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Fly by Night Physics How Physicists Use the Backs of Envelopes PDF

455 Pages·2020·8.457 MB·English
by  A. Zee
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Preview Fly by Night Physics How Physicists Use the Backs of Envelopes

Fly by Night Physics Fly by Night Physics How Physicists Use the Backs of Envelopes A. Zee PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD Copyright(cid:2)c 2020byPrincetonUniversityPress Requestsforpermissiontoreproducematerialfromthiswork [email protected] PublishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress 41WilliamStreet,Princeton,NewJersey08540 6OxfordStreet,Woodstock,OxfordshireOX201TR press.princeton.edu AllRightsReserved LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2020942704 ISBN978-0-691-18254-4 ISBN(e-book)978-0-691-20773-5 BritishLibraryCataloging-in-PublicationDataisavailable Editorial:IngridGnerlichandArthurWerneck ProductionEditorial:KarenCarter TextDesign:LorraineDoneker Jacket/CoverDesign:KarlSpurzem Production:JacquelinePoirier Publicity:MatthewTaylorandAmyStewart Copyeditor:CydWestmoreland ThisbookhasbeencomposedinSabonwithITCStoneSansfordisplay Printedonacid-freepaper.∞ PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ∗ To the memory of my late colleague Joseph Polchinski ∗IfeelsurethatJoewouldhavelikedthiskindofphysics. Contents Preface xi Dimensionsandfundamentalconstants xxi I Dimensional analysis: from a not so secret to an allegedly secret weapon 1 1. Dimensionalanalysis:anotsosecretweapon 3 2. FromKepler’slawtoblackholes 12 3. Bohr’satomandHeisenberg’suncertaintyprinciple: oppositionandcompromise 22 4. Thedullfunctionhypothesis 28 5. MatchwitswithEinsteinoverdiffusionanddissipation 34 6. Energyreleasedinthefirstatomicbombtest 40 Interlude:Mathmedley1 45 II Telecommunication is possible 51 1. Electromagnetism:strangedimensions 53 2. Theemissionofelectromagneticwaves 58 3. Electromagneticradiationfrommovingpointcharges andComptonscattering 65 4. Relativisticeffectsbypromotionandcompletion 78 III Quantum physics: tunneling in stars, scaling, atoms, and black holes 83 1. FromdrawingtheSchrödingerwavefunction totunnelinginstars 85 2. Scalingandtheimportanceofbeingclean 96 3. TheLandauprobleminquantummechanics 105 viii Contents 4. Atomicphysics 110 5. Blackbodyradiation 116 Awordofencouragementtothereader: ongettingconfusedbyphysics 126 IV Planck gave us units: black hole radiation and Einstein gravity 129 1. PlanckgaveusGod-givenunits 131 2. Aboxofphotonsandthepowerofnaturalunits 139 3. Blackholeshaveentropy:Hawkingradiation 144 4. WhenEinsteingravitymeetsthequantum 152 Interlude:Mathmedley2 158 V From ideal gas to Einstein condensation 163 1. IdealBoltzmanngas 165 2. VanderWaals:masteroftheenvelope 169 3. Quantumgases 175 4. GuessingtheFermi-Diracdistribution 181 5. Einsteincondensation 191 VI Symmetry and superb theorems 197 ProloguetoPartVI 199 1. Symmetry,fearfulorfearless 200 2. Galileo,viscosity,andtimereversalinvariance 207 3. Newton’stwosuperbtheorems:whereishell? 214 VII Stars, black holes, the universe, and gravity waves 221 1. Stars 223 2. Collapseintoblackholes 234 3. Theexpandinguniverse 238 4. Powerradiatedingravitywaves 249 Interlude:Mathmedley3 260 VIII From surfing to tsunamis, from dripping faucets to mammalian lungs 267 1. Waterwaves 269 2. Aphysicistattheseashore 278 Contents ix 3. Surfacetensionandripples 285 4. Fromdrippingfaucetstomammalianlungs andwaterstriders 291 5. Drag,viscosity,andReynoldsnumber 295 IX From private neutrinos to charm 301 ProloguetoPartIX 303 1. Alightningintroductiontoparticlephysics andquantumfieldtheory 305 2. Weakinteraction:afewbasicfacts 316 3. Privateneutrinos 328 4. Strangenessandcharm 336 Appendices 347 Cp: Criticalpoints 347 Del: Deltafunction 350 Eg: Einsteingravity:alightningreview 354 ENS: FromEulertoNavierandStokes 363 FSW: Finitesquarewell 367 Gal: Galileaninvarianceandfluidflow 371 Gr: Greenfunctions 374 Grp: Groupversusphasevelocity 380 L: RadialpartoftheLaplacian 383 M: Maxwell’sequations:abriefreview 389 N: Newton’stwosuperbtheoremsandthesecond squarerootalert 396 VdW: FlybydayderivationofvanderWaals’slawfrom firstprinciples 398 Timeline 401 Solutionstoselectedexercises 403 Suggestedreading 411 Index 413

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