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Preview Flipside 70 (1991 Jan-Feb)

F l i p s i d e J a n u r a r y / F e b r u a r y 1 9 9 1 # 7 0 $ 2 . 0 0 b e w i t c h e d , b o s s t o n e s , c r i n g e r , e i n s t u r z e n d e n e u h a u t e n , f i x t u r e s , la u g h in g h y e n a s, m o n su la , rio t a c t, sh a d o w p ro je c t, ta r, u ltra v io le t e y e , v a g in a l c re a m d a v is 3 6 0 s “ T E X A S ” T H E N E W S I N G L E F R O M T H E 3 6 0 ’ S F O R T H C O M I N G L P I L L U M I N A T E D P ro d u c e d b y S e a n S la d e M ix ed b y A n d y W allace LINK RECORDS 121 W .271h ST. SUITE 401 N .Y.,N .Y . 10001 BA C K IN PR IN T FR O M P R E S S U R E D R O P P R E S S T H R E A T B Y E X A M P L E A 132 p a g e b o o k th a t d o c u m e n ts th e p h ilo so p h ie s o f 27 p eo p le in v o lv ed in th e p u n k co m m u n ity a n d w h o , a t o n e tim e o r an o th er, h av e In sp ired th e b o o k s ed ito r, M artin S p ro u se . T h e b o o k ’s c o n trib u to rs utilize v ario u s fo rm s o f e x p re ssio n a n d co m e fro m a v ariety of b a c k g ro u n d s. T h ro u g h w o rd s an d im ag es, e a c h co n trib u to r d e sc rib e s th e p e rso n a l id e o lo g ie s th a t h a v e m o tiv ated th e m to live th eir liv es a g a in st th e g rain . Tom Jen n in g s Ian M acK aye C hum baw am ba Tim Y ohannan D ick L ucas Jo h n Y ates M ykel B oard T om as Squip R uth S chw artz P eter P late C ynthia C onnolly C hris X -BCT AI F lipside D eborah R ieschi Jaso n T raeger Jack P erkins Tom m y S trange The Ex P aul S pence W inni W interm eyer V ictor H ayden S u san n e Z ago M ark B aez C hris B ald Second printing has all 8,243 Send 2-250 stam ps for typos corrected and a couple com pletePressure Drop of new ones m ade. Catalog Jo h an Van L eeuw en Jeff B ale L aw rence L iverm ore $8.00 postpaid in the U.S. (4th class) & $9.00 postpaid everyw here else (surface book rate). CA residents add 7% tax. All o rders should be sen t to: P ressu re D rop P ress, PO B 460754, S an F rancisco, CA 94146 E uropean O rders: £7.95 postpaid from AK D istribution, 3 B alm oral P lace, Stirling, S cotland FK8 2RD All E uropean orders payable to R am sey K anaan t h e m i g h t y m i g h t y b o s s t o n e s d e v i l ' s n i g h t o u t L P /C S /C D LPs & CSs $8 POST-PAID • CDs & T-SHIRTS $12 POST-PAID T A A N G ! P.O. BOX 51 • AUBURNDALE, MA 02166 • PH: 617-965-5673 • FAX: 617-527-1647 RECO R D S SEND S.A.S.E. FOR COMPLETE TAANG! CATALOG r o d n e y 's t o p 2 0 r e q u e s t s f l i p s i d e p o b 3 6 3 A D w h ittie r, c a 9 0 6 0 8 # 7 0 I N F O SUBSCRIPTIONS All subs are for 6 issues (1 full year!). Please list the issueyouwantyour subto start with. Remember, we come out bi-monthly, so you R E Q U IR E M E N T S : will get a new issue every two months or so - 1. Send payments with ads. Left to right: Rodney Bingenheim er, D avid Cassidy and not every month! Bobby Gillespie of Prim al Scream waiting for A rthur Lee's - U.S. subs are $9.00 cash, $10.00 check 2. Make ads the right size! phone call of love on Rodneys show, photo by H owie Klein - Canada or Mexico/S.A. $24.00 - Europe or Asia $35.00 3. Use black ink on all art. 1. Redd Kross "3rd Eye" LP 10. Teenage Fanclub 'God Knows - Australia, Japan, etc. $40.00 4. Halftone all photos. 2. Psychic Youth "Some Fun" It’s True" 3. Lunachicks "Babysitters on Acid 11. Toy Dolls 'Turtle Crazy" BACK ISSUES 5. The deadline is an estimate LP . 12. Ringling Sisters "Way Out West" 4. Zodiac Motel "Story Of Ronalds 13. Mega City Four "Who Cares, 46 - 53, 55 - 68. of when we will run out of ad Flag" Wins" - U.S. $2.00 each cash, $2.50 each check 5. Hellow Disaster "I'm Not Making 14. Emotionals "Cheat On Me" - Canada or Mexico $3.00 ($1.40 postage!) space. Don't wait until the Iasi Any Apologies" 15. The Charlattans "Liar" - Europe or Asia $4.00 ($2.94 postage!) 6. Leather Nun "Waiting For Your 16. The La's 'Timeless Melody" -Australia, Japan, etc $5.00 ($3.73 postage!) minute, it will be too late! Train" 17. J.B.C. "We Love You" 7. Ramonas "Outta the Basement EP 18. Nina Hagen "Rap" 8. X-Offender "You Got Me" 19. Would-bes "Logic" CATALOG 9. Voice of the Beehive "I Think I Love 20. Rough Justice "Is This Really Details of all our shit is in our new Summer ’90 SIZ E S : You" Love" catalog for a 25 cent stamp. Full pg: 71/2"‘wide by 10" high RECORDS 1/2 page: 71/2" wide by 5" high #2 - Detox "Start... Finish" LP 1/4 page: 3 3/4" wide by 5" high 1 9 9 0 a fe w o f o u r fa v o rite th in g s ! #11 - MIA "After The Fact" LP #14 - Detox "We Don’t Like You Either" LP 1/6 page: 21/2" wide by 3" high #15 - Bulimia Banquet "Eat Fats Die Young" LP Bus. card: 3 1/2" wide 2" high KRK GUS #16 - instigators “Shockgun” LP/CS 1. N.Y.C. All the gigs, the city & all my new friends. 1. Cinco De Mojave 2. Girl Trouble "Thrillsphere" LP 2. All X=Art shows (thanks Mirikel!) #17 - The Crowd "Big Fish Stories" LP / CS 3. Laughing Hyenas & Jesus Lizard (these two 3. Ministry (records, video, live) #18 - Death Ride 69 "Elvis Christ The LP". PR IC E S : bands are going to take it to their fucking gr aves). 4. Dec. 15th at the Gaslight with Anus the Men­ 4. Poison idea and the Dwarves (punks last, or ace, Paper Tulips, Pop Defect, Babyland and #20 - Bulimia Banquet "Party My Colon" only, stand.) Offspring. #21 - Motorcycle Boy “Feel lt”/"One Punch” Inside covers: $200.. 00 (multi­ 5. Experiencing life beyond my body. (Fuck do I 5. Dr. Seuss Acid House and aftermath featur­ 7' sound like a fucking pot head hippie or what?). ing Beerboy. color quotations on request.) 6. U-Genes. Five bands no matter who the fuck 6. Bulimia/Lisa Suckdog at Al's Bar. #22 - Motor Morons "Conspicuous Con­ plays. Only punk club in California. 7. Paper tulips "Insects" (personal bias) sumption" 5 song 7" EP Full page: $175.00 7. All the mail I recieved, God, I have to find the time 8. Sativa Luv Box LP #24 - Paper Tulips debut 20 song LP / CS to write you all back. 9. Any Trash Can School show. 1/2 page: $90.00 8. Beat Happening and Fugazi at the Country Club 10. Fluid 2nd Coming show. #25 - Das Klown 4 song 7• EP (Wish it could have been anywhere else.) 11. Babes In Toyland "Spanking Machine" LP #26 - Pop Defect “To Each His Own"/ “With­ 1/4 page: $45.00 12. Anus the Menace EP out” 7" POOCH (in no particular order) 13. Blackbird and L7 Second Coming shows. 1/6 page: $30.00 1. Long Beach State's winning season with 14. Show at the junkyard in Long Beach and #28 - Sandy Duncan’s Eye “525 NTSC” / George Allen (God bless him). then Clawhammer at Al's Bar. "Sub" 7‘ Bus. .card: $20.00 2. Steve Earle - Roxy 10/28 and McCabes 3/2 15. Turn off: Assholes of the year to mainstream #29 - Pop Defect “Puro Desmadre" 7" 3. "Edward Scissorhands" rock journalists from Spin, Rolling Stone, 4. The Black Crows "Shake Your Money Makes" Creem, Times and etc. - U.S. prices: $6.00 cash, $7.00 check. 7'’s 5. Having a cut on the "Flashback" soundtrack. $2.50, $3. 6. "Irises" by Van Gough (J.P. Getty Museum). Devon Mori's favorite five things of 1990 - Canada/Mexico $7.00 LPs, $3.00 7"s. 7. Cheap Trick at the Whisky 2/24 8. Editing the ever improving FS poetry section. 1) Cometbus/No Idea zines - Europe/Asia $12.00 LPs, $4.00 7*s. 9. Jason and the Scorchers "Thunder and Fire" 2) Bubble baths with Jodee - Australia/Japan/etc $15.00 LPs, $5.00 7"s. D e a d l i n e (still cant get enough of this one.) 3) People that like(d) me 10. Lori Anderson - Roxy 2/10 4) People who didn't like me 11. No more Berlin wall for Johnny to go over! 5) Getting ma;l (how come I didn't?) VIDEO 12. Playing acoustic gigs. ALL Flipside Videos except 4,6 and 12 are in 13. The public derision of the Grammies and Milli During the course of 19901 liked the following f o r Vanilli. bands, everyone in them, and almost all their stock and available. Get our catalog for com­ recorded material... plete description. AL - Videos are $22.50 cash, $25.00 check Liz, Johnny Anus' birthday party, Jennifer Anus' 1) Citizens Arrest ?oing away party, Tulips reunion gig, Ministry, 2 Fuel each. NTSC only. i s s u e n o . op Defect, Blackbird, Clawhammer, J&MC, Sati- 3) Hard-Ons valuvbox, Baby land, Dwarves, Babes In Toyland, 4 Harm Farm ON THE COVER Sandy Duncan's Eye, Fluid/ Sandy DuncarvSister 5) Libido Boys Double at 2nd Coming, Acid Houses, S.D. with 6) Monsula Kat Bjelland from Babes In Toyland graces our Darby, John & X, Bulimia, the surf Oct. 28, Gas­ 7) Nausea cover. Insert photo is left to right: Lori Barbero, light Cinco De Mojave gig, J.C. Lilly, El Tecuan 8 NO-FX Kat and Michele Leon. - photos by Al 7 1 is f e b . 2 2 ! Mexico, "Flatliners", "Jacobs Ladder" Janes Ad­ 9) Warlock Pinchers diction and all bands on "City of LA." 10) Woodenhorse poetry edited by pooch A d a m Sex b y S t e p h e n T w e lk e r by RFJ Alameda S till d a r k it " w a s. D a r k a s a lin e . T im e w a s a lin e A n d t h e w o r l d -w a s a p o i n t . I want to have sex with Signmund Freud- what does it mean? I -w a s a p r o t o n A n d s o -w a s s h e a n d T o g e t h e r w e d a n c e d I want to put my popsicle in his fridge. W i t h a u n i v e r s e o f s p a c e I dreamt about a bee landing on a flower b e t w e e n and he wouldn't take the pollen-what u s . does it mean? Kuwait I fantasize about driving a trainload of by C atherine Test cream cheese through the Gateway Arch; Ray Charles teaching Antigone to bend There is no redem ption in the prophecy of dream s, nor prom ised peace to w ash upon the tide; over and shake her tailfeather; I do not O ceanic glimpse, you caught the bullet fast, ask what these mean. jettisoned out from m an to man... a nake shard within the night. Every inkblot is a vagina; quick, hand me a pen. The T.V. in the room blurs sullen advantages swirling them in haunting cadence Orgasms were invented by aliens, there are through Kuwaiti alley-ways where children gather secret codes in your come; each time you fallen feathers from the red wings of a dove "transmit" you're participating in the making pitiful bouquets of protest downfall of Earth. for a W estern world their innocence can’t implore. Armies m arch well fed So I met this girl from Venus; her skin through deserts that w eep fragm ented humanity. changed colors like a mood ring and she had The sand sooths evenly beneath booted feet orifices in the most interesting places, w hose tread and weight bear witness none with the danger of reproduction, to the im age of the M other left crying at the river w here life once crawled its back to stand, but we couldn't get along emotionally. to die as all defenders do; ripped from the warm wom b of the M other Freud's daughter tried to analyze her and tiny shoulders bear the cold guns of the father blew her thermometer; or is she the painter- in a reality w here even the dove wait, I'm getting her confused with Paloma becom es a sym bol of the world’s mocking carnage. Picasso—it's only because I walked in on W a sh e d A w ay B y T h e S e a the three of them in a 207—that's 69 times b y D ave B o u rg o in 3 and the thermometer broke-did I say that? Calm and peaceful w aves lap at my feet, Anyway, the backbone may be psychoanalyzed the shingle covering my legs. as a phallus because penis is an anagram for N othing for m iles, spine, and if we can't impress the recipient but a country of sand. with the torsal thrust, the radii of towns I’m king here with anomalous points of view will be punished with my castles of sand; with missiles but I can’t turn back the w aves. The progress like tim e, slowly creeping up to you Kari Jung, I'm looking for you, you I know and before you know it they’re there. in the depths of your sphincter lies that Em ancipating you with their false security, existential funhouse called the collective until you’re sm othered; unconscious. and finally your will is drow ned. the political pond by debbie patino B ring M e U ntitled by Jo h n A.M . by M .T. W ellm an Bring m e my w ishes It's a drip down effect and good luck charm s. Corruption starts at the top] Bring back my health W e lead desolate lives and infects our whole ecosystem] w ith a six pack of beer. Look at us Bring m e a w om an, My clean pond free of trouble and charge; Walking around each other once had frogs and flies,| hah! som ebody says... goldfish and lily pads|~ Now to ss m e som e w isdom Like dogs in heat so I m ake no m istakes Now polluted, Looking for a fuck or a fight the oil glasses the top layers N ow bring m e dow n The guy behind me breathing down my neck the sun bounces off the slick surface| from this hill W anting to take my place in line w here all m y dream s It's silent here now] are visible. Not man enough to stand his ground trash litters the banks] I can t stand a the stink of the sewer chases everyone away strip tease by m y ow n m ind... All I want is a little bit of peace I still come here S o som etim es I I can block out the ugliness] A D JU ST it, with A little time to myself and picture the past various substances To say "It's all right" that get m e even. I throw a penny into the middle W hile the stressed veins in my arms of the pond] Nirvana Look at me with questions the sensation of the heavy rippling waier| by Stephen Twelker If they could speak they would makes me think, makes me hope I am a poet...then for signs of life. I am not one. I am greater Laugh and spit and curse me Than one and just one and Less than one. It changes. But I’m the man that knows their fate Then it does not change. I prefer And they obey me without question One over two then Paperback W riter W hile their function makes me whole Crumble in a woman’s arms. A woman. by Ricardo Luv W ang Not the, but a. A scar heals, then appears And dangerous again. A scar remains, abscessed and weeping. Looking for som ething to line the bird-cage of life When I am a poet I feel it again. When I am loved it throbs and breaks my head. som ething Bohem ian Every time it changes less. looking for som ething to cover the floor of this bam Every time I am less of a poet. T o A ll M y F rie n d s left-wing b y L o ri S a n d e rs politically correct. W hat m akes m e long to be o n e of H enry C hinaski’s The tram p, tram p, tram p of little feet friends? on the way to the publishers To drink flat b eer from soiled m ugs. m anuscript in hand. W atching fights, love affairs, b u sin ess deals, Looking for som eone to w alk along the floor of the bird-cage or nothing at all. D irty looks from W anda, form ed from suspicion. stops to read occasionally G row ing pale in th e glow of th e neon signs. the funny papers chuckle. W hy do I w ant him to m ake a drunken p ass at m e? H e closed his eyes and tried to im itate a m onkey To say that it hap p en ed . To let It happen. reproducing one of Shakespear’s lesser works B eard stu b b le and b eer breath stinging m y neck. A s I give In. “2*b or... ” W hy do I need to cry w hen h e forg ets m y nam e? Aw screw it. K now ing it w ould be this w ay, but som ew here Looking for som ething to start fires with. in m y m ind, hoping for seco n d hand fam e. This is a classic fanzine in that it covers the bands it!) with monster features like Reverb Motherfuck­ or people the editor is fanatic about. Complete with ers, Lemonheads, Skinyard, Dickless, Attrition publications W hat those symbols mean: original photos and interviews, this issue includes: and tons more. Recommended for contacts etc. Virgin Prunes, Hothouse Flowers, Larry of U2, 1. Number. Directly following the Halloween and more. DREAD TALK ?, ?, HS-8 name is the issue number of the zine POB 784 listed here. BOX A #1, $1, S-24 Sierra Madre, CA 91024 USA 151 First Ave. Box A Dread Zeppelin fanclub zine with tour dates, pho­ New York, NY 10003 USA tos, reviews and cool info. 2. Price. Following the issue number is A cool, decently reproduced photozine put to­ the price, which may not include post­ gether as a joint project by a number of fanzines ENVAHISSEURS Dinosaur, 18 Frs., S-88-R age. If you see an then although who all use the same mailing address. Cool idea. 2 Rue F. Fabre the zine is free, postage is not, so send 34600 Herepian, France stamps, IRC’sforforeign response or BRAINWASH #1, $2, S-50 Huge French zine with tons of cool photos and change. 1675 Vernon St. #39 reviews as well as interviews with 11th Day Roseville, CA 95678 USA Dream, Nomads, Fire Party, Treponem Pal, Mud Thick, jam packed zine with just about every new Honey, Lush and more. 3. Description codes: metal bana you'd ever want to read about. What an effort! FILE 13 #8, $2, S-44-R A: Size of paper Box 175 BRANE SKAN #2, $.50+,HS-20 Concord, MA 01742 USA S-Standard (81/2“ by 11*) POB 481051 This issue focuses in on Electronic Cottage, Green HS - Half standard (51/2“ by 81/2") Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA Magnet School and Re-Search but includes a lot L- Legal (8 1/2“ by 14") Way cool graphics zine featuring a lot of the of other interesting writing as well. infamous Carrie's designs as well as some of her HL - Half legal (7“ by 8 1/2“) live reviews. Rod Duncan has some amazing FLYING CHARENTAISE #3, ?, S-28 M - Mini (41/4“ by 51/2“ or smaller) graphics in here as well. 2, Passage Basfroi 0 - Oversized, larger than tabloid or 75011 Paris, France odd-sized BUZZ #60, *, S-28-T It's all in French but it dares to be different! Each T - Tabloid, usually 11“ by 17“ on P.O.B. 3111 layout is in the form of an eyeball! Beside a free newsprint Albany, NY 12203 USA Angel Face record, you get interviews with the Complete coverage of upstate NY, this issue fea­ Creamers, Judge, Celebate Rifles, Maniacs, Hoax tures Mojo Nixon, Joe Cardillo, Lemonheads, Jack and more. B: Length Rubies and the Datura Seeds. Number of pages FOSTER CHILD #5, $.30, S-5-R CLOT #8, $1.00, T-28-M+ 7635 Marcy Ct. C: Notes P.O.B. 33330 Glen Burnie, MD 21061 USA R - Photo reduced type Northglenn, CO 80233 USA Music and fanzine reviews up the ass! This small T - Typeset of Laser-printed A free tabloid in Colorado with good features. This zine packs 'em in. G - Glossy cover issues features include Agnostic Front (nice cover!), Carcass, Fripp, Stryper, Die Warzau and FOUR ALARM CHARM #10, *, HS-12-R M - Multi-colored cover more. Box 10578 M+ - Multi-colored cover plus insides Mpls., MN 55440 USA F - Full color cover CRAMPED AND WET #7, $1.50, HS-24 Nothing but intelligent and informed record re­ F + - Full color cover plus color insides 1012-29 St. views. I wish we could do ours this way! Sioux City, IA 51104 USA Poems and prose and top 10 lists. GAGS AND GORE #2, $2.00, S-32-T ALTERED MIND #7, $1.00, S-16-T Grohner Bergstr. 1 POB 1083 CRUMP COMICS #5, $1.00, HS-28 2820 Bremen 70, West Germany Claremont, CA 91711 USA POB 1837 Cool dense pack German zine with killer features This zine employs a unique approach to almost Upland, CA 91785 USA including: Samiam, Urge, Rollins, McDonalds, every aspect of its presentation - even down to it’s Wild and wooly comics and graphics experience. Ultraman, Fugazi, Partydiktator, Spyz, Ceissler, purple ink. Writing, graphics, reviews and Rollins. So Much Hate and Tupelo. CUD BRAIN PRESS ?, $1.00, HS-32-R ALTERNATIVE VOICE #1, ?, HS-12 48 Beck Rd. GAJOOB #6, $3.00, S-78-T POB 25125 Lindenhurst, IL 60046 USA POB 3201 Tempe, AZ 85285 USA Graphics, reviews, a big Pink Lincolns interview Salt Lake City, UT 84110 USA Features Skull Duggery and the Customers as and am amusing piece on Traci Lords. A well done alternative to the alternative doing a well as brief reviews and commentary. good job of covering the alternative. Besides the OBN #3, $1.50, S-48 usual reviews, letters, contacts and such, we have ALTRUST MYSTIC #1, $.50. HS-24 POB 3547 features on Kathy King, Bret Hart, Ken Clinger, POB 134 Lantana, FL 33465 USA Michael Bowman as well as esseys. Waynesville, MO 65583 USA Lottsa reviews and other comments and a hefty Collected cartoons, writing and other such ram- dose of metal features, including.Ramones, GRIM HUMOUR #?, *, S blings with a good sense of humor. Sanctuary, Sindrome, Gammacide, Prong, Evic­ 7 Wentworth Gdns, Bullock tion, Hellwitch and etc. Herne Bay, Kent, England CT6 7TT ANCIENT GRANDMA SECRETS #5, $1.00, S-14 Henry Rollins, Rapeman, Lydia Lunch, Faith No POB 42691 DAWN IS UGLY #3, $1.00, S-18 More, Charles Manson, and Fugazi, all presented Tucson, AZ 85733 USA 7 Creek Rd. in a format guaranteed for eye strain. Great! Long indepth reviews, commentary and a short Camp Hill, PA 17011 USA interview with Tar. Lots of contacts, reviews and socio-political HANGING AROUND #4, ?, S-48 commentary. Good zine. Hunnemaravagen 11 ANOREXIC TEENAGE SEX GODS #4, $1.50. S-40 S-374 34 Karlshamn, Sweden 78 Plesant St. DE NAR #50, ?. HS-20-R Another German zine that enthusiastically covers Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Postbus 104 everything! This issue features Sex Sex Sex, This zine has a genuine love for trashy rock and 1210 Brussel 21, Belgium Midnight, Faster Pussycats, Instigators, Black roll, and being the fans that they are present it This zine comes out every month without fail, it Uniforms and etc. straight and to the point. Plenty of original photos seems really informative, but damn, I can't read it. and entertaining writing. Makes me want to take another foreign language! HAPPPY THRASHER #11, $1, S-28 2308 N. Sacramento St. BACTERIA OF DECAY #5, $.75, HS-16 DECONTROL Zone 6, $.50, S-6 Orange, CA 92667 USA 63 Lennox Ave. POB 404 HT happily bounces back after quite a break with Buffalo, NY 14226 USA Duluth, GA 30136 USA an impressive ish. Features include Chum- Poetry, reviews and some ranting as well as Short spunky punk zine with Such As interview bawamba, Aversion, Forbidden and of all things Jawbox and Stand to Reason. and little else. Leonard Bernstein! BANZAI #54, *, T-28-M DIE FAT PIGGY DIE #17, $.25, HS-12 HOUSE OF PAIN #4, $1.75, S-28 POB 7522 POB 134 POB 120861 Overland Park, KS 66207 USA Waynesville, MO 65583 USA Nashville, TN 37212 USA Tabloid news and reviews rock and roll rag. The theme of this issue... ta da! Sexist/racist/etc Meaty and graphic punk zine with big stories on jokes! It's funny as hell! Violent Marshmellows, Necracedia, Citizens Ar­ BAYOU LA ROSE #34, $2.00, T-40 rest, Skull Soup, Animal Crackers, Stop The Car 302 N. "J" St. Apt. 3 DISCOMBOBULATION #6, $1.00, HL-28 and more! Tacoma, WA 98403 USA POB 240474 A quarterly journal of working class ecological Montgomery, AL 36124 USA INFLUENCE #6, $1.25, S-20 libertarianism and human right activism. This is­ Comics, poetry and ramblings as well as a mas­ 664 12th St. #207 sue mostly deals with Iraq as well as the plight of sive interview with director Martin McCaffery! San Pedro, CA 90731 USA the Mohawk Nation. Cool zine with lots of action photos and features DISCORDER #95,12/$15, T-36-T on No For An Answer, G-Whiz, Haywire, Chain of BOARDER XINGS #22, $2.00, S-22 233-6138 Sub Blvd. Strength and the Believers. As you guessed, I POB 5173 Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 2A5 think this is a old issue since some of these bands N. Bergen, NJ 07047 USA Way cool college tabloid (but you wouldn't know have been dead awhile. JACKHAMMER POGOSTICK #5, $1.65, HS-100 NOISEWORKS Fall 1990, $2.00, S-36-FT SKULL SESSION #18. $1.00. S-32 News and reviews tabloid for the Florida club rock 2425 Holly Hall #F-77 9402 Hale Place 3187 Keynes Ct. scene! A lot of Hollywood coverage as well. Houston, TX 77054 USA Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Mississauga, Ontario, Canada .L5N 2Z7 Thick little zine! Tons to read, features on Rollins Although fairly standard as far as what you'd Always a good balance of music and politics, this TRUST #25, 3DM, S-68-G and Libedo Boyz, zillions of reviews and lots of expect in a magazine, the contents and their pres­ issue features stuff on One Blood, Greenpeace, Salzmannstrasse 53 other stuff. entation really do shine. Social Distortion, King- Problem Children, Industrial Suicide (Greece), 8900 Augsburg, W. Germany horse, Circus of Power, Mind Over Four, Death Catharsis, Scruffy Tearaways and Sanity Assas­ Complete guide to the German music scene - this K #16. * T-8 Angel... and all with great big photos! sins. issue features some killer bands including Celeb­ Box 7154 rity Skin, Janes Addiction, Babes In Toy land and Olympia, WA 98507 USA OPTION #35, $3.00, S-132-M+ SLUG AND LETTUCE #18, $.25 SASE, S-2 Alice Donut! Ah, but it’s all in German. This is the K pop underground catalog, but it POB 491034 POB 2067 Stuyvesant Station always has good information and lottsa pictures. L.A., CA 90049 USA New York, NY 10009 USA TURNING THE TIDE V4, #1, $1.00, S-10 You know about Option, this issue features: Pas­ Short classifieds and reviews newsletter. They P.O.B. 1990 KREATURE COMFORTS V3 #4, ?, S-20-T tels, Galaxie 500, Don Cherry, My Bloody Valen­ sure can pack a lot onto two pages. Burbank, CA 91507 USA 1916 Madison Ave. tine, Jean Paul Sarte Experience and way more. The L.A. area anti-racism newsletter. Lots of Memphis, TN 38104 USA SPLATTER EFFECT V2 #27; ?, T-24-M contacts and events. Neatly typeset zine with plenty to read - but no PIT #6, $2.50, S-60-FT P.O.B. 2 pictures to look at, boo hoo! Steve Lafler interview P.O.B. 9545 Bound Brook, NJ 08805 USA TWISTED IMAGE #24, $1.00, S-8 and a celebration of Tang's 25th. Colorado Springs, CO 80932 USA East coast music industry type thang. NY, NJ, 1630 University Ave. #26 Haven't seen a Pit in awhile, wow! It seems like Philly listings and contacts. Berkeley, CA 94703 USA LITTLE FREE PRESS #80, *, S-4 they’ve changed. Now full color cover, quality Ace Backward's monthly comics and rant news­ Rt. 1 Box 102 printing and mainly metal coverage. Cool original SPLINTER #3, ?, HS-20 letter. And since this is the end of the year he also Cushing, MN 56443 USA photos, but the layouts are a bit dry. 83 Evelyn Rd. has available the Telegraph Avenue Street Calen­ Short newsletter type snack for your head. Howick, Auckland, New Zealand dar, a calendar that not only features his comics, Thought provoking tips for everyone. PLEASE WAKE ME ?, ?, S-8-RR It's nice to see what’s happening down there and but prominent street people from in and around 210 Park Ave. #C it’s surprising that they cover Lisa Suckdog and Berkeley. LIVING FREE #59, $1.50, S-8-R Raleigh, NC 27607 USA Happy Flowers. Reviews, world news and other Box 29 Hiler Branch Brian Walsby is back with a zine all his own. In tiny stuff. Cool little zine. U.K. RESIST #3 1/2, $2.00, S-16 Buffalo, NY 14223 USA tiny print he covers it all: Art Deco, Justin Gray, POB 244A Very informative Libertarian newsletter with stuff Buzz Melvin and Erectus Monotone! SPOTLIGHT #76, *, T-20-T Surbiton, Surrey, England KT5 9L4 on riving your life outside of where "they" tell you. POB 63423 Besides coming with a Released Emotions 6 song PRETTY OBSCURE #4, ?, L-2-T St. Louis, MO 63163 USA sampler flexi(!), this consistent UK zine covers LIZZENGREASY V1, #11, $2, S-20 5882 Jackson Oak Ct. The St. Louis music and entertainment paper. plenty of music reviews, opinions and interviews Shuhoso #8B Umegaoka 1-56-4 Burke, VA 22015 USA Features: Dread Zeppelin, Tom Wood, The Wild with Terminus and Sleep. Setagaya-Ku/Tokyo 154, Japan "Jazz notes and unpopular culture in review", Dogs, Tommy Thompson and more. This enthusiastic zine takes a unique approach in that's what they claim, and that's their game. UNDERESTIMATED #2, $.50, HS-20 its coverage. Enthusiastic, yet subversive com­ Plenty of contacts! SPUN #60, $1.00, HS-24 5406 Grand Ave. mentary. Tnis issue deals a lot with TV. 38 Reservoir St. Western Springs, IL 60558 USA PUNK PALS #11, $.50, HS-16-R Holdne, MA 01520 USA News and conversation with local scene folks, MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL #92, $2.00, S-124-T 2331 Blake St. #204 I always have to read this one completely! Ok, it's reviews and neato stuff. POB 288 Berkeley; CA 94704 USA big type, but it's quality over quatity. Besides it's Berkeley, CA 94701 USA It's the zine dedicated to printing nothing but punk so graphically interesting you never get bored. VOX #83, *, T-28-T Always a good read, and new twists spring up all rock classifieds! There's a lot of them too, and it is Rm107C MacEwanHall the time. Besides the usualy letters, columns, very well organized. STEPPINGSTONE #1, *, HS-16-T U of Calgary Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 reviews, news and opinions, this issue features POB 4264 Radio station music and arts tabloid, mainstreamy The Mummies!, ABC No Rio, Derelicts, Citizen PUPPETHEAD #3, $2, HL-40 San Francisco, CA 94101 USA type stuff. Fish, Blisters and Asbestos Death. 159 Myrtle Besides a lot of classifieds, this issue features Medford, MA 02155 USA Marys Danish and a lengthy interview with the VERA KRANT #23, ?, HS-24-M+ MIDNIGHT TIMES #28, *, T-38-M Good fun reading! Features with Volcano Suns (in Hawkwind influenced Secret Team. Oosterstraat 44 P.O. box 390, Chelsea Station Japanese!), Faimers, Lee Harvey Oswald band 9711 NV Groningen, Holland New York, NY 10011 USA and Iggy. STREET SOUND #43, $3 00, T-48-F+ Not in English, this colorful little zine comes out Midnight Records reviews and sales zine. Thou­ 174 SpadinaAve. #506 quite often and covers a broad spectrum of alter­ sands of listings! RAGMAN #14, $1.50, S-36-M Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 2C2 native music. Excellent in marry respects. Very 1015 Wentworth Pro music tabloid type thang features features consistent! Great use of multiple colors. One of a MONGO BOY #1, $3. HL-24 Green Bay, Wi 54304 USA dance and rap as well as tons of reviews, playlists, kind. P.O. Box 4442 Like always a good variety of stuff is covered in news and contacts up the butt. Boulder, CO 80306 USA each issue, and in unique ways. Features include: VILLAGE NOISE #10, $2.50, S-42-M Graphic comic printed very nicely with a silk Midnight Men, Psycho, Poland, Strawdogs and SUMMER SQUASH #1, $5.00, HS-28-T 48-54 213rd Street screened cover. Mongo Boy gets revenge! some cool commentary. 213 St. Clements Ave. Bayside, NY 11364 USA Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4R 1H3 Mighty fine issue here! Killer features that include MOTORBOOTY #5, $3, S-72-T RDZEN #6, ?, HS-20 This is atape/zine type of thing, but because of the Janes Addiction, Foetus, Happy Mondays and POB 7944 Kasprowicza 4A.20 great quality of the zine (glossy photozine! Killer Sun Ra! Lots of reviews and that sort of thing too. Ann Arbor, Ml 48107 USA 88.300 Mogilno, Poland photos!) it's in this section. 20 Toronto bands on This is just one killer, impressive zine. Everything This is a Polish hardcore zine but the address is a 100 minute tape with the zine. What a deal it is! VIRGIN MEAT #11, $2.00, HS-24-R is top notch from the printing, to the graphics, to also good for a lot of good Polish contacts. That's 5247W.L-10 the writing, to the subject matter. This issue dwells what it’s all about. Check into it. SWELLSVILLE #11, $2.50, S-50 Quartz Hill, CA 93536 USA on Detroit itself with intensive looks into the past POB 85334 This whole issue is full of poetry, comix and some live of the Stooges and MC5. A must. REAL LIFE #32, $10/12, S-30 Seattle, WA 85334 USA pretty cool fiction by a host of contributors. 6520 Selma #332 Besides haveing some cool letters, this zine is MUSIC MART V2, #5, $1.95, T-72-T Los Angeles, Ca 90028 USA made up of contributions printed just as they are WAKE UP 6, ?, S-74-M 700 E. State St. This always interesting zine is free around the L.A. recieved. It works really well and presents a lot of 11 Rue Mantelon lola, Wl 54990 USA club scene, but it's worth paying for. Besides interesting opinions, including Torkys. 49 100 Angers, France This is a really good record collector/trade/sale reviews and other trivia, each issue features one Thick and well put together French zine that in­ type zine with millions of listings. artist at length. This issues lucky celeb is Christian TEEN MEAT #6, $1.50, S-26 cludes features on Buffalo Tom, Parkinson Lunch. POB 161745 Square, Samiam, Subway Surfers, Sofa Head MUSIC SCENE V2 #10, *, S-32-T Sacramento, CA 98516 USA and tons more. POB 4661 ROCKET 10/90, $1.00, T-52-M This mag always manages to bring out the best in Annapolis, MD 21403 USA 2028 5th Ave. just about eveiyone, and brings them out of their YOUR FLESH #20, $3.00, S-100-FT Neat pro-zine covering the Annapolis music Seattle, WA 98121 USA clothes as well! This ish proudly presents: Harm P.O.B. 2683 Loop Stn. scene. Plenty of listings, contacts and reviews, Seattles best source for news, contacts and infor­ Farm, Nar, Vomit Launch and Wagnerian Poses. Mpls., MN 55402 USA mation. Awsome full color cover of a XNO four headed N.Y. REVIEW OF RECORDS V1 #4, $2.50, S-32- TEXAS BEAT V2 #2, $1.00, S-24-MT monster! Editor Pete Davis always manages to dig MT SCROTUM #1, $2.00, S-20 POB 4429 up some interesting stuff, this issue it’s Captain 220 east 95th St. #4B 414 Northview Dr. Austin, TX 78765 USA Beefheart, Jesus Lizard, Long Gone John, Annie New York, NY 10128 USA Shep.,KY 40165 USA Well put together zine contains everything but Sparkle, Jonestown and some others. Well put together zine that is, you guess it, tons of Lots of reviews and enthusiasm as well as an concentrates on Texas. Loads of contacts and record reviews. Good insight ana some lenghty Authority interview in this debut issue. this issue features Roky (cool cover) and Pain ZAP #30, 4DM, S-60-TM mini-features make this very interesting. Teens! Postfach 403 SEE HEAR #16, $1.00, HS-44 3000 Hannover 1, W. Germany NEW DIRECTION #4, $1.50, HS-28-R 59 E. 7th St. THE BOB #40, $2.95, T-64-M Zap leads the hardcore scene in Germany with it's 520 N. Ashley #1 New York City, NY 10003 USA POB 7223 pure unrelentless enthusiasm and drive. Another Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 USA This place be a zine store, and this is their catalog. Wilmington, DE 19803 USA killer issue. With free Dead Facts 7" record, not This small zine packs lengthy reviews as well as A very good source indeed. The selection is pretty The Boo reaches 10! Wow, they have come along flexi! features on That Petrol Emotion, Lovers and other wide and you can order direct. Videos and books way. Covering the best in college type 'o rock, the Monsters, and Snuff. as well. Bod leaves no stone unturned. Buzzcocks, Re­ ZERO HOUR #3, $3.00, T-44-M placements (free flexi!), Dave Edwards, Girl POB 766 NEW PURITAN REVIEW #5, $.50. HL-24-T SKOINK #2, $2.00, S-32 Trouble, Can, Lubricated Goat, Urge Overkill and Seattle, WA 98111 USA POB 2414 Loop Station Postbus 41 more! Congrats!!!! Nice big and graphic tabloid. The motto is "where Minneapolis, MN 55408 USA 9550 Herzele, Belgium culture meets crime" and they carry a "for adults Well writen reviews and other stuff. Lengthy Fu- Big type news, reviews and commentary with THRUST V2, #10, *. T-70-F+ only” disclaimer. You get the picture. Pretty eye gazi interview. features on Disorder, Bigshot, Blisters, the Har­ 8401 9th St. #B-220 opening stuff, lots to read, lots to look at, lots of dens and others. St. Petersburg, FL 33702 USA skin. correspondence OLD PUNKS NEVER DIE... DICKS WITH ATTITUDES Dear Flipside: Flipside, I recently attended a Social Distortion show at West Covina’s Recently, I went to a show down here in San Diego. It was put on by an "Safari Bar" and was really disappointed with the whole gig, along anti-racist group to raise funds and awareness. It was no problem to with feeling ripped off at the same time. Now I am not writing to nail pay several bucks to see five local bands. The large majority of the S.D. to a cross or anything. I mean I’ve been going to their shows people were cool, but there is always a bonehead or two in each group. since '84 and they deserve all the success they can get. But what Two minorfights broke out butthey were quickly broken up. Iwas nearly I’ve noticed is that since they’ve signed to a “Big" label it hasn't in one because I got pushed out of the pit into a dick with an attitude. A been the same. Why? I don’t know. I’ve seen them twice since their few minutes later, I saw the same guy I got pushed into in a fight typical. new album and both times I’ve noticed the change. Except for I guess!! WeH, the last band was NO who are from Tijuana. Some guy Mike’s bitching and moaning about people getting on or near the who is supposedly not a racist was mocking the band while they were stage. That hasn’t changed. As far as the new material goes, I think setting up. In a stereotypical, imitation of a mexican accent he loudly it’s good stuff but I am not sure if Mike want’s his old fans or wishes said, "Hey man, play Madness song.” He repeated it for several all he had was new fans. What I mean by this is when you pay to minutes. Don’t people realize prejudices aren’t just white and black? see a good old punk band I would expect to hear some of the old Also, how can one say they aren’t a racist but still make fun of the way stuff. If I wanted to hear blues, rockabilly shit, I would pay for that, minority groups act or speak? By the way no one bothered (me but when I go to see "Social Distortion” that’s who I want to see. included) to tell this guy that what he was doing wasn’t funny at all. I don’t mean to dwell on it or hope for it to turn into “Social D Mania" John McKay and hear a million old songs over and over. But we all know they San Diego, Ca have some great tunes. What I would really like to know is why the hell are they playing places like Safari Bar? Is SD selling out to BIGGER PROBLEMS TO WORRY ABOUT places like "Yuppieville" or what? Mike, do you think you’re Elvis Flipside, now or what? Let’s just put it this way, I’ve seen the song list, there I hope to see this grace your pages, mostly because I took the time to was plenty to hear and all they played is like five tunes and leave the write for which I’ve been debating for quite some time. First, I can assure stage, it’s over, no fucking encore set or nothing. I paid 15 bucks you this isn't another fuckin' bitch and moan letter, but I will try to make and this is what I get. I mean I'm not the yuppie fag that can afford some sense of it. I’ve been in to punk, well ever since it was ok to like this shit all the time. I am, not driving the BMW. listening to the new Dead Kennedys, X, Dickies, and even the Go Go’s in the same breath and SDonCD. Wow!! How cool that's not me guys. All I want to say people were calling it "New Wave". There's been lots of changes over before I close this lame letter is, Mike and the band: You guys got the years, some pretty bad, some good, and some just plain inevitable. what you deserve and as a long time fan, give your other fans that Time goes by and Flipside's been right along side for which I’m grateful, spread out across the big US of A what they deserve-End. If there’s (if only it came out once a month, but I understand). But what I don’t anyone who hates or likes what’s been said. Please write. Ron understand is all of these so called individuals who keep on complaining. Tidwell 4995 Alta Dr. Its either "Strait-edge this” or "Krk’s an asshole for writing so and so”, San Berdo, Ca 92407 and "Where have all the good times gone?” Come on people! (and Krk, (Ron, just to add my two cents worth. I remember SD’s old set too, I thank you 4 doin' a fine job, I don’t always like what you have to say, but what I miss most about them is seeing them hang out at the local but you’re speaking your mind and that’s just fine and dandy). But clubs and having a few beers with their fans. They were really good seriously people, point some anger and complaints into some thing else. friends of mine, yet I haven't seen them in years. It's really a shame Isn't there lots of bigger problems to worry about? Still it’s great to state to think that they are too "big" or don’t have enough time for what opinions of all kinds, but let's remember what our moms always told us. I thought they truly enjoyed but it also shows how much the band is “If you don’t have anything nice to say, please shut the fuck up!” I don’t separatedfromwhatisgoingoninthelocalmusicscene. Theywere mean to sound like its not ok to state a compliant, but its also nice to think so in tune with their generation. I wonder if Mike can still relate to before you speak. Second, I get every Flipside as soon as its out and lyrics like; "I love that sound when I smash the glass, if I get caught I read it front to back. Every review, interview, then letters, poetry, ads, they’re gonna kick my ass... I can'twait'till the show tonight. When and classifieds. I think its great, all the different kinds of bands and I'm with my friends everything's alright." Or how about “When the records you review, I don’t always agree, but its a good variation to cats away the mice will play, beer and drugs and things to say to choose. I even sent in a demo of an old band of mine about 2 years ago. you...". Oh man, those guys were the best fuckin'punk band ever! It never got reviewed, but its ok. I didn't send in a hateful letter crying Not to dwell in the past, because SOME of their new material is pretty like I’ve noticed others to do! Pretty pathetic. Is this what the people of cool too, but I know what you mean - something is different. I the atternative music "scene” have turned into. A bunch of complaining suggest you go see Green Day! - AI) ingrates? I like tots of music and lots of different kinds of bands and I’m not about to complain about what others say, and like, and I wish others THEY JUST SMELL THAT WAY! could learn to refrain as well. Not like me, but in there own way of sorts. Dear Flipside, Well as you can see this letter is directed at nobody in particular, but On December 7th GBH will be playing in LA. The last time they were intended towards those who need to find a direction before they get even around I didn’t here a thing about that show except for the Poison further lost! Please take a minute to think before speaking. Thank you! Idea interview and not a thing was mentioned about GBH's perform­ Geoff ance. GBH has been cranking out some of the best punk for almost Seattle, WA 10 years and I barely ever see anything about them in your mag. I think you will please a hell of a lot of people if you give a long and THE PRO CHOICE descriptive interview with GBH. An interview with them is long Flipside Readers: overdue. A lot of people are really into English punk and want to I'm here to inform you of a new organization out of Charlotte, NC. Well know if there is still a scene there or not. I'm sure GBH could provide to start off the name of it is PVL which is a pro-choice organization and these and many other answers. It’s good that your mag gives new I really don't have time or the space to tell you all about it, but we are bands recognition, but if you want a clue about the bands that looking for members, and contributors for our newsletters, we are people really want to hear about you should deal with the bands that against the government basically, but also we are wanting people to are wanted and sold by in the classified section of your mag. Those start chapters in there city or town, if you are interested in any part of PVL are obviously the bands that everyone likes. write us. So if you want to help make a change write us at PVL c/o Brian A GBH fan. POB 471631, Charlotte, NC 28247 1631 PS: To whom it may concern, the best way to spike your hair is to use unflavored gelatin. TIN WHAT? (Yeah well, I missed them this tour for the first time EVER! Yipes! I Al, even liked their new LP better than last two. I was hoping they'd do Well, don’t know if ya remember me, but if you don’t I shan’t remind you. a small club show to appease us old farts who can't quite stomach You probably do, tho, so I mite as well say that you can 1. Give me the the Country Club. But oh well, I'll catch them next time, then perhaps notoriety you believe I want by slagging me and telling why; 2. Be we’ll do our 3rd interview. - A!)

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