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THEREN'oSs u cTHH iNq FRESEp EHE C AS ANidT A'G so oTd� iTNoqo, STANLEFYI SH I I I j\ li I' Ji li 1: :\\ i! li \'Ii 1\ !I ll i NewY ork Oxford l OXFORD UNIVERSITPYR ESS 1994 j! jr I. TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI 1 03 8 thev irtueso ft oleraatnidou nn regulpautbeldi caitnip oans sagtehsafi tn d theiwray i nteov erdyi scussoiffro ene s peecahn dt heF irAsmte ndment, JohnM iltocna tchheism seulpfs horatn ds ayso,f c oursIe d idnm'eta n Catholtihcse,mw ee xterminate: THEsRN Eo'S ucTHH iNq 1 meann ott oleraptoepde rayn,d o pens uperstiwthiiocnah,s i te xtirpaaltle s religiaonudcs i vsiulp remacsioei st,s eslhfo ublede xtir.p.a.t et haatl swoh ich isi mpioourse vialb soluatgealiyn fsati otrhm annenrosl awc anp ossipbelrym it ASF RESEp'E ECH, thaitn tenndostt ou nlaiwt self. ANdl rA'G so odT HiTNq qo, Noticteh aMti ltoinsn ots implsyt ipulaat siinngg elxec epttiooa n r ule generailnpl lya cteh;ek indosfu tteratnhcameti ghbte r egulaatneded v en prohibointp eadi onf t riaanldp unishmceonnts tiatnuo tpee ns etp;o periys Nowadaytsh eF irAsmte ndmenitst heF irst ReofufSg ceo undrels. nameodn lays a particuplearrslpyi ciunosutsa onfct eh ea dvocatchyac ta n­ -S. JohnsaonndS .F ish notb et oleraNtoe ddo.u btth eraer·eo thefro rmosf s peecahn da ctitohna t mighbte c ategoraisz" eodp ens uperstitoirao sns su"b versoifvp ei ety, faitahn,dm annerasn,dp resumatbhleyst eo ow oulbde c andidaftoer"s e x­ tirpatiNoonr.w "o ulMdi ltotnh inhki mseclufl pabfloerh avinfga ilteod proviad lei sotfu nproteucttteedr anTcheels i.s wti lfill ilt seolufta su tter­ Latelmya,n yo nt hel ibearnadlp rogreslseifhvtea vbee end isconcetrot ed anceasr ep utt ot het esitm plibeydhi sf ormulatwioounl:td h ifso rmo f findt hawto rdsp,h raseasn,dc onceptthso ugthotb et heiprr operatnyd speecohra dvocaciyfp, e rmitttoefl do uristhe,n tdo u ndermitnheev ery generatoiftv hee piorl ithiacvsbe e ena ppropribaytt heefd o rcoefsn eocon­ purposfeoswr hicohu rs ocieitscy o nstitOunteec da?n naonts wetrh iqsu es­ servatiTshmi.si sp articutlrauroelf yt hec onceopftf resep eecfho,ri n tiowni trhe spetcoat particuutltaerr ainnca ed vanocfei· t esm ergenocne receyneta rFsi rAsmte ndmenrth etohraisbc e euns etdo j ustpioflyi caineds thew orlds'tsa grea;t heorn,em ustw aiatn da skt heq uestiiontn h efu ll actiotnhsel effti ndpsr oblematiifnc oatal b horrepnotrn:o grapsheyx,i st conteoxfit tpsr oductainod(n p ossidbilses)e minaIttmi iognh.at p peatrh at languacgaem,p uhsa tsep eecHho.w hast hihsa ppeneTdh?ea nsweIrs hall ther esuwlotu lbde a dh oca ndu nprincibpultef do,rM iltotnh ep rinciple givien t hiess saiyst haatb straccotn cepltiskf er esep eecdhon oth avaen y inherienst hec orvea lueisnw hosen amei ndividoufal liskm ei ndc ame "naturaclo"n tebnutta refi llewdi twhh atevceorn teanntd d_i rectoinoen togetihnet rh ef irpslta cTeh.o svea luewsh,i cihn clutdhees earfcohrt ruth canm anagteo p uti nttoh em".F resep eechi"sj ustth en amew e givteo andt hep romotioofvn i rtuaer,ec apacieonuosu gtho a ccommodaat dei ­ verbable havitohra t setrhvese usb stanatgievned wase wisht oa dvance; versiotfvy i ewsB.u ta ts omep oint-again imopfoa sdsviabnlscepe e cifi­ andw e givoeu rp referrveedr bbaelh avitohrsan atm ew henw e canw,h en cation--capaciowuislntleh srse attoeb ne comseh apelessannedas stt, h at we havet hep owetro d os o,b ecauisnet her hetoorfiA cm ericlainf teh,e poinfti deltiott hyeo rigivnaallu weisl dle manadc tosf e xtirpation. labe"lfr ees peecihs"t heo ney ouw antyo ufra vorittowe esa r. sFpereeceh , Iw antt os ayt haatl alffi rmatioonfsf reedoofme xpressairoeln i kMei l­ ins horits,n ota ni ndependveanltu e ab puotl itpirciazlae n,d i ft haptr ize to•ns ,d ependfeontrt h efiorr coena ne xcepttihoanlt i tercaalrlvyoe ust t he hasb eenc apturbeyda politoipcpso stedoy ourist,c ann ol ongbeeri n­ spacienw hicehx pressciaontn h eenm ergIed .o n otm eant haetx pression vokedi nw ays tfhuartt hyeorup ru rposfeosir, ti sn owa no bstatcolt eh ose lJ) (sayisnogm ethiinsag )r ealwmh osien tegriisst oym etimceosm promised pu osesT.h iiss s omethitnhgat th el'i beJreaflhta sy ett ou nderstaanndd , byc ertariens trictbiuottn hsa rte stricitnti hoenf ,or mo fa nu nderlyairn­g whatf olloiwsas n a ttemtpopt r yi tmse mberlso osfer oma vocabultahra.yt ticulaotfitohwneo rltdh ante cessa(risifil lye nntelgya)t aelst ernatipvoesl­y mayn owb ea dissertvoit chee m. sibalret iculaitsci oonnsst,i toufte ixvper essWiiotnh.o ruets tricwtiitohno,u t Notf arfr om thee ndo fh isA reopagaintda ifctaehra, v incge lebrated ani nbuisletn soef w hati tw oulbde m eaninglteoss asy o rw rontgo s ay, "TherNeo'S su cThh inAgs F reSep eeacnhd I t'as G oodT hinTgo o"fi rsatp peairne d therceo ulbde n oa ssertainodnn o r easfoonra ssertiitTn.hg e e xcepttioo n BostRoenv iew. unreguleaxtperde ssiisno onta n egatrievset ribcuttai poons ithiovlel owing 102 104I T here'Ssu cTNhho i ansgF reSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI 1 05 ouotf v al-:-u-weea rfeo trh iwsh,i cmhe anwse a raeg aitnhsatt -rienl ation prescrbiylb aewad s c abne d emonstjruasbtliiyfina e f dr eaen dde mocratic tow hicmhe aninagsfusle rctainto hne onc cuIrti. s i nr eferetnoct eh at socieOtryi .no" t hweorr desv,e rriyg ahntdf reedhoemr egirna nctaebnde value-constasial tlvu atleudare e sb ya na cotf e xclusiosn-thoamtfe o rms trumpeidfi tesx erciisfs oeu ntdob ei nc onfwliitcthth per incitphlaets ofs peewcihlb leh earads( quiltiet erianltloyl)e Srpaebelciehn.s, h ort, is underwtrhiseto ec iety. nevear v aliuena ndo fi tsbeulitfs a lwapyrso duwcietdh tihnpe r ecincts Thiissw hat haipnKp eenesg satstr hae majorittyh aSfiten cdts3i 1o(9n2 ) ofs omaes sumceodn cepotfti hogeno otdow hicihmt u syti eilntd h eev ent oft hCer imiCnoadlde o eisnf acvti oltahtreei gohfft r eedoofem x pression ofc onflWihcetnt. h pei nccohm e(sa nsdo onoerlr a tiewtri lall wacyosm e) guaranbtyet ehdce h arbtueitrs n everthae pleersmsi srseisbtrlicebt ei­on andt hien stit(ubtieit co hnu rcsht,ao treu ,n iverissci otnyf)r obnytb eed­ causieta ccorwdistt hh per incpirpolcelsa iinmS'ee dc t1i.oT nh erieso ,f havisourb verosfii vtceso rrea tioniatwl ielr,le spobnydd e cla"roifn g courasd ei,s sent thtahtce o rnecalcuthsheiawsoto n u lhda vbee erne ached courwseem eanno tto lerate,dt hawte e xtirpantoebt,e "<;: auasne bym osti,fn oatl l, cUo.uSrb.tu set;v einnd isstehnmeti noriisft ayi thful --- excepttoia og ne nefrraele dhoamss uddeannldcy o ntradibceteaonQr ­ily toC anadwiaaynos f r eason"iTnhgqe.u estiiotdn e,c"l a"rieassl ,w ays nouncbeudbt,e cautshfreee edohma sn evebre egne nearnadhl aasl ways oneo fb alancaen,dt' h'ue sv ewnh eanp artiicnuflrairn goeftm hecenh ta r­ beeunn dersatgoaoidtn hsbeta ckgroofua nnod r igienxacrlyu tshiagotin v es terS'esc t2i(obnh) a bse edne claurnecdo nstitausit wtio ounlhadal v,be e en itm eaning. byt hmei nortihtyqe,u estrieomna ionpsew ni trhe spteoct thn ee xcta se. Thiissa l artghee sbiusbt,e fotraec kliidtni gr e1cw talnytt ob uttmrye ss Int hUen itSetda ttehqseu estiispo rne sucmleods aenddc aonn lbyep ried caswei tahn otehxearm ptlaek,ne onfrt o mt hsee ventceeennttbuhur ftyr om opebny s pectioaollI sno. u lre gcaull tausri eti sn owc onstiitfuo tneed , thceh aratnedcr a slea wo fC anadCaa.n adtihainn kaibnoguf tr eedoofm yel"lfrse sep eecihna" c rowdceodu rtroaonmdm akeisst t itchkce,a sies expresdseipoanfr rtostm h lei nues uatlalkyie nnt hUen itSetda tienws a ys over. thabtr itnhga cto unvtreyr cyl otsoet hAer eopagasiI th aivceeax pounded Ofc ouristie s,n otth asti mple. tDheaesp ppiatraeeb nsto lutoeftn hees s itT.h ed ifferaernfecu elsol nyd ispilnaa y r ecelnatn dmcaarskRe .,v . · FirAsmte ndmetnhte,ar reae n yn umboefrw ayosf g ettairnogu intwd,a ys KeegsJtarmaeK.se egswtraasa h igshc hotoela cihnAe lrb ewrhtoai, wt a s thaatrk en owtnoe versyt udoefnt thl ea wI.ng enertahlpe,r eferred strat� establbiyse hveidd en"csey,s tematicallJye wasdn edJn uidgariaistnme d egyi.st o·manitphudeli asttei necstsieontnto,Fi iarlAs mte ndmejnutr ispru­ hicsl assHeesd .e"s crJiebweasdstr eachersouubsv,e rssaidviesm,to ince,y dencbee,t wesepne eacnhda ctiTohned. i stinicset sisoennb teicaalun soe lovipnogw,eh ru ngrya,n dc hiklidl lHeerd se.c latrheed"m r esponfsoirb le onew oultdh itnokf ramae F irAsmte ndmetnhtab te ga"nC ongrsehsasl l depressainoanrscc,hh ya,o wsa,r asn dr evolutainodrn e"q uihriessdt u­ makneo l awa bridfrgeiendgo omfa ctiofno,tr"h awto uladm outnots ay­ dent"str oe gurgtihteanstoeet iionne ss saaynsde xaminations." Keegstra in"gC ongrsehsamsla lk neo l aw,w"h icwho uladm outnots ayi"nTgh ere wasi ndicutneddeS re ct3i19o(n2 o)ft hCer imiCnoad·lae ndc onvicTtheed . shableln ol aw,o'n'la yc tiuonnisn hiabnidut nerde gu·lIatfth eFedi .r st CourotfA pperaelv erasnedtd h,Ce r owanp peatlote hdSe u preCmoeu rt, Amendmenttom) ask aen ys enshea,va en yb itsep,e emcuhs bte d eclared whicrhe instthaleto ewdec rou rvte'rsd ict. notto b ea s pecoifea sc tioortn ,ob ea s pecfioarlom fa ctiloanc ktihneg Sect3i1o9n( 2r)e aidnsp ar"tE,v eornyew hob,y c ommunicsattaitneg­ aspeocfta sc titohnac ta usiett ob et hoeb jeocfrt e gulaTthielo ant.t er mentost htehra innp rivcaotnev erswaitlilofnpu,rl olmyo htaetsra egda inst strateigsty h fea voorneeda ndu suailnlvyo ltvhesese paraotfsi poene ch anyi dentigfiraobuilpseg uilotf.y .a ni. n dictoafbfelanens die s l iable fromc onsequeTnhciiessws h.a Atr chibCaolxdd o ewsh ehne a ssitgon s toi mprisofnomaret netrn mo etx ceedtiwnoyg e arIsn.t "h Uen itSetda tes, theF irAsmte ndmetnhte ojfop br otec"teixnpgr essseipoanrsfa rbolme thipsr oviosfit ohcne o dweo uladl mocsetr tabiesn trluyc dko wbne cause, conduhcatrm futloo thienrd iviadnudta hlceso mmutnyi.T'h'ed ifficulty undtehrFe i rAsmte ndmernets,tr icotnsi poenesac rhae p parepnrtolhyi bited ofm anagitnhgis se gregiastw ieolknln owsnp:e eaclhw asyese mtsob e withqouuatl ificTaotb ieso unr.te h,Ce a nadcihaanr htaeisrt osw nv ersion crosstihnlegi nien.ta oc tiwohne,ri etb ecomaetsl ,e apsott entially, conse­ oft hFei rAsmte ndmeinnSt e,c t2i(obn") E:v eryhoantse!! feo llofwuinn­g quentlni t1a1lfe.a coeft hicsa tegoirnisctaalbF iilristty ,A metnhdemoe­nt damenftraele do.m..s ( b)f reedoofmt hougbhetl,i oepfi,n iaonnd, risatnsdj urifsatssh ai doins tinwcittihtoihnnse p eech/daicsttiionnc tion: expression, incolftu hdpiern egas nsfrdo e tehdmeoermd ioafc ommunica­ somefo rmosfs peeacrhne o tre alslpye ebcehc autsheep iurr poisste o tionB.u"tS ect2i(bo)nl, i keev eortyh seerc toifto hnce h aritseq ru,a lified incviitoel eonrbc eec autsheea yr ea,st hceo udretc lairnCe hsa pkyli vn. s byS ect1i:o" nT hCea nadCihaanr otfeR ri ghatnsdF reedgoumasr•a ntees New Hamp(s91h4i2r)"e,fi ghtwionrgd sw,o"r d"sl ikteolp yr ovotkhee threi ghatnsdf reedsoemotsu itn i ts ubjoencltty os ucrhe asonlaibmliet s averpaegres toorn e taliaanttdih oenr,ce abuyas b er eaocfth h pee ace.'' 106IT herNeo'S su cThh iansgF r eSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeandc hI,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI 1 07 Thet roubwliett hh idse finitiisto hna ittd istinguniostbh eetsw efeing ht­ isn ott aken serIinoo ursdliyn.a ry ctoanltikesp x rtosd,u cweidt thh eg oal ingw ordasr iwdo rdtsh arte maisna fealnydm ereleyx presbsuitbv eet ween oft ryitnogm ove. thweo rlidn o ned irectiont hraaantn hoetrhI enrt .h ese wordtsh aatr ep rovocattoio vneeg rou(pt hger outph afta lulnsd etrh e contextsc-otnhtee oxfte sv eryday ligfoet -oty hoetru o ubloefa sserting rubr"iacv erapgeer sona"n)dw ordtsh amti ghbte p rovocattoio vteh er thaXt i sY only becyaouuss ues petchtas to mep eopalreew rongalsys ert­ groupgsr,o uopfsp ersonnostn owc onsidaevreerda Agned.i fy oua skw hat ingt haXt i sZ ort haXt d oesn't Yeoxuia ssts.e irnts ,h orbte,c auysoeu wordasr el iketloyb ep rovocattoit vheo sneo navergargoeu pwsh,a ta re givae d amnn,o ta bouats sertioinfi- taw esr ea valuiena ndo fi tself­ liketloby e t hefiigrht iwnogr dsth,ae n sweirsa nythainndge verythfionrg , buta bouwth aty ouars sertiisao bno uItt.m ays eemp aradoxbiuctaf lr,e e asJ ustiHcoel messa ildo nagg o( iGn itlvo.N we wY orke)ve,ri yd eiasa n expresscioounlo dn lbye a primavrayl uiefw haty oua rev aluiinstg h e incitemteos notm ebodayn,ds ince icdoemaeps a ckagiends entenicne s, rigthotm aken oisbeu;ti fy oua ree ngagiends omep urposiavcet iviint y wordse,v ersye ntenicspe o tentiianls loym,es ituattihoamnti ghotc cur thec ourosefw hich spheaepcphe tnosb ep roducseodo,n eorrl atyeoru tomorroaw fi,g htiwnogr da ndt herefaoc raen didfaotrree gulation. wilclo met oa poinwth eny oud ecitdhea sto mef ormosf s peecdhon ot Thiisn sicguhttt sw ow aysO.n ec oulcdo nclufdreo imt t hatth efi ghting furtbhuetre ndangtehrap tu rpose. wordesx ceptiisao b na di debae cautshee irsen ow ayt op revecnlte vaenrd Taket hec asoef u niversaintdci oelsl egCeosu.li dt b et hep urpoosfe unscrupualdovuosc afrtoems s hovelsionm ga nyf ormosf s peecihn ttoh e suchp lacteose ncourfargeeee x pressIifot nh?ea nswewre re" yes,i"t excepted ctahtaettgh oezro yn oef c onstitutpiroontaelcsltpyee de schhr inks woulbde h artdo s ay· whtyh erweo ulbde a nyn eefdo crl assoerse ,x ami­ ton othianngd i sfi nally without Oirn,ah latbeirntaatnitovsne.ecl oyu,l d natioonrsd ,e partmeonrtd si,s ciploirnl eisb,r arsiienscf,er eedoomf conclude thwaats n etvheerr e anyitnth hienz go nie nt hefi rsptl acaen d expression nroetqhuibinurgtea s s oapboorxa no petne lephloinneTe h.e thatth ed ifficuolflt iym ittihnefig g hting words iesmx ecreeplaty pi aorn­ verfya cotf t heu niversmiatcyh'isn eryt--ohfee vents, raintdpu raolcse,­ ticular ionfts hteag necnee ral diofffis ceuplatrya stpienegcf hr oma ction. duretsh afti liltc sa lendar-afrogrsu oemseo themro,r es ubstanptuirv­e Andi fo neo ptfso trh isse concdo nclusaisoI dn o,, t hean fu rthceorn clu­ poseI.nr elattioto hna ptu rpo(sweh icwhi lble r ealidziefdf eriennd tilfy­ sioinsi nescapianbsloefa:as tr h ep oinotft heF irAsmte ndmeinstt oi den­ fereknitn dosfi nstitutthifeol nosu)r,i sohff irneegex preswsiiloilnna lmost tifsyp eecshe parafbrloemc onduacntd·fr om thec onsequetnhcaectso me alcli rcumstbaena cneo sb vioguoso db;u ti ns omec ircumstafnrceeesd,o m inc onducwta'kse t,h eriesn os ucshp eecahn dt herefnoorteh ifnogrt he ofe xpresmsaiyop no saet hretao.t t hpautr poasned,a tt hapto inittm ayb e FirAsmte ndmetnotp roteOcrt,t. o m aket hpeo inftr otmh oe thedri rection, necesstaord yi scipolrir neeg ulsapteee clhe,s tto,p araphrMaislet otnh,e whena couritn validlaetgeiss lbaetciao�nis tie n fringoenps r otecstpeede ch, institsuatciroinifi tcs�et loof n eo fi tasc cidfeenattaurle s. iti sn otb ecautshese p eeicnhq uestiis.o\wn i thcoounts equebnuctbe esc ause Interesteinnogulgtyhh ,es amec onclusiisro ena ch(eidn advertbeyn tly) thec onsequehnacvebese edni scounitnre edl attioao gno odt haitsj udged CongressmHaenn ry,Hywdheoi, s a ddrestshiensvgee riys suienas r ecently too utweitghhe mD.e spiwthea tt hesya yc,o uratrsen eveirnt heb usiness offeraemde ndmetnoTt i tVleJo f t heC iviRilg hAtcst T.h ef irssetc tioofn ofp rotecstpienegpc eh rs e," meres"p ee(cahn onexisatneinmta rla)t;h er, thea mendmesntta tietsps u rposteo,p rotect ''tshpee ecrfihrg eheot fcs o l­ theayr ei nt heb usinoefsc sl assifsypienegc( ha psr otecotrre edg ulatable) legset udenbtysp 'r'o hibi·tpirnigva aswt eel als p ubleidcu catiionnsatli tu­ inr elattioao v na lue-thheea lotfht hree publtihcve,i goorft heec onomy, tionfrso m "subjecatniysn tgu detnodt i sciplsiannacrtyis oonlseo lnyt he them aintenaonftc hees tatquuso t,h eu ndoionfgt hes tatquuso- thaits basiosfc ondutchtai tss peechT.h'es' e consde ctieonnu merattheers e me­ thtreu ei,f u nacknowleodbgjeedoc,ftt hepirro tection. dieasv ailatbosl teu dewnhtoss sep eercihg hmtasyh avbee eanb ridgaendd; Buti ft hiisst hec asea, F irAsmte ndmepnutr imsitg hrte plwyh,y n ot thet hirwdh,i cihst om y mindt hneu bo ft hmea ttedre,c laarsea sne xcep­ · drotph ceh araadleo nwgi tthh mea lleable ditshtamitan kceti itpo onsss ible, tiotno t hea mendmenjtu'rsi sdiacntyi" oend ucatiionnsatli ttuhtaiitos n andd eclaurpef rotnhta tto tfarle edoofms peeicsho urp rimavrayl uaen d controblyla e rde ligioorugsa nizatointo hn,er'e 'as ontihnatgth ea pplica­ trumpasn ythienlgs en,o mattewrh atT?h ea nsweirst hafrte edomo f tioonf t hea mendmetnots ucihn stitu"twioounlnsdo tb ec onsiswtietnht expreswsioounlo dn lbye a primavrayl uiefi td idnm'att twehra wta ss aid, ther eligitoeunseo tfss ucohr ganiza't'Ii noe nfsf.e wchta,t C ongressman didnm'att tert hiesn e nsteh anto o neg avae damnb utj uslti ketdoh ear Hydei ss ayiinsgt haattt hhee aorftt hesceo lleagnedus n iversiisat sieets talTkh.e raer ec ontelxitkste h aat H,y deP arcko rneorr a c allt-ailnsk h ow ofb elieafnsd,i tw oulbde .w rontgo r equitrhee mt ot olerate behavior, wherpee opgleet t os ounodf ff otrh es heefru no fi tT.h eseh,o wevearr,e includsipnege cbhe haviionri,m itcoat lh osbee lieBfust.i n sofaastr h is specicaoln texatrtsi,f icbioaulnldyse pda cdeess ignteoad s sutrhea tta lking logiicsp ersuasiitav pep,l iaecsr otshseb oarfdo,ra leld ucatiionnsatli tu- 10I8T herNeo'S su cThh ian�gF reSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI 1 09 tionrse sotn s omes eotf b eliefsi-nnsot itiust' i'ojnut shte fien'd'e pendent aso ccurriinnn goc ontewxhta tsoe'av nedrt hesntr ippipnagr ticsupleaerc h ofa nyp urpose-anidti sh ardto s eew hyt her ighotfsa ni nstituttoi on actosf t hep roperctoinefse rornet dh emb y contexTthse.tr icki sn icely proteac;ntdp reserivtebs a si"ct enetssh"o ulbde r estricotneldty o t hose illustrwahteend Schmidtp ruortgeecsft oiros np eec'h' nmoa ttheorw o b­ thaatr er eligiously cRoenatrdos ltrloendg.lt yh,e t hirsde ctioofnt he noxioiunsc onten"tO.b"n oxiouasto" n cea cknowledtgheers e alitoyf amendmeunntd oesse cti·oonnsae n dt wo--theex ceptbieocno meass,i t speech-rehlaartmeasdn dtr ivialtihzeembs y s uggesttihnatgth eayr es ur­ alwaywsa st,h er ule-apnodi nutsst oa balanctiensvgte rmyu chl ikteh at facienj urtiheaastn yl arge-mi(n"dleidb eraantdhe udm anep"e)r ssohno uld employiendC anadilaanw g:i vetnh aatn yc olleogrue n iverissii tnyf ormed bea blteo b earT.h ep ossibitlhiasttpy e ech-relatemda yib negj ruireiveosu s bya correa tionaanla ed,m inistrfaatcoerwd i tcho mplaianbtosuo tf fensive andd eepwlouyn diinsgc arefuklelpyot u to fs ighatn,db ecauistei sk ept speech sahsokuw lhde thdearm agteo t hec orew oulbed greaterif thes peech outo fs ightth,efi ctioofna worlodf w eightlveesrsb eaxlc hancgaen b e weret oleraotrre edg ulated. maintainaetld e,a st wtihtech oinnf inoefSs c hmidtc'asr efudlelnya tured Theo bjecttioot nh ilsi noef r easoniisnw ge lkln owna ndh asr ecen.t.l y discourse. beenr eformulbaytB eedn nSoc hmidfto,r meprr esidoefYn atl Uen iversity. To thiSsc hmidwto uldno d oubrte plays,h ed oesi nh ise ssayt,ha t AccorditnoSg c hmidstp,e eccho deosn c ampusceosn sti"twuetleil n ten­ harmfuslp eecshh oulbdea nswerneodtb yr egulabtuitob nym ores peech; tionbeudt m isguideefdf orttogs i vvea luoefsc ommuniatnyd h armonay butt hawto ulmda kes ensoen lify thee ffectosfs peeccho ulbde c anceled highpelra cteh afrne edom(" WaSltlr Jeoeutrn aMlay,6 ,1 919)".W hen outb ya dditisopneaelc ohn,l iyf t hep aiann dh umiliactaiuosneb dyr acial theg oalosf h armoncyo lliwdiet frhe edomo fe xpressihoenc ,o"n tinues, orr eligious ceopuiltbdhe ae mtesl iorbayts eady insgo methilnigk' e' So's ''freedmoums tb eth e paramouonbtl igaotfia onna cademciocm munity.'' youorl dm an."W hatS chmifdati tlosr ealaitze ev erlye voeflh iasr gument Thef laiwn t hilso giicso nd isplianty h ep hras"ea cademciocm munity," ist haetx pressiismo onr et haan m attoefrp rofferainndgr eceivpirnogp o­ fort hep hrasree cogniwzheastS chmidwto uldde nyt,h aetx pressoinolny sitiotnhsaw,to rddso w orki nt hew orlodf a kintdh acta nnobtec onfined occuirnsc orhmunitineosti- nia fn a cademciocm munittyh,ei nn a shop­ toa purecloyg nitrievaelo mf " merei"d eas. pinmga lclo mmuniotrya dinnpeartyr communiotrya na irplraindece o m­ Itc oulbde s aidh,o wevetrh,a Itm yselmfi statkheen atuorfet hew ork munit.oy r a n- officcoem munitIny t.h esceo mmunitainedsi na nyo thers doneb yfr eeltyo lerastpeede cbhe cauIsa em toof ocusoends hortMoruutn­ thacto ulbde i magin(ewdi tthh ep ossibelxec eptoifoa n c ommuniotfy comeasn df aitlou ndersttahnatdth eg oode ffectosfs peecwhi lble r eal­ majolre agubea sebfaalnls l)i,m itatoinos npse ecihnr elattiooa n d efining izedn,o ti nt hep resebnutt,i na futuwrheo seem ergence recgouulladt ion andd eeplays sumepdu rpoasreei nseparfarbolmce o mmunimteym bership. onliyn hibTihti.ls i noef re asoniwnogu ladl swoe akeno neo fm y keyp Oints, Indee"dl,i mitatiiostn hsew" r onwgo rd beciatsu usgeg etshtaset x pre.s - thastp eecihna ndo fi tseclafn nobtea valuaen di so nly wowrotrrhy ing siona,sa na ctivaintdya valuhea,s a purfeo rmt haitsa lwayisnd anger abouitfi ti si nt hes erviocfse o methiwnigtw hh icihtc annobtei dentical. ofb eincgo mpromibsyet dh eu rginogfss peciianlt erceosmtm unitbiuets ; My mistakoen,ec ouladr guies,t oe quatthee s omethiinnwg h ossee rvice independeonfat lcyo mmunictoyn teixntf ormbeydi nter(etshtai tsp ,u r­ speecihsw itsho mel ocalelsyp ousveadl u(ee .gt.h,ee ndo fr acistmh,e posee)x,p resswioounlb de a to ncien conceiavnadbu lnei ntelliRgaitbhleer. empowermenotfd isadvantmaignroeidti eswh)e,r eiansf acwte shoulthinkd thabne inag. valtuhea itst hreatebnyle idmi tatiaonndcs o nstraeixnptrse,s ­ oft hasto methaisna gn ow-inchsohaatpete h awti lble g ivefni rlmi noensl y sioni,na nyf ormw ortwho rryianbgo uti,sa prodoufcl tim itatainodn s byt im'se penciTlh.a its w hyt hes hapneo wr eceisvuecshi ndeterminate constraoifnt thsea, l ready-inp-rpelsaucpep ostihtaigtoi nvases serttihoenisr characteri(zea.tgit.or,nu ssee lf-fulfial lmmoernept e,r fepcotl itay m,o_r e verpya rticpuolianrIt n.d eetdh,ev erayc to ft hinkoifns go methitnosg a y capabcliet izean lrye,s psa rttriuatlh w)e; c annonto wk nowi ta,n dt here­ (whethoerrn oti ti ss ubsequernetgluyl atiesad l)r eacdoyn strained-ren­ forwee mustn otp rematufrieixlt yi nw ayst hawti lbli nsdu ccessgievne­ dereidm puraen,d b ecauismep urec,o mmunicablet-hbeby a ckground eratitoone srr or. contewxitt hwihn icthh et hougthatk eist ssh ape(.T hea nalyhsoilsd tso o Thifso rward-lovoikeiwon fgw hatt heF irAsmte ndmenptr otehcatssa for" freedomw,h"i cihn S chmidtv'iss iiosna ne ntireemlpyt yc oncept greaatp peailn,p arbte cauistec ontiniunea s s eculfaorr mt heP uritan referrtioan ngu rgew ithoduitr ectBiuotnl .i keex pressfrieoend,o mi sa celebraotfim oinl lenahroipaensb ,u ti ti mposeas r equiremseos netv ere coherennott ioonnl iyn r elattiooa n g oaolr g oodt halti miatnsd b,y l imit­ thaotn ew ouledx cempotr ej ustificfaotirit to hna insu sualplryo vidTehde. ings,h apietses x ercise.) requireimset nhtaw te endurweh atevpeari rna ciasntdh atsep eecihn flicts ArgumenltiskS ec hmidotn'lsgy e tt hepiurr chabsyfie r sitm aginsipenegc h fort hes akoef a futurweh oseem ergenwcee c ano nltya koen f aitInh .a 101 I TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansgF reSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI 1 11 specificraellliyg ivoiussi loink Mei ltont'hsi,ms a kesp erfescetn s(ei its effaciendp rinciple, ianlp trhaocutgiihtcc ea·nt akweh atever tfhoer m indeetdh ew holoef C hristiabnuitit nyt )h,ec onteoxfta polittihcaspt u ts prevaiploilnigt ciocnadli timoannsd atwee; h ave nevearn ynh oarmda tive ittsr uisntt hew orladn dn oti nt heH olyS piriitt,r aismeosr eq uestions guidanfcoerm arkinogf fp rotecftreodm u nprotected rsapteheetcrhh,e; thaint a nswearnsd c oulbde s eeans t hes econodft wos tratedgeiseisg ned guidanwceeh avhe asb eefna shio(naendrd e fashioinnte hdev) e rpyo litical tod elegititmhiecz oem plaionfvt isc timigzreodu pTsh.e f irssttr ateagsIy , struggloevse wrh icihtt he(nf oar t imep)r esidIenss h.o rtth,en ameo ft he havneo teids,t od efisnpee ecihns ucahw aya st or endietir n consequential gameh asa lwaybse en poleivteinwc hse,n ( indeed, eswpheecnii)at il sl y (ont hem odeolf " sticaknsds tonweisl blr eamky bonesb,u t. .." );t he playebdys tigmatipzoilnigta istc hse a retao b ea voided. second striastt oea gcyk nowletdhge(e o ftegrine vousc)o nsequeonfcs epese ch Ins ayintgh isI, w oulndo tb eh earads a rguing efiotroh rea rg ainst butd eclatrheaw.te must sutfhfeemir n t hen iuneo fs omethitnhgac ta nnot regulaatnidos np eeccho deass a matteofrg enerparli nciIpnlset.e mayd ben amedT.h et wos trategajreeds e niafrlosm slightly ddiifrfeecrteinotn s argumetnutrn sa wayf romg enerparli ncitpotl heep ragma(tainct i)principle oft hpe reseefnfetoc ftrs a cisspte ecohn;ec onfitnheoss eef fetcota sc losed ofc onsideeraicnshgi tuataisio ten m ergeTsh.eq uestoifow nh ethoerrn ot ands afree alomf p urem entaalc tivtihteyo ;t heirm agintehsee ffecotfs tor egulwaitleal l waybsea locaoln ea,n dw e cann otr eloyn a bstractions speecshp illoivnegr itnhtewo o rlbdu to nliyn a ne ver-recfeudtiunfrgoe r thaatr ee itheemrp toyf c onteonrtf illweidt thh ec onteonfst o mep artisan whossea kwee m ust fordeevfeetrra kiancgt ion. agendtao g eneraat "ep rincipalnesdw"e Irn.s tewaed m ustc onsidienr I findb otsht rateugnipeesr suasbiuvtme y, o wns kepticciosnmc erning evercya sweh ati sa ts takaen dw hata ret her iskasn dg ainosfa lterna-tive themi sl esism portantth atnh e facitn g tenhearttha ely s eemt oh avweo rked; coursoefsa ctioInnt. h ec oursoeft hicso nsidermaatniyot nh inwgisl ble int hep arlanocfte h .em arketp(lapa acrel anFcier Asmte ndmencto mmen­ ofh elpb,u ta mongt hemw ilnlo tb ep hrasleisk "ef reedoofms peecho"r tatolrosv em)a,n yi nt hes ociestye emetdo h aveb oughtth emW.h y?T he ''threi gohfti ndiviedxuparle ssiboenc,a'u'sa est, h eayr eu sendo w,t hese answeIr t,h iniks,t hat peoplteo F icrlsiAtnmg e ndmenpti etibeesc ause phrasteesn tdo o bscure rtahtahcnel ra riofuyrd ilemmaOsn.c et heayr e thedyo n otw istho f acweh att hecyo rrecttalktyeo b et hea lternatTihvaet. deprivoeftd h etiarl ismfaonriccoe n,c iet i sn ol ongsetrra tegiecfaflelcyt ive alternatiispv oe litthierc esa,li za(taiwtoh ni cIhh avea.l reahdiyn tetdh)a t simpltyoi nvokteh emi nt hea cto fw alkianwga yfr om a probletmh,e decisiaobnosuw th ati sa ndi sn optr otecitnte hder ealomf e xpresswiiolnl conversactoiuolcnd o ntiniunde i recttihoanatsr en owb lockbeyda First resnto to np rincipolrfie rm doctrbiunteo nt hea biloifts yo mep ersotnos· Amendmenatb soluttihsahmta so nlbye enh onoriendt heb reacahn yway. interp--r-,reectharacteriozrer ewri€>-t-principalned docitrinnw ea ys tlheaatd Tot hes tudernetp orwtheorc omplatihnasit nt hewa keo ft hep romulgation tot.h ep rotectoifso pne ecthh ey want anhdet ahrerd e gulaotfis opne ech ofa speeccho dea tt heU niversoifWt iys constihne riesn ows omethiinng thewya nth earadn dt her egulaotfis opne ecthh ewya nts ilenc(eTdh.ai ts theb acko fh ism inda sh ew riteosn,ec ould reply,w a"saT lhwearyes howG eorgBeu shc ana rgufeo flra g-burnisntga tuatnedsa gaicnasmtpu s somethiinntg h eb acokf y oumri nda,n dp erhaiptms i ghbte b ettteohr a ve hate-spceoedcehs W.h)e nt heF irsAtm endmenitss uccessfiunlvloyk ed, thicso dei nt heb acko fy ourm indt hawnh atevwears i nt herbee fore." ther esuilsnt o ta victofroyrf resep eecihnt hef acoef a challefrnogme Andw hens omeonwearn s aboutth es lippselroypa en dp redimcotusrn fully politbiuctas p olitviiccatwolory nb yt hep arttyh ahta sm anagetdow rap thaitfy our estroinceft o rm ofs peecyho,u n evekrn oww hatw ilble r e­ itasg endiant hem antloeffr ees peech. strictneedx to,n ec oulrde pl"yS,o mef ormo fs peecihsa lwaybse inrge ­ Iti sf romj usstu cha conclusiocno-nac lustihoawnto ulpdu tp olitics stricetlesdte,h erceo ulbde n om eaningafsusle rtwieo hna;v ea lwayasn d insithdeFe i rAsmte ndment-tchoamtm entatroercso·is la,y intgh inlgisk e alreasdlyi ddo wnt hes lippselroyp seo;m eoniesa lwaygso intgo b er e­ "Thicso ulrde ndterh eF irAsmte ndmenat d eadl etteorr;" 'T'h iwso uld stricnteexdta ,n di ti sy oujro bt om akes urteh atth es omeoniesn oty ou." leavuesw itnho n ormatgiuvied anicnde e termiwnhiennga ndw hats peech Andw hens omeonoeb servaesss ,o meonseu rewliyl lt,h aatn tiharassment top rotecotr," "T hiesf factehsed istincbteitowne sepne ecahn da ction," codecsh islple ecohn,ec oulrde pltyh asti ncsep eecohn lbye comeisn telli­ or" Thiissi ncompatwiibtlahen yv iabnloet ioofn. freeodfeo xmp ression." giblaeg aintshteb ackgrooufnw dh ati snb'eti nsga idt,h eb ackgrooufn d To thesset ateme(.cnutlslm eodr eo rl esastr andofmr omr ecelnatw r eview whath asa lreabdeye ns ilenctehdeo, n lyq uestiiostn h ep olitoinceaol f pieceIs w)o ulrde pltyh atth eF irsAtm endmenhta sa lwaybse ena dead whicshp eecihsg ointgo b ec hillaendd,a, l tlh incgosn sideirtse ede,m as lettiefor n eu nderstioto"sdIi venestso"d epenodn t hied entificaantdi on goodt hintgoc hislple eclhi k"en igger",c"u nt",k"i kea,n"d " faggot." protecotfia o rne alomf " meree"x pressdiiosnt ifnrcotmt her ealomf r eg­ Andi fs omeonteh esna ys",B utw hahta ppenteofd r ee-sppereicnhc iples?" ulatacbolned uctth;ed istincbteitownes epne ecahn da ctihoansa lwaybse en onec oulsda yw hatI h aven ows aiad d ozetni mefsr,e e-sppereicnhc iples -.�i ' TherNeo'S su cThh iansgF reSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,o1 1 31 112I TherNeo'S su cThh iansgF reSep eech quarraeblo uetv idenccree,d ibidloictuym,e ntaBtuitso inn.co ent hesmea t­ don'etx iesxtc eapsta componeinnat b ada rgumeinnwt h icshu cphr inci­ tertsh ee ditoarnsdI are ina greememnyt q,u arrieswl i tthh er easoning pleasr ei nvokteodm askm otivtehsaw to ul:hdo tw ithstcalnodss ec rutiny. thalte dt hemt oa cti no pposittiowo hna tt hebye lietvoeb de tru e.T hat Ane xampolfea w olwfr appiendF irAsmte ndmecnlto thiisan nga dver­ reasoniansIg u ,n derstiatgn,od e ass f olloawlst:h ouwg,heo urselavrees tisemtehnatrt a nr ecenitnlt yh eD ukeU niversstiutdye nnetw spaptehre, ChroniSicglneeb;dy:S radlRe.yS mitwhe,l kln owans a p urveyoofar n ti­ certaint htHeho alto cawuassta facfta,c atrsne o torioiunstleyr praentda ble .;.. · disputatbhleer;e fnoorteh iinseg v erre ally saentdwt elh eadv,ne o r igthot Semitnieco -Napzrio pagantdhaea, d i sp ackagaesda scholatrrelayt ise: rjeecsto methjiunsgbt e cauwsee r egairtad s p erniciaonudsf alsBeu.tt he foudre nseplayc kecdo lu:rciolmnpsl ewtiet "hl earnedr"e ferenucnedso,c ­ fact-Ii cfa nu se twhoartd- thaste tttlreudt chasna lwaybseu pseatt, umentsetda tisatnidac nsa ,r raoyfs o-calaluetdh oriTthieme ess.s aogfet he leatshte oretidcoaelsl yn,o t mewaenc antnhaoafttf iarnmd roenlt yr uths adi st hatth eH olocanuesvte orc cur·raendtd h atth eG ermasnt anteev er thaatc cordtiono gu rp reselnitg hstese mi ndisputraabtlheie;trm ,e anesx ­ "hada p olitcoye xtermitnhaJete ew ipseho p(loear n yoneel sbey)p utting acttlhye o pposiitnte h:ea bsenocfea bsolcuetret aoifnt thyek intdh acta n themt od eatihng asc hamberIsn.a " s pectaciunlsatra onfct eh ei ncreas­ onlbye p rovidbeydr evelation (Isd oomn eottrh uilnoegu tb uth avneo t ingly populatrh ve"i bcltiamsm"tre a tegtyh,He o locau"sstt oryo"r " myth" yete xperienwceem du)s,at c otn t heb asiosft hec ertawienht ayv seo f ar iss aitdo h aveb eenf abricianto erdd e'rt' od rumu pw orlsdy mpatfhoyr achievTerdu.tm lJ.a y,a sM iltosna iadl,w aybsei nt hec ourosfee merging, Jewicsahu s"e sTh.e "evidenscuep"p orttihnegs aes sertiiosan ssl ibclke nd andw e musta lwaybseo ng uaradg ainbseti nsgo b eguiblyei dt psr esent ofs upposedly profbaactitvs'e-n 'oa t s ingaluet opsbioeddyh asb eesnh own shapteh awte ignocroen treavriyd enbcuet;b, y t hes amet okewnh,e ni t tob eg assed"-asnldyi n sinuaotfia o knisn d.famtiorl eiaadre orfMs ein happetnhsa tth ep resesnhta poeftru thi sc ompellbienygo nad r easonable Kamfpa ndT hPer otoocfto hlEesl deorfZ si oTnh.es licktehsitno gfa ll, doubitt,i so urm oraolb ligattoia ocnto ni ta ndn otd efearc tiionnt he howeveirst, h per esentoaftt ihoaenr gumeansat n e xerciinsf er esep eech­ nameo fa ni nterpreftuattutirhveaem t a yn evearrr ivBey.r unnitnhgFe i rst thea di ss ubti't'lTehdCe a sfeo Orp enD ebat-et'h'a cto ulbdeo bjectteod Amendmeuntpt hen.e areflsatg poalned r ushitnogs aluittet, h es tudent onlbyy " thougphotl icaen"dc ensoTrhsi.ss t ratbeogryie m mediafrtuei t editodresf aulotnet dh aotb ligaatnidog na voev etrh eriers ponsitboia l ity int hdee cisoifot nh nee wspaspetafrf t oa ccetphtae d d espiatl eo ng-standing so-calplreidn citphlaweta sn ote vetno t hpeo int. (anhdi storihcoanlolreydp )o liocfyr efusimnagt eritahlacsto ntaeitnh nic Letm e bec leaIr a.m nots ayitnhga Fti rAsmte ndmepnrti nciaprlee s andr acisallu orrsa reo therwoifsfee nsTihveer .e asonoifnt gh es ta(fefx ­ inherebnatdl( yt heayr ei nhelryne ontthinogn)l,ty h atth eayr en ota lways plainbeydt hee ditionar s pecicaoll umwna)s t hautn detrh Fei rAsmte nd­ thea pproprrieafteer epnocienf to rs ituatiinovnosl vtihnepg r oductoifo n menta dvertihsaevtresh e" righttob" e p ublish"Aemde.r icnaenw spapers speecahn,dt hat event hweahyre ent hea ppropriate proeifnettrh,ee nyc e areb uilotnt hep rinciopflfr eese s peecahn dfr eep ressso,h owc ana don otco nstiatp uotlei ticpse-rfrsepee cbteicvaeut shese h apienw hicthh ey newspapdeern yt hesrei ghttosa nyoneT?h"e a nswetrot hiqsu estiiosn arei nvoked willb ep aollwiatyisc al, wtihlalit s ba,el t whaery ess,u olft thaatn a dvertiissn eortd eniehdi sr ights simplay sibnegcmlaeeud siea havindgr awtnh er elevlainnt(e b etwesepne ecahn da ctioonrb, e tween orgadne clihniescs o pys ol onags o thearv enuoefsp ublicaatrieao vna il­ high-vsapleueeac nhd l ow-vaslpueee cohrb, e tweweonr dess senttoit ahle ablaen dt herhea sb eerni sot astuep presosfih oinsv iewTsh.i iss n ott o expresosifio dne aasn dfi ghtiwnogr dsi)na wayt haitsf avoratbosl oem e sayt hatth erceo ulndo tb ea casfeo rp rinttihneag d ,o nltyh atth ec ase interaensdti sn diffeorrhe onstt itlooe t herTsh.i hsa vinbge ens aidt,h e cannroets otn a supposFeidr Asmte ndment oblOingeam tiigohnat.r gue, morailsn ott haFti rAsmte ndmetalknt shoubleda bandonfeodre, v einf fore xamplteh,ap tr inttihneag d w oulfdo stheera ltdheyb atoert, h alti es thes tandFairrdAs mte ndmefnotr muldaons o tan d coulndo tp erfotrmh e arem orel iketloby e s howunp f owrh atth eayr ei ft heayr eb rougthott h e function eoxfpt ehcetm(e tdh eel iminaotfip oonl itciocnasli derations in ligohftd ayb,u tt hesaer ep recistehleay r gumetnhtese ditdoirs cliani ms decisiaobnosus tp eecthh)e,sy t islelr vae fu nctitohna itsn ota ta lnle gli­ here agernetsots a kae " principflreede"- spseteacnhd . giblteh:e syl odwo wno utcomienas n a reian w hicthh ef eaorf o verhasty WhatI findm ostd istressaibnogut th iisn cidiesnn to tt hatth ea dw as outcomiesjs u stibfiyea d l onrge coorfda busoefsp owerI.ti so ftesna id printbeudtt haittw as pribnytp"ee dr sownhso b elieivtet dob ea liaen da thahti stosrhyo w(si tsae flofrm ulat)h aetv ean m inimraels triocntt ihoen distorIft itohnee. d itaonrdh ers tawfefr ien a greemweinttSh m ithv'ise ws righotfe xpressitoonoe asilleya dtsoe ver-larregsetrri ctainodnt sot; h e orh arborseedr ioduosu batbso utth ere aloiftt yh eH olocauIsw to,u lsdt ill extetnhtat th iissa ne mpirifcaac(lta nidti sa q uestoinoenc ouldde bate), havae q uarrewli tthh emb,u ti tw oulbde a d iffeqruearnertl i;tw oulbde a 1141 TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI1 15 theriess omec omfoarntd p rotecttoib oenf ounidn a procedtuhraert e ­ paintings. NIor tehpienacgta,,ni nsuluastf er omt hosrei sk(sI.tf h eries quiryeosut oj umtph rough hooapl so-otdf ao r gumentwaotrikv-eb efore non ormatgiuvied anicnde e terminwihnegn a ndw hats p�ecthop rotect, a speercehg ulawtiiloblne a llowteods tand. theriesn on ormative giunid deatnecrem iwnhianitgs a rt-lifkrees ep eech Iw oulndo bte m isundersatsoo fofde rtihnnego tioofn" jumpitnhgr ough a categotrhyai tn cluedveesr ythainndng o thing-wahnadti so bscenity.) � hoopsa"s a newv ersioofnt heF irAsmte ndmenctl aitmo eutratlyA ? : Moreovenro,t hicnagnp roviudsew itah p rincifpoldree cidwihnigc h risk hoopm ushta vaes hape-tihnic sa steh es hapoefw hatevbemra rdyt stmc­ int hel onrgu ni st heb estto t akeIa. m persuatdheadat tt hep resemnot­ tioins r epresenFtiirnsAgtm e ndmen't' inter-easntdts h'e's hapoef t he mentr,i gnhotw ,t her isokfn ota ttendtiohn agt sep eeicshg reattherat nh e hoopo nei sa sketdo j umpt hrouwgihl iln p ardte termwihnaetk indosf ristkh abty r egulaittwi en wgi ldle priovuer selovfev sa luavboliec aensd jumpcsa nb er egulamraldyeE .v eni ft heayr oen lmye chanifsomsrsl owing insigohrst lsi ddoew nt hsel ippselroypt eo wartdyr anny. iTshai j su dgment down outcoFmiersAs,mt e ndmenfto rmulbayvs i rtoufet hesiurb stantive fowrh icIhc ano ffreera sobnustn og uarantAelelIsam . sayiins.g t htahte conte(natn idt i si mpossitbhlateth ebye w ithocuotn tewnitl)sl l odwo wn· judgmeonftt sh osweh ow oulcdo med owno nt hoet hesri dcea rryn og uar­ someo utcommeosr ee asitlhya ont herasn,dt hamte antsh atth ef ortmh ey anteeeist hTehre.y u rgues t op uto urf aiitnha politaibcsatrla ctibounts , � happetnoh avaet t hep resemnotm enwti lfla vosro mei ntetrmeoret an �� thea bstractitohnesiy n voke-them arketploafci ed eassp,e eachl one, speech otherTsh.e refoervee,nw itah reduced osfet nhseee f fectotfvF tttrys t itself-ocnolmye i np olitgiuciaslea sn,d therientf rourset ing wteo them Amendmenrth eto(riictca nn ota ssuarney p articruelsaurlt th)ec, o unsel fal(lu nwittiunngdletyrh) es wayo ft hvee rfyo rcweesw istho k eeapt b ay. witwhh icIhb egarne mairnesl evsaonl to:n ags s o-calfrleeed- spepercihn ­ Iti sn ott hatth eraer en oc hoicteoms a keo rm eanosf m akintgh emi;ti s ciplheasv bee efna shiobnyey do uern em(ys ol onags i ti sh ihso opyso u justth atth ce hoicaesws e lals t hme eanasr ien extricfraobmlt eh dei na.n d havteo j umpt hrougcho)n,t etshte rierl evatnotc hee i ssuaeth andb;u ti f confusoifop na rtisstraung glTeh.e riesn os afpel ace. youm anagteo r efashtihoenmi nl inwei tyho upru rposuersg,te h emw ith a vengeance. Iti sa counstehlaf to llo.f-w rso tmh et hestihsat th eriesn os ucthh inags Postscript � frees peecwhh,i cihsn ota,f telrla,t hesaisss t artolric nogr rosaismv aey . firhsatv see emeIdt.m erelsya ytsh atth eriesn o� lasofsu tterasnecpeas­ Whena s hortveerr siooftn h iess sawya sf irpsutb lisihted dr,e wa number rabfrloem t hweo rlodfc onduacntdt hatth ereftohrieed entifiocfsa otmieo n ofi ndignant frloemrt etaedreswr hso t oomke tob em akinag r ecommen­ utteraanscm eesm berosf t hanto nexisctleanswtsi lall waybse e vidence datiloenta:'bs a ndporni ncipolrl eest,d' iss pewnisteah n o pemni ndB.u t, thaat p olitliicnahela sb eednr awrna thtehra an l inteh adte nipeosl itics inf acIta ,m notm akinag r ecommendabtuitdo enc larwihnagIt t akteo b e entriyn ttoh ef oruomf p ubldiics comrIstei .st hej obo ft heF irAsmte nd­ anu navoidtarbulteTh h.a trtu tihs n ot tfhraete doofms peecshh oulbed mentt om arko uta na reian w hiccho mpetivnige wcsa nb ec onsidered abridgbeudtt haftr eedoofm·s peecihsa conceptiumaplo ssibbielciatuys e withosutta itnet erferbeuntic fte h;ev ermya rkionugto ft haatr eiasi tself thec onditoifso pne ecbhe'si nfgr eient hefir sptl aciesu nrealizTahbalte . ani nterfe(raesin ctae l waywsi lble )F,i rAsmte ndmenjtu rispruidse nce conditcioornr esptoont dhseh o per,e presebnytt ehdoe ft en-inv'o'kmeadr ­ inevitsaebllfy- defaenadts iunbgv ersoifiv teos w na spiratTihoants'.s the ketploafci ed east,h"a wte canf ashiao fno ruimn w hicihd eacsa nb e badn ewsT.h eg oodn ewsi st hat prebceicsaelsuyps eee ch is' 'nfreevee"r considered indoefpp eonldietanintcldaiy ld eologciocnasltr aMiyn tp.o int, int het wos ensreeqsu ired-forfce oen sequeanncdfre.es e f rosmt aptree s­ note ngagbeydt hel etteirsts h,ac to nstraoifna tni deologkiicniadsl g en­ sure-speeaclhw amyast teirsas l,w adyosi nwgo rkb;e cauesvee rytwhei ng eratoifsv peee ch andt htehraetft ohreve e riyn telligoifbs ipleietc(yha s sayi mpingoenst hew orldin waysi ndistingufriosmht ahbeel fef ecotfs asserrtaitohnte hra nno isiesr) a dicdaelpleyn doennw th afrte e-speiedceho ­ physiaccatli owne,m ustta kree sponsifboiorlu irvt eyr bpaelr formances­ loguweosu lpdu sahw ayA.b sensto mea lready-iann-dp( lfaotcrhe et ime alolft hem-anndo ta ssumteh atth eayr ebe intgak enc areosfb ya c lause beinugn)q uestiiodneeodl ogviicsailot nh,ea cotf s peakiwnogu lmda ken o in thCe onstitutiOofcn o.u rswei,tre hs ponsibicloimteyrs i skbsu,tt hehya ve sensbee,c auistwe o ulndo tb er esonaatgianign asntyb ackgrouunndde r­ afrlowmta hybesem eTo.nhu errya i rsetka hsner,d in sodk rosec,st preoicfnfrt eeio evsfp ep eleryem,hci ahts est vpieeniregn tc shhua dltoau etsse d ssitbaclnoedon ifsnt eghq epu oesNnsocirecib soslt.u eh r absotaef pcs hk ygsrioaouccrnavc dlee rsbsataicolbtt lhiseeoap nnesdta ):lkieetcpir oor ns ­­ boebvnieoofihfutJa s or ymac neUdo' lfssy hsuostrLet aosiwfn rfsge p neceLecia'hndws Cya hy ast thatmteLi rgohlvdtyoee r'nrT yusi st t ihaen 's csotrnasitniistit;t snu h otefitae e nslo i dbn jw ehociftch ch io osnr hs ecrci roiuotscisncceeualsrlfsas - n,cdt o hnesrceirtfoahouterpsh ernie oetr-s ,·s ; 116I TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeacnhId,t a'G so oTdh inTgo,oI 1 17 ductioofnc so nsciousannedss pse,C ificsapleleycw hi,la ll waybsep olitical tiotnh atth eriess omei mpliacnidmt u tualelxyc lusdiivceh otboemtyw een (thiasta, n gleidnw) a yst hesp eakcearn nkonto w. politaincdps ri nciplIen.f 'a'cm ty, argumeinset x acttlhyer everssien:c e Inr espontsote h isso,m eonmei ghsta y( althotuhgelh e ttheerrsde i s­ iti so nlfroym withai cno mmitmetnots ome particulaarb s(trnaoactgt e)n da cussdeodn otr isteot hilse vetlh)ae tv einf s peecihsi nescappaoblliyt ical that foeneetl hse dueregpe nwceyi dentais'f 'yp rincippolleidt,ii'stc' hs e inm y somewhraatr ifiseedn sieti, s s tiplols siabnlded esiratbopl roev ide sourocfp er incinpolte ,o iptpso siWthee.n t woa gendsaqsu arofef t,h e a clearsepda cienw hicihr remedipaoblliytu itctaelr acnacnec so mpeftoer conteissnt e vebre twepeonl itaincdps r incibpultbe e twetewno f ormosf thep ubliacp'psr owvialt hoauntyo neo ft hebme infga voroersd t igmatized politoirc,is f,y oup refetrw,of orms proifn ciTphleea .s sumptoifo na n ina dvancBeu.tw hatt heh istoorfFy i rAsmte ndmejnutr isprusdheonwcse antagonbiestmw etehne mi sn otm ineb,u tP ost'asn,di ti sa na ssumption ist hatth ed ecisiaosnt sow hats houlodrs houlndo te njotyh astp ace's hed oublwehse nh ew arns oft hed angoefr" unprincsiepllfe-da ssertion." protecatnidot nh ed eterminoafth ioowne xact(luyn dewrh atr uletsh)a t Thiiss t oi magisneel vaessp ossimboltyi vabtye" dm erep"r eferebnucte , spacwei lfilr sbte d emarcaatnedtd h eand ministaerrceeo dn tinumaaltltye rs (and itsht ihse spaomienI th avaelre adym adep)r efereinscn ee ve"rm ere" ofd ispumtoer;e ovtehrep, o sititoanksei nnt hed ispuatreee ,a cohf t hem, int hes ensoefb einwgi thoaum to raolrp hilosoprhaitciaolnp arleef;e rence intellaingdic bolmep elloinnlfrgyo mt hvea ntapgoei notf dae epalsys umed ist hper ecipoifts aotmeed efens(iabnldoe,f c oursceh,a llengaegaebnldea), ideolowghyi,c hl,i kteh ei deoloogfsy p eecihn·g enerdaalr,ne o ta,n di n­ ands elvwehso a sseirtrt,a thtehra bne inugn princiaprlaee ttd h,a mto ment deecda nnostp,e aikt nsa meT.h es tructthuaritess upposteopd e rmiidte o­ extensoifop nrsi nciApglaei.ni ,ti sP ostn,o tm e,w hoe ntertaa piincst ure logiCal/paogleintditacosfia glh itt o utf airly-ao lne vpella yifinegl tdh at ofh umanb ein"gass m erelay c ollecotfiH oonb besiaapnp etitIe sse.e" hasn otb eenr igged-iitss eallfw ayisd eologiacnadlp loyl iticcoalnl­y humabne inignst hger iopfd ee(p ifd ebatacbolmen)i itmceonmtmsi,t ments structeTdh.ii ss e xacttlhyec onclusrieoanc hreedl uctabnyR tolbye rPto st soc onstitouftt ihveeti hro ughatnsda ctiotnhsat th ecya nnohte lbpe ing ina p iecien finimtoerley nuatnhcaetndh el ettheenr o ww ritAetst .h ee nd sinceFrrea.n klHiani maann dC ushiSntrgo u(tt woot hecro rrespondents) ofa lonagn dr igoraonuasl ysPiossfi,tn dsb efohriem " thset artplrionpg­ coulndo tb em oreo fft hem arkw hent hebyr anmde cynicaanldo pportu­ osititohnat th eb oundaroifpe usb ldiics coucrasnen boetfi xedi na neutral nistTihce.ya ssumIea mc ounselrienagd etross e ats idper inciipnfl aev or fashio(n""T hCeo nstitutCioonncaelpo tfP ublDiics courOsuetr:a geous ofm otivtehsa atr em erelpyo litical,i nwf haecIrta e mac sh allenging that OpinioDne,m ocraDteilci beraatnidHo un,s tvl.Fe arl weHlalr,v"a rd Law distincatnidco onu nseling (rtehcaeod uenrssie ssl u perflutooua sc)to n Revi1e0w3n ,o .3 [Janu1a9ry9 06]8:3 ")T.h eu ltimfaatceot fi deological whatt hebye lietvobe e tr uea ndi mportaanntdn, o tt ob es tymibeyda regulatihoean d,d"s ",c annboetb linkeIdn.d"e endo ts,i ncteh eu·l timate doctrtihnaeit sa to ncien coheraennd(t b ecauisnec oherae vneth)i cfloer facitsa lstoh er oofatc itnt hsee nsteh aotn ec anngoetbt e hiintdo ra round coveprotl itics. ita,n dt haitsw hyt hen exstt rategys-trtahtee ogfys ayin"gW,e llw,e Ing enertahlle,e ttwerri tiegrnso mrye c halletnotg hebe i naroinew sh ich can'gte tb eyonodra round ideboultao tlg eya,ws et c anm akea g oodf aith theairrg uments daenpdte aknedt ,oc hidimneg f ofra iltionr ge spedcits ­ try"-won'wto rk eiItnhw ehra.tc learaenddi deologys-pfraecweei ltlh e tinctwihoonssle a cokf c ogenhcays b eean largpea rotf m y poinTth.u s, " " try bem ade?o nem usta ska,n di ft he ansiws(e arn idt m ustb eb y ProfesHsaoirm asno lemnilnyf ormmes t haatn o pemni ndi sn ott hes ame Posto'wsn c onclustihoantt)h eriesn os ucchl earsepda cteh,e n otioofn asa ne mptoyn eb;u ti,nm y analysis-Pwrhoifcehs Hsaoirm ainso fc ourse "tryingc"a nh avneo r eaclo nte(nOtn.a morel eisuorceclays Iiw oonu ld noto bligteoad c cebputti ss ureolbyl igteond o te-theayr teh es ameAn. expantdh ipso initn taon a rgumefnotrt hee mptinoefsa sn yg estutrhea t opemni ndi sp resumaab mliyn dn otu ndulcyo mmittteoid t psr esent con­ invokae rse gulaitdievael .) tentbsu,ta mind sos tructuroerd,r, a theurn,s tructurweodu,l lda cak No sucthhi.n gas free.(n onideolocgoincsaltraliyn sepede)c hn;os. u ch thing frameworokri n-plbaaccek groiunnr de lattiowo hni cthh ew orld( botohf asa publfiocr upmu rgeodfi deological·oprre exscsluurseiTsoh nast.m' ys actiaonnd s peecwho)u lbde i ntelliAg imbilneds. oo pent haittw asa n­ thesainsd,w aitianttg h ee nd( reaaltlt yh eb eginnionfig t) aissm ,y re­ chorbedyn oa ssumptinoocn osn,v ictoifto hneks i ntdh aotr dearn ds tabi­ spondehnatvses aidp,o litNioctsh,.o wevepro,l itaisthc es dirtwyo rdi t lizpee rceptwioounl,bd e a m indw ithoguets taanldtt herefore twhiet hout becomiesnm osFti rAsmte ndmednits cussbiuotpn osl,i taiste hsea ttempt capacoiftk ye epianngy thiinnAg. c onsciounsontse hsosr uepda to nee nd toi mplemesnotm ep artivsiasni oInp .l acteh ew ord" visioanf't'"e pra r­ bya beli(enfo atl waytsh es ameo new)h osnee gatiiotcn o ulndo tt hink tisasno"a st of orestthaeull s uarle adionfgp artisaasn' 'unprincipled," woulbde a s ievIen.s horittw, o ulbde e mpty. three adiPnogsa tt tributtome esw henh efi ndmse "writoinnt gh ae ssump- ProfessSotrro uvte ntuirnetsto h es ame( incohetreerrnitt)wo hreyn h e. 118 I TherNeo'S su cThh iansgF reSep eech TherNeo'S su cThh iansFg r eSep eeacnhId,t a'G so od TThoioIn 1 g1,9 takemse tot asfko r" confusitnogl erawtiitoehnn dorsianngd"" j ustify­ notb ef reien t hes ense reqtuhiairtse b,de ,u ninflebcytg eodv ernmental ing"w it"hp uttiunpwg i th.T"h ei deias t haat poloifca yl lowihnagt e acti(otnh geo vernmeinstg ivetnh et asokf m anagitnhgem arketpalnadc e speecdho enso tc onstiatpuptreo voafhl a tsep eecbhu ts hifttsh er esponsi­ thereftohreoe p portutnodi ettye rmiintecs o ntouTrhsi)n.ga sr eev ewno rse biliftoyra pprovoirnd gi sapprotvoti hnefg r eceh oiocfef reien dividuals. att heo theern dt,h ee xiotrn o-exeintdI .f o urc ommitmetnotfr eedoomf Butt hiisst oa ssumteh atth em achineorfdy e liberianti inodni vidiusa ls speeicshs os trong itot bhlaitg uessa, s H olmedse clarteots o,l erate "opin­ purefloyrm aaln di s unaffbeyw chtaeitds o ri sn oti nt hceu ltuariarSl.u ch ion.s. . we . . b.e lietvobe e f raugwhitt dhe ath("ac haracterization ana ssumptiisao bns olutely nteotc helesi sbaererypa ils temoslhoagrybe yd tharte cognitzheeas w fuclo nsequentoifsa pleietcayhn di mplicuintdleyr ­ my respondebnuttis ti, so net haItr ejebcetc ausaesI , h avaer gued else­ cutasn ys peech/action dtihsewtnei n acrtebi eoinna)gs, k etdo c ourotu r wherteh,c eo nteoxfdt e liberiasct uilotnu (rraalt thhearfn o rmaolr g enetic), ownd estructfiootrnh es akoef a na bstractthiamotan y d oomu sr ather than andb ecauistie sc ultutrhaleo, u tcomoefd elibercaatninohonet l bpe ing savues .T heraer er ealolnyl tyh reael ternateiivtehse:r Hdoolemnseo st influenbcyewd h atevneort ioanrsec urrenitnt hec ultu(rMei.n dasr en ot meani ta,s i ss uggesbtyeh di si nstqaunatl ifica(t"iuonnl e.s s. a n.i m­ freea,st hel iberal epistemolfoogrty h es iammperl eiaessot,nh atth ey mediacthee ciksr equitroes da vteh ceo untry")o,rh em eanistb utd oesn't cannobteo penT.h)e f actth aDta viDdu kew asr udealnyd p rovocatively thintkh aotp inifornasu gwhitt dhe atcho uledv etrri umpihn a freem arket questiobnyre edp ortoen"r Ssi xtMyi nuteosr"" Meetth eP ressw"a sl ess (iwnh iccha shee c ommihtism setloaf p rogresshievn iesimt haenra lyzes importtahnattn h ef actth ahte w aso n" SixtMyi nuteasn"d " Meett he nord eclaroersh )e,m eanist a ndt hindkesa dloyp iniocnosu lidn,f act, Press'i'nt hefi rsptl acfeo,tr h esaep pearalnecgeist imhiizmae ndd p uth is triumpbhu,ti ss ayisnogm ethliinkg"e q usee rsae,r a(,ais"tw ouladp pear viewisn tnoa tional ciirnca u wlaaytt ihoamnta det hema nu navoidable hei si na latdeirs seGnit,t lvo.N we wY orkE)ac.ho ft hesree adionfg s componeonftt h en atiotnh'isn kiTnogl.e ramtaiynb ge d ifferfernotme n­ what Holimste esl luisni gn A braamnsdG itliospw r oblemaatnidic ti, s dorsifrnogm thep oinotf v iewo ft het olerawthoorc ,a nt hedni sclaim thep robleimnts h ep ositbioornno uto ft hestew od issetnhtahsta vbee en responsifboitrlh ieet fyf eocftw sh ahte h asn ote ndorsbeudt,i, ft heef fects explorienmd y essaTyh.e r epltioet sh aets saays,f aars I c ans eed,o n ot arer eaaln dc onsequenatsIi ru:g aule, t heayr et,h ed iffermeanycb ee c old addrethsoss ep roblebmustc ontinsuiem ptloyre hearthseep ietimeys a nalysis comfort. troubleKse.e p thosea ncdla ertdtsce ormsi ng. Iti so,f c ourseeff,e cthtastth el ibeerpails temoalsor geyp,r esebnyta e d strofnrge e-sppeoesciht icoann,n toatk ien taoc couonrtc ,a nt akien taoc ­ counotn layt t heo utelri miotfsp ublsiacf e(t"yc leaanrdi mminednatn ­ ger,""i ncitetmoev nito lencIeti" s)t,.h erefpoerref,e catpftlo yPr r ofessor Haimatnoc itHeo lmesd'iss siennA tb ramfsotr,h afta mouosp iniaoton n ce concissetlaytt ehsem odemF irAsmte ndmepnots itainodni llustrwahtaets Ic onsitdoeb re i tdsi fficultiifne osti, t cso ntradsi.cH toilomnebse gibnys acknowledtghietn rgu tbha sitcom y argumeinttm :a kes pesrefnescteto desitrhees ilencoifbn egl iienfism itcoay lo urbse,c auisfye o ud idn ot so desirietw, o ulbde a ni ndicatthiaotn dyiodnu o tb elieivne yobuerl iefs. Butt heHno lmetsa kenso toef t hef actth aotn e'bse lieafrses ubjetcot changaen,dc ometso t hsek eptical concsliunsthcieeoc no utrhosafetc hange isu npredictiatwb oluelb,de u nwisteoi nstitutiboenlailweiefzm sea yn ot holadt a latdeart ien;s tewaeds ,h oulleda vteh ew inonwinpgr ocetsots h e marketploafci ed eausn regulbaytt erda nspioelnitt ·pi rceaslsures. Thisso undfisn e( evepna triotibcu)ti, t r unasf o·uolfp robleamtbs o th endsT.h e" entryp"r obliesmt hoen eI h avael reaiddye ntiifinme yd r eply toP rofesPsoosrtt :h em arketploafci ed e-.a.,-tshep rotecftoerduo mf p ublic discourseb-ews itlrlu ctbuyrt ehdes amep olitciocnasli deraittwi aosn s desigtneohd o ladt b aya;n dt hereftohrewe o,r kinogfts h mea rketpwlialcle

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