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First Report Of Nematopaguroides (Crustacea : Decapoda : Paguridae) In The Indo pacific, And The Description Of A New Species PDF

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Preview First Report Of Nematopaguroides (Crustacea : Decapoda : Paguridae) In The Indo pacific, And The Description Of A New Species

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 113(4):956-963. 2000. First report of Nematopaguroides (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae) in the Indo-Pacific, and the description of a new species Yong-Liang Wang and Patsy A. McLaughlin (Y-LW) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao 266071, Peoples Republic of China; (PMcL) Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, 1900 Shannon Point Road, Anacortes, Washington, 98221-908IB, U.S.A. — Abstract. A new species ofthe hermit crab genusNematopaguroidesForest & de Saint Laurent, A^. reconditus, has recently been recognizedfromthe South China Sea. The is the first record of the genus outside the subtropical western Atlantic Ocean. The genus Nematopaguroides was pro- region of the South China Sea, conducted & posed by Forest de Saint Laurent (1968) by Chinese research vessels (RA'^) during & for Nematopaguroides fagei Forest de the National Comprehensive Oceanograph- Saint Laurent, 1968, and distinguishedfrom ic Survey (NCOS) of 1958-1960 resulted Nematopagurus A. Milne-Edwards & Bou- in the collection ofa wealth ofhermit crabs vier, 1892, by the presence, in males ofNe- that are only now being studied. We are al- matopaguroidesfagei, of an externally di- ready aware ofseveral new records forChi- rected, filamentous right sexual tube, pos- na that will be reported upon in subsequent sible absence of a similar extension of the publications. However, the discovery of a vas deferens from the left, and the absence, new species of the genus Nematopaguro- ionpofdesm.aleAs,soefcopnadiresdpeacnieds,moNdiefmiaetdopfiargstuprloe-- ides warrants particular attention. This is & the first report of this genus in the western ides! pusillus Forest de Saint Laurent, Pacific. Additionally, the development of a 1968, was tentatively assigned to the genus left sexual tube in males of Nematopagu- based upon a single male specimen in roides reconditus, new species, represents which both right and left sexual tubes were an intermediate condition between A^.fagei well developed. Both species were collect- and N. pusillus, and confirms the accuracy ed during the exploratory voyage of the "Calypso" to the east coast ofSouthAmer- of the assignment of the latter species to Nematopaguroides. The holotype and ma- ica in 1961-1962. Although these species jority of paratypes of the new species are have been reported in Brazilian carcinol- ogical literature (e.g., Coelho & Ramos deposited in the Institute of Oceanology, 1972, Coelho & Santos 1980, Coelho & Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Ramos-Porto 1987, 1995; Rieger 1998, (lOCAS). A pair of pairatypes has been de- Melo 1999), most if not all citations are posited in the National Museum of Natural based upon the original descriptions ofFor- History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- est & de Saint Laurent (1968). The only ton, D.C. (USNM). An indication of spec- additional record of the genus was that of imen size is given by the shield length (si) specimens attributed to Nematopaguroides measured from the midpoint of the rostral cf. pusillus by Reed et al. (1982) from off lobe to the midpoint ofthe posteriormargin the east coast of Florida. of the shield; the abbreviation ovig. refers Extensive surveys in the Hainan Island to the ovigerous condition of some females. VOLUME NUMBER 113, 4 957 Nematopaguroides Forest & de Saint Nematopaguroides reconditus, new species Laurent, 1968 Figs. 1, 2 — & Nematopaguroides Forest de Saint Lau- Holotype. S.E. off Hainan Is., South rent, 1968:15—6. China Sea, R/V No. 171, Stn. 6144, Type species. Nematopaguroides fagei 18°30'N, lirOO'E, 148 m, soft mud sub- Forest & de Saint Laurent, 1968; gender strate, 22 Apr 1959, c? si = 4.2 mm, lO- masculine. CAS L62B. — — Paratypes. S.E. off Hainan Is., South Diagnosis. Eleven pairs of biserial, China Sea: R/V No. 121, Stn. 6122, phyllobranchiate gills. Rostrum broadly 10°00'N, 111°30'E, 145 m, sandy mud sub- rounded. Maxillule with external endopodal strate, 19 Oct 1959, 1 (? si = 3.0 mm, 2 $ lobe obsolete. Ischium of third maxilliped si = 2.8, 3.3 mm, lOCAS N91B-31; RA^ with well developed crista dentata and 1 ac- No. 101, Stn. 6123, 18°30'N, 111°30E, 220 cessory tooth; stemite of third maxillipeds m, muddy sand substrate, 2 Aug 1960, 1 2 unarmed. Chelipeds subequal or somewhat si = 2.6 mm, lOCAS Nl15B; RA^ 101, Stn. unequal. Males with symmetrical coxae of 6145, 18°15'N, lirOO'E, 173 m, soft mud fifth pereopods, elongate right sexual tube substrate, 4 Aug 1960, 1 ovig. 9 si = 3.9 directed obliquely toward exterior and with mm, lOCAS N173B-25; RA^ No. 101, Stn. terminal filament; left coxa with or without 6162, 18°00'N, 110°30'E, 145 m, mud sub- sexual tube developed; 3 unpaired, unequal- strate, 5 May 1960, 1 cJ si = 3.9 mm, 1 9 ly biramous left pleopods (3-5). Females si = 2.3 mm, 1 ovig. ? si = 3.2 mm, lO- with paired gonopores; no paired, modified CAS N198B-8; RA^ No. 101, Stn. 6189, first pleopods; unpaired left pleopods 2-5. 17°00'N, 109°30'E, S, 162 m, coarse sand Telson with prominent lateral indentations with mud substrate, 13 May 1960, 2 c? si dividing anterior and posterior lobes equal- = 3.1, 4.4 mm, 1 ovig. ? si = 3.5 mm, ly or unequally; terminal margin with dis- lOCAS N205B-48, 1 c? si = 2.9 mm, 1 tinct median—cleft. & ovig. $ si = 3—.1 mm, USNM 253650. Remarks. Forest de Saint Laurent Description. Shield (Fig. lA) slightly (1968) remarked on the superficial similarity longer than broad to considerably broader between species of Nematopaguroides and than long; anterior margin between rostral Nematopagurus, and that similarity is cer- lobe and lateral projections concave; an- tainly apparent in A^. reconditus, new spe- terolateral margins sloping or weakly ter- cies, as well. The new species differs from raced; posterior margin roundly truncate; both Atlantic members ofthe genus in being dorsal surface with longitudinal row of an appreciably larger species, occurring at sparse tufts of short stiff setae on either distinctly greater depths, and morphologi- side, laterad of midline, few sparse tufts of cally having noticeably morepronounceddi- short setae on or near each lateral margin, lation of the corneas, more distinctly ovate 2 sparse tufts of very short setae adjacent ocular acicles, a roundly rectangular anterior to rostral margin. Rostrum very broadly lobe of the stemite of the third pereopods, rounded, not produced beyond level of lat- and telsonal lateral margins provided with eral projections. Anterior carapace often several short stiff setae. distinctly produced anteromesially oflateral The paucity of specimens ofthe Western projections and conspicuous in dorsal view. Atlantic species of the genus precluded de- Lateral projections subtriangular, with or scription of the mouthparts of Nematopa- without laterally directed spinule. & guroides by Forest de Saint Laurent Ocular peduncles short but 0.75-0.85 (1968). The mouthparts of A^. reconditus, length of shield; dorsal surfaces each with new species, are described herein. 2 median sparse tufts of short stiff setae; 958 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON B-G,l Fig. 1. Nematopaguroides reconditus, new species. A, G, H, male holotype, lOCAS L62B; B—F, female paratype from Stn. 6189, lOCAS N205B; I, male paratype from Stn. 6162: A, shield and cephalic appendages (aesthetascs notillustrated); B, maxillule (left, external view); C, maxilla(left, external view);D, firstmaxilliped (left, external view); E, second maxilliped (left, external view); F, third maxilliped (left, external view); G, anterior lobe ofsternite ofthird pereopods; H, sternite and coxae ofmale fifth pereopods; I, telson. Scalesequal 1 nmi. corneas strongly dilated, corneal diameter nearly entire length of ultimate segments. 0.65-1.0 ofpeduncular length, occasionally Ultimate segment with 1 or 2 setae on distal exceeding peduncularlength. Ocularacicles margin laterally, subdistal transverse row of small, ovately triangular, with deeply con- 5 or 6 very long setae, and few additional cave dorsal surface; terminating subacutely short setae scattered on surfaces. Penulti- and prominent submarginal spine. mate and basal segments each with few Antennular peduncles moderately long, scattered setae. exceeding distal margins of corneas by Antennal peduncles, overreaching distal VOLUME 113, NUMBER 4 959 margins of corneas by 0.10-0.50 length of somesial margin, marginal longitudinal row fifth segments. Fifth and fourth segments of longer stiff setae extending nearly to tip, with few scattered setae. Third segment few tufts of short setae adjacent to cutting usually with small spine and sparse tuft of edge. Palm slightly shorter to approximate- moderately long setae at ventrodistal angle, ly equaling length of carpus; dorsomesial occasionally without spine. Secondsegment margin with row of quite small spinulose with dorsolateral distal angle produced into tubercles, mesial face dorsally with 1 or 2 moderately long spine-like process, usually rows of sparse tufts oflong stiff setae; dor- reaching to mid-length offourth peduncular sal surface with 9-12 irregular and inter- segment; dorsomesial distal angle with rupted transverse rows ofstiffsetae and oc- small spine; lateral and mesial margins with casionally short longitudinal row of 3 or 4 few stiff setae. First segment with spinule spinules in midline proximally, fewer and on ventrodistal margin. Antennal acicle more widely-spaced transverse rows of se- moderately long, reaching to mid-length of tae on fixed finger, dorsolateral marginwith ultimate peduncular segment; arcuate, ter- few low tuberculate projections or small minating in acute spine; mesial margin with spines proximally; sometimes margin ele- tufts of long stiff setae. Antennal flagella vated to form very low ridge and linedwith long, overreaching tip of right cheliped; 2 long stiff setae; lateral and ventral surfaces or 3 moderately short to moderately long each with short transverse rows oflong stiff setae every 6—10 articles indistalhalf, more setae, fewer in number ventrally; cutting closely-spaced proximally. edge offixed fingerwith 1 small and 1 large Mandible with 3-segmented palp. Max- elongate calcareous tooth proximally, row illule (Fig. IB) with internal lobe of endo- of small calcareous teeth in distal half in- pod weakly produced, 1 terminal seta; ex- terspersed with minute corneous teeth, ter- ternal lobe obsolete. Maxilla (Fig. IC) with minating in small calcareous claw; row of endopod slender, shghtly shorter than distal tufts of short setae on adjacent dorsal sur- lobe of basial endite, but overreaching dis- face. Carpus approximately equal to length tal margin of scaphognathite. First maxilli- of merus; dorsodistal margin with 1 spine ped (Fig. ID) with slender endopod and mesially and row of stiff setae; dorsomesial very slender proximal segment of exopod. margin with row of spines, at least in distal Second maxilliped (Fig. IE) without distin- halfand each spine usually accompaniedby guishing characters. Third maxilliped (Fig. short setiferous ridge, dorsal surface with IF) with 2 or 3 spines on basis; ischium numerous low, setiferous ridges, dorsolat- with well developed crista dentata and 1 ac- eral margin not distinctly delimited, but cessory tooth; merus with prominent dor- with somewhat irregular row small spines, sodistal spine. Stemite of third maxillipeds most accompanied by setiferous ridges; lat- unarmed and without noticeable median eral and mesial faces each with numerous notch. short transverse or vertical rows of long Chelipeds subequal; right stouter, but not stiff setae, sometimes capsulate on lateral necessarily longer than left, both moderate- face; ventral surface with few low ridges ly to appreciably elongate. Right cheliped and long setae, ventrolateral distal angle (Figs. 2A, B) with dactyl 0.70-1.10 length with 1 or pair of subacute spines. Merus ofpalm; cutting edge with 2 widely-spaced, subtriangular, dorsal margin with irregular strong calcareous teeth in proximal 0.75, row of short transverse scute-likeridges ex- small corneous teeth distally, terminating in tending onto mesial and lateral faces and small corneous claw and slightly over- accompanied by long setae; ventrolateral lapped by fixed finger, dorsal surface with margin with row of low transverse ridges transverse rows of sparse tufts of setae me- and long stiff setae, 2 or 3 moderate to sially and extending onto rounded dor- widely-separated spines in distal half; ven- 960 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON tromesial margin and ventral surface also ventrolateral distal angle. Coxa sometimes with transverse ridges and long stiff setae, with spine at ventromesial distal angle. ventromesial distal angle usually with small Ambulatory legs (Figs. 2D, E) over- spine, ridges of ventral surface sometimes reaching right cheliped by 0.50-0.75 length accompanied by small subacute spines. Is- of dactyls. Dactyls long and slender, 1.25- chium with 2 or 3 short transverse ridges 1.75 length of propodi; in dorsal view, dis- and long setae on ventromesial margin. tal 0.35 distinctly twisted; in lateral view, Coxa occasionally with small acute spine at distal 0.35 strongly curved ventrally; each ventromesial distal angle. terminating in small corneous claw; dorsal Left cheliped (Fig. 2C) reaching nearly surfaces each with row oflow protuberanc- to tip ofdactyl ofright, sometimes beyond; es, increasing in strength distally and ac- moderately slender. Dactyl 1.5 to approxi- companied by long stiff setae; mesial faces mately twice length of palm; cutting edge each with row of long stiff setae ventrally, with row of small corneous teeth, terminat- rather widely-spaced in proximal 0.65, but ing in small corneous claw and slightly becoming closely-spaced distally; lateral overlapped by fixed finger, surfaces and faces each with few sparse tufts of setae, margins unarmed but with setation as in most abundant on left third; ventralmargins right. Palm slightly more than half length unarmed. Propodi 0.25-0.40 longer than of carpus; dorsomesial margin with few carpi; dorsal surfaces each with double row small blunt or spinulose tubercles, occa- of short transverse ridges extending onto sionally small spines proximally, decreas- lateral faces and set with moderately long ing in size and becoming obsolete or ap- stiff setae, lateral face of left third usually pearing only as tiny granules distally; dor- with more numerous tufts of setae; mesial sal surface, Uke that of right, with short ir- and ventral surfaces glabrous or with few regular and interrupted transverse rows of scattered short setae. Carpi 0.65-0.90 long stiffsetae, occasionally with short lon- length of meri; dorsal surfaces of second gitudinal row of 3—5 small spines on prox- pereopods each with spine at distal angle imal midline, setation ofother surfaces also and 1—6 additional spines, usually also 1-3 like that of right; dorsolateral margin with proximally on third right pereopod, all also slightly elevated, occasionally spinulose with row of tufts of stiff setae; lateral faces ridge lined with long setae; cutting edge each with 2 or 3 rows of short transverse with row of widely-spaced, small calcare- ridges and short setae; ventral surfaces each ous teeth interspersed with very small cor- with few setae on distal margin; mesial fac- neous teeth. Carpus approximately equal to es usually glabrous, occasionally with few length of merus; dorsodistal margin with 1 scattered setae. Meri laterally compressed; small spine mesially and often second dorsal surfaces each with row oftransverse smaller spine laterally, dorsomesial and scute-like ridges and long stiff setae; lateral dorsolateral margins each with row of faces each with 1 or 2 longitudinal rows of spines accompanied by transverse ridges of short setae in ventral half; mesial faces gla- long setae, spines of dorsomesial margin brous or with very few sparse tufts of short more prominent and often somewhat setae; ventral surfaces of second pereopods hooked, dorsal surface with short transverse each usually with 1-5 acute spines or with setiferous ridges; lateral, mesial, andventral 1 or 2 spines distally and 3 or 4 blunt or surface with setation as on right. Merus spinulose protuberances proximally, accom- with setation also as on right; ventromesial panied by tufts of setae; third with only and ventrolateral distal angles each with tufts of setae. Ischia each with few setae moderately prominent spine. Ischium with dorsally and ventrally. Anterior lobe ofster- 3 or 4 short transverse, tuberculate ridges nite of third pereopods (Fig. IG) roundly and long setae, frequently small spine at subrectangular, with long setae on or adja- VOLUME NUMBER 113, 4 961 E,?a,e'holor/TSslrrT^^^^^^ "'" TT^' ^' ""''' ^^^'^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^162, lOCAS N198B-8; B- 962 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OFWASfflNGTON cent to anterior margin. Fourth pereopods from species ofNematopagurus. However, semichelate; dactyls long and slender, usu- the general similarity of the armature and ally with prominent preungual process at setation ofthe chelipeds ofthe new species base of claw; propodi with tufts oflong se- may easily lead the casual observerto con- tae dorsally and ventrolaterally; carpi with fuse it with those species of Nematopa- setose lateral faces. gurus that resemble N. gardineri Alcock, Males with well developed, elongate sex- 1905, A^. meiringae McLaughlin, 1998, ual tube (Fig. IH) produced from coxa of and particularly N. kosiensis McLaughlin, right fifth pereopod, stout inproximal0.35— 1998. 0.50, filiform distally, coxa ofleft fifth with short sexual tube, moderately stout proxi- Acknowledgments mally, shorter distal portion appreciably more slender but not filiform; unpaired left The junior author wishes to express her pleopods 3-5 unequally biramous, fifth gratitude to Professors Juiyu Liu and Hui- with external ramus appreciably longer and lian Chen, Institute ofOceanology, Chinese more setose than third and fourth. Females Academy of Sciences, for their hospitality with moderately short, butquite dense setae during her visit to the Institute. The assis- anteriorly on stemite and right coxa offifth tance ofNgan Kee Ng, National University pereopods; egg-bearing pleopods 2-4 with ofSingapore, who served as her interpreter, both rami approximately of equal length, was indispensable. This is a scientific con- non egg-bearing fifth pleopod with consid- tribution from the Shannon Point Marine erably longer, more setiferous external ra- Center, Western Washington University. mus, rudimentary internal ramus. Telson (Fig. II) with distinct transverse Literature Cited indentations; anterior often nearly twice length of posterior lobes; posterior lobes Alcock, A. 1905. MarineCrustaceans. XIV.Paguridae. symmetrical or nearly so, subtriangular, Pp. 827-835 in J. S. Gardiner, ed.. The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive separated by broad median cleft; terminal Archipelagoes. Being an account of the work margins oblique, each with 2-4 small carried on and the collections made by an ex- spines and usually 1 much more prominent pedition during the years 1899 and 1900. 2. rsopuinndeeda,t eaapcehx;witlhatreroawl omfa4r-g7inmsodselriagthetllyy Coelho,UnPi.veAr.s,it&y MPr.esAs,.CRaammborsi.dg1e9.72. A constituigao eadistribuigaodafaunadedecapodosdoliteral short bris—tles. leste da Am—erica do Sul entre as latitudes de 5° Color. —Not known. N e 39° S. Trabalhos do InstitutoOceanograf- Habitat. Mud and sand substrates, 145- icos,UniversidadeFederal, Pemambuco,Recife 220 m; occupying variety of gastropod 13:133-236. , & M. A. Ramos-Porto. 1987. Sinopse dos shells. — crustaceos decapodos brasileiros (FamiHas Cal- Etymology. From the Latin reconditus lianassidae, Callianideidae, Upogebi—idae. Para- meaning concealed, and referring to the su- paguridae, Paguridae, Diogenidae). Trabalhos perficial similarity of this taxon to species do Instituto Oceanograficos, Universidade Fed- of Nematopagurus, which undoubtedly has eral, Pemambuco, Recife 19:27-53. caused it to be o—verlooked in the past. c,ru&staceos de.ca1p99o5d.osDimsatrriinbhuo^saodoecNoolrodgeicsateddoos Distribution. At present recognized Brasil.—Trabalhos do Instituto Oceanograficos, only from the Hainan Island area of the Universidade Federal, Pemambuco, Recife 23: South China Sea. 113-127. Remarks.—The distinctive male sexual , & M. F B. A. Santos. 1980. Zoogeografia tubes and lack of female modified and bMraerionhmaetdoodoBreasialp.liIc.aC9oaonsaiduerma^goreuspogedreaiscrusos-- paired first pleopods will immediately dis- taceos (Paguros: Crustacea Decapoda,—Super tinguish Nematopaguroides reconditus familias Paguroidea e Coenobitoidea). Bole- — VOLUME 113, NUMBER 4 963 — tim do Institute Oceanografico, Universidade man. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zool- Sao Paulo 29:139-144. ogie et Paleontologie, (7)13:185-226. Forest, J., & M. de Saint Laurent. 1968. Resultats Melo, G. A. S. de. 1999. Manual de Identificagados scientifiques des campagnes de la "Calypso." Crustacea Decapoda de literal Brasileiro: Ano- Part VII. Campagne de la Calypso au large des mura Thalassinidea Palinuridea Astacidea. Ed- cotesAtlantiques de TAmerique du Sud(1961- itoraPleiade Ltda. M.E., Sao Paulo, Brazil, 551 1962). 6. Crustaces Decapodes: Pagurides. pp. Annales de I'lnstitut Oceanographique de Mon- Reed, J. K., R. H. Gore, L. E. Scotto, & K. A. Wilson. aco, n.s. 45(2):45-172. 1982. Community composition, structure, areal McLaughlin, P. A. 1998. Hermit crabs of the genus andtrophicrelationshipsofdecapodsassociated Nematopagurus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguri- with shallow- and deep-water Oculina varicosa — dae) from southeastern South Africa an—d Mad- coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 32: agascar: new records and new species. Zoos- 761-786. ystema 20:335-358. Rieger, P. J. 1998. Malacostraca-Eucarida. Paguroidea. Milne-Edwards, A., & E. L. Bouvier. 1892. Observa- Pp. 413-429 in P S. Young, ed.. Catalogue of tions preliminaires sur les paguriens recueillis Crustacea of Brazil (serie Livros n. 6) Museu par les expeditions du Travailleur et du Talis- Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

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