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Flight Performance of Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft PDF

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Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pagei Flight Performance of Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pageii Tomymother Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pageiii Flight Performance of Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft Antonio Filippone AMSTERDAM (cid:127) BOSTON (cid:127) HEIDELBERG (cid:127) LONDON (cid:127) NEW YORK (cid:127) OXFORD PARIS (cid:127) SAN DIEGO (cid:127) SAN FRANCISCO (cid:127) SINGAPORE (cid:127) SYDNEY (cid:127) TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pageiv Butterworth-HeinemannisanimprintofElsevier LinacreHouse,JordanHill,OxfordOX28DP 30CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA Firstedition2006 Copyright©2006,AntonioFilippone.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved TherightofAntonioFilipponetobeidentifiedastheauthorofthisworkhasbeenasserted inaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988 Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedinany formorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwisewithout thepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865853333; email:permissions@elsevier.com.Alternativelyyoucansubmityourrequestonlineby visitingtheElsevierwebsiteathttp://elsevier.com/locate/permissions,andselecting ObtainingpermissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersons orpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseor operationofanymethods,products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerialherein. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN–13:978-0-7506-6817-0 ISBN–10:0-7506-6817-2 ForinformationonallButterworth-Heinemannpublicationsvisit ourwebsiteathttp://books.elsevier.com PrintedandboundinGreatBritain 0607080910 10987654321 Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pagev Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xv ListofTables xvii Nomenclature:organizations xix Nomenclature:acronyms xx Nomenclature:mainsymbols xxii Nomenclature:Greeksymbols xxv Nomenclature:subscripts/superscripts xxvi Supplementstothetext xxvii PartI Fixed-WingAircraftPerformance 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Physicalunitsused 4 1.2 Performanceparameters 5 1.3 Performanceoptimization 7 1.4 CertificateofAirworthiness 7 1.5 Upgradingofaircraftperformance 8 1.6 Missionprofiles 9 Problems 13 2 Theaircraftanditsenvironment 15 2.1 Generalaircraftmodel 15 2.2 Referencesystems 17 2.3 Forcesontheaircraft 20 2.4 Momentsofinertia 21 2.5 Flightdynamicsequations 22 2.6 TheInternationalStandardAtmosphere 23 2.7 Non-standardconditions 28 Problems 30 3 Weightperformance 33 3.1 Theaircraft’sweight 33 3.2 Definitionofweights 40 3.3 Weightestimation 42 v Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pagevi vi Contents 3.4 Weightmanagement 42 3.5 Range/payloaddiagram 44 3.6 DirectOperatingCosts 46 Problems 47 4 Aerodynamicperformance 49 4.1 Aerodynamicforces 49 4.2 Liftequation 51 4.3 Vortexlift 52 4.4 High-liftsystems 55 4.5 Dragequation 57 4.6 Glideratio 61 4.7 Glideratioattransonicandsupersonicspeed 63 4.8 Practicalestimationofthedragcoefficient 65 4.9 Compressibilityeffects 66 4.10 Transonicdragrise 67 4.11 Liftandtransonicbuffet 68 4.12 Aero-thermodynamicheating 69 4.13 Aerodynamicpenetrationandradius 71 4.14 Aircraftvortexwakes 72 4.15 Aerodynamicsandperformance 74 Problems 75 5 Engineperformance 77 5.1 Gasturbineengines 77 5.2 Internalcombustionengines 81 5.3 Engineflightenvelopes 83 5.4 Powerandthrustdefinitions 84 5.5 Generalizedengineperformance 86 5.6 Fuelflow 88 5.7 Propulsiveefficiency 93 5.8 Thrustcharacteristics 94 5.9 Propellercharacteristics 95 Problems 108 6 Flightenvelopes 111 6.1 Generaldefinitions 111 6.2 Aircraftspeedrange 112 6.3 Definitionofspeeds 113 6.4 Steadystatelevelflight 117 6.5 Speedinlevelflight 117 6.6 Absoluteceilingofjetaircraft 119 6.7 Absoluteceilingofpropelleraircraft 119 6.8 Optimalspeedsforlevelflight 121 6.9 Generalflightenvelopes 124 6.10 Limitingfactorsonflightenvelopes 126 6.11 Dashspeedofsupersonicaircraft 128 Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pagevii Contents vii 6.12 Absoluteceilingofsupersonicaircraft 131 6.13 Supersonicacceleration 131 Problems 135 7 Take-offandlanding 137 7.1 Definitionofterminalphases 137 7.2 Conventionaltake-off 139 7.3 Groundrunofjetaircraft 141 7.4 Solutionsofthetake-offequation 143 7.5 Rotationandinitialclimb 148 7.6 Take-offwithoneengineinoperative 150 7.7 Calculationofthebalancedfieldlength 151 7.8 Groundrunofpropelleraircraft 153 7.9 WATcharts 154 7.10 Missedtake-off 155 7.11 Finalapproachandlanding 156 7.12 Landingrun 157 7.13 Effectsofthewind 161 7.14 Groundmaneuvering 161 Problems 161 8 Climbandgliding 165 8.1 Governingequations 165 8.2 Rateofclimb 166 8.3 Steadyclimbofpropellerairplane 167 8.4 Climbofjetairplane 175 8.5 Polardiagramforrateofclimb 179 8.6 Energymethods 181 8.7 Specificexcesspowerdiagrams 183 8.8 Differentialexcesspowerplots 184 8.9 Minimumproblemswithenergymethod 186 8.10 Steadystategliding 190 8.11 Generalglidingflight 194 8.12 Maximumgliderangewithenergymethod 196 8.13 Minimumflightpaths 198 8.14 Additionalresearchonaircraftclimb 201 Problems 202 9 Cruiseperformance 205 9.1 Importanceofthecruiseflight 205 9.2 Generaldefinitions 206 9.3 Pointperformance 206 9.4 TheBreguetrangeequation 216 9.5 Subsoniccruiseofjetaircraft 218 9.6 Missionfuel 224 9.7 Cruisewithintermediatestop 230 9.8 Aircraftselection 232 Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pageviii viii Contents 9.9 Supersoniccruise 233 9.10 Cruiserangeofpropelleraircraft 237 9.11 Endurance 238 9.12 Effectofweightoncruiserange 239 9.13 Effectofthewindoncruiserange 239 9.14 Additionalresearchonaircraftcruise 241 9.15 Formationflight 241 Problems 248 10 Maneuverperformance 251 10.1 Bankedlevelturns 251 10.2 Bankedturnatconstantthrust 253 10.3 Powerrequirements 255 10.4 Effectofweightonturnradius 256 10.5 Maneuverenvelope:n–Vdiagram 257 10.6 Turnrates 259 10.7 Sustainableg-loads 262 10.8 Unpoweredturn 264 10.9 Soaringflight 265 10.10 Rollperformance 271 10.11 Aircraftcontrolunderthrustasymmetry 283 10.12 Pull-upmaneuverandtheloop 287 10.13 Zero-gravityatmosphericflight 289 10.14 Flightpathtoamovingtarget 295 Problems 297 PartII Rotary-WingAircraftPerformance 11 Rotorcraftperformance 301 11.1 Fundamentals 301 11.2 Helicopterconfigurations 302 11.3 Missionprofiles 305 11.4 Flightenvelopes 306 11.5 Definitionsandreferencesystems 307 11.6 Non-dimensionalparameters 311 11.7 Methodsforperformancecalculations 312 Problems 313 12 Rotorcraftinverticalflight 315 12.1 Hoverperformance 315 12.2 Effectofbladetwist 323 12.3 Non-dimensionalhoverperformance 324 12.4 Verticalclimb 326 12.5 Ceilingperformance 328 12.6 Groundeffect 331 12.7 Verticaldescent 332 12.8 Hoverendurance 334 Problems 335 Filippone FM-H6817.tex 24/3/2006 12:45 Pageix Contents ix 13 Rotorcraftinforwardflight 337 13.1 Asymmetryofrotorloads 337 13.2 Powerrequirements 338 13.3 Rotordiskangle 357 13.4 Calculationofforwardflightpower 359 13.5 L/Dofthehelicopter 361 13.6 Forwardflightanalysis 362 13.7 Propulsiveefficiency 366 13.8 Climbperformance 367 13.9 Performanceoftandemhelicopters 370 13.10 Singleortandemhelicopter? 377 Problems 380 14 Rotorcraftmaneuver 383 14.1 Limitsonflightenvelopes 383 14.2 Kineticenergyoftherotor 385 14.3 Autorotativeindex 387 14.4 Autorotativeperformance 389 14.5 Height/velocitydiagram 398 14.6 Thevortexringstate 400 14.7 Take-offandlanding 404 14.8 Turnperformance 404 14.9 Powerrequiredforturning 406 14.10 Moreontailrotorperformance 410 Problems 412 15 Rotorcraftmissionanalysis 413 15.1 Specificairrange 413 15.2 Non-dimensionalanalysisoftheSAR 415 15.3 Enduranceandspecificendurance 416 15.4 Speedforminimumpower 417 15.5 Speedformaximumrange 419 15.6 Fueltoclimb 420 15.7 Payload/rangediagram 422 15.8 Comparativepayloadfraction 428 15.9 Missionanalysis 429 Problems 430 PartIII V/STOLandNoisePerformance 16 V/STOLperformance 435 16.1 Hovercharacteristics 435 16.2 Jet-inducedlift 437 16.3 Liftaugmentation 440 16.4 Calculationofshorttake-off 441 16.5 Skijump 445

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