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Five new Albinaria subspecies from the eastern Peloponnese, Greece; with notes on Isabellaria s.l. (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) PDF

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Preview Five new Albinaria subspecies from the eastern Peloponnese, Greece; with notes on Isabellaria s.l. (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)

BASTERIA, 58: 55-62, 1994 Five newAlbinariasubspecies from the eastern Peloponnese, Greece; withnotes onIsabellarias.l. (Gastropoda Pulmonata:Clausiliidae) E. Gittenberger Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, P.O. Box9517, NL 2300 RALeiden,The Netherlands Five subspecies ofAlbinariafromtheE. Peloponnese,Greece, aredescribed as newtoscience, viz. A.argynnislevipalatalis,A.argynnisprofundella,A. discoloreureka,A. discolorpelocarinata, andA. griseaakrocurta. Withina single species,A. discolor eureka bridges the gap between the two allegedlydistinctgeneraAlbinariaandIsabellariasensu auct.; theparapatricA.griseaakrocurtaand I. confusa,whicharestrikinglysimilarin generalshape,mightalsobeconsidered congenerictaxa atleast. Key words: Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Clausiliidae,Albinaria, Isabellaria,parallelism,taxonomy, Greece. INTRODUCTION During a systematic survey of the molluscanfaunaofthe Parnon mountains, in the eastern Peloponnese, Greece, several taxa new to science were discovered. Some of these, belonging tothe clausiliidgenusAlbinariaVest, 1867,aredescribed inthepresent paper. It concerns aseriesofsubspecies. They are relevantin thecontextofevolution- ary studies, which is oneofthe reasons thatthey shouldbe namedprior to the time- consuming finalizationofamore general revision ofthe Peloponnesian representatives ofthe speciose genusAlbinaria. SYSTEMATIC PART Unless indicatedotherwise, the materialcited belowrefers to paratypes. For collec- tions the following abbreviations are used: HNV, H. Nordsieck, Villingen-Schwen- ningen (Germany); NHMW,Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien (Austria); NNM, Natio- naal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden (The Netherlands); PSA, P. Subai, Aachen (Germany); RBA, R.A. Bank, Amsterdam (The Netherlands); WMD,W.J.M. Maassen, Duivendrecht(The Netherlands). Albinariaargynnis(figles.vi3p,a4l)atalis subspec. nov. Material.—Lakonia:rockyareaaboveLiminIerakos (20km E. ofMolai),20 m alt.,FF8574(HNV/2;NNM 56872/holotype, 56873/12; SMF 310353/2); NW. side ofIerax (18 km E. ofMolai),60 m alt., FF8275 (NHMW/2;NNM 56874/17; PSA/2;RBA/2; WMA/2). Diagnosis. — ArathertumidformofA. argynnis (Westerlund, 1898), with anobsolete dorsalkeel; frontalupperpalatal fold asprominent as the principalis ormore obsolete. Description. — Shell spindle-shaped, rather tumid, with 9-10 whorls; lower whorls strongly flattenedand separated by a shallowsuture. Initialteleoconch whorlspromi- nently sculptured with rather widely spaced ribs, running between the suture lines; 56 BASTERIA, Vol. 58,No. 1-2, 1994 lowerwhorlswith anincreasingly moreobsolete sculpture, which increasessomewhatin prominence again, only from the lower part of the penultimate whorl on. On the cervical part ofthe body whorl, the ribs are more or less regularly arranged and still quitevague nearthe suture. Basalkeel shortbutprominent; adorsalkeel canhardlybe distinguished and, consequently, there isno clearfurrowbetween cervical keels. Aper- turerather diamond-shaped withroundedcorners, protruding, with abroadly reflected and strongly thickened lip. Shell greyish white, with (very) irregular corneousspots, occasionally longitudinal streaks. Columellarismoderately protruding intotheaperture;subcolumellarishardly discer- nible in front view, but clearly seen in oblique view, as a slightly curved lamella. Parietalisprominent, forabouthalfits length running parallelto thespiralis. Principalis clearly seenin frontalview, running inside asfar as the uppermost,backwardly curved part of the narrowbut prominent, dorsallunula; the short, sharp lamelliformbasalis is only vaguely connectedto the lunula. Height 14.9-17.9mm;width 4.3-5.0mm Range. — Only knownfromtheareanorthandnorthwestofthe scenic fiordofLimin Ierakos. Notes. — This taxon is consideredthe southernmostsubspecies ofA. argynnis. The mainreasons to dosoarethedistributionalrange and,morphologically, thepresence of a frontalupperpalatal lamella, in combinationwith thegeneral shape. Rare specimens without afrontalupperpalatal lamellaremindofA. grisea. Moreto the souththerange of "Isabellaria”campylauchen (Boettger, 1883) starts, probably the sister species ofA. argynnis. In these vicariant species aprominent frontalupper palatal fold occurs. Etymology. — Afterlevis(Latin) = insignificant. Theepithet refers to themore orless obsolete palatalis. Albinaria argynnis profundella subspec. nov. (figs. 1, 2) Material. — Arkadhia, alongthe coastalroad, 4.5 km NE. ofLeonidhion, 30 m alt., FG6816 (HNV/2; NHMW/2;NNM56875/holotype,56876/30; PSA/2; RBA/2;SMF 310354/2;WMD/2). Diagnosis. —A slenderform ofA. argynnis, witha laterallunulaand asharp cervical furrow between two prominent keels, of the conspicuously twisted back ofthe body whorl; frontalupperpalatal fold moreprominent than the principalis. Description. — Shell(very) slenderspindle-shaped, with 8-93/ whorls; lowerwhorls 4 strongly flattenedand separated by a slightly indentedsuture. Initialteleoconchwhorls irregularly sculptured with ribs that are prominent near the upper suture line and strongly decrease in prominence downward, towards the lower suture line, which is often notevenreached. Lowerwhorlswithanobsolete sculpture, apart fromthe lower partofthe penultimate whorl andthecervical part ofthebody whorl, whichhas sharp ribs, especially onthekeels. Thecervical ribs do not, or hardly, reachthesuture above. Basal keel short but prominent, separated by a sharp furrow from the longer, more conspicuous dorsal keel. Above the dorsal keel, the shell wall is concave. Aperture Figs. 1-6. Albinariaspec. 1,2,A.argynnisprofundellasubspec.nov.,holotype(NNM),actualheight 14.6mm; 3,4,A. argynnislevipalatalissubspec.nov., holotype(NNM), actualheight 15.8 mm; 5,6,A. griseaakrocurtasubspec.nov., holotype(NNM), actual height 13.9mm. PhotographsA.‘tHooft(R.U.,Leiden). Gittenberger:FivenewAlbinaria subspeciesfrom Greece 57 58 BASTERIA, Vol. 58,No. 1-2, 1994 obliquely oval, protruding, with a broadly reflected, moderately thickened lip. Shell greyish white,withamoreorless regularpatternofradial, corneous streaks, whichmay be straight or curved, sometimes zigzag-like. Columellaris broadly protruding into the aperture;subcolumellaris hardly, or not, discerniblein front view, but clearly seenin oblique view, as anearly straight lamella. Parietalisprominent, shortly running parallel tothe spiralis. Principalis clearly seen in front view, running inside as far as the uppermost, backwardly curved, part ofthe narrow but prominent, laterallunula; the short, quickly narrowing, or longer, more lamelliform, basalis is connectedwith the lunulaand runs along the inside ridge that corresponds with the furrow between the cervical keels. Height 12.2-16.5mm; width 3.2-3.7mm. Range. — Known fromonly a smallareawithinthe range ofA. a.argynnis, along the coastal road northeastofLeonidhion. Notes. — This form is restricted to a small areawithinthe range ofthe nominate subspecies. It is namedas a subspecies because ofthe very characteristic shape ofthe cervical part ofthe shell, foundin all specimens collectedat thetype locality. Etymology. — Afterprofundus (Latin) = deep. The epithet refers totheposition ofthe lunula. Albinariadiscoloreureka subspec. nov. (figs. 7-9) Material. — Lakonia: N. side ofMolai, 175 m alt., FF6576(HNV/3;NHMW/3; NNM 56877/holotype, 56878/89; PSA/3;RBA/3;SMF 310355/3;WMD/3);Elaia(= Elia), 10m alt.,FF6169(HNV/3;NHMW/2; NNM 56879/82; PSA/2;RBA/2;SMF 310356/2;WMD/2). Diagnosis. — Aslender spindle-shaped formof.A. discolor, witha short but prominent basal keel, an obsolete sculpture, and aG-type clausilialapparatuswitha long lamella parallela accompanying a relatively low spiralis and an equally low principalis. Description. — Shellslenderfusiform toclub-shaped, with 9-11 whorls; lowerwhorls strongly flattenedandseparated by ashallow suture. Initialteleoconchwhorlswithvery narrowly spaced ribs, which become nearly completely obsolete onthe lower whorls, only increasing inprominence to faintribs again onthecervicalpartof thebody whorl. Basalkeel shortbut prominent; no dorsalkeel developed. Aperture elliptical, protrud- ing, with a moderately broadly reflected, somewhat thickened lip. Shellbluish white, withsomeirregular corneousspotting, especially onthe upperwhorls; shells with larger corneousparts occur in the population from Elaia. Columellarislowandvery obliquely running inside; subcolumellarisusually noteven visible in oblique view. Parietalis moderately prominent, not or over only a short distancerunning parallel to the relatively lowspiralis. Parallel to the spiralis, the still lowerparallela runs somewhatfurther infront; inside, the lamellaereachabout equally Figs.7-12.Albinariaspec. 7-9,A. discoloreurekasubspec.nov.,holotype(NNM),actualheight14.5mm [7,8],witha detailofa paratype, showing theparietalis(p), spiralis(s) andparallela (a) on the parietalapertural wall, the columellaris (c), and theprincipalis(i) in cross-section [9]; 10-12,A. discolorpelocarinatasubspec. nov., holotype (NNM),actualheight16.3mm [10, 11],witha detailofaparatype, showing theparietalis(p) andspiralis(s)on the parietalaperturalwall, the columellaris(c) and subcolumellaris (b), and the principalis(i)in cross-section [12]. PhotographsA.‘t Hooft(R.U. Leiden). Gittenberger:Five newAlbinaria subspeciesfrom Greece 59 60 BASTERIA, Vol. 58,No. 1-2, 1994 deep. The principalis is about as low asthe spiralis, andthe clausiliumbladereaches high intotheparieto-palatal angle,which impliesthatthereisno by-pass canalthere.In this G-type clausilialapparatus there is neither a fulcrans nor a suturalis. Inside, the principalis runs asfarasthe uppermostpartoftheratherbroadlunula, whichis shortly curved backward. Height 12.7-17.2mm; width 3.3-4.2mm Range. — This subspecies is known from populations on the southernmostborder, and halfway on the east side, ofthe KurkulaMtn., W. of Molai. Notes. — In size, shape and sculpture, thissubspecies cannot be distinguished from the parapatric nominate subspecies. Its clausilialapparatus, however, belongs to the G-type, which was consideredatypical for Albinariafor a long time(see e.g.: Gitten- berger & Schilthuizen, in press; Nordsieck, 1984).At the two localitieswhere thisform was foundabundantly, situated c. 7 km apart, allspecimens thatwere studiedhave the diagnostic characters mentionedabove. Preliminary anatomicalresearch has shown, that this form and A. d. discolor share a qualitative character in the malepart ofthe genitalia (M. Graafland, personal communication). Whatever their evolutionary origin may be, we are evidently not dealing here with rare hybrid forms, butwith a taxon occurring in large populations, that deservesto be named.Itsgeneric assignment toAlbinaria,anditsstatus as a subspecies ofA. discolor, are in line with the biogeographical and morphological, conchological and anatomical, datathat are available. Etymology. — The epithet emphasizes the relevance of the discovery of this sub- species with regard to the problematic status ofthe Peloponnesian so-called Isabellaria species. Albinaria discolor pelocarinata subspec. nov. (figs. 10-12) Material. — Lakonia: 4km NW.ofDhaimonia(= Demonia), halfwayto Papadhianika, 120m alt.,FF6661 (HNV/2; NHMYV/1;NNM56880/holotype,56881/16; PSA/1;RBA/1; SMF 310357/1; YVMD/1). Diagnosis. — Aslender spindle-shaped form ofA. discolor, with sharp fineribs onall teleoconch whorls, an N-type clausilial apparatus with a large by-pass canal in the palato-parietal corner, and a very prominent, flaringbasalkeel. Description. — Shell(very) slender spindle-shaped to somewhatmore club-shaped, with91/2-1 1'/2whorls; lowerwhorls flat,butseparated byamarkedly indentedsuture. All teleoconch whorls covered by sharp ribs, which are slightly more widely spaced on the initialones, and locally more prominent on the crest of the basal keel; on the penultimate whorl there are c. 7 ribspermm. Inbetween the ribs there arefew, vague, growth-lines. The body whorl is providedwith avery prominent, slightly flaring, basal keel,abovewhich the wallis concaveinoutline. Aperture elliptical, protruding, witha moderately reflected and thickened lip. Shell greyish white, sometimes with some corneous spots. Columellaris low and very obliquely running upward; subcolumellaris not even discerniblein oblique view. Parietalis moderately high in front, for overhalf its length running parallel to thespiralis, which increases graduallyin height inwardly. Principalis prominent, running uptoas farasthe entirebodywhorlinside, thusclearly deeper than the broad lunula, which has a very short lamelliform uppermost part, pointing backward. Gittenberger: Five newAlbinaria subspeciesfrom Greece 61 Height 13.6-17.1 mm; width 3.3-3.55 mm. Range. — Only known from the type locality. Notes.— Thistaxon couldalsobe consideredaseparate species becauseofthe shape of thebasal keel, which isclearly more prominently flaring thanin all otherforms ofA. discolor. Insculpture itremindsofA. d.haessleini, which hasaG-typeclausilialapparatus, however. A. d. pelocarinata recalls various Albinariataxa from southern Turkey (for example A. schuetti Nordsieck, 1984, and A. supercarinata Gittenberger, 1992) with similar or even more prominent basalkeels. This similarity,whichis restrictedto theshape ofthe shell basis, can hardlybe anything else than a result of parallel evolution. Etymology. — This is the most prominently keeled (carina = keel) Albinariaknown from the Peloponnese. Albinariagrisea akrocurta subspec. nov. (figs. 5, 6) Material.— Lakonia: 2km W.ofNiata, 250 m alt., amonglimestone rocks and stones, FF6186(HNV/2; NHMW/2; NNM56882/holotype,56883/13, 56891/9; PSA/2;RBA/2;SMF 310358/2; WMD/2); 3km W. ofSkala,lowlimestonegorgeN.oftheroad,200 malt.,FF4580(HNV/2;NHMW/2;NNM56884/48;PSA/2; RBA/2;SMF 310359/2;WMD/2). Diagnosis. — A form ofA. grisea with a very short apical part and arelatively large, subcylindrical, broad lower part, with a more or less prominent sculpture, and a roundish aperture. Description. — Shellwitha short, conical, apical part,taking up to c. '/4ofthe total height, anda relatively broad, subcylindrical mainbody, slightly tapering towards the basis. With8-9'/4whorls; lower whorls strongly flattenedand separated by a shallow suture. Initialteleoconchwhorlswith moderately prominent, ratherwidely spaced, ribs, which become somewhat more dense onthe following whorls, becoming more distant again only onthecervicalpart ofthe bodywhorl. Thesculpture maybe hardly, ornot, discernible on the middle part of the shell; the ribs themselves are nowhere more prominent thanon the initialteleoconch whorls. There is ashort, modest, basal keel, which is separated from the regularly inflatedrest of the body whorl by a shallow indentation.Aperture roundish,protruding, witha broadlyreflected, moderately thick- enedlip. Shellgreyish white, with irregular corneousspots and streaks. Columellarislow andvery obliquely running inside; subcolumellarishardly discern- ible in frontview. Parietalisprominent, fornearly halfits length running parallel tothe spiralis. Principalis running insideas far as theuppermost, backwardly curved, partof the sharp and narrow, dorsal lunula. Aperture withouta basalis. Height 11.0-16.2mm; width 3.6-4.7 mm. Range. — The two records are in S. Lakonia, ina still insufficiently known area, at two sides of the Evrotas river. Notes.— Thistaxonis classifiedwithA.griseabecauseoftheshape of thebodywhorl, especially the structure andsculpture ofthe cervicalpart ofit. Withoutinspecting the clausilial apparatus this subspecies cannot be distinguished from “Isabellaria” confusa (Boettger, 1878),which mightbe parapatrically distributed; the ranges of thetwo taxa shouldbe studied in more detail. Etymology. — After akron(Greek) = summit, andcurtus(Latin) = short, referring to the short apical part of the shell. 62 BASTERIA, Vol. 58,No. 1-2, 1994 REFERENCES GITTENBERGER, E., & M. SGHILTHUIZEN, in press. Parallelismin the origin ofthe G-type clausilial apparatus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae). J.Moll.Stud. NORDSIECK.H., 1984.NeueTaxa rezentereuropaischerClausilien, mitBcmerkungenzurBastardierungbei Clausilien(Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Arch. Molluskenk. 114: 189-211.

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