R. PUPLESIS &A. DISKUS VilniusPedagogicalUniversity, Lithuania FIVE NEW MINING LEPIDOPTERA (NEPTICULIDAE, BUCCULATRICIDAE) FROM CENTRAL ASIA Puplesis,R.&Diskus,A., 1996.FivenewminingLepidoptera(Nepticulidae,Bucculatricidae) fromCentralAsia.-TijdschriftvoorEntomologie 139: 181-190,figs. 1-30. [issn0040-7496]. Published 18December 1996. Three newspecies ofNepticulidae (Stigmellajohanssonis^. n., Fomoriaflavimaculasp. n., F. lacrimulaesp.n.)andtwonewBucculatricidae(Bucculatrixmulticornutasp.n.,B. macrognathos sp.n.)aredescribedfromthemountainsofTurkmenistan,TadzhikistanandsouthernKazakh- stan. Correspondence:DepartmentofZoology,VPU,Studentustr.39,Vilnius2034, Lithuania. Keywords.-Leaf-miners,Nepticulidae,Bucculatricidae,newspecies,CentralAsia. Thegrowing international concern overthebiodi- viewed by Puplesis (1994), the Bucculatricidae by versity crisis has revitalized biological systematics. Seksjaeva (1993). In addition, five other species of Committedeffortstotheinventorytheworld'smajor Nepticulidae [Acalyptris argyraspis, Etainia leptog- biotahaveneverbeenmoreneededthan now. In this nathos, E. obtusa, Stigmella cerasi, S.aflatuniaê) were & light the Zoological Department of the Vilnius recently described by Puplesis Diskus (1995, Pedagogical University started in 1995 to revise the 1996a, 1996b). Some more species will be described faunaoftheminingLepidopteraofCentralAsia.The in forthcoming papers. Methods, terminology and generally small primitive leaf-mining Lepidoptera nomenclature used in the descriptions follow Seks- have been relatively poorly studied on a global scale, jaeva (1989, 1993) andPuplesis (1994). the fauna ofsuch vast areas as Central Asia being al- ThegenusFomoriaBeirne(Nepticulidae) istreated most completely neglected until recently (Puplesis et hereasaseparategenus, notasubgenusoiEctoedemia al. 1996c). This study comprises most taxa oflepi- Busck (i.e. van Nieukerken 1986). However, as has dopteran miners. The work on these groups was di- been stated by van Nieukerken (1986), the mono- videdamongentomologistsofourdepartmentasfol- phylyofFomoriaisstillnotestablished.Thusanyde- lows: Nepticulidae, Opostegidae, Tischeriidae and cisions on rankorvalidityofthis taxon arestill to be BucculatricidaebyR. Puplesis andA. Diskus; Helio- regardedasprovisional. zelidae and Elachistidae by V. Sruoga; Lyonetiidae, Abbreviations for depositories: rmnh (Nationaal Gracillariidaeand PhyllocnistidaebyR. Noreikaand Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Netherlands), karyological studies by J. Puplesiené. Some other VPU (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania), zi- families, such as Eriocraniidae, Momphidaeand Co- TAS (Zoological Institute of the Turkmenian leophoridae, currently studied at the Zoological AcademyofSciences,Turkmenistan).Diskus Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg),werenotconsideredinourproject. Descriptions Surveysonallthemicrolepidopteran familiesstud- iedbyusarenowinapreparation.Thepresentpaper Nepticulidae includes just the report offive hitherto undescribed species.To havetheirnamesavailableforan updated chheerce.k-Tlihset c(oPumpbliensaistioetn aolf.p1hy9l9o6g)enweteicdaelslcyrinboet rtehleaste- (Sftiigsg.me1l,l6a-j9o,h2a8n)ssoiiisp. n. edtaxa(NepticulidaeandBucculatricidae) inthispa- [Stigmella Salicis (Stainton); Puplesis 1994: fig. 350. mis- perwaspurelyforpractical reasons. identificationl The Nepticulidae of Central Asia have been re- 181 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 Typematerial.-Holotype â Kazakhstan(western Tyan Shan' mountains), 90 km: E Tschimkent, H - 1300 m, Aksu Dzhabagly Reserve, ll.viii.l987, leg. R. Puplesis(vpu). Paratypes:606^, 809,samedataas i# holotype (vpu, rmnh). m 1% Diagnosis. — Closely resembling S. salicis-, but all cornuti are collected in one basal cluster. In contrast to S. salicis, thevinculumoijohanssoniislonger, and theforewingcolourisoftendistinctlypaler. Male (fig. 1). — Forewing length 2.3-2.6 mm. Head: frontal tuft from white or pale yellow to or- ange; eye-caps and collar white or creamy; antenna greyish to creamy-brownish. Colour of thorax and forewing extremely variable (fig. 1); coarsely scaled, irroratedwith brown scales. Cream costal and dorsal spots on forewings ofvarying shape; an additional large basal spot is sometimes present. Cilia cream. Hindwing and its cilia pale brownish to almost cream.Abdomenbrown, undersidecream.Analtufts cream. Female. -Alsovariable, usuallyslightlypaler than male, butotherwisesimilar. Male genitalia (figs. 6-8). - Valva with two short pointeddistalprocesses. Transtillawithoutsublateral processes. Uncuswithdeep, squaremedialemargina- tion and paramedial notches. Gnathos with long Figs. 1-3. Adult Nepticulidae. - 1, Stigmellajohanssoni, horns, closely set at base. Vinculum comparatively male,showingvariationin2pararypes;2,Fomoriaflavimac- longer than in S. salicis, with wide lateral lobes. suilad,emraiglhethsoildoetyfpeem;al3e,Fp.arlaatcorpimeul(acee,ntfreamlaTlaedpzahiiaktiysptea.n)S,calleefst Aedeagus(figs.7,8)shorterthangenitalcapsule,with mm. about 9 cornuti in one basal cluster; cornuti spine- 1 like,ratherweaklysclerotized. Furthervesicawithex- tensivegroupoftinyspines. Femalegenitalia(fig. 9).-Apophyseslong, almost equalinlength,oranterioresslightlylongerthanpos- teriores.Corpusbursaewithsparsepectinationsanda distinctbandofscallop-shapedminuteplates.Ductus spermathecaewithoutspines. Ovipositorslightlypro- truding, tipalmostpointed. Biology.-Host-plant: Salixsp.Allspecimenshave been caughtwithalighttrap, in asmall canyon near the Dzhabagly river. The trap was surrounded by a dense vegetation of Salix. On these trees we found numerous empty leaf-mines, supposedly of this species. The mine is a broad gallery, occasionally formingafalseblotch. The blackfrassdepositedin a broadandirregularcentralline.Adultshavebeencol- lectedinAugust, butprobablyflyin earlysummeras well, becausesomeveryoldemptymineswerefound '^'liiiiiyiii^^^ inAugust. Distribution. - Western Tyan Shan' mountains (southernKazakhstan) (fig.28). Etymology. - This species is named in honour of Figs.4, 5.AdultBucculatrixspp.- 4,B. multicornuta,male Mr. RolandJohansson (Växjö, Sweden), specialistof pararype; 5, B. macrognathos, male paratype (head recon- Nepticulidae, and outstanding painter of these structed).Scales 1 mm. moths. 182 PUPLESIS&Dl§KUS: NewNepticulidaeandBucculatricidae Figs. 6-9. Stigmellajohanssoni, genitalia. 6, Male, holotype; 7, 8,Aedeagus, twodifferentparatypes; 9, Female, paratype. Scales0.1 mm. Fomoriaflavimaculasp. n. tus spermathecae. Male genitalia easily recognizable (figs. 2, 10-15,28) from all otherFomoriaspecies bymedial processes of valvaandslenderposteriorprocessofgnathos. Type material. — Holotype 6: southern Tad- Male (fig. 2, left side). - Forewing length 1.6-1.8 zhikistan, Tigrovaya Balka Reserve (= env. of mm. Head: frontal tuft orange to pale orange; eye- Dzhilikul'), 26.vii.1990, leg. R. Puplesis (vpu). caps densely covered or just irrorated with fuscous Pararypes: 2(5, 19, same locality, 26.vii- blackscaleson upperside; collarpalebrown cream to 17.viii.l990, leg. R. Puplesis; 1 9, cemral Tad- cream; antennavarying from mixed greywith cream zhikistan, 30 km N Dushanbe (Kondara), larvae on toalmostfuscous. Thoraxandforewingblackishfus- Popidus^p., 17.vii.1991, N 4241, leg. R. Puplesis & cous, scales with pale bases. Forewing with a white A. Diskus (vpu). tornaispotattwo-thirds. Undersideofforewingwith silverlustre andwith largeelongatespotofyellowish Diagnosis.-Themalecannotbemistakenbecause cream androconial scales in the basal half Cilia and of the combination of a white tornai spot at two- hindwingcream. Hindwingverybroadatbase, clear- thirdsoftheforewingandthepeculiarlyshapedhind- ly cuspidate towards tip; upper surface in basal half wingwithyellowishcreamandroconialscales.Thefe- with a large spot of yellowish cream or brownish male resembles F. septembrella (Stainton) which also cream androconialscales.Abdomen notexamined. hasatornaispot, butdiffers bytheshapeoftheduc- Female (fig. 2, right side). - Frontal tuft cream 183 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 Figs. 10-13.Fomoriaflavimacula,genitalia.- 10,Male,holotype; 11,Valva,paratype(southernTadzhikistan); 12, paratype(southernTadzhikistan); 13,Femalegenitalia,paratype(centralTadzhikistan).Scales0.1 mm. with some blackish scales distally. Underside of andwithnumeroussetae. Gnathoswithverynarrow, forewingdistinctly less silverylustrous than in male, long and pointed posterior process. Vinculum large, without androconial spot. Hindwing greyish, not distally hardly excavated. Aedeagus (fig. 12) with a broadened basally and without yellowish spot ofan- pairofslender triangulardorsal carinae and apairof droconia. Otherwiseasin male. longpointedventralcarinae.Vesicawithrathersmall Malegenitaha(figs. 10-12).-Valvatriangular,ad- groups ofdifferent cornuti: some of them strongly ditionally with a triangular, pointed, weakly sclero- sclerotized and irregular in shape, other less sclero- tized basal process (fig. 11). Inner side ofvalvawith tized, buttriangularorspine-like. distinct longpapillae andprocesses ofvaryingshape. Female genitalia (fig. 13). - Anterior apophyses Transtilla with slender, not very long sublateral slightly shorter than posterior ones. Vaginal sclerite processes. Pseuduncus long, rounded distally, but sclerotized,withanirregularplate-likeshape. Ductus varying in width, with numerous long setae at apex. spermathecae with about 4.5 convolutions. Corpus Uncusinshapeofinverted'v',distallywellsclerotized bursae elongate, with distinct pectinations and ex- 184 . PUPLESIS&DlâKUS: NewNepticulidaeandBuccuktricidae Male (fig. 3). - Forewing length 3.6-3.8 mm. Head: frontal tuft pale brownish orange to cream; eye-caps and collar cream; antenna pale brownish to browncream.Thoraxcream toyellowish,occasional- lywithsome brownish scales. Forewingdensely irro- ratewithbrown tippedscaleswith goldencream (oc- casionally whitish cream) bases. Dorsal margin of forewing usually completely golden cream, without brown tipped scales. Cilia of both wings golden cream. Hindwingbrownishtogrey.Abdomengreyto pale brownish cream. Forewing venation with very Figs. 14, 15. Leaf-mine of Fomoriaflavimacula. - 14, longsubcostal,andfourradial, twomedialveins, one Gallery with frass; 15, LeafofPo/);///«sp. with leaf-mine. long(curvedupwardly)cubitalandananalvein.Anal Scales 1 cm. loop on baseof2Aabsentorindistinct, however, the anal vein distinctly bent at the base. Closed cell pre- sent. HindwingvenationasinmostNepticulidae. tremely long but slender signa; they have indistinct Female. - Very similar to male, but tends to be a borders, thepectinationsformingsquares. bitsmaller, forewinglengthdownto3.2mminsome Biology. — Host-plant: Populiis spp., probably in- paratypes. cludingPopuliispruinosaSchrenk,whichwasparticu- Male genitaha (figs. 16-19). - Valva slender, larly common in the type-locality. Egg on upperside broadened at base and strongly curved at apex ofleaf. LarvaewerefoundinJuly. Mine (figs. 14, 15) (fig.17),anddenselycoveredwithsetae(exceptapex) startsasaslendersinuousorevencontortedgalleryal- Therearealso 5-6 longsetaeon tip ofapical process. most completely filled with green, occasionally Transtilla with very long sublateral processes. brownish frass; further gallery gradually widening, Pseuduncus broadly triangular. Uncus very wide, greenorblackishfrassneatlycoiled; inthelastpartof truncate,with rightangles. Gnathoswith broadpos- galleryfrasslinearandalwaysblack. Exitholeon leaf teriorprocessandlargecentralplate.Vinculumtrape- upperside. Cocoon dark grey-brown. Adults fly in zoid, usually distinctly narrowed distally. Aedeagus June-August. (fig.18) with two distinct closely set ventral carinae Distribution. -Tadzhikistan: mountainous region andwith unusuallylong dorsal carinae. Ventral cari- near the Varzob river (Gissar ridge) and southern nae distally with a ventrally curved, pointed hook; Vakhsh river valley (tugai formation) close to dorsal carinae apically slightly curved outwards. Afghanistan (type-locality, fig. 28). Cornuti almostinvisible, althoughagreat numberof Etymology. — Flavus (latin) = golden; macula weakly sclerotized spine-like cornuti is present on (latin) = a spot, referring to the distinct androconial vesica(fig.19). spotofyellow-creamscaleson themalehindwing. Female genitalia (fig. 20-22). - Both pairs of apophysesverylong, almostequal in length. Vaginal sclerite with an irregular shape, sometimes more or Fomorialacrimulaesp. n. less triangular (fig.21), sometimes (in other view) (figs. 3, 16-19, 28-30) more slender. Corpus bursae comparatively very Type material. - Holotype 6 Turkmenistan, small, but elongate. Paired signacomprise numerous : westernKopetDag,40kmEKaraKala(=Garrygala), wellsclerotizedpectinations (fig.22); bordersofsigna & 800 m, 18.V.1993, leg. R. Puplesis A. Diskus onlyweaklymarkedbyelongatepectinations. Ductus (vpu). Pararypes: 3 â, 129 9, same locality, 12.v- spermathecaeapproximatelyaslongascorpusbursae, 12.vi.1993, leg. R. Puplesis & A. Diskus (vpu, zi- with 6.5-7 distinct convolutions. Female abdomen TAS). withbroadtip; papillaeannales ratherdistinct. Biology. - Adults fly in May-June (see also re- Diagnosis. - Relativelylargespecieswith distinctive marks). male and female genitalia. The male can be easilydis- Distribution.—Knownonlyfrom thewestern part tinguished from all known species bythe veryspecial- ofthe Kopet Dag ridge in Turkmenistan, where it is ized valva with long curved apically process, the ex- acommon species (fig. 28). tremelylongdorsal carinaeofaedeagusandthedistally Etymology. - Lacrimula (latin) = a tear-drop, re- truncate uncus. The female is easily recognised bythe ferringto the relativelysmall distinctlybrown tipped unusuallylargeapophysesincomparisonwiththesmall scaleswhichdenselyanduniformlyirrorateforewings corpus bursae with special-shaped signa, and the very likesmalltears. longductusspermathecaewith6-7convolution. Remarks.-Thecollectednumberof129femalesis 185 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139.1996 Figs.16-22. Fomorialacrimulae,genitalia.- 16,Male,holotype; 17,Leftvalva,holor)'pe; 18,Aedeagus,paratype; 19,Spine- likecornutionevertedvesica,parar)'pe; 20, Female, paratope; 21,Vaginalsclerite, lateralview; 22, Pectinationsoncorpus bursae.Scales0.1 mm. disproportionately high compared with the 4 males. F. lacrimulaemightbeherbaceous. Unfortunatelywe Normallymalestendtocomeatlightmorefrequent- did not identify the plant species of the very rich ly. The female abundancy might be explained by a herbaceousvegetation duringthetimeofourcollect- trap position veryclose to the foodplant (Van Nieu- inginMayandearlyJune;uponreturnlaterthesemi- kerken pers. comm.). The two main sites where the ephemeral grasseswere almost completely dried out. specieswascollectedrepresenttwosmall,almost par- Therefore asearch formineswouldprobablybest be allel canyons (Khoshdemir and Khertou), with a carriedoutinlateAprilorearlyMay. dense herbaceous vegetation and with a predomi- nance ofshrubs and trees as Crataegus, Acer, Celtis, Bucculatricidae Paliurus, Cerasus, Rubus, Rosa, as well as Rhamnus, SPirnucneus,weSaldiixd, nFortaxifninuds aannyd Zuniizdyepnhtuisfi(efdigsm.in29e,s30o)n. Bucculatrixmulticomutasp.n. woodyplants,wetendtobelievethatthehostplantof (figs. 4, 23, 24, 28, 29) 186 PUPLESIS&DiSkuS: NewNepticulidaeandBucculatricidae Figs. 23-24. Bucculatrixspp., malegenitalia. - 23, Holorype B. multicomuta,ventralview; 24, Valva idem, paratype. 25, HolotypeBucculatrixmacrognathos,ventralview;26,Same,lateralview;27,Aedeagus,holotype,lateralview.Scales0.1 mm. 187 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 Typematerial.-Holotype S:Turkmenistan,west- tegminal lobes absent. Vinculum triangular. ernKopetDag,40kmEKaraKala(=Garrygala),800 Aedeagusverylong, basallywideningand less sclero- m, 05.vii.1993, leg. R. Puplesis & A. Diskus (vpu). tized. There are about 22-27 well sclerotized spine- Paratypes: 7d, same locality, 18.v.-23.vii.l993, leg. likecornution thevesica. R. Puplesis &A. Diskus (vpu). Biology. — Adults fly from May till late July. Diagnosis. -The male can immediately be recog- Otherwiseunknown. nized by the numerous straight cornuti. It can easily Distribution.-Onlyknownfromthewesternpart be distinguished from the Iranian B. endospiralis oftheKopetDagridge(Turkmenistan) (figs.28,29). Deschka,whichalsohassomecornutibytherelative- Etymology. - Mukus (latin) = numerous; cornuta lyshortvinculum and the much straighter aedeagus (latin) = horned, referring to a very rare feature (compareDeschka 1981). Fromthesimilar B. abrep- among the Bucculatricidae, i.e. the presence ofnu- ta Seksjaeva, 1989 from East Asia, it differs by the merouscornutionthevesica. widevalva, andtrapezoidtegumen. Male (fig. 4). - Forewing length 2.8-3.2 mm. Bucculatrixniacrognathossp.n. Head: frontal tuft mostly whitish, with some dark brown orgreyish brown scales; eye-caps whitish; an- (figs. 5, 25-28) tennae cream, annulate with brown. Thorax brown- Type material. — Holotype S: eastern Turkmeni- ishcreamirroratedwithdarkbrownscales. Forewing stan, env. Svintsovyy Rudnik (Kugitangtau ridge), variable,irroratedwithblackishbrownscales,inbasal ll.viii.l989, leg. V. Sruoga (vpu). Paratype: 1 S, 1/3 somewhat paler, and with 6 whitish cream samelocality, 26.viii.1990, leg. R. Puplesis (vpu). streaks:threealongcostalmarginandthreealonganal Diagnosis.-Averyremarkablespecies,immediate- margin (fig. 4). Cilia cream. Hindwing and cilia ly recognized by the presence ofthe large gnathos in brownishcream. themalegenitaliaandbythepaleochreoustornaispot Female. Unknown. on theforewing. Itiseasilydistinguishedfrom B.for- Male genitalia (figs. 23-24). - Valva slightly mosaPuplesis & Seksjaeva (which also has agnathos) curved, with 18-20 flat setae at apex, forming a bytheabsenceoftegminallobesandthescleriteonthe pecten (fig. 24). Sublateral process of valva short. vesica, the short vinculum, as well as by the distinct Tegumen large, trapezoid with numerous setae; forewingpattern (comparePuplesisetal. 1992). Fig.28. DistributionoiStigmellajohanssoni(Q),Fomoriaflavimacula(•),F. lacrimulae(O)- Bucculatrixmulticornuta(I PUPLESIS&DlâKUS: NewNepticulidaeandBucculatricidae Figs. 29, 30. Habitats of FomorialacrimulaeandBuccu- latrix multicornuta in the Khoshdemir canyon (western '^ partofthe Kopet Dag moun- tains,Turkmenistan). ^S^"' -I#^' 29 : . 30 Male(fig. 5).-Forewinglength2.6-2.8mm. Head ridgeineasternTurkmenistan (fig.28). unknown, broken in both specimens. Thorax ochre- Etymology. - Macros (greek) = large; gnathos ous cream. Forewing with three cream streaks along (greek) = a cheek or here: gnathos, referring to the costal margin, oneverywideanalstreakandanirreg- presence of an almost unique feature among the ularlyelongatetornaispot(fig. 5);inthecentreofthis Bucculatricidae, i.e. thewelldevelopedgnathos. tornai spot there is a distinct patch ofpale ochreous scales. Hindwing and cilia of both wings ochreous cream. Acknowledgements Female.-Unknown. Male genitalia (figs. 25-27). - Valva very slender. Special thanks are expressed to our colleague Dr Basal process ofvalva not developed, almost indis- ErikJ.vanNieukerken (theNetherlands),whokind- tinct. Tegumen large, without tegminal lobes. lyreviewedthemanuscriptandofferedmanyhelpful Gnathoswithlargeposteriorprocessandsmall lateral comments and suggestions. We also want to express arms.Vinculumshort,slightlybilobedanteriorlyand ourcordialthankstoMrRolandJohansson (Sweden) with two large triangular lobes posteriorly; each pos- forhisremarkson the'StigmellaSalicis materialfrom teriorlobebears 3well sclerotizedtooth-likeprocess- theTyanShan, resultinginthepresentdescriptionof es. Aedeagus (fig. 27) much bulged basally, cornuti S.johanssoni. Mrs.Biruté Noreikiené (Lithuania) has absent. oursincerethanksandappreciationforherfinedraw- Biology.-Adultshavebeencaught inAugust. ings ofthe habitus ofthe new species. The research Distribution.-OnlyknownfromtheKugitangtau described in this publication was made possible in 189 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 part by Grant N LAOOOO & LHXIOO from the NferpotmicuTluirdakem)e.n-isPthaengeaan2d4(Tiandpzrheissk)i.stan (Lepidoptera: InternationalScienceFoundation. Puplesis, R.,A. Diskus, R. Noreika&N. Saparmamedova, References (1N9e9p6tci.culRoiedveias,edTiscchhecekr-iloiisdteao&f GmrianciilnlgarioLiedpeiad)opftreorma Deschka, G., 1981. BlattminierendeLepidopterenausdem Central Asia— Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 139: 191- Nahen undMittlerenOsten. IV. Teil.- Zeitschriftder 200. Arbeitsgemeinschaft ftit Österreichische Entomologen Puplesis, R., S. Seksjaeva, J. Puplesienë, 1992. Bucculatrix 33:33-41. formosasp.n.,aremarkablespeciesfromtheKugitangtau Nieukerken, E.J.van, 1986. Systematicsandphylogenyof Mountains(CentralAsia)(Lepidoptera:Bucculatricidae). Holarctic genera ofNepticulidae (Lepidoptera, Heteto- - NotaLepidopterologica 15:41-46. neura: Monotrysia). - Zoologische Verhandelingen, Seksjaeva,S.V., 1989.Pervyesvedeniyaominiruyushchikh Leiden236: 1-96. moliakhsem.Bucculatricidae(Lepidoptera) izYuzhnogo Puplesis,R., 1994.TheNepticulidaeofEasternEuropeand Primor'ya s opisaniem 10 novykh vydov. - Entomo- Asia.- BackhuysPublishers,Leiden,291 pp., 840figs. logicheskoeobozreniye68: 620-627 [InRussian]. Puplesis,R.&A.Diskus, 1995.Acalyptrisargyraspissp.n.,a Seksjaeva, S. V., 1993. Obzorkrivousykhkrokhotok-molei remarkable species from Tadzhikistan (Lepidoptera: (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) fauny Rossii. - Trudy Nepticulidae).- Phegea23: 51-54. Zoologicheskogo instituta Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Puplesis, R. &A. Diskus, 1996a. Firstrecordofthegenus 225:99-119 [InRussian]. Etamiafrom CentralAsiawith descriptions oftwo new species and some provisional notes on the world fauna (Lepidoptera:Nepticulidae).-Phegea24:41-48. Puplesis, R. &A. Diskus, 1996b.AreviewoftheStigmella Received: 30November 1995 sorbispecies-group with descriptions oftwo newspecies Accepted: 1 October 1996 190