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Flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil: Anisophyllaceae PDF

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Preview Flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil: Anisophyllaceae

Flora da Reserva Ducke,Amazonas,Brasil: Anisophyllaceae Ghillean T. Prance' Prance,G.T.;Silva,M.E;Albuquerque,B.W.;Araújo,I.J.S.;Carreira,L.M.M.;Braga,M.M.N.;Macedo,M.; Conceição, P. N.; Lisboa, P. L. B.; Braga, P. I. S.; Lisboa, R. C. L. & Vilhena, R. C. Q. 1975. Revisão taxonômicadasespéciesamazônicasdeRhizophoraceae.ActaAmazônica5(1):5-22. Cronquist,A. 1981.Anintegratedsystemofclassificationoffloweringplants. Pp.564-565.ColumbiaUniv. Press,NewYork. Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, Anisophyllea simple, 3-5-plinerved. Stipules absent. Anisophyllea R. Br. ex Sabine, Trans. Hort. Inflorescences axillary panicles or racemes. Soc. London 5: 446. 1824. Flowers unisexual, small, actinomorphic, 4- Trees or shrubs. Inflorescence an merous, actinomorphic, epigynous with a axillary panicle. Flowers hermaphrodite or lobed disk at base, surrounding top ofovary. unisexual. Petals 3-laciniate. Fruit a berry Petals4, alternatingwith4calyxlobes, entire or drupe. or laciniate; stamens 8, epipetalous; anthers Type species: Anisophyllea laurina Br. ex smallanddorsifixed,openingbylongitudinal Sabine. slits. Ovary of 4 united carpels forming a The name refers to the unequal (aniso-) compound, inferior ovary with 4 separate leaves (phyllon). subulatestyles,4locularwith 1-2anatropous About25speciesintheNeotropics,África ovules in each locule, pendulous from the and Malesia. axile placenta. Fruit a drupe (or winged in Polygonanthus), 1 seeded, cotyledons small, Anisophyllea manausensis Pires & W. A. without endosperm. Rodrigues, ActaAmazon. 1(2): 7-13. 1971. The family consists of 4 genera two of Large tree. Leaves subsessile, which occur in Amazônia Anisophyllea and pubescent soon glabrescent, ovate- ( Polygonanthus) and only one, Anisophyllea lanceolate, 9-17 x4.5-7.5 cm, assymetrical, , in the vicinity ofManaus.About40species in chartaceous, obtuse at base, apex acuminate, África, Malaysia and the Neotropics. The the acumen 12-20 mm long, margins entire family has often been united with the and slightly revolute; midrib prominent Rhizophoraceae but differs in the alternate, beneath, impressedabove; secondary nerves exstipulate leaves, the distinct styles and in 4-7 with 1 or2pairsemerging from thebase, pollenmorphology. impressed above, prominent beneath; mm The genus Anisophyllea differs from petioles very short, 2 long. Stipules Polygonanthus in the drupaceous unwinged absent. Inflorescences of axillary panicles, mm fruitandthelaciniatepetals.InPolygonanthus 8 long, the rachis and branches thefruitis4-wingedanddryandthepetalsare puberulous. Flowers unisexual. Male entire. flowers small, solitary, sessile with small There are no recorded uses of the two bracteoles at base, 0.5-1 mm long; sepals central Amazonian and Guianan species of 4, ovate, valvate, pubescent, 1.3 mm long, mm Anisophyllea butA. laurina fromÁfrica, has 1 wide; petals 4 microscopically , anediblefruit. papilloseandciliate, 5 mm long, 3 mmwide, 'Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, SurreyTW9 3AB, U.K. SciELO/JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .. 486 Prance, C. T. pubescent; stamens 8, subequal, 0.7-1 mm 13.IV.1966 (fr) Rodrigues, W. & Coêlho, D. long; disc lobed. Fruit a drupe with 1 seed; 7665 (INPA); 14.IV.1966 (fl) Rodrigues, W. & epicarp smooth, coriaceous. Female flowers Coêlho, D. 7672 (INPA); 11.III.1968 (fr) Rodrigues, W. &Monteiro, O. P 8466 (INPA); not seen. Type: BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: W.A. Rodrigues 2C1..&XI.Si1l9va9,7C(.frF).So1t0h4e6rs(,ICA.NAI.N&PAPeKreMirOa,NEY. 7211 (fl) (holotype INPA; isotype MG). RB SPU UB); 20.IX.1995 (bd) Vicentini, A. & KnownonlyinCentralAmazôniaaround Silva, C. F. 1042 (INPA K MG MO NY R RB Manaus and west to the Rio Demeni. SPU). Rodriguésia 58 (3): 485-486. 2007 SciELO/ JBRJ, cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 ..

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