First Zoeas of Eualus leptognathus (Decapoda: Caridea: ippolytidae) Hatched in the Laboratory Hol Jeong Yang and Won kim” ABSTRACT he int mayo Fee dtr ae Korea oy words: re: 20055, ster INTRODUCTION {ote Loan Han, 200. De see aut Bann, 9021 E esos Sng Devinn JOE amas 3c Be Novieeed eb 9 mac Theres va haeip ve hrkrginy to Fes Po orcas wae, Vang st ised at ea Sagi, sulla Ke. oped Kiet alr, Sagoo snd apap (1 86 Severed cine ea 9d ae por: Stes oF gmapnote aleve ey usin lms ested a Maz, the Soto Irland Sea ep 1 oli esan otf opus era ty Fast and Hayshi 964). Nomever.-ststccs co afc? co "vee, mls, pi, od te 9 i pressa ey, sessto. ths ste acer af & reaped iy thove ef E sven ths oy “aos Fapacol at MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ol dus send okyyestai pa si antacids ru laste ileal fu “rss Ete i, Marloes! romper ig Pre 9 pov ds cm Ingo, Mira “ea, dg he see sll I3e- APF: egestas a2 dass log una, 2 4 My 2206, moa th 1 Ir froin 3 sea fom fot a nana ni d'une s Olsmngce BXAP sicrsenpe, and ess set ont on appondege med uw econ. The povine:seche dal wes. Soup rg BL iad ca Io lngtn- CL ess meee nn Ee pee me Ie poral mien o che pesteoucien Roxette apie rspectnely. He came uphore pubes We de say beeen a Iv La at al as rs ete velba Rese Bf AREAS, Seoul Neti! Uateersy. Renew ander sesprtely RESULTS Heian Sue: DL, 21.5, 38), CL. AAS .40 re ing Pera ope in dv ves i 3 potsy eesmeaan pple pe perpsoroetan epee: poser Sie da dv papas, ca weg taser tt iene Mage ner wo sitoertess ata Magen settee sh spe 2, sb szeciching ena af sous. sboie 06 sae “eau punote <a mite seit. Pig 11, Bape aan lat meni wa tin wis wits snc a aks of Ion Ftc min Be wi 2 spies raven rl reams zl 3 Cone 7 pare ne sou: hal sh Sih esate sae, cds ened, eich mith "3 lonesome set, pe ‘lap. UG. Cona sun bile. aca wh 7 aed emake eae ep ey ee il Ct see crap ES Fea: engin plas sta Ver: midi Osa 5 nodatctite Sendo &-sgtond ite 2.2.2 41 planedsadeaas sear last suasdipsdassmrecieall bes silh tunnsn ent ee uma 128.5. Siaped serguemre, ih 9. 1.2.e—L ghemiter-enbte Sets exes ih 2 wala 48 waa va a suo, ek! seus ips semnecils user ee rel «eno 2.2 vrais Abvien Fig. 1A Cooigasé of $ alesinal sors ‘oa pin Fut ate wh a of dal sl: pkopods steer Tetsavead supe. 1K Tolan gal, sro odin concvie: poster minum wih ? prs st > ‘fal uo saaep unt ih 3 oR op Cheonaosanes ri. TAL Hes earthen pest ce pele os rare Rage anton peter Fie oxiipot expos of scand a! thikd mowed Ueda ft bdr, somites, ad lly 0 ake same, a2 raga aeae ‘Gagcratted, ty wag a se a Ba sermee DISCUSSION ‘arma ard ac} dese lac zara and ons oveareal sages n° Fons Segiveonting howe aparese Sele Sever dear ae bering Bren He Ae Cripog uf we Fs aa uf FE. poe amchite a faye 18) 9d Ma eeopok (Table J3, The previous cuthors dese.bsd hs Sea nancial ae a Sheed rf si samen 12 oil hase ‘Serle’ celta vst bose tis elm Tee cay erhe of the gomts Eis for ast sae Dany Inet zsh ot E sino. he lia fee cance hero steers fer an oe 2 EB epee few vrsrgatited fr tao ot E starve by bake esyetamiag sige 93"be capa ad i the aia spi. Te fat ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Tre sath ae geet ag ee SK and TS Pak or nsw at of tev gps fees Th rh soanse Baus Program KOSEFMOST (2).-2008-000 REFERENCES. Park, DIN Tee, YM. Cool K eas, 2G, Kate At Chara, F aos Ma, 1997, The vasidena zasinys (Cassa, Tlie Saitkesr Cah Foal S82 IGE, Keviey of Seems Zoos, 68. Ls of ABLE A Kroes ng hose Sr Miche Chl trap a the ge FchueCreees Tesnpode* Ce i ott Trad Rel Rags OD A ase apes a ‘lve fain the ely ie cme, Mie Cerin RpanFase, Pr en Soy $00 20) (of faa soon Ye, Pas) Devapa Carats Rocrant sin aie Catan