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First records of two sparid species, Diplodus omanensis and Pagellus affinis (Perciformes: Sparidae) from western coast of Pakistan PDF

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by  AmirS A
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Preview First records of two sparid species, Diplodus omanensis and Pagellus affinis (Perciformes: Sparidae) from western coast of Pakistan

First records of two sparid species, Diplodus omanensis and Pagellus affinis (Perciformes: Sparidae) from western SFI coast of Pakistan © Received: 27 Aug. 2012 Accepted: 19 Oct. 2012 by Editor: R. Causse Shabir Ali Amir* (1), Fumiya TAnAkA (2), Pirzada Jamal Siddiqui (3) & Yukio iwATSuki (4) Résumé. – Premiers signalements de deux Sparidae, Diplodus omanensis et Pagellus affinis (Perciformes: Sparidae) en provenan- ce de l’ouest du Pakistan. un Diplodus omanensis Bauchot & Bianchi, 1984 et un Pagel- lus affinis Boulenger, 1888, ont été recueillis sur le marché de karachi, probablement en provenance de la côte ouest du Pakistan, en mer d’Arabie. Ces spécimens représentent les premiers signale- ments de ces deux espèces de sparidés dans les eaux pakistanaises. Key words. – Sparidae - Diplodus omanensis - Pagellus affinis - Pakistan - Arabian Sea - new records. Pakistani fish fauna has been object of few general studies (Day, 1875; Bianchi, 1985; Hoda, 1988). Concerning sparids, our knowl- edge of the distributional limits of most fishes of the Western Indian Ocean is still poor. Hoda (1988) reported 10 species from Pakistan waters: Acanthopagrus berda, A. bifasciatus, A. latus, Argyrops spinifer, Cheimerius nufar, Crenidens crenidens, Diplodus sargus kotschyi, Rhabdosargus sarba, R. haffara, and Sparidentex hasta. recently a joint research was carried out by Pakistani and Japa- nese fish researchers in the two landing ports of Karachi City and keti Bandar (an estuary of the indus river of Sindh), and river Basin, northwestern karachi, Pakistan from 19 may to 1 June 2012. we secured a specimen of Oman Porgy, Diplodus omanensis Bau- chot & Bianchi, 1984 and a specimen of Arabian Pandora, Pagellus affinis Boulenger, 1888. The former is known only from southern Oman and the latter is also known only from the “Gulf” to the Gulf of Aden including southern Oman and northern coast of Somalia Figure 1. - A: Diplodus omanensis, 310 mm SL; B: Pagellus affinis, 183 mm (Bauchot and Smith, 1983). SL. Both species were purchased at the west wharf Fish Harbour, karachi, we report here on those two first records from the Pakistani Pakistan, 26 may 2012. waters of the Arabian Sea. Biology, university of karachi, Pakistan. Standard length is abbre- viated as SL. MATERIALS AND METHODS we followed the counts and measurements described by Hubbs Diplodus omanensis Bauchot & Bianchi, 1984 and Lagler (1964). All the acronyms used are as follow: muFS, English name: Oman Porgy division of Fisheries Science, department of marine Biology & (Fig. 1A; Tab. i) Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, university of miyazaki, Japan; CEmB, Pisces, Centre of Excellence in marine Diplodus cervinus omanensis Bauchot & Bianchi, 1984: 103, (1) Zoological Sciences division, Pakistan museum of natural History, islamabad, Pakistan. (2) interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, university of miyazaki, 1-1 Gakuen-kibanadai-nishi, miyazaki 889-2192, Japan. [[email protected]] (3) Centre of Excellence in marine Biology, university of karachi, karachi 75270, Pakistan. [[email protected]] (4) department of marine Biology & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, university of miyazaki, 1-1 Gakuen-kibanadai- nishi, miyazaki 889-2192, Japan. [[email protected]] * Corresponding author [[email protected]] Cybium 2013, 37(3): 220-222. Amir et al. First record of sparid fishes from Pakistan fig. A (Kuria Muria Bay [Oman], Arabian Sea); Randall, 1995: 225, Material examined fig. 585 (Oman); manilo and Bogorodsky, 2003: S109 (Arabian A specimen, CEmB-P 2012-00077 (formerly muFS 39722), Sea). 310 mm in SL, purchased at the west wharf Fish Harbour, kara- Table i. - Counts and morphometric data for Diplodus omanensis and Pagellus affinis. measurements expressed as percentages of standard length. Diplodus omanensis Pagellus affinis CEmB-P 2012-00077 CEmB-P 2012-00078 (formerly muFS 39722) (formerly muFS 39720) n = 1 n = 1 Counts Dorsal-fin rays Xi, 10 Xii, 10 Anal-fin rays iii, 10 iii, 9 Pectoral-fin rays 15 15 Pored lateral-line scales 50 59 Scale rows between fifth (ninth) dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line 8 ½ (8) 6 ½ (5) Scale rows above/below lateral line 9 ½ / 17 ½ 6 ½ / 16 ½ Scale rows on cheek 5 7 Gill rakers 5 + 1 + 8 = 14 6 + 1 + 9 = 16 Standard length (mm) 310 183 Proportions (% SL) Body depth 37.2 42.4 Body depth at first anal fin spine origin 32.8 Head length 37.5 33.0 Posteriormost jaw 15.8 10.7 Body width at pectoral fin base 15.8 18.0 Snout length 13.6 12.2 Orbit diameter 8.5 9.8 dermal eye opening 7.0 8.3 interorbital width 11.6 8.8 upper jaw length 11.0 12.0 Caudal peduncle depth 15.3 9.2 Caudal peduncle length 16.8 17.4 Predorsal length 49.0 40.7 Preanal length 65.8 61.2 Prepelvic length 42.9 38.2 Dorsal-fin base 39.0 51.4 Anal-fin base 18.7 26.8 Caudal-fin length 32.9 29.0 Pelvic-fin spine 13.9 15.8 First pelvic-fin ray 22.6 22.9 Longest pectoral-fin ray 34.5 36.7 First dorsal-fin spine 4.5 10.7 Second dorsal-fin spine 9.5 13.7 Third dorsal-fin spine 12.0 17.0 Fourth dorsal-fin spine 14.5 15.5 Fifth dorsal-fin spine 13.2 15.7 Sixth dorsal-fin spine 12.2 14.7 Last dorsal-fin spine 9.0 9.0 Longest dorsal-fin ray 9.5 9.9 First anal-fin spine 4.8 4.8 Second anal-fin spine 10.3 8.9 Third anal-fin spine 9.7 9.3 First anal-fin ray 10.7 9.2 Suborbital depth 8.5 6.3 Cybium 2013, 37(3) 221 First record of sparid fishes from Pakistan Amir et al. chi (presumably collected from western Pakistani rocky shore and present along the western coast of India, but this is the first objec- sandy area according to the seller), 26 may 2011. tive record from Pakistan. The specimen (CEmB-P 2012-00078, 183 mm SL) of P. affinis Description showed nine anal-fin rays, while comparative Omani specimens of Counts and proportional measurements of Diplodus omanensis P. affinis (muFS 33502-33506, 33668, 33670-33671, 8 specimens, are shown in table i. Head and body compressed with dorsal pro- 188-232 mm SL) and literature reference counts (Bauchot and file of head moderately steep; scale rows on cheek; mouth small Smith, 1983; Randall, 1995) indicated 10 anal-fin rays. The nine and horizontal, the maxilla reaching to below anterior margin of count of the Pakistani specimen is considered as variation of the eyes and completely hidden under suborbitals when mouth closed; species. six pairs of projecting incisor teeth in upper jaw and four pairs in lower jaw; posterior part of jaw with three rows of small molars; first dorsal spine is smallest while fourth and fifth one is usually COMPARATIVE MATERIAL longest; second and third anal spines subequal; caudal fin forked; upper lobe of caudal fin is slightly longer than lower one; pectoral Diplodus omanensis: muFS 33603, 33661, 2 specimens, 294- fins reaching to anal spine 299 mm SL, madrakah, Oman. Pagellus affinis: muFS 33502- Colour in fresh specimen (Fig. 1A): five broad black bars on 33506, 33668, 33670-33671, 8 specimens, 188-232 mm SL, mut- head and body; one on head through eyes and four on rest (first rah fish market, Oman. and second indistinctly bifurcated ventrally); two indistinct short narrow black bars ventrally in first silver interspace on body and one indistinct ventrally after second; snout partly yellow; margins Acknowledgements. – This report has been conducted by familiar relation- of fins are also partly yellow and blackish. ship of Pakistani and Japanese marine researchers and partially supported by the Visiting Scholar Program of Higher Education Commission, Govern- ment of Pakistan, which provided the honorarium of the last author visit- ing Pakistan. we also thank naveed khan, Farkhanda khanum, Shahnaz Pagellus affinis Boulenger, 1888 Jahangir, and muhammed ibrahim for their sampling assistance and impor- English name: Arabian Pandora tant information of Pakistani fishes. (Fig. 1B; Tab. i) Pagellus affinis Boulenger, 1888: 659 (muscat, Oman, Gulf of REFERENCES Oman, Arabian Sea, northwestern indian Ocean); randall, 1995: 227, fig. 589 (Arabian Gulf to the Gulf of Aden and northern coast BAuCHOT m.L. & SmiTH m.m., 1983. - Sparidae. In: FAO Spe- of Somalia); manilo and Bogorodsky, 2003: S109 (Arabian Sea). cies Identification Sheets for Fisheries Purposes-Western Indi- an Ocean. Fishing Area 51, Vol. 4 (Fisher w. & Bianchi G., Material examined eds), pp. 1-11. rome: FAO. A specimen, CEmB-P 2012-00078 (formerly muFS 39720), BAuCHOT m.L. & BiAnCHi G., 1984. - Diplodus cervinus oma- 183 mm in SL, purchased at the west wharf Fish Harbour, kara- nensis, nouvelle sous-espèce de Diplodus cervinus (Lowe, chi (presumably collected from western Pakistani coastal waters 1841), capturée en mer d’Arabie (Pisces, Perciformes, Spari- according to the seller), 26 may 2012. dae). Cybium, 8: 103-105. BIANCHI G., 1985. - FAO Species Identification Sheets for Fish- Description ery Purposes. Field Guide to the Commercial marine and Counts and proportional measurements of Pagellus affinis are Brackish-water Species of Pakistan. 200 p. rome: FAO. shown in table I. Body elongate, somewhat fusiform; head profile BOULENGER G.A., 1888. - An account of the fishes obtained by convex from upper lip to origin of dorsal fin; no scales on preo- Surgeon-major A.S.G. Jayakar at muscat, east coast of Arabia. Proc. Gen. Meet. Sci. Bus. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1887: 653-667. percular flange, nor on soft dorsal and anal fins; scalation of top CArPEnTEr k.E., kruPP E., JOnES d.A. & ZAJOnZ u., of head reaching to beyond vertical diameter of eyes; sharp teeth, 1997. - FAO Species Identification Field Guide for Fisheries small molars in jaws; dorsal spines slender and thin, fifth longest; Purposes. Living marine resources of kuwait, Eastern Saudi last dorsal and anal-fin soft rays a little bit longer than penultimate Arabia, Bahrain, qatar and the united Arab Emirates. 293 p. rays; second and third anal spines subequal; caudal fin forked; pec- rome: FAO. toral fins long, reaching to anterior origin of anal fin. dAY F., 1875. - The Fishes of india; Being a natural History of the Colour in fresh specimen (Fig. 1B): indistinct yellow colour in Fishes known to inhabit the Seas and Fresh waters of india, snout part of head; pinkish and silvery in colour combination with Burma, and Ceylon. 778 p. London: B. quaritch. a light blue spotted line running along the scale-lines above and HOdA S.m.S., 1988. - Fishes from the Coast of Pakistan. Biologia, below the lateral line. 34: 1-37. HuBBS C.L. & LAGLEr k.F., 1964. - Fishes of the Great Lakes Remarks region. Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci., 26: 1-213. Pagellus affinis was described from the specimen of muscat, mAniLO L.G. & BOGOrOdSkY S.V., 2003. - Taxonomic com- Oman by Boulenger (1888). Subsequently the species was report- position, diversity and distribution of coastal fishes of the Ara- ed and known only from the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Aden and bian Sea. J. Ichthyol., 43: S75-S149. northern coast of Somalia (Bauchot and Smith, 1983; Carpenter et rAndALL J.E., 1995. - Coastal Fishes of Oman. 439 p. Bathurst: al., 1997). manilo and Bogorodsky (2003) mentioned the species as Crawford House Publishing Pty Ltd. 222 Cybium 2013, 37(3)

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