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Preview FIVE FORCES MODEL - The Center for Agroforestry at the University

Eastern Redcedar Market Analysis 2005 Directory University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry University Of Missouri Center for Agroforestry 203 ABNR Building Columbia, Missouri 65211 Eastern Redcedar Market Analysis 2003 Directory Michael A. Gold, Associate Professor Larry D. Godsey, Research Economist Mihaela M. Cernusca, Graduate Research Assistant This document is also available on-line at www.centerforagroforestry.org University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry (UMCA) is an interdisciplinary research, teaching and technology transfer program that draws on the expertise of university faculty in forestry, fisheries and wildlife, entomology, plant pathology, agronomy, animal science, agricultural economics, rural sociology and horticulture. The center coordinates Agroforestry activities for use in Missouri and adjacent areas of the Midwest. Its mission is to initiate, coordinate and enhance Agroforestry activities to meet the environmental, social and economic needs of land management within the state of Missouri, North America and the temperate zone worldwide. University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry CONTENTS 2 Executive summary Page 3 Introduction Page 6 Eastern redcedar Page 6 Project description Page 7 Research methodology Page 8 Five Forces Model Page 9 Participants in the research Page 10 (cid:214) States surveyed Page 10 (cid:214) Value chain position in the eastern redcedar market Page 11 (cid:214) Years in business Page 11 (cid:214) Gross annual sales Page 12 Redcedar, commodity versus product Page 13 (cid:214) Redcedar products Page 14 (cid:214) Redcedar uses Page 15 (cid:214) Complete utilization Page 16 (cid:214) Volume Page 16 (cid:214) Adding value Page 18 Analysis of the forces that drive competition in the eastern redcedar market (cid:214) Force 1: Barriers to entry (Threat of new entrants) Page 21 (cid:214) Force 2 and 3: The bargaining power of suppliers and buyers Page 24 (cid:190) Suppliers Page 24 (cid:190) Buyers Page 30 (cid:214) Force 4: Threat of substitute products or services Page 36 (cid:214) Force 5: Rivalry among existing firms Page 37 (cid:214) Additional market forces: Policy Page 39 Conclusions Page 40 Appendix Page 43 Mail survey Phone survey 2003 Market directory University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 The University of Missouri Center for We surveyed the value chain from raw material Agroforestry conducted an analysis of the producers (private landowners, loggers and eastern redcedar market. timber brokers) and primary manufacturers (sawmills, shavings or mulch producers) to Research objectives secondary manufacturers (parts manufacturers, The redcedar market research study has two novelty producers, essential oil producers), major objectives. The first objective is to wholesalers and retail outlets. Along the value develop a basic understanding of the eastern chain, most of the participants are involved in redcedar market (who are the participants in the both supplying and buying eastern redcedar market, what kind of products are currently products. Some of the companies are vertically being marketed, what are the general trends for integrated being involved in two or more steps supply and demand). The second objective is to in product conversion. use Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the Redcedar products competitive forces that coordinate and control the market and to identify the resources and Companies surveyed buy a large variety of relationships needed to be successful in the products ranging from standing timber to logs, eastern redcedar market. The results of the posts, cants, lumber or by-products. The research, together with an updated directory of products sold included logs, cants, lumber, companies in the redcedar market, are designed fence posts, tongue and groove paneling, to benefit those already in the market and others furniture, cedar-wood oil, novelties, mulch and who are considering entry into redcedar shavings. A characteristic unique to redcedar industry. is that every by-product and every fiber of the tree can be marketed. Manufacturing by- To achieve our objectives, we analyzed the products that are not used as cants, fence posts competitive forces that coordinate and control or dimensional lumber can be used as flakes for the market using Porter's Five Forces Model. pressboard, mulch, shavings, cedar balls or can Participants in the research be processed for extracting cedar-wood oil. The residue after extraction can be used as Through a mail survey, followed by more in boiler fuel. depth phone interviews, we surveyed eastern redcedar businesses from 16 states, predominantly primary manufacturers, ranging from small operations with less than $10,000 per year gross annual sales to large firms with gross annual sales over $16 million. Based on all feedback, it is estimated that the US redcedar market generates nearly $60 million per year in gross sales and is growing. University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry 4 Forces that drive competition in the eastern redcedar market Threat of new entrants (Barriers to entry) Our survey respondents identified the poor quality material will occur in the next following barriers to entry in the redcedar 10 years industry: However, based on the information obtained (cid:214) Capital requirements - 28% noted this as from US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and a barrier, Analysis (FIA) data, there is abundant (cid:214) Lack of knowledge and experience redcedar available in four states (Arkansas, (20%), Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri). FIA (cid:214) Access to inputs (16%), data indicates that the useable redcedar (cid:214) Access to markets (16%), resource will slowly increase in quantity for (cid:214) Labor intensity (12%), the next three decades. (cid:214) Economies of scale (12%). Survey results also indicate that demand for The more difficult the barriers are to redcedar materials will remain the same or overcome by those trying to enter the market, increase in the next 10 years. More the better they protect the companies already specifically, demand for good quality cedar in the market from potential new entrants. will increase, demand for average quality will stay the same, and demand for poor quality Bargaining power of suppliers and buyers will decrease. This trend was expected as the Characteristics of the value chain based on redcedar industry continues to upgrade its survey results: standards to produce higher quality products. (cid:214) Suppliers in the value chain are Based on survey results, minimal bargaining relatively small companies in terms of annual power is exerted along the value chain. sales Bargaining power on the supply side is felt at the primary manufacturing level. From the (cid:214) Some of the companies surveyed have buyers' perspective, there seems to be little to their suppliers deliver to them while other no bargaining power. Out of the companies companies find it necessary to travel more surveyed, there doesn't appear to be any than 150 miles to obtain their raw material single buyer that purchases large volumes of supply redcedar material. (cid:214) Transactions take place mostly on the spot market (cid:214) The largest segment of the buyers' chain is represented by resellers (cid:214) The majority of the companies surveyed sell their products locally Trends in supply and demand Based on survey results, the supply of all quality levels of redcedar materials is likely to stay the same in the next 10 years. However, it is possible that a shortage of good quality redcedar material and an increase in University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry Their approach to competition is to keep producing their products, focusing on quality Threat of substitute products and service. Different uses of eastern redcedar have different Governmental policies potential substitutes. For example, western The policies that were recognized by the redcedar, redwood or treated lumber could be survey respondents to have influence over the used as substitutes for eastern redcedar in home redcedar industry included: construction or dimensional lumber. Mulch can (cid:214) The EPA ban on CCA treated lumber be obtained from different species of hard wood (cid:214) The implementation of sustainable and pine shavings. Rice hulls or saw dust can forestry certification for suppliers to also be used as pet bedding. Lowe's and Home Depot That said, because of its distinctive properties: (cid:214) Management practices adopted by state reddish/brown color, unique fragrance, natural natural resource agencies determined to rot resistance and insect repellent qualities all eradicate redcedar derived naturally, eastern redcedar is perceived In practical terms, none of these policies were to be in a niche by itself, with very few close found to have a significant impact on the substitutes. redcedar marketplace. Rivalry among existing firms Next steps: Based on the surveys, the level of rivalry in the For the collective benefit of the redcedar eastern redcedar market is perceived as non- industry, it is suggested that industry competitive to moderately competitive. participants join their efforts to identify and Survey feedback indicates that the number of pursue actions to grow the overall market. competitors will either stay the same or decrease Actions to be taken in the near future might in the next 10 years. include: Competitors are attracted to the eastern redcedar (cid:214) Creation of a redcedar marketing board market not only by the perceived profit and the to increase awareness of market independence that a private business offers but opportunities. also by the full utilization of redcedar material, (cid:214) Developing an infrastructure by availability of redcedar raw material, and the working with federal/state agencies to fact that redcedar is a growing niche market. facilitate the flow of goods and In response to new competitors that may enter information through the market. the market, the majority of the companies (cid:214) Linking industry participants with surveyed did not indicate that they had a special research institutions to develop new strategy or reaction. market opportunities by exploring alternative uses for eastern redcedar wood, oil, and products. (cid:214) Encourage private landowners to manage redcedar stands and foresters to learn more about how to manage it. 5 University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry INTRODUCTION 6 The University of Missouri Center for competitive forces that coordinate and control Agroforestry’s redcedar market research study the market and to identify the resources and has two major objectives. The first objective is relationships needed to be successful in the to develop a basic understanding of the eastern eastern redcedar market. This information is redcedar market (who are the participants in intended to assist companies in the market in the market, what kind of products are currently the development of new strategies to improve being marketed, what are the general trends for their business or assist individuals who are supply and demand). The second objective is to considering entry into this industry. use Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the EASTERN REDCEDAR Eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) is maintenance. It can also be used for almost a member of the cypress family any kind of furniture, especially for cedar (Cupressaceae) native to the forests of the chests and wardrobes and is commonly used eastern and central United States. Because in closets. As wood utilization by-products, this species tolerates extremes of drought, shavings are widely used for large and small heat and cold, the natural range extends well animal pet bedding and redcedar mulch out into the Great Plains. Eastern redcedar distinguishes itself by its appealing color, thrives on thin limestone soils and will aroma, durability and insect deterring successfully invade abused, overgrazed sites, properties1. From an environmental abandoned pastures, and limestone rock standpoint, eastern redcedar is often used for exposures. The species has proliferated over wildlife habitat and in agroforestry practices the past 50 years due to land conversion, for shelterbelt and windbreak plantings. overgrazing, land abandonment and fire suppression. Many landowners have a negative view of eastern redcedar, perceiving it as an invasive weed species, often chained, bulldozed and burned. As the resource has spread and increased in age, its utilization and value in an array of products has become more widely recognized. The red, heartwood of eastern redcedar logs contains secondary metabolites or "oils" that possess the qualities to resist and/or repel insects and decay. 1 Suszkiw, J. 2000 Termites go hungry on resistant trees USDA ARS News & Information, Eastern redcedar wood is used by builders www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2000/001012.htm and homeowners because of its durability, Meissner H.E. and Silverman J. 2001 effects of beauty, fragrance, resistance to insect aromatic cedar mulch on the Argentine Ant and the Odorous House ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), J. infestation and decay, and ease of Econ. Entomol. 94(6): 1526-1531 University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry PROJECT DESCRIPTION 7 We surveyed the value chain, from raw material and determined the factors that influence producers to wholesale and retail outlets (Fig.1) entry into the redcedar market, the and determined who the eastern redcedar market characteristics of the value chain, the relative participants are, the array of products that are power of the value chain participants, currently being marketed and the supply and potential substitutes for eastern redcedar and demand trends. To better understand the market, the level of rivalry in the market. we analyzed the forces that drive competition Private Landowners Timber Buyers/Brokers (log contractors, etc. ) Loggers Primary Manufacturers (sawmills, shavings or mulch producers, etc.) Secondary Manufacturers (lumber companies, parts manufacturers, novelty producers, essential oil producers etc.) Wholesalers/Distributors Retailers (pet and farm supply, craft markets, home improvement stores Internet sales, etc.) Consumers (private individuals, building contractors, etc.) Figure 1: Redcedar value chain participants University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 8 To identify the forces within the redcedar Porter’s Five Forces Model2 was used to market we developed a three-step research develop and analyze both the mail survey and methodology. the phone survey. In the first step we identified the market participants using available secondary information from the internet, Missouri Department of Conservation data on the wood products industry, knowledgeable university colleagues, private forest consultants, and initial contacts with businesses in the redcedar industry. We developed a database of companies participating in the redcedar market listing basic identification information (company name, contact person, address, phone, fax, email and web site address), types of products purchased and sold. In the second step we developed a questionnaire-based survey that was mailed to the 187 companies identified. Fifty-eight surveys were returned. Based on these surveys we created a quantitative picture of the five forces acting on the redcedar marketplace. Analysis of the results from the mail survey guided the development of a more qualitative phone survey. The third step in the research process was based on a set of phone interviews administered to a sample of the respondents that completed the mail surveys and agreed to participate in the follow up phone interview. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire with more open-ended questions. We conducted 25 interviews with managers and owners/managers of small, medium and large businesses in the redcedar market. With the respondents’ permission, the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by the research team. Confidentiality was protected in 2 Porter M. 1980 Competitive Strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. The Free Press, all surveys. New York University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry

the market using Porter's Five Forces Model. Participants in the research Through a mail survey, followed by more in depth phone interviews, we surveyed eastern
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