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Flora da ReservaDucke,Amazonas, Brasil: Annonaceae & Paul J. M. Maas', Hiltje Maas' J. M. 5. Miralha2 with bark descripticms by Leo Junikka3 AnnonaceaeJuss.,Gen.Pl.283.4. 1789,nom.cons. Chatrou,L.W. 1998.Changinggenera.SystematicstudiesinNeotropicalandWestAfricanAnnonaceae. PhD thesis. Utrecht. Fries,R.E. 1930. RevisionderArteneinigerAnnonaceen-Gattungen.I. Xylopia.ActaHortiBerg. 10: 1-128. Fries,R.E. 1931.RevisionderArteneinigerAnnonaceen-Gattungen.I.Annona.ActaHortiBerg. 10: 197-316. Fries,R.E. 1939.RevisionderArteneinigerAnnonaceen-Gattungen.V.Gimtteria.ActaHortiBerg. 12:289-540. Fries, R. E. 1959.Annonaceae.In: Melchior, H. (ed.). DieNatürlichen Pflanzenfamilien... begründetvonA. EnglerundK.Prantl,ed.2, 17aII: 1-171. Duncker&Humblot,Berlin. Gottsberger,G. 1970.BeitragezurBiologievonAnnonaceenblüten.Õster.Bot.2: 118:237-279. Maas,P.J.M.&WestramL.Y.Th. 1984/1985.StudiesinAnnonaceae.II.AmonographofthegenusAnaxagorea A.St.-Hil.-Bot.Jahrb.Syst. 105:73-134. 1984.-Bot.Jahrb.Syst. 105: 145-204. 1985. Maas,PJ.M.;Westra, L.Y.Th.&collaborators. 1992.Rollinia(Annonaceae). FloraNeotropica57: 1-188. Maas,P.J.M.;Westra,L.Y.Th.;Chatrou,L.W.&collaborators.2003.Duguetia(Annonacae).FloraNeotropica 88: 1-274. Maas,P.J.M.&WestraL.Y.Th.2003. RevisionoftheneotropicalgenusPseudoxandra.Blumea48:201-259. Miralha,J.M. S. 1995. AsAnnonaceaedaReservaFlorestal Ducke,Manaus-AM.Tese(Doutorado). INPA/ FUA, 165p. Oliveira,J.&Sales,M.F. 1999.EstudotaxonômicodosgênerosEphedranthusS.MooreePseudephedranthus Aristeg.-Annonacaeae. Boi.Mus.ParaenseEmilioGoeldi,n.s.,Bot. 15(2): 117-166. Webber,A.C. 1996. Biologiafloral,polinizaçãoeaspectosfenológicosdealgumasAnnonaceaenaAmazônia Central.Tese(Doutorado).INPA/FUA, 118p. Westra,L.Y.Th. 1985. StudiesinAnnonaceae. IV.AtaxonomicrevisionofTetrameranthusR.E. Fries.Proc. Kon.Ned.Akad.Wetensch.C.88:449-482. Trees or shrubs, very rarely lianas. parietal ovules. Fruit mostly apocarpous, Bark very tough and fibrous and tom off in consisting of free, generally stipitate carpels long strips. Leaves alternate, entire, mostly (monocarps), indehiscent, rarely dehiscent, distichous. Flowers axillary or non-axillary, sometimes syncarpous (among others rarely terminal, mostly bracteate, single or in Annona). Seeds often large, with ruminate rhipidiate inflorescences, articulation of endosperm, sometimes arillate. pedicels mostly basal, except for Guatteria In the Neotropics the family is where it is suprabasal. Sepals 3, free or represented by ca. 40 genera and ca. 900 variously connate. Petals mostly in two 3- species; the centres of distribution are the merous whorls, mostly free. Stamens many, Amazon region and the Guianas. There occur connective often with a shield-like apical 16 genera and 60 species in Reserva Ducke, prolongation. Staminodes rarely present. with one further genus, Onychopetalum to Carpeis mostly many, with 1 tomany, basalor be expected. 'NationaalHerbariumNederland,UtrechtUniversitybranch,W.C.vanUnnikgebouw,Heidelberglaan2,3584CSUtrecht, The Netherlands. Tnstituto Nacionalde Pesquisas daAmazônia, Depart. de Botânica. C.P. 478, CEP69083-000, Manaus, AM, Brasil. 3DepartmentofBotany, P.O. Box 7 (Unioninkatu 44), 00014 University ofHelsinki, Finland. SciELO/JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .. 618 Maas, P. J. M. etal. Thefamilyiseasilyrecognizedbyitsoften character occurs also in the closely related rather large, 3-merous flowers, its shield-like family ofMyristicaceae. apical prolongation of the connective Most representatives of this family are (protectingthestamensagainstpredators),and pollinatedbylargeorsmallbeetles(Gottsberger by seeds with aruminate endosperm. The last 1970; Webber 1996). Key to the genera of Annonaceae in Reserva Ducke 1. Leaves spirally arranged; flowers 4-merous; indument composed ofstellate hairs 14. Tetrameranthus 1’. Leaves in 2 rows (distichous); flowers 3-merous; indument composed of various hair types (simple, stellate,orscale-like hairs)orlacking. 2. Indument composed of stellate or scale-like hairs; fruit pseudosyncarpous and carpels strongly coherent, but only partly connate, the lower carpels sterile and forming a basal collar 6. Duguetia 2’. Indument composed of simple hairs or lacking (rarely stellate hairs in Annona); fruit either apocarpous or0.syncarpous, but not as above. 3. Flowers and fruit axillary, sometimes cauliflorous ( rarely leaf-opposed as in Anaxagorea bvrevipe1s.)', fruit composed ofmany, free, 1-several-seeded monocarps 4. M8.idrib ofleaves raised on the upper side. 5. Marginal leafvein present 12. Pseudoxandra 5’. Marginal leafvein absent. 9. 6. Flower buds ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid; outer petals with an apical, incurved appendage; monocarps subsessile Onychopetalum 6’ Flowerbudsgenerally globose, neverellipsoid; outerpetals withoutan . apical appendage; monocarps stipitate to subsessile. 7. Leaves asymmetrical; stipes of monocarps 0-2 mm long; monocarps 1-4 3. Bocageopsis 7’. Leaves symmetrical; stipes of monocarps 5-30 mm long; monocarps 10-100 15. Unonopsis 4’ Midrib ofleaves impressed on the upperside. . Petals thickand fleshy; monocarps club-shaped, explosively dehiscent 12. Anaxagorea 1. 8’. Petals generally much thinner; monocarps never club-shaped, indehiscent ornotexplosivelydehiscent. Monocarps dehiscent; seeds arillate; petals unequal 16. Xylopia 9’ Monocarps indehiscent; seeds without an aril; petals mostly equal. . Monocarpssubsessile,woody,3-8-seeded;petalsnarrowlyoblong- 1 elliptic 5. Diclinanona 10’. Monocarp mostly distinctly stipitate, not woody, 1-seeded; petals mostly 1-3 times as long as wide. Pedicels with basal articulation; flowers male orbisexual 1 7. Ephedranthus 11’. Pedicels with supra-basal articulation; flowers bisexual. Petals imbricate 9. Guatteria 12’. Petals vaivate 10. Guatteriopsis 3’. Flowers and fruits terminal, leaf-opposed, orsupra-axillary, rarely cauliflorous; fruit apocarpous or syncarpous. Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 F1l3o.rada ReservaDucke: Annonaceae ’ B1r4a.cts absent; innerpetals boat-shaped; monocarps dehiscent; seeds arillate 4. Cymbopetalurn 13’ Bracts present; inner petals not boat-shaped; monocarps indehiscent, seeds without an aril. O1u5.terpetals winged and flowers propellor-like; fruit syncarpous 13. Rollinici 14’ Outerpetals not winged and flowers not propellor-like; fruit syncarpous orapocarpous Staminodespresentbetweenstamensandpetals; fruitsyncarpous, withabasal,woody collar; leaves with amarginal vein 8. Fusaea 15’. Staminodes absent; fruit apocarpous or syncarpous, but then without abasal, woody collar; leaves without amarginal vein. 16. Fruitapocarpous,composedofmanystipitate monocarps;petalsthin, mostly with ciliatemargin;secondaryveinsalmostperpendiculartothemidrib 11. Malmea 16’. Fruitsyncarpous;petals mostlythick, margins notciliate;secondary veinsnever perpendiculartothemidrib 2. Annona Anaxagorea free, subequal, valvate, inner side keeled. 1. An.axagoreaA. St.-Hil., Buli. Sei. Soc.Philom. Staminodes mprmesent between stamens and carpels, 3-6 long. Carpels many, with 2 Paris 1825:91. 1825. Treesorshrubs. Indumentofvegetative basal ovules. Fruit apocarpous, consisting of and floral parts consisting of brownish, 5-20, explosively dehiscent, club-shaped microscopic, simple to stellate hairs. Leaves monocarps; base of monocarps gradually distichous, midrib impressed to flat on the narrowed intoastipe-like part, apexaglobose upperside. Inflorescence 1-several-flowered, strueture, containing the seeds. Seeds 2, axillary, often cauliflorous, pedicels with 2 shiny black,semiglobose, notarillate. bracts. Flowers yellow to cream, 3-merous, Genus of 25 species occurring all over medium-sized. Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, tropical America, and 4 species inAsia. Key to the species of Anaxagorea in Reserva Ducke Young twigs and petioles glabrous; sepals persistent 1. A. brevipes 1. 1’ Youn» twigs and petioles densely covered with brown, erect hairs; sepals soon falling off 2 Leaves without a marginal vein, 8-20 x 2-6 cm; flowerbuds globose, obtuse; sepals 3- 4 mmlons 2. A. manausensis T Leaves with a marginal vein, 10-36 x 3-12 cm; flower buds ovoid, acute; sepals 5- 11 mmlong 3. A. phaeocarpa Anaxagorea brevipes Benth., Hooker s and outer petals densely covered with I 1 J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 8. 1853. brownish, erect hairs. Flowers yellow to Tree or shrub, up to 10 m tall, 8—15 cm cream, with fragrance ofsoursop. Sepals free, mm in diam. Young twigs and petioles glabrous. ovatetobroadlyovate,6.5-12 long,patent, Leafpetioles 3-13 mm long. Lamina elliptic persistent. Petals subequal, ovate to narrowly mm mm to obovate, 8-27 x 3-10 cm, chartaceous, ovate, 11-17 long, 4-7.5 wide. glabrousabove,subglabrousbelow,baseacute Monocarps yellow (with red apex) or dark mm to rounded, apex acuminate, secondary veins red,m2m0-36 long, subglambmrous, beak 0.5- 7-15 on either side of midrib, flat to slightly 2.5 long. Seeds 11-16 long. Amazonian Colombia, Venezuela, impressed above. Inflorescences in foliate zone,axillaryorterminal,orcauliflorous, 1-2- Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil (Amazonas), and in flowered. Pedicels 3-11 mm long, 1.5-1 mm Guyana and Suriname. indiam.Flowerbudsovoidtoglobose,obtuse. In non-inundated forest, on sandy or Indument of floral parts: outer side of sepals clayeysoil. Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .. 620 Maas, P. J. M. etal. MG Flowering from August to November, E.57-136(INPA S); 11.X.1995(fl)Miralha,J. fruiting in March andNovember. M.S.etal.301 (GHINPAKMGPEUFR SUULM 25.XI.1957 (fr) Chagas, J. INPA s/n (INPA5697); VIC); 14.IX.1971 (fl)Prance,G. T.etal. 14745(INPA 1122..XX..11999955((ffll))MMiirraallhhaa,,JJ..MM..SS..eettaall..331110((IINNPPAAKKUU));; NPeYreiVrEa,N)E.;C.121.6I9X3.1(9I9N5PA(bKd)MRGibeUi)r;o2,2J..XIE..1L9.93S.(f&r) 12.X.1966(fr)Prance,G. Tetal.2633(BFGINPAK Webber,A. C. 1456(INPA). NYSVE);1.IX.1995(fl)Ribeiro,J.E.LS.etal. 1688 Anaxagorea manausensis was so far (IANINPANYRBUULM);29.VIII.1957(fr)Rodrigues, onlyknown fromafewcollectionsofReserva W W & 590 (INPA S); 21.XII.1963 (fr) Rodrigues, Ducke, but recently it has been discovered in Coelho,D.5633(INPA); 15.11.1967(fr)Rodrigues, W. forests on white sand in the region of &CAMon&t.ePierroe,irOa.,PE...8C3.26311(I(NGPHA)I;N1P0A.XK.1M9G95P(fEl)USFotRheSrsU, tAhlelpmaehausauyroe,mennetars hIaquvietobse,enPetrauk.enSefvreormalthoatf ULMVIC);10.EX.1992(fl) Webber,A.C. 1442(INPA). material; Anaxagorea brevipes can be recognized Gentry et al. 56014 (U), Maas et al. 8235 (U), byglabrousyoungtwigs,andpatent,persistent Pipoly et al. 12195 (U), Vásquez & Criollo 5754 sepals. (U), Vásquezetal. 5914 (U). Anaxagorea manausensis can well be 1.2 Anaxagorea manausensis Timmerman, recognizedby its strongly impressedvenation Proc. Kon. Ned.Akad. Wetensch. C. 87: 301. on the upper side ofthe leaves. 1984. Tree orshrub, 3.5-10 m tall, 4-8 cm in 1.3 Anaxagoreaphaeocarpa Mart. in Mart., diam.Youngtwigsandpetiolesdenselycovered w1i0tmh dmarlkonbgr.oLwanm,ienraecntahrariorsw.lyLeelalfipptiect,io8l-e2s04x- Filn.dbiraTasmr..ee1Y3o(or1u)sn:hg4r0ut.bw,ti.gu5s,pfationg.d240.pem1ti8to4al1lle,s(p5.d-pe1.n)5.seclmy 2-6 cm, chartaceous to coriaceous, glabrous coveredwithbrown,erecthairs,glabrouswith above, sparsely covered with erect hairs to age. Leaf petioles 6-22 mm long.Lamina glabrous below, base obtuse to acute, slightly narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate, 10-36 x decurrent, apex long-acuminate, secondary 3-12 cm, chartaceous, glabrous above, veins 8-14 on either side of midrib, strongly sparsely covered with erect hairs to glabrous impressed above. Inflorescences in foliate below,baseacutetorounded,slightlydecurrent, zone,ramiflorous, orcauliflmormous, axillary,m1m— apex acuminate, secondary veins 10-20 on 4-flowered.Pedicels 10-20 long, 1-3 eithersideofmidrib,impressedabove,marginal indiam.Flowerbudsglobose,obtuse.Indument vein present. Inflorescences in foliate zone, of floral parts: outer side of sepals and outer axillary, or cauliflorous, 1-several-flowered. petalsdensely coveredwithdarkbrown, erect Pedicels 8-20 mm long, 1-4 mm in diam. hairs. Flowers cream. Sepalmsmfree, broadly Flower buds ovoid, acute. Indument offloral ovatetodepressedovate,3-4 long,curved parts: outer side of sepals and outer petals upward, soon falling off. Petals subequal, densely covered with brown, erect hairs. c6o-n1c3avmem, ellloinpgti,c,5o-b1o1vamtme twoibdreo.adMloynoobcoavartpes, Flowers creamy yellow. Sepamlms connate to brown,35^10 mmlong, subglabrous,beakca. abovethemiddle,ovate,5-11 long,erect, mm mm soon falling off. Petals subequal, narrowly 1 long. Seeds 17-18 long. ovate, 10-20 mm long, 4-8 mm wide. Amazonian Brazil and Peru (Loreto). Monocarps green, maturing brown, 25- In non-inundated forest, on white sand. mm 38 long, densely tosparsely coveredwith FloweringandfruitinginSeptemberand mm brownish, erect hairs, beak 0.5-1 long. October. mm Seeds 11-13 long. Local name: envireira. Costa Rica, Panama, Pacific side of 11.III.1998(fr)Assunção,P.A. C.L. etal.815(INPA KMGMONYRBSPUULM);3.X.1957(fl)Ferreira, ColombiatoFrenchGuiana,andAmazonianBrazil. Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . . FloradaResenhaDucke: Annonaceae 621 In non-inundated forest, on sandy or of simple, rarely stellate hairs. Leaves clayeysoil. distichous,midribimpressedontheupperside, Flowering in March and December, lower side sometimes with domatia. fruitinginMarch,April, andJune. Inflorescence 1-5-flowered, non-axillary, 5.IV.1967(fr)Albuquerque,B.W.P.&Elias,J.67-11 sometimescauliflorous,pedicelswith2bracts. (INPA);2.VI.1993(bd)Ribeiro,J. E.L. S. etal. 785 Flowers white, yellow, often with inner side & (INPAU);2.XII.1966(fl)Rodrigues, W. Monteiro&, of petals basally red, sometimes reddish, 3- O2.. P. 8278(INPA);6.XII.1966(fr)Rodrigues, W. merous,largetosmall.Sepals3,valvate. Petals Monteiro, O. P 8280(INPA);30.III.1995,fl.andfr., 6, free ormore orlessconnate in a basal tube, Webber,A. C. 1497(INPA). Anaxagoreaphaeocarpa can be recognized subequal,all valvate,orouteronesvalvateand byacauliflorousinflorescence,ovoidandacute inner ones imbricate. Carpels many, with 1 basal ovule. Fruit syncarpous, composed of flowerbuds, and leaves with a marginal vein. 20 to over 200 carpels, seeds embedded in a Annona fleshy, often edible pulp. Seeds shiny brown, Annona L., Sp. Pl. 536. 1753. ellipsoidtoobovoid,notarillate. Trees, shrubs, or rarely lianas. Genus ofover 100 species occurring all Indumentofvegetativeandfloralpartconsisting over tropical America, a few in África. Key to the species of Annona in Reserva Ducke Liana 5. A. haematantha 1. 1’. Trees or shrubs. 2. Leaves with domatia (small, hairy pits on the lower side ofthe lamina in the axil ofthe primary and secondary veins). 3. Leaveswithveryobscuresecondaryveins;flowersinthefoliatezone;fruitsubglobose, ca. 3.5 cm in diam 6. A. densicoma 3’. Leaves with distinct secondary veins; flowers produced from the main trunk (cauliflorous);fruitovoid-cylindric,5.5-7 cmlong 4. A. foetida 2\ Leaves without domatia. 4. Leaves 8-14 x 3-5 cm, lower side glaucous; young twigs glabrous; petals connate; mm outerpetals4-7 long 1. A. amazônica 4’ Leaves8-35x5-12cm,lowersidenotglaucous;youngtwigsdenselycoveredwithbrown, mm erect hairs; petals free or only the outerones connate; outerpetals 20-35 long. 5 Flowersdarkredtoyellowishred;outerpetalsconnateintoabasal tube;fruit3-5 cm indiam.,subglabrous,composedof20-50carpels,hardlyareolate 2. A. ambotay 5’. Flowersyellow;petalsfree;fruit5-6cmindiam.,denselyhairy,composedofover150 carpels,eachendingina 1—1.5 cmlong,pungentapex ..3. A. sp. nov. aff. excellens 2.1 Annona amazônica R.E. Fr., Acta Horti veins 10-15 on either side of midrib. Berg. 10: 266. 1931. Inflorescences in foliate zone, 1-5-flowered. Tree, 20-25 m tall, 35-60 cm in diam. Pedicels3-15 mmlong, 1-2mmindiam.Flower Youngtwigsandpetiolesglabrous.Leafpetioles buds depressed globose, triangularin outline as 7-10 mm long. Lamina narrowly elliptic to seenfromabove. Indumentoffloralparts:outer narrowly obovate, 8—14 cm x 3—5 cm, side of sepals and outer petals rather densely herbaceous, shiny, glabrous above, glaucous covered with whitish, appressed hairs. Flowers below,sparselycoveredwithwhitish,appressed yellow, inner and outerpetals deep red at inner hairs below, base mostly obtuse, apex shortly base. Sepals free, broadly ovate-triangular, 1- mm mm acuminate (acumen 5-10 long), secondary 2 long. Petals all connate with each other Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 622 Maas, P. J. M. etal. andfallingoffasawhole,stronglyconcave.Outer Flowers dark red to yellowish red, fragrant. petalsbroadlyovate-triangular,concave,4-7 mm Sepals free, ovateto broadly ovate-deltate, 2- mm long.Innerpetalsverybroadlyovate-triangular, 5 long. Outer petals connate into a basal 4-7 mm long. Fruit pale glaucous, brownish tube,oblong-elliptic,20-30 mmlong,4-8 mm green,pulpyellow-orange,subglobose,2.5-4cm wide, apex acute, apically spreading. Inner mm in diam., composed of50-100 carpels, hardly petals adnate to outer ones, elliptic, 4-5 mm mm areolate, subglabrous. Seeds 5-8 long. long,2-3 wide,acute. Fruitpaleglaucous AmazonianBrazil (ParáandAmazonas). green, maturingyellow,subglobose,3-5 cmin Innon-inundated forest, on sandy soil. diam., composed of 20-50 carpels, hardly Flowering in September and October, areolate,subglabrous. Seedsshinybrown, 10- mm fruitinginOctober. 15 long. 11.X.1995(fr)Miralha,J.M.S. etal.302(GHINPA Amazonian Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, KMGPEUFRSUULM);30.XI.1963(fr)Rodrigues, Brazil, and Bolivia, andthe threeGuianas. W 5554(INPA);20.IX.1994(fl) Vicentini,A. etal. Innon-inundatedforest,mostlyonclayeysoil. 699(GHINPAKMGPEUFRSUULMVIC). Flowering from June toAugust, fruiting ColleetionsstudiedfromoutsideReservWaSDuWcke: in October. Amapá, Mun. Mazagão, 75-80 km of Local name: envira-cajú, envira-taia. MPaarcáa,pMá,un2.1.TXuIcI.ur1u9í8,42(t5l)kDamlyS,oDf.RC.epertaels.a3T9u5c4ur(uUí),; 3(0I.NVPIAI)I;.1979.6V.(f1r9)7A4ssu(sntç)ãoC,oeP.lhAo.,C.D.L. IetNPalA. 4s0/2n M1a5.naIIuIs.-1I9t8a0co(aftri)arPaloHwwym.a,nk,mT.10C1., e1t9.aXl..19965598(f(lUa)n;d 3(I0N3PA(4I6N8P0A3);K1M1.GX.1U995UL(fMr))M;ira1l1h.aV,IJI..M1.99S4.e(tbadl.) Myfarn)auRso-dIrtiagcuoeast,iaWr.aH&wyL.o,urkemiro1,60,A.107.1X3I9I.1(9I6N5PA()fl;) NMaGsciSmUenUtoF,MJT. RU.LM&);Pe6r.eiVrIa.,19E9.3C(.fl)5R3i3be(irIoN,PJA. EK. Rodrigues, W. & Coelho, D. 7346 (INPA). L. S. etal. 886(INPAKMGUULM);29.VII.1966 Annona amazônica can be distinguished & (fl)Rodrigues, W. Monteiro, O. P. 8204(INPA); from all other species ofAnnona in the flora 5.VIU.1966(fl)Rodrigues, W.&Monteiro, O. P.8214 areabyitsverytinyflowerswithconnateouter (INPA);25.VII.1995(fl)Sothers, C.A. &Assunção, and inner petals, and its relatively small, pale P.A.C.L528(INPAKMGMONYRBSPUULM); glaucousfruit. 23.VII.1968(fl)Souza,J.A.53(INPA). Annona ambotay can be recognized by 2.2 Annona ambotay Aubl., Hist. pl. Guiane its reddish flowers with petals connate into a 1:616. 249. 1775. basaltube, andbyits largeleaves inwhichthe t. Treeorshrub, 10-18 mtall, 5-30 cm in midrib and secondary veins ofthe upper side diam.Youngtwigsandpetiolesdenselycovered are densely covered with dark brown hairs. with darkbrown, erect hairs. Leafpetioles 7— 12 mm long. Lamina elliptic to obovate, 2.3Annona sp. nov. ined. aff. excellens R.E. sometimes narrowly so, 8-27 x 5-12 cm, Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: 215. t. 10. 1931. herbaceous, upper side shiny green, veins at Tree, 6-12 m tall, 8-15 cm in diam. upper side and complete lower side densely Youngtwigsandpetiolesdenselycoveredwith covcredwithdarkbrown,appressedanderect, dark brown, erect hairs. Leaf petioles 5- simple to stellate hairs, base mostly obtuse, 10 mm long. Lamina narrowly obovate, 20- apex shortly acuminate to acute, secondary 35 cmlong, 10-12 cmwide,coriaceous,midrib veins 10-15 on either side of midrib. denselycoveredwithbrown,erecthairsabove, Inflorescences in foliatc zone to ramiflorous, denselycoveredwithbrown,erecthairsbelow, 1-3-tlowered. Pedicels 5-20 mm long, 1- base acutetoobtuse, apex acuminate (acumen mm 3 mmindiam.Flowerbudsellipsoidtoconical. 10-15 long), secondary veins 10-16 on Indument of floral parts: outer side of sepals eithersideofmidrib. Inflorescences in foliate and outer petals densely covered with brown zone, leaf-opposed or terminal, 1-flowered. mm mm (sepals) or whitish (petals), appressed hairs. Pedicels 15-20 long, to 6 in diam. Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 15 16 17 18 FloradaReservaDucke: Annonaceae 623 Flower buds narrowly ovoid. Indument of Lamina dull greyish to dull brown above, floralparts:outersideofsepalsandouterpetals elliptic to narrowly obovate, 10-16 x 5- coveredwith avelutinous indumentofbrown, 7.5 cm, chartaceous, upper side with erect hairs. Flowers yellow. Sepals broadly impressed secondary veins, lower side with ovate-triangular,25-35 mmlong,prominently minute pit-shaped domatia completely veined. Outer petals ovate-triangular, 25- covered by brown hairs, glabrous on both 35 mm long, 20—30 mm wide, slightly sides, base mostly acute, apex acuminate acuminate to acute, to 5 mm thick, midrib (acumen 5-10 mm long), secondary veins 7- prominent. Inner petals broadly ovate to 10 on either side of midrib. Inflorescences obovate, 20-25 mm long, 15-20 mm wide, cauliflorous, 1-5-flowered. Pedicels 15- rounded. Fruitpaleglaucousgreenwhenripe, 25 mm long, 3-5 mm in diam. Flower buds with white, very sweetandediblepulp,ovoid, globose. Indument of floral parts: outer side 5-6cmindiam.,composedofover 150carpels, of sepals and outer petals densely covered eachcarpelendinginapungentapex 1-1.5 cm withgreyish white, appressed hairs. Flowers long, denselycoveredwith whitish, appressed creamy yellow. Sepals connate for most of mm hairs. Seeds shiny brown, 13-18 long. their length, depressed ovate-triangular, 3- mm Amazonian Peru and Brazil. 5 long, finally reflexed. Outer petals In non-inundated forest, on clayey or ovate-triangular, 20-30 mm long, 20-25 mm mm sandysoil. wide, 3-4 thick, midribprominent. Inner FloweringinJune,fruiting inOctober. petals broadly obovate to broadly ovate, mm mm Local nanie: envireira. concave, 15-20 long, 15-20 wide. & 15.XII.1995(fr)Assunção, P.A. C. L. Pereira, E. Fruit pale glaucous green, maturing brown, & C. 264 (INPA); III.1997 (0) Ribeiro, J. E. L. S. ovoid-cylindric, 5.5-7 cm long, 4-5 cm in Pereira, E. C. 1883 (INPA U); 16.VI.1964 (0) diam., composedofover200carpels, slightly Rodrigues, W.&Loureiro,A.5913(INPA); 12.1.1995 mm areolate, apiculate (apicules 1-3 long), (fr)Sothers, C.A. &Pereira, E. C. 719(INPAU). denselycovered withbrown, appressedhairs. SpecimensstudiedfromoutsideReservaDueke: mm Seeds shiny brown, 7-10 long. Manaus-ItacoatiaraHwy.,km I55.3.IX.1971(ff)Coêlha, L &Monteiro136(INPA);Manaus-ItacoatiaraHwy., Amazonian Brazil and Peru. RioCastanho,IgarapédoTupanazinho, 17.VI.1972 In non-inundated forest, on sandy to (tl)Silva, M. F etal. 768(INPA). clayeysoil. For the description the following additional Flowering in April, July, and October, collection has been used: PERU. Loreto: Jenaro fruiting in Octoberand November HerreraArboretum,25.X.1994(fr)Maas,P.J. M. et Local name: envira-atá, envireira, graviola al. 8203(U). da mata. Annona sp. nov. aff. excellens can be 6.X.1995 (fr)Miralha,J. M. S. etal. 268(INPAK recognizedbyitshairytruit,withmanycarpels MGU); 10.X.1995 (fr)Miralha, J. M. S. etal. 293 (over 150)endinginalong,pungentapex.This (INPAKU); 10.X.1995(fr)Miralha,J. M. S. etal. species which is still undescribed, has a 297(INPAKMG U);24.XI.1994(fr)Nascimento, delicious,sweetfruit,asthefirstauthornoticed J. R. etal. 663(INPAU);29.IX.1976(st)Oliveira, when tasting it in Peru. A.R. INPAs/n(INPA72942);7.X.1966(st)Prance, G. T. etal. 2611 (INPA); 14.XII.1966(fr)Prance, 2.4 Annonafoetida Mart. in Mart., Fl. bras. EG.. TL..eSt.al.et3a6l4.29(8I1NP(AI)N;P2A.VIKI.M19G93M(fOl)RNibYeirSoP,JU. 13(1):Tr1e6.e1o8r4s1.hrub, 3-15 m tall, 4-15 cm in U(ILNMP)A);;2169..VVII.I1I9.61496(f3l)(Rfold)riRgoudersi,guWe.s&, LWo.ure5i4r4o2, diam. Young twigs and petioles densely A. 5924(INPA); 3.VII.1964(fl)Rodrigues, W. & covered with brown, appressed hairs, Loureiro,A.5930(INPA);23.VII.1968(fl)Souza, mm glabrouswithage. Leafpetioles6-8 long. J. A. 52 (INPA); 9.X.1968 (fl) Souza, J. A. 215 Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 624 Maas, P. J. M. etal. (INPA); 28.IV.1994(fl) Vicentini,A. etal. 510(G 2.6 Annona densicoma Mart. in Mart., Fl INPAKMGRBUULMUS). bras. 13(1): 9. 1841. Annona foetida can be recognized by Trec or shrub, 3-20 m tall, 6-23 cm chartaceous leaves with domatia and distinct in diam. Young twigs and petioles rather venation, versus A. densicoma with domatia, densely covered with brownish, appressed mm but coriaceous leaves with obscure venation. hairs, soonglabrous. Leafpetioles6-10 long. Lamina dull grey or dull black above, 2.5 Annona haematantha Miq., Linnaea 22: elliptic to obovate to narrowly so, 10-14 x 465. 1849. 4-6 cm, coriaceous, upper side glabrous, Liana,ca. 5 cmindiam.Youngtwigsand lower side sparsely covered with appressed petioles densely covered with brown, erect hairs, mainly along the midrib, with minute, mm hairs,glabrouswithage.Leafpetioles5-6 pit-shaped domatia completely covered by long. Lamina elliptic to obovate, 12-15 x 5- hairs, baseacute toobtuse, apex very shortly 7 cm, membranaceous, veins at both sides and bluntly acuminate (acumen 2-10 mm sparsely covered with brownish, appressed long), secondary veins obscure, 8-10 on hairs, base obtuse, apex shortly acuminate either side of midrib. Inflorescences in (acumen ca. 5 mm long), secondary veins 10- foliate zone, 1-2-flowered. Pedicels 6- mm mm 12 on either side ofmidrib. Inflorescences in 12 long, 2-4 in diam. Flower buds mm foliate zone, 1-flowered. Pedicels ca. 10 ovoid to broadly ovoid. Indument offloral long, ca. 1 mm indiam. Flowerbuds notseen. parts: outer side of sepals and outer petals Indument of floral parts: outer side of sepals densely covered with brownish, appressed and outer petals densely covered with white hairs. Flowers pale yellow, inner base of (petals) or brown (sepals), appressed hairs. petals reddish. Sepals completely connate Flowers yellow to red on the outer side, red into a ring-shaped calyx, 2-5 mm long, ontheinnerside. Sepalsfree,ovate-triangular, persistent in fruit. Outer petals ovate- 2-3 mm long. Outer petals connate, tube 5- triangular, ca. 20 mmlong, 13-15 mmwide. 8 mm long, ca. 10 mm in diam., lobes ovate- Inner petals ovate-triangular, ca. 15 mm triangular, 15-20 mm long, 10-15 mm wide. long, 8-10 mmwide. Fruitcolourunknown, mm Innerpetalsconnate,tubeca. 7 long,upper subglobose, ca. 3.5 cm in diam., composed margin recurved, lobes erect, narrowly of75-100carpels, slightlyareolate,apiculate triangular, ca. 2 mm long. Fruitnot seen. (apicule pungent, to 2 mm long), sparsely TheGuianasandAmazonianBrazil(near covered with brownish, appressed hairs, Manaus). becoming glabrous. Seeds not seen. In non-inundated forest,on sandy soil. VenezuelanGuayanatoCentralAmazonian FloweringinJanuary,fruitnotyetfound. Brazil. 9.1.1995(fl)Assunção, P.A. C. L. 132(INPAKMG In campinarana forest, on sandy soil. NYSPUULM). Local name: graviola-brava. Annona haematantha can be recognized OnlyvegetativecollectionsknownfromReserva by the factthatitisa liana. Anothercharacter Ducke: Tagged tree numbers 3715 and 3716. todistinguishthisspeciesisitsbasallyconnate, Specimenstudied fromoutside ReservaDucke: red flowers, a character only met with in the Amazonas, Rio Preto (tributary of Rio Negro), closely related A. ambotay. 17.VIII.1996(fl)AcevedoR.P. etal.8416(13). Itistheonlylianainthefamilyoccurring Annona densicoma can be recognized in Reserva Ducke! Another liana to be by having coriaceous leaves with obscure expected would be Guatteria scandens, a venation,andbythedomatiaonthelowerside speciesnotrareintheGuianasandthebrazilian ofitslamina. State of Pará. Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 U FloradaReservaDucke: Annonaceae 625 3. Bocageopsis Flowers white to creamy yellow, 3-merous, Bocageopsis R.E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: small.Sepals3,valvate.Petals6,free,subequal, 143. 1931. valvate. Carpels few, with 2 lateral ovules. Trees. Indument ofvegetative and floral Fruit apocarpous, consisting of 1-4, shortly part consisting of simple hairs. Leaves stipitate, indehiscent monocarps. Seeds 1-4, distichous,asymmetrical(onehalfslightlylarger brown, ellipsoid to depressed globose, with thantheotherone), midribmostlyraisedtoflat prominentmedianrib,surfacepitted,notarillate. on the upper side. Inflorescence many- Genus consisting of four species flowered, axillary, pedicels with 2 bracts. occurring in tropical SouthAmerica. Key to the species of Bocageopsis in Reserva Ducke mm 1. Leaves glaucous on the lower side, shortly acuminate (acumen ca. 5 long); monocarps 8-20 mmlong 2- B pleiosperma mm 1’. Leaves not glaucouson the lowerside, long-acuminate (acumen 10-15 long); monocarps 2-8 mm indiam l- B multiflora 3.1 Bocageopsis multiflora (Mart.) R.E. Fr., FloweringinAugust,fruitinginFebruary. Acta Horti Berg. 10: 145. fig. 2a. 1931. Local names: envira-bobó, envira-preta, Bocagea multiflora Mart. in Mart., Fl. envira-surucucu,envira-surucucu-folha-miúda. bras. 13(1): 45. t. 14. 1841. 13.1.1995(fr)Assunção.P.A.C.L 141(U);26.III.1996 Yp6eo-tui1on2lgTexrs2et3ew-—,i34gs1mc2mam-,n3dl2cohnpmager.ttitLaaocallleme,osiu1nss0a,u-bng6gal5lraarbcborrmwooluuysisne.aldlbLiiopeavtimaec.,f, ((CUfoIrBs)NtBPUarA,i4LtMo2M..2J2AU.9.SM)S).;.;/e19t19.8a1(.l..II1X19.N091P0(9A7B(Ms3MtG)(IUsGteNU)nPLtCAroMyeK),lh;4Mo.,1B/8/D..M.X&.IM1NN9eGP9lA4sRo(snf/l,n) B. W.69297(INPA);7.X1.1994(fr)Hopkins,M.J. G. sparsely covered with white, appressed hairs &Nascimento.J.R. 1507(INPAKMGMONYSPU below, base acute, apex long-acuminate ULM); 21.X.1965 (fl) Loureiro, A. INPA16446 (acumen 10-15 mmlong),midribraisedabove, (INPA);21.VIU.1963(fl)Rodrigues, W.5450(INPA); secondaryveins 12—18oneithersideofmidrib. 5.III.1964(fr)Rodrigues, W.&Monteiro, O.P.5725 Iflnofwleorreeds.cePnecdeisceilnsfo1li0a—t2e0zomnem, alxoinlgl,ary1,m6m-15i-n 5(I7N6P6A()I;NP16A.)1;V.231.9161.41(9fr9)6R(ofdr)riSgotuheesr,s,W.C.&A.Lo&urPeeirreoi,rAa., diam.Flowerbudsglobose. Indumentoffloral E. C. 804 (IAN INPA K MO NY SP U ULM); parts: outer side of sepals and outer petals 27JX.1968(fl)Souza,J.A.189(INPA); 1.XI.1994(fl. densely covered with white, appressed hairs. andfr) Vicentini,A. etal. 764(INPAKMGMONY RBSPUULM). Flowers white to creamy white. Sepals free, broadly ovate-triangular, ca. 1 mm long, For differences with B. pleiosperma see persistent on fruit. Petals subequal, ovate to under that species. narrowly ovate, 3-4 mm long, 2-3 mm wide. Monocarps 2-4, red to orange, or yellow, 3.2 Bocageopsis pleiosperma Maas, Proc. maturing black, globose, 2-8 mm in diam., Kon. Ned.Akad. Wetensch. C. 89: 249. fig. 1, subglabrous, rounded to apiculate, wall less 3a. 1986. than0.5 mmwide, stipes 1-2 mmlong. Seeds Tree, 5-28 m tall, 18-40 cm in diam. l(-2)permonocarp,brown,6-8 mmindiam., Youngtwigsandpetiolesdenselycoveredwith whitish, erect hairs, soon glabrous. Leaf ellipsoid,pitted. Amazonian Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, petioles 4-6 mm long. Lamina elliptic to Brazil, and Bolivia, andthe threeGuianas. narrowly elliptic, slightly asymmetrical, 8-16 In non-inundated forest, on clayey to x 2.5-4.5 cm, chartaceous, brownish when sandysoil. dried,uppersideglabrous,lowersideglaucous. Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/ JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .. 626 Metas, P.J. M. etal. densely covered with minute, whitish, 4. Cymbopetalum appressed hairs below, base obtuse, apex Cymbopetalum Benth., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., mm shortly acuminate (acumen ca. 5 long), Bot. 5: 69. 1860. midribslightlyraisedtoflatabove, secondary A genus of 27 species occurring in veins 11-14 on either side of midrib. tropical America. Inflorescenccs in foliate zone, axillary, basally repeatedly branched, 5-25-fiowered. 4.1 Cymbopetalum euneurum N.A. Murray, Pedicels 5-18 mm long, 1-2 mm in diam. Syst. Bot. Monogr.40: 71.fig.24a-d,25. 1993. Flowerbuds depressed globose. Indument of Treeorshrub, 1-5 mtall,2.5 cmindiam. floral parts: outer side of sepals and outer Youngtwigsandpetiolessparselycoveredwith petals rather densely covered with whitish, white, appressed, simplc hairs, glabrous with mm erect and appressed hairs. Flowers creamy age. Leavesdistichous. Petioles2-4 long. yellow,innerbaseofpetalspinkish,withsweet Lamina narrowly elliptic to elliptic, 17-29 x fragrance. Sepals almost free, very broadly 4.5-9 cm wide, chartaceous, glabrous above, triangular, ca. 1 mm long, persistent. Outer subglabrous to sparsely covered with white, petals verybroadly tobroadlyovate, 3-5 mm appressed hairs below, bmamse acute, apex long, 2-4 mm wide, concave. Inner petals acuminate (acumen to 30 long), midrib ovate-triangular,3-4 mmlong,2-3 mmwide, distinctly raised above, secondary veins impressed above, 14-16 on either side of much thicker than the outer ones, slightly midrib. Inflorescence in foliate zone, non- concave. Monocarps 1-4, green, maturing mm axillary, l-flowered. Pedicels30-50 long, yellowto red, globose (1-seeded) toellipsoid mm (more-seeded), 8-20 mm long, 8-15 mm 1-2.5 indiam. Bractsabsent. Flowerbuds wide, subglabrous, rounded, young stipes depressedovoid. Indumentoffloralparts:outer green, 0-2 mm long. Seeds 1-4 per side of sepals and outer petals sparsely to denselycoveredwithwhite,appressed,sirnple monocarp,horizontally arranged, dullbrown, mm hairs. Flowers whitish green. Sepals 3, free. 9-11 long,discoid,pitted. depressedovate,3-4 mmlong,valvate. Petals AmazonianBrazil(AmazonasandPará). 6, valvate. Outer petals broadly ovate, 15- In non-inundatedforest,onclayey soil. 22 mm long, 12-15 mm wide, veins slightly FloweringinJuly andAugust, fruiting in raised. Inner petals broadly ovate, 20-33 mm August to October. long, 15-20 mm wide, margins strongly Local names: envira-preta. incurved. Fruit apocarpous. Monocarps 15- 1.VII.1966 (fl) Duarte, A. P. & Coelho,&D. 9826 25, greenish red, cylindrical, curved, andwith E(I.NCP.A4)I;(4.CIOX.L1F99I7N(PfAr)KMaMrtBinMs,ML.GH.UPU.ECPeUrLeMir)a;, constrictions, 10-30 mmlong,asymmetrically I1N1.PXA.K19M95B(Mfl)MMGiraUlhUaL,M)J.;M1.5.SX..e1t9a6l9.(3fr0)0Mo(nCteOiLroF, g5l-a1b5romusm, mlionnug.teSleyeadpsic1uml-a4mt,e,ladteehrailslcyenatt,tascthiepde,s O. P. 7(INPA);6.VII.1993(fl)Ribeiro,J.E. L. S.et black, ellipsoid, 10-14 long, aril orange, al. 1045 (INPA K MG MO NY RB SP U ULM); covering over halfofthe seed. 20.VIII.1964 (fl) Rodrigues, W. &Monteiro, O. P CentralAmazonian Brazil. 6011 (INPA);26.VIII.1994(fr)Sothers, C.A. etai In non-inundated forest, on sandy or 145 (INPA K MG MO NY RB SP U ULM); clayeysoils. 16.VII.1995(fl)Sothers, C.A. etal.513(BMINPA Flowering from March to June, fruiting KMGRUUBULMUS); 16.1.1996(fr)Sothers, C. fromAugust to February. A. etal. 744(BM INPAKMGRUUBULMUS). Local name: envira. Bocageopsis pleiospenna can easily be 23.1V.1995(fr)Assunção,PA.C.L&Pereira,E. C. distimnguished from B. multiflora by the 195(INPAKU); 12.III.1957(fl)Coelho, L. INPA glaucous lower side ofthe leaves, which are, s/n (holotype INPA5119: isotype S); 27.11.1957 moreover, shortly insteadoflong-acuminate. (fr) Ferreira, E. 57-38 (INPA); 23.VII.1997 (fr) Rodriguésia 58 (3): 617-662. 2007 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 15 16 17 18

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