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First records of invasion by the myrmicine japanese ant Vollenhovia emeryi W. M. wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the United States PDF

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Preview First records of invasion by the myrmicine japanese ant Vollenhovia emeryi W. M. wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the United States

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(3), 2007, pp. 596-604 FIRST RECORDS OF INVASION BY THE MYRMICINE JAPANESE ANT VOLLENHOVIA EMERYIW. M. WHEELER (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) IN THE UNITED STATES Daniel S. Kjar and Theodore W. Suman (DSK) Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Elmira College, 1 Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (TWS) Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012, U.S.A. — Abstract. Vollenhovia emeryi W. M. Wheeler was found at two sites over 2 yr in the Dyke Marsh Preserve, part of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, a National Park in Fairfax County, Virginia. This ant was also found at two locations along the shore of the Potomac River in Maryland: Fort Washington National Park, Prince George's County, and Glen Echo Park, Montgomery County. These are the first records for their respective states. A live colony of V. emeryi was collected from the campus ofGeorgetown University in the District ofColumbia and is maintained at the Smithsonian Institution. Previous records for this ant in the United States are: Rock Creek Park, a National Park in the District of Columbia (1986), and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1993). These records indicate that this species has spread beyond areas ofits initial introduction. This ant species may have entered the U.S. with imported Japanese cherry trees in the District of Columbia, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Key Words: Vollenhovia emeryi W. M.Wheeler, introduced species, alien, Japanese ant Introduced ant species are some ofthe Linepithima humile (Mayr) (Argentine more destructive and expensive pests in ant), an aggressive alien ant introduced the U.S. as well as worldwide (Crowell into southern California and Louisiana 1968, Porter and Savignano 1990, Cole et from South America in the 1890s, is al. 1992, Morrison 2002, Breton et al. rapidly spreading into most of the 2003, Hill et al. 2003). However, the southwestern U.S. (Cole et al. 1992, majority of ant species are not likely to Holway 1998). Solenopsis invicta Buren be introduced through human activities (red imported fire ant) is one ofthe more because of habitat preferences and spe- notorious alien invasives in the U.S. cialization on specific prey. Alien, in- (Porter and Savignano 1990). This ant vasive ant species tend to be habitat and spread rapidly after its introduction in prey generahsts, often with polygynous Mobile, Alabama, during the 1930s and colonies, and with nesting habits that its range extends through most of the increase their likelihood of transporta- southern U.S. Solenopsis invicta quickly tion through human trade (Holway et al. decimated local arthropod populations 2002). and has caused human injuries and — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 3 597 deaths due to its venomous sting. Re- ian forests, have reduced wings (bra- cently, and for reasons yet unknown, this chypterous), and a high rate of gynan- ant appears to be decHning behind its dromorphy (a condition where part of invasion hne in natural habitats, al- the individual is female and the other though it is dominant and abundant in part male). Monogyne colonies are disturbed areas (Morrison 2002). Many found in upland areas, nest in wood, alien ant species become agricultural and have queens with fully-developed pests by protecting crop-damaging ar- wings (macropterous) and infrequent thropods and creating mounds in agri- gynandromorphy (Kubota 1984, Kino- cultural fields. Other aggressive alien ant mura and Yamauchi 1994). Reproduc- species in the U.S. include: Anoplolepis tives eclose in the fall and overwinter in gracilipes (Smith), Paratrechina flavipes their nests. Wheeler (1906) described (Smith), Pheidole megacephala (Fabri- taxonomic details and more recent work cius), Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), has focused on queen morphology and Technomyrmex albipes Smith, and Was- gynandromorphy (Kubota 1984; Kino- mannia auropunctata (Roger) (Wheeler mura and Yamauchi 1994). 1929, McGlynn 1999, Trager 1984, We give the first record of this ant in Deyrup 1991, Trager 1991, Wetterer Virginia, and describe previously unpub- and Porter 2003, Wetterer 2005) lished records of V. emeryi in Maryland, Some introduced ant species do not Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. We appear to displace native species or include observations made on a captive greatly disrupt native ant communities, V. emeryicolony. We hypothesize that V. and are predominately found in habitats emeryi is spreading along the riparian altered by human activity. Monomoriwn corridors of Washington, D.C, and pharaonis (Linnaeus) (Pharaoh ant) lives suggest that gifts of Japanese cherry in dry, warm habitats, and a colony of trees during the early 20th century may these 1.5 mm-long ants can travel great have resulted in the introduction of this distances in crates, luggage, or machin- ant into the U.S. on two separate ery. Such travel has resulted in this occasions. species' worldwide distribution. Tetra- Materials and Methods rnorium caespitimi (Linnaeus) (pavement ant) forms large colonies and lives in Study Sites. Dyke Marsh Preserve: pavement cracks and building founda- Dyke Marsh Preserve (DMP) is part of tions throughout the eastern U.S. the George Washington Memorial Park- Stefan P. Cover first found VoUenJw- way (GWMP) in Fairfax County, Vir- GWMP via emeryi in the U.S. in 1986 while ginia. The is a national park sampling for ants in Washington, D.C., bordering the west shore ofthe Potomac and its presence in North America is River. The DMP is 3.5 km long, 500 m briefly mentioned by Holldobler and wide at its widest point on an east-west Wilson (1990). Vollenhovia spp. are transect, and located 15 km south of the generalists and are distributed through- Ronald Reagan Washington National DMP out Asia and the Pacific Islands (Wheeler Airport. The has areas of flood- 1907, Bolton 1995, Terayama and Kino- plain forests, open tidal freshwater mura 1997). There are no known Vol- marsh, and swamp forests (Johnston lenhovia species native to the Western 2000; Barrows et al. 2005). All sampling DMP Hemisphere. The behavior and natural sites were within the flood-plain history of V. emeryi is relatively un- forest. known. In its native habitat, polygyne The flood-plain forest is dominated by colonies nest in decaying wood in ripar- Liquidambar styraciflua L. (sweetgum) — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 598 and a dense under story of Lindera Glover-Archbold Park, part of Rock benzoin (L.) Blume (spicebush) and Creek Park (a national park). Observa- Viburnum nioUe Michx. (smooth arrow- tory Hill is a manicured landscape with wood). Other trees common in the forest Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal (pawpaw). include Acer negundo L. (boxelder), Acer Ilex spp. (hollies), Metasequoia glyptos- rubrum L. (red maple), Fraxinus cimeri- troboides Hu and W. C. Cheng (dawn cana L. (white ash), Liriodendron tulipi- redwood), Prunus cvs., Quercus spp. fera L. (tulip tree), Nyssa sylvatica (oaks), Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black Marshall (tupelo), Quercus palustris locust), and other trees. Miinchh. (pin oak), Quercus phellos L. Site Selection. Dyke Marsh Preserve: (willow oak), Quercus rubra L. (red oak). As part of a larger study on the ant Sassafras albiduni (Nutt.) Nees (sassa- community of the DMP forest, 60 fras), and Ulmus cmiericana L. (american random sites were selected within the elm). DMP using a geographical information Fort Washington: Fort Washington system (ESRI Inc. 2001), the National National Park (FWNP) is located Park Service's AlaskaPak extension (Na- 20 km south of Washington, D.C. in tional Park Service 2002), and high- Prince George's County, Maryland. The resolution aerial photography with the current structure dates to 1824, and cooperation ofthe National Park Service previous forts on this site date to 1808. GIS Coordinator of the GWMP. Sites The park and surrounding area is greatly were in a predefined area of the forest impacted by human activities. Trees m whose borders were at least 5 from species found around the park are trails or roads. A Trimble® backpack Quercus sp., L. styraciflua, U. aniericana, global positioning system (GPS) was L. tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis L. used to locate each of the sites in the (eastern sycamore), and various Prunus cvs. (cherries). Open areas are dominated forest. Fort Washington: Three areas within by grass and edge vegetation. Areas the FWNP were sampled during March along the Potomac River are dominated through September, 2002; and during by young A. negundo and U. aniericana. Most areas along the river were used as May and November, 2003. Sampling in warfs and contain concrete, drift wood, the southeastern part of the park in- and other beach debris. cluded open grass areas, young upland Glen Echo Park: Glen Echo Park woods, gullies, and areas around and on (GEP) is part of the GWMP on the Bunker B. Sampling in the western part Maryland side of the Potomac River of the park included public fishing areas 7 km north of Washington, D.C. The near the shoreline and near the light- area has been used as an amusement house. Sampling in the northeast of the park since the late 19th century. Cur- park was done in wooded areas, picnic rently the park is operated by the grounds, and along trails. National Park Service for education Glen Echo Park: Ant sampling in GEP and various family oriented activities. occurred as part of a Bioblitz sponsored The forest around the GEP is second by the National Park Service, The growth eastern deciduous and primarily Nature Conservancy, and the Virginia consisting ofA. negundo, L. tulipifera, U. Museum of Natural History on June 24 americana, P. occidentcdis. and 25, 2006. Sampling was done along Observatory Hill: Observatory Hill, on a short stretch of path leading down to the Main Campus of Georgetown Uni- a gully near the Clara Barton Parkway versity, Washington, D.C, is adjacent to (38° 58'02" N, 77° 08'47" W). — —— VOLUME NUMBER 109, 3 599 A Observatory Hill: pitfall trap was Results palreaacedbeolnowObaselravragteoroyakHiltlreien (aQnueorpceuns Ant Co—llection at the Dyke Marsh Preserve. Vollenhovia emeryiwas found pruabwrpaawL.){A.antdrilonbeaa)rata38g°ro5v4e'28o"fN,sma7l7°l at two locations in the DMP: site 33 (38° 04'39" W. The area was open with pieces 46'27"N, 77° 03'01" W); site 58 (38° 46'26" N, 77° 03'01" W). Workers were of bricks and pavement, loose gravel, found in pitfall trap samples during both and grass. 2002 and 2003. One was collected in June Antcollection. DykeMarshPreserve: Soil cores (70 X 70 mm) were collected of 2002, and another was collected from each site in the third week ofJune, August 2002, both at site 33. This site August, and October in 2002 and 2003. is dominated by the alien vine Ampelop- Arthropods were extracted from the soil sis brevipedmunculata (Maxim.) Trautv. with the use of Berlese funnels. A single and is 15 from the banks of the Potomac River. Other alien plants in collar and funnel pitfall trap of the this site include Celastrus orbiculatus design described in Kjar and Barrows Thunb. (Asian bittersweet). Clematis (2004) was used at each study site. The terniflora Dc. (Asian clematis), Lonicera pitfall traps were run for 24 h, in the last japonica Thunb. (Japanese honeysuckle), week of June, August, and October during 2002 and 2003. and Rosa multiflora Thunb. (multiflora Fort Washington: Sites at FWNP were rose). The only native plant in site 33 was a small Primus serotina Ehrh. (wild black sampled using Berlese funnels, pitfall traps, and Winkler extraction (Suman cherry) seedling. During August 2003, one worker was 2004). Glen Echo Park: Hand sampling was found in a pitfall sample from site 58, m done for 30 minutes along the gully by approximately 30 south ofsite 33. Site m turning over stones, searching tree limbs 58 is 15 from the river and located and leaf litter, and breaking up decom- below a 132-cm-dbh A. rubrum, a 64-cm- posing tree limbs and stumps. dbh L. styraciflua, and a 51-cm-dbh U. Observatory Hill: A single pitfall trap americana. The plant community in this of identical design to the DMP site was site was dominated by the alien vine L. left for 48 h starting on 14 September japonica, and also contained A. brevipe- 2004. Hand sampling near the pitfall trap dunculata. Native plants in site 58 in- location was performed 7 June 2005. cluded all three tree species mentioned — Ant Identification. Ants were identi- above and the monocot vine Smilax fied using Bolton (1994), Creighton rotundifolia L. (greenbrier). (1950), the National Museum ofNatural Ant Collection at Fort Washington. History ant collection, and verified by Twenty-four workers of V. emeryi were FWNP Dr. David R. Smith (USDA), and Mr. found in on June 26, 2003. The Terry P. Nuhn (USDA). Voucher speci- ants were found in debris along the shore mens are in the arthropod collection of of the Potomac River near the light- the Laboratory of Entomology and Bio- house. A Berlese funnel was used to diversity at Georgetown University, extract arthropods from the debris. Washington, D.C. Specimens collected Ant Collection at Glen Echo Park. from Fort Washington National Park One V. emeryi worker was collected by are deposited with the National Park hand at the beginning of the trail Service under catalog number 13651 (Su- surveyed. The worker was found on the man 2004). surface of the leaf litter layer. — 600 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. I. Three images ofa V. emeryiworker, and an image ofthe V. emeryi nest at the U.S. National Museum ofNatural History. The framesare images of: a, profileview; b, head view; c. dorsalview; d. the nest ofthe colony taken from Observatory Hill, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Ant Collection on Observatory Hill. disturbed, workers quickly moved all The 14 September 2004 pitfall-trap sam- exposed eggs and larvae under soil or ple from Observatory Hill contained 10 within the moistened paper used to V. emeryi workers along with several transport them. When hand collected, common ant species: Camponotus peim- workers attempted to move away from sylvanicus (De Geer), Lasiiis alienus an aspirator and forceps and did not (Foerster), and Prenolepis imparis (Say). have the 'crouch-and-freeze' behavior of On 7 June 2005, a colony of V. emeryi such small myrmicines as CypJiomyrmex was hand-collected from the same area spp. and Temnothorax spp. (Wheeler of Observatory Hill. The colony had 28 1907, Cole 1940, Fellers 1987). Ifa work- workers, three dealate (queens that have er was pushed onto her dorsal surface, lost their wings) females, five larvae, and she struggled to right herself. These ants 10 eggs. The colony's nest was located in have short legs with inflated femora, soil mixed with bricks, gravel, and wood. although they are relatively elongate for The nest was 2 cm below the soil surface their sinall overall length of about with slightly mounded soil around the 2.5 mm (Fig. 1). The 28 workers from opening. the colony showed no readily visible Members of the colony collected from variation in coloration or size. Observatory Hill were slow moving on The live colony was taken to Ted R. a warm day. After the colony was Schultz and Eugenia Okonski at the VOLUME NUMBER 109, 3 601 Fig. 2. Imageofabrachypterous V. emeryialatequeen. ThisqueenisfromStefanCover's 1986survey ofRock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. (Photograph used with permission ofand taken by April Nobile, Cahfornia Academy ofSciences, www.antweb.org). National Museum of Natural History 1906, Bolton 1995), and therefore may and Okonski is maintaining it at the have little problem acclimating from Museum. After the colony was placed in southern Virginia north to southern the artificial habitat it moved its larvae, New England along the U.S. East Coast. DMP eggs, and queens into the small hose used The June 2002 collection in is to add water to the porous clay base of the first record of this ant in Virginia, FWNP the nest container. Within two weeks the and the June 2003 collection at is colony moved into the small gap between the first record of this ant in Maryland. this hose and the plastic wall of the The Observatory Hill collections (Sep- container, and built a small chamber tember 2004 and June 2005) are the with two openings from the small second and third collections ofthis ant in amount of soil that was introduced into the District of Columbia. Previous re- the container with the colony (Fig. Id). cords of this ant include the first record Foragers frequently enter and leave the ofthis ant in the U.S. from a 1986 survey chamber. Queens have not been observed of the ants of Rock Creek Park in outside of this chamber. Washington, D.C. (Holldobler and Wil- son 1990); and Philadelphia, Pennsylva- Discussion nia, in 1993 (King and Green 2005). The Vollenhovia emeryi is a recently dis- alate reproductive females found in the covered alien myrmicine ant from Japan U.S. have reduced wings (brachypterous) and may be spreading across the mid- (Fig. 2), and therefore mating flights, Atlantic region of the U.S. This ant is especially ones of any distance may not native to Japan (30^5" N) (Wheeler be possible. In view of this information. 602 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON it seems likely that V. emeryi was in- southern slope under an oak tree ap- dependently introduced into Philadel- proximately 1 km from the Potomac phia and Washington, D.C. River, indicates that this species is not An intriguing hypothesis on the in- confined to wet habitats as previously troduction of V. emeryi in the U.S. thought, although the Georgetown colo- concerns the Japanese gift ofcherry trees ny at the National Museum of Natural that were planted along the Tidal Basin History showed an obvious preference by the Jefferson Memorial in Washing- for an extremely moist nest location ton, D.C, and at Fairmont Park in (Fig. Id). The polygynous nest from an Philadelphia. The first 2,000 trees in- upland dry area suggests the habitat tended for Washington, D.C. were im- range of polygyne colonies in the in- ported in 1910. This first shipment was troduced population should be investi- destroyed due to the numerous insects gated, as it may differ from what has and other pests inhabiting them (Nation- been reported for this species in Japan. al Park Service 2005). After the U.S. Long-distance dispersal by wind is received a second gift of 3,020 cherry unlikely in this epigaeic ant with puta- trees from Japan, the trees were planted tively brachypterous reproductives. The in 1912. More cherry trees were planted presence of this ant in the DMP forest in 1965 and 1986 around the Tidal Basin and Fort Washington National Park is and the area around the Washington probably the result ofits rafting in wood. Monument (National Park Service This ant's preference for wet rotting 2001). The fact that Japan gave 2,000 wood may result in queens' founding cherry trees to Philadelphia in honor of nests in wood that has been left when the 150th anniversary (1926) of the U.S. tides go out and picked up again and Declaration of Independence provides moved down river during subsequent further support to the cherry tree hy- high tides. Most flooding events would pothesis. send V. emeryi from the City down- DMP FWNP Transport in the root balls of these stream to and with the trees would be ideal for ants with a wet exception of hurricane associated storm nesting habitat preference. There were no surges. However, the Potomac River is exhaustive surveys of the District of tidal in the Washington, D.C, Area and Columbia's ant fauna after Theodore therefore they could raft up and down Pergande's (1840-1916) time at the the river depending on conditions. How- National Museum of Natural History ever, the GEP record of V. emeryi 7 km until Stefan Cover's work in the mid- north of the city adds support to 1980s. This small ant could have easily a gradual spread and an early introduc- spread throughout the Washington, tion. D.C, area unnoticed during this 70-yr VoUenhovia emeryi was found in moist lapse of myrmecological survey data. stream bottoms in Rock Creek Park. The potential ecological impact ofthis Rock Creek empties into the Potomac alien ant is entirely unknown. Cover's River2 km upstream oftheTidal Basin. It observations in Rock Creek Park did not is possible that V. emeryi traveled along reveal displacement of native ant species the river banks and the Chesapeake and by this species, and few ant species in this Ohio Canal spreading throughout Rock area, with the exception of Ponera Creek Park, Georgetown University, and pennsylvanica Buckley, share this species' GEP which are all connected directly to nesting preference of extremely hydric the river and canal by forested park land. rotting wood. The location of V. emeryi Human introduction of V. emeryi to each at Georgetown University, a sunny of the five Washington, D.C, area loca- VOLUME NUMBER 109, 3 603 tions is possible, but the apparently re- Service, Georgetown University, Disco- stricted regional distribution of this ant verlife.org, Stefan P. Cover for providing species suggests that it had a single in- the cherry tree hypothesis, David R. troduction in this city and another in Smith, Terry P. Nuhn, Maya Patel, John Philadelphia. If this species were com- Pickering, Ted Schultz and his ant lab, monly introduced by humans through and the National Museum of Natural agricultural or horticultural products, it History, Smithsonian Institution. likely would have come to the attention of myrmecologists sooner and have a much Literature Cited wider known distribution. VoUenhovia Barrows, E. M., A. M. Mclntyre, andO. S. FlintJr. emeryi is not a cryptic ant species and is 2005. Alderfly (Neuroptera: Sialidae) flight morphologically distinct from other ant periods,sexratios,andhabitatuseinaVirginia freshwater tidal marsh, low forest, and their species in the eastern U.S., and areas ecosystems. Proceedings ofthe Entomological around the Mid-Atlantic Region have Society ofWashington 107: 693-699. been extensively studied for decades by Bolton, B. 1994. Identification Gviide to the Ant Genera of the World. Harvard University myraiecologists. Press, Camridge, MA. 222 pp. Conclusions . 1995. A New General Catalogue of the Ants ofthe World. Harvard University Press, VoUenhovia emeryi is present in at least Cambridge, MA. 504 pp. two locations in the DMP forest. It has Breton, J. L., J. Chazeau, and H. Jourdan. 2003. Immediate impacts ofinvasion by Wasmannia also been found in a national park within auropunctata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on Washington, D.C., and in three locations native litter ant fauna in a New Caledonian within two national parks along the rainforest. Austral Ecology 28: 204-210. Potomac River in both Maryland and Creighton, W. S. 1950. The Ants of North Virginia, and may be common along America. Bulletin ofthe Museum ofCompar- riparian water ways in the Mid-Atlantic ative Zoology 104. 569 pp. Crowell, K. L. 1968. Ratesofcompetitiveexclusion Region. It appears likely that this species by the Argentine ant in Bermuda. Ecology 49: was introduced in the early 20th century 551-555. in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia Cole, A. C. 1940. A guide to the ants ofthe Great through the import of Japanese cherry Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. trees. If the trees are the vehicle of Cole,AmFe.rRi.c,anA.MCi.dlMaenddeiNraotsu,raLl.isLt.2L4o:o1p-e8,8.and W. introduction, other cities in the U.S. with W. Zuehlke. 1992. EffectsoftheArgentineAnt suitable nesting areas may also have this on arthropod fauna of Hawaiian high-eleva- alien ant due to the popularity of such tion shrubland. Ecology 73: 1313-1322. cherry trees. The impact of V. emeryi on Deyrup, M. 1991. Technomyrmex albipes, a new local ant communities is unknown, but its edxaeo)t.icFlanotriidnaFElnotroimdoalo(gHiysmten7o4p:t1e4r7a-:14F8o.rmici- preference for extremely wet nesting sites, ESRI, Inc, Version 3.1.380. ESRI, Inc., New York and lack ofapainful sting, this ant's effect Street, Redlands, CA. on most native biota and humans may be Fellers, J. H. 1987. Interference and exploitation in low. However, to verify that this ant will a guild of woodland ants. Ecology 68: 1466-1478. not become destructive to the eastern riparian forest biota, the ecology and Hill,MaMt.y,otK..20H0o3l.mI,mpTa.ctVeolf,thNe.inJ.trSohdauhc,edaynedlloPw. behavior of V. emeryi in the U.S. and crazy ant Anoplolepisgracilipes on Bird Island, Japan should be examined in depth. Seychelles. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 1969-1984. Acknowledgments Holldobler, B. and E. O. Wilson. 1990. The Ants. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. We thank Edward M. Barrows and our 732 pp. reviewers for their suggestions on improv- Holway, D. A. 1998. Effect of Argentine ant ing this manuscript, the National Park invasions on ground-dwelling arthropods in . 604 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON northern California riparian woodlands. Oe- . 2005. History of the cherry trees in cologia 116: 252-258. Washington, D.C. Website, http://www.nps. Holway. D. A., L. Each, A. V. Suarez, N. D. gov/nacc/cherry/history.htm (22 September Tsutui, and T. J. Case. 2002. The causes and 2005). consequences ofant invasions. Annual Review Porter, S. D. and D. A. Savignano. 1990. Invasion ofEcology and Systematics 33: 181-233. ofpolygyne fire ants decimates native ants and Johnston, D. W. 2000. The Dyke Marsh Preserve disrupts arthropod community. Ecology 71: ecosystem. Virginia Journal of Science 51: 2095-2106. 223-272. Suman, T. W. 2004. An annotated list ofthe ants King, T. G. and S. A. Green. 2005. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) found in Fort (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) collected in Washington and Piscataway Parks, Maryland. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, USA. Website. A report to the National Park Service. United http://biodiversity.georgetown.edu/searchfiles/ States Department of the Interior/National infosearch.cfm?view=all&IDNumber=2819 (23 Park Service, Washington, DC. 13 pp. (un- September 2005). published report). Kjar, D. S. and E. M. Barrows. 2004. Arthropod Terayama, M. andK. Kinomura. 1997.Taxonomic community heterogeneity in a mid-Atlantic studies ofJapanese Formicidae part 3: Genus forest highly invaded by alien organisms. Vollenliovia Mayr. Nature and Human Activ- Banisteria 23: 26-37. ities 2: 1-8. Kinoomcucruarr,enKc.eaonfdgyKn.aYnadmraoumcohrip.hs19i9n4.theFrneaqtuuernatl Trager, J. C. 1984. A revision of the genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of population of the ant Vollenliovia emeryi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux the continental United States. Sociobiology 9: 51-162. Kubo4t1a:,27M3.-27819.84. Anomalous female wings in . 1991. A revision ofthe fire ants, Solenopsis geniinata group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Vollenliovia emeryi Wheeler. Ari 12: 2-3 (in Myrmicinae). Journal ofthe New York Ento- Japanese). McGlynn, T. P. 1999. The worldwide transfer of mological Society 99: 141-198. ants: Geographical distribution and ecological Wetterer, J. K. and S. D. Porter. 2003. The little invasions. Journal of Biogeography 26: 535- fire ant, Wasmannia aiiropunctata: Distribu- 548. tion, impact, and control. Sociobiology 42: Morrison, L. W. 2002. Long-term impacts of an 1^1. arthropod-community invasion by the im- Wetterer, J. K. 2005. Worldwide distribution and ported fire ant, Solenopsis invivta. Ecology potential spread of the long-legged ant, Ano- 83: 2337-2345. plolepisgracilipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). National Park Service, TheNational Park Service's Sociobiology 45: 11-91 Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Thomas Jef- Wheeler, W. M. 1906. The ants ofJapan. Bulletin ferson Memorial. Website, http://wvvw.nps.gov/ of the American Museum of Natural History thje/cli/ (22 September 2005). 22: 301-328. . 2002. AlaskaPak: Functions pack exten- . 1907. The fungus-growing ants of North sions for ArcView 3X National Park Service America. Bulletin ofthe American Museum of Alaska Support Office. Retrieved from http:// Natural History 23: 669-807. www.nps.gov/akso/gis/av31/akpak.htm on 3 . 1929. Two Neotropical ants established in June 2005. the United States. Psyche 36: 89-90.

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