US008326689B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,326,689 B2 Agarwal et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 4, 2012 (54) FLEXIBLE ADVERTISING SYSTEM WHICH FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ALLOWS ADVERTISERS WITH DIFFERENT JP 2003-076921 3/2003 VALUE PROPOSITIONS TO EXPRESS SUCH JP HEI 17-190005 7/2005 VALUE PROPOSITIONS TO THE WO WO 2005/006282 1/2005 ADVERTISING SYSTEM OTHER PUBLICATIONS (75) Inventors: Sumit AgarWal, San Carlos, CA (US); Hicks, Matthew, “Google Reinvents AdWords with Auctioned CPM Gregory Joseph Badros, Mountain Ads,” eWeekcom (Apr. 27, 2005) (Downloaded from http://www. eweek.corn/c/a/Search/Google-Reinvents-AdWords-with-Auc View, CA (US); John Fu, Sunnyvale, tioned-CPM-Ads/, pp. 1-4.) CA (US) PCT/ISN220, “Noti?cation of Transmittal of the International Search Report and the Written Opinion of the International Searching (73) Assignee: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA (US) Authority, or the Declaration” for PCT/U S06/36062,mai1ed Aug. 14, 2007 (1 pg.) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this PCT/ISN210, “International Search Report” for PCT/US06/ 36062, mailed Aug. 14, 2007 (2 pgs.) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 PCT/ISN237, “Written Opinion of the International Searching U.S.C. 154(b) by 1169 days. Authority” for PCT/US06/36062, mailed Aug. 14, 2007 (6 pgs.) Examiner’s First Report for Australian Patent Application No. (21) Appl. N0.: 11/22s,5s3 2006292491, mailed Aug. 21, 2009 (2 pgs.) (Continued) (22) Filed: Sep. 16, 2005 Primary Examiner * Alvin L Brown (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * John C. Pokotylo; Straub & Pokotylo US 2007/0067215 A1 Mar. 22, 2007 (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl. Different advertisers that may have different value proposi G06Q 30/00 (2006.01) tions and that may desire different types of ad spots may (52) US. Cl. ................. .. 705/14.54; 705/14.43; 235/375 effectively participate in an advertising network. An adver (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................... .. 705/14 tiser may express various value propositions using various See application ?le for complete search history. types of offers, such as offers (or maximum offers) per impression, selection, and/or conversion (or some other user (56) References Cited event). Probabilities of events, associated with offers, occur ring may be used to allow different advertisers with different U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS value propositions to compete against one another in an arbi tration such as an auction. Advertisers may target the serving 2004/0103024 A1 5/2004 Patel et a1. of their ads to keywords (search and/or content), particular 2005/0097204 A1 5/2005 Horowitz publications or properties, particular vertical categories, 2006/0122879 A1* 6/2006 O’Kelley ...................... .. 705/14 2006/0271389 A1* 11/2006 Goodman .... .. 705/1 other types of ad spots, etc. 2007/0038508 A1* 2/2007 Jain etal. 705/14 2007/0061328 A1* 3/2007 Ramer et a1. .................. .. 707/10 9 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets 261 0 9 250 AD USER DEVICE SERVER (CLIENT) 240 220 EMAIL NETWORK(S) SERVER SEARCH _ ENGINE OFFLINE OFFLINE AD 230 CONTENT 232 CONTENT SPOT $234 SERVER ‘9 PROVIDER PROPERTY ICN Q US 8,326,689 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Of?ce Action for Israeli Patent Application No. 190132, mailed Sep. 18, 2011 (3 pgs.). Translation of Notice of Reasons for Rejection for Japanese Patent Notice of Preliminary Rejection of Korean Patent Application No. Application No. 2008-531363, mailed Feb. 15, 2011 (2 pgs.). 10-2011-7008597, mailed Oct. 7, 2011 (3 pgs.) With translation (3 Communication for European Patent Application No. 06 803 690.4 PgS~)~ 2221, mailed on Mar. 2, 2010 (1 pg.). Notice of Preliminary Rejection for Korean Patent Application No. Extended European Search Report for European Patent Application 10-2008-7009120, mailed Mar. 31, 2010 (8 pgs.) With translation (9 No. 068036904, mailed Nov. 23, 2009 (4 pgs.). PgS~)~ EXaminer’s Report for Australian Patent Application No. Re-EXamination Report for Korean Patent Application No. 10-2008 2006292491, mailed Nov. 25, 2010 (2 pgs.). 7009120, mailed May 24, 2011 (2 pgs.) With translation (2 pgs.). Notice of Final Rejection for Korean Patent Application No. Notice of Reasons for Rejection for Japanese Patent Application No. 2008-531363, mailed Jun. 14, 2011 (3 pgs.) With translation (2 pgs.). 10-2008-7009120, mailed Dec. 29, 2010 (4 pgs.) With translation (4 PgS~)~ Noti?cation of the First Of?ce Action for Chinese Patent Application No. 2006800427528, dated Jul. 14, 2010 (3 pgs.) With translation (5 EXaminer’s Report for Canadian Patent Application No. 2,622,655, PgS~)~ Feb. 20, 2012 (4 pgs.). Noti?cation of the Second Of?ce Action for Chinese Patent Appli cation No. 2006800427528, mailed Aug. 24, 2011 (4 pgs.) With translation (7 pgs.). * cited by examiner US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 2 of8 US 8,326,689 B2 omm WmZmORwOb< WQEMSS<MZOO 0mm mMMDOE mwmFmm>O< wzOFéwaO mmugm-immpD; US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 3 of8 US 8,326,689 B2 x2+6 vmEDOE GLZI 20K 5.3995 US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 4 of8 US 8,326,689 B2 ADVERTISER USER INTERFACE ASK ADVERTISER FOR DESIRED CHARACTERISTIC OF AD SPOT (e.g., GENERAL SEARCH WITH ANY MATCHING SERVING CONSTRAINTS, 510 GENERAL CONTENT WITH ANY ’\1 MATCHING CONCEPTS, SERVING CRITERIA (e.g., KEYWORD) SPECIFIC, PROPERTY SPECIFIC, SPOT TYPE SPECIFIC, VERTICAL SPECIFIC, ETC.) ACCEPT ADVERTISER INPUT 520 WITH RESPECT TO DESIRED /\/ CHARACTERISTIC OF AD SPOT ACCEPT OFFER PER IMPRESSION, OFFER PER SELECTION, OFFER /\/53° PER CONVERSION, AND/OR OFFER PER ANY OTHER “EVENT” SAVE ACCEPTED 540 OFFER INFORMATION r\/ 550 FIGURE 5 US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 5 0f8 US 8,326,689 B2 DESIRED CHARACTERISTIC (EVENT, VALUE , 0|: AD SPOT VALUEIMPRESSION VALUESELECTIOMCLICK) pRogAmu-rysjzz? OFFE 55g ARBITRARY EVENT . OFFER . . OFFER , *E,VPERNOTB‘A,B ‘I LITY,R ‘, ; 5152 SEARCH ‘OFFER’ ‘OFFER’ A SEARCH, KEYWORD K1 ‘OFFER’ *OFFER‘ 26.2. SEARCH. KEYWORD Krl ‘OFFER’ ‘OFFER‘ m CONTENT ‘OFFER’ ‘OFFER‘ > \ CONTENT, PUBLICATION1 ‘OFFER’ ‘OFFER’ > 612 CONTENT, PUBLICATIONm ‘OFFER* ‘OFFER’ J \ VERTICAL1 ‘OFFER’ ‘OFFER’ mo VERTlCALp ‘OFFER’ ‘OFFER‘ J m m 5.39 e_4o_ 5.0.0 FIGURE 6 US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 8 US 8,326,689 B2 ACCEPT REQUEST FOR AD(S) K310 WITH AD SPOT INFORMATION Y GET ELIGIBLE (e.g., ,\/72o RELEVANT) ADS SCORE ELIGIBLE ADS USING STORED OFFER PER IMPRESSION, OFFER PER SELECTION, OFFER 730 PER CONVERSION, OFFER PER r\/ EVENT AND/OR PROBABILITIES (9.9., OF IMPRESSION, SELECTION, CONVERSION, EVENT, ETC.) PLACE AD(S) IN AD f\7/40 SPOT(S) USING SCORES 50 FIGURE 7 US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 7 of8 US 8,326,689 B2 (A0 ACCOUNTING IBILLING ) §QQ 810 OCCURRENCE OF CONDITION PRECEDENT TO CHARGE l DETERMINE PAYMENT USING 820 OFFER(S) OF AD (AND/OR lb OFFER(S) OF OTHER A08) 830 FIGURE 8 US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 8 of8 US 8,326,689 B2 6wo?5mw2kz: aQ MHa xmm5mqo5azo5?lmm5zm g @Amwwovm<oomwSwoww5oo Qmm @5In5_5z_0 0wnM@SfwEDlu_3lSmv0w !oa