First Record of Two Marine Planktonic Ciliates Rimostrombidium orientale and R. veniliae {Ciliophora: Choreotrichida) from Korea Kyu Chu Lee , 200ng Ki Choi'*, Sun Yeung Kim and Eun Jin Yang? apsTeact rigs Ntapn wid layhn, 7 ‘To seine plulowc lls 8 iawealgtoe sexing prcagal 1p cd teeblgnes Ths INTRODUCTION Pa eri tine are he mo eapocen f ebe sea wale ard syne way eae aoa Nos sd Lian, 199i: Pome sh, JES: Prsie eeashn ‘sch ge eoapicnote fe mors oy. deny cee fl wih loot cites, rtkorie alee cea \Bseos aed Stet, 18GF; Beers. 1988. b. 19 Boots poste 9 hase etn lnk Hot sur En 0b ire aperies eaeeeom To Ae volgen, sunk he hoa. axa due te nl wos ate au wis rial Ya Kote, 0 9 ne ail uke, We Ne Vion woke il ate ape leieas its Sore eso uc Sag avd Brady, 1998 nd Pore and Foier sei 1882) air Charwtetisice ol Stel, Mew Tey Ransford So Dave laccing & easusl spril io Resicem den Ieee, UST Bowser os Hy sing ‘ears say sour noc tata 9 Me peor ord oF oh, Sober spots bun gu che goa Ria! pe wees aad Taste 1904, Pur ea. 1998, ead Song MATERIALS AND METHODS. Serting wa war L998, 39 57 Tan Sent Tansee ewan et phates te ae figs a Lp Ts cd acco yng fr SOG ged tom Ise 2s a es Se ute pagel acing (PSH be Motaps and Lyi 1947 so sees pee eign ele pal thn 8 apts te logy a less ec eeantanes fy Samy oa RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ‘Sond eliins oem Ls 5 asa Srbiais Kato Dall cl ish Genes ont: Fn PAR Rinestronbicnan ovate Son ant Brsdbasy, WOR EFig |, Tate Racomsaishnn eo Saga Bane. 198. s. ° an os wy ‘ \ ar ei Ss) sng, Bocy sgh ai, ee etn cel ie Sh roe pH hE ecg oe Sou Sia: oe ihee ora! pote Classe of 12 cosines igs gh sed ithe ot casts ged esse sab tuscan Cal Nhu Cate erases eed rater t3,Conoued te a ps doa Tifse %, Bur sx0ry¢ ths Body 02a, all Fences sf (rave (opel ow Bow ards, ate rem ign spss a nae wie preset snc ges 1805 aad Wades Moana ad “ear. 1004 re a irs Anon festa pyhwatils 213s, IS} igh aber [Fsosate baton 1 we 6 hn the present pec Eales. Ahn i 46 incl oDintd, we Fein Fe 12g pei ae me dlls 0c) hey fe font ln ul presse nc retin Hes Silas 98. ravdeuy te noaber sf extemal oh lags hal we sug ei! nes opin an se hg el pe oe al FES 96 steccal sith a etigcohle Monel proto {di eer: namesake Bos imosrvni vn Mtge a Tas. agi Beta et al, 1995 ig 2 Tale H Sravit vetae Menges el Taplin 2, rp SF ridin ane Pe a, OS, pA ian Tad shaper Spal, crs set fom sie EoDeH A ne Ese plc mae tg. Eanes poe 1 tw song i, sce inoad Isr poet ee sats 6 sual pabpkine ce :Fig. 28, C, Tea aca vv ila 25.30 gr fea sat hugs coast he ik Sus hosel stood el exe Unim 2arm aeote a are 6 ee Sear ee We GN yet Agee yarn Bo umes : . . spo inaival pods neti (Murtagr 2s and Teglor. 199A. {koe see ee of is sed mae viecTats 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This wor sas oppo te Reorlsemiea Centr REFERENCES fn 24 ssl st nT Oe Hoe, 1, 1ODE icons aa a ome ers UE IDSE The ry af he kato Fly, ere Beers TR: a’ GT. Showa 4 HET. Mize vv hy 151 Pleaknicporolacions ant posting oF he come of Couns 46 EE ems, PT sasha pio lates iy Soullarpton tba: QuaKtirne izuronic yar ft ond. Sma 20, Cine. Is Lee a Tie lst ute tS Pen Pe Savy dscns of poses.) Esk. Reni S254 ora a Sar Du Tyne, IA. Trine Pen Sl smfQPSir Uist et ec and ie jeraas eer Nica Wes Morea, DUS ae DHL Lyar, ab). Tago Cane Tp Wasa Laplante. ven B98 Sone aac N.Y 1D Prana a 5 sepa ag he Wake Pole, EB. set BE Sue ME Pus EW Sar Kal Baa a, Bol, 8: "ekg Fo ema es Neh oT Me song, SOT and ZC, Hole Saat ster Sy th eer pom a lien peers ae gent ee