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Fluid Dynamics of Jet Amplifiers: Course held at the Department of Hydro- and Gasdynamics September 1970 PDF

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INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES C 0 U R S E S A N D L E C T U R E S - No. 66 ARIO ROMITI TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF TURIN FLUID DYNAMICS OF JET AMPLIFIERS COURSE HELD AT THE DEPARTMENT OF HYDRO - AND GASDYNAMICS SEPTEMBER 1970 Springer-Verlag Wien GmbH 1970 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1972 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by Springer-Verlag Wien-New York in 1972 ISBN 978-3-211-81152-8 ISBN 978-3-7091-2880-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2880-0 PREFACE Jet amplifiers are the basic devices on which most of fluidic control systems rely. Signal amplification is obtained by controlling the deviation of a jet. In order to have an insight of the phenomenon, one must investigate the dynamic behaviour of the flow into the device. The fluid dynamics of separated flow has to be considered, taking in to account the eventual reattachment of the stream. In the short course that is presented here, the fundamental laws de scribing free jet spreading are first given ; then, the effect of nearby walls is con sidered. These preliminary concepts are used for examination of jet interactions, stability, vibrations. Finally, conclusions about jet amplifier design, either of bistable or proportional type, are drawn. Udine, September 1970 Chapter I SUBMERGED JETS The fluid flow issuing from a nozzle into a sur rounding medium is called a jet. A submerged jet spreads out in a medium made of its same fluid. The flow velocity at the nozzle output is approx imately uniform. A potential core can be observed, that keeps the same velocity at any point, but decreases in size until fi nally it vanishes. A growing boundary layer appears, that is lim ited at its inner side by the potential core, and at its outer side it has free boundaries; it makes little difference if one considers an infinite layer with asymptotic velocity profilas or a finite thickness layer limited by a line joining the zero axial velocity boundary points.(see Fig.l.l). The boundary layer is due to mixing and entra'inment ef fects between the stream issued from the nozzle and the surreund ing fluid. Such effects are due in their turn to the properties of viscous fluid, that allow a Fig. 1.1 continuous transfer of mass and 6 Chap. I. Submerged jets momentum between the gas issued from the nozzle and the ambient gas. As any flow, jet flow may be laminar or turbulent, depending upon the relative importance of viscous and inertia stresses. Pure viscous stresses obey to the Newton law: 'C=~g~ ( 1.1) where p 1. s the v1. scos1. t y coe ff.1 c1. ent , ecli nu , the velocity gra- dient normal to the streamlines, and 1:' is the tangential stress. Tangential stresses in laminar flow are given by eq. ( l.l) . Laminar flow is characterized by smooth, separate streamline patterns. The ratio between inertia and viscous stresses is 7V l. V characterized by the Reynolds number' Re = where is v the flow speed, is the kinematic viscosity, and l, is a char- acteristic dimension of the flow. When the Reynolds number increases beyond a cer- tain value, laminar flow becomes unstable; an eddy motion ap- pears, that produces mixing among different fluid layers. Transition from laminar to turbulent motion oc- curs even for smaller Reynolds numbers, if some disturbances in- teract with the stream. The velocity in turbulent motion is given by a Jets equations 7 mean velocity plus a fluctuation velocity, whose time-averaged value is zero. For example, in plane motion, the instantaneous velocity components U. and 1Y are given as sum of the mean veloc itios u. and '-\1' and of the fluctuation components u,I and '\1' I : . u, = u, + lA.' ' '\1' := ". + '\1' I (1,2) where the time integrals of U: and v'along a sufficiently long time interval are null. The momentum equation relative to the X axis can be written in the form: + ". i) u. 1 cJ p ( 1. 3) i)':l ~ iJx. In the case of laminar motion along the X axis, ~ is given by eq. (1.1), therefore it is iJ 'txy ( 1.4) ~ iJy In the case of turbulent motion, the pure viscous stresses (1.1) if one considers only the mean values of the velo~ ities, must be increased by a factor due to the momentum trans- fer from one to the other flow layer. Consider now a motion one-dimensional on the aver age. A particle having a component velocity u, relative to the X axis has a fluctuation velocity "\7' I relative to the y 8 Chap, I. Submerged jets axis. Being u. = lA. + U:, a momentum f? u; \T' is transferred in each time unit through the unit surface of any layer. By averaging, one obtains a pure turbulent stress: ( 1. 5) One can note that U.I '\1 I may be different from ze ro ( if a "correlation degree" exists _between the fluctuation velocity components ~·and ~'), even if the averaged values of the fluctuation velocities are always null according to their defi- nition. In turbulent motion, the stresses (1.1) and (1.5) are both present, but usually the stresses given by (1.5) exceed by far the pure viscous stresses (1.1), that can then be neglec~ ed. An exact analysis of turbulent motion is not a- vailable at the present time; several theories have been estab- lished, that account for the global effect of turbulence on the motion of sizeable quantities of fluid. Prandtl's mixing lenght theory was issued in1925, It states that a fluid particle preserves averagingly its initial velocity until its transverse displacement ceases, after which its velocity jumps to the value of the velocity of the new flow layer. cJU. If cJy is the mean transverse velocity gradient, Mixing lenght hypothesis 9 one has (1.6) Furthermore, the fluctuation velocity components U: and v' are of the same order of magnitude. One obtains there fore: I T == ntz. au . I ü ü, 0. 7) r.y T Üy Üy where t is the mixing lenght, a local characteristic quantity of the fluid motion. Prandtl's mixing lenght theory for free turbulence advances the hypothesis of constant mixing lenght 1. in each transverse section of the flow. This hypothesis is justified by the absence of walls; near them the mixing lenght would decrease. It remains to be taken into account the mixing lenght variation in the stream direction. The similarity of velocity profiles can be assumed for "fully developed" jets, that is in a region sufficiently far from the nozzle so that the boundary layer fills entirely the cross section. The mixing lenght, that varies proportionally to a characteristic lenght,can be assumed proportional to the width b of the jet. If one compares formulas (1.7) and (1.1), one can 10 Chap, I. Submerged jets write eq.(1.7) in the form: ( 1.8) where E is an apparent kinematic viscosity, according to the Boussinesq's definition. The mixing length theory gives: ( 1. 9) cJU. Therefore & should be null when -iJy- = 0 , that is not confirmed by experimental results. Anyway, the gross results obtained from this hy- pothesis are in good agreement with experiments. In order to remove the inconsistencies of his for rner hypothesis, Prandtl announced in 1942 a new free turbulence hypothesis. Here the apparent kinematic viscosity, E , instead of the mixing length t , is assumed to be constant in any cross section, According to this hypothesis, E is proportional to the local rnixing region width, b , and to the difference bet- ween minimum and maximum velocities in the cross section: ( 1.10) where k is a constant. If one considers a fully developed jet flowing through fluid at rest, b is the jet width, and U.mi.n = 0 ; there

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