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Preview Flare Ribbon Energetics in the Early Phase of an SDO Flare

Draftversion January28,2014 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.04/17/13 FLARE RIBBON ENERGETICS IN THE EARLY PHASE OF AN SDO FLARE L. Fletcher, I. G. Hannah, H S. Hudson 1 School ofPhysicsandAstronomy,SUPA,UniversityofGlasgow,Glasgow,G128QQ,U.K. and D.E. Innes MaxPlanckInstitute forSolarSystemResearch,Max-Planck-Str. 2,37191Katlenburg-Lindau,Germany Draft version January 28, 2014 4 1 ABSTRACT 0 Thesitesofchromosphericexcitationduringsolarflaresaremarkedbyextendedextremeultravioletribbonsandhard 2 X-rayfootpoints. Thestandardinterpretationisthatthesearetheresultofheatingandbremsstrahlungemissionfrom n non-thermal electrons precipitating from the corona. We examine this picture using multi-wavelengthobservations of a the early phase of an M-class flare SOL2010-08-07T18:24. We aim to determine the properties of the heated plasma J in the flare ribbons, and to understand the partition of the power input into radiative and conductive losses. Using 5 GOES, SDO/EVE, SDO/AIA and RHESSI we measure the temperature, emission measure and differential emission 2 measure of the flare ribbons, and deduce approximate density values. The non-thermal emission measure, and the collisionalthicktargetenergyinputtotheribbonsareobtainedfromRHESSIusingstandardmethods. Wededucethe ] existenceofasubstantialamountofplasmaat10MKintheflareribbons,duringthepre-impulsiveandearly-impulsive R phase of the flare. The averagecolumn emission measure of this hot component is a few times 1028cm−5, and we can S calculate that its predicted conductive losses dominate its measured radiative losses. If the power input to the hot h. ribbon plasma is due to collisionalenergy deposition by an electron beam from the corona then a low-energycutoff of p ∼ 5 keV is necessary to balance the conductive losses, implying a very large electron energy content. Independent of - the standard collisional thick-target electron beam interpretation, the observed non-thermal X-rays can be provided o if one electron in 103−104 in the 10 MK (1 keV) ribbon plasma has an energy above 10 keV. We speculate that this r could arise if a non-thermal tail is generated in the ribbon plasma which is being heated by other means, for example t s by waves or turbulence. a Subject headings: Sun: activity - Sun: chromosphere - Sun: flares - Sun: UV radiation - Sun:X-rays, [ gamma rays 1 v 8 1. INTRODUCTION served with the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope, and us- 3 ing the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer and Howdoesthesolarchromosphereinaflareevolvefrom 5 Yohkoh/HXT,Warren & Warshall(2001)foundthatthe its quiescent, pre-flare state to being the source of in- 6 first hard X-ray bursts of a flare tend to occur in ultra- tense radiationandthe site ofenergydepositionby non- . violet footpoints that show no activity before the flare 1 thermalparticlesduringtheflareimpulsivephase? Many 0 multi-wavelength observations of the impulsive phase il- hard X-rays start. A recent study of the early emis- 4 luminateboththermalandnon-thermalpropertiesofthe sion from a GOES B4.8 flare with the the Atmospheric 1 lower atmosphere, but detailed observations of the early Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Obser- v: stagesofasolarflare-clearlyacrucialpartoftheoverall vatory (SDO) and the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrome- ter (CDS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory i event - are sparse. In this paper, we aim to characterize X theflare’sinitialheatingandbrightenings,andtheramp- (SOHO)showedthatin microflareschromosphericemis- sion precedes hot plasma emission by about 6 minutes. r upofparticle acceleration. We presentmulti-instrument a observations of SOL2010-08-07T18:24,an M-class event (Brosius & Holman2012). Thespatialcorrespondenceof pre-flare source locations and other activity signatures in which the early evolution of flare ribbons and loops has also been investigated - for example Chifor et al. can be followed in detail, and the temperature, emission (2006, 2007) examined soft X-ray (SXR), hard X-ray measure (EM), electron and plasma energy content and (HXR) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) pre-flare bright- luminosity of the flare ribbons can be inferred. enings inevents exhibiting filament ejection, finding evi- Pre-flare studies are rather rare, in part due to flare denceforheatingandelectronaccelerationupto50min- triggersonpreviousmissionswhichtendedtostarthigh- utes before a flare which was interpreted as evidence for cadence observations only once the flare region became pre-flarereconnection leading to filament destabilisation comparatively bright. Work has also tended to concen- and eruption. trate on the temporal and spatial relationships between In this paper, we use a combination of data from pre-flare and flare sources, rather than on the physical the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager conditionsinthe earlyphase. Forexample,F´arn´ık et al. (RHESSI, Lin et al. 2002) and Solar Dynamics Ob- (1996)andF´arn´ık & Savy(1998)couldfindnoclearspa- servatory Extreme UV Variability Experiment; (EVE tial relationship between pre-flare and flare sources ob- Woods et al. 2010) and Atmospheric Imaging Assem- bly;(AIALemen et al.2011),supportedbyGOESX-ray 1Space Sciences Laboratory, U. C. Berkeley, 7 Gauss Way, measurements,to quantify the thermaland non-thermal Berkeley,CA94720,USA 2 energy content and luminosity in early flare ribbons. 4. SDODATAOVERVIEWANDANALYSIS The consistent dataset afforded by these instruments al- 4.1. SDO/EVE spectra and lightcurves lows us to investigatethe physicalproperties of the flare plasmaduringthefirst10-15minutesofitsdevelopment. The MEGS-A spectrometer, one component of the EVE instrument (Woods et al. 2010) covers the wave- 2. OVERVIEWOFTHEEVENT length range 64 - 370 ˚A, at a resolution of about 1 ˚A, We will be concerned with the physical properties of with 0.2 ˚A binning in wavelength and 10 s binning in the flare ribbons during the the first 10-15 minutes of time (Crotser et al. 2007; Hock et al. 2010). The instru- the flare, rather than its evolution overall,but the event ment sees the whole Sun, and the flare emission is a is interesting and merits a brief description. SOL2010- small perturbation on a strong background. However, 08-07T18:24was an M1.0 class flare occurring in NOAA the spectra arevery stable so the pre-flarespectrum can activeregion11093-theonlymajoreventreportedfrom be subtracted to leave the flare enhancement. We will this region. The active region was the only one present usethe SDO/EVEtoestimate contributionstothe total on the solar disk at that time. It had one strong neg- flareluminosity, andas a quickway to examine the time ative polarity sunspot in the south-east, and dispersed evolution of the flare in each of the AIA passbands used positive plage in the north-west. The plage hosted an for imaging. inverse-S shaped filament, the southern part of which The response in SDO/AIA can be simulated by con- was apparently rooted in the sunspot. The flare was as- volving the EVE spectrum with the SDO spectral re- sociated with the lifting-off of the upper portion of the sponse (Boerner et al. 2012). This is possible for all of filament,whichbeganaslowriseat17:40UT,asstudied the AIA EUV filters, and also the 304 ˚A filter. The in detail by Vemareddy et al. (2012). Prior to the flare, SDO/AIA EUV filters are narrow and centred on cer- a set of loops rooted in the southern sunspot was very tain strong emission lines of iron, but these lines are su- bright in EUV and X-rays (see Sections 4.2 and 5), and perposed on a time-varying continuum (Milligan et al. dots of EUV emission were visible in the sunspot umbra 2012), which can also be strong, particularly in very hot andpenumbrafrom17:52UTonwards. Theflareribbons events (see e.g. Feldman et al. 1999; Warren & Reeves startedtobecomevisiblearound17:54UTandappeared 2001). Figure 3 (left panel) shows lightcurves obtained initially aselongatedEUVbrighteningsalongthe north- byconvolvingtheobservedEVEspectrumwiththeAIA ern part of the filament that remained along the polar- filter responses. The synthesized 304 ˚A lightcurve rises ity inversion line. These early ribbon brightenings were earliestofalltheemissionsplotted,aswouldbeexpected very close to, or perhaps even within, the dark filament from modest excitation of the lower atmosphere. This material. The filament is clearly visible in the 304 ˚A, correspondstobrighteningofthechromosphericribbons. 171 ˚A and 211 ˚A images in Figure 1, which shows log- During the flare rise phase, the (normalized) synthe- arithmically scaled SDO/AIA images, taken about half sized 131 ˚A channel lightcurve tracks the (normalized) way through the rise phase. The northern flare ribbons GOES 1-8 ˚A flux best of all the AIA passbands, sug- arevisible inallwavelengths,andthe southernloopsare gesting a significant high temperature plasma contribu- presentinthehighertemperaturefilters,particularlythe 94 ˚A images. tion in the 131 ˚A channel. O’Dwyer et al. (2010) calcu- lated contributions to the AIA EUV passbands using a As the upper portionofthe filamentacceleratedaway, flare prescribed DEM, albeit one representing the decay the flare ribbons intensifed and spread rapidly outwards phase of an M2 flare (Dere & Cook 1979), and showed from the remaining filament material. We note in pass- ing that the partial ejection of the filament is consistent that the 131 ˚A channel is expected to be dominated by with reconnection internal to the filament, or between Fe XXIat128.75˚A formedatatemperature of11MK. itsupper andlowerparts(e.g.Tripathi et al.2009). Dy- However, there is also a low temperature contribution namics in the decay phase of the event are reported in in this passband, dominated by the Fe VIII pair at Srivastava & Murawski (2012) 130.94 ˚A and 131.24 ˚A formed at 400,000 K (See also Brosius & Holman 2012). These are not expected to be 3. GOESDATA strong, but we check this by using EVE to measure the The GOES lightcurve is shown in Figure 2, along flaring excess integrated over the Fe VIII and Fe XXI withtheEMandtemperaturecalculatedwiththeGOES lines. This is plotted in the right hand panel of Figure graphicaluserinterfaceintheIDLSolarSoftlibrary,hav- 3, which compares the absolute irradiance in GOES 1- ing first subtracted the pre-flare background. This flare 8 ˚A and the excess irradiance in the Fe XXI line (red) occurred in an otherwise completely quiet period so the and the Fe VIII pair (blue). Note, at the wavelength backgroundlevel is well-defined, and was taken between position of the Fe VIII pair there is no spectral feature 16:00UTand17:00UT.Data inthe 0.5-4˚Achannelare apparent;the counts areconsistentwiththe background noisy before around 17:55 UT, so the derived tempera- level. So the blue points plotted are mostly indicating ture and EM values are unreliable during this time. A the backgroundcontinuum intensity, and should be con- rapidriseandbumpintheGOESdatabetween17:56UT sideredonlyasupperlimitstotheFeVIIIlineintensity. and 18:05 UT is accompanied by a slow rise in the EM Theexcessiscalculatedwithrespecttoa5-minutequiet- toavalueof6×1047cm−3,andanincreaseofthe GOES Sun average irradiance taken before the flare starts. It temperature to 10 MK. Thereafter the EM rises rapidly is clear from its intensity and its evolution that the hot to apeak of7×1048cm−3, at18:25UT. Aswe willshow Fe XXI-emitting plasma is the main contributor to the inSection4.3thefirstincreaseinEMandtemperatureis AIA/131 ˚A channel throughout the flare. This is con- associatedwiththesouthernloops,andafter∼18:06UT sistent with the temperatures derived from the GOES the flare ribbons start to dominate. 3 Fig.1.—Almostsimultaneous images ofthe flaringregioninvarious SDO/AIA filters. 211˚A channel contours at700DNs−1px−1 are overplottedonallpanels. Imageshavebeenlogarithmicallyscaled. channel ratio in Figure 2. The two main parts ofthe flare - the northernribbons We note also that the intensities in the other spectral andthesouthernloops-havequitedifferentcharacteris- passbands peak well after the GOES peak, consistent tics,andthe overalllightcurveintheAIApassbandsisa with a plasma cooling from high to low temperatures. compositeofthese. InSection4.1we demonstratedthat The moderate-temperature channels (171 ˚A, 193 ˚A and the synthesized 131 ˚A lightcurve most closely matches 211 ˚A) show intensity decreases after 18:15 UT, which the GOES lightcurves, and with SDO/AIA imaging the may be consistent with a low-temperature coronal dim- 131 ˚A lightcurve can be decomposed into contributions ming. However, as the focus of this paper is on the flare from the different regions shown in Figure 4. We sepa- rise phase we will not consider the late-phase develop- ratetheflareintothreeregions: thebrightloopsnearthe ment any further. sunspot, at around (-470”, 70”), the ribbons and loops to the north-east of these, and then a subset of pixels 4.2. SDO / AIA imaging in the ribbons (referred to as the ‘northern footpoints’) We use AIA level 1 data, converted to level 1.5 data whicharenotsoaffectedbythepresenceofloopslaterin usingtheSSWaia_preproutine,andnormalizedbythe the event. TheseregionsareshowninFigure 4. We sum exposure time. The data have been despiked, and in- emission from sources within each of these three boxes spection of the despiked pixel locations shows that only havingintensity above175DNs−1px−1, as shownby the around 10 flaring pixels per image have been removed contoursinFigure 4. These capture the majorityof the over the time of interest. The main flare ribbons in ribbons and loop emission. the north start to appear around 17:54 UT, and are The summed pre-flarebackgroundintensity from each well-defined,mostlyunsaturated,andeasytodistinguish box is subtracted from the summed intensity in sources from the main loop arcade that starts to brighten from above 175 DNs−1px−1, and the result is normalized to around 18:10 UT onwards. The location of ribbons is the maximum value of the total background-subtracted compared across AIA channels in Figure 1. Contours 131 ˚A intensity from the whole field-of-view. This re- at 700 DNs−1px−1 from the 211 ˚A filter are overlaid on sults in the dotted, dashed and dot-dashed curves in the other images. There is a very goodcorrespondence- the upper panel of Figure 5. The normalized and at the level of one or two pixels - between the brightest background-subtractedGOES1-8˚Aemissionisshownas ribbon sources in the north across the AIA wavelength a solid curve. Between around 17:58 UT and 18:08 UT range. Severalothersourcesinthesouthernsunspotarea the southern loops dominate the 131 ˚A intensity. The arealsospatiallywell-correlated. Thisindicatesthatthe emission from the northern regions, which include rib- ribbonsemit acrossa broadrangeoftemperatures, from bons and later on loops, becomes significant (∼ 10% around 100,000 K to ∼10 MK. level) at 18:05 UT and starts to dominate the south- ern sources after 18:08 UT. We conclude that there is 4.3. AIA 131 ˚A and GOES lightcurves a period from about 18:08 to 18:10 during which the 4 ern ribbons as a whole at 18:10 UT have an EM of -2m) 10-5 t7h×e S1u0n47)comf−th3.e pDixiveildsiinngeathchrosuoguhrcbeybtohxeabtootvaeltahreealim(aitt x (W 10-6 of175DNs−1px−1wearriveatanestimateofthecolumn u EMfor the hot ribbon plasma,shown in the lowerpanel y Fl 10-7 ofFigure5. Thisvariesincreasesfrom3to7×1028cm−5, a X-r between 18:00 and 18:12 UT. S 10-8 E O 4.4. Overlays of flare sources on SDO/HMI G 10-9 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 Overlays of the 131 ˚A flare sources on the nearest-in- Start Time (07-Aug-10 17:30:00) time HMI line-of-sight magnetogram shown in Figure 6 0.8 demonstratethattheribbonsaremostlylocatedinmag- neticplageregions,butalsothatthereareribbonsources -3m) 0.6 in weak-field regions, e.g. around (-570”, 160”). These c 490 sources tend to be weaker in the EUV than their neigh- 1 M ( 0.4 bours, and overlays with RHESSI (Fig 10) also suggest E an absence of RHESSI sources at this location. S E 0.2 O 4.5. SDO / AIA differential emission measure G 0.0 Hannah & Kontar(2012a)havedevelopedamethodof 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 deriving the DEM from AIA observations, using a reg- Start Time (07-Aug-10 17:30:00) ularized inversion method. This permits an estimate to K) 15 be made of the amount of plasma as a function of tem- M e ( perature at different locations in the flare, and provides ur 10 estimatesofboththe DEMuncertaintyandthe effective at er temperature resolution. This method is applied to the p m threeboxedregionshighlightedinFigure4,againselect- e 5 S t ing only pixels within the box which are above the 175 OE DNs−1px−1 threshold. Wehavealsoconcentratedonthe G 0 timeafter18:05UT,whentheribbonemissionisstarting 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 to become important. The source areas estimated from Start Time (07-Aug-10 17:30:00) the 131 ˚A images are used to convert the volume DEM Fig.2.— GOES X-ray flux (upper), EM (middle) and temper- into a column DEM. ature (lower). In the upper panel the black lineisthe 1-8 ˚A flux, The DEMs are made using the 6 AIA EUV chan- andthepinklineisthe0.4-4˚Aflux. nels, and the accuracy of the results depends on our knowledge of the spectral lines in the channels. As AIA 131 ˚A lightcurves, and by implication the GOES shown by simultaneous spectroscopic and imaging ob- lightcurves, have a strong or even dominant contribu- servations with the Hinode EUV imaging Spectrometer tion fromthe flare ribbons and footpoints. After around (EIS) and SDO/AIA, several of the observed transition 18:10 the emission labeled ‘northern ribbons’ in 5 devel- region lines are omitted or poorly represented by CHI- ops a strong contribution from the loops which start to ANTI (Del Zanna et al. 2011). In Figures 7 and 8 we appear in the corresponding box. In the ‘northern foot- show results using the AIA temperature response func- points’box,however,loopsdonotappearuntillaterand tions(Boerner et al.2012)calculatedatthedefaultpres- the bursty character of the emission that one would as- sure in Chianti of 1015cm−3K, and also using contribu- sociate with footpoints or ribbons rather than loops is tion functions calculated using a greatly increased pres- apparent for longer - up to around 18:12. We reason sure of 1018cm−3K which may be appropriatefor flaring thatthisburstybehaviourwouldbe visibleinthe north- conditions. Wealsoincludetherecentnormalizationsim- ern ribbons more generally, were it not masked by the plemented to provide good agreement with SDO/EVE; appearance of the loops. empirical corrections to the 94 ˚A and 131 ˚A channels Since the normalized AIA 131 ˚A emission tracks the compensate for the omissions in the CHIANTI database GOES 1-8 ˚A emission very closely, we may reasonably (Testa et al. 2012). With these corrections the response assume that on the whole they originate from the same ofSDO/AIA to high andlow temperature flare emission plasma. It should be noted, however, that the 131 ˚A is believed to be accurate to 25% 2. These are however band contains strong FeVIII lines as well as the FeXXI empiricalcorrectionsandimprovementstotheCHIANTI lines, so in Section 4.5 we employ a differential emis- atomic database are required and currently being stud- sion measure (DEM) analysis to further investigate the ied. plasma temperature. Multiplying the GOES EM by the DEM analysis proceeds under assumptions of thermal fractional 131 ˚A intensity associated with the different and ionization equilibrium, and of optically thin radi- resolvedAIAsourcesprovidesanestimate ofthe EMas- ation, and we must consider the validity of these as- sociatedwitheach,showninthecentrepanelofFigure5. sumptionsunderflaringconditions. Amoredetaileddis- So for example between 18:06:00 UT and 18:12:00 UT, cussion is available in Graham et al. (2013) but, briefly the small group of northern footpoints have an EM of between ∼ 3×1046 and 8×1046cm−3, while the north- 2http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/solarsoft/sdo/aia/response/chiantifix_n 5 GOES 1-8 A and reconstructed AIA passbands 1.0 100.00 GOES 1-8 A 304 Normalised intensity 0000....2468 11239179134313151 26Irradiance, W/m x 10 1010...100000 0.0 0.01 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 17:50 18:00 18:10 18:20 UT 7 Aug. 2010 UT 7 August 2010 Fig.3.—Left: normalizedlightcurvesofGOES1-8˚AandsynthesizedAIAintensitiesfromEVEspectra. ThesynthesizedAIAintensities havebeensmoothedwitha3-pointboxcar. Right: theGOES1-8˚Alightcurveandtheflareexcessesinthetwoprimarylinesfeaturingin theAIA/131˚A channel,i.e. FeXXIat128.75˚A(red)andtheFeVIIIpairat130.94˚Aand131.24˚A(blue,intensityupperlimits). AIA 131 18:03:09 AIA 131 18:04:09 AIA 131 18:05:09 200 200 200 150 150 150 2 c) 1 e s c Y (ar 100 100 100 50 50 50 3 -600 -550 -500 -450 -600 -550 -500 -450 -600 -550 -500 -450 AIA 131 18:06:09 AIA 131 18:07:09 AIA 131 18:08:09 200 200 200 150 150 150 c) e s c Y (ar 100 100 100 50 50 50 -600 -550 -500 -450 -600 -550 -500 -450 -600 -550 -500 -450 X (arcsec) X (arcsec) X (arcsec) Fig. 4.— SDO/AIA 131˚A channel images, with contours drawn at 175 DNs−1px−1. Summing inside these contours results in the lightcurves in Figure 5. Boxes in the top left image outline three different regions of interest: (1) northern ribbons; (2) subset of these ribbons,referredtoasthenorthernfootpoints; (3)southernloops. Theimageintensityhasbeenlogarithmicallyscaled. stated, the assumptions of thermal and ionization equi- fromBloomfield et al.(2002). TheFeIXlineat171.07˚A librium coupled with a slow flare evolution in the early that dominates the AIA/171 channel has a large oscilla- phasemeansthat, evenatthesehighflaretemperatures, tor strength, and thus a larger opacity. However even equilibriumassumptionsarelikelytobeadequateinflare underthemostpessimisticassumption(ofcoronalabun- footpoints. This is because the footpoint density is rela- dances) its total optical depth is less than unity for col- tively high; we estimate ne ∼1010cm−3 (see Section 6.3 umn depths under ∼1018cm−2, and smaller still if pho- andGraham et al.(2011)). Highdensityensuresthatthe tospheric abundances are used. We conclude that the core of the electrondistribution reaches thermalequilib- assumption of optically thin emission is reasonable in riumquickly,evenathightemperatures,unlessthereisa the footpoints of this flare, even given the rather dense very shortheating timescale. In the case of slow heating plasmas we find. departure from ionization equilibrium is small for den- The DEMs calculated for the two values of pressure sities above 1010cm−3 (Bradshaw 2009). Low opacity are similar in shape and in magnitude, with variations in all of the main contributing lines formed at tempera- everywhere less than a factor two. At p = 1018cm−3K, tures greater than 106 K can be verified using oscillator the DEM is slightly larger at log T ∼ 6 and slightly strengths from the Chianti database and Equation (1) smaller at log T ∼6.5−7 than the corresponding value 6 Fig.6.—Overlaysofthe131˚AflaresourcesonHMIline-of-sight magnetograms. Contoursareat200DN/s. substantial amounts of high-temperature plasma. There is some evidence that, over the 4 minutes examined, the amount of plasma at 106 to 106.3 K plasma in the rib- bons decreases while the amount of 107 K plasma stays relatively constant. However, the uncertainties on the DEM recovery make it hard to be definitive about this. Fig.5.— Upper panel: Background-subtracted and normalized There does appear to be a significant decrease in the (topeakvalues)GOES1-8˚Aflux(blacksolidcurve)andSDO/AIA EM at around log T = 6.7 in the northern footpoints 131 ˚A intensity of sources above 175 DNs−1px−1 summed over at 18:07 UT. We note this, but do not currently have thewholefield-of-viewofFigure4(pinkdottedline),thesouthern an explanation. It may be a numerical instability in the loops(orangedashedline),northernribbons(bluedot-dashed)and reconstruction, though the error bars look very similar thesubsetofnorthernfootpoints(greendash-triple-dotline). Cen- ter panel: volumeEMsinferredfromthe175 DNs−1px−1 thresh- to the other cases. It is unlikely to be due to the loss of olded sources in each of the boxes outlined in Figure 4. Lower materialfrom the regionwith the coronalmass ejection, panel: column EMs. After 18:10 UT the integrated emission is because the DEM is generated just from the footpoint dominatedbyloops sources above some threshold intensity. Any decrease in theamountofmaterialatlog T =6.7duetoevaporation atp=1015cm−3K. EachoftheDEMsshowninFigure7 wouldpresumablyalsoleadtoadecreaseintheoverlying has three significant bumps, at around log T ∼ 5.9−6, log T = 7 material, which is not seen. A pixel-by-pixel log T ∼ 6.3−6.4 and log T ∼ 7.0−7.1. At the lower examinationofthe EMdistribution,whichwe planfora temperaturesitis expectedthattherewillalsobe acon- future paper, may shed light on this. tribution from the ambient coronal plasma in the line- The units of the DEM are cm−5K−1, and an estimate of-sight between the observer and the flare sources. The of the EM in units of cm−5 at each temperature can be largestvaluesofhigh-temperatureDEMarefoundinthe obtained by multiplying by that temperature, meaning southernloops,butthe ribbonsandfootpoints alsohave that the peak at 107 K has the largestEMcontribution, 7 of∼5×1028cm−3. ThisisconsistentwiththeEMvalues each wavelength band. As time progresses, the ribbons obtained from GOES at 107 K. We note also that EIS becomebrighterrelativetothesouthernloopsatallener- spectroscopy has been used in other events to demon- gies,andinthetwolowerenergychannelstheemissionis stratethepresenceofsubstantialamountsof10MKfoot- relatively uniform along the ribbons. At 12-25 keV the point plasma Graham et al. (2013). emission has a concentration around [-490”, 80”], not seen at lower energies. At early times the 12-25k keV 5. RHESSISPECTROSCOPYANDIMAGING data are noisy, but a tendency for the sources to align The time between 18:00:30 UT and 18:12:30 UT is withtheribbonsisvisible. Thereisagoodalignmentbe- split into intervals of 60 seconds, and RHESSI spectra tweentheribbonsintheRHESSIimagesandtheribbons are fitted in electron space, with an isothermal plus sin- seeninAIA304˚Aimages. Thecorresponding131˚Aim- gle power-lawfit, using the OSPEX spectral fitting soft- agesshowafuzzystructureaswellascompactfootpoints ware. The fit assumes that the non-thermal emission at the locations of the RHESSI contours, suggesting the originatesfroma cold,collisionalthick target. The ther- ends of hot loops may also contribute to the RHESSI malcomponentisparameterizedbyasingletemperature emission. and EM. The non-thermal electron spectrum is parame- terizedbythetotalnumberofelectronspersecondabove thelow-energycutoff,E ,andtheelectronspectralindex 6. FLARERIBBONENERGYLOSSESANDENERGYINPUT c δ. The fit results are shown in Figure 9. No fit parame- 6.1. Radiative losses tersareshownbetween18:09:30UTand18:10:30UT,as Figure 11 is a composite of the power radiated in sev- this coincided with change in the attenuator state. The eralenergylosschannels. FromGOESwehavetheX-ray spacecraft entered night at 18:12 UT. intensity(L )in1-8˚A and0.5-4˚Achannels,andthe to- The RHESSI normalized countrates, shown in the up- x tal optically-thin radiative losses (L ) of the ∼ 10 MK per panel of Figure 9, are very stable for the first few rad plasma detected by GOES. This is provided by the So- minutesoftheflare. At3-6and6-12keVthecountrateis larSoft GOES software, and calculation is based on the almost constant between 18:00:30 UT and 18:06:30 UT, Chianti (Version 5) spectroscopic database (Landi et al. followed by a smooth increase in intensity. Images at 2006). Coronal abundances are assumed. The flare ex- this time show that the emission is dominated by the hot southern loops, with no ribbon emission visible at cess power in the He II 304 ˚A line measured by EVE is the 10% level. The 12-25 keV intensity increases grad- alsoshown,asisthe powerinthe SDO/AIA1600˚Aand ually from around 18:04 UT. Between 18:00:30 UT and 1700 ˚A channels, calculated using the known telescope 18:10:30 UT the RHESSI EM increases gradually from response functions in those channels. 2.5 to 5 × 1047cm−3 (panel 2 in Figure 9). Since the In the first few minutes of the flare, until around AIAanalysisinSection4.3indicatesthatfrom18:06UT 18:12UT,the1700˚Apassbanddominatestheflareradia- the southern loop EM is decreasing, the increase in the tive output. The 1700 ˚A passband is designed to mea- RHESSI countrates andEM after this time, andup un- sure continuum, and has a passband of around 200 ˚A. til 18:10 UT is most likely attributable to the northern Full spectrum data are not available, and the event was ribbons. The RHESSI EM varies from 4−7×1047cm−3 not detectable in AIA/HMI data, presumably being too between 18:06 and 18:09 UT, which is broadly consis- weak. Soatotalradiativepowerbudgetishardtoassem- tent with the values obtained from GOES. The temper- ble, but it is reasonable to assume that the full UV-to- ature (Fig 9 panel3) decreasesslightly from11.5 MK to opticalcontinuumwillcontainperhapstentimes theex- 10.5 MK at 18.07 UT before rising again, possibly also cess power in the 1700˚A passband. Kretzschmar(2011) due to the brightening of the northern ribbons. carried out a superposed epoch analysis of flares of dif- The spectrum, which starts off very soft, hardens ferent classes, finding that for flares in class C4 to M2.8 abruptly between 18:06 UT and 18:10 UT as the rib- thethetotalirradianceis250-500timestheGOES1-8˚A bons brighten (Fig 9 panel 5). This is reflected also in luminosity. This would correspond to 3.75−7.5×1026 the increasing electron flux during this time (panel 4) ergss−1 at18:06UT and 5−10×1026 ergs s−1 at 18:08 and the decrease in spectral index from 8 to 6. The UT.Themultiplyingfactorof250-500representsaverage fitted low-energy cutoff remains approximately constant values over the duration of the flare, however the longer throughout, at around 12-13 keV (panel 6). wavelength emissions (i.e. optical to UV) which consti- The Cleanalgorithmwith naturalweightingis usedto tute the bulk of the radiated power, occur preferentially generate images using detectors 2 - 8, in energy bands duringtheearlierpartsofaflare. Anestimateoftheratio 3-6, 6-12 and 12-25 keV. (Note, the flare occurred three of the irradianceenhancement to the GOES 1-8 ˚A lumi- months after RHESSI’s second anneal. Prior to this an- nosity enhancement during a flare’s impulsive phase (as neal, use of detector 2 had not been recommended be- indicated by the maximum of the GOESderivative) was cause it was not segmenting properly, but following the made in a flare reported by Woods et al. (2004). Mea- anneal it recovered this capability and was included in surements of the X17 flare SOL2003-10-28:T11:10 show our imaging analysis.) Integrationtimes were 60s,start- anincreaseinthetotalsolarirradianceatthepeakofthe ing at 18:05:30, 18:06:30, 18:07:30 and 18:08:30. In Fig- GOES derivative in SOL2003-10-28:T11:10 of 268ppm, ure 10, RHESSI contours are shown overlaid on AIA or 360 mW/m2, while the GOES flux at this time is 304 ˚A and AIA 131 ˚A images taken at the centre of the around 1 mW/m2. This gives a ratio of total power to integration period. The contours show the same abso- lute count values in the first three image, and increase GOES1-8˚Apowerduringtheimpulsivephaseofaround by a factor 2 in images 4 and 5. This makes clear the 360, in the middle of the range found by Kretzschmar development of the absolute and relative intensities in (2011). 8 1023 1023 1023 0.8 0.9 1.0 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:05 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] 1023 1023 1023 0.8 0.8 0.9 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:06 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] 1023 1023 1023 1.0 0.8 0.7 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:07 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] 1023 1023 1023 1.2 0.7 0.8 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:08 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Fig.7.— DEM from three different regions in the flare: left column - northern ribbons and (later) loops; centre column - northern footpoints; right column - southern loops. Each row corresponds to the time indicated underneath. These have been calculated for the default Chianti pressure of 1015cm−3K. Note that the temperatures with very large horizontal error bars do not just indicate a bad temperatureresolutionbutapoorlyrecoveredDEMsolutionatthosepoints(Hannah&Kontar2012a). Theχ2 betweenthedataandthe recoveredDEMisindicatedinthetop-leftcornerofeachpanel. 6.2. Energy input from RHESSI abovethelow-energycutoffE ,inunitsof1035 electrons c per second and δ is the electron spectral index. The The RHESSI data provide the means to estimate the totalpowerinelectronsisshownbythetrianglesymbols energy input to the chromosphere, under the collisional inFigure11. Thereissufficientenergytoaccountforthe thick target assumption that the hard X-rays are pro- radiatedcomponentsatEUVandSXR,butasmentioned duced by collisional bremsstrahlung during the passage previously the energetically dominant UV-optical range ofnon-thermalelectronsthroughadensetarget,inwhich is not sampled. From the arguments in Section 6.1 we the electrons are stopped completely by Coulomb col- mightexpect the totalpowerradiatedto be ∼360times lisions. The power delivered by non-thermal electrons the GOES 1-8 ˚A luminosity, or ∼ 10 times the 1700 ˚A above cutoff energy E (in keV) is estimated from the c electron distribution parameters shown in Figure 9, us- power. This could readily be provided by a beam with ing: the parameters inferred. There will also be conductive lossesandworkdonetodriveevaporation. Wewillreturn δ−11035F P(E >E )= 35erg s−1 (1) to the former in Section 6.3. c δ−2 Ec The RHESSI data also allow us to evaluate the non- thermal EM, defined as: EM = n n V, where n where F is the total number of electrons per second nt nt i nt 35 9 1023 1023 1023 0.8 0.8 0.9 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:05 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] 1023 1023 1023 0.8 0.8 0.8 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:06 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] 1023 1023 1023 0.8 0.7 0.8 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:07 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] 1023 1023 1023 0.9 0.8 0.8 −1K] −1K] −1K] −5m 1022 −5m 1022 −5m 1022 c c c T) [ T) [ T) [ ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 ξM,( 1021 E E E D D D 1020 1020 1020 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 18:08 Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Log10 T [K] Fig.8.—AsFigure7butcalculatedforapressureof1018cm−3K. is the number density of non-thermal electrons in the tionship assumes that the HXR emission is due to colli- source producing the HXR emission, n the ambient ion sionalbremsstrahlung,but does not requirethe assump- i density in that source,and V the source volume. Know- tion of a thick-target. Again using the fit parameters ing the thermal EM, EM =n n V it is thus possible to shown in Figure 9, we arrive at the values for the non- e i determine the ratio of non-thermal to thermal electrons thermal EMs shown in Figure 12. These values are 103 in the source. EM is determined from the fit param- to 104 times lower than the typical thermal EMs n n V nt e i eters of the photon energy (ǫ) spectrum Iǫ=Aǫ−γ, e.g. obtainedfromRHESSI (Figure 9). In otherwords,aver- Lin (1974): agingoverallthe plasmaobservedbyRHESSI,oneelec- tron in 103−104 has energy higher than the low-energy cutoffobtainedfromspectralfitting. Thefractionofnon- 1 3 ∞ thermal electrons increases with time to a peak at some EMnt =3.85×1041Aγ(γ−1)2B γ− , E−γ+1/2dE, time between 18:09 and 18:11 UT. (cid:18) 2 2(cid:19)Z Ec (2) 6.3. Power budget of the ∼10 MK ribbon plasma giving EM corresponding to non-thermal electron nt energy E ≥ E . Here, γ is the photon spectral index Hereweexamineinfurtherdetailtheenergygainsand c (=δ−1 in the thick targetchromosphere),and B is the losses from the 10 MK plasma in the ribbons identified beta function. This gives the instantaneous number of with GOES, SDO/AIA and RHESSI. The total colli- non-thermalelectronsinthe radiatingplasma. Therela- sional power input P ergs s−1 to the heated part of coll 10 the integral gives 10 3-6 6-12 12-25 Rate 8 P (N)=F E δ−1 1− δ −1 x1−δ/2B x ; δ −1,3 or 6 coll tot cδ−2(cid:20) (cid:18)2 (cid:19) c (cid:18) c 2 2(cid:19)(cid:21) C m 4 (4) Nor 2 where 3KN 0.10 x = (5) -3m] 0.08 c Ec2 c 490 0.06 andB is now the incomplete Beta function. We alsouse 1 EM [x 00..0024 Ftot =Z ∞FoEo−δdEo (6) 15 Ec 14 where F is the total number of electrons per second tot K] 13 injected above E =E . M c T [ 12 N canbeestimatedfromthefootpoint(column)EMas 11 N ∼n L∼(EM L)1/2,forauniformsourceofthickness e 10 L. The AIA ribbon sources in all channels co-align to 6 5 betterthanoneortwopixels,sothatifthe10MKplasma 4 sits above the AIA sources at 304 ˚A then the maximum F35 3 thickness of the 10 MK plasma should be ∼ 1000 km 2 (comparable also to the thickness of the chromosphere). 1 UsingtheobservedEMof∼5×1028cm−5 givesadensity 10 n ∼ 2 × 1010cm−3, with column depth N of ∼ 2 × e 9 1018cm−2. Assuming a smaller source thickness of ∼ index 78 ∼1007×km10r1e7scumlt−s2i.n ne ∼7×1010cm−3 and column depth 6 The calculated values of P for a source thickness L coll 5 = 1000 km are shown by the diamonds in Figure 13. In 16 15 this figure we have also applied a scaling to account for off 14 the fact that not all of the HXR emission comes from cut 13 the ribbons. We have estimated the fraction of the non- ow 12 thermalelectronpowerdeliveredtothenorthernribbons l 11 by multiplying the totalpower by the ratio of 12-25keV 10 flux summed over the northern box (shown in Figure 4) 18:00 18:02 18:04 18:06 18:08 18:10 18:12 Start Time (07-Aug-10 18:00:00) to the total 12-25 keV flux in the RHESSI image. Decreasing the thickness of the 10 MK source will de- Fig.9.— Evolution with time of the RHESSI spectral fit pa- rameters. Fromthetop,thepanelsshowthenormalizedcorrected crease the collisional power input to the source. For RHESSI count rates in 3-6, 6-12 and 12-25keV, the EM of the completeness we also show losses for the case where the isothermalplasmacomponent,thetemperatureofthiscomponent, source thickness is increased to 10,000 km. thetotalnon-thermalelectronnumberflux,F35 abovelow-energy cutoffEcinunitsof1035 electronss−1,theelectronspectralindex The hot plasma emits optically thin radiation at rate δ andtheelectronlow-energycutoff. Lrad erg s−1, as discussed in Section 6.1, and we obtain the ribbon contribution by again scaling the total L rad the atmosphere only can be inferred from the collisional by the fractional 131 ˚A intensity from the northern rib- thick-targetmodelbyintegratingtheenergyloss∆E per bon sources (c.f. Fig 5). The hot plasma must also lose particle transiting over the electron distribution: energy by conduction to cooler, lower layers of the at- ∞ mosphere at rate L erg s−1. The conductive losses cond P (N)= F E−δ∆E(E ,N)dE (3) are estimated following the approach of Battaglia et al. coll ZEc o o o o (2009) for flux-limited conduction. Flux-limited con- duction applies because the chromospheric temperature where N = n dl is the column depth of the heated e scale-lengthL issmall,referringagaintothesmallsep- plasma, andR∆E = Eo −E(N), with E(N) being the arationbetweeTnthe10MKplasmaimagedbyAIA131˚A energy of an electron of initial energy E after it has traversed N. Subscript o refers to the prooperties at in- and304˚Achannels. Sotheelectroncollisionalmean-free jection into the chromosphere, i.e. the collisional thick path lmfp = 5.21×103T2/ne is significant compared to targetpropertiesdetermined fromspectralfitting. From the temperature scale length. Non-local effects become Emslie (1978), E(N)2 = E2 −3ΛKN, where Λ is the importantandclassicalSpitzer conductivity will not ap- o CoulomblogarithmandK =2πe4, ebeing the chargeof ply. A modification to the normal heat-flux equation is necessary,withthe conductivefluxF (ergcm−2 s−1) the electron. This approximationassumesthatelectrons cond given by enter as a unidirectional beam along the magnetic field direction (assumed vertical) and we take Λ = 20 which dT is appropriate for the fully ionized plasma of the upper F =̺(x)F =̺(x)κ T5/2 , (7) cond class o dz chromosphere. Substituting for ∆E in Equation (3) and performing where the classical Spitzer conductivity constant κ o

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