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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ОРЕНБУРГСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ О.В. ДОСКОВСКАЯ Е.В. СИНКИНА ОРЕНБУРГ 2003 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Предисловие Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для студентов факультета физической культуры и спорта педагогического университета. Основная цель пособия – научить читать, переводить тексты, делать краткие сообщения по темам. Тексты подобраны по изучаемой программе и соответствует уровню знаний по английскому языку для данного факультета. Пособие содержит 6 разделов, в каждом из которых имеется несколько текстов. К каждому тексту даны слова и выражения для запоминания, вопросы по содержанию текста. В первых четырех разделах после каждого текста имеются лексические упражнения, кроссворды, способствующие лучшему усвоению лексического материала и пополнению словарного запаса студентов. Тексты дают прекрасную возможность для составления устных тем и их использования на экзамене. Первый и второй разделы содержат грамматические упражнения, помогающие студентам данного факультета в доступной форме понять основы грамматического строя английского языка. Тексты последних двух разделов даны для дополнительного чтения студентов и подготовки к чтению и переводу на экзамене. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» UNIT I. I AM A SPORTSMAN . ORAL TOPIC 1 About Myself I want to tell you a little about myself. My name is Boris. Now I am 21 years old. I was born in Orenburg in the teacher’s family. At the age of seven, I went to school. Being a schoolboy I began to go in for sport. I went in for different kinds of sport but I liked gymnastics best of all. I finished school and began to prepare for the entrance examinations. As I always liked sport I decided to enter the Orenburg Institute of Physical Culture. I passed my entrance exams and entered this institute. Now I am a first- year student of the sporting faculty. At the institute I go in for different kinds of sport but my favourite sport is gymnastics. I want to become a good gymnast so I train hard. I participated in the town contest in gymnastics and took the first place. I was the champion of our town. Now I belong to one of the leading sporting societies. Words and Word Combinations I was born in Orenburg. – Я родился в Оренбурге. at the age of seven – в возрасте семи лет I passed my entrance exams. – Я сдал вступительные экзамены. I train hard. – Я упорно тренируюсь. I took the first place. – Я занял первое место. I participated in the city contest. – Я участвовал в городских соревнованиях. I belong to the sporting society. – Я состою в спортивном обществе. society – общество enter – поступать arrive – прибывать favourite – любимый participate – участвовать contest – соревнование Questions to the Oral Topic 1. Who are you? 2. What are you? 3. What is your name? 4. How old are you? 5. When were you born? 6. Where were you born? 7. What is your native city? 8. Where do you live? 9. What street do you live in? 10. Where does your family live? 11. Where do you study? 12. Do you go in for sport? 13. What kind of sport do you go in for? 14. What is your favourite kind of sport? 15. When did you finish your secondary school? 16. What sporting grade have you got? 17. What sporting society do you belong to? 18. Did you take part in any contests? 19. What contests did you participate in? 20. When did you begin to go in for sport? 21. What is your (postal) address? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» EXERCISES 1. Train the verb to want translating the sentences. 1. I want to read some newspapers today. 2. I want to tell you a little about myself. 3. He wants to be a good boxer. 4. We want to go for a walk. 5. She wants to write a letter. 6. The girl wants to translate the text. 7. They want to visit you. 2.Translate and learn the following verbs. 1. Enter—entered—entered 2. Begin—began—begun 3. Go—went—gone 4. Like –liked –liked 5. Finish—finished—finished 6. Prepare—prepared—prepared 7. Decide—decided –decided 8. Pass—passed—passed 9. Participate—participated—participated 10. Be—was, were—been 3.Translate the sentences using the verb to be. 1. Мне 17 лет. 2. Его брат- студент. 3. Она из Оренбурга. 4. Ее мама- инженер. 5. Ее брата зовут Борис. 6. Сейчас я –студент первого курса. 7. Наш корпус очень большой и красивый. 8. Мы студенты педагогического университета. 9. Я счастлив. 10. Он устал. 11. Она очень рада. 4.Fill in the blanks with the required forms of the verb to be in the present tense. 1. I … twenty. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 2. You … thirty. 3. They … sportsmen. 4. She … a swimmer. 5. He … a very good friend. 6. We … very busy in summer. 7. One of my friends … fond of sport. 8. Football … the most popular kind of sport. 5.Give the Plural form of following nouns. Year ,teacher, family, school, boy, kind, city, exam, student, faculty. 6.Translate the word combinations. Teacher’s family, girl’s bag, boy’s ball, student’s book, father’s son, mother’s room, cat’s basket, friend’s flat. 7.Put the following sentences into the interrogative and negative forms. 1.He is a worker. 2. They go to school. 3.She teaches French. 4.Your sisters are in Minsk. 5. Her name is Betsy. 6. He is a doctor. 8.Fill in the blanks with the “ a” or “the”. 1. The students write … test. … test consists of five tasks. 2. My son got … bad mark at school yesterday, but … mark did not upset him. 3. We have … new student in the class. … student comes from Moscow. 4. They gave … party last night. Everybody enjoyed … party. 5. He met … girl at the disco. … girl was a wonderful dancer. 6. My uncle built … new house. … house is small but quite comfortable. 9.Narrate the text ORAL TOPIC 2 My Family I have a large family: a father, a mother, two sisters and three brothers. My father is an engineer. He works at the Bolshevik plant. He likes his job very much. He is fifty one. My mother is a teacher of English at a secondary school. She is forty-four. Both of them are fond of sport. My elder sister, Vera, is a student. She is in the first year of her studies at the University. Her future speciality is Chemistry, she wants to become an engineer like our father. My younger sister, Maria, goes to school. She is in the tenth form. Her dream is to enter the Institute of Physical Culture. Both my sisters are good swimmers. They like this kind of sport very much. In summer they often go to the river together but in winter they swim in the swimming-pool. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» None of my brothers lives in Orenburg. Victor, the eldest, who is twenty- five is in Moscow. He is a post-graduate at the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. He is married and has two children: a son and a daughter who are twins. My second brother, Vladimir, is a Russian Army officer. He is twenty years old and he is not married. He went in for boxing last year, but now he goes in for skiing. My younger brother Sergei is nineteen, he lives in Bratsk. He is a building worker now, but he wants to become an engineer. In his letters he writes to us about his job and about his friends. They all like skiing very much. When they have time, they play tennis too. Last winter Sergei took part in the competition in skiing and took first place. He was the champion of his city. All the members of our family like sport very much. We all, from the youngest members of our family to the oldest, do our morning exercises (our daily dozen) every day, swim in summer, ski and skate in winter. Some days ago my sister and I went to the skating-rink to skate. We had a wonderful time. There were many of our friends there and after skating we all went cinema. Sport is the best entertainment. It makes you feel strong and healthy. Notes secondary school – средняя школа he is … years old – ему … лет both of them – оба они she is in the first year of her studies – она учится на первом курсе to go to school – учиться в школе to be married – быть женатым (замужем) none of … - никто из … to go in for (sport) – заниматься, увлекаться (спортом) building worker – рабочий строитель to do the morning exercises (the daily dozen) – делать утреннюю зарядку Questions to the Oral Topic 1. Have you a family? 2. Is it large? 3. Who is your father by profession? 4. How old is he? 5. What is his name? 6. What is your mother’s name? 7. How old is she? 8. Who is she by profession? 9. Have you grandparents? 10. Have you a sister (a brother)? 11. How old are they? 12. What are they now? 13. Where do they live? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 14. Does your family like sport? 15. What is the favourite kind of sport of your father (mother, sister, brother)? 16. Do you love your family? EXERCISES 1. Translate the sentences using the verb to have in Present tense. 2. У меня есть семья. 3. У нас есть кошка. 4. У моего друга есть сестра и брат. 5. Я обедаю дома. 6. У моего брата есть своя семья. 7. У ее папы отличная работа. 2. Translate and learn following verbs. 1. Have—had—had 2. Work-- worked—worked 3. Swim—swam—swum 4. Live—lived—lived 5. Marry—married—married 6. Write—wrote—written 7. Do—did—done 8. Skate—skated—skated 9. Make—made—made 10. Want—wanted—wanted 3.Translate the Word Combinations using the Possessive Pronouns. Его брат, ее сестра, наш университет, их учеба, моя книга, твоя мама, ваши учебники. 4.Read the Numerals.  16, 20,64, 98,103,14,13,562.  1987,2000,2003,1812,1974.  Translate: Первое сентября, Девятое мая, Восьмое марта, тридцать первое декабря, второе июня, третье августа. 5.Translate the sentences. 1. My room is smaller than yours. 2. This exercise is more difficult than that. 3. This is the best story in the book. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 4. This is the best student in the group. 5. It is the most interesting exercise. 6. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. 7. The Volga is longer than the Don. 8. My elder sister is a student. 6.Put the following sentence into the interrogative and negative forms. 1.He saw a new film yesterday. 2.He began his work early. 3. They went for a work after dinner. 4. He came home at 9. 5. You gave her a book. 6. Nick wrote a letter to his friend. 7.Put the Infinitives into the Past Simple Tense and translate the verbs. To work, to ask, to play, to stay, to study, to shave, to clean, to answer, to look, to like, to smoke, to help, to finish, to hope, to wash, to live. To drink, to sing, to swim, to sleep, to run, to begin, to meet, to feel, to read, to mean, to keep, to leave. 8.Translate the sentences using the Imperative-form. 1.Переведите предложение. 2. Запишите мой адрес.3. Приходите в 9. 4. Не ходите сегодня гулять. Погода плохая.5. Давайте позавтракаем. 6. Пойдемте кататься на лыжах. 7. Прочитайте текст. 8.Запишите домашнее задание. 9.Откройте книгу 10. Закройте окно. 5. Narrate the text. ORAL TOPIC 3 WE ARE STUDENTS I study at the Teacher’s Training University. After finishing school I took entrance examinations, passed them and became a student. We are students of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport. I am a first-year student. I received a student’s card and a test-book. There are 30 students in my group. We study many subjects . I like to study. I study well. I like my new friends and teachers very much. All the students of our institute began to go in for different kinds of sport before entering the institute. At the institute they get different sporting specialities. They specialise in swimming, diving, rowing, sailing, skiing, skating, figure-skating, football, basketball, volleyball, handball, tennis, wrestling, boxing, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, track-and-field athletics and others. They dream of becoming first-class sportsmen and therefore they pay great attention to special training lessons in their favourite kinds of Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» sport. After graduating from the institute they become coaches and teachers of physical culture. Questions to the Oral Topic 1. Where do you study? 2. How did you become a student? 3. Do you like to study? 4. Did you receive a student’s card and a test- book? 5. How many students are there in you group? 6. When did you begin to go in for sport? 7. What do the students specialise at the Institute in? 8. What do they become after graduating from the Institute? EXERCISES 1.Write down the three basic forms of the following verbs and learn them. To study, to become, to pass, to take, to receive, to like, to begin, to get, to specialise, to pay, to dream. 2.Translate the sentences. 1. There are 28 students in our group. 2. There is a table in the room. 3. There were some people in the hall. 4. There was a book on the desk. 5. There are some boys in the garden. 6. What is there on the wall? 7. How many specialities are there in our Institute? 8. There are many faculties in our University. 3.Translate the Word Combinations using the Adjectives many, much, few, little, a few, a little. Много садов, мало библиотек, несколько специальностей, мало студентов, несколько карандашей, много полок, мало хлеба, много чая, немного супа, мало времени. 4.Translate the sentences with the verb to like. 1. I like my family very much. 2. He likes to read books. 3. We like to study. 4. They like their new friends and teachers. 5. Do you like ice-cream? 6. Do we like to sleep? 7. She likes her new dress. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 5.Ask questions to the underlined words. 1. There are 30 students in my group. 2. I study well. 3. He is a student. 4. She studies at the University. 5. They like to study. 6.Give the form of the Past Simple Tense of the following verbs and translate them. To rest, to return, to listen, to skate, to want , to greet, to translate, to need, to rent, to advise. To bring, to buy, to think, to fight, to catch, to teach, to speak, to wake, to break. 7.Ask all possible questions to the following sentences. Last year I spent my holiday in the country. I was lucky. The weather was fine, and I had a very good time. Every morning I went skating or skiing. Sometimes I played hockey with my friends. After lunch I usually rested a little and then went for a walk. When I came back home, I watched TV or listened to some music. 8. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Modal verbs. 5. He can play tennis. 2. We can come tomorrow. 3. He cannot swim. 4.You may take my book. 5. May I help you? 6. May I come in ? 7. You must help your friend. 8. You mustn’t do it .9. You should help Pete.10. I have to go. 11. He must go to school.12. Can you swim? 13. You ought to help your friends. 14. We need to come to the stadium on Sunday morning.15. I am to take part in tommorow’s competition. 9. Translate into English using the Modal verbs. 1.Вы можете читать по-английски? 2. Я могу писать по-немецки.3. Вы можете говорить по-русски. 4. Я не умею плавать. 5. Она не может быстро бегать. 6. Ты должен помочь своей сестре. 7.Можно мне прийти в 10 часов? 8.Я должен поговорить с yчителем. 9. Я должна идти домой. 10. Они могут взять мои журналы. 10.Narrate the text. ORAL TOPIC 4 MY WORKING DAY

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