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First Science Encyclopedia Contents REVISED EDITION Project editor Suneha Dutta Art editor Nehal Verma Senior editor Shatarupa Chaudhuri DTP designer Bimlesh Tiwary Managing editors Laura Gilbert, Alka Thakur Hazarika Managing art editors Diane Peyton Jones, Romi Chakraborty CTS manager Balwant Singh Producer, pre-production Francesca Wardell Producer Nicole Landau Jacket editor Ishani Nandi Jacket designer Dheeraj Arora Publisher Sarah Larter Publishing director Sophie Mitchell Publishing art director Stuart Jackman Consultant Jack Challoner ORIGINAL EDITION Design team Gemma Fletcher, Hedi Gutt, Laura Roberts-Jensen, Mary Sandberg, Poppy Joslin Editorial team Lorrie Mack, Alexander Cox, Wendy Horobin, Joe Harris Senior editors Carrie Love, Caroline Stamps, What is science? Ben Morgan Senior art editor Rachael Smith 4–5 What is science? Publishing manager Bridget Giles 6–9 Advances in science Art director Rachael Foster Category publisher Mary Ling 10–11 Being a scientist Production editor Clare Mclean 12–13 Science and everyday life Production controller Pip Tinsley Consultants Donald R Franceschetti, John Farndon Life science First published in Great Britain in 2009 14–15 The living world This edition first published in Great Britain in 2017 by Dorling Kindersley Limited 16–17 Micro life 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL 18–19 Fungi Copyright © 2009, © 2017 20–21 What is a plant? Dorling Kindersley Limited A Penguin Random House Company 22–23 How plants work 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 24–25 Plant reproduction 001–280449–Jun/2017 26–27 What is an animal? All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be 28–29 Types of animal reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, 30–31 Animal reproduction photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior 32–33 Inheritance written permission of the copyright owner. 34–35 Bones and muscles A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. 36–37 Blood and breathing 38–39 The digestion ride ISBN 978-0-2411-8875-0 40–41 Health Printed and bound in Hong Kong A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW 2 There is a question at the bottom of each page... 42–43 Food chains 108–109 Soil 44–45 Ecosystems 110–111 Resources in the ground 46–47 Staying alive 112–113 Fresh and salt water 48–49 The Earth’s cycles 114–115 The water cycle 50–51 Carbon cycle 116–117 The atmosphere 118–119 Weather Materials science 120–121 The energy crisis 52–53 What’s the matter? 54–55 Properties of matter Reference section 56–57 Changing states 122–123 True or false? 58–59 Amazing atoms 124–125 Quiz 60–61 Molecules 126–127 Who or what am I? 62–63 Elements 128–129 Where in the world? 64–65 Properties of elements 130–131 Glossary 66–67 Mixtures 132–135 Index 68–69 Reactions and changes 136 Picture credits 70–71 Irreversible changes Physical science About this book 72–73 What is energy? The pages of this book have special features that 74–75 Energy changes will show you how to get your hands on as much 76–77 Electricity information as possible! Look out for these: 78–79 Magnetism TThhee PPiiccttuurree DDeetteeccttiivvee 80–81 Energy waves wwiillll ggeett yyoouu sseeaarrcchhiinngg 82–83 Light tthhrroouugghh eeaacchh sseeccttiioonn ffoorr tthhee aannsswweerrss.. 84–85 Sound 86–87 Heat Turn and Learn tells you where to look 88–89 Forces for more information 90–91 Forces and motion on a subject. 92–93 Machines Every page is colour- coded to show you Earth and space science which section it is in. 94–95 The Universe 96–97 Starry skies 98–99 Our solar system 100–101 The Moon w e ir d or what 102–103 The Earth’s structure ? These buttons 104–105 Rocks and minerals give extra weird 106–107 Shaping the land and wonderful facts. 3 .rewsna rof ereh kcehc ... What is science? What is science? Science is the search for truth From atoms to space Scientists study a huge and knowledge. Scientists suggest variety of things – from the explanations of why things are tiniest atoms that make up everything around us to as they are, and then they test the mysteries of space. those explanations, using experiments. Some of what Everything you see is made up of science discovers can be minuscule atoms. applied to our everyday lives. Physical science Life science This science looks at How do living things survive energy and forces. There and grow, where do they live, are different types of what do they eat, and how do energy, including light, their bodies work? Life science heat, and sound. Forces seeks to answer such questions about the living world, from The scientific are the things that hold study of plants everything in place in microscopic bacteria to plants is called botany. our world. Without the and animals – including you! force of gravity, for The study of example, you would electricity is part fly off into space! of physical science. The Earth Life science studies the living world around us. 4 What is the study of animals called? What is science? This is NASA’s Atlantis orbiter – part of its Space Shuttle programme, which ended in 2011. Earth and space science The Earth is a dot in a vast Universe filled with planets and moons, stars and galaxies. As far as we know, the Earth is special because it is the only place that supports life. Earth and space science is the study of the structure of our planet – and everything that exists beyond it. Volcanology is the scientific study of volcanoes. Materials science Our Universe is filled with atoms and molecules, which make up All about change elements, compounds, and mixtures. People always want to Materials science is the study of make life better, and these things, how they behave, that’s what puts us on how we use them, and the road to scientific how they react discovery. Whether One branch of science studies with one it’s finding cures or how materials can change. another. sending rockets into space, science drives us onwards, changing the world we live in. Pictures of the Earth from space help scientists understand the Earth better. 55 .ygolooZ What is science? Advances in science Great scientists are thinkers who understand the A falling apple world around us, provide solutions to problems, probably inspired Newton to think and create new things. This has led to many about gravity. great inventions and discoveries. Johannes Gutenberg (c.1398–1468) Gutenberg played a key role in printing. Experts believe he invented metal-type printing in Europe. In a rainbow, white Gutenberg’s press was quick, accurate, and light breaks up into seven colours. hard-wearing, compared to earlier woodblock printing. Isaac Newton (1642–1727) Newton investigated forces and light. He realized there must be a force that keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun. This force is known as gravity. Newton also discovered that white light is a mixture of lots Gutenberg’s first printed of different colours. book was the Bible in 1455. 1400 1500 1600 Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) Galileo proved that the Earth Wooden replica of moves around the Sun by da Vinci’s Ornithopter looking at the solar system Leonardo da Vinci through a telescope. (1452–1519) A few wise thinkers had Replica of a 17th-century Da Vinci was a painter and inventor. always suspected the telescope He drew plans for helicopters, truth, but most people aeroplanes, and parachutes. at the time believed Unfortunately, the technology of the that our Earth time was not good enough to build a was the centre working model for any of these. of everything. 6 Who invented the bifocal lens? Advances in science d y ou kno d i w ? Super inventions! More than Inventions and discoveries 2,000 years ago, Greek A kite helped have changed the course Benjamin Franklin thinker Aristotle recommended learn about of our history. that people study nature, lightning and electricity. and carry out experiments The first known wheel to test the accuracy was used in Mesopotamia Benjamin Franklin of ideas. around 3500 BCE. (1706–1790) Paper was invented in China around 105 CE, American scientist Benjamin but kept secret for Franklin experimented with Louis many years. lightning and electricity. Pasteur The magnetic compass His work in the 1700s was first used by the (1822–1895) laid the foundations for Chinese. It was invented Pasteur is known around 247 BCE. today’s electrical world. for discovering The parachute was first pasteurization – tested in 1617 by Faust Vrancic, centuries after a process that da Vinci made his drawings. uses heat to destroy bacteria The steam engine was in food, particularly milk. invented in 1804. The He also discovered that earliest successful model some diseases were caused reached 48 kph (30 mph). by germs and encouraged The colour photo was hospitals to be very clean first produced by physicist Franklin risked his life flying a kite – he to stop germs spreading. James Maxwell in 1861. could have been struck by lightning. 1700 1800 William Wilhelm Conrad Herschel Röntgen (1845–1923) (1738–1822) Röntgen discovered electromagnetic rays – Herschel is well today known as X-rays – known for his work on 8 November 1895. in astronomy (he This important was the first to discovery earned identify the planet him the first Uranus). He also Nobel Prize for discovered infrared radiation Physics in 1901. – this technology is used today for wireless communications, night vision, X-rays allow doctors to weather forecasting, and astronomy. look inside the human body. 7 .nilknarF nimajneB What is science? Orange juice is Movie projectors a good source developed quickly after Karl Landsteiner of vitamin C. Edison’s early work. (1868–1943) Austrian-born physiologist Landsteiner discovered that human blood can be divided into four main groups – A, B, AB, and O. This laid the foundation of Early movie projector modern blood groupings. Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893–1986) The Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi is best known for discovering vitamin C. He also pioneered research into how muscles move and work. In 1937, he won the Nobel Prize for physiology Thomas Edison and medicine. (1847–1931) Thomas Alva Edison produced more than 1,000 inventions, including long- lasting light bulbs, batteries, Blood transfusions play You inherit your and movie projectors. an important part in Red blood type from modern medicine. blood cells your parents. 1800 1850 Albert Earthquakes Charles Richter destroy homes Einstein and office (1900–1985) buildings. Richter developed a way (1879–1955) to measure the power of German-born earthquakes. He worked physicist Albert on his scale with Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2 fellow physicist Beno Gutenberg. explained how Einstein’s equation energy and mass are related. It helped scientists understand A “great” earthquake Epicentre (an how the Universe works. (8–9.9 on the Richter earthquake’s scale) strikes on average point of once a year. origin) 8 Who was the father of the frozen food industry?

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