Acacia leucophloea - Knowledge of Aerva tomentosa - Aspiration for African marigold, Aztec marigold, Details Integral Immortality Big marigold - Energy of a Plastic Mind African marigold, Aztec marigold, African tulip tree, Tulip tree, Bell African violet, Usambara violet - Big marigold - Supramentalised flambeau - Passion Correct Movements in the Vital Plasticity African violet, Usambara violet - Aganosma roxburghii - Rising Star Air plant, Life plant, Hoppers - Light Correct Movements in Fairyand Alexandrian laurel, Indian laurel, Almond, Almond tree - Smile of Aloe vera - dreams Laurelwood - Peace in the Physical Nature amaranch - abundance amaranth - feathered - aspiration for amaranth - feathered - attempt immortality towards immortality amaranth - feathered - physical amaranthus - fearless action amaranthus tricolor ‘Molten fire’ - aspiration for immortatlity bravery amaryllus - conversion of the amaryllus - conversion of the vital amaryllus - conversion physical amaryllus - integral conversion Amazon lily, Eucharist lily, Madonna Anemopaegma carrerense - Voice lily - Light without Obscurity of the Higher Mind Angelonia - integral renunciation angelonia - renunciation of angelonia - renunciation of vital emotional desires desires Angelonia salicariifolia - Integral Angel's trumpet - Perfect Tapasya Angled luffa, Sing-kwa, Ridge Renunciation of the Vital Desires gourd, Sponge gourd - Kind Mind Annual phlox, Drummond phlox - Annual phlox, Drummond phlox - Annual phlox, Drummond phlox - Emotional Skill in Work Radiating Skill in Work Skill in Material Work Annual phlox, Drummond phlox - Annual phlox, Drummond phlox - Annual phlox, Drummond phlox - Skill in Mental Work Skill in Psychic Work Skill in Works Aphelandra tetragona - Sharp arrowroot - progressive with the arrowroot - Supramental friendship Tongue Divine with the Divine Asoka, Sorrowless tree - Without asystacia - aspiration for trust in the asystacia - Supramental trust in the Grief Divine Divine Asystasia gangetica - Integral Trust Asystasia gangetica - Trust in the atlantia - absence of desires in the Divine Divine australian ivy-palm - organized Autumn squash, Winter squash, baby's breath - modesty of beauty material Energy (aslo Octopus tree, Pumpkin - Abundance Queensland umbrella tree bachelor's button - conscious vital bachelor's button - conscious vital Barbados cherry, Acerola - immortaity (2) immortaity Sensitivity barbados pride - fire (also called Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy, Barleria - Opening Paradise flower, Peacock flower African daisy - Frankness Barleria prionitis - Mental Opening Barrel cactus, Easter-lily cactus, basil - discipline Pink Easter-lily cactus - Richness of Feelings Begonia - balance begonia - perfect balance Begonia - Perfect Integral Balance Berrya cordifolia [Berrya ammonilla] Betel palm, Betel-nut-palm, Areca billbergia - control - Liberation in the Vital nut palm, Catechu - Steadfast Vitality Bird of paradise, Crane flower - Bird’s-eye bush, Mickey Mouse Bitterwood, Surinam quassia - Supramental Bird plant - Greed for Money Splendour and Opulence in the Material Life Black wattle - Work Black-eyed Susan vine - Black-eyed Susan, Marguerite jaune Transformation Dispels Obscurity - First Turning of the Vital towards the Divine bleeding heart - emotional bleeding heart vine - aspiration for Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, remembrance the right attitude Indian root - Response of the Mind to the Supramental Light Blood lily, Football lily - Supramental blue dawn flower - artistic taste Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Manifestation Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper - Radha’s Consciousness in the vital Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Blue potato bush - Remembrance blue sage - aspiration for silence in Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper mind - Radha’s Consciousness Blue trumpet vine, Clock vine, blue vine - radha's consciousness Bottlebrush - Joy of Vegetal Nature Bengal clock vine, Sky vine - in Answer to the New Light Krishna’s Light in the Mind Bougainvillea - Protection of the Bougainvillea ‘Blondie’ - Triple Bougainvillea ‘Mary Palmer’ - Gods Protection Manifold Protection bouganvillea - attempt towards Bowstring hemp, Snake plant, Bowstring hemp, Snake plant, protection Mother-in-law's tongue - Joy of Mother-in-law's tongue - Power of Spirituality Spirituality bridal bouquet -ether (also called bridal creeper - water (aso called Brisbane lily - Silver Christ vine, Snow creeper, Horse-tail creeper, Snow creeper Snow-in-the-jungle Burning bush - Organisation of bush violet - consent Butterfly bush - Repose Action in Life Butterfly bush, Summer lilac - Butterfly tree, Orchid tree - Stability Butterfly tree, Orchid tree - Stability Refinement in the Higher Vital in the Vital Cactus - Riches Cactus night flower, Hedge cactus - Cactus night flower, Hedge cactus - Fortune B Fortune Calico flower - Inspiration camellia - static beauty candytuft - equanimity canna indica - friendship with the canna lilly - intuitive mind centre canna lilly - vital centre Divine canna lily - ananda in the centres canna lily - complexity of the centres canna lily - emotional centre canna lily - future supramental canna lily - illumined mind centre Cannolball tree - Unselfish centre Prosperity canterbury bells - broadening of the Canterbury bells - joy's call Cape honeysuckle - Power of Truth emotional centres in the Subconscient Cape leadwort - Presence caper tree - Working of the Capsicum, Paprika, Cayenne Enlightened Mind pepper, Red pepper, Chili pepper - A whipping Carambola tree, Starfruit - Cardinal's guard - aspiration for Careya arborea - Liberation Organised Team-Work supramental guidance in the subconscient