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Preview Flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil: Meliaceae

Flora da ReservaDucke,Amazonas,Brasil: Meliaceae T. D. Pennington1 Meliaceae,Ventenat.Tab.Ròg.Vég.3: 159-166. 1799. Candolle,C. 1878.InMartius,Fl.bras. 11(1): 165. Pennington,T. D. 1981.Fl.Neotrop.28: 1-470. Trees or treelets. Indumentum usually loculi 1-ovulate, 2-ovulate or multiovulate. simple, less frequently stellate or of Style-head capitate, conical or lobed. Fruit a malpighiaceoushairs. Stipulesabsent.Leavcs loculicidal orseptifragal capsule. Seed either spirally arranged, usually pinnate, rarely winged, and then attached to a large woody trifoliolate or unifoliolate. Leaflets entire, columella,orunwingedandthenwithafleshy venation usually eucamptodromous. orcorky arillode or sarcotesta. Inflorescence usually axillary, usually About 140speciesintheNeotropicswith paniculate withcymose branchlets (thyrsoid). a further 350-400 in África and Asia. They Flowers bisexual or unisexual, plants mostlyoccurinundisturbedlowlandrainforest monoecious, dioeciousorpolygamous. Calyx with only a few species in montane areas up usuallyshallowly3-5-lobed,orlessfrequently to 2500 m altitude. The greatest species sepalsfree. Petals4-7,freeorpartiallyunited, diversity is found from the Guianas, across a1.estivation imbricate or valvate. Filaments AmazôniatowesternBrazilianAmazôniaand 2. rarely completely free, usually partly or Peru, with lesser centres in the Caribbean completely united to form an urceolate, islands and Coastal Brazil. This treatment cyathiform or cylindrical staminal tube, with includes the twenty-nine species which are orwithoutappendages,anthers 5-10,hairyor found in the vicinity ofManaus, 19 ofwhich glabrous, inserted apicallyon the filamentsor occur in the Reserva Ducke. on the margin ofthe staminal tube, or within The illustrations are adapted from Flora the throat of the tube. Nectary (disk) Neotopica 28 with permission from the New intrastaminal or absent. Ovary 2-10-locular, York Botanical Garden. Key to the genera of Meliaceae in the Manaus area Ovary loculiwith 1-2ovules,fruitaloculicidalcapsule. Anthers inserted at apex offilaments oron margin ofstaminal tube 1. Trichilia 2. Anthers inserted within the throat ofthe staminal tube 2. Guarea 1. Ovary loculi with 3-manyovules, fruitaseptifragal capsule. 3. Staminal tube of completely united filaments, anthers 8-10, inserted within the throat of staminal tube, seeds large, angular, woody, not winged 3. Carapa 3. Stamens5, filaments free, butadnatetoanandrogynophore below, anthers insertedapically on the filaments, seeds small, with a papery wing 4. Cedrela punctate and -striate. Flowers usually 1. Trichilia Trichilia P. Browne, Hist. Jamaica 278. 1756. unisexual(plantdioecious),inaxillarythyrsoid TYecs or treelets. Indumentum usually paniclcs.Calyxusuallyshallowly4-6-lobed,or of simple hairs, less frequently of stellate, sepals free. Petals 4-5(-6), free or partially dibrachiate or malpighiaceous hairs. Leavcs united, imbricate or valvate. Filaments usually pinnate, less frequently trifoliolate or completely united to form a staminal tube, sometimes glandular- usually with a toothcd or lobed margin, or unifoliolate, leaflets Royal Botanical Gardens, Kcw, Richmond, Surrey.TW9 3AB, U.K. SciELO/JBRJ 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 208 Pennington. TD. partlyfreeandthenwithorwithout2terminal to woody, loculi 1-2-seeded. Seed fleshy, lobes or appendages; anthers 5-10, inserted partly or completely surrounded by a thin or on hemarginofthestammal tubeorapically fleshy arillode, or rarely with a complete on the filaments, hairy or glabrous. Nectary sarcotesta. Embryowithusuallycollateralor usuallyafleshyannulussurroundingthebase rarely superposed cotyledons. trnv “oabS nt' °?ry 2-3-locular’ About80speciesintropical America, 14 1. * W1 ** C°?,aterd or suPerPosed in África and 2 in the Indo-Malayan region. ovulies; styile-head, usually capitate. Fruit a Fifteen species occur in the environs of 3-valvedlocuhcidalcapsule,valvesleathery Manaus, including 10 in ReservaDucke. 4. Key to the species of Trichilia of the Manaus area Young shoots and inflorescence with minute stellate indumentum. 2. Petiolule4-5 mmlong, leafletsoftenlanceolate,pericarpca. 0.5 mmthick,seedsurrounded byfreearillode „ _ mm . etiolule5 10 long,leafletsoftenbroadlyoblong,pericarp 1.5-2 mmthick, seedwitha fleshy sarcotesta ^ 1. Indumentumofsimpleordibrachiatehairs. ^ ( 3. Petals imbricate, free. Staminaltubeofcompletelyunitedfilaments 6 T sePvtentrionalis 4. Stammaltubeofpartiallyunitedfilaments. ' S.Twigswithnumerouspalelemicels.inflorescence6-15 emlong, with wide-spteading 55.T3V.j5g-s0wmn,hmnoPuleto,'nangu,moevr5aoruysp5puab"lielesmclleem0nitnc.8el's0,Vian,fyloSrleasbcre°nucse 1-4emlong,linlc3b-nTmch"eidc.rarpenttahlas • 6 ' d^tafpSelS E palllda 3. Petals valvate, usuallypartially fused 7 - lowes' pair much reduced and ofKn a differeM — 8. Petals free. 9 ' Hncaror linear subul“- «i-<« 9 ' leatlet base usually asymmetncal .... ,„ * m.aequil..atera 8. Petalspartially United (1/4to2/3 oftheirlength). luo. Leaflet; 5 7, 3.2-^15 cCm""lorngê,-sSee^cCoOnnddamarrmyyvveeiinnss92-01-230paPir"s» " T. bullata 77. ILepanffllíe»tfs«11n'ot7Leda^iflmeotrsp9Qhu-i.lcI~55orcfhetl1eo°nr°^8o'’moPr^phsicc.a- ^3 mmll0onn8g,,aanntthheerres^9((-—81)0.)... 10.1T2. mTcmn”plaeeaalnaa 12. Leaves 1-foliolate ™ 12. Leaves 3-8-foliolate. T sin8ula l3 spxx ' iZiirüü”!®1 mediflxed cioseiyappressed hairs (kns) ' 13. Lowerleaflet surface ’5' T singu,aris Rodriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/ JBRJ 12 13 14 15 16 17 , FloradaResermDucke:Meliaceae 209 mm 14.Leaflets 6-8, petals ca. 2 long 7. T. cipo mm 14.Leaflets4-5,petals 3.5-5 long. 15. Petals fused for 2/3 to 3/4 oftheir length, remaining erect, anthers 5-7(-8), capsule 3.5- 4.5 cmlong 8- T aff- poeppigii 15. Petals fused ca. 1/5 oftheir length, reflexed, anthers 10, capsule 2-3.5 cm 9. T. aff. schomburgldi 1.1 Trichilia euneura C. DC, in A. & C. de Fieldcharacters:Treeto25 mhighand30cm Candolle, Monogr. Phan. 1: 673. 1878; diameter, bole slightly fluted atthe base, bark Pennington & Styles, Fl. Neotrop. 28: 42, fig. greyish, lenticellate, scaling in rather long 3. 1981. F'g* 1 a'c slenderpieces,slashwithoutexudate. Flowers Youngshootsstellate-puberulousatfirst, sweetly scented, with greenish-cream corolla soonglabrous,greyish-brown.Leavespinnate, and bright yellow anthers. Fruit and seed 12-15 cm long, petiole semiterete, rhachis (sarcotesta) orange. Flowering in central more orless terete, subglabrous. Leaflets 5-6, Amazónia from July to September. altemate, 10-15x4-6.8 cm,thelowestleaflets From Amapá and the Guianas across smallerthantheupper,broadlyoblongtoelliptic, Amazóniato Peru, also in Venezuela, where it apexobtuselycuspidatetonarrowlyattenuate, isconfmedtolowlandrainforestonterrafirme. baseacute,obtuseortruncate,glabrousabove, s.d. (fl)Pennington, T. D. etal. 9933(FHOINPAK). minutelyandsparselypeltate-stellateorstellate AMAZONAS: Presidente Figueiredo, Represa de puberulousbelow,glandular-punctateand-striate; BalbinaonR.Uatumã,Thomasetal.5260(INPAK). venationeucamptodromous,midribsunkenon Trichilia euneura is closely related to T. the upper surface, secondaries 9-12 pairs, mazanensisand sharesthe same geographical straight and more or less parai1e1 range. They are the only species in central intcrsecondaries absent, tertiaries obliqúe. Amazónia with an indumentum of stellate Petiolule 5-10 mm long, channelled above. hairs. Trichilia euneura differs from T. Inflorescence axillary, 3-6 cm long, a mazanensisinitsnarrowellipticorlanceolate densely-flowered thyrse, minutely stellate- leaflets, straight and more or less parallel puberulous. Pedicel ca. 1 mm long. Flowers secondary veins (arcuate and convergent in unisexual (plantdioecious). Sepals5, 1—2 mm T. mazanensis), obliqúe tertiary veins long,free,imbricatc,finelystellate-puberulous. (reticulate in T. mazanensis), and seed with Petals5,4-5 mmlong,free,imbricatc,stellate- fused sarcotesta (seed of T. mazanensis with puberulous outside, glabrous inside. Stamcns free arillode). The species arealso separated 8, partially fused (1/3 to 1/2 their length) into by their ecology, T. euneura occurring on an urceolate or cyathiform staminal tube 3- non-flooded land while T. mazanensis is 4 mm long, fdaments terminated by 2 acute confined to flooded(várzea) and igapó forest appendages about equalling the anthers, and river margins. mm pubescentonbothsurfaccs;anthers0.5-1 long, sparsely hairy; anthcrodes of female 1.2 Trichilia mazanensis Macbr., Publ. Field flowerslender,withoutpollen. Nectaryminute Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13(3): 742. 1949; & orabsent.Ovaryovoid,3-locular,loculiwith2 Pennington Styles, Fl. Neotrop. 28: 45, fig. collateral ovules, densely stellate-pubescent. 3. 1981. Fig. 1 d-f Capsule2.7-3.8 cmlong,ellipsoidtoobovoid, Young shoots finely stellate-puberulous at apex andbaseacute, smooth, densely stellate- first,soonglabrous,lenticellate.Leavespinnate, puberulous, 3-valved, valves remainingerect. 9-15 cm long, petiole and rhachis semiterete, 7-12x3- Seed solitary, 2.5-3.2 cm long, completely subglabrous. Leaflets 7-9, altemate, surrounded by a fleshy sarcotesta. 5 cm, elliptic to lanceolate, apex narrowly Rodriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ 2 13 14 15 16 17 210 Pennington, T D. Ff.iTgurmaez1an-ean-sc.isTr-idc.hihlaibaite,uen.emuarlae-fal.ohwaebrit(:Sbchumnaklee1f3l6nw);pfr. fruitandseed(Sih,wT. nâ)^{0,dcmanB2989)'d‘ Rodriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ cm 12 13 14 15 16 17 .. FloradaReservaDucke:Meliaceae 211 attenuate, base obtuse to narrowly attenuate, I.3 Trichilia micrantha Benth., in Hooker’s glabrous, glandular-punctate and rarely-striate; J. Bot., Kew Gard. Misca. 3: 369. 1851; & venation eucainptodromous, midrib flat on the Pennington Styles, Fl. Neotrop. 28: 69, fig. upper surface, secondaries 8-9 pairs, steeply 8. 1981. Fig. 2 arcuate-ascending,convergent,intersecondaries Young shoots appressed puberulous, soon shortorabsent,tertiariesreticulate,conspicuous becomingglabrous,withnumerousconspicuous onbothsurfaces,Petiolule4-5 mmlong,slightly pale lenticels. Leaves imparipinnate, 8-20cm channelled.Inflorcscenceaxillary,2-6mmlong, long,petiolesemiterete,rhachisflattenedorterete, mm thyrsoid, stellate-pubenilous. Pedicel 1-2 subglabrous;oftenwithflat,oblong,extra-floral long.Flowersunisexual(plantdioecious).Sepals nectaries on the lower surface of petiole and 5, 1-5 mm long, more or less free, slightly rhachis. Leaflets 7-9, opposite, 7-17 x 2.8- imbricate,stellatepuberulous. Petals5,4-5 mm 7.5 cm,elliptictobroadlyoblong,apexnarrowly long,free,imbricate,stellate-pubenilousoutside, attenuate to obtusely cuspidate, base obtuse to glabrousinside.Stamens9-10,partiallyfused(1/ narrowly attenuate, glabrous above, puberulous 2to2/3theirlength)intoanareolateorcyathiform toglabrousbelow,some-timesglandular-punctate staminal tube 1.5-3.5 mm long, filament apex and striate; venation eucamptodromous or rounded orterminated by two short acute lobes brochidodromous, midrib raised on the upper about 1/3ofthelengthoftheanther,hispidinside surface, secondaries 12-18 pairs, shallowly the tube, sparser indumentum outside; anthers asccnding,arcuate,parallelorslightlyconvergent, 0.7-1 mm long, hairy; antherodes of female intersecondaries moderate to long, higherorder mm flower slender, without pollen. Nectary venation obscure. Petiolule 2-5 long, rcpresentedbysmallannularswellingaroundthe subglabrous. Inflorescences 6-15 cm long, baseoftheovary.Ovarybroadlyovoid,3-locular, usually clustered around the shoot apex in the locuhwith2collateralovules,denselypubescent axilsofcaducousundcvclopedleaves,paniculate with a mixture of stellate and simple hairs. with widely spreading branches, puberulous. mm Capsule 2.5-3.S cm long, ovoid, obovoid or Pedicelca. 1 long.Flowersunisexual(plant mm ellipsoid,apexrounded,baseroundedortapcred, monoeciousordioecious). Sepals5,ca. 0.5 smooth, densely puberulous with a mixture of long,freeorslightlyfused,slightlyimbricate,ciliate. mm simple and stellate hairs, 3-vaIved, valves Petals 5, 1.5-2.5 long, free, imbricate, rcmaining erect. Seed solitary, 2-3 cm long, glabrous. Stamens 10, partiallyfused(1/4to 1/3 surrounded by a free arillodc which covers the of their length) into a cyathiform or urceolate mm seed except for a small area near the base. staminal tube 1-1.5 long, filament apex Fieldcharacters:Treeto20mhighwithgrccnish- roundedorwith2shortappendages,denselyhairy yellowflowers.Thefruitmaturesgreenish-yellow on both surfaces in the upper half; anthers ca. mm and theseed issurroundedbyanorangcarillode. 0.5 long,hairy;antherodesoffemaleflower Flowering in central Amazónia from December shrunken, withoutpollen. Nectary athickfleshy toMarchwiththefruitmaturinginJulytoAugust. annulus surrounding the base of the ovary, Trichiliamazanensisisconfinedtoigapó glabrous. Ovary 3-locular, loculi uniovulate, and várzea forest, and its known distribution glabrous. Capsule 1-2 cm long, broadly extends from Venezuela to Southern ellipsoid, apex obtuse, smooth, sericeous, Amazonian Brazil andAmazonian Peru. tomentose or glabrous, 3-valved. Seeds 1-3, Not recorded from Reserva Ducke. 0.8-1.5 cm long, completcly surrounded by a AMAZONAS: Município dc Manaus,junction of thinfleshyarillode. R.NegroandR.Solimões,Ferreira2R9(INPAK). Fieldcharacters:Treeto25 mhighand25 cm Trichilia mazanensis and T euneura diameter. In central Amazónia there are two forni an isolated pair ol species within co-existing formsofthis species, which differ Trichilia. Their differences are discussed in bole and fruit characters. Both are present in Reserva Ducke. under the latter. Rotlrigutlsia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 212 Pennington, T D. W (Bretekr4771)- e. fruit(Spmce2286*£ /!Í9627-4). (/><W"' 9932)'d'fcmaleflower Rodriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ cm 12 13 14 15 16 17 FloradaResenaDucke:Meliaceae 213 Form 1 has a round bole with smooth 1.4 Trichilia rubra C. DC. in Mart., Fl. bras. & brown bark, extra-floral nectaries on the leaf 11(1): 203. 1878; Pennington Styles, Fl. petioleandrhachis,broad,ellipticsubcoriacious Neotrop. 28: 75, fig. 9. 1981. Fig. 3 leaves and a sericeous fruit. Trichilia guianensis Klotzsch ex C. DC. & Form2hasaflutedbole,scalingbark,no in A. C. DC., Monogr. Phan. 1: 657. 1878. extra-floral nectaries, narrower oblong Young shoots appressed puberulous at chartaceous Ieaflets and glabrous fruit. First,soonglabrous.Leavesimparipinnate,9- Although quite distinct in central 12 cm long, petiole and rhachis semiterete, Amazonas, elsewhere in the range the glabrous.Lcaflets7-9,opposite,7-12x2-4cm, distinctionsbreakdownandforthisreasonthey oblongorelliptic,apcxnarrowlyattenuate,base are not given formal recognition. See Fl. acute or narrowly attenuate, glabrous, some- Neotrop.28:72-73(1981)forfurtherdiscussion timesglandular-punctateand-striate;venation ofthis variation pattem. eucamptodromousorbrochidodromous,midrib The flowers of T. micrantha are slightlyraisedontheuppersurface,secondaries greenish-white, with yellow anthers, and the 10-12 pairs, arcuate, convergent, impressed fruit is yellowish with an orange-red arillode. on the upper surface, intersecondaries long, Flowering in central Amazonas is recorded in tertiariesobscure,reticulate.Petiolule4-6 mm March,April andJuly. long,slightlychannelled,glabrous.Inflorescence From northern Venezuela across axillary, 1-4 cm long, often several clustcred AmazóniatoColombia,Peruand Bolivia. Itis on ashortaxillaryshoot, sparselypuberulous. mm a species ofnon-flooded lowland forest. Pedicel ca. 1 long. Flowers unisexual 10.VII.1995(fr)Costa,M.A.S.etal.311(GINPAK (plant dioccious). Scpals 5, ca. 1 mm long, MBMMGRUUBUS); 19.VI.1965(11)Loureiro,A.& United for about 1/2 oftheir length, glabrous. Coelho, D. INPA 15523 (INPA); 28.IV.1988 (bd) Petals 5, 3.5-4 mm long, free, imbricate, RU1a0Em2Co1s(V,IEJN.NP)FA;1K58.8VM5IIG(.B1MM99OC3O(NfLlY)IRRNibPBeAiSrKPo).M;JE.I5XE..UVL.MIS9G.63eSt(aPfllF.) g3loafbrtohueisr.lSetnagtmhe)nisnt1o0m,apmcayrattiahlilfyofrumsoerdu(r1c/e3otloat2e/ Rodrigues, IV&Coelho,D.5220(INPA);30.IV.1965 staminal tube 2.5-3 long, Filamcnts apex (fl) Rodrigues, W. & Coelho, D. 6913 (INPA); rounded orwith 2 short lobes,mtmube barbate in 27.IV.1965(fl)Rodrigues, W&Monteiro,O. P.6919 the throat; anthers ca. 0.75 long, with (INPA); 25.V.1995 (fr)Sothers. C. A. 472 (INPA K scattered hairs, antherodes of female flower MGMONYRBSP);26.VII.1995(fr)Sothers,C. A.& slendcr,withoutpollen. Nectaryabsent.Ovary Assunção,P.A.C.L530(BMCOLIANINPAKSPF ovoid, 3-locular, loculi 1-ovulatc, densely UECUFMTVEN);26.VII.1995(fr)Sothers,C.A.& pubesccnt, style-head discoid. Capsule 2.5- Assunção, P. A. C. L 531 (B F ICN INPAK MG P 3 cm long, ovoid or ellipsoid, apex and base & PUEFRVIC);26.IÍI.1996(fl)Sothers,C.A. Silva, obtusetoacute,smooth,puberulous,3-valvcd, C.F.835(BFIANINPAKPPUEFRUFMT);3.V.1968 valves sometimes strongly rcflcxed. Sced S(IoIu)zSao,uzJ.a.A.J.2A9.(IINNPPAA)2;/221/.7VIÜIIN.P1A9)6;82(f7r.)VSIo.u1z9a6,8J.(fAr.) solitary, 1.4-2.2 cm long, complctcly £1.03C.(9IN0P5A()G;I15A.NIIII.N1P99A5K(fMl)BViMcenRtiUni,UAB.U&S)P.ereira, sFiuerlrdoucnhdaerdabctyearst:hinTrfeleeshtyoa2r5illmodeh.igh, often In spite of its variation T micrantlui is flowering as a small trcclet. Flowers scented, an easily recognizcd plant. The twigs havc yellowish-grecn. Floweringin ReservaDucke conspicuous white lenticels, the leaves dry a in December. characteristic dark colour, the inflorescences Throughout the Amazon region to lhe are clustcred together around the shoot apcx, Guianas in the north and Peru and Bolivia in and the flowers have a prominent annular thewest.Thespeciesisconfincdtorivcrbanks ncctarysurroundingtheglabrousovaryandthe and forest on periodically or pcrmanently ovary loculiareuniovulate. floodedland. Roáriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ, 15 16 17 18 214 Pennington, T D. Rodriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ cm 12 13 14 15 FloradaReservaDucke:Meliaceae 215 10.XII.1993(fl) Vicentini,A.etal.395(INPAKMG 1 mm long, glabrous, antherodes of female MONY flower slender, without pollen. Nectary SP). Trichilia rubra is fairly isolated among annular, surrounding the base of the ovary, theAmazonian Trichilia specieswithpartially pubescent. Ovary 3-locular, loculi with 2 freestaminalfilaments. ltlacksthelenticellate obliquelysuperposcdovules,stifflypubescent. twigs ofI micrantha and its inflorescence is Capsule 1-2 cm long, ovoid to ellipsoid, shorter and flowers larger. Trichilia pallida densely pubescent with golden hairs, 3- has 4-merous flowers and also differs in the valved,valveswrinklinghorizontallyondrying presence of an annular disk, 2-ovulate ovary and sometimes reflexed. Seed usually 1 in loculesandinhavingfewerleafletswhichtend each valve, 0.5-1 cm long, with an arillode to dry pale green. covering most of the surface. m Field characters: Tree to 25 high and I.5 Trichilia pallida Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. 30 cmdiameter, butoftenfloweringasasmall & Occa. 67. 1788; Pennington Styles, Fl. treelet, unbuttressed, bole sometimes fluted Neotrop. 28: 95, figs. 13, 14. 1981. at the base, cylindrical above. Bark reddjsh Trichilia macrophylla Benth., Hooker’s brown, scaling and with Ienticels in long J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 369. 1851. vertical rows, slash pale whitish brown and Young shoots shortly pubescent at first, fibrous. Flowers with pale green corolla and soon glabrous, lenticellate. Leaves grecnish-cream stamens. Capsule maturing imparipinnate, sometimes with a few yellowish-grecn, theseedsblackandshining, trifoliolate, 3-10 cmlong,petioleandrhachis partially surrounded by the red arillode. semiterete, puberulous to glabrous. Leaflets Flowering in central Amazónia has been (3—)5,opposite,8.5-14x 3-6.5 cm,lowerpair recorded in April, August and Deccmber. usually smaller than uppcr pair, variable in Throughout tropical America from shape, from elliptic to oblanceolate orovate, México to Paraguay and northern Argentina, apex narrowly attenuate, base narrowly in lowland and montane rain forest up to attenuate to obtuse, often asymmetrical, 2000 m altitude. In drier areas it is found in glabrous, sometimes sparsely glandular- gallery forest. striate; vcnation eucamptodromous or 14.VIII.1996(fr)A.ç.vunfJ«.P.A. C. L etal.368(G sometimesbrochidodromousintheuppcrthird, 1NPAKMGMONYRRBSPU);9.VIII.1996(fr) midrib flat or slightly raised on the uppcr Hopkins, M. J. G etal. 1602 (BM INPA K MBM surface, secondaries 9-11 pairs, arcuate, MGUBUSVEN); 12.XII.I968(II)Prance, G. T.et convergent, intersecondaries mostly absent, al. 9044(INPA); 12.IX.1997(11)Pruski,J. F. etal. 4termtimarileosngo,blgliaqbúreoutso.rIentifcluolraetes.cePnccteioalxuillelar3y—, a3l2.51525(5IN(PIAN)P;A7K.IVM.G19M94O(fNl)YRiRbBeirSoP,);J.29E..XIL..1S9.6e3t (fl) Rodrigues, W. 5549 (INPA); 2.1.1964 (fr) 1-3 cm long, a small fasciculatemtmhyrse, Rodrigues, W. & Monteiro, O. P. 5652 (INPA); sparselypuberulous. Pedicel ca. 0.5 long 29.XII.1964(fr) Rodrigues, W. &Monteiro, O. P. (abovearticulation). Flowersunisexual(plant 6816 (INPA); 3.II.1965 (fr) Rodrigues, W. & mm dioecious). Sepals 4, ca. 1 long, fused Monteiro, O. P. 6854 (INPA); I1.V.I966 (fl) for most oftheir length, sparsely puberulous Rodrigues, W. & Coelho, D. 7832 (INPA); mm outside. Petals 4, 5-6 long, apex acute, 27.IX.1994 (fl) Sothers, C. A. et al. 177 (INPA); free, imbricate, subglabrous. Stamcns 8, 18.XII.1996(fl)Sothers, C.A. &Silva, C. F.963(G partially fused (1/3 to three quarters of their IAN INPAKMBMRUUB US). A length) into a cyathiform or cylindrical very distinctive species with (3-)5 staminal tube 4—4.5 mm long, filaments leafletsdryingpalecream,theshortfasciculate tcrminated by 2 slender appendages more or inflorescence,4-merousflowers,acutclytipped less equalling the anthcrs, glabrous outside, petals and small capsule with golden-brown barbatc or glabrous in the throat; anthers ca. indumentum. Rodriguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ _2 13 14 15 16 17 Pennington, T D. 1.6 Trichiliaseptentrionalis C. DC., inMart. fruitripensreddish,withtheseedssurrounded Fl.bras. 11(1):220. 1878;Pennington&Styles, byaredarillode.FloweringincentralAmazonas Fl. Neotrop. 28: 126, fig. 21. 1981. Fig. 4 inApril withthefruitripeninginJuly. Young shoots finely puberulous, From Costa Rica across the whole of indumentum persisting, without lenticels. northem South America, from the foothills of Leavesimparipinnate, 17-25 cmlong,petiole theAndesinPerutoMaranhão. Usuallyfound broadened and narrowly winged below, inlowlandrainforestbutascendingto2000m semiterete above, rhachis semiterete, finely altitude in montanerain forestin Venezuela. puberulous. Leaflets 7-9, opposite or 22.IÜ.1994(fr)Hopkins,M.J.Getal. 1406(INPAK lseuabfolpeptsossimtael,ler10t-ha1n6thxe4u.pp5e-r7,cbmr,oadtlheyolbolwoensgt RM.G&MPeOneiNraY,RE.BCS.P5)3;21(1.IVNUP.A1K99M4G(bdM)ONasNcYimRenBtoS,P)J;. to elliptic, apex narrowly attenuate, base 14.IX.1987(fr)Pruski,J.E3245(INPAKMBMMG narrowly cuneate to obtuse orrounded, upper SPF UEC UFMT); 13.II.1964 (fr) Rodrigues, W. & surface glabrous, lower surface finely Mont&eiro,O.P.5732(INPA);22.IV.1964(fr)Rodrigues, puberuloustoglabrous,oftenfaintlyglandular- W. Loureiro. A. 5777 (INPA); 28.V.1964 (fl) punctate and striate; venation Rodrigues, W.&Loureiro,A.5821(INPA);16.VI.1964 eucamptodromous,midribflatorslightlyraised (fr) Rodrigues, W. & Loureiro, A. 5914 (INPA); ontheuppersurface,secondaries 15-17pairs, 17.VÜ.1968(fl)Souza,J.A.46(INPA); 13.V.1994(fr) Vwentini,A.etal.550(GLANINPAKRUUB). parallel, slightly arcuate, inter-secondaries Local name: absent, tertiaries obliqúe. Petiolule 5-8 mm Jitó. long, puberulous. Inflorescence axillary, 18- Trichilia septentrionalis is distinctive 25 cm long, a narrow, branched panicle, in the field on account ofthe pale green leaf puberulous. Pedicel 0-0.5 mm long. Flowers undersurface, the rather prominent parallel unisexual (plant monoecious or ? dioecious). secondary venation, and the large erect, mm axillarypanicles. Sepals 5, 1.5—2.5 long, free, strongly imbricate,puberulous,ciliate. Petals5(-7),3- 5 mmlong,free,stronglyimbricate,appressed 1.7 Trichilia cipo (A. Juss.) C. DC. in Mart., pcSyutabatemhreiuflnoosrums(ot8or-)scey1lr0ii,ncdercoiuocsmaoplulstetsatimdeeil,nyagllfatubusrbeoeud2s-ii4nnstmiodmea. FFll..bNreaMosot.rs1oc1ph(.1o)2x:8y2:l14u1.5m21,c8if7pi8go;.AP2.7e.nJnu1si9sn.8g,1t.Moné&mS.tFyiMlgue.ss.5, long,marginwith(8—)10subulateappendages Hist. Nat. 19: 239, 280. 1831. Young shootsfinelyappressedpuberulous ballaotnregbr,antagetliainbngrtowhuiest;hupatpnhetehraenhrtaohldefer;ss,aonstfphaefrressmeal1ly-e1h.afi3lromywetmro patinfinrastt,eb,ec1o0m—i2n0ggclmabrloounsg,,slpieghttiloylsecaalinndg.rLheaacvheiss shrunken, without pollen. Nectary annular, semiterete, sparsely appressed puberulous. gollolorcabueboldrib.oou1Cvs-a.oovpiuOsdlvu,aaltreeay,p,2pe-uoxb3veoscrciomedunlntood,rnegscd,to,yonlibebcl-aaohlnse,gea,d3t-mellaiolpncieuuprtlseeaodlri,y,d L3nuepa—apr6fer.lro2e,wtclseyml6,la—itp8ttt,ehinecau,lalttaoeepwmteeaosxtotebntltaueorsaerfs,luoebwgtollspaypbsromaosatuiltstle,ene,surao8ttm.ehe5,at—nib1ma5teshxsee cos1omp-voe2e,onrti1shn-,gm2wodciesdnmtesleolylofnyatgnph,uedwbisseteorhemudela.otfuilsme,eshs3y-rvaearfilllvelxeoiddn,eg.vwaShleivecedhs egfsleluacactonanodmdrupaltrsaoilried-gsrhpotu1lmny0oc-utr1saa2tioserpebadairrnoosdcn,his-ttdshrtoeardiirugaophtmtep;oeourrvse,ssnulmraiiftgdahirctoielnb,y FcdBsiircaaeearmlnckedtktecegedhdrra,efryalabnocotdwtloeeerrsgslssri:oegamyThriertelsetyhegi-rmtsbeeocres2aonl5wifinslnm,uhgt-.helcidorTgnehahgateiamttnuhsdadewni2ednb5eaatlsctllehmy.ye aantm1rxoao-cird2ulrsealourtmaweabrl,mtgyy,elmapotl2byoro0rrnelao-gomu,3onisgr5d,.slautcelbesPmrstgethldipyaaailrrrbocsiareneel,ogsllu,esrlspe0,.taa.iri5csnIlu—etnlal1eafxytrl-espmob.eurrcmPbeaoeensntrdicculaohelorlennoiudcguel,e.sse Rndríguésia 57 (2): 207-246. 2006 SciELO/JBRJ 12 13 14 15 16 17

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