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Flat Water Red Angus Gang PDF

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Preview Flat Water Red Angus Gang

WWEELLCCOOMMEE Welcome to the Flat Water Red Angus Gang’s 7th sale together. Each one of us is truly appreciative and respectful of all our past customers and those that have bid on our bulls or taken an interest in our programs. The relationships we’ve built and the success that our clientele have experienced using our genetics are two of the most rewarding aspects of what we do. We understand that a great portion of your success is contingent on the genetics and the quality of the animals that you bring in from our program. The Flat Water Gang considers it an honor and takes the responsibility endeared to this relationship very seriously. The true focus of our seed stock operations is to create as many marketing opportunities as pos- sible in all facets of beef production. We provide well balanced bulls for the commercial cattleman to insure long term profi tability. Over several years, our efforts have been dedicated to refi ning the maternal fi ne points of our females to provide our customers with a problem free, sustainable and profi t driven cow herd. In addition, we have injected enough growth and performance to allow one to create revenue in the three primary marketing opportunities of beef cattle production. Whether one is selling calves off the cow, backgrounding a calf crop to add margin or selling fats on the grid, there is performance, feed effi ciency and top level carcass traits to assure your operation a high return on investment and build or maintain a reputation for quality. Our maternal fo cus also allows opportunists to capture premiums in both the bred and replacement market. Ranchers and cattlemen in all parts of The United States have recognized the maternal value of the Red Angus female. As a result of the phenomenal demand, red heifers and bred stock are selling at a premium to all other breeds. We love seeing our customers top their market in all classes with their reputation replacement heifers. This isn’t a fad. It’s the long term reality. Flat Water bulls can deliver the genetic package to help you attain more profi t with value added females. This year’s offering presents some new genetics with the infusion of bulls like 5L Advantage, Bieber Hard Drive, Crowfoot Resolution and others. We still have some of our reliable and reputable stan- dards like Milk Crk Express 9127, BHR Durango and Troubadour. All the herd sire selections are dedicated to the same principal of producing problem free cattle that maximize revenue. As always, we encourage and welcome you to call, visit our ranches or drop us a line. We want to make sure that we have all of your questions answered as you prepare to make these important genetic commitments. Thanks again for your interest and we hope to see you sale day. Sincerely, The Flat Water Red Angus Gang SSAALLEE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN MMoonnddaayy, MMaarrcchh 2288, 22001166 1:30 p.m. CDT (cid:129) Valentine Livestock Market, Valentine, Nebraska Cookies, rolls and coffee will be offered in the morning (cid:129) Complimentary lunch will also be provided. Cattle Viewing: Guarantee: All of the bulls are available for viewing at the Cooksley Ranch located The bulls are guaranteed breeders and are assured healthy on sale 6 miles North of Anselmo, NE until March 25. After this time the bulls day. They will have passed a semen test and breeding soundness will be at the Valentine Livestock Market. exam performed by Broken Bow Animal Hospital. Scrotal measure- ments will be available sale day. Sale Video: Bulls selling for more than $3,000 are eligible for a premium cost View videos at fl atwaterredangusgang.com or dvauction.com. share for a 6-month policy covering mortality and morbidity through Cattle will sell in catalog order. Stockman’s Insurance Agency LLC. The seller will cover up to half of an 8% of purchase price premium. Individual breeders will work Selling: with customers on a case-by-case basis concerning guarantees. 87 Registered Red Angus Yearling Bulls 4 2-Year-Old Registered Red Angus Bulls Delivery and Load-out: 5 18-Month-Old Registered Red Angus Bulls We are offering free delivery to all points in the State of Nebraska. Delivery to other states will be at the lowest cost possible from the Sale Day Contacts: seller’s base operation. Bulls not delivered by April 15 will incur a $4 Auctioneer: Scott Weishaar .......................................(701) 872-5299 per day feeding cost thereafter. A $100 credit will be offered for bulls Randy Rasby – Livestock Plus ..................................(308) 539-6195 taken home on sale day by the new owner. Dace Harper – Midwest Messenger ...........................(605) 515-1535 Beau Bendigo – Cattle Business Weekly ....................(605) 515-3223 Sight-Unseen Purchases: Greg Arendt – Valentine Livestock Auction ................(402) 376-4701 We encourage you to utilize DV Auction, Inc. as the means to facilitate your absentee purchases. Howev-er, if you are unable to Ben Cooksley: ............................................................(308) 872-1007 use these services or are uncomfortable with them, please feel free Ross Knott: ...............................................................(402) 843-8726 to contact any one of the respective breeders or sale day contacts Miles Cooksley: .........................................................(308) 880-0566 to accommodate your requests. Let us know your needs and budget Paul Birnie: ................................................................(308) 870-3133 range and we will work with honesty and integrity to help purchase Valentine Livestock Auction: ......................................(800) 682-4874 the bulls that meet your criteria. If you are unsatisfi ed with the purchase, then you don’t own the animals. Retained Ownership: The breeders reserve the option to retain ½ revenue sharing semen Terms and Conditions: interest on all bulls in the sale. • The Auctioneer will settle any bidding disputes and his decision on such matters will be fi nal. Livestock Insurance: • All sales are cash in U.S. funds unless prior arrangements have Insurance available through Stockmen’s Insurance Agency LLC, Bill been made with the sellers. Pelton Livestock (406) 671-5100. Applications will be available on • Any announcements made on sale day take precedence over sale day. printed material. All purchases are the buyers’ responsibility as soon as they are sold. • Health certifi cates will be furnished for shipment anywhere in the Accommodations in Valentine: United States. Valentine’s Niobrara Lodge ..........(877) 376-3003 or (402) 376-3000 • Any death or injury after the animal is sold is at the buyers’ risk. • Anyone attending this sale attends at his/her own risk. Comfort Inn ...............................................................(402) 376-3300 • A retained interest by the seller will be designated as such in the Econo Lodge & Suites ................................................402) 376-3131 sale. The buyer receives full pos-session and full salvage value on all Super 8......................................................................(402) 376-1250 bulls with a retained ownership interest. Trade Winds Motel ....................................................(402) 376-1600 • All registered cattle sell under the suggested Sale Terms and Catalog and Promotion: Conditions set forth by the Red Angus Association of America. Tracey Koester, Cow Camp Promotions .....................(701) 475-2736 www.cowcamppromotions.com VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm 11 SSAALLEE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN Bull Development at “The Sandlot” For the fi rst time since we started our production sale 7 years the bulls. Trudging through the native sea bed has made them ago, all of the bulls have been developed in a single group. At fi t, fi rm and prepared to thrive in whatever environment they the conclusion of last year’s sale, we felt that it would be ben- are asked to work in. Since the sand leaches moisture, the efi cial for all parties involved and principally for our customers bulls have remained clean, healthy and structurally sound. The to have everything grown together. Thanks to the initiative and Sandlot is an excellent setting for long range bull development commitment of the Cooksley Family, that vision is a reality. and equates to more reliability and soundness. The bull facility at The Cooksley Ranch, north of Anselmo, is We have always been committed to a program that is focused aptly coined “The Sandlot.” Yes, “You’re killing me Smalls,” has on the steady yet responsible growth of the bulls. This year was been uttered on more than one occasion. This spacious and no exception as the bulls were fed to a target gain of just less well protected area is ideal for the proper long term develop- than 3 lbs. of gain per day. We feel that is a conscientious level ment of these investment animals. You are making an invest- to allow the bulls the opportunity to express their genetic merit ment in our genetics and we, in turn, are devoted to creating a and also to be grown in a manner that focuses on long term maturation program that is aimed at leaving you with a bull that function. The addition of The Sandlot enhances our commit- will hold up and do his job for many years. The Sandlot is an ment to providing sustainable seedstock. essential component of our sustainable development program. Please stop in and visit the facility and preview the bulls any- Walking through the dense sand of the facility is laborious for time before the 25th of March. Absentee Options We are sincerely appreciative for those that are able to take the time to join us in Valentine on Sale Day as we enjoy Can’t make the sale? visiting and building friendships, both new and old. There is no better way to assess the quality of the bulls and measure how they fi t your criteria than viewing them in person. How- We are pleased to bring you real-time Internet bidding and a live ever, this is a demanding time of year for all of us in the beef broadcast of this sale through DV Auction. To watch or bid online, simply complete the following steps: business and sometimes circumstances and responsibilities dictate ability to travel. In order to accommodate, we are 1) Visit the DVAuction web site at www.dvauction.com 2) Click on the “Register” tab offering a couple of venues for you to utilize as you consider 3) Enter a user name, password and your contact information. your purchases. 4) Click on “Apply for Bidding.” - Select the sale from the list of other auctions and click “Apply”. - Complete the process by fi lling out the Banking & Lending • DV Auction – Bid online from the comfort of your home or information requested. offi ce. This is a renowned, safe, secure and professional ser- - Be sure to include a personal contact at your bank, we will vice. Bulls will go through the ring during the sale with the contact them in order to get a credit reference. pre-taped video of the bulls showing on DV Auction. Simply - If you would prefer to be approved using your credit card, call (402) 316-5460. follow the instructions that are provided by DV Auction and - Please be sure to apply for bidding at least a day in advance of pre-register at dvauction.com. Please try and pre-register the sale-every effort will be made to process your application prior to sale day. in a timely manner. DVAuction will contact you once you have been approved to bid. We • Sight Unseen Consultation and Purchases – Contact: do not provide buyer numbers until you have purchased a lot in the sale, and that number is only usable for that auction. After the sale Ross Knott (402) 843-8726, Paul Birnie (308) 870-3133 contact the sale owner or manager to make arrangements for payment or Ben Cooksley (308) 872-1007 prior to the sale. We will and delivery of your online purchases. consult with you about your program, the type of bulls you Please Note: High speed Internet access (DSL, T-1, or Broadband) is are looking for, the budget you are working with and do our required to be able to bid successfully during the sale. If you have any best to match our bulls with your goals and criteria. It is im- questions, please contact DVAuction at (402) 316-5460 or (402) 474- portant to us for you to be successful in your operation and 5557 or email [email protected]. we would like to earn your business and have a successful Proxy Bidding: If you can’t access a computer during the sale, you working relationship on a long term basis. If we bid on and can now place a “proxy bid” through DV Auction. Simply follow the instructions listed above, and as the sale date nears there will be a purchase a bull on your behalf and you are not satisfi ed at “Proxy Bidding” link under the sale listing on the main page of DV delivery, you will not own him. Contact us prior to the sale Auction. You can then place the maximum amount that you’d like to and we can pre-register you with a buyer number. bid, and our system will represent your bid just as if you were there. 22 VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm 22--YYEEAARR--OOLLDD BBUULLLLSS Age-Advantaged Bull Program These Aged-Advantage bulls are not holdovers. We established criteria based upon date of birth in the 2014 calf crop to determine what we would sell as yearlings and what we would develop to be 2-year-olds. The 18-month-old bulls (on the next page) are calves from our fall calving program. We developed only those bulls that we thought were high in quality. RRAAMM 44443366 SSCCNN RRAAMM 44443355 SSCCNN 11 22 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 4/12/14 78 97 628 94 1021 96 A 100% 1718609 4/3/14 60 75 625 93 982 92 1A 100% 1718588 5L BLAZIN RAM 5166-7504 |O C C EMBLAZON 854E DAM’S DATA 5L BLAZIN RAM 5166-7504 |O C C EMBLAZON 854E DAM’S DATA RAM 802 SCN |BBFIELBOE CRR T EVSCS C 5H1IE6F6 105 1M0P0P.A7 5Ag e RAM 802 SCN |BBFIELBOE CRR T EVSCS C 5H1IE6F6 105 9M7P.6PA 6Ag e PANHANDLE HERITAGE 4050 PANHANDLE HERITAGE 4050 PANHANDLE MISCHIEF 133 PANHANDLE MISCHIEF 133 RIDGE CHANDLER 576 |5L TRAVLIN MATT 6223 MRM LANCER 916 |BECKTON LANCER T A664 RIDGE BRANDINA 42A-268 MRM 8454 9522 G93 MISS BHR CHANDLER 9125 |FORSTER COPPERTOP 089 MARS 916 505 802 |MLK CRK FOUNDATION 110 MISS BHR COPPERTOP 28 MARS 110 AMELIA 505 TBS MS HIGH MARK 070 MARS B571 J05 101AMELIA HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 92 48 7 -1.8 56 77 14 -1 5 5 10 0.23 -0.11 13 0.31 -0.01 162 50 15 -5.5 44 59 20 -5 8 6 15 0.80 -0.03 -4 -0.02 0.00 66% 72% 28% 37% 54% 69% 87% 34% 98% 35% 66% 88% 10% 71% 16% 30% 4% 25% 1% 3% 88% 93% 46% 11% 86% 14% 9% 5% 30% 96% 72% 63% He’s robust and powerful with great sires in his pedigree. Heifer bull with expansive rib shape and muscle. Top 4% HB, Top 1% CED, Top 3% BW, 11% ME , 14% CEM and 9% STAY. He’ll cover a lot of heifers. RRAAMM 44442222 SSCCNN 33 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 4/11/14 88 110 750 112 1124 105 1A 100% 1718583 5L BLAZIN RAM 5166-7504 |O C C EMBLAZON 854E DAM’S DATA RAM 802 SCN |BBFIELBOE CRR T EVSCS C 5H1IE6F6 105 1M0P2P.A5 8Ag e PANHANDLE HERITAGE 4050 PANHANDLE MISCHIEF 133 BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 |BJR MAKE MY DAY 981 BIEBER SIRENA 6708 GMRA PEACHA 671 |BUF CRK HOBO 1961 GMRA PEACHA 723 GMRA PEACHA 214 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 108 48 7 0.4 67 90 17 -1 8 4 12 0.37 -0.04 23 0.26 -0.01 45% 75% 33% 77% 17% 43% 68% 32% 81% 44% 44% 61% 26% 39% 21% 41% This is Ryan’s bull and he’s a man, man. Mimi has produced some of our favorite females. Pedigree is rich in breed greats. Lot 3 DDUURRAANNGGOO 44442266 SSCCNN 44 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 3/28/14 81 105 608 91 1069 100 1A 100% 1718579 BHR DURANGO 60 |LCC CHEYENNE B221L DAM’S DATA BHR DURANGO 267 |BLSHFR R LEODG FAANY 7 L3A44B2 5 P4025 9M7P.3PA 3Ag e MISS BHR LOGAN 106 MISS BHR RAMBO 718 5L SIGNATURE 2585-6017 |5L SIGNATURE 5615 5L ROXIE X 851-2585 CHOAT SHEILA 6114-57Y |RIDGE MANCHESTER 438 RIDGE SHEILA F12-6114 BARGER F12 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 98 48 -1 1.1 51 83 17 5 10 1 13 0.48 0.07 21 0.05 0.01 59% 65% 95% 86% 71% 59% 67% 82% 40% 82% 28% 37% 76% 46% 56% 78% Big and powerful out of an excellent cow family Cooksley Family VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm 33 1188--MMOONNTTHH--OOLLDD BBUULLLLSS CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY BBLLZZIINN RREEDD 44660022 CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY DDUURRAANNGGOO 44660055 55 66 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 8/20/14 96 ET 717 ET 1A 100% 1749733 8/27/14 79 99 693 100 1A 100% 1749742 5L BLAZIN HOBO 404-5654 |O C C EMBLAZON 854E DAM’S DATA BHR DURANGO 60 |LCC CHEYENNE B221L DAM’S DATA 5L BLAZIN RED 1354-6166 |55LL ASMEOBLUAS 2H8 528-470-542 92 1M0P3P.A7 1Ag4e BHR DURANGO 267 |BLSHFR R LEODG FAANY 7 L3A44B2 5 P4025 1M0P8P.A1 1Ag6e 5L REBA 60-1354 MISS BHR LOGAN 106 5L REBA 298-60 MISS BHR RAMBO 718 BJR PROOF 224-159 |BJR PROOF 20A-5162 TEAHON BIG BOY 713 |LEACHMAN CHASSIS6281 BJR LAKINA 677-3197 TEAHON RODEO 614 MLK CRK SHEBA 043 |GLACIER CUB 446 TEAHON BIG GIRL 896 |TE ON 71 296 MLK CRK SHEBA 869 MLK CRK SHEBA 556 TEAHON JOCK 574 BKT LK 238 003 8 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 77 48 4 -0.9 57 76 15 0 11 0 9 0.50 -0.03 13 0.07 -0.01 110 49 2 -1.1 38 64 27 4 9 2 14 0.45 -0.07 7 0.07 -0.02 82% 70% 62% 54% 47% 71% 81% 41% 38% 92% 76% 33% 30% 70% 52% 30% 42% 58% 82% 50% 95% 88% 5% 73% 76% 72% 16% 43% 17% 84% 52% 23% Embryo calf out of the dam to Mlk Crk Express 9127. Tremendous shape. The EPDs won’t say so, but this bull will have some gas. The 896 cow had a 109 WW ratio on 14 calves. DDUURRAANNGGOO 44660000 SSCCNN CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY DDUURRAANNGGOO 44660011 77 88 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 9/14/14 78 100 2 100% 1718567 9/19/14 77 100 822 100 1A 100% 1749740 BHR DURANGO 60 |LCC CHEYENNE B221L DAM’S DATA BHR DURANGO 60 |LCC CHEYENNE B221L DAM’S DATA BHR DURANGO 267 |BLSHFR R LEODG FAANY 7 L3A44B2 5 P4025 1M0P4P.A7 5Ag e BHR DURANGO 267 |BLSHFR R LEODG FAANY 7 L3A44B2 5 P4025 1M0P0P.A0 2Ag e MISS BHR LOGAN 106 MISS BHR LOGAN 106 MISS BHR RAMBO 718 MISS BHR RAMBO 718 5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655 |5L NORSEMAN EXPRESS BUF CRK CURRENCY W118 |COPPER TOP CHIEF 301 5L RUBY 01-453 MRM 1431 8611 9109 GRAND LADY 329-331 SCN |MSAR BANDO 681 ANN 2319 SCN |5L BLAZIN RAM 5166-7504 CINDY 331-959 GEANA 959 SCN TESS 269-3387 SCN 7U HANNAH 3387 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 95 49 2 0.2 52 82 19 3 9 3 12 0.42 -0.06 19 0.26 -0.01 110 49 -1 0.7 64 98 20 2 9 1 14 0.43 0.00 29 0.24 0.00 62% 55% 80% 74% 67% 60% 56% 71% 63% 67% 46% 49% 20% 52% 21% 35% 42% 48% 95% 81% 26% 27% 44% 56% 74% 83% 16% 47% 44% 22% 23% 51% Another powerful bull out of Durango. Traces back to Bando on the bottom side. Top 26% WW Top 27% YW Top 16% STAY. CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY ZZOODDIIAACC 44661100 99 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 9/19/14 85 103 884 112 1A 100% 1749746 5L RIPTIDE 453-85X |5L SIGNATURE 5615 DAM’S DATA 5L ZODIAC 1134-372Z |O5L C R CU EBMY B0L1A-4Z5O3N 854E 1M0P4P.A8 2Ag e 5L TESS 5166-1134 BIEBER TESS 5166 RAM 802 SCN |5L BLAZIN RAM 5166-7504 PANHANDLE HERITAGE 4050 TESS 2420 SCN |FCC RAMBO 502 7U MISS MOE 9652 PIE DORIS 605 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 88 47 5 -0.2 58 83 18 -1 7 -1 11 0.28 0.00 18 0.06 -0.01 71% 81% 46% 67% 45% 58% 65% 35% 92% 95% 53% 80% 44% 54% 54% 37% Interesting pedigree with a little linebreeding. Blazin Ram 5166 was a full sib to Tess 5166-1134. Riptide 85X was a full sib mating. Colin Cooklsey Ryan Cooksley 44 VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY HHDD 55555522 11 00 123 51 5 -1.4 72 109 16 2 11 2 13 0.53 -0.10 33 0.48 -0.01 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 26% 12% 48% 45% 8% 11% 76% 58% 28% 77% 32% 27% 11% 14% 7% 27% 1/26/15 74 103 693 103 1132 103 1A 100% 3495939 5552 is a really complete Hard Drive son with deceptive length of body, a square hip LACY GOLD BAR 8123 |CCF GOLD BAR 0251 DAM’S DATA and exceptional mass and dimension. He travels very smoothly, has superior growth, BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 |LLJACC YM MISSS ICOHNE SRTOAKTEEEM 5E5N7TP P27 1M0P1P.A2 2Ag e great carcass data and an easy going disposition. His grand dam originates from the BIEBER LAURA 158W prestigious Leland program and has a 103.64 MPPA on her fi rst 4 calves. Herd Sire BASIN LAURA 5301 CARCASS DATA SHERMAN 390 SCN |PAUL 733-SCN IMF-R 3.44 92 potential. #Guts RIDGE SHEILA 997-8027 JENNA 3012 SCN |TJS MONEYMAKER 8833 REA-R 12.2 105 LELAND MONEYMAKER 201X LELAND JULIA 410-7238T Fat-R 0.13 112 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT RRIIDDGGEE AACCEESS 55003300 11 11 75 48 6 -2.0 58 83 24 -7 9 1 9 0.17 -0.09 16 0.47 0.01 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 84% 69% 40% 35% 45% 59% 17% 7% 69% 88% 81% 93% 12% 62% 7% 80% 2/8/15 82 98 716 102 1149 99 1A 100% 3469482 When touring the Crowfoot herd prior to their dispersal a few years ago, the 0102X cattle XO CROWFOOT 0102X |RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U DAM’S DATA really stood out for their overall style and substance. 4 Aces offspring are very rare due RED CROWFOOT 4ACES 2193Z |RXOE DC RSOSWSF OOOLET B7L4A6CPK BIRD 8810U 9M9P.3PA 6Ag e to the short supply of semen. 5030 and 5021 provide an opportunity to tap into these RED CROWFOOT MISS STRTCH outcross genetics. 9015 stems from one of our foundation cow families. We would like to RED CROWFOOT LADY 3320N CARCASS DATA 5L SIGNATURE 5615 |5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 IMF-R 3.36 89 collect and use in herd, if possible. Herd Sire Prospect. 5L RUBY 199-01 RIDGE SHEILA 009-9015 |BUF CRK BARNEY 3474 REA-R 13.5 116 RIDGE SHEILA 009 B&C 018-560 OF B3R 602 Fat-R 0.22 56 VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm 55 YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT RRIIDDGGEE RREEDD JJAACCKK 55002211 11 22 66 47 5 -2.0 44 65 26 -7 8 1 8 0.03 -0.11 6 0.48 0.02 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 90% 91% 52% 33% 86% 87% 7% 8% 82% 82% 83% 97% 10% 86% 7% 88% 2/7/15 76 91 694 99 1102 95 1A 100% 3469491 A very correct made son of 4 Aces with a lot of eye appeal, depth and muscle. The 760 XO CROWFOOT 0102X |RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U DAM’S DATA cow has 7 natural calves with a 105.8 MPPA on a 366-day calving interval. Tracing back RED CROWFOOT 4ACES 2193Z |RXOED C RSOSWS FOOLOET 7 B4L6APC KBIRD 8810U 1M0P5P.A8 8Ag e to both Normandy Canyon and the old Pioneer bull provides the security of knowing that RED CROWFOOT MISS STRTCH the females will be broody and the calves will perform and grade. We would like collect RED CROWFOOT LADY 3320N CARCASS DATA 5L NORMANDY CANYON 6024 |LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G IMF-R 3.19 85 and use in herd, if possible. NORSEMAN 1312 PJM RIDGE AQUILA 456-760 |GLACIER PIONEER 939 REA-R 13.2 114 RIDGE AQUILA 836-456 LONK AQUILA H836 Fat-R 0.21 63 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT RRIIDDGGEE RREESSOOLLUUTTIIOONN 55003344 11 33 69 50 7 -2.0 59 86 21 -8 7 2 7 0.45 -0.16 18 0.50 -0.01 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 87% 31% 26% 35% 42% 51% 38% 4% 90% 74% 91% 43% 6% 55% 6% 29% 2/9/15 89 106 676 111 1129 103 1A 100% 3469478 Resolution 3162A was our pick of the bull calves at Crowfoot’s fi nal sale and allowed us XO CROWFOOT 0102X |RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U DAM’S DATA an opportunity to acquire a 0102X son to use. 5034 catches one’s eye as he is smooth CROWFOOT RESOLUTION 3162A |RXOE DC RCORWOFWOOFOT OBLTA OCLKBEI’SRD O 8S8C1A0UR 1M0P4P.A8 7Ag e through the shoulders, has an attractive profi le and great rib shape. His dam, the 8024 CROWFOOT LADY ERICA 5728R cow originates from the same cow family as Lot 2. The 8024 recently entered our donor CROWFOOT LADY ERICA 3785N CARCASS DATA 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 |VGW KING OF THE WEST IMF-R 3.78 107 program. We would like collect and use in herd, if possible. NORSEMAN 1312 PJM RIDGE SHEILA 009-8024 |BUF CRK BARNEY 3474 REA-R 13.7 114 RIDGE SHEILA 009 B&C 018-560 OF B3R 602 Fat-R 0.15 115 66 VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY SSHHEERRMMAANN 55559999 11 44 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/15/15 88 113 774 116 1270 115 1A 100% 3495866 BHR DURANGO 60 |LCC CHEYENNE B221L DAM’S DATA BHR DURANGO 267 |BLSHFR R LEODG FAANY 7 L3A44B2 5 P4025 1M0P7P.A3 4Ag e MISS BHR LOGAN 106 MISS BHR RAMBO 718 CARCASS DATA 5L SIGNATURE 2585-6017 |5L SIGNATURE 5615 IMF-R 3.99 106 5L ROXIE X 851-2585 CHOAT COPPER LASS S633-114Y |MLK CRK FLAGSTONE REA-R 12.4 106 CHOAT COPPER LASS S633 LSF COPPER LASS MA196 Fat-R 0.20 68 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 83 50 -3 2.2 67 110 16 4 10 1 11 0.58 0.06 39 0.24 0.01 77% 30% 99% 95% 16% 10% 74% 77% 40% 83% 61% 21% 74% 6% 22% 75% A high performance Durango son with superior carcass quality. 106 ratios on IMF and REA. Lot 14 RRIIDDGGEE AADDVVAANNTTAAGGEE 55001144 11 55 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/3/15 77 92 623 102 1110 102 1A 100% 3469497 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 |BUF CRK LANCER R017 DAM’S DATA 5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y |5BLU FT RCARDKI TSIHOONS 2H0O3N-6E1 R4355 3 1M0P0P.A8 7Ag e 5L ADINA 195-3267 5L ADINA 2113-195 CARCASS DATA BECKTON WARRIOR N645 T1 |BECKTON WARRIOR T1 H281 IMF-R 3.51 99 BECKTON ROSE H074 EP MARS N645 105 811 |BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 REA-R 11.9 99 MARS B571 J01 105 ELLE MRM 9004 3463 J01 Fat-R 0.24 58 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 142 51 11 -3.3 66 100 18 -3 15 8 11 0.63 0.09 25 0.11 0.03 12% 14% 9% 16% 20% 23% 65% 21% 1% 6% 52% 15% 82% 35% 43% 89% Heifer bull with growth and long term profi t potential. Lot 15 RRIIDDGGEE AADDVVAANNTTAAGGEE 55001199 11 66 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/6/15 78 93 770 110 1241 107 1A 100% 3469493 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 |BUF CRK LANCER R017 DAM’S DATA 5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y |5BLU FT RCARDKI TSIHOONS 2H0O3N-6E1 R4355 3 1M0P1P.A7 8Ag e 5L ADINA 195-3267 5L ADINA 2113-195 CARCASS DATA 5L NORMANDY CANYON 6024 |LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G IMF-R 3.19 85 NORSEMAN 1312 PJM RIDGE LARKABA 742-7151 |BLUE RIDGE LOGGER REA-R 12.0 103 BLUE RIDGE LARKABA BLUE RIDGE GALENA 160 Fat-R 0.21 63 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 110 49 6 -2.6 62 92 23 -1 11 5 11 0.42 0.09 21 0.10 0.03 43% 42% 36% 24% 33% 39% 20% 34% 34% 24% 59% 48% 84% 47% 45% 93% 5019 is a bull we would like to collect and sample in our herd. He’s robust and derives from a front end cow with a great udder. Lot 16 RRIIDDGGEE AADDVVAANNTTAAGGEE 55002299 11 77 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/8/15 83 100 660 110 1063 99 1A 100% 3469483 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 |BUF CRK LANCER R017 DAM’S DATA 5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y |5BLU FT RCARDKI TSIHOONS 2H0O3N-6E1 R4355 3 1M0P4P.A4 5Ag e 5L ADINA 195-3267 5L ADINA 2113-195 CARCASS DATA DUNLOUISE RED NATIVE F207 |PRATTLE OF HAYMOUNT IMF-R 2.65 75 EVERSFIELD RED NENA D252 RIDGE TESS 8032-0033 |5L BLAZIN RED 1354-6166 REA-R 11.3 93 RIDGE TESS 5306-8032 RIDGE TESS 5166-5306 ET Fat-R 0.16 115 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 122 49 9 -2.5 56 82 17 -8 14 4 11 0.43 0.04 15 0.02 0.01 28% 51% 18% 26% 53% 60% 72% 5% 3% 37% 54% 48% 62% 65% 62% 76% 5029 can be used on heifers and then rolled up with the cows as he matures. Lot 17 VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm 77 YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS RRIIDDGGEE EEXXPPRREESSSS 55003355 11 88 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/10/15 82 98 723 103 1266 109 1A 100% 3469477 5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655 |5L NORSEMAN EXPRESS DAM’S DATA MLK CRK EXPRESS 9127 |B5LJR R PURBOY O0F1 -242543- 159 1M0P5P.A8 8Ag e MLK CRK SHEBA 043 MLK CRK SHEBA 869 CARCASS DATA 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 |VGW KING OF THE WEST IMF-R 2.25 60 NORSEMAN 1312 PJM RIDGE MONA 303-740 |BUF CRK HOBO 1961 REA-R 13.8 119 TONI 1 OLE MONA 1025 Fat-R 0.15 102 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 86 49 10 -2.4 59 91 17 -5 8 2 8 0.05 -0.11 21 0.42 -0.01 73% 55% 14% 27% 41% 41% 73% 12% 85% 70% 84% 97% 10% 48% 9% 40% This is a bull that will be easy to fi nd in the pen. Superior muscle expression, wide based and broad topped from a proven cow family. We would like collect and use in herd, if possible. Lot 18 CCOOOOKKSSLLEEYY HHEERRIITTAAGGEE 55559988 11 99 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 3/5/15 85 117 821 123 1292 117 1A 100% 3495936 BROWN HERITAGE U6509 |BECKTON HERITAGE N013 DAM’S DATA 1DRA INTERNATIONAL 3041 |SBCRHOUWLENR MSISLV LE8R0 B6U SL6L9ET4 44 604P 1M0P9P.A2 2Ag e 1DRA ELEANOR 714 LCHMN ELEANOR J1266 CARCASS DATA BHR RESISTOL 1391 CL |RED CHOPPER K RESISTOL 107R IMF-R 4.14 110 LSF DELLA G1372 MA337 MS RESISTAL 3015 SCN |5L SIGNATURE 2585-6017 REA-R 13.4 115 CHOAT COPPER LASS S633-114Y CHOAT COPPER LASS S633 Fat-R 0.14 105 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 93 52 4 -0.9 70 112 18 0 10 4 8 0.74 -0.06 35 0.45 -0.01 65% 5% 54% 53% 10% 8% 64% 42% 50% 42% 82% 8% 19% 10% 8% 42% He’s going to put pounds on the ground and hang a prime carcass. That’s money in the bank. Claire Cooksley RRIIDDGGEE AADDVVAANNTTAAGGEE 55003333 22 00 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/9/15 96 115 658 108 1134 104 1A 100% 3469479 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 |BUF CRK LANCER R017 DAM’S DATA 5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y |5BLU FT RCARDKI TSIHOONS 2H0O3N-6E1 R4355 3 1M0P4P.A6 6Ag e 5L ADINA 195-3267 5L ADINA 2113-195 CARCASS DATA RIDGE CHANDLER 576 |5L TRAVLIN MATT 6223 IMF-R 4.59 130 RIDGE BRANDINA 42A-268 RIDGE ROSE 445-8306 |GLACIER PIONEER 939 REA-R 12.6 105 RIDGE ROSE 7B-445 CROWFOOT ROSE 7B Fat-R 0.23 69 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 108 50 2 2.0 74 106 18 -4 9 3 12 0.81 0.08 36 0.32 0.03 46% 34% 77% 94% 6% 14% 63% 18% 63% 59% 41% 5% 81% 10% 15% 93% Moderate framed, stout and great body shape with performance and carcass ratios that shine Lot 20 RRIIDDGGEE EEXXPPRREESSSS 55005544 22 11 BD BW BR WW WR YW YR Cat. % Reg. # 2/14/15 84 100 725 103 1139 98 1A 100% 3469459 5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655 |5L NORSEMAN EXPRESS DAM’S DATA MLK CRK EXPRESS 9127 |B5LJR R PURBOY O0F1 -242543- 159 1M0P3P.A4 6Ag e MLK CRK SHEBA 043 MLK CRK SHEBA 869 CARCASS DATA RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F |RED YY 23L TOPPER 408D IMF-R 3.23 86 RED TOP GOLDIE 40U RIDGE REBALS 7100-9030 |RIDGE PILOT 432 REA-R 12.4 106 RIDGE REBALS 549-7100 RIDGE REBALS 362-549 Fat-R 0.19 75 HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MB YG CW REA FAT 91 47 6 -1.6 64 83 12 -2 8 6 9 0.30 0.02 16 0.05 0.00 67% 81% 40% 40% 26% 58% 93% 26% 86% 16% 74% 76% 51% 61% 55% 65% Typical muscle, capacity and rib shape from 9127. Lot 21 88 VViiddeeooss aanndd ccaattaalloogg oonnlliinnee aatt wwwwww..flfl aattwwaatteerrrreeddaanngguussggaanngg..ccoomm

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