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Preview Fluctuations of Entropy Production in Partially Masked Electric Circuits: Theoretical Analysis

Fluctuations of Entropy Production in Partially Masked Electric Circuits: Theoretical Analysis K.-H. Chiang, C.-W. Chou, C.-L. Lee*, P.-Y. Lai, and Y.-F. Chen* Department of Physics, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan In this work we perform theoretical analysis about a coupled RC circuit with constant driven currents. Starting from stochastic differential equations, where voltages are subject to thermal 6 noises, we derive time-correlation functions, steady-state distributions and transition probabilities 1 of the system. The validity of the fluctuation theorem (FT)[1, 2] is examined for scenarios with 0 complete and incomplete descriptions. 2 n a I. THEORETICAL STUDY: THE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION J 8 We consider the coupled RC circuit as shown in Fig. 1. Two RC circuits of resistances and capacitances (R ,C ) 1 1 2 and (R ,C ), respectively, are coupled through a third capacitance C . The two RC circuits are subject to constant 2 2 c ] driven currents I1 and I2, and the voltage differences acrossthe resistors are denoted as V1 and V2, respectively. The h equation of state of this circuit is c e MˆV~˙ +V~ −ξ~=V~ , (1) d m V ξ I R R (C +C ) −R C t- where V~ ≡ V12 ,ξ~ ≡ ξ12 ,V~d ≡ I12R12 , and Mˆ ≡ 1−R12Cc c R2(C21+cCc) . The two resistors are a (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) thermalizedattemperatureT,whilevoltagesacrosstheresistorsfluctuateduetotheJohnson-Nyquist(thermal)noises t s ξ andξ . ThenoisesareassumedtobeuncorrelatedandGaussianwhite,andtheysatisfythefluctuation-dissipation . 1 2 t relation a m hξ~(s)ξ~T(s′)i=Γˆδ(s−s′), Γˆ ≡ Γ1 0 , (2) 0 Γ - 2 d (cid:18) (cid:19) with Γ ≡2R k T for m=1,2, where k is Boltzmann’s constant. n m m B B o c [ 2 v 6 7 7 4 0 . 1 0 6 FIG. 1. Illustration of thecoupled RCcircuit. 1 : v Via the change of variables V~′ ≡ V~ −V~ , the equation of state can be rewritten as MˆV~˙′ +V~′ = ξ~, which is i d X mathematically identical to that of a non-driven circuit. The solution of the stochastic equation is r t a V~′(t)=e−Mˆ−1tV~′(0)+ dsMˆ −1e−Mˆ−1(t−s)ξ~(s). (3) Zs=0 In our work we only focus on the steady-state condition, where the first term in Eq. 3 damps out. UsingEq.2andthefactthatΓˆ−1Mˆ issymmetric,time-correlationfunctionsbetweenvoltagesignalscanbederived as hV~′(t′)V~′T(t+t′)i t′ = dsMˆ−1e−Mˆ−1(t′−s)Γˆe−Mˆ−1,T(t+t′−s)Mˆ−1,T Z0 ∞ = dsMˆ−2e−Mˆ−1(2t′−2s+t)Γˆ −→ 1Mˆ−1e−Mˆ−1tΓˆ, (4) Z0 t′→∞ 2 2 and variances and covariances are just their special cases when t→0. Using the method of diagonalization, we then derive A e /λ +A e /λ ′ ′ ′ ′ 1 1 1 2 2 2 hV (t)V (t +t)i= 1 1 2(λ −λ )2 2 1 A e (λ −M )/λ +A e (λ −M )/λ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ 1 1 1 11 1 2 2 2 11 2 hV (t)V (t +t)i=hV (t)V (t +t)i= 1 2 2 1 2M (λ −λ )2 12 2 1 A e (λ −M )2/λ +A e (λ −M )2/λ ′ ′ ′ ′ 1 1 1 11 1 2 2 2 11 2 hV (t)V (t +t)i= , (5) 2 2 2M2 (λ −λ )2 12 2 1 whereλ1andλ2aretheeigenvaluesofMˆ (λ1isassignedasthelargerone),em ≡e−t/λm,A1 ≡Γ1(λ2−M11)2+Γ2M122, A ≡Γ (λ −M )2+Γ M2 , andM arethe (m,n) element of the matrix Mˆ. Moreover,the correlationsbetween 2 1 1 11 2 12 mn V~ and ξ~can be derived as hV~′(t′)ξ~T(t′+t)i=0 (no causality) and hξ~(t′)V~′T(t′+t)i=2hV~′(t′)V~′T(t+t′)i. The Fokker-Planckequation of the full circuit can be shown to be 1 ∂P(V~,t)/∂t=∇·[Mˆ −1V~′P(V~,t)]+ ∇·Mˆ−1Γˆ(Mˆ−1)T∇P(V~,t), (6) 2 and the steady-state distribution of V~ is P (V~)∼exp(−V~′TΓˆ−1MˆV~′). (7) ss Forconvenienceweusethesymbol“∼”todenotethattheequalityholdsuptosomenormalizingconstantthatremains invariantinthetime-reversalprocess. Notethatinthenon-drivencasetheexpressionreducestotheBoltzmannfactor of the stored energy in capacitors. The transition probability of the complete description, under an infinitesimal change in time, can be derived as P (V~(t+dt)|V~(t))∼e−dtξ~TΓˆ−1ξ~/2 =exp[−dt(MˆV~˙ +V~′)TΓˆ−1(MˆV~˙ +V~′)/2], (8) F where V~˙ ≡ [V~(t +dt)−V~(t)]/dt, and ξ~ represents the required noises for such transition. In the corresponding time-reversalprocess, P (V~(t)|V~(t+dt))∼exp[−dt(−MˆV~˙ +V~′′)TΓˆ−1(−MˆV~˙ +V~′′)/2], (9) R as one replaces V~˙ with −V~˙ and V~′ with V~′′ =V~ +V~ , the latter resulting from inversion of driven currents. Subse- d quently, the net dissipation can be shown to be P (V~(t+dt)|V~(t)) F dS =k ln Q B P (V~(t)|V~(t+dt)) R =−2k dtV~TΓˆ−1Mˆ V~˙ +2k dtV~TΓˆ−1V~ B B d =dtV~ ·~i /T, (10) R where~i represents the currents through the two resistors. The corresponding change in Shannon entropy is R P (V~(t+dt)) dlnP (V~(t)) ss ss dS =−k ln =−k dt Sh B Pss(V~(t)) B " dt # =2k dtV~′TΓˆ−1Mˆ V~˙ (11) B and the total entropy change dS =dS +dS is tot Q Sh dS =−2k dtV~ TΓˆ−1MˆV~˙ +2k dtV~TΓˆ−1V~ tot B d B d =dt(2V~′·I~ −ξ~·I~ +V~ ·I~)/T . (12) d d d d 3 For our current discussions, V~ and I~ are constants, and therefore dS is a Gaussian random variable, while d d tot hdS i=dtV~ ·I~/T =dt(I2R +I2R )/T. One can show that tot d d 1 1 2 2 hdS2 i−hdS i2 =(dt)2h(2V~′·I~ −ξ~·I~)2i/T2 tot tot d d =2k dtV~ ·I~/T =2k hdS i. (13) B d d B tot It is straightforward 1 to demonstrate that FT holds for any Gaussian random variable whose ratio of variance over meanvalueis 2k . Moreover,withthe aidoftime-correlationfunctions,one canalsodemonstratethe validity ofFT B over finite-time processes, where ∆S = τ dS , and h∆S i=τV~ ·I~/T. tot,τ t=0 tot tot,τ d d R II. REDUCED DESCRIPTION (A): NAIVE DESCRIPTION In the reduced descriptions, we neglect the signal V intentionally, and we would like to check whether FT can 2 still validate with the knowledge of V only. Note that since the current throught R is not measured, the actual 1 1 dissipationthroughtheresistorisnotknown,whilethereexistmanymethodstowardsguessinganeffectivedissipation simply from the time series of V . In this work we adopt two methods. In description (A), we treatthe time series of 1 V as that from a virtual single-RC circuit, and compute the current and therefore dissipation directly following the 1 equation of this simplified circuit. And in description (B), an effective dissipation can be derived using the ratio of forward and backward transition probabilities in V over infinitesimal timesteps. 1 We first derive the steady-state probability distribution in V : 1 V′2 C˜ V′2 P (V )= dV P (V ,V )∼exp − 1 =exp − 1 1 , (14) ss 1 Z 2 ss 1 2 (cid:18) M1I1Γ1(cid:19) 2kBT ! C C where Mˆ I ≡ Mˆ−1, and C˜ ≡ C + 2 c is the effective capacitance. Based on Eq. 14, we can develop a naive 1 1 C +C 2 c interpretation(“description(A)”),wherethemaskedcircuitistreatedasasingle-RCcircuitwithcapacitanceC˜ and 1 unmodifiedR adI . ThusR andI areneglectedintentionally. This effective single-RCcircuitcangivethe correct 1 1 2 2 steady-statedistributioninV . Alternatively,onecanregardthe time seriesofV asthatfromasingle-RCcircuit,as 1 1 the effective resistance and capacitance can be derived from its power spectrum, which can be shown to be identical with R and C˜ , respectively. 1 1 The total entropy change of this gedanken single-RC circuit, during an infinitesimal timestep, is P (V (t+dt)) dS˜(A) =dtV ˜i /T −k ln ss 1 , (15) 1tot 1 1 B P (V (t)) ss 1 where the first term on the RHS represents a “virtual” dissipation, as ˜i ≡ I −C˜ V˙ is the virtual current going 1 1 1 1 through R in this single-RC circuit. For the case of finite-time difference we have 1 1 τ ∆S˜(A) = dt(V I −V C˜ V˙ ). (16) 1tot,τ T 1 1 1d 1 1 Z0 Again one finds ∆S˜(A) to be Gaussian, while h∆S˜(A) i = I2R τ/T is the average virtual dissipation from R . 1tot,τ 1tot,τ 1 1 1 Using time-correlation functions, it is straightforwardto derive its variance: h(∆S˜(A) )2i−h∆S˜(A) i2 = 1tot,τ 1tot,τ 2k I2R R C2 M M B 1 1 τ − 1 c + 12 21 ·[λ (M +λ )e−τ/λ1 −λ (M +λ )e−τ/λ2] . (17) T C +C M2 (λ −λ ) 1 22 2 2 22 1 (cid:26) 2 c 22 1 2 (cid:27) Therefore,FTfailswiththeadoptionofsuchdissipationfunction,evenatthesmall-τ limit. Nevertheless,fromEq.17 one finds that this deviationbecomes less prominentat large τ. Moreover,one canalso show that the deviation from FT diminishes in the weak-coupling regime, as the deviation in variance from 2k h∆S˜(A) i is proportional to C2. B 1tot,τ c 1 Consider a Gaussian random variable x of average x0 and width σx. The corresponding symmetry function is Sym(x) = ln[P(x)/P(−x)] = 2x0x/σx2. Thus Gaussianity is a sufficient condition of the FT-like behavior. FT is valid if σx2 = 2x0 (in di- mensionlessunits;incases wherexmeans entropy thenFT validates ifσx2 =2kBx0),andforthecasewheretheobserved slopeisnot equalto1,FTcanbeeasilyrestoredwiththerescaledvariablex′=(2x0/σx2)x. 4 III. REDUCED DESCRIPTION (B): TRACE-OUT APPROACH Beside the above reduced description, one can define the effective dissipation function starting from the forward transitionprobabilityof V overinfinitesimal timesteps. It canbe derivedby tracing outthe degree offreedom inV : 1 2 P (V (t+dt)|V (t))= dV (t)dV (t+dt)P (V~(t+dt)|V~(t))P (V~)/P (V ) F 1 1 2 2 F ss ss 1 ZZ dt (M~I)TΓˆM~IV′ 2 ∼exp − V˙ + 1 1 1  2(M~1I)TΓˆM~1I " 1 M1I1Γ1 #  ≡exp[−dt(M˜V˙ +V′)2/(2Γ˜ )] (18)  1 1 1  to the lowest nonvanishing order, where M~I is a two-dimensional vector of elements MI and MI . Note that this 1 11 12 transition probability can be compared to that of a single-RC circuit with the aforementioned effective capacitance C C MI Γ C˜ ≡ C + 2 c , M˜ = R˜ C˜ = 11 1 = (MI )−1/(1+α), R˜ = R /(1+α), and I˜ = I (1+α), where 1 1 C2+Cc 1 1 (M~I)TΓˆM~I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M R C2 α≡ 12 21 = 1 c . And the renormalized noise amplitude parameter is M2 R (C +C )2 22 2 2 c Γ˜ =(M~I)TΓˆM~IM˜2 =Γ /(1+α), (19) 1 1 1 1 which is smaller than Γ . Since exp[−C˜ V′2/(2k T)] = exp(−M˜V′2/Γ˜ ), this effective single-RC circuit also gives 1 1 1 B 1 1 the correct steady-state probability distribution in V . 1 In this effective single-RC circuit, the reversed transition probability is derived simply by replacing V˙ with −V˙ 1 1 ′ and V with V +V in Eq. 18. The net dissipation and total entropy change are 1 1 1d P (V (t+dt)|V (t)) dS˜(B) =k ln F 1 1 =2k dt[V (V −M˜V˙ )/Γ˜ ] and (20) 1Q B P (V (t)|V (t+dt)) B 1 1d 1 1 R 1 1 P (V (t+dt)) dS˜(B) =dS˜(B)−k ln ss 1 =2k dtV (V −M˜V˙ )/Γ˜ , (21) 1tot 1Q B P (V (t)) B 1d 1 1 1 ss 1 respectively. Since dS˜(B) is linear in V and V˙ , the total entropy change is Gaussian. One can prove that FT is 1tot 1 1 satisfied for dS˜(B). However,violation still occurs in finite-time processes, where 1tot h∆S˜(B) i=2k τV2/Γ˜ =I2R τ(1+α)/T , (22) 1tot,τ B 1d 1 1 1 and 2k I2R h(∆S˜(B) )2i−h∆S˜(B) i2 = B 1 1 (1+α)2(τ −M )+R C˜ 1tot,τ 1tot,τ T 11 1 1 (cid:26) (λ −M )λ e−τ/λ1 −(λ −M )λ e−τ/λ2 +(1+α)2 2 11 1 1 11 2 λ −λ 2 1 (R C˜ )2 λ −M λ −M − 1 1 2 11 e−τ/λ1 − 1 11 e−τ/λ2 . (23) λ −λ λ λ 2 1 (cid:20)(cid:18) 1 (cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:21)(cid:27) Note that, on average,the reduced description (B) gives a larger total entropy change than description (A). [1] G. E. Crooks, Phys.Rev. E60, 2721 (1999). [2] U. Seifert, Rep. Prog. Phys.75, 126001 (2012).

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