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Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us ... and What to Do About It PDF

348 Pages·2008·1.23 MB·English
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Preview Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us ... and What to Do About It

FLEECED How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us... AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT DICK MORRIS and EILEEN McGANN To Blanche and Gene Morris, 93 and 97—the Energizer bunnies, still going strong—and to Doll and Bill CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................................1 1 President Obama: What Would He Do? .................................................13 2 How the Liberal Media Downplay Terrorism...........................................45 3 The Liberals’ Secret Plan to Muzzle Talk Radio .....................................77 4 The Do-Nothing Congress Is Still Doing Nothing! House Democrats Scale Back the Congressional Workweek—It’s Too Burdensome! .............87 5 Foreign Companies and American Pension Funds that Help Iran Build the Bomb ...............................................................................103 6 The New Lobbyists: Peddling the Agendas of Foreign Governments, Oppressive Dictators, and Foreign Corporations to the U.S. Government and the American Public................................117 7 The Dubai-ing of America .................................................................151 8 The Plastic Fleece: Credit Card Company Abuse..................................163 9 Teachers Are Leaving the Profession—Too Much Stress, Too Little Pay...................................................................................177 10 Released from Guantánamo, They Kill Again.......................................191 11 How Hedge Fund Billionaires Live Off Tax Breaks................................203 12 How the Teachers’ Union Rips Off Its Members...................................211 13 Re-rebuilding Luxury Second Homes in Flood Areas Again and Again—at Our Expense......................................................225 14 The Subprime Loan Crisis: Why the Greedy Are Going Free...................237 15 How Halliburton Rips Off the Pentagon: While Some Fight for Freedom, Others Use War to Get Rich .................257 iv | CONTENTS 16 Blocking Toys That Poison Children from Being Sold in America— and Being Made in China..................................................................269 17 How the Company Bill Clinton Works for Fleeces the Vulnerable Elderly ......................................................................285 18 From Movie Lights to Lighting Up: How Films Induce Teens to Smoke.....................................................291 Conclusion......................................................................................305 Acknowledgments............................................................................309 Notes..............................................................................................311 About the Authors Other Books by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann Credits Cover Copyright About the Publisher INTRODUCTION FLEECED: Stripped of money or property as a sheep is stripped of fleece; obtained by unfair or unjust means; plundered; de- prived of money or belongings by fraud or hoax; swindled FACT: The mainstream media in America is distorting the news to deliber- ately downplay terrorism. The Society of Professional Journalists has actu- ally recommended that reporters “avoid using word combinations such as ‘Islamic terrorist’ or ‘Muslim extremist’ ”! FACT: Even when terrorists are caught targeting high-profile facilities in New York City like the Brooklyn Bridge and JFK Airport, The New York Times—along with the rest of the national media—works overtime to con- vince us that the threat was artificial and overblown. FACT: If liberals win the White House and Congress in 2008, they plan to kill conservative talk radio by requiring stations to balance their content by broadcasting extreme liberal opinions and forcing stations to install liberals in top management positions. FACT: Barack Obama says he will double the capital gains tax rate. This could trigger a sell-off in both the stock market and real estate market be- tween election day and the first of the year. 2 | FLEECED FACT: Barack Obama claims to be fiscally responsible. But he has publicly proposed tax increases that will amount to more than $1 trillion over the next ten years. If the Democrats win the White House, Americans making $100,000 or more could be paying almost 60 percent of their income in taxes. FACT: The Do-Nothing Congress is still doing nothing. The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives held roll-call votes on less than a third of the workdays between January 1 and March 31, 2008. FACT: The three major presidential candidates of 2008, all senators, have virtually stopped doing their Senate jobs. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain were present on only five of the twenty days of Senate roll-call votes in the first three months of 2008. FACT: Under our very noses, foreign companies like Shell, Repsol, Siemens, Hyundai, BNP Paribus, and others are helping Iran’s repressive regime stay in power, even though it is developing nuclear weapons. And it’s our state pension funds that invest in these companies, enabling them to come to the ayatollah’s aid. FACT: Credit card companies made $30 billion in profits last year by charg- ing interest rates that would make Mafia loan sharks blush. And they collect a hidden fee of 2 percent on virtually everything sold in the nation—a fee that’s then folded into the cost of almost everything we buy. FACT: One third of all cardholders pay interest rates above 20 percent, and late fees and other penalties have tripled in the last ten years. FACT: Hedge fund billionaires—like George Soros—make astronomical incomes each year and pay only the lower capital gains tax rate on their in- come. Hedge fund employees pay less in federal taxes than other Ameri- cans: on average, they pay only 15 percent of their income in taxes, while other Americans pay up to 35 percent. And it’s the Democrats—yes, the Democrats!—who are protecting them. INTRODUCTION | 3 FACT: EADS (European Aeronautics Defense and Space), the French com- pany that owns Airbus, recently won a huge U.S. defense contract, beating out Boeing and costing Americans tens of thousands of defense jobs. So now our tax money is going to create their jobs. FACT: Lobbyists and lobbying firms close to the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and John McCain were paid millions of dollars to lobby for EADS and to use their influence to steer the contract away from the Ameri- can company. FACT: Each year, foreign governments, including Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, spend millions of dollars lobbying our Congress and trying to persuade the American public of the validity of their often troublesome positions. FACT: While record numbers of homeowners were forced into foreclosure, Angelo Mozilo, the former CEO of Countrywide Financial Corporation— one of the largest providers of subprime home mortgages—was paid $100 million in 2006. When he was forced out in 2008, he left with a pension and retirement package estimated at more than $60 million. FACT: Countrywide announced a $1.2 billion loss in the third quarter of 2007 and another $422 million in the fourth quarter. By the end of the year, the price of the company’s stock fell by 80 percent. During the same time, Mozilo received a $1.9 million annual salary and $20 million in stock awards and sold $121 million in stock. He told Congress that his shares had grown in value by 23,000 percent. FACT: Countrywide subprime loans for 120,000 homes were in foreclosure at the end of 2007, and the company laid off 12,000 workers. FACT: The FBI is investigating Countrywide for alleged securities fraud for misrepresenting its financial position and the performance of mortgage loans in securities filings. FACT: Bill Clinton is a partner in a global investment fund with the emir of Dubai, one of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) states. His recently released tax returns suggest that his income from involvement with the fund could be as much as $15 million. 4 | FLEECED FACT: Hillary Clinton says that the United States should retaliate against Iran if it attacks the UAE, Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia. No other president, pres- idential candidate, or senator has ever suggested that we go to war under these circumstances. Is it any wonder that Americans feel fleeced at every turn? And it could get even worse. If the Democrats win the 2008 presidential election, you’d better hold on to your shirt. Because, without a doubt, you’re going to be fleeced! There’s no question that federal taxes will go up— income taxes, Social Security taxes, capital gains taxes, and estate taxes. Spending will go way up, too, and the size of the bureaucracy will likely swell. About the only thing that might go down is your morale. Our presidential candidates spread the message of optimism, of the “au- dacity of hope.”Yet unnoticed in this inspirational rhetoric are plans to pass the largest tax increase in history; to introduce rationing to our health care system; to weaken our defenses against domestic terrorism; to cripple our efforts to reform education; to let criminals and crack dealers out of prison; and to send our economy into a downward spiral. Once the Democrats’ health care programs are implemented, it will mean the beginning of socialized medicine in the United States. If a politi- cian like Hillary Clinton should ever have her way, the government will even garnish the salaries of workers who don’t have health insurance. Big government and big brother will be on patrol. There’s more to be concerned about: Democrats will be pouncing on social and cultural issues, too. One of their first priorities will be to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. They won’t be happy until they destroy talk radio by requiring a liberal response to every conservative program. Imagine a pol- icy that would require ABC Radio to give Alan Colmes a three-hour daily talk show to offer a contrasting view of Sean Hannity’s opinions. Or compel Fox News to offer an hour a day to Rachel Maddow to disagree with Bill O’Reilly. No thanks. But that’s what they want. The first chapter of this book describes in great detail what you can ex- pect from a Barack Obama presidency—in short, how we’ll all be fleeced by spending and taking policies and plans for bigger and bigger government. This book is really about the far too many ways Americans are routinely

With sharp, detail-filled style Morris and McGann are sure to stir up controversy with the hard facts laid out in this book. From claims about the slave state of Dubai - secretly buying everything from MGM to the Queen Mary to credit card companies abuse - charging interest every way they can, Scree
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