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FLOER HOMOLOGY IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY AND IN MIRROR SYMMETRY 6 0 0 YONG-GEUNOH&KENJIFUKAYA 2 n a Abstract. Inthisarticle,theauthorsreviewwhattheFloerhomologyisand J whatitdoesinsymplecticgeometrybothintheclosedstringandintheopen string context. In the first case, the authors will explain how the chain level 3 Floer theory leads to the C0 symplectic invariants of Hamiltonian flows and 2 to the study of topological Hamiltonian dynamics. In the second case, the authors explain how Floer’s original construction of Lagrangian intersection ] G Floer homology is obstructed in general as soon as one leaves the category of exact Lagrangian submanifolds. They will survey construction, obstruc- S tion and promotion of the Floer complex to the A∞ category of symplectic h. manifolds. Some applications of this general machinery to the study of the t topology ofLagrangianembeddings inrelationtosymplectictopologyandto a mirrorsymmetryarealsoreviewed. m [ 1 v 1. Prologue 8 6 TheDarbouxtheoreminsymplecticgeometrymanifestsflexibility ofthegroupof 5 symplectic transformations. On the other hand, the following celebrated theorem 1 of Eliashberg [El1] revealed subtle rigidity of symplectic transformations : The 0 subgroupSymp(M,ω)consistingofsymplectomorphisms isclosedinDiff(M)with 6 respect to the C0-topology. 0 / This demonstrates that the study of symplectic topology is subtle and interest- h ing. Eliashberg’s theorem relies on a version of non-squeezing theorem as proven t a by Gromov [Gr]. Gromov [Gr] uses the machinery of pseudo-holomorphic curves m to prove his theorem. There is also a different proof by Ekeland and Hofer [EH] of : the classical variational approach to Hamiltonian systems. The interplay between v i thesetwofacetsofsymplecticgeometryhasbeenthe mainlocomotiveinthedevel- X opment of symplectic topology since Floer’s pioneering work on his ‘semi-infinite’ r dimensional homology theory, now called the Floer homology theory. a As in classicalmechanics, there are two most important boundary conditions in relation to Hamilton’s equation x˙ = X (t,x) on a general symplectic manifold : H oneistheperiodic boundaryconditionγ(0)=γ(1),andtheotheristheLagrangian boundaryconditionγ(0) L , γ(1) L foragivenpair(L ,L )oftwoLagrangian 0 1 0 1 ∈ ∈ submanifolds : A submanifold i : L ֒ (M,ω) is called Lagrangian if i ω = 0 and ∗ → dimL= 1dimM. Thelatterreplacesthetwo-point boundaryconditioninclassical 2 mechanics. Key words and phrases. Floerhomology, Hamiltonianflows, Lagrangiansubmanifolds,A∞- structure,mirrorsymmetry. Ohthanks A.Weinstein andlate A. Floer forputting everlasting marks on hismathematics. BothauthorsthankH.OhtaandK.OnoforafruitfulcollaborationontheLagrangianintersection Floertheorywhichsomepartofthissurveyisbasedon. 1 2 YONG-GEUNOH&KENJIFUKAYA In either of the above two boundary conditions, we have a version of the least action principle : a solution of Hamilton’s equation corresponds to a critical point of the action functional on a suitable path space with the corresponding boundary condition. For the periodic boundary condition, we consider the free loop space M = γ :S1 M L { → } and for the Lagrangian boundary condition, we consider the space of paths con- necting Ω(L ,L )= γ :[0,1] M γ(0) L , γ(1) L . 0 1 0 1 { → | ∈ ∈ } Both M and Ω(L ,L ) have countable number of connected components. For 0 1 L the case of M, it has a distinguished component consisting of the contractible L loops. On the other hand, for the case of Ω(L ,L ) there is no such distinguished 0 1 component in general. Daunting Questions. For a given time dependent Hamiltonian H = H(t,x) on (M,ω), does there exista solutionofthe Hamiltonequationx˙ =X (t,x) with the H corresponding boundary conditions? If so, how many different ones can exist? One crucial tool for the study of these questions is the least action principle. AnotherseeminglytrivialbutcrucialobservationisthatwhenH 0fortheclosed ≡ case andwhen L =L (and H 0) for the open case,there are “many”solutions 1 0 ≡ given by constant solutions. It turns out that these two ingredients, combined with Gromov’s machinery of pseudo-holomorphic curves, can be utilized to study each of the above questions, culminating in Floer’s proof of Arnold’s conjecture for the fixed points [Fl2], and for the intersection points of L with its Hamiltonian deformation φ1 (L) [Fl1] for the exact case respectively. H We divide the rest of our expositioninto two categories,onein the closedstring and the other in the open string context. 2. Floer homology of Hamiltonian fixed points 2.1. Construction. Onasymplecticmanifold(M,ω),foreachgiventime-periodic Hamiltonian H i.e., H with H(t,x) = H(t+1,x), there exists an analog to H A the classical action functional defined on a suitable covering space of the free loop space. To exploit the fact that in the vacuum, i.e., when H 0 we have many ≡ constant solutions all lying in the distinguished component of the free loop space (M) L (M)= γ :[0,1] M γ(0)=γ(1), γ contractible , 0 L { → | } one studies the contractible periodic solutions and so the action functional on (M). The covering space, denoted by (M), is realized by the set of suit- 0 0 L L able equivalence classes [z,w] of the pair (z,w) where z : S1 M is a loop and → w:D2 M is a disc bounding z. Then eis defined by H → A 1 ([z,w])= w ω H(t,γ(t))dt. (2.1) H ∗ A − − Z Z0 Thisreducestotheclassicalaction pdq Hdtifwedefinethecanonicalsymplectic − form as ω0 = jdqj ∧dpj on the pRhase space R2n ∼=T∗Rn. To do Morse theory, one needs to introduce a metric on Ω(M), which is done P by introducing an almost complex structure J that is compatible to ω (in that the bilinearformg :=ω(,J )definesaRiemannianmetriconM)andintegratingthe J · · FLOER HOMOLOGY 3 normofthetangentvectorsoftheloopγ. TomaketheFloertheoryamoreflexible tool to use, one should allow this J to be time-dependent. A computation shows that the negative L2-gradient flow equation of the action functionalforthepathu:R S1 M isthefollowingnonlinear firstorderpartial × → differential equation ∂u ∂u +J X (t,u) =0. (2.2) H ∂τ ∂t − The rest points of this gradient flo(cid:16)w are the perio(cid:17)dic orbits of x˙ = X (t,x). Note H that when H =0, this equation becomes the pseudo-holomorphic equation ∂u ∂u ∂ (u)= +J =0 (2.3) J ∂τ ∂t whichhasmanyconstantsolutions. FollowingFloer[Fl2],foreachgivennondegen- erate H, i.e., one whose time-one map φ1 has the linearizationwith no eigenvalue H 1, we consider a vector space CF(H) consisting of Novikov Floer chains Definition 2.1. For each formal sum β = a [z,w], a Q (2.4) [z,w] [z,w] ∈ [z,w]∈XCritAH we define the support of β by the set suppβ = [z,w] Crit a =0in (2.4) . H [z,w] { ∈ A | 6 } Wecallβ aNovikovFloerchainor(simplyaFloerchain)ifitsatisfiesthecondition # [z,w] suppβ ([z,w]) λ < H { ∈ |A ≥ } ∞ for all λ R and define CF(H) to be the set of Novikov Floer chains. ∈ CF(H)canbeconsideredeitherasaQ-vectorspaceoramoduleovertheNovikov ring Λ of (M,ω). Each Floer chain β as a Q-chain can be regarded as the union ω of “unstable manifolds” of the generators [z,w] of β, which has a ‘peak’. There is the natural Floer boundary map ∂ =∂ :CF(H) CF(H) i.e., a linear map (H,J) → satisfying ∂∂ =0. The pair (CF(H),∂ ) is the Floer complex andthe quotient (H,J) HF (H,J;M):=ker∂ /im∂ (H,J) (H,J) ∗ the Floer homology. By now the general construction of this Floer homology has been carriedout by Fukaya-Ono[FOn], Liu-Tian [LT1], and Ruan [Ru] in its com- plete generality, after the construction had been previously carried out by Floer [Fl2], Hofer-Salamon [HS] and by Ono [On] in some special cases. The Floer homology HF (H,J;M) also has the ring structure arising from the ∗ pants product, which becomes the quantum product on H (M) in “vacuum” i.e., ∗ when H 0. The module H (M) Λ with this ring structure is the quantum ∗ ω ≡ ⊗ cohomology ring denoted by QH (M). We denote by a b the quantum product of ∗ · two quantum cohomology classes a and b. 2.2. Spectral invariantsandspectralnorm. Knowingtheexistenceofperiodic orbitsofagivenHamiltonianflow,the nexttaskis to organizethe collectionofthe actions of different periodic orbits and to study their relationships. Wefirstcollecttheactionsofallpossibleperiodicorbits,includingtheirquantum contributions, and define the action spectrum of H by Spec(H):= ([z,w]) R [z,w] Ω (M), d ([z,w])=0 (2.5) H 0 H {A ∈ | ∈ A } e 4 YONG-GEUNOH&KENJIFUKAYA i.e.,the setofcriticalvaluesof : (M) R. Ingeneralthis setis a countable H 0 A L → subset of R on which the (spherical) period group Γ acts. Motivated by classical ω Morse theory and mini-max theory,eone would like to consider a sub-collection of critical values that are homologically essential : each non-trivial cohomology class gives rise to a mini-max value, which cannot be pushed further down by the gradientflow. Onecrucialingredientinthe classicalmini-max theoryis achoice of semi-infinite cycles that are linked under the gradient flow. Applying this idea in the context of chain level Floer theory, Oh generalizedhis previous construction [Oh4, Oh5] to the non-exact case in [Oh8, Oh10]. We define the level of a Floer chain β by the maximum value λ (β):=max ([z,w]) [z,w] suppβ . (2.6) H H [z,w]{A | ∈ } Now for each a QHk(M) and a generic J, Oh considers the mini-max values ∈ ρ(H,J;a)=inf λ (α) α CF (H), ∂ α=0, [α]=a♭ (2.7) H n k (H,J) α { | ∈ − } where 2n = dimM and proves that this number is independent of J [Oh8]. The common number denoted by ρ(H;a) is called the spectral invariant associated to the Hamiltonian H relative to the class a QH (M). The collection of the values ∗ ∈ ρ(H;a) extend to arbitrary smooth Hamiltonian function H, whether H is nonde- generate or not, and satisfy the following basic properties. Theorem 2.2 ([Oh8, Oh10]). Let (M,ω) be an arbitrary closed symplectic mani- fold. For any given quantum cohomology class 0=a QH (M), we have a contin- ∗ 6 ∈ uousfunctiondenotedbyρ=ρ(H;a):C ([0,1] M) (QH (M) 0 ) Rwhich m∞ × × ∗ \{ } → satisfies the following axioms: Let H, F C ([0,1] M) be smooth Hamiltonian ∈ m∞ × functions and a=0 QH (M). Then we have : ∗ 6 ∈ 1. (Projective invariance) ρ(H;λa)=ρ(H;a) for any 0=λ Q. 6 ∈ 2. (Normalization) For a quantum cohomology class a, we have ρ(0;a)=v(a) where 0 is the zero function and v(a) is the valuation of a on QH (M). ∗ 3. (Symplectic invariance) ρ(η H;a)=ρ(H;a) for any η Symp(M,ω) ∗ ∈ 4. (Homotopy invariance) For any H, K with [H]=[K], ρ(H;a)=ρ(K;a). 5. (Multiplicative triangle inequality) ρ(H#F;a b) ρ(H;a)+ρ(F;b) · ≤ 6. (C0-continuity) ρ(H;a) ρ(F;a) H F . In particular, the function | − | ≤ k − k ρ :H ρ(H;a) is C0-continuous. a 7→ 7. (Additive triangle inequality) ρ(H;a+b) max ρ(H;a),ρ(H;b) ≤ { } Under the canonical one-one correspondence between (smooth) H (satisfying H = 0) and its Hamiltonian path φ : t φt , we denote by [H] the path- M t H 7→ H homotopy class of the Hamiltonian path φ : [0,1] Ham(M,ω);φ (t) = φt R H → H H with fixed end points, and by H]am(M,ω) the set of [H]’s which represents the universal covering space of Ham(M,ω). This theorem generalizes the results on the exact case by Viterbo [V2], Oh [Oh4, Oh5] and Schwarz’s [Sc] to the non-exact case. The axioms 1 and 7 already holdatthelevelofcycles orforλ ,andfollowimmediatelyfromitsdefinition. All H otheraxiomsareprovedin[Oh8]exceptthe homotopyinvariancefor the irrational symplectic manifolds which is proven in [Oh10]. The additive triangle inequality was explicitly used by Entov and Polterovich in their construction of some quasi- morphisms on Ham(M,ω) [EnP]. The axiom of homotopy invariance implies that FLOER HOMOLOGY 5 ρ(;a) projects down to H]am(M,ω). It is a consequence of the following spec- · trality axiom, which is proved for any H on rational (M,ω) in [Oh8] and just for nondegenerate H on irratioanl (M,ω) [Oh10] : 8. (Nondegenerate spectrality) For nondegenerate H, the mini-max values ρ(H;a) lie in Spec(H) i.e., are critical values of for all a QH (M) 0 . H ∗ A ∈ \{ } The following is still an open problem. Question 2.3. Let (M,ω) be a irrational symplectic manifold, i.e., the period group Γ = ω(A) A π (M) be a dense subgroup of R. Does ρ(H;a) still lie ω 2 { | ∈ } in Spec(H) for all a=0 for degenerate Hamiltonian H? 6 It turns out that the invariant ρ(H;1) can be used to construct a canonical invariant norm on Ham(M,ω) of the Viterbo type which is called the spectral norm. To describe this construction, we start by reviewing the definition of the Hofer norm φ of a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism φ. k k There are two natural operations on the space of Hamiltonians H : one the inverse H H where H is the Hamiltonian generating the inverse flow (φt ) 1 7→ H − andtheproduct (H,F) H#F whereH#F istheonegeneratingthecomposition 7→ flow φt φt . Hofer [H] introduced an invariant norm on Ham(M,ω). Hofer also H ◦ F considered its L(1, )-version φ defined by ∞ k k 1 φ = inf H ; H = (maxH minH )dt t t k k H7→φk k k k Z0 − where H φ stands for φ=φ1 . We call H the L(1, )-norm of H and φ the 7→ H k k ∞ k k L(1, ) Hofer norm of φ. ∞ Usingthe spectralinvariantρ(H;1),Oh[Oh9]definedafunctionγ :C ([0,1] m∞ × M) R by → γ(H)=ρ(H;1)+ρ(H;1) on C ([0,1] M), whose definition is more topological than H . For example, γ m∞ × k k canonicallyprojectsdowntoafunctiononH]am(M,ω)bythehomotopyinvariance axiom while H does not. Obviously γ(H)=γ(H). The inequality γ(H) H k k ≤ k k wasalsoshownin[Oh4,Oh9]andtheinequalityγ(H) 0followsfromthetriangle ≥ inequality applied to a=b=1 and from the normalization axiom ρ(0;1)=0. Now we define a non-negative function γ : Ham(M,ω) R by γ(φ) := + → inf γ(H). Then the following theorem is proved in [Oh9]. H φ 7→ Theorem 2.4 ([Oh9]). Let (M,ω) be any closed symplectic manifold. Then γ : Ham(M,ω) R defines a (non-degenerate) norm on Ham(M,ω) which satisfies + → the following additional properties : 1. γ(η 1φη)=γ(φ) for any symplectic diffeomorphism η − 2. γ(φ 1)=γ(φ), γ(φ) φ . − ≤k k Oh then applied the function γ =γ(H) to the study of the geodesic property of Hamiltonian flows [Oh7, Oh9]. As another interesting application of spectral invariants is a new construction of quasi-morphisms on Ham(M,ω) carried out by Entov and Polterovich [EnP]. Recallthatfor a closed(M,ω), there exists no non-trivialhomomorphismto R be- causeHam(M,ω)isasimplegroup[Ba]. Howeverforacertainclassofsemi-simple symplectic manifolds, e.g. for (S2,ω), (S2 S2,ω ω), (CPn,ω ), Entov and FS × ⊕ 6 YONG-GEUNOH&KENJIFUKAYA Polterovich [EnP] produced non-trivial quasi-morphisms, exploiting the spectral invariants ρ(e, ) corresponding to a certain idempotent element e of the quantum · cohomology ring QH (M). ∗ ItwouldbeanimportantproblemtounravelwhatthetruemeaningofGromov’s pseudo-holomorphic curves or of the Floer homology in general is in regard to the underlying symplectic structure. 2.3. Towards topological Hamiltonian dynamics. We note that construction of spectral invariants largely depends on the smoothness (or at least differentia- bility) of Hamiltonians H because it involves the study of Hamilton’s equation x˙ =X (t,x). IfH issmooth,thereisaone-onecorrespondencebetweenH andits H flow φt . Howeverthis correspondencebreaks down when H does not have enough H regularity,e.g.,ifH isonlycontinuousorevenC1becausethefundamentalexistence and uniqueness theorems of ODE fail. However the final outcome ρ(H;a) still makes sense for and can be extended to a certain natural class of C0-functions H. Now a natural questions to ask is Question 2.5. Can we define the notion of topological Hamiltonian dynamical systems? If so, what is the dynamical meaning of the numbers ρ(H;a) when H is just continuous but not differentiable? These questions led to the notions of topological Hamiltonian paths and Hamil- tonian homeomorphisms in [OM]. Definition2.6. Acontinuouspathλ:[0,1] Homeo(M)withλ(0)=idiscalled → a topological Hamiltonian path if there exists a sequence of smooth Hamiltonians H :[0,1] M R such that i × → 1. H convergesin the L(1, )-topology (or Hofer topology)of Hamiltonians and i ∞ 2. φt λ(t) uniformly converges on [0,1]. Hi → We say that the L(1, )-limit of any such sequence H is a Hamiltonian of the ∞ i topologicalHamiltonianflowλ. Thefollowinguniquenessresultisprovedin[Oh12]. Theorem 2.7 ([Oh12]). Let λ be a topological Hamiltonian path. Suppose that there exist two sequences H and H satisfying the conditions in Definition 2.6. i i′ Then their limits coincide as an L(1, )-function. ∞ The proof of this theorem is a modification of Viterbo’s proof [V3] of a similar uniqueness result for the C0 Hamiltonians, combined with a structure theorem of topological Hamiltonians which is also proven in [Oh12]. An immediate corollary is the following extension of the spectral invariants to the space of topological Hamiltonian paths. Definition 2.8. Suppose λ is a topological Hamiltonian path and let H be the i sequence of smooth Hamiltonians that converges in L(1, )-topology and whose ∞ associated Hamiltonian paths φ converges to λ uniformly. We define Hi ρ(λ;a)= lim ρ(H ;a). i i →∞ The uniqueness theorem of topological Hamiltonians and the L(1, ) continuity ∞ property of ρ imply that this definition is well-defined. Definition 2.9. A homeomorphism h of M is a Hamiltonian homeomorphism if there exists a sequence of smooth Hamiltonians H :[0,1] M R such that i × → FLOER HOMOLOGY 7 1. H converges in the L(1, )-topology of Hamiltonians and i ∞ 2. the Hamiltonian path φ : t φt uniformly converges on [0,1] in the Hi 7→ Hi C0-topology of Homeo(M), and φ1 h. Hi → We denote by Hameo(M,ω) the set of such homeomorphisms. MotivatedbyEliashberg’srigiditytheorem,wealsodefinethegroupSympeo(M,ω) as the subgroupof Homeo(M) consisting of the C0-limits of symplectic diffeomor- phisms. Then Oh and Mu¨ller [OM] proved the following theorem Theorem 2.10 ([OM]). Hameo(M,ω) is a path-connected normal subgroup of Sympeo (M,ω), the identity component of Sympeo(M,ω). 0 OnecaneasilyderivethatHameo(M,ω)isapropersubgroupofSympeo (M,ω) 0 whenever the so called mass flow homomorphism [Fa] is non-trivial or there exists a symplectic diffeomorphism that has no fixed point, e.g., T2n [OM]. In fact, we conjecture that this is always the case. Conjecture2.11. ThegroupHameo(M,ω)isapropersubgroupofSympeo (M,ω) 0 for any closed symplectic manifold (M,ω). A case of particular interest is the case (M,ω)= (S2,ω). In this case, together with the smoothing result proven in [Oh11], the affirmative answer to this conjec- ture would negatively answerto the following open question in the area preserving dynamical systems. See [Fa] for the basic theorems on the measure preserving homeomorphisms in dimension greater than equal to 3. Question 2.12. Is the identity component of the group of area preserving home- omorphisms on S2 a simple group? 3. Floer theory of Lagrangian intersections Floer’s original definition [Fl1] of the homology HF(L ,L ) of Lagrangiansub- 0 1 manifolds meets many obstacles when one attempts to generalize his definition beyond the exact cases i.e., the case L =L, L =φ(L) with π (M,L)= 0 . 0 1 2 { } In this exposition, we will consider the cases of Lagrangian submanifolds that are not necessarily exact. In the open string case of Lagrangiansubmanifolds, one has to deal with the phenomenon of bubbling-off discs besides bubbling-off spheres. One crucial difference between the former and the latter is that the former is a phenomenon of codimension one while the latter is that of codimension two. This difference makes the general Lagrangianintersection Floer theory display very dif- ferent perspective compared to the Floer theory of Hamiltonian fixed points. For example, for the intersection case in general, one has to study the theory in the chain level, which forces one to consider the chain complexes. Then the meaning of invariance of the resulting objects is much more non-trivial to define compared to that of Gromov-Witten invariants for which one can work with in the level of homology. There is one particular case that Oh singled out in [Oh1] for which the original version of Floer cohomology is well-defined and invariant just under the change of almost complex structures and under the Hamiltonian isotopy. This is the case of monotone Lagrangiansubmanifolds with minimal Maslov number Σ 3 : L ≥ 8 YONG-GEUNOH&KENJIFUKAYA Definition 3.1. ALagrangiansubmanifoldL (M,ω)ismonotone ifthereexists ⊂ a constant λ 0 such that ω(A) = λµ(A) for all elements A π (M,L). The 2 ≥ ∈ minimal Maslov number is defined by the integer Σ =min µ(β) β π (M,L), µ(β)>0 . L 2 { | ∈ } We will postpone further discussion on this particular case until later in this survey but proceed with describing the general story now. ToobtainthemaximalpossiblegeneralizationofFloer’sconstruction,itiscrucial to develop a proper off-shell formulation of the relevant Floer moduli spaces. 3.1. Off-shell formulation. We consider the space of paths Ω=Ω(L ,L )= ℓ:[0,1] P ℓ(0) L ,ℓ(1) L . 0 1 0 1 { → | ∈ ∈ } On this space, we are given the action one-form α defined by 1 α(ℓ)(ξ)= ω(ℓ˙(t),ξ(t))dt Z0 for each tangent vector ξ T Ω. From this expression, it follows that ℓ ∈ Zero(α)= ℓ :[0,1] M p L L , ℓ p . p 0 1 p { → | ∈ ∩ ≡ } UsingtheLagrangianpropertyof(L ,L ),astraightforwardcalculationshowsthat 0 1 this form is closed. Note that Ω(L ,L ) is not connected but has countably many 0 1 connectedcomponents. We willworkonaparticularfixedconnectedcomponentof Ω(L ,L ). We pickupabasedpathℓ Ω(L ,L )andconsiderthecorresponding 0 1 0 0 1 ∈ component Ω(L ,L ;ℓ ), and then define a covering space 0 1 0 π :Ω(L ,L ;ℓ ) Ω(L ,L ;ℓ ) 0 1 0 0 1 0 → on which we have a single valued action functional such that d = π α. One e A − ∗ can repeat Floer’s construction similarly as in the closed case replacing (M) 0 L by the chosen component of the path space Ω(L ,L ). We refer to [FOOO] for 0 1 the details of this construction. We then denote by Π(L ,L ;ℓ ) the group of 0 1 0 deck transformations. We define the associated Novikov ring Λ(L ,L ;ℓ ) as a 0 1 0 completion of the group ring Q[Π(L ,L ;ℓ )]. 0 1 0 Definition 3.2. Λ (L ,L ;ℓ ) denotes the set of all (infinite) sums k 0 1 0 a [g] g g∈Π(LX0,L1;ℓ0) µ(g)=k such that a Q and that for each C R, the set g ∈ ∈ # g Π(L ,L ;ℓ ) E(g) C, a =0 < . 0 1 0 g { ∈ | ≤ 6 } ∞ We put Λ(L ,L ;ℓ )= Λ (L ,L ;ℓ ). 0 1 0 k k 0 1 0 WecallthisgradedriLngtheNovikov ring ofthepair(L ,L )relativetothepath 0 1 ℓ . Note that this ring depends on L and ℓ . In relation to mirror symmetry, one 0 0 needs to consider a family of Lagrangiansubmanifolds and to use a universal form ofthisring. Thefollowingringwasintroducedin[FOOO]whichplaysanimportant role in the rigorous formulation of homological mirror symmetry conjecture. FLOER HOMOLOGY 9 Definition 3.3 (Universal Novikov ring). We define ∞ Λ = a Tλi a Q, λ R, λ λ , lim λ = (3.1) nov i i i i i+1 i ( ∈ ∈ ≤ i ∞) Xi=1 (cid:12) →∞ (cid:12) ∞ (cid:12) Λ = a Tλi Λ λ 0 . (3.2) 0,nov i nov i ( ∈ ≥ ) Xi=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) IntheabovedefinitionsofNovikovrin(cid:12)gs,onecanreplaceQbyothercommutative ring with unit, e.g., Z, Z or Q[e] with a formal variable e. 2 Thereisanaturalfiltrationontheseringsprovidedbythevaluationv :Λ , Λ nov 0,nov → R defined by ∞ v a Tλi :=λ . (3.3) i 1 ! i=1 X This is well-defined by the definition of the Novikov ring and induces a filtration FλΛ := v 1([λ, )) on Λ . The function e v : Λ R also provides a nov − nov − nov + ∞ → natural non-Archimedean norm on Λ . We call the induced topology on Λ a nov nov non-Archimedean topology. We now assume that L intersects L transversely and form the Q-vector space 0 1 CF(L ,L ) overthe set span Crit similarly as CF(H). Now let p, q L L . 0 1 Q A ∈ 0∩ 1 Wedenotebyπ (p,q)=π (p,q;L ,L )thesetofhomotopyclassesofsmoothmaps 2 2 0 1 u:[0,1] [0,1] M relative to the boundary × → u(0,t) p, u(1,t)=q; u(s,0) L , u(s,1) L 0 1 ≡ ∈ ∈ and by [u] π (p,q) the homotopy class of u and by B a general element in 2 ∈ π (p,q). For given B π (p,q), we denote by Map(p,q;B) the set of such w’s in 2 2 ∈ classB. EachelementB π (p,q)induces amapgivenbythe obviousgluingmap 2 ∈ [p,w] [q,w#u] for u Map(p,q;B). There is also the natural gluing map 7→ ∈ π (p,q) π (q,r) π (p,r) 2 2 2 × → induced by the concatenation (u ,u ) u #u . 1 2 1 2 7→ 3.2. Floer moduli spaces and Floer operators. Now for each given J = J and B π (p,q), we define the moduli space (p,q;B) consisting of t 0 t 1 2 { } ≤ ≤ ∈ M finite energy solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equation f du +J du =0 dτ tdt (u(τ,0) L0, u(τ,1) L1, u∗ω < ∈ ∈ ∞ with the asymptotic condition and the homotopyRcondition u( , ) p, u( , ) q; [u]=B. −∞ · ≡ ∞ · ≡ We then define (p,q;B)= (p,q;B)/R the quotient by the τ-translations and M M a collection of rational numbers n(p,q;J,B) = #( (p,q;J,B)) whenever the ex- M pecteddimensionof (p,q;B)fiszero. FinallywedefinetheFloer‘boundary’map M ∂ :CF(L ,L ;ℓ ) CF(L ,L ;ℓ ) by the sum 0 1 0 0 1 0 → ∂([p,w])= n(p,q;J,B)[q,w#B]. (3.4) q∈LX0∩L1B∈Xπ2(p,q) 10 YONG-GEUNOH&KENJIFUKAYA When a Hamiltonian isotopy L is given one also considers the non- { ′s}0≤s≤1 autonomous version of the Floer equation du +J du =0 dτ t,ρ(τ)dt (u(τ,0)∈L, u(τ,1)∈L′ρ(τ) asdonein[Oh1]whereρ:R [0,1]isasmoothfunctionwithρ( )=0, ρ( )= → −∞ ∞ 1 such that ρ is compactly supported and define the Floer ‘chain’ map ′ h:CF∗(L0,L′0)→CF∗(L1,L′1). However unlike the closed case or the exact case, many things go wrong when one asks for the property ∂ ∂ = 0 or ∂h+h∂ = 0 especially over the rational ◦ coefficients, and even when HF (L,φ1 (L)) is defined, it is not isomorphic to the ∗ H classical cohomology H (L). ∗ Inthenext3subsections,weexplainhowtoovercomethesetroublesanddescribe thespectralsequencerelatingHF (L,φ1 (L))toH (L)whentheformerisdefined. ∗ H ∗ All the results in these subsections are joint works with H. Ohta and K. Ono that appeared in [FOOO], unless otherwise said. We refer to Ohta’s article [Ot] for a more detailed survey on the work from [FOOO]. 3.3. Orientation. We first recall the following definition from [FOOO]. Definition 3.4. A submanifold L M is called relatively spin if it is orientable ⊂ and there exists a class st H2(M,Z ) such that st = w (TL) for the Stiefel- 2 L 2 ∈ | Whitney class w (TL) of TL. A pair (L ,L ) is relatively spin, if there exists a 2 0 1 class st H2(M,Z ) satisfying st =w (TL ) for each i=0, 1. ∈ 2 |Li 2 i We fix such a class st H2(M,Z ) and a triangulation of M. Denote by M(k) 2 ∈ its k-skeleton. There exists a unique rank 2 vector bundle V(st) on M(3) with w1(V(st))=0, w2(V(st))=st. Now suppose that L is relatively spin and L(2) be the 2-skeletonof L. Then V TL is trivial on the 2-skeleton of L. We define ⊕ Definition 3.5. Wedefinea(M,st)-relativespinstructureofLtobeaspinstruc- ture of the restriction of the vector bundle V TL to L(2). ⊕ ThefollowingtheoremwasprovedbydeSilva[Si]andin[FOOO]independently. Theorem 3.6. The moduli space of pseudo-holomorphic discs is orientable, if L ⊂ (M,ω)isrelativelyspinLagrangian submanifold. Furthermorethechoice ofrelative spin structure on L canonically determines an orientation on the moduli space (L;β) of holomorphic discs for all β π (M,L). 2 M ∈ For the orientations on the Floer moduli spaces, the following theorem was proved in [FOOO]. Theorem 3.7. Let J = J and suppose that a pair of Lagrangian sub- t 0 t 1 { } ≤ ≤ manifolds (L ,L ) are (M,st)-relatively spin. Then for any p,q L L and 0 1 0 1 ∈ ∩ B π (p,q), the Floer moduli space (p,q;B) is orientable. Furthermore a 2 ∈ M choice of relative spin structures for the pair (L ,L ) determines an orientation 0 1 on (p,q;B). M One can amplify the orientation to the moduli space of pseudo-holomorphic polygons ( ,p~;B) where = (L ,L , ,L ) and p~ = (p ,p , ,p ) with 0 1 k 01 12 k0 M L L ··· ··· p L L and extend the constructionto the setting of A category [Fu1]. We ij i j ∈ ∩ ∞ refer to [Fu2] for more detailed discussion on this.

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