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First record of the Srilankan Processional Termite, Hospitalitermes monoceros (Konig) (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) from India PDF

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Preview First record of the Srilankan Processional Termite, Hospitalitermes monoceros (Konig) (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) from India

HALTERES,Volume4,48-52,2013 ISSN0973-1555©PcxjvouAmina,Keu3ThRajmohana,ChenthamarakshanBuoy.ChandilashekaramenonRjU^ First record of the Srilankan Processional Termite, Hospitalitermes monoceros (Konig) (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) from India Poovoli AminaS Keloth Rajmohana^*, Chenthamarakshan Bijoy^, Chandrashekaramenon Radhakrishnan^ andNivedita Saha^ i.2,3. ^jy^gfgfyj GhatRegional Centre, ZoologicalSurveyofIndia, Calicut, Kerala - 673006 ^ZoologicalSurveyofIndia, M-Block, NewAlipore, Kolkata-700053 (e-mail: *[email protected]) Abstract Hospitalitermes monoceros (Konig), a termite species hitlierto endemic to Sri Lanka, is reported for the first time from India collected in Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Since the original description is scanty,thespeciesis redescribed and illustratedbasedon soldier andworkercastes. Keywords: Hospitaliteremes monoceros, termite, Redescription, India, SriLanka. Introduction The genus Hospitalitermes Holmgren, 1997 and Somnuwat et al. 2004). The 1912 (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) is observed absence of the cockroach notch on distributed from Sri Lanka and India, the molar plate ofthe right mandible (Fig. 4) throughout Southeast Asia, Southern China in the worker caste categorically differentiates and across Indonesia archipelago to New them from the closely related genus Guinea(Jones, 2012). They are among the few Lacessititermes Holmgren, 1912 (Syaukani et unique termites, foraging in columns in open al, 2011). Inhabiting in evergreen and air during late evenings for epiphytes like semievergreen forests, these are open air lichens, blue green algae growing on the foragers distributed in Oriental and Papuan surface of tree trunks, in canopies of tropical Region. The original description of H. forests (Collins, 1979). So far under the genus monoceros being scanty, both the soldier and three species H. madrasi (Snyder, 1934), H. worker castes of the species are redescribed jepsoni (Snyder, 1934), H. blairi Roonwal and here. Sen-Sarma, 1956 have been reported from Material andMethods India (Chhotani, 1997). Specimens were collected from five As a part of our taxonomic investigations on Termites of Kerala, we colonies while foraging at Chinnar Wildlife report H. monoceros (Konig, 1779), for the Sanctuary (lO^OS' to 77^22' N latitude and first time from India hitherto reported from Sri 77''05'to 77°17'E longitude), located in the Lanka alone. The genus Hospitalitermes is rain shadow region of the Western Ghats, also reported here for the first time from Idukki, Kerala, India. The specimens were Kerala, and is diagnosed by a combination of preserved in 80% alcohol. Dissections and characters in the soldier caste: head with a measurements were also made in 80% alcohol constriction behind antenna, mandibles with a under the stereo zoom microscope, Leica pointed spine-like process, antenna with 14 M205A, at magnifications between 10-160X. segments, hind legs extending beyond Mandibles of the worker caste were mounted abdomen with an elongate tibia (Chhotani, on glass slides in Canada balsam and then 48 PoovoliAmina,KelothRajmohana,ChenthamarakshanBijoy,ChandrashekaramenonRadhakrishnanandNivediUSaha examined for diagnostic characters. coxal and femoral regions of legs in dorsal Photographs were taken using a Leica DFC view slightly paler than head capsule; thorax 500 camera, and processed with the help of with a fine, whitish line medially; stemites and extendedfocus software, LAS version 3.6. otherpart oflegsbrownishwhite. The identification was made using Head capsule in dorsal view strongly Chhotani (1997) and Somnuwat et al. (2004). constricted behind antennal sockets, with Morphological terminology for describing anterior part excluding nasus extremely soldiers andworkers follow Tho (1992), Sands smaller than posterior part, dorsal outline (1998) and Gathome-Hardy (2001), while including nasus in profile concave or measurements are taken in accordance with appearing depressed; nasus in dorsal view Chhotani (1997). Studies on worker mandibles relatively short, less than halfas long as head followPontes (1987). capsule, hairy attip ofnasus, inprofile slightly All specimens are deposited in the up curved, but apical third feebly down- National Zoological Collections of the curved; eyes small whitish spots; antennae Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), at Calicut elongate with 14 segments, third segment (Kozhikode), Kerala, India. twice as long as second (0.21 0.1 mm), fourth : shorter than third, fourth and fifth nearly equal Taxonomy in length, seventh to fourteenth gradually decreasing in length; head capsule pyriform Hospitalitermesmonoceros (Konig, 1779) with two long hairs on posterior part of head Syn: Termes monoceros atrum Konig, 1779: capsule; mandible vestigial, each with long 28, pi. 1: figs. 10-11 [first introduced as brown, pointed spine-likeprocess. Termes monoceros atrum Konig, 1779. Body wall strongly sclerotized, gut not Typelocality- Sri Lanka (Ceylon). — clearly visible; pronotum saddle shaped, Ahmad, 1958: 139, 141. — almost half as long as wide, anterior margin Prashadand Sen-Sarma, 1960: 26-32. weakly convex and feebly indented in the Redescription middle, posterior margin strongly convex without notch; tergites thinly hairy with short Soldier (Figs. 1-2) hairs, stemites moderatelyhairy. Monomorphic; varying in size; head Legs moderately long, hairy, hind tibia capsule pale brown anteriorly and blackish elongate (2.14-2.55 mm), tibial spurs 2:2:2; brownposteriorly; antennae darkbrown; nasus tarsi four-segmented; cerci two segmented, a pale brown; pronotum, abdominal tergites. Table 1: Measurements ofsoldiers of//, monoceros (n=10) .A'-JisUstiss Characters Measurements (mm) Head length includingnasus (HLN) 1.71-1.81 Head lengthmeasuredtobase ofmandible (HL) 1.16-1.29 Nasus length (NL) 0.45-0.60 Nasus index (NL/HL) 0.39-0.52 Maximumheadwidth (HW) 1.16-1.21 Width at constriction (CW) 0.78-0.80 Head constriction index (CW/HW) 0.65-0.69 Headbulge (HB) 0.40-0.54 Headbulge index (HB/HL) 0.33-0.42 Pronotumlength 0.35-0.43 Pronotumwidth 0.63-0.66 Total body length 3.97-4.43 Length ofhindtibia 2.14-2.55 FirstrecordofTermite,Hospitalitermesmonoceros(Konig)fromIndia Worker(Figs. 3-5) preserved in 80% ethanol (Colony code: Dimorphic; Major Worker: head capsule ZSIAVGRC/IR/INV/3079-3083) deposited at subquadrate (length to base ofmandibles 1,16- Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghat 1.19 mm, maximum width 1.33 mm), dark Regional Centre, Calicut (Kozhikode), Kerala, brown to black, epicranial suture prominent, hidia. fontanelle plate longish white; labrum slightly pale brown; post clypeus swollen dark brown length less than halfofwidth; antennae brown with 15 segments, segment three much longer than two (1.58: 1.21 mm); segment four (1.41 mm) slightly longer than segment two. Head and body covered with very minute hairs, few dorsally, butnumerous ventrally. Thoraxbrown, pronotum strongly saddle shaped, anterior margin weakly convex and feebly indented inthe middle, posteriormargin strongly convex without notch and deeply notched antereo-laterally; abdominal tergites pale brown, femora dark brown and beyond tibiabrownishwhite. Minor Worker (Fig. 3): similar to major worker except being small in size; third antennal segment as long as segment two and pronotumnot deeplynotched antereo-laterally. Fig. 1: H. monoceros, soldier(dorsalview). Mandibles (Fig. 4): apical tooth of left Discussion mandible shorter than first marginal; second H. monoceros resembles most to H. marginal tooth absent; third marginal tooth madrasi Snyder. The soldiers ofboth species smaller than first and fairly protruding from are dark with pale rostrum and numbers of cutting edge, separated from molar their antennal segments remain the same. In prominence by a distinct gap; apical tooth of both the species the worker caste is dimorphic. right mandible shorter than first marginal To mention the differences between the tooth; first marginal tooth with anterior edge species, H. monoceros has a blackish brown ahnost straight; second marginal tooth clearly head with paler anterior part and the third recognized and separated from much larger segment ofantennae is twice as long as second first marginal tooth; posterior edge of second segment, while in H. madrasi, head colour is marginal tooth nearly straight; strongly castaneous brown to dark reddish brown and developed molar ridge of mandible (Fig. 5) the third segment ofantennae is 2.2-2.5 times aids in scraping and grinding wood; cockroach as long as second. Further H. madrasi is a mm notch absentinmolarplate ofrightmandible. larger species with body size 5-5.30 than that ofH. monoceros (3.97-4.7 mm). Alate: unknown The finding of a species, hitherto Material examined: 10 soldiers and 10 considered endemic to Sri Lanka, in south workers, 2.viii.2012 (coll. C. Bijoy); collected Kerala is not surprising as Amina and randomly from 5 colonies (Champakkad: Rajmohana (2013) also very recently reported Chinnar Wild life Sanctuary, Idukki, Kerala). Ceylonitermelles Emerson, 1960, a Srilankan Numerous samples of both soldiers and endemic genus again from South Kerala workers collected from 5 different colonies signifying occurrence of Sri Lankan termite within 4km radius of Champakkad have been taxain SouthernIndia. 50 PoovoHAmina,KelothRajmohana,ChenthamarakshanBijoy,ChandrashekaramenonRadhakrishnanandNiveditaSaha FirstrecordofTermite,Hospitalitermesmonoceros(Konig)fromIndia Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Director, History35: 1485-1506. Zoological Survey ofIndia (ZSI), Kolkata and Holmgren, N. 1912. Termitenstudien.3. Systematik der Termiten. Die Familie Metatermitidae. the Officer-in-Charge, ZSI, Calicut, Kerala, We Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens for support and encouragement. are Tom Handlingar48(4): 1-166+4pis. grateful to Dr. Miura, Japan, forliterature Jones, T. 2012. Accessed online at support. Thanks are also due to State Forest http://www.nhm.ac.uk/nature-online/species- Department (Kerala) for collection permits. of the day/ collections/ collecting/ Mr. Biju (Watcher, Chinnar Wildlife hospitalitermeshospitalis/index.html on 21- Sanctuary, Kerala) and Mr. M. Gnanakumar, 08-2012. Naturalist (Palakkad) are also thanked for Konig, J.G. 1779. Naturgeschichte der helpingus inoursearch forthetermites. sogenannten weissen Ameise. Beschaftigungen der Berlinischen References GesellschaftNaturforschenderFreunde 4: 1- Ahmad, M. 1958. Keyto the Indomalayan termites 28 + 1 pi. [part 1 and 2]. Biologia (Lahore) 4 (1-2): Prashad, B. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1960. Revision xii+33-198. of the termite genus Hospitalitermes Amina, P. and Rajmohana, K. 2013. Firstrecordof Holmgren (Isoptera, Termitidae, the genus Ceylonitermellus Emerson Nasutitermitinae). Indian Council of (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) in Agricultural Research Monograph 10(29): southern India, based on a new mainland 1-32. species fromthe Kerala ghats. Colemania(in Roonwal, M.L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1956. press). Systematics of Oriental termites (Isoptera). Chhotani, O.B. 1997. The fauna of India and the No. 3. Zoological Survey of India adjacent coxmtries. Isoptera (Termites): collections from India and Burma, with new (Family Termitidae). Vol. 2. Calcutta: termites of the genera Parrhinotermes, Zoological SurveyofIndia, xx+ 800pp. Macrotermes, Hypotermes, and Collins, N.M. 1979. Observations on the foraging Hospitalitermes. Indian Journal of activity of Hospitalitermes umbrinus Agricultural Science26 (1): 1-37. 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Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 3(8): termite (Nasutitermitinae, Termitidae, 503-531. Isoptera), from southem Sumatra, Indonesia. Gathome-Hardy, F.J. 2001. A review ofthe south- ZooKeys 148: 161-169. east Asian Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera: Tho, Y.P. 1992. Termites ofpeninsular Malaysia. Termidae [sic]), with descriptions of one Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Forest Research new genus and a new species and including Institute Malaysia (Malaysian Forest a key to the genera. Journal of Natural RecordsNo. 36), ix+224pp. 52

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