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Fluctuation theorem in quantum heat conduction Keiji Saito1,2 and Abhishek Dhar3 1Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan 2CREST, Japan Science and Technology (JST), Saitama, 332-0012, Japan 3Raman Research Institute, Bangalore 560080, India 8 (Dated: February 6, 2008) 0 0 Weconsidersteadystateheatconductionacrossaquantumharmonicchainconnectedtoreservoirs 2 modelled by infinite collection of oscillators. The heat, Q, flowing across the oscillator in a time n interval τ is a stochastic variable and we study the probability distribution function P(Q). We a compute the exact generating function of Q at large τ and the large deviation function. The J generating function has a symmetry satisfying the steady state fluctuation theorem without any 4 quantumcorrections. Thedistribution P(Q)isnongaussian withclearexponentialtails. Theeffect of finite τ and nonlinearity is considered in the classical limit through Langevin simulations. We ] also obtain theprediction ofquantumheat currentfluctuationsatlow temperaturesin clean wires. h c PACSnumbers: 05.40.-a,05.70.Ln,44.10.+i,63.22.+m e m - A lot of interest has been generated recently in fluc- ofheatQistransferredfromabathattemperatureTLto t a tuations in entropy production in nonequilibrium sys- a bath at temperature TR (< TL) the entropy produced t tems. Severaldefinitionsofentropyproductionhavebeen S is given by S = (T−1 − T−1) Q. However, in gen- s R L . used and these give some measure of “second law viola- eral S is a stochastic variable with a distribution P(S). t a tions”. A number of authors have looked, both theoret- ThedistributionP(S)foranonlinearchainconnectedto m ically [1, 2, 3, 4] and in experiments [5, 6], at fluctu- Nose-Hooverbathswasstudiednumericallyin[10]where - ations of quantities such as work, power flux, heat ab- they verified that it satisfied SSFT. Refn. [11] studied d sorbed, etc. during nonequilibrium processes and these heat conduction in a nonlinear chain connected to free n o have been generically referred to as entropy production. phononreservoirs. Basedonstrongergodicityproperties c The new results, referredto as the fluctuation theorems, of the model, it was proved that P(S) ∼ eτh(σ) where [ make general predictions on the probability distribution h(σ) satisfied the SSFT symmetry. In a set-up with di- 2 P(S)oftheentropyS producedduringanonequilibrium rect tunneling between two finite systems, a transient v process [1, 2]. Specifically these theorems quantify the version of the heat exchange fluctuation theorem, valid 7 probability of negative entropy producing events which both for classical and quantum systems, was proved in 7 become significant if one is looking at small systems or [12]. 7 atsmalltimeintervals. Therearetwodifferenttheorems, 3 While the SSFT clearly presents a powerful theorem 0 the transient fluctuation theorem (TFT) and the steady for nonequilibrium systems, its validity has been estab- 7 statefluctuationtheorem(SSFT).TheTFT looksatthe 0 entropyproducedinafinitetimeτ inanon-steadystate. lished only in specific systems and so far only classically. / In the transient version, it was proved that quantum t InSSFT,onelooksata nonequilibriumsteadystate and a corrections are necessary for a dragged Brownian par- the averageentropy production rate over a long time in- m ticle [13]. Thus it is an open question as to whether terval τ is examined. The precise statement of SSFT is: - quantum corrections to SSFT exist in quantum heat d n 1 P(S =στ) transport and what the characteristics of the heat cur- lim ln =σ . (1) o τ→∞τ P(S =−στ) rent distribution are. This letter presents the first ex- c h i plicit calculation of h(σ) and demonstration of SSFT in v: Inthe contextofSSFT a quantityofgreatinterestisthe quantum heat conduction. We study steady state of a i large deviation function h(σ) which specifies the asymp- quantum harmonic chain connected to baths which are X totic form of the distribution function P(S) through the modelled by infinite oscillator sets. This model is rele- r relation P(S) ∼ eτh(σ) [2, 7]. An equivalent statement vant to recent experiments on mesoscopic quantum heat a of SSFT can be made in terms of a special symmetry of transport[14, 15], where the quantized thermal conduc- h(σ) which is: h(σ)−h(−σ) = σ. Remarkably, this re- tance g (T)=πk2T/(6~) was measured[15, 16]. We use 0 B lation has been shown to lead to linear response results themethodoffull-countingstatistics[17]tocomputethe such as Onsager reciprocity and the Green-Kubo rela- generating function of Q. We then show that the corre- tions [2, 8, 9]. Furthermore it leads to predictions for spondinglargedeviationfunctionsatisfiestheSSFTsym- properties in the far from equilibrium regime. metry condition. For finite τ we consider heat transport Heat conduction is a natural example where one acrosssmall chains and study the classicallimit through talks of entropy production. The standard result from Langevin simulations. We also consider the effect of in- nonequilibriumthermodynamicsisthatwhenanamount troducing nonlinearity in the oscillator potential. 2 Model.— Our model consists ofa harmonicchaincou- result for average heat current hIˆi [18]: pled to two heat baths kept at temperatures T and T L R ∞ 1 respectively. For the heat baths we assume the standard hIˆi = dω~ωT(ω)[ f (ω)−f (ω) ] , (4) L R model of an infinite collection of oscillators. The full 4π −∞ Z Hamiltonian is given by T(ω)=4Γ (ω)Γ (ω)|Gr (ω)|2 , L R 1,N Gr(ω)=[Mω2−K−Σr(ω)−Σr(ω)]−1 , (5) L R H = nXN=1(cid:18)2ppm22nn +mk2nωx22n(cid:19)+nXN=2λk2x(xn−2 xn−1)2 aewmnhdeenrΣetsrLM,[RΣ,(rLωK()ωaa)rr]mee,tsnhele=f-meΣnaerLsr(sgωay)nδcdmor,tnrheδecmtf,oi1orncaenmdcao[tnΣrsitrRcae(nsωtw)m]imtah,ntrei=lx- + ℓ + ℓ ℓ x − ℓ 1 Σr(ω)δ δ . Note that T(ω) is the transmission co- 2m 2 ℓ m ω2 R m,n m,N ℓ " ℓ (cid:18) ℓ ℓ(cid:19) # efficient for phonons while Gr(ω) is the phonon Green’s X p2 m ω2 λ x 2 function for the chain. + 2mr + r2 r xr − mr ωN2 , (2) Statistics of phononic heat transfer.— The heattrans- r " r (cid:18) r r(cid:19) # fer in time τ is given by hIˆiτ. Here we are interested X in the statistics of heat transfer in the nonequilibrium steady state and so need to calculate higher moments where {m ,x ,p ,k ,k} refer to the system degrees of n n n n of the heat transfer. The quantum Langevin approach freedom, {x ,p ,m ,ω } refers to the left reservoirwhile ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ caninprinciplebeusedtocomputecorrelationfunctions {x ,p ,m ,ω } refers to the right reservoir. The cou- r r r r at any order but this becomes increasingly cumbersome. pling constants between the system and the bath oscil- Instead we use the Keldysh approach which, as we will lators {λ ,λ } is switched on at time t = −∞. The ℓ r show, gives the generating function of the heat transfer. initial density matrix is assumed to be of the prod- Several definitions of Iˆ are possible depending on uct form ρ(−∞) = ρ ⊗ ρ ⊗ ρ , where S,L,R re- S L R where we evaluate the current. Here we consider the fer respectively to the system and left and right reser- currentfromthe leftreservoirintothe system(obtained voirs. The left and right density matrices are equilib- by takingatime-derivative ofenergyinthe left reservoir rium distributions corresponding to the respective tem- peratures: ρα = e−βαHα/Tr[e−βαHα] for α = L,R and HL = ℓ[p2ℓ/(2mℓ)+mℓωℓ2x2ℓ/2]): β =1/(k T ). α B α P λ Iˆ =− ℓ p x . (6) It canbe shown[18] that eliminating the bath degrees m ℓ 1 ℓ ℓ offreedomleads to aneffective quantumLangevinequa- X tionforthe system. Theeffectofthe bathsis toproduce We also define the average heat transfer operator Qˆ = noise, given by ηL,R(t), and dissipative effects controlled τ/2 dtIˆ(t). UsingtheKeldyshapproachletuscompute by memory kernels γ (t). The properties of the noise −τ/2 L,R the following quantity: and dissipation are completely determined by the initial R dcoenfidniittiioonnso.fLtehteηbath(ωs)a=t t =∞−d∞tγ. W(et)neoiωwt ,mγ˜ake(aωf)e=w Z(ξ)= →T e[~i R−∞∞dt(H−ϕ(t)I)] ←T e[−~i R−∞∞dt(H+ϕ(t)I)] , L,R −∞ L,R L,R ∞dtγ (t)eiωt and let Σr (ω)=−iωγ˜ (ω), which, D E 0 L,R RL,R L,R → as we will see later, gives the self energy correction where h...i denotes an average over the initial state, T cRoming from the baths to the Green’s function of the and ←T denote forward and reverse time ordering, and harmonic chain. We also define the spectral function thecountingfieldϕ(t)isdefinedasϕ(t)=−~ξ/2 for − JL(ω)= π2 ℓ mλℓ2ℓωℓδ(ω−ωℓ) for the left reservoir and a τ/2≤t≤τ/2 and zero elsewhere. It can be shown that similar funcPtion JR(ω) for the right reservoir. Then the lnZ(ξ) is the cumulant generating function for the heat dissipation kernels and noise correlations are given by: operator: ∞ (iξ)n 2 ∞ J (ω) lnZ(ξ)= hQˆni , (7) γ (t) = dω α cosωt n! c α π ω n=1 Z0 X hηα(ω)ηα(ω′)i = 4π~δ(ω+ω′)Γα(ω)(1+fα(ω))(3) where hQˆni is the nth order cumulant at large τ. c Hence the probability distribution of measuring a heat for α = L,R and where Γ (ω) = −Im{Σr(ω)} = transfer Q is obtained by taking the Fourier transform Jα(ω)Θ(ω)−Jα(−ω)Θ(−ω) anαd fα(ω)=1/(eβαα~ω−1). P(Q)= 21π −∞∞ dξ Z(ξ) e−iξQ . For large τ one obtains All higher noise correlations can be obtained from the Z(ξ)∼eτG(ξ)andP(Q)∼eτh˜(q)withh˜(q)=G(ξ∗)−iξ∗q R two-point correlator. Using the quantum Langevin ap- andwhere ξ∗ isthe solutionofthe saddle-pointequation proach it is straightforwardto derive the Landauer type dG(ξ∗)/dξ∗ −iq = 0. We evaluate G(ξ) using standard 3 path integral and Green’s function techniques along the 0 Keldysh contour. The final result is the following form: h˜(q)∝qβ R −1 ∞ −0.5 G(ξ) = dωln 1+T(ω)[f (−ω)f (ω)(eiξ~ω −1) 4π Z−∞ n R L ˜˜h(q)h(q) TL=0.1 + fR(ω)fL(−ω)(e−iξ~ω −1)] . (8) −1 TL=0.5 Phonons convey energy in units ~ωoand this appears in TL=10 h˜(q)∝−qβ −1.5 T =100 L L theexponentialformwiththefactorξ. Itiseasilyverified that Eq. (8) reproduces the correct first moment of Iˆ −1 0 1 given in Eq. (4). The second moment is given by qqββ [[ kk//mm]] RR hQˆ2i 1 ∞ pp τ c = 4π Z−∞dω (~ω)2nT2(ω) [fL(ω)−fR(ω)]2 FTLIGfi.x1e:dPtloot1o.0fh˜[(~qk)B−f1oprvka/rmiou].sTtehmeppeararatumreetreergs:iNme=wi2t,hmT1R−= − T(ω)[f (ω)f (−ω)+f (−ω)f (ω)] . (9) m2=m,k1 =k2 =k, and γ =1.0 [√mk]. L R L R o We have verified this also with the Langevin approach. 0 Thisbosonicfluctuationissimilartotheopticalone[19]. Symmetry.— We note the following symmetry of G: −0.05 ττ G(ξ)=G(−ξ+iA) , (10) // )) QQ −0.1 whereA=βR−βL. Usingtheidentificationσ =Aq and P(P( ττ==550 ln[P(Q)/P(−Q)]/τ the relation between h(σ) = h˜(q) and G(ξ) immediately lnln τ=200 −0.15 leads to the SSFT relation Eq. (1). Thus we conclude τ=5 (nonlin.) τ=5 τ=50 (nonlin.) τ=200 that quantum heat transports satisfy the SSFT without τ=200(nonlin.) τ=200(nonlin.) −0.2 1 0 1 any quantum corrections. − The symmetry (10) contains information regarding −6 −4 −2 0 transport coefficients [9]. For fixed β + β let us qq L R make the expansion hQˆni /τ = L Am/m!. The c m n,m nonlinear response coefficients L are then given by FIG.2: Plotofln[P(Q)]/τ fromLangevinsimulationsforthe n,m Ln,m = ∂n+mG(ξ)/∂(iξ)n∂Amξ=PA=0. This coefficient samesystem asinFig. 1forvarious τ. HereP(Q)isnormal- izedsothatitsmaximumisone. Thelargedeviationfunction represents a nonlinear response of the general cummu- h˜(q) is also shown by black solid line. The parameters are lants of current to the thermodynamic force (β −β ). R L N = 2,m = k = 1, kBTL = 10, and kBTR = 20. The non- The symmetry (10) gives the general relations between linear case has α = 2. The inset shows ln[P(Q)/P( Q)]/τ, the coefficients: and SSFTline q(βR βL) (black solid line). Heat tra−nsfer is − m measured at thecontact to theleft reservoir. m Ln,m = k (−1)(n+k)Ln+k,m−k, (11) k=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X from direct simulations of the classical Langevin equa- with L0,m = 0. For example we get L2,0 = 2L1,1 and tions with white noise. In Fig. 2 we comparethe simula- L4,0 =2L3,1 =6L2,2−4L1,3. The firstrelationis simply tion results for different values of τ with the asymptotic the Green-Kubo formula relating the linear current re- function˜h(q)(obtainedfor~→0). ItisclearfromFig.2 sponsetoequilibriumfluctuationswhilethesecondleads thatconvergencetothe asymptoticdistributionfunction to relations between nonlinear response coefficients. takes place on a rather large time scale. The nonlinear Typicaldistributions.—Wepresentsomeresultsonthe case is also plotted for the same system with an onsite form of the distribution P(Q) ∼ eh˜(q) for a small chain potential V(x ) = αx4/4. In the inset, the function n n (N =2)connectedtoohmicreservoirs(γ˜ (ω)=γ). In ln[P(Q)/P(−Q)]/τ isplottedforthreecases. The distri- L,R Fig.1weploth˜(q),whichisnumericallyobtained,fordif- butionforthenonlinearcasedeviatesfromtheharmonic ferenttemperaturesT withfixedtemperaturedifference cases, and both the average heat current and its fluc- L T −T . In all temperature regimes, h˜(q) shows a clear tuations are suppressed. However, as the inset shows, R L lineardependence atlargeq, andthose arewellfitted by SSFT is satisfied in the nonlinear case, which indicates β q and −β q for q < 0 and q > 0 respectively. This the symmetry (10) and the relation (11) hold too. R L exponential tail is one of the characteristics in P(Q). Heat current fluctuations in a pure wire.— Using We now study the effects of a finite τ and nonlinear Eq.(8), we can derive the heat current fluctuations for a potential using the classical system. We evaluate P(Q) homogeneous wire connected to reservoirs through non- 4 reflecting contacts, a case for which the quantized ther- was supported by MEXT , Grant Number (19740232). mal conductance has been measured [15]. Consider a pure wire with all masses and spring constants equal. If weconsiderthatthe heatreservoirsthemselvesaresemi- [1] D. J. Evans, E G. D. Cohen, and G. P. Morriss, Phys. infinite wires(i.e., the Rubin modelofa heatbath) then Rev. Lett. 71, 2401 (1993); G. Gallavotti and E. G. D. itiseasytoshowthatthecontactsareperfectandweget Cohen,ibid74,2694(1995);D.J.EvansandD.J.Sear- T(ω)=1forallω withintheallowedbandwidth. Atlow les, Phys. Rev.E 50, 1645 (1994). temperaturesandfor small∆T =T −T ,Eq.(4)leads [2] J. L. Lebowitz and H. Spohn, J. Stat. 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