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ISTU 2014 Program Covers_0214 2/28/14 9:35 AM Page 1 International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound 14th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound Final Program and Abstracts Book April 2–5, 2014 Caesars Palace | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA www.istu.org More effective for you, a real alternative for her. Antwerp, Surgery can be a daunting prospect forB ehlgeiur,m that’s why Philips has designed Sonalleve MR-HIFU. It takes non-invasive MR-HIFU treatment to a new level with advanced planning, real time temperature monitoring and volumetric ablation. This combination of MR and HIFU allows fast and targeted ablation of uterine fibroids. Improve your healthcare services while restoring her balance. Discover how MR-HIFU can benefit both her and you at www.philips.com/Sonalleve. The Philips Sonalleve MR-HIFU uterine fibroid therapy system is not for sale in North America. Thank You to our Sponsors:! ! Gold Sponsors:! Philips Healthcare! Focused Ultrasound Foundation! Bronze Sponsors:! Alpinion Medical Systems! Insightec! Verasonics! Sponsors:! Imasonic! PZFlex! Electronics & Innovation ! Precision Acoustics! Sonic Concepts! JJ&A Instruments  InSightec Advantages By The Numbers 11,000 patients treated worldwide 180 physicians use the technology worldwide 100 systems installed in 20 countries 185 peer reviewed clinical publications 30 research centers 20 completed global clinical trials 10 new indications being treated in clinical research 5 indications CE marked 5 generations of transducers 2 FDA approvals Wed  April  2 Thurs  April  3 Pre-­‐Mee3ng  Educa3onal  Sessions Scien3fic  Sessions  Day  1 Clinical  Track   Basic  Science  Track   Floren.ne  Ballroom  III/IV Floren.ne  Ballroom  I/II MR-­‐Guided  IFU  Therapy:     Plenary  Lectures:  MRgFUS  in  the  Clinical  Se8ng   8:00  AM Clinical  Introduc.on     Science  Primer  on  Therapeu.c   Young-­‐Sun  Kim,  MD Ultrasound:  Wave  Physics  and   Pompeian  Ballroom Bioeffects                                                                                               US  IMAGING  IN  CLINICAL  FUS   Vera  Khokhlova,  PhD  and     Plenary  Lecture  -­‐-­‐  Wady  Gedroyc,  MD                                                                                                                                 8:30  AM TREATMENTS       Jean-­‐François  Aubry,  PhD 8:30  AM MRgFUS  of  the  Body Shin-­‐ichiro  Umemura,  MD Can  We  Unleash  the  Power  of  An.-­‐ Plenary  Lecture  -­‐-­‐  Jeff  Elias,    MD                                                                                                                             9:00  AM HIFU  for  Prostate  cancer:  Current   9:00  AM Tumor  Immunity  Through  Thermal/ Transcranial  MRgFUS  for  the  Treatment  of  Neurologic  Disease Status  and  Future  Trends   Ultrasound  Therapies?                                               Chris.an  Chaussy,  MD Elizabeth  Repasky,  PhD 9:30  AM 9:30  AM Coffee  Break 10:00  AM Tips  and  Trick  for  Successful  Focused   Ultrasound  Treatment  of  Symptoma.c   FUS:  Principles  and  Instrumenta.on    Scien.fic  Sessions:   Scien.fic  Sessions:   Uterine  Fibroids                                                                     Design     10:30  AM Elizabeth  Stewart,  MD  and       Kullervo  Hynynen,  PhD   Clinical  Applica.ons   Therapeu.c  Agent   Gina  Hesley,  MD and  Treatment   Deliv!ery   10:00  AM Assess!ment   ! 11:00  AM Delivering  the  Right  Dosage  in  US   Ultrasonic  Imaging  in  Clinical  Focused   Treatments:  Measurements  and   Ultrasound  Treatments                                                                 Floren.ne  Ballroom  I/II Floren.ne  Ballroom  III/IV Standards     11:30  AM Lian  Zhang,  MD Gail  ter  Haar,  PhD 12:00  PM Lunch  Provided  in  the  Exhibit  Hall 12:00  PM Break  for  Lunch 12:30  PM 1:00  PM HIFU  for  Emerging  Applica.ons-­‐   Cavita.on  and  its  Role  in  Therapeu.c   Poster  Se!ssion  1   Overview                                                                                                                U      l  t  r  asound                                                              1    :  1      5    PM 1:30  PM Yael  Inbar,  MD Larry  Crum,  PhD Roman  Ballroom  I/II 2:00  PM Enabling  Targeted  Drug  Delivery  to  the   Treatment  of  Painful  Bone  Metastases   Scien.fic  Sessions:   Scien.fic  Sessions:   BBB  Via  US-­‐Induced  BBB  Disrup.on,   Using  MR  Guided  High  Intensity   and  Sonothrombolysis     Pros!tate   Using,  Monitoring,  and   Focused  Ultrasound                                                                                             2:30  PM Nathan  McDannold,  PhD  and       2:15  PM ! Enhancing  !Cavita.on   Pejman  Ghanouni,  MD Stephen  Meairs,  MD Floren.ne  Ballroom  I/II Floren.ne  Ballroom  III/IV 3:00  PM MR  Guided  Focused  Ultrasound  for   Current  Neurosurgical  Indica.ons  and   US-­‐Mediated  Drug  and  Gene  Delivery     Future  Poten.al  for  Other  Indica.ons                               Kathy  Ferrara,  PhD 3:30  PM 3:35  PM Coffee  Break Stephen  Monteith,  MD Microbubbles  as  Carrier  Systems:   Applica.on  for  Ultrasound-­‐Triggered   4:00  PM Drug  and  Gene  Delivery          Alexander   Lithotripsy:  State  of  the  Art                                                 Klibanov,  PhD  Scien.fic  Sessions:   Scien.fic  Sessions:   Robin  Cleveland,  PhD Bra!in   Transd!ucers   4:00  PM US  Therapy  at  Low  Intensity:  Non-­‐ 4:30  PM Thermal  Bioeffects  and  Biophysics     Floren.ne  Ballroom  I/II Floren.ne  Ballroom  III/IV Alfred  Yu,  PhD 5:00  PM Q&A    With  the  Speakers 5:30  PM 5:30  PM Adjourn 6:00  PM Reception Fri  April  4 Sat  April  5 Scien0fic  Sessions  Day  2 Scien0fic  Sessions  Day  3 8:30  AM Announcement  of  2014  Lizzi  and  Fry  Award  Winners 8:30  AM Announcement  of  Student  Awards Plenary  Lectures:    From  Basic  Science  to  The   2013  ISTU  Award  Plenary  Lectures   Clinical  Future   Pompeian  Ballroom Pompeian  Ballroom 2013  Lizzi  Award  Lecture  -­‐-­‐  Hao  Li  Liu,  Ph.D.                           Plenary  Lecture  -­‐-­‐  Mark  Dewhirst,  D.V.M.,  Ph.D.                                                           8:40  AM 8:40  AM FUS  BBB  Opening  and  CNS  Drug  Delivery:  An  Overview  Combining  ThermosensiSve  Liposomes  with  Ultrasound   2013  Fry  Award  Lecture  -­‐-­‐  Feng  Wu  ,  MD                                                                                                                             Plenary  Lecture  -­‐-­‐    Willem  Mali,  M.D.,                                                                                                                               9:10  AM 9:10  AM Is  HIFU  Therapy  an  Emerging  Discipline  in  Medicine? HIFU    Amidst  other  minimal  and  non-­‐invasive  treatments   9:40  AM Coffee  Break 9:40  AM Coffee  Break  ScienSfic  Sessions:   ScienSfic  Sessions:   Other  Hardware  and   Sonothrombolysis   ScienSfic  Sessions:   ScienSfic  Sessions:   Syste!ms   and  Other   10:10  AM Monitoring!  Methods   BBB  Op!ening   10:10  AM ! Microbubble-­‐ Enhanced  Therapies   FlorenSne  Ballroom  I/II FlorenSne  Ballroom  III/IV FlorenSne  Ballroom  I/II FlorenSne  Ballroom  III/IV Hot  Topic  Debates                                                                                                                                                                                                           1)  US  vs  MR-­‐guidance  for  extracranial  HIFU  ApplicaSons                                           11:30  AM Kullervo  Hynynen  vs.  Larry  Crum                                                                                                                                                                                                               12:00  PM Break  for  Lunch 2)  HIFU  is  an  appropriate  modality  to  treat  Localized   Breast  Cancer                David  Brenin/Dennis  Parker  vs.   Alessandro  Napoli/Chrit  Moonen Poster  Se!ssion  2   12:30 Adjourn 1:15  PM Roman  Ballroom  I/II ScienSfic  Sessions:   ScienSfic  Sessions:   Mode!ling   Sonopo!raSon   2:15  PM FlorenSne  Ballroom  I/II FlorenSne  Ballroom  III/IV 3:35  PM Coffee  Break ScienSfic  Sessions:   ScienSfic  Sessions:   Lithotripsy  and   Treatment!  Planning   4:00  PM Histot!ripsy   ! FlorenSne  Ballroom  I/II FlorenSne  Ballroom  III/IV 5:30  PM Adjourn 18:00 Dinner  Gala  at  the  Stratosphere Dear ISTU Colleagues and Friends,   It is a great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the 14th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU’14) in Las Vegas on April 2 – 5, 2014. Our Annual meeting provides an excellent forum for basic scientists, clinicians, and physicists/engineers from industry to meet face-to-face, exchange ideas, and renew friendships. We are proud of the high level of participation by students and young scientists and engineers at this meeting. We hope that our young scientists will take advantage of this meeting to develop their professional networks as they enrich the meeting with their fresh ideas that will define the future of the field. ISTU continues to attract members from all parts of the world with major participation from Asia, Europe, and North America. Our meeting this year is held in coordination with the AIUM Annual Convention following a very successful experiment in 2011. We believe this will be a beneficial model for the memberships of ISTU and AIUM as well as the larger biomedical ultrasound community. For this first time this year, ISTU’14 will feature a pre- meeting educational day covering physical principles and clinical aspects of therapeutic ultrasound. Dr. Butts-Pauly initiated and planned this meeting with help from Dr. Arik Hananel and Dr. Alfred Yu. The Society is grateful for these efforts and we hope this becomes a permanent feature of ISTU meetings in the future. Meetings like ISTU’14 are the fruit of volunteer work of many individuals who give generously of their time and energy. ISTU is fortunate to have the outstanding efforts of Dr. Kim Butts Pauly, the ISTU’14 Chair and the Organizing Committee, Dr. Joo-Ha Hwang (Sponsorship/Exhibits Chair), Dr. Jean-Francois Aubry (Student Travel Award Chair), our AIUM support team and many others who continue to work towards a successful completion of ISTU’14. ISTU’14 promises to be one of our most successful meetings in terms of providing an excellent integration between of basic science, engineering, and clinical practice. The addition of the educational day on April 2 will provide an opportunity for students and practitioners alike to develop a deeper understanding of the physics, bioeffects, and clinical aspects of focused ultrasound. This event is included in the registration fee and outstanding speakers in the field will present the lectures. We encourage you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity. Finally, we hope that you will enjoy the venue and the other activities including the welcome reception and the ISTU Special Event Dinner. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in Las Vegas. Emad S Ebbini President of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Minnesota Dear Colleagues, ! Welcome to the 2014 ISTU Meeting in Las Vegas! ! This meeting has been in the planning for over a year. I’d like to thank the many people who helped make it possible. This includes the program committee members, the reviewers, the education course speakers, and the moderators. Thank you all. ! In addition, I’d like to thank the AIUM/ISTU office for their contributions, including Jenny Clark, Brenda Kinney, Danielle Delanko, and Angela Marinelli. ! Most importantly, I’d like to thank my assistant Kellison Pack who did yeoman’s work pulling together the program book on the very tight schedule.! Please enjoy the meeting, including the Friday party at the Stratosphere, which should be thrilling. ! -­‐Kim Butts Pauly   ! Program  Commi+ee   Alfred Yu Dennis Parker Mike Marx Urvi Vyas Arik Hananel Emad Ebbini Nathan McDannold Vera Khokhlova Beat Werner Feng Wu Patrick Ye Viola Rieke Brian Fowlkes Guofeng Shen Rachelle Bitton Wen-Shiang Chen Chris Diederich Jean-François Aubry Ron Watkins Yoichiro Matsumoto Chrit Moonen Joo Ha Hwang Sham Sokka Yufeng Zhou Cyril Lafon Juan Plata Stephen Meairs ! Reviewers   Adam Maxwell David Cranston Kathy Ferrarra Rajiv Chopra Adam Shaw Dennis Parker Kullervo Hynynen Rares Salomir Alfred Yu Doug Christiansen Larry Crum Robert Staruch Allison Payne Eitan Kimmel Leonid Gavrilov Robin Cleveland Arik Hananel Emad Ebbinni Lili Chen Ron Watkins Aurea Pascal-Tenorio Ernst Martin Mario Ries Seung-Schik Yoo Beat Werner Feng Wu Mathieu Pernot Sham Sokka Bradford Wood Gail ter Haar Matsumoto Yoichiro Stephen Meairs Brian Fowlkes Gerald Harris Max Wintermark Urvi Vyas Charles Cain Greg Clement Michael Bailey Vera Khokhlova Chris Diederich Hao-Li Liu Michael Canney Viola Rieke Christy Holland Jahan Tavakkoli Nathan McDannold Volker Wilkens Chrit Moonen Jason Stafford Nick Todd Wayne Kreider Chuck Dumoulin Jean Yves Chapelon Nico de Jong Will Grissom Constantin Coussios Jean-Francois Aubry Oleg Sapozhnikov WS Chen Craig Meyer Joo Ha Hwang Patrick Ye Cyril Lafon Juan Plata Rachelle Bitton R O O L F D R N O O O C L F E S D N R MA 11:01 APPIAN WAY SHOPSCOLOSSEUM WAY 4 - Business Center - Poker Room1/ - Carina - Pure Nightclub21 - Color Boutique - Pussycat Dolls Pit/2 - Colosseum Cigars - Race & Sports Book - Emperors Essentials - Seahorse Bar - Forever Flawless - Sports Bar - Home - King Baby - Olive & BeautyCOURT OF FOUNTAINS - Optica - Apostrophe BarAPPIAN WAY SHOPS - P!Q - Bacchanal BuffetPalace Tower - - Business Center - Beijing Noodle No. 9 - Statue of David - CarinaConference Center - - Sun Gods - Empress Court - Color Boutique - Travel Plus - Payard Pâ - Colosseum Cigars - Vittorio - Rao’s - Emperors Essentials - Forever FlawlessAUGUSTUS TOWER - HomeFORUM CASINO - Caesars Exclusively! - King Baby - Box Office - Central - Colosseum Boutique - Olive & Beauty - Color A Salon By Michael Boychuck - Cypress Street Marketplace - Optica - Concierge Desk - FIZZ Las Vegas - Emperors Essentials - P!Q - Forum Shops Entrance - Fitness CenterPalace Tower - Forum Tower - - Golf Desk - Statue of David - Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill - Hotel Registration - Mesa Grill - Sun Gods - Qua® Baths and Spa - Numb Bar - Travel Plus - Restaurant Guy Savoy - Parking Garage - Seven Stars® and Diamond Lounge - Vittorio - The Colosseum - Starbucks - Total Rewards - The Laurel Collection Registration AUGUSTUS TOWER - Caesars Exclusively! - CentralCOLOSSEUM WAYNOBU WAY - Color A Salon By Michael Boychuck - Cleopatra’s Barge - Poker Room - Concierge Desk - Pure NightclubNobu Hotel - - Emperors Essentials - Pussycat Dolls Pit - Nobu Restaurant & Lounge - Race & Sports Book - Old Homestead Steakhouse - Fitness CenterAUGUSTUS TOWER SECO - Seahorse Bar - Security - Golf Desk - Sports Bar - Shadow Bar - Hotel Registration - Qua® Baths and Spa - Restaurant Guy SavoyPALACE CASINOCOURT OF FOUNTAINS - Seven Stars® and Diamond Lounge - Bell Desk - Apostrophe Bar - Cashier - Starbucks - Bacchanal Buffet - Casino Host - Beijing Noodle No. 9 - The Laurel Collection Registration - Galleria BarConference Center - Roman Tower - - Empress Court - Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro - Rao’s RESTAURANTS ANDFORUM CASINO - Box OfficeRETAIL - Colosseum Boutique - Cypress Street Marketplace - FIZZ Las VegasAUGUSTUS TOWERESTROOMS - Forum Shops EntranceForum Tower - - Gordon Ramsay Pub & GrillELEVATORS - Mesa Grill - Numb Bar - Parking Garage - The Colosseum - Total Rewards NOBU WAY - Cleopatra’s BargeNobu Hotel - - Nobu Restaurant & Lounge - Old Homestead Steakhouse - SecurityWER SECOND FLOOR - Shadow Bar PALACE CASINO - Bell Desk - Cashier - Casino Host2 - Galleria Bar Roman Tower - ddni.2VRESTAURANTS AND BAR_retsoRETAILPiniM_RESTROOMS11x5.ELEVATORS8_231001 O T APPIAN WAY SHOPS - Business Center - Carina - Color Boutique - Colosseum Cigars - Emperors Essentials - Forever Flawless - Home - King Baby - Olive & Beauty - Optica - P!QPalace Tower - - Statue of David - Sun Gods - Travel Plus - Vittorio AUGUSTUS TOWER - Caesars Exclusively! - Central - Color A Salon By Michael Boychuck - Concierge Desk - Emperors Essentials - Fitness Center - Golf Desk - Hotel Registration - Qua® Baths and Spa - Restaurant Guy Savoy - Seven Stars® and Diamond Lounge - Starbucks - The Laurel Collection Registration COLOSSEUM WAY - Poker Room - Pure Nightclub - Pussycat Dolls Pit - Race & Sports Book - Seahorse BarAUGUSTUS - Sports Bar COURT OF FOUNTAINS - Apostrophe Bar - Bacchanal Buffet - Beijing Noodle No. 9Conference Center - - Empress Court - Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro - Rao’s FORUM CASINO - Box Office - Colosseum Boutique - Cypress Street Marketplace - FIZZ Las Vegas - Forum Shops EntranceForum Tower - - Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill - Mesa Grill - Numb Bar - Parking Garage - The Colosseum - Total Rewards C. 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K spohS yaW naippA L COME T COLOSSEUM WAY - Poker Room - Pure Nightclub - Pussycat Dolls Pit - Race & Sports Book - Seahorse Bar - Sports Bar COURT OF FOUNTAINS - Apostrophe Bar - Bacchanal Buffet - Beijing Noodle No. 9Conference Center - - Empress Court - Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro - Rao’s FORUM CASINO - Box Office - Colosseum Boutique - Cypress Street Marketplace - FIZZ Las Vegas - Forum Shops EntranceForum Tower - - Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill - Mesa Grill - Numb Bar - Parking Garage - The Colosseum - Total Rewards WER SECONOWER – SECOND F T L OS yaW muessoloC U E TT S W APPIAN WAY SHOPS - Business Center - Carina - Color Boutique - Colosseum Cigars - Emperors Essentials - Forever Flawless - Home - King Baby - Olive & Beauty - Optica - P!QPalace Tower - - Statue of David - Sun Gods - Travel Plus - Vittorio AUGUSTUS TOWER - Caesars Exclusively! - Central - Color A Salon By Michael Boychuck - Concierge Desk - Emperors Essentials - Fitness Center - Golf Desk - Hotel Registration - Qua® Baths and Spa - Restaurant Guy Savoy - Seven Stars® and Diamond Lounge - Starbucks - The Laurel Collection Registration AUGUSTUSAUGU (cid:115)(cid:47)(cid:38)(cid:104)(cid:883)(cid:1006)(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:1004) Pre-Clinical High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) System Key Advantages: (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Ultrasound guided non-invasive procedure (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Real-time monitoring (cid:115)(cid:47)(cid:38)(cid:104)(cid:3)(cid:1006)(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:1004) (cid:3) (cid:891) Precise targeting for accurate treatment (cid:904)Dry(cid:905) (converged by ALPINION’s proprietary HIFU and imaging transducer technologies) (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Wet or Dry platform to accommodate various applications (easy and fast switching between Wet and Dry platform, depending on types of study) (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Turnkey bench-top system ideally designed for laboratory Applications: (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Solid tumor ablation Imaging Platform (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Cavitation effect study (E-Cube 9) (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Histotripsy (cid:115)(cid:47)(cid:38)(cid:104)(cid:3)(cid:1006)(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:1004) (cid:3) (cid:891) In-vivo / Ex-vivo study (cid:904)Wet(cid:905) (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Animal treatment (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Enhanced drug delivery study (cid:3) (cid:891)(cid:3)Opening the blood brain barrier (BBB) For more information: www.AlpinionUSA.com/VIFU

will be a beneficial model for the memberships of ISTU and AIUM as well as the Ultrasonic imaging in ultrasound guided HIFU (high intensity focused .. and kidney cancer, benign thyroid nodules, hyperparathyroidism, Dahl 4, Kurt H Albertine 4, Douglas A. Christensen 5, 6, Dennis L Parker 1.
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