eMAGAZINE Constrofacilitator MARCH 2022 www.constrofacilitator.com Knowledge and b2b portal for construction and infrastructure Volume-04 eM-03 FLOORING Exterior flooring ü Decorative concrete ü floorings Products for industrial ooring ü Industrial & commercial flooring ü Industrial ooring for different facilities ü FLOORING Most people choose industrial flooring as they have heard about the durable and indestructible nature of the flooring option. Finding a floor that can handle continuous heavy machinery is tricky and in some cases, you have to choose by keeping a balance between style and practicality. Flooring tastes and trends continue to change at a rapid pace. With urbanization the demand is ever-changing. The need for speed and sustainability has impacted the flooring industry. Consumers Want flooring materials that have been given special treatment to make them unique in design and looks. The trends keep on changing and updating as per customer demand and technological development, these are trending at [present and further developments will happen eventually. The flooring may seem like a minor factor in sustainable building, but considering its large surface area and the high amount of tra�c it receives, choosing the right type is quite important. In this edition of eMag Trends to watch out for in Industrial and Commercial Flooring, Decorative Concrete Floorings, Exterior Flooring, Industrial flooring for di�erent facilities and di�erent types of products for industrial flooring. March 2022 • Constrofacilitator 2 04 Different types of Exterior flooring 08 Types of decorative concrete floorings Trends to watch out for in industrial 12 and commercial flooring Industrial floor coatings for different 17 facilities 21 Flyash innovation in the Indian market 04 08 12 21 3 Constrofacilitator • March 2022 EXTERIOR FLOORING Different types of Exterior Flooring W hen you choose til- the terrace or in the garden we will think carefully about the colour of the ing to cover the spend some of the best moments dur- floor, as light colours reflect too much floor of your patio, ing the summer season. light and dirt is very noticeable, while terrace, outdoor dark colours absorb heat and over- entertainment Outdoor floors must have certain heat. room or poolside inbuilt characteristics. In addition to deck and walkway, you will gain major resisting high temperatures and other Different types of exterior flooring visual enhancements and other bene- inclement weather, they must meet fits. There are many factors to take into other requirements, such as the fact Selecting the best flooring for patios, account since it is a type of flooring that that the floor is anti-slip, as these are gardens, and other outdoor areas you must be able to withstand both high areas where water and the way we walk might come across in your work is cru- and low temperatures as well as other can cause falls due to slipping. Another cial to finish off your design so it looks extreme weather conditions. In addi- essential issue to consider is mainte- coherent. Also, you can make or break tion, although the technical aspects are nance, the cost and effort of which can the overall feel of your design by fundamental, we also have to find a vary greatly depending on the type of choosing one material, colour and / or floor that visually pleases us, since on material used. It is also important to pattern over the other – so make sure to 04 March 2022 • Constrofacilitator EXTERIOR FLOORING carefully address every detail. There are excellent for pool surrounds and are plenty of options to choose from, outdoor entertainment areas. Quartz each more suitable for a different type Carpet is hygienic, scratch and stain of facility, a different target and different resistant and easy to maintain. The styles and moods. strength of the quartz stone measures 8 on the MOH scale of hardness Stamped Concrete Flooring whereas a diamond measures. Stamped concrete flooring, also Porcelain / Ceramic flooring known as patterned concrete or imprinted concrete, uses rubber Porcelain tiles are fired at higher tem- stamps designed from “real stone” peratures for a longer time than molds to imprint the concrete to resem- ceramic, which makes them more dura- ble natural brick, slate, cobblestone, ble and denser-practically completely tile, and even wood planks. It can be different. It is prone to clogging if the water-resistant. Ceramic tiles are more applied as an overlay that goes over water in the reservoir isn't drained out delicate and less porous, meaning your existing concrete slab or can be properly. Permeable gravel floor is a they can easily absorb water. These imprinted into freshly-poured concrete special resin bound aggregate surface resistant materials for intensive and out- before it hardens. Stamping is a deco- for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Per- door use and its maintenance is very rative treatment for new concrete sur- meable gravel floor are decorative and simple. The very nature of ceramics faces. Stamped concrete has mid- functional, seamless and slightly flexi- makes it the most suitable solution for range compressive strength, usually ble. The formulated floor surface allows exterior floors, as it has a minimal between 3000 to 4000 psi, and lasts water to drain through to the base, elim- porosity that means it does not absorb decades if well maintained. There are inating water ponding and allowing humidity, as well as being highly resis- three procedures used in stamped con- water to drain. The surfacing may be tant to knocks and scratches. crete that separate it from other con- applied to compacted soil or over per- crete procedures; the addition of a meable concrete. Permeable gravel base colour, the addition of an accent floor provides an attractive porous sur- colour, and stamping a pattern into the face which is strong enough for foot concrete. These three procedures pro- and light vehicle traffic. vide stamped concrete with a colour and shape similar to the natural build- Seamless quartz flooring ing material. Seamless quartz flooring is a high strength quartz flooring system that can add colour, versatility and chic to any outdoor space. Its appearance is that of an internal carpet but with a MOH hardness rating of 8, its strength Outdoor carpet flooring rivals that of a diamond! These types of floors are low maintenance, stain resis- These carpets are often very short, low tant, slip resistant, easy to clean and pile carpets similar to what you see in an office. Even low pile carpet is natu- rally soft and comforting, and there are Permeable gravel flooring The permeable gravel flooring is used in parking lots, sidewalks, low-traffic areas, and driveways. This type of flooring is suitable for different condi- tions that include hot climates, high- speed traffic areas, and less-travelled areas. The maintenance requirements of the permeable gravel floor are quite March 2022 • Constrofacilitator 05 EXTERIOR FLOORING more options available that what you to an outdoor space. It's an aes- might expect. Many outdoor carpets thetic option that is also very dura- are available in carpet tiles, which lets ble and water resistant. designers mix and match colours to Ÿ Marble mosaics- Timeless and as create fun, unique designs. You also luxurious as it gets. At the same get outdoor rugs which allow you to time, it has a wonderfully modern change the décor quickly. The outdoor look to it, sleek, elegant, and if well carpet is a versatile decorative feature installed and well cared for, it can that can brighten an open-air living last homeowners a lifetime. space with a splash of color or eye- catching pattern while providing a com- Composite deck flooring fortable surface for padding around in bare feet. It is a man-made material composed of thermoplastic resins, wood flour (a Natural stone flooring super-fine sawdust), and wood fibre. It look of real grass. Beautiful, highly dura- is similar to many of the best types of ble, very practical and easy to main- Natural Stone is one of the most widely vinyl flooring, but it includes wood by- tain, artificial grass is nowadays used used options for exterior flooring, espe- products as well as plastics. It's hard both indoors and outdoors. With the cially in rustic environments. Slate is and nonporous, meaning it resists rot development of production technology often used at the edge of the pool and and the elements. It may also be less and materials used, artificial grass now terraces thanks to its waterproofing. In expensive than traditional wood. Just faithfully imitates the natural grass-like addition to the problems caused by like some of the best-engineered wood appearance by combining different humidity, natural stones present com- flooring, many types of composite thicknesses and colours of fibres. The plications in their placement. Among decking come in a click-together floor- long durability of artificial grass will the most common types of stone used ing configuration making for a quick make its green colour remain vivid for for outdoor flooring we can find: and easy installation. Composite wood an extended period. Artificial grass is decking gives you the best of both durable, does not fade in the sun, is Ÿ Granite: This material is very versa- worlds. With modern technology, you resistant to wear, and not slippery. tile, as it comes in a variety of can achieve a gorgeous, realistic wood High-quality and dense artificial grass colours and textures and it is highly look without the challenges of tradi- will provide you with a pleasant atmo- recommended for warm areas, due tional wood. Composite decks, like sphere at home, in a yard, as well as in to its resistance to heat. vinyl floors, bring you realistic wood a cafe or a restaurant's garden. It does Ÿ Sandstone: This material is highly looks without any of the hassles. not absorb moisture and is weather- recommended for the coldest proof(rain, snow). This is one of the places, as it not affected by ice, and great benefits of artificial grass, there- if well-maintained it can last a life- fore it is recommended for cafe gar- time. dens and outdoor restaurants. Ÿ Slate: It has a grey tone, which ranges from lighter shades to Brick flooring almost black, giving a unique look A brick floor is defined as a floor sur- face constructed out of many individual bricks laid like tiles, either with or with- Artificial grass flooring These are made of fibres that closely represent the natural texture of grass. Its lush green colour is evenly blended throughout with a mix of gold and yel- low that lends Greens the weathered 06 March 2022 • Constrofacilitator EXTERIOR FLOORING out mortar for grouting. Brick floor sur- face coverings are extremely durable and long-lasting. They show great resistance to wear and tear as well as fire, thus saving you the burden of annual replacements and regular main- tenance. There can be cases when the brick floor has helped restrict the impact of a fire. Brick Floors are avail- able in the form of pavers, that is, the thickness of bricks, when used for floor surface covering, is not the same as that for masonry construction. The best part about brick flooring is that its natu- ral mottled appearance already con- ceals a whole lot of stains and dirt. Besides, its rough surface is apt for easy and quick maintenance. Bricks also have the amazing feature of being recyclable. Different types of brock physical damage and from the damag- fort offered by outdoor rubber flooring. flooring include Pavers, Engineering ing forces of nature such as moisture Bricks, Recycled Brick Flooring and and direct sunlight. Rubber possesses Sports court flooring Hand Made Bricks. physical qualities, such as resistance to moisture and changing weather con- Court flooring is a great addition to the Rubber flooring ditions, that makes it a great material backyard, sports arena or gymnasium, for outdoor matting. Additionally, out- providing the perfect surface for prac- Outdoor rubber flooring is the ideal sur- door rubber flooring can bring a level of tice and pickup games. If you've been facing option for outdoor flooring due comfort and slip resistance that will searching for the best court flooring to its ability to perform exceptionally help keep you and your loved ones options for you, then congrats! Your well in the face of environmental condi- safe when walking on rubber outdoor search is over. Court sport flooring is tions and changes. Placing rubber out- matting. Outdoor areas such as patios, designed to provide a safe, level sur- side mats over your deck floors or patio decks and playgrounds often need the face for playing and practising out- floors will help protect them against superior levels of protection and com- doors. Our court flooring comes in dura- ble, easily installed tiles or planks. Court tiles are great for outdoor use and some are only for indoor use. Some are designed for multisport use, while others are special court flooring kits for outdoor basketball courts, pickleball courts, and more. This court flooring guide will run you through the types of court flooring you can choose, plus the best court flooring for each sport, including basketball, tennis, pickleball, and everything in between. Conclusion It's important to remember that the best outdoor flooring needs to suit your needs, so keep comfort in mind along with any plans for your property in the future. Watch out for the flooring types while you are installing new floors and rehabilitating them. March 2022 • Constrofacilitator 07 DECORATIVE CONCRETE FLOORINGS Types of Decorative Concrete Floorings D ecorative concrete floor- mand is now increasing in residential and ing has allowed designers commercial applications. Metallic epoxy, to achieve an endless vari- which contains a metallic pigment, can ety of colours and tex- achieve a stunning three-dimensional ef- tures. With decorative fect with a colourful, smoky appearance floorings. There are dif- that is completely unique. Another type of ferent types of decorative flooring, which is gaining traction in the com- flooring available for modern flooring mercial and residential space, is Metallic needs. When you choose to invest in deco- flooring. With the advent of high-quality me- rative concrete flooring now, it will save you tallic pigments along with high- a lot of time and money further down the performance epoxy resins, creating a fusion road on repairs, maintenance, and replace- of colours and designs on the floor to a ments. Some of the popular types are dis- breath-taking effect has become possible. cussed below. From retail stores to restaurants, villas to ply a low yellowing epoxy, with a metallic condominiums, high-end clinics to pigment mixed within. In other words, tiny, Metallic epoxy flooring multiplexes, clients wish to give the visitors almost glitter-like pigments are mixed into a unique experience in walking over a floor. an epoxy resin and then poured onto the Epoxy has traditionally been a floor cover- floor or substrate. When these pigments be- ing popular in industrial settings, but its de- A metallic epoxy floor coating is quite sim- come agitated with a paintbrush or roller, 08 March 2022 • Constrofacilitator DECORATIVE CONCRETE FLOORINGS they gather, separate, twist and turn to re- even after years. Using chemically ex- flect light at different angles. tremely stable inorganic pigments There new colored quartz mixture that enables par- Seamless cementitious micro-topping ticularly attractive surface designs thanks to flooring its depth effect and color fastness. It is based on the proven fillers especially for Resurfacing of an existing concrete floor or kitchen sinks and sanitary products. In addi- tile or wood or any floor for that matter has tion, there is an effect pigment that is firmly become a work of art with the introduction integrated into the mixture in an innovative of Cementitious micro-topping (a.k.a coating process. The result: A surface with Microcement). It provides you a marvelous metallic shimmering effects with excellent beauty of a floor with exceptional smooth- contrast and color brilliance – and high sta- ness and strength, abrasion, and stain- of materials. First, cement masons or ter- bility at the same time. Products are avail- resistant surface, all at a thickness of 3mm. razzo workers build a solid, level concrete able in shapes with superior industrial qual- The system consists of a primer, base coat, foundation. ity for segments like Aesthetic floor, Texture and a topcoat, and the application is carried walls, Tile Grouts, Parking and industrial out by trained applicators to provide a dura- After the forms are removed from the foun- floor markings etc. ble and vintage surface that is unique in ap- dation, workers add a 1 inch (25 mm) layer pearance as well as feel. of sandy concrete. Before this layer sets, ter- Self-Levelling Concrete Overlay razzo workers partially embed metal divider The ability of the micro-topping system to strips in the concrete wherever there is to Self-levelling toppings and self-levelling provide light, depth, space, and harmony be a joint or change of color in the terrazzo. overlays are designed to be used over exist- has attracted the attention of architects and For the final layer, terrazzo workers blend ing concrete substrates that are rough, un- designers alike to use this system for a vari- and place into each of the panels a fine mar- even or unattractive. Our in-house engi- ety of applications including all areas of resi- ble chip mixture that may be color- neering system and design detailing en- dential surfaces including living rooms, bed- pigmented. abled us to perform the concrete overlays. rooms, patios, bathrooms, and kitchens, ver- We are rendering the service of Concrete tical as well as horizontal surfaces, swim- Colored quartz flooring Overlay for making the damaged concrete ming pool decks, pergolas, spas and patio floor a completely new look. Being a re- jacuzzies, retail stores, clinics and public Quartz flooring is used in the commercial, liable and reckoned concrete contractor, we spaces, restaurants and hotels, salons, residential and institutional sectors. Quartz have completed several concrete overlay- shops, showrooms and museums, reception is highly durable and resistant to chemicals ing projects. The deck coating should have areas, hotel lobbies, office spaces, server and impact. Wet bar areas, pool houses, hot suitable surface regularity, and must have rooms and alike. tub areas, screened in porches and gazebos some suitable abrasion, chemical and slip re- can all benefit from a quartz foundation – a sistance, with anti carbonation property. combination of epoxy resin and quartz ag- gregate creates a substantial and impact- resistant surface, ideal for areas where there is high traffic. There are range of colored quartz aggregates produced with polymer binder and lightfast pigment on base mate- rial. Its optimal grain shape and size unifor- mity with specialised coating make it stable for use in exterior application as well. These are best suited for high-strength worktops and kitchen sinks. The superior mechanical stability ensures an attractive appearance, Terrazzo flooring Stamped concrete flooring Terrazzo flooring tile is composed of a mix- ture of aggregate chips like stone or marble Stamping is done immediately on the green and either epoxy resin or concrete. It can be concrete, which saves time and cost of sub- used both indoors and outdoors and can be sequent flooring systems like tiles, paver poured as concrete or laid in tiles. Terrazzo blocks, etc. This needs to be planned to lay applicators create walls, floors, patios, and the concrete in the desired color, slopes, panels by exposing marble chips and other and patterns of stamping. Once the con- fine aggregates on the surface of finished crete is laid and stamped, curing is done for concrete or epoxy-resin. Much of the pre- a few days and after the final set, it is ready liminary work of terrazzo workers is similar for use. Concrete is colored using UV stable to that of cement masons. Marble-chip, pigments, which gives beautiful earthy cementitious terrazzo requires three layers shades and two-tone effect to the final March 2022 • Constrofacilitator 09 DECORATIVE CONCRETE FLOORINGS floor. One of the stamped concrete's advantages is its ease of installation. It is far less labor- intensive to install a stamped concrete sur- face than one made of pavers, for which and stick. Sheet vinyl is much harder to in- each paver needs to be hauled and set. In- stall and may require the assistance of a sea- stalling stamped concrete is a matter of mix- soned professional to ensure the perfect fit. ing, pouring, and stamping. Vinyl tiles are available in many styles which even include a design that mimics the maintenance. Just like other hard surface Permeable gravel flooring look of hardwood or stone flooring. In some flooring options, a simple sweeping and cases, it can be very difficult to tell the dif- damp mopping will usually do the trick The permeable gravel flooring is used in ference between a vinyl product and a when it comes time to clean. Deep cleaning parking lots, sidewalks, low-traffic areas, stone or wood vinyl. Vinyl can be highly du- every other month is recommended, but and driveways. This type of flooring is suit- rable so that you don't have to worry about when it comes to weekly chores, cleaning li- able for different conditions that include it wearing out. Vinyl flooring manufacturers noleum flooring takes almost no effort. hot climates, high-speed traffic areas, and stand behind their products and offer long- less-traveled areas. The maintenance re- term warranties of up to 20 years. Well- Rubber flooring quirements of the permeable gravel floor maintained vinyl flooring is likely to last for are quite different. It is prone to clogging if more than 25 years. Vinyl flooring is also Rubber flooring is a flooring type that is the water in the reservoir isn't drained out very resistant to water and dirt, which quickly gaining popularity in a wide range of properly. means that it can be installed directly over settings. This type of flooring has already other types of flooring. This flooring will not been popular in gyms, fieldhouses, and even need to be removed first. Vinyl floor- weight rooms, but it is being used in com- ing can help with floors that have a lot of mercial buildings. Not only are rubber floors cracks. resilient, durable, and easy to maintain, but they are also available in many different col- Linoleum Flooring ors and designs to fit the decor of any space. Linoleum flooring is environmentally friendly and non-toxic. It's made of all- natural materials, containing linseed oil, pine rosin, sawdust, wood flour, and jute. All of these materials are natural and biode- gradable, so even after the linoleum has served its time as your floor, it won't spend eternity taking up space in a landfill. This type of flooring is a fantastic choice for your home because it's hypoallergenic. Since the floor is made of all natural materials, there is- Vinyl flooring n't a toxic material to be allergic to. It also contains antibacterial properties, meaning Vinyl flooring is readily available as sheets that germs won't spread and multiply easily. or tiles. Vinyl flooring is likely the least ex- Linoleum is extremely heat resistant, mak- pensive type of flooring and it is also quite ing it safe in the possibility of a fire. It won't popular with homeowners. Vinyl tiles are burn easily, nor will it heat up very quickly. available in many colours and styles. They This can also be helpful during the summer can be easily installed thanks to the self- by keeping the floor cool to the touch. This adhesive backing that allows for easy peel flooring material is extremely low- 10 March 2022 • Constrofacilitator