Flexible Work: From Workplace to Anyplace Cisco Plus Canada – May 16th, 2012 1 The Opportunity 73% agree flexible work has a positive impact on employee productivity. Harris Decima Survey Why is Flexible Work important? ““AAvveerraaggee ppeerr--ooffffiiccee ccoossttss iinn mmaannyy CCaannaaddiiaann cciittiieess ccaann rreeaacchh tthhee $$66,,000000 aa yyeeaarr rraannggee.. OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnss ccaann ssaavvee aabboouutt 11 ooffffiiccee ffoorr eevveerryy 33 tteelleewwoorrkkeerrss.. WWiitthh 11,,000000 tteelleewwoorrkkeerrss,, aann oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn ccoouulldd rreeaassoonnaabbllyy ssaavvee ssoommee $$22,,000000,,000000 ppeerr yyeeaarr..”” --IInnnnoovviissiioonnss CCaannaaddaa SSuunn MMiiccrroossyysstteemmss ssaavveedd $$6688 mmiilllliioonn aa yyeeaarr iinn rreeaall eessttaattee ccoossttss,, ““4422%% ooff CCaannaaddiiaann eemmppllooyyeeeess ccoouulldd bbee lluurreedd aawwaayy ffrroomm tthheeiirr $$33 mmiilllliioonn aa yyeeaarr iinn rreedduucceedd ppoowweerr ccoonnssuummppttiioonn wwiitthh fflleexxiibbllee eexxiissttiinngg eemmppllooyyeerrss iiff ggiivveenn tthhee ooppttiioonn ttoo tteelleewwoorrkk”” wwoorrkk ooppttiioonnss ffoorr 1177,,000000 eemmppllooyyeeeess ((22,,000000 pprriimmaarriillyy wwoorrkkiinngg aatt hhoommee,, 1155,,000000 uupp ttoo 22 ddaayyss aa wweeeekk)) --EEkkooss RReesseeaarrcchh ““FFlleexxiibbllee WWoorrkk ((wwoorrkkss aatt hhoommee 22--33 ddaayyss ppeerr wweeeekk)) ccoouulldd ssaavvee eemmppllooyyeerrss oovveerr $$1100,,000000 ppeerr eemmppllooyyeeee ppeerr yyeeaarr –– tthhee rreessuulltt ooff iinnccrreeaasseedd pprroodduuccttiivviittyy,, rreedduucceedd ffaacciilliittyy ccoossttss,, lloowweerreedd aabbsseenntteeeeiissmm,, aanndd rreedduucceedd ttuurrnnoovveerr ..”” ““CCoommppaanniieess tthhaatt ddoonn’’tt aaddoopptt aa tteelleewwoorrkk ssttrraatteeggyy aass ppaarrtt ooff tthheeiirr ooppeerraattiioonnss aarree aatt aa --KKaattee LLiisstteerr ––TTeelleewwoorrkk RReesseeaarrcchh NNeettwwoorrkk ccoommppeettiittiivvee ddiissaaddvvaannttaaggee”” -- SSccootttt MMccNNeeaallyy iinn CCaallggaarryy,, AApprriill 22001100 4400%% ooff tthhee llaabboouurr ffoorrccee iiss nnooww oovveerr tthhee aaggee ooff ““CCoommmmuuttiinngg DDiissttaanncceess ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo RRiissee..”” --22000066 CCeennssuuss 4400.. BBaabbyy bboooommeerrss aarree aallrreeaaddyy sslliippppiinngg iinnttoo CCaannaaddaa rreettiirreemmeenntt.. BBuussiinneesssseess wwiillll hhaavvee ttoo ffiigghhtt ffoorr ““AA 2200--mmiinnuuttee ccoommmmuuttee ttoo tthhee ooffffiiccee ((4400--mmiinnuuttee rroouunndd ttrriipp)) ccoonnssuummeess ffoouurr 4400-- hhoouurrwwoorrkkwweeeekkssaayyeeaarr!!”” ttoopp ttaalleenntt.. --WWoorrkkSShhiifftt CCaallggaarryy How big is this shift? 89% indicated that a flexible work program makes a company more attractive Flexible Work 2nd most important after pay 46% of employers offer some sort of flexibility in work arrangements 73% of companies report higher productivity and loyalty 5 The TELUS Journey: How we got there... TELUS’ Work Styles History and Roadmap s e Allow Support Encourage Direct s a h P 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Business as usual; Pilot Program Strategy and Program Enabling work to be Executive approval for Formal program with traditional work style Launched Development completed when and enterprise wide fully integrated change where it can be most implementation management & es Managers & team Declared support for effective communications plan n members manage flexible work styles 5 yr business plan sto exceptions as one-offs 18.000 team members approved to Plan for technology Mile VPN enabled consolidate & enablement compress real estate y Implemented business e portfolio by 40% K continuity strategy for S’ Olympic Games U L (Vancouver) and G8 E T (Toronto) Real Estate (RE) Corporate Business Unit Pilots Alliance RE, IT, HR led Program TELUS Mandate: 2015 The TELUS goal is to have: 40% of our team members adopting 40% a mobile approach to working; this 30% Flexible can be from home, in the office or, Home and better yet, onsite with our clients Mobile Based 30% of our team members working from home full-time 30% Assigned 30% of our team members continuing to be located within TELUS buildings Flexible Work: The Triple Bottom Line Return on Investment Return on Employees Return on the Environment Financial Impacts annual corporate savings per employee $6,000 up to Employee and Societal Impacts annual commute & travel time savings per employee 160 hours = 4 weeks Environmental Impacts annual emissions reductions per employee 3000 kilograms of GHG