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Flat deformation theorem and symmetries in spa etime. 1 2 Josep Llosa , Jaume Carot 1 Departament de Físi a Fonamental, Universitat de Bar elona, Spain 9 0 2 0 Departament de Físi a, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain 2 n a January 9, 2009 J 9 Abstra t ] c g q The (cid:29)at deformation theorem states that given a semi-Riemannian analyti metri on - F c r a manifold, lo ally there always exists a two-form , a s alar fun tion , and an arbitrarily g x F c [ pres ribed s alar onstraint depending on the point of the manifold and on and , say Ψ(c,F,x) = 0 η = cg ǫF2 3 , su h that the deformed metri − is semi-Riemannian and (cid:29)at. In v this paper we (cid:28)rst show that the above result implies that every (Lorentzian analyti ) metri 0 g ηab := agab 2bk(alb) η 3 may be written in the extended Kerr-S hild form, namely − where is a 0 ka, la kal = 1 (cid:29)at and are two null ove tors su h that − ; next we show how the symmetries 1 g η g . of are onne ted to those of , more pre isely; we show that if the original metri admits 9 0 a Conformal Killing ve tor (in luding Killing ve tors and homotheties), then the deformation 8 η may be arried out in a way su h that the (cid:29)at deformed metri `inherits' that symmetry. 0 : v i X 1 Introdu tion r a g ab It has been re ently proved [1℄ that, given a semi-Riemannian analyti metri on a manifold M, F c ab there exists a 2-form and a s alar fun tion su h that: Ψ(c,F ,x) = 0 x ab 1. An arbitrary s alar onstraint , ∈ M, is ful(cid:28)lled and 2. The so- alled `deformed metri ' η = cg ǫF2 where ǫ = 1 and F2 := F gcdF ab ab − ab ± ab ac db (1) 1 is semi-Riemannian and (cid:29)at This result was alled Flat Deformation Theorem. For the purposes of the present paper, we shall only onsider the four-dimensional Lorentzian ase. The proof of the above theorem was based on the existen e of solutions for a partial di(cid:27)erential η ab system that is derived from the ondition that is (cid:29)at. As a onsequen e of the arbitrariness in η ab the hoi e of the Cau hy hypersurfa e and Cau hy data, the deformation (1) leading to a (cid:29)at is by no means unique. Furthermore, asthe Cau hy-Kovalewski theorem isa ornerstone in the proof, the validity of the theorem is limited to the analyti ategory. The purpose of the present paper is to deal with the question of how the symmetries of the metri g η g ab ab ab are re(cid:29)e ted upon the deformed metri , more pre isely: assuming that admits a Killing Xa F c Xa ab ve tor (cid:28)eld , we ask whether it is possible to hoose and in (1) su h that is also a η ab Killing ve tor (cid:28)eld for . We shall prove that the answer is in the a(cid:30)rmative in the ase of non-null Killing ve tors and that the symmetry is thus somehow `inherited' along the deformation. The paper is stru tured as follows: se tion 2 ontains some algebrai developments on the on- sequen es of the deformation law (1) for a 4-dimensional spa etime whi h will allow us to state it in a number of alternative ways, thus illustrating di(cid:27)erent features of the deformation law. In 1 se tion 3 we present the formalism and prove some intermediate results in order to demonstrate the theorem alluded to in the previous paragraph. It is worth noti ing that in order to prove it, the problem is reformulated on the 3-dimensional quotient manifold (see se tion 4.2), so that a dimensional redu tion o urs. Se tion 5 ontains a generalization of the above result to the ase of (non-null) Conformal Killing Ve tors. Finally, in se tion 6, we present some examples whi h we believe may be of interest due to their physi al relevan e. We put some te hni al developments in the appendi es in order to make the paper more readable. Also for this reason, we do not insist at every intermediate step on the lo al hara ter of the results presented here, but the reader should bear this in mind. 1 This formalism was developed in a numberof referen es, notably[4℄and [5℄ whi h will be used in se tion 4. We presentit herein a way well suited to ourpurposes. 2 2 Algebrai onsequen es of the deformation law F ab Consider now the 2-form whose existen e is granted by the deformation theorem [1℄; there are two possibilities, either it is x , y , k , l g = x x +y y 2k l a a a a ab a b a b (a b) (a) singular (or null), then, a tetrad { } exists su h that − and F = 2k x and then F2 = k k ab [a b] ab − a b (2) or else it is (b) non-singular (or non-null), in whi h ase a tetrad su h as the one above exists in terms of F ab whi h reads F = 2Bx y +2Ek l and then F2 = B2 (x x +y y ) 2E2k l ab − [a b] [a b] ab − a b a b − (a b) (3) E B Fa := gacF where and are fun tions related to the algebrai invariants of b cb. If either B E or is zero, the resulting 2-form is timelike or spa elike respe tively. If neither of them vanishes, the 2-form is said to be non-simple. η = cg +ǫk k ab ab a b In the singular ase, the deformation law (1) reads or, equivalently, 1 ǫ g = η k k ab ab a b c − c (4) k ka = 0 η g a ab ab with and (cid:29)at. That is, is a onformal Kerr-S hild metri [2℄. The singular ase is therefore non-generi and en ompasses a rather restri ted lass of metri s. In the non-singular ase, from equations (1) and (3) we have that: η = ag +bS ab ab ab (5) a = c + ǫB2 b = ǫ(B2 + E2) S = 2k l ab (a b) with , − and − . As it was shown in [1℄, this is the generi ase in the sense that the (cid:29)at deformation (5) an always be a hieved for any analyti semi-Riemannian metri . Ψ(c,F ,x) = 0 a ab Noti e that the arbitrary s alar onstraint has no onsequen es on the fa tors b f(c,E,B) = 0 and in (5). Indeed, in luding (3) the s alar onstraint may be written as or, 3 f˜(c,a,b) = 0 c = c(a,b) equivalently, as a relation whi h, at most, an be used to determine to F ab hoose one amongst the many 2-forms ompatible with (5). We have hitherto proved that: g ab Proposition 1 Let be a Lorentzian analyti metri on a spa etime M. Lo ally there exist two a b k l k la = 1 a a a s alars, and , and two null ve tors, and , su h that − and the metri η := ag 2bk l ab ab (a b) − (6) is Lorentzian and (cid:29)at. The above expression vaguely reminds a onformal Kerr-S hild transformation, but in the present k l a a asetwonon-parallelnullve tors, and ,o ur. Weshallhen eforth allthisexpressionextended Kerr-S hild form and proposition 1 an be restated as: Any Lorentzian analyti metri an be written in extended Kerr-S hild form. An equivalent statement is g ab Proposition 2 Let be a Lorentzian analyti metri on a spa etime M. Lo ally there exist two a b S ab s alars, and , and a hyperboli 2-plane su h that the metri η := ag +bS ab ab ab (7) is Lorentzian and (cid:29)at. Sa Noti e that b is a 2-dimensional proje tor: SaSd = Sa , Sa = 2 d b b a (8) ka, la H := ab whi h proje ts ve tors onto the hyperboli plane spanned by { }. If we now denote g S ab ab − , i.e. the omplementary proje tor, then: HaHd = Ha, Ha = 2, and SaHd = HaSd = 0 d b b a d b d b (9) 4 H S ab ab isthen theellipti 2-plane spanned by any two spa elike ve tors orthogonal to , inparti ular xa,ya H = 2x y ab (a b) , the spa elike ve tors in the hosen tetrad, i.e. , and it is then possible to write H ab the deformation (1) in a way similar to that given by (7) but in terms of the (ellipti ) proje tor S ab instead of the , namely: η := a¯g +¯bH ab ab ab (10) a¯ ¯b where and are s alars. From the omments and developments above and taking (7) into a ount, we an write g := H +S and η := (a+b)S +aH , ab ab ab ab ab ab (11) S g ab ab that is, the almost-produ t stru ture [3℄ de(cid:28)ned by is ompatible with both metri s, and η ab , and therefore we an state g ab Proposition 3 Let be a Lorentzian analyti metri on a spa etime M. Lo ally it exists a η g ab ab Lorentzian (cid:29)at metri that shares with an almost-produ t stru ture. 3 Spa etimes admitting a (non-null) Killing ve tor In this se tion we are going to set up and develop the formalism and basi results whi h will be later used in order to prove the result stated in the introdu tion; namely: that if the metri admits an isometry, it is always possible to preserve it in the (cid:29)at deformed metri . η Xa ξ := η Xb ab2 a ab Let Mbe a spa etime with an arbitrary metri admitting aKilling ve tor . Let l := ξ Xa l = 0 a and . Assume that the Killing is non-null, that is: 6 , and denote by S the set of all Xa 3 orbits of , whi h we assume to be a 3-manifold (the quotient manifold) . π π : π(x) = O x Weshall designate by the anoni al proje tion M −→ S where istheorbit through x Xa the point ∈ M of the 1-parameter group generated by . The proje tor: 1 ha := δa Xaξ b b − l b (12) 2 ηab Note: does notdesignate the(cid:29)atmetri at this point. We usethiXsanotation here for later onvenien e. 3 It an be shown that lo ally this is always the ase if (cid:28)xedpoints of are ex luded. 5 T Xa proje ts ve tors in M onto ve tors that are transverse (orthogonal) to . There is a bije tion T′a... Ta... [4℄ between tensor (cid:28)elds b... on S and the tensor (cid:28)elds b... on M that ful(cid:28)ll: XbTa... = 0, ξ Ta... = 0 and Ta... = 0 b... a b... LX b... (13) Xa ξ Xa a that is, those whi h are transverse to and and Lie invariant along . Following Gero h [4℄ (cid:19)While it isuseful on eptually to have thethree-dimensional manifold S, itplays nofurther logi al role inthe formalism. We shallhereafter drop theprimes: we shall ontinue to speakof tensor (cid:28)elds being on S, merely as a shorthand way of saying that the (cid:28)eld (formally, on M) satis(cid:28)es (13)(cid:20) l = 0 As 6 the proje ted metri 1 h := η ξ ξ ab ab a b − l (14) indu es a semi-Riemannian metri on the quotient manifold S, the so1- alled `quotient metri '. Its +1 + 1 sign(l) hab := ηab XaXb signature is − . We shall designate by − l the inverse quotient habh = ha bc c metri , that is: . 3.1 The Killing equation η = 0 ξ ξ + ξ = 0 X ab a b b a a b From L it follows that ∇ is skew-symmetri , that is: ∇ ∇ where ∇ stands η for the ovariant derivative asso iated to . ξ = 0 Xal = 0 l := l Xa ξ X a a a a a b We also have that L and , where ∇ . Sin e is non-null, ∇ an be de omposed as: 2 ξ := 2f ξ +Θ with f := log l and Θ Xb = 0 a b [a b] ab ab ∇ | | (15) Θ = Θ ab ba − is related with the vorti ity of the Killing (cid:29)ow. We shall use the above form for the Killing equation in the sequel. 3.2 The Levi-Civita onne tion on S Ta... Let b... be a tensor (cid:28)eld on S and de(cid:28)ne: D Ta... := ha hnhk Tm... c b... m b c∇k n... (16) 6 Ta... ha Xa Clearly, it is a tensor (cid:28)eld on S, sin e b... and b both satisfy (13), and, sin e is a KV, the Lie D a derivative with respe t to it ommutes with ∇; further it an be easily proved that is a linear f D f a onne tion: indeed, it is linear, it satis(cid:28)es the Leibniz rule and for any s alar fun tion on S, f D h = 0 c ab is the gradient of . Moreover, it an be also shown that it is torsion-free and that (this D last result holds trivially); therefore, is the Levi-Civita onne tion on S (see [4℄). va wb Let now , be two ve tor (cid:28)elds on S, then taking into a ount (13), (15) and (16) one easily gets 1 D wa = wa+ XaΘ vbwc v v bc ∇ 2l (17) D wa := vbD wa v b where . Noti e the formal similarity between this formula and Gauss equation for Θ bc hypersurfa es, even though S is not a submanifold and we have the skew-symmetri instead of the se ond fundamental form. 3.3 The Riemann tensor on S va h ab Consider next a ve tor (cid:28)eld on S endowed with the quotient metri and its asso iated Levi- D c Civita onne tion a as de(cid:28)ned above in (16). We aim at al ulating the Riemann tensor Rdab for this onne tion. [D ,D ]vc = vd c From the Ri i identities, a b Rdab, we have that 1 = R⊥ + Θ Θ +Θ Θ , Rabcd abcd 2l ab cd [ac b]d (cid:0) (cid:1) R⊥ := hmhnhphqR Θ Θ +Θ Θ +Θ Θ = 0 where abcd a b c d mnpq. Using the identity ab cd ac db ad bc that follows dim = 3 from the fa t that S , we then arrive at 3 = R⊥ + Θ Θ Rabcd abcd 4l ab cd (18) R ξ = abcd a b c The remaining omponents of follow from the se ond order Killing equation [6℄, ∇ ∇ R Xd := R dabc Xabc whi h, taking into a ount (15), leads to: 1 1 R⊥ = D Θ + f Θ Xabc 2 a bc 2 [b ac] (19) 1 1 1 R = D l Θ bΘ + l l XaXc −2 a c− 4 a bc 4l a c (20) 7 We have thus shown that the entire Riemann tensor on M may be expressed in terms of the ξ a kinemati invariants of and the Riemann tensor on S asso iated to the Levi-Civita onne tion D h a ab of the proje ted (quotient) metri . 3.4 Lift of a metri from S to M We have hitherto shown how a semi-Riemannian metri an be proje ted from M to S. We shall Xa now onsider the onverse ase. As before, let be a ve tor (cid:28)eld on M and let S be the set of its orbits, whi h we take to be a manifold a ording to the reasoning at the beginning of the present π : se tion. Further, let M → S be the anoni al proje tion. h (+ + σ) σ = 1 ab Let now be a semi-Riemannian metri on S having onstant signature , ± . We π∗h = h ab ab shalldenotebythesamesymbolthepulledba kmetri onM,i.e.: ,whi hisdegenerate h Xb = 0 h = 0 η ab X ab ab be ause , moreover, L . The point now is: does it exist a metri on M su h Xa h ab that: (a) admits as a Killing ve tor and (b) has as the quotient metri ? ξ := η Xb l = ξ Xa a ab a Ifitexists, a relation similar to (14) must hold, with and . Hen e, the solution ξ ξ = 0 l := ξ Xa a X a a is not unique, be ause we may hoose any ove tor su h that L and that has 4 onstant sign ; then taking 1 η := h + ξ ξ ab ab a b l (21) Xa η h ab ab as the lifted metri , all the required onditions are satis(cid:28)ed (namely: is a KV of and is its quotient metri ). Then, if no further ondition is demanded, equations (18), (19) and (20) η h ab ab merely relate the Riemann tensors for both metri s, and . However, if we require the lifted η ab metri to ful(cid:28)ll some supplementary ondition, e.g. to be (cid:29)at, then these be ome equations on ξ h a ab the hosen and the given , mu h in the same way as the Gauss urvature equation and the Codazzi-Mainardi equations set up onditions on the way that a submanifold an be immersed in an ambient spa e. ξ ξ = 0 α a X a a The hoi e of is restri ted by the ondition L . Assume that a 1-form on M su h that α Xa = 1 α = 0 ξ ξ = l(α +µ ) a X a a a a a and L is given. Then, the sought an be written as , with l := ξ Xa µ Xa = 0 a a and . It an be easily proved that: ξ = 0 Xl = 0 and µ = 0 X a X a L ⇔ L 4 (+ + +−) The sign is to be hosen so thatthelifted metri has therequiredsignature 8 α α Xa = 1 α = 0 ξ a a X a a Hen e, given a 1-form on M su h that and L , hoosing is equivalent to l = 0 µ ξ = l(α +µ ) a a a a hoosing a fun tion 6 on S, a 1-form on S and taking . The exterior derivative of this expression yields 2 (dξ) = l ξ +l(dµ) and Θ = l(dµ) +l(dα) ab l [a b] ab ab ab ab (22) where (15) has been taken into a ount. l µ a In terms of and , taking (22) into a ount, the equations (18), (19) and (20) read: 3l R⊥ = (dµ) (dµ) abcd Rabcd− 4 ab cd (23) 1 1 R⊥ = D [l(dµ) ]+ l (dµ) Xabc 2 a bc 2 [b ac] (24) 1 l2 R = D l (dµ) (dµ) hbd XaXc a c ad bc −2 − 4 (25) l µ h a ab that are equations for , and to be solved on S. 3.5 Hypersurfa es and Killing ve tors Σ π−1Σ Xa Let be a surfa e in S, then is a hypersurfa e in M and the Killing ve tor is tangent to it. The following diagram is ommutative: π (η, ,R) // (h,D, ) ∇ MOO SOO R J j (η′, ′,R′) π−1Σ π // Σ (h′,D′, ′) ∇ R J j where and are the respe tive embeddings. η′ Φ ′ R′ Werespe tivelydenoteby ab, ab,∇ and abcd the(cid:28)rstandse ondfundamentalforms,theindu ed π−1Σ onne tion and the intrinsi urvature on as a hypersurfa e of the Riemannian manifold ( ,η ) h′ φ D′ ′ Σ M ab . Similarly, we denote by ab, ab, and Rabcd the orresponding obje ts on regarded ( ,h ) ab as a hypersurfa e in S . na η π−1Σ Xa π−1Σ ξ na = 0 a Let be the unit ve tor -normal to . Sin e is tangent to , then . Further- na = 0 Va π−1Σ Va π−1Σ X X more, L . Indeed, for any tangent to we have that L is also tangent to 9 Xa η naVb = 0 ab X and, using that is a Killing ve tor (cid:28)eld, we easily arrive at L , whi h implies that na na na η nanb = 0 na = 0 X ab X X L ∝ . On the other hand, as is unit, L , when e it follows that L . na h Σ Therefore, is also a ve tor in S and is the unit ve tor -normal to . π−1Σ Σ φ = Φ⊥ It an be easily proved that the se ond fundamental forms for and satisfy that: ab ab. Vb π−1Σ On the other hand, for any ve tor (cid:28)eld tangent to , we have that 1 Φ XaVb = n Vb = ξ nb = (dξ) Vanb ab X b V b ab ∇ −∇ −2 Van = 0 Vbn = 0 X a b where in the se ond equality we have used that L and that . The above (dξ) nb := (dξ) f nb := f ab an b n equation implies, putting and , 1 1 1 Φ Xa = (dξ) = f ξ + Θ ab nb n b nb 2 2 2 (26) where (15) has been taken into a ount. Therefore, 1 1 Φ = φ + f ξ ξ + Θ ξ ab ab n a b n(a b) 2l l (27) 4 Flat deformation The aim of this se tion is to prove the main result in this paper, namely, ( ,g ) g Xa ab ab Theorem 1 Let M be a spa etime with a metri admitting a non-null Killing ve tor . Lo ally there exists a deformation law η = ag +bH ab ab ab (28) a b H g η ab ab where and are two s alars, is a 2-dimensional proje tor on a -ellipti plane and is (cid:29)at Xa and also admits as a Killing ve tor. It will be onvenient for our purposes to prove the following result previously: Xa g η b = 0 ab ab Proposition 4 Let be a Killing ve tor for and let be de(cid:28)ned by (28) with 6 , then: η = 0 a = b = 0 and H = 0 X ab X X X ab L ⇔ L L L (29) 10

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