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Fission Gas Release, Fuel Rod Chem Related to Extended Burnup (IAEA TECDOC-697) PDF

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Preview Fission Gas Release, Fuel Rod Chem Related to Extended Burnup (IAEA TECDOC-697)

IAEA-TECDOC-697 Fission gas release and d fcuoher el mistry related to extended burnup Proceeda iTn fgeosc hnical Committee Meeting hn ePilde mbroke, Ontario, Can8 ay Ad12apa9Mr ,9il-21 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY FISSIONS AGR ELEASD ENAF UED LOCR HEMISTRY RELATO EETDX TENDED BURNUP IAEA, VIENNA, 1993 IAEA-TECDOC-697 ISSN 1011-4289 Prin etheItA ydbE A niA ustria April 1993 PLEASE BE AWARE THAT E MISHSINTGN T PHAI ISGF ED SOOCUALM LENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK FOREWORD e ihntv tiAte aGhttio ofovne rnmef noCt ana edThate, chnical Committee Meeting on Fission Gas Release and Fuel Rod Chemistry Related to Extended Burnup was hen ldiP embroke, froy 8 am12AM 9 s p1jao9 wroiit2 nl tI.t ly organeihzt eybd International Atomic Energy Agene cht Adyna tomic Energyf o Canada Limited (AECL) and included a technical visit to Chalk River Laboratories. Fifty-five participants f6 rcoe 1iomnnu oten rdtnrnaieatiso nal organization attene dmhetde eting. These proceedings c8 op2na tepaheintr s presenten fidi ve session saws es asll ummae rhsite efoss siod nnraes commendations prepaehrte ydb participants. The purpose of the meeting was to review the state of the art in fission gas relead nfsd uaecoe rhl emistry relateo dte xtended burnup. Previous IAEA meetinngos this topic were held in Erlangen and Karlsruhe (Germany) in 1979 and 1985 respectively, and in Preston (United Kingdom) in 1988. To determine progress in the area of fuel behaviour, it was instructive to look back to the Technical Committee Meeting on Water Reactor Fuel Element Computer Modelln inSigt eady State, Trand Asniceacni tdent Conditions hn ePlidr esn t1oin9 88 (IWGFPTe /3tho2Tp). ics covert eatdh at meeting were: Transient fissions ag release (FGR), Axs imaagl ixing, Degradation OU fot hermal conductivity. 2 Enhancemf eofnis ts sdaioigfnf usion co-efficdineant , Chemistry effects. In the summary of the Preston meeting it was said: "It is clear that we are some a m efcfwhoaayn istic mr Food Gd"fnteRh lae" , processes ine vcdoorlmvanepad lex improperly understood." Important recommendations were madee ht no following aspects: The "right" level of complexity in fuel codes; The ability to simulate in-reactor data with out-reactor tests; The necessity for specialized microstructural examination of irradiated U0 ; 2 "Single effects" tests to quantify chemical effects; and Generate data from instrumental out-reactor tests to establish degradation of U0 thermal conductivity. 2 The present meeting was held at a time when several national and international programn wmoaets er reactor fuel irradian eteixd perimental reactors were still ongoing d oarhre ached their conclusion (e.g. AECL, Ris0, Halde dnnwa) hen lead test assemblied arshe ached high burnupn i power reactod rnbsa een examineeht dtA. same time, several out-of-pile experimenn htosi gh burnup fur eow lith simulated fuel were being carried out. As a result, significant progress has been registered since the last meeting, particularly in the evaluation of fuel temperature, the degradation of the global thermal conductivity wite huh tnb nduier dnrnsuatpa e nihmdti npfoagn oct fiss sraeioglen ae sluaedr.g seo Tailtmhyw isp ortant developmen npitrs ogrammes t nad ianntt ieotcarnuanara roliteiod nal levels. The IAEA wishes to express its gratitude to Dr. R. Hatcher, President and Chief Executive Officer of AECL, and to the local organizing committee for their support and to the session chairmen and all participants for their contributions. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this materiae htlp rof ress, stae hft ffoI nternational Atomic Energy Agency have d givenne a e soud oaprtmhihahgogeinn ri nastamtatlt ote ameu nds yantsintuoe ubandbsmcrititpe tds e hpt otresentation. The views expressed in the papers, the statements made and the general style adopted are the responsibility of the named authors. The views do not necessarily reflect those of the governments of the Member States or organizations under whose auspices the manuscripts were produced. n tih iessT uhbeo ok of particular designatiof oncos untrr iotees rritories dt oyoimnnepsa ly judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mentio fno specific companf ioe trohs eir product rosb rand names doet onsi mpynlay endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. CONTENTS Summary of the Technical Committee Meeting ......................................................... 7 Opening address: The energy dilemma ................................................................... 19 S.R. Hatcher EXPERIMENTAL I (Session 1) Fission gas release and fuel temperature during power transients in water reactor fuel at extended burnup ............................................................................................ 25 . PKnud. sCeBna ,g. gMMero ,gens, HeTno ,fiegaard Fission gas release below 20 kWirr1 in transient tested water reactor fuel at extended burnup ............................................................................................ 32 M. Mogensen .C,B agger .H, Tofiegaard. P,K nudsen, C.T. Walker Experimental assessmen a ftote mperature threshol rdoft hermally induced fissiosang relean tsirea nsient tested water reactor fuel with extended burnup .....................8..3...... C. Bagger, M. Mogensen Fission gas release behavior of high burnup fuels during power ramp tests ...................... 44 T. Aoki, S. Koizumi, H. Umehara, K. Ogata Fission-gas releasn eif uel performino gte xtended burnupn isO ntario Hydro nuclear generating stations ...............................................................................35 M.R. Floyd, J. Novak, P.T. Truant EXPERIMENTAL II (Session 2) Fission gas release of high burnup fuel ................................................................... 63 . RManzel, R.P. Bod. mGBearr ,t Fission gas release enhancement at extended burnup: Experimental evidence from French PWR irradiation .................................................................................. 68 C. Forai, B. Blanpain, B. Kapusta, P. Guedeney, P. Permezel The effect of fuel pellet variants on fission gas release following power ramps ................. 75 D.A. Howl, I.R. Topliss s ag PFrelease behaviourf o high burn-uX pOMf uelsr of thermal reactors .....................28. K. Kamimura FUEL ROD CHEMISTRY AND RELATED PROPERTIES (Session 3) Fission gas release from high burnup PWR fuels under transient conditions ..................... 91 H. Kanazawa, H. Sasajima, K. Homma, K. Ichise, T. Fujishiro, T. Yamahara Fission product be dhcad ohvfnrueioema lui rt seatrxy tended burnup: Results, models and programmes of analytical experiments carried out at the CEA, Grenoble ................ 98 M. Charles, L. Caillot, P. Dehaudt, C. Lemaignan Impact of systematic stoichiometry differences among BWR rods on fission gas release ...... 103 B. Grapengiesser, D. Schrire Rim effect observations from the third Ris0 fission gas project ..................................... Ill N. Kjaer-Pedersen Experimental techniqud neraes sults relateo dth igh burn-up investigateihot ntas OECD Halden Reactor Project ........................................................................81.1. W. Wiesenack Review of Studsvik's international fuel R&D projects ................................................. 124 M. Grounes, S. Djiirle, G. Lysell, H. Mogard Methodologf yoi n-pile experiments including experimental studief osW ER-1000 refabricated R fIrMue eehstl tsea arch reactor ....................................................0.31.. Yu.K. Bibilashvili, A.V. Grachev, V.V. Novikov, V.P. Smirnov, A.V. Smirnov Some experimental results of investigations on the nuclide composition and burnup fracf tioWon ER-1000 standard fuel ...............................................3..3..1.... . A.V. Smirnov, A.P. Chetverikov, V.V. Novikov, V.N. Proselkov MODELLING AND MODELLING SUPPORT I (Session 4) Hot cell fission gas release studies on UO .............................................................. 145 2 M. Coquerelle, D. Bottomley Fission-product release kinetics from CANDU and LWR fuel during high-temperature steam oxidation experiments ............................................................................. 153 D.S. Cox, Z. Liu, P.M. Elder, C.E.L. Hunt, V.l. Arimescu Thermal conds uarcgetl idevnaitasye from SIMFUEL .........................................5..6.1.... P.G. Lucuta, R.A. Verrait, H. Matzke, IJ. Hastings Intergranular fission gas bubbles and solid precipitates in UO irradiated at high burnup 2 in various conditions ...............................................................................2..7.1.... M. Charles,. G Eminet,. C Lemaignan R OF model improvement rof high burnup fuel analysis ..............................................671 .KMor. iH,I keda. N,F uruya Modeling CANDU-type fuel behaviour during extended burnup irradiations usjnga revised version of the ELESIM code .................................................................. 183 V.I. Arimescu, W.R. Richmond Improvemf eoEnLt ESIM CANDU fuel performance analysis code: Fission prs oradeguleca tse, fuel densifd icnnaetauiotrn on flux depression ........3..9...1..... . H.C.Su .WHk, wang, B.C. Kim, K.S. Sim, Y.oHeH. MODELLING AND MODELLING SUPPORT II (Session 5) Evaluati foomn easured high burnup fuel temperatut raRe is0 project phas3 e. ...........5..0.2.... S. Kitajima, M. Kinoshita A simple s friaeslsgeioans e/gaseous swelling model .......................................1..1...2..... . T. Kogai An approach to modelling fuel behaviour using data from some international high burnup fuel programmes ........................................................................... 219 L-À. NordströttmO .C, Fuel performance modelinf ogh igh burnup fuel ....................................................5.2.2.. S.H. Shann, L.F. van Swam Discussion between S.H. Shann. M dna Mogensen ....................................................132 Lif soPt articipants .......................................................................................3.3.2... SUMMARYE HT FO TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING EXPERIMENTAL I 1 Sess ion Chairmen: M. Coquerelle (CEC) H.C. Suk (Republic of Korea) Summary Improvements in fuel utilization have led to a growing interest in extending the burnupf ot hermal power reactors. Fissios anrge lease (FGR) cou al ledibf e limiting factor under either steady irradiation conditions or moderate transient conditions. Inca ebn etritovteefrs under esrhtealten adfsioneg mechanismsd venaxraiiso tus internatior nonaat lional programe tamrragee e eisd nhhtiiffnltftueg erfneocnet parameters which can play a role in FGR. Three papers from Denmark (M. Mogensen et al.) reported on the Third Ris0 Fissions aG Project. This project aimedt a continuous monitoringR GFf fo romOU 2 during power transients «400 W/cm) conducted in the Riso reactor by irradiating prefabricatedd sfoueerg lments instrumented with pressure transdudcnears thermocouples. Furthermore, a detailed study of the fuels before and after the power transients allow acs orrelatiod nfnu beael RtrweGesteFrnu cturing. s sa0fuuwUpep ly liAebmd erican Nuclear Fuel (AN2 M4F(W) .d, /Ugkrg ain 2 siz =e6 //m). General Electric (GE) (15-44 W.d/, kU1g 6-m 2g/1/r ain sd iRnzaeis) 0 (44- 48 MW.d/kg U, 10 //m grain size) and used for the transient tests. The major results can be summarized as follows: These transient tests allow a determination of FGR as a function of centreline fuel temperature dna displaye ht existencea fo threshold temperature of about 1200°C at which fission gas release occurs. This onset temperature is independent of burnup; No grain sizR ceGo ee uFdbflfd en etoect rminy ecbdo mparing tesnots fuels with increasing grain size and supplied by a same vendor (GE); An unexpected release was determined at low power transients (125-170 W/cmF fNuA, el); this resus acwlto nfirmey dbr adiochemical analysis and could be explained by a release of gas contained in large pores (diameter 20-50 //m); The results from the ANF fuel were attributed to a typical fuel structure. . T Aoki (Japan) reportede ht no ramp behaviour fo Zr-liner fuels, with emphasis on the correlation between fission gas release and pellet microstructural changes. e hfuTels tested wo wdet irffoef erent types, which were base-irradiaott epud 20 and 40 GW.d/t U, respectively. e phowTer ramp tests were pe eJhrafpotar mtna eMd aterial Test Reactor (JMT 2Rr eRhet ta dn)aa ctorn i Sweden: ni JMTR, powes arwh elda romf aximumfo four a hrao mtuarps termin 0aW6l /l cefmvoe lmaximun mSiw ; eden, spoawwe r cycled between 220 and 440 W/cm, where the number of cycles was 100 and 1000. e hTaccumulated hold timet a ramp terminal le0 0v2 dnhae 52 soalw uowrt esht rof types of test. Experimental investigations show thae tht fissions agr eleases i proportionaolt the ramp terminal level and also to the square root of the accumulated hold time at ramp terminae lf ohlellTvoewl .ing conclusions were drawn: (1 ) The power ramp fission gas release mechanism is essentially the same as the fission gas release from steady state fuel. o mwajto r ecohnTtrol me(c2 h)ae :cneoirsnbamsis d eoretd e (htauT) nnel formation that depes dangid fnfsou s ehgiot ronat in boundaries; growth and connection of the grain boundary bubbles; (bs adG) iffusion frome htg rain after tunnel formation. (3e )hT tunnel formation process mighte b determineds ag ehat yb ccumulationno grain boundaries. Therefore, the burnup dependency might appear in the fission gas release of power ramp tests. (4) Power cycling effect on FGR is expected to be small because of extended time operation. (5) A short time power increase, as in an abnormal transient, is not expected to induce additional FGR. . rMFloyd (Canada) reportn eiond vestigation nCos ANDU 37-element bundles e iBrhrrautdc iean tNeidG S-A reactor. Stress corrosion cracking (SCO related defects have been observed in ramped bundles having a burnup <450 MW.h/kg U, and under steady-state conditions at higher burnup. Only a few bundles are involved. It was noted that graphite-based CANLUB coating decreases SCC susceptibility, but also seems to inhibit the inner surface of the sheath from acting as a getter for liberated oxygen. The retention of graphite CANLUB coating is greatly reduced above a burnup 0 0M4ofW .d/ .kUgH ence, guidelin eseraus ggest reopdfo wer ramping. Extended burnup fissions ag releaset on saw predicted wol yb burnup fuel modelling code extrapolations. Ths isbi elie epba vrr ei eomodtdt auerucildtyi onni U0 thermal conductivity, not accounted for in the models. The presence of solid 2 fission products is at least in part responsible for this. More work needs to be concentrated on the possible onset of hyperstoichiometry and any possible link with CANLUBd nas heath oxidation behaviour. Recommendations Incentives for a better understanding of FGR mechanisms still exist and the interest in more detailed, sophisticated studies is growing. Future studies should focus oe nhfto llowing points: FGR determinationn o fuel rods irradiatedt a very high burnup (> 60 000 MW.d/t) should be envisaged; Detee rmthhientra mftiooanl conducr tif eovoixriftraya mda0ipaiUvltee ,d thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, etc. muse tbc arrier odf thuo igh burnup; 2 The chemical variations of irradiated U0 must be analysed by means of hot-cell techniques (Knudsen cell, solid state che2 mistry, annealing techniques); e hTexperimental determinatioe hnt ffoi ssions arg etainm eirm ehdt ni usetb y cmbar etruaief onodms ethods other thay fanlur oeXrme rpsoac ence. Additional effort nee cebod onst centre ahptto ensods ible onsfeot hyperstoichiometry (O/Uy rnpaao tdsionsa)ib, le link with graphite coatd isnnahg eath oxidation. Developments and studies similar to those detailed above (particularly instrumented ramp testsX f)u OeshlM.e olae ub fulhifden otlcd hneid e ihnTfluene f RotscbhhheGu troe e rnFnmusbuolhod pfor oeld precisely determined.

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