coward Departments of Medicinal Chemistry and Chemistry, University of Michigan, 3813Chemistry,930N.University,AnnArbor,Michigan48109 VijayaL.Damaraju Departments of Experimental Oncology, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1Z2, Canada and Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,AlbertaT6G1Z2,Canada JeremyP.Derrick Faculty of Life Sciences, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, University of Manchester,Manchester,UnitedKingdom Chheng-OrnEvans Department of Neurosurgery and Laboratory of Molecular Neurosurgery and Biotechnology,EmoryUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Atlanta,Georgia30322 MichaelFenech CSIROHumanNutrition,AdelaideBC,Adelaide,SouthAustralia5000 xiii xiv Contributors JenniferT.Fox Graduate Field of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cornell University,Ithaca,NewYork14853 ZhanjunHou Developmental Therapeutics Program, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, WayneStateUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Detroit,Michigan48201 Yi-ChingHsieh The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NewJersey08903 IlanIfergan The Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Technion-IsraelInstituteofTechnology,Haifa32000,Israel AnnL.Jackman Institute of Cancer Research, Section of Medicine, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5NG UnitedKingdom ChristopherP.Leamon Endocyte,Inc.,WestLafayette,Indiana47906 DavidLaBorde Department of Neurosurgery and Laboratory of Molecular Neurosurgery and Biotechnology,EmoryUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Atlanta,Georgia30322 ZigmundLuka DepartmentofBiochemistry,VanderbiltUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Nashville, Tennessee37232 RobertE.MacKenzie DepartmentofBiochemistry,McGillUniversity,Montreal,QC,CanadaH3G1Y6 LarryH.Matherly Developmental Therapeutics Program, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, WayneStateUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Detroit,Michigan48201 JohnJ.McGuire GraceCancerDrugCenter,RoswellParkCancerInstitute,Buffalo,NewYork14263 H.F.Nijhout DepartmentofBiology,DukeUniversity,Durham,NorthCarolina27705 NelsonM.Oyesiku Department of Neurosurgery and Laboratory of Molecular Neurosurgery and Biotechnology,EmoryUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Atlanta,Georgia30322 Contributors xv StephenW.Ragsdale Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan Medical School, AnnArbor,Michigan48109-0606 M.C.Reed DepartmentofMathematics,DukeUniversity,Durham,NorthCarolina27705 MichaelB.Sawyer Departments of Experimental Oncology, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1Z2, Canada and Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,AlbertaT6G1Z2,Canada ThomasB.Shea Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration Research, UMass(cid:1)Lowell,Lowell,Massachusetts01854 NancyE.Skacel The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NewJersey08903 PatrickJ.Stover DivisionofNutritionalSciences,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NewYork14853 FlaubertTchantchou UniversityofMaryland,Baltimore,Maryland PhilipThomas CSIROHumanNutrition,AdelaideBC,Adelaide,SouthAustralia5000 C.M.Ulrich Cancer Prevention Program, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington98109 CongjunYao Department of Neurosurgery and Laboratory of Molecular Neurosurgery and Biotechnology,EmoryUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Atlanta,Georgia30322 P REFACE Formanyyears,folicacid,itsrelatives,andantifolateshavebeenthecenter of much attention in one-carbon metabolism and in relation to cancer research. So much progress has occurred in the last decade in relation to cancer research and the mechanism of enzyme action as well as in the mechanism by which folate is transported that the overall subject deserves a current review. We begin with contributions on one-carbon metabolism, the methio- ninecycle,andfolate deficiency.ThefirstofthesepapersisfromJ.T.Fox and P. J. Stover entitled ‘‘Folate-mediated one carbon metabolism.’’ F. Nijhout, M. C. Reed, and C. M. Ulrich report on ‘‘Mathematical models of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism.’’ This is followed by a treatise on ‘‘Folate deprivation, the methionine cycle, and Alzheimer’s disease’’ by F. Tchantchou and T. B. Shea. Authors I. Ifergan and Y. G. Assaraf complete the introductory section with ‘‘Molecular mechanisms of adaptation to folate deficiency.’’ Thenextgroupofpapersdealswiththefolatetransporterandreceptor. ‘‘Structureandfunctionofthereducedfolatecarrier:Aparadigmofamajor facilitator superfamily mammalian nutrient transporter’’ is contributed by L.H.MatherlyandZ.Hou.AuthorsV.L.Damaraju,C.E.Cass,andM.B. Sawyer review ‘‘Renal conservation of folates: Role of folate transport proteins.’’ C. P. Leamon and A. L. Jackman present ‘‘Exploitation of the folate receptor in the management of cancer and inflammatory disease.’’ AnotherreportoncancerisgivenbyC.-O.Evans,C.Yao,D.Leborde,and N.M.Oyesiku:‘‘Folatereceptorexpressioninpituitaryadenomas:Cellular and molecular analysis.’’ Thethirdandfinalsectionconcentratesonenzymes.Inthefirstofthese, E. E. Abali, N. E. Skacel, H. Celikkaya, and Y.-C. Hsieh have written on ‘‘Regulation of human dihydrofolate reductase activity and expression.’’ S.W.Ragsdalecovers‘‘Catalysisofmethylgrouptransfersinvolvingtetra- hydrofolate and B .’’ ‘‘Methyltetrahydrofolate in folate-binding protein 12 glycine N-methyltransferase’’ is authored by Z. Luka. J. K. Coward and J. J. McGuire review ‘‘Mechanism-based inhibitors of folylpoly-g-gluta- matesynthetaseandg-glutamylhydrolase:Controloffolylpoly-g-glutamate homeostasis as a drug target.’’ P. Thomas and M. Fenech report on ‘‘Methyltetrahydrofolate reductase, common polymorphisms, and relation to disease.’’ This is followed by a contribution from K. E. Christensen and R. E. McKenzie on ‘‘Mitochondrial methylenetetrahydrofolate xvii xviii Preface dehydrogenase, methylenetetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase, and formylte- trahydrofolate synthetases.’’ The final treatise is on ‘‘The structure and mechanism of 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase’’ by J. P. Derrick. The structure on the cover comes from the Protein Data Bank and is, 1HFP, the assumed biological molecular structure of human dihydrofolate reductase from V. Cody et al. (1998). Anti-Cancer Drug Des. 13, 307–315. Afterthesemanuscriptshavebeenreviewedbytheeditorandassembled, the Preface and front and back matter are prepared and forwarded to the publisher.Then,withtheguidanceofRenskevanDijkandTariBroderick, theproductionprocessbegins.Inmyview,AcademicPress/Elsevierdoesa commendable job of getting these volumes into print. Gerald Litwack [email protected] Toluca Lake, California December 8, 2007 C H A P T E R O N E Folate-Mediated One-Carbon Metabolism Jennifer T. Fox* and Patrick J. Stover*, † Contents I. Overview 2 II. IntroductiontoCytoplasmicOne-CarbonMetabolism 4 A. Enzymesthatgenerateone-carbonunits 5 B. Folate-interconvertingenzymes 13 C. Biosyntheticenzymes 18 D. Folate-bindingproteins 24 III. IntroductiontoMitochondrialOne-CarbonMetabolism 24 A. Enzymesthatgenerateone-carbonunits 25 B. Folate-interconvertingenzymes 27 C. Biosyntheticenzymes 28 IV. NuclearFolate-MediatedOne-CarbonMetabolism 28 Acknowledgments 29 References 29 Abstract Tetrahydrofolate(THF)polyglutamatesareafamilyofcofactorsthatcarryand chemically activate one-carbon units for biosynthesis. THF-mediated one- carbonmetabolismisametabolicnetworkofinterdependentbiosyntheticpath- waysthatiscompartmentalizedinthecytoplasm,mitochondria,andnucleus. One-carbon metabolism in the cytoplasm is required for the synthesis of purinesandthymidylateandtheremethylationofhomocysteinetomethionine. One-carbon metabolism in the mitochondria is required for the synthesis of formylated methionyl-tRNA;thecatabolism ofcholine, purines,andhistidine; andtheinterconversionofserineandglycine.Mitochondriaarealsotheprimary source of one-carbon units for cytoplasmic metabolism. Increasing evidence indicates that folate-dependent de novo thymidylate biosynthesis occurs in the nucleus of certain cell types. Disruption of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolismisassociatedwithmanypathologiesanddevelopmentalanomalies, * GraduateFieldofBiochemistry,MolecularandCellularBiology,CornellUniversity,Ithaca, NewYork14853 { DivisionofNutritionalSciences,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NewYork14853 VitaminsandHormones,Volume79 #2008ElsevierInc. ISSN0083-6729,DOI:10.1016/S0083-6729(08)00401-9 Allrightsreserved. 1 2 JenniferT.FoxandPatrickJ.Stover yet the biochemical mechanisms and causal metabolic pathways responsible fortheinitiationand/orprogressionoffolate-associatedpathologieshaveyet tobeestablished.Thischapterfocusesonourcurrentunderstandingofmam- malianfolate-mediatedone-carbonmetabolism,itscellularcompartmentation, and knowledge gaps that limit our understanding of one-carbon metabolism anditsregulation. (cid:1)2008ElsevierInc. I. Overview The reduced tetrahydrofolates (THFs) serve as a family of enzyme cofactorsthatchemicallyactivateandcarryone-carbonunitsontheN5and/ or N10 of THF at the oxidation level of formate (e.g., 10-formylTHF), formaldehyde(e.g.,5,10-methyleneTHF),ormethanol(e.g.,5-methylTHF) (Appling,1991;Girgisetal.,1997;SchirchandStrong,1989;Wagner,1995). Folate derivatives also contain a covalently bound polyglutamate peptide of varying length. Serum folates contain a single glutamate residue, whereas intracellularfolatescontainapolyglutamatepeptideusuallyconsistingoffive to eight glutamate residues that are polymerized through unusual g-linked\ peptide bonds (Moran, 1999; Shane, 1995). The polyglutamate pep- tide increases the affinity of THF cofactors for folate-dependent enzymes and-bindingproteins,andpreventstheireffluxfromthecellandintracellular organelles (Schirch and Strong, 1989). THF polyglutamates are coenzymes that donate or accept one-carbon units in a network of reactions known as one-carbon metabolism that occurs in three specific and isolated cellular compartments: the mitochondria, nucleus, and cytoplasm (Fig. 1.1; Porter et al., 1985; Shane, 1989; Woeller et al., 2007a). The one-carbon forms of THF can beinterconvertedenzymatically (Fig. 1.1), although each cofactor form is specific to a particular biosynthetic pathway. The formyl group of 10-formylTHF is incorporated into the C2 and C8 of the purine ring in the cytoplasm and is used to synthesize formylated methionyl-tRNA in mitochondria (Fig.1.1). The one-carbonmoiety of5,10-methyleneTHF is required to convert uridylate to thymidylate, and the one carbon carried by 5-methylTHF is required to remethylate homocysteine to methionine. The cellular concentration of folate-binding proteins exceeds that of folate derivatives, and therefore the concentration of free folate in the cell is negligible (Schirch and Strong, 1989; Strong et al., 1990; Suh et al., 2001). This implies that each folate-dependent biosynthetic pathway competes for a limiting pool of folate cofactors (Scott et al., 1981; Suh et al., 2001). Epidemiological studies implicate impaired folate metabolism in several pathologies and developmental anomalies including neural tube defects (NTDs) (Scott, 2001; van der Put and Blom, 2000), cardiovascular disease (GerhardandDuell,1999;LindenbaumandAllen,1995;Uelandetal.,2000), Mitochondria Cytoplasm 6 THF THF 10 CO2 5,10-MethenylTHF 10-FormylTHF 11,12 Formate 10-FormylTHF Purines 5 fMet-tRNA 7 8 Formate 9 THF 13 16 Histidine 5,10-MethenylTHF 5-formylTHF 5,10-MethyleneTHF THF Purines 14,15 17 THF 17 Dimethylglycine 4 1 Serine Serine 5,10-MethyleneTHF Thymidylate 3 2 Sarcosine Glycine 16glycine 19 Sarcosine Glycine 20 Glycine CO2,NH3 5-MethylTHF Methionine 21 16,22 Nucleus Homocysteine AdoMet 5-MethylTHF 5,10-MethyleneTHF Sequestered AdoHcy Glycine dUMP 16 19 Methylation reactions dTMP Serine 23 THF DHF Figure 1.1 Compartmentation of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism in the cytoplasm, mitochondria, and nucleus. One-carbon metabolisminthecytoplasmisrequiredforthedenovosynthesisofpurinesandthymidylateandfortheremethylationofhomocysteineto methionine. One-carbon metabolism in mitochondria generates one-carbon units for cytoplasmic one-carbon metabolism by generating formate from serine, glycine, sarcosine, and dimethylglycine. One-carbon metabolism in the nucleus synthesizes dTMP from dUMP and serine. 1, Mitochondrial serine hydroxymethyltransferase; 2, Aminomethyltransferase; 3, Sarcosine dehydrogenase; 4, Dimethylglycine dehydrogense; 5, 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NAD-dependent); 6, 5,10-Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase; 4 JenniferT.FoxandPatrickJ.Stover andcancer(Ames,2001;Blountetal.,1997;ChoiandMason,2000;Kim, 1999; Pogribny et al., 1995). One-carbon metabolism can be impaired by folate and other vitamin B deficiencies and/or common, penetrant genetic mutations and polymorphisms (Bailey, 1995; McNulty, 1995; Scott, 1998; van der Put and Blom, 2000). However, the biochemical mechanisms and causalmetabolicpathwaysresponsiblefortheinitiationand/orprogressionof folate-associatedpathologieshaveyettobeestablished.Infact,therearestill majorgapsinourfundamentalunderstandingofone-carbonmetabolismand its regulation, including the potential for identifying putative ‘‘missing’’ enzymes and their associated genes whose discovery may be necessary to complete the assembly of the folate-dependent metabolic network. This chapterfocusesonourcurrentunderstandingofmammalianfolate-mediated one-carbonmetabolism,itscellularcompartmentation,andknowledgegaps thatlimitourunderstandingoffolatemetabolismanditsregulation. II. Introduction to Cytoplasmic One-Carbon Metabolism Folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism in the cytoplasm is a meta- bolicnetworkofinterdependentbiosyntheticpathwaysthatarerequiredfor the biosynthesis of purines and thymidylate, and the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine (Fig. 1.1). Methionine can be adenosylated toS-adenosylmethionine(AdoMet),acofactor,andmethylgroupdonorfor numerousmethylationreactionsincludingthemethylationofneurotransmit- ters and other small molecules, phospholipids, proteins including histones, RNA, and cytosine bases within CpG islands in DNA. Many AdoMet- dependent methylation reactions, including those involved in chromatin methylation, serve regulatory functions by affecting gene transcription (Miranda and Jones, 2007), protein localization (Winter-Vann et al., 2003), and the catabolism of small molecules (Stead et al., 2004). The sources of one-carbon moieties for cytoplasmic one-carbon metabolism include formate,serine,histidine,andpurines. 7, Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase; 8, 10-Formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase; 9, 10-Formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase; 10, 10-Formyltetrahydofolate dehydroge- nase; 11 and 12, Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase and Phosphoribo- sylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase; 13, 5,10-Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase; 14 and 15, Glycine formiminotransferase/formimidoyltetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminaseandGlutamateformiminotransferase/formimidoyltetrahydrofolatecyclo- deaminase;16,Cytoplasmicserinehydroxymethyltransferase;17,Methenyltetrahydrofo- latesynthetase;18,5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolatedehydrogenase(NADP-dependent); 19, Thymidylate synthase; 20, Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; 21, Methionine synthase;22,GlycineN-methyltransferase;23,Dihydrofolatereductase.