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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 101(4). 1999, pp. 737-741 FIRST RECORD OF THE PLANT BUG SUBFAMILY PSALLOPINAE (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE) FROM JAPAN, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THREE NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS PSALLOPS USINGER TOMOHIDE YASUNAGA Biological Laboratory, Hokkaido University of Education, Ainosato 5-3-1, Sapporo 002, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. The plant bug subfamily Psallopinae Schuh is reported from Japan for the first time. The discovery also reveals the northernmost distributional record for the sub- family. Three Japanese species of the genus Psallops Usinger are described as new: P. myiocephalus, n. sp., a temperate zone inhabitant from Honshu and Kyushu, and P. nakatanii, n. sp. and P. yaeyamanus, n. sp. from Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands (Yaeyama Group) of the Ryukyus. A key and photographs are provided to distinguish the three Japanese members of Psallops. Key Words: Heteroptera, Miridae, Psallopinae, Psallops, new species, Japan Schuh (1976) established the plant bug Usinger (1946) described Psallops as a subfamily Psallopinae which is currently member of the Phylinae, and Schuh (1976) represented only by five species in two gen- later established the subfamily Psallopinae era, Psallops grandoculus Linnavuori and for it. Subsequently, Henry and Maldonado Alamy, P. oculatus Usinger, P. ponapensis (1982) reviewed the subfamily to which the Carvalho, P. yapensis Carvalho, and Iso- Neotropical monotypic genus Isometocoris metocoris blantoni Carvalho and Sailer, and Carvalho and Sailer was transferred from by a Baltic amber fossil, Isometopsallops the Isometopinae. schuhi Herczek and Popov (Schuh 1995). Schuh (1976) indicated that Psallops is The five modem members are known from defined by the finely upturned anterior Panama, Saudi Arabia and Micronesia. pronotal margin, 1 or 2 cells on the mem- Recently, I obtained some unique Japa- brane, 9 metafemoral trichobothria of nese specimens from my own surveys and which 7 are accompanied with the tricho- from colleagues. These specimens were mae, 2-segmented tarsi, a subapical tooth of found to represent three undescribed spe- the claw, simple form of the vesica, and cies belonging to the genus Psallops, and phallotheca fused with the phallobase. The they are described below. Japanese members also possess these char- All measurements in the text are given in acters, except for the vesica with some mm. The type specimens are deposited in sclerotized appendages. Biological Laboratory, Hokkaido Universi- In addition to the above characters, the ty of Education, Sapporo, Japan. three Japanese species are recognized by the following combination of characters: Genus Psallops Usinger Body elongate oval; dorsal surface with Psallops Usinger 1946: 87. Type species: P. uniformly distributed, simple, suberect, oculatus Usinger 1946, monotypic. brown to dark-brown setae; head fuscous. . 738 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-3. Adults ofPsalh/ps spp. 1. P. myiocephahis, holotype i on Quercus acutissima. 2, P. nakatanii. 9. 3, P. yaeyamanus, 5 short, subtriangular in dorsal view; eyes en- sents the northernmost distributional record larged especially in i occupying most part for the subfamily. , of head, bearing short setae; vertex very Psallops myiocephalus Yasunaga, narrow, with continuous basal transverse new species carina; rostrum long, reaching or extending beyond apex of metacoxa; pronotum fus- —(Figs. 1, 4-8) cous, roughened, less than half length of Description. Head with silky, suberect basal width, shallowly and irregularly punc- setae, height 0.8 times as width including tate, somewhat transversely rugose; meso- eyes in frontal view; vertex 0.34 (-5)71.08 scutum fuscous; scutellum dark, with more (?) times as wide as an eye. Antenna dark or less pale apex; hemelytra whitish brown, brown; segment II yellowish orpale reddish with some dark, symmetrical markings or brown; lengths of segments I-IV (6/9): spots, provided with small, dark, scattered 0.23/0.26, 0.77/0.76, 0.38/0.46, 0.30/0.33. and somewhat convex spots; metafemur Rostrum shiny dark brown. Pronotum fus- fuscous; tibia with long, pale spines; ab- cous, with uniformly distributed, dark, sub- domen unicolorously dark brown. erect setae; mesoscutum shiny chestnut The discovery of a member of Psallops brown; scutellum dark brown, with at least in Wakayama Prefecture of Honshu repre- apical % whitish; pleura widely reddish — VOLUME 101, NUMBER 4 739 brown, pruinosed; ostiolar peritreme red- view; vertex 0.28 (6)/!.13 (9) as wide as dish brown. Hemelytra widely whitish an eye. Antenna reddish brown, except for brown, with scattered small spots somewhat segment I infuscate; lengths of segments I- reddish or sanguineous; corium slightly ob- IV (il9): 0.23/0.24, 0.84/0.75, 0.19/0.36, scure at inner apical part, mesially with a 0.24/0.28. Rostrum shiny brown; segment I dark, triangular, large marking continuing dark brown; scutellum sanguineous antero- to mesial embolium; clavus with an obscure mesally, with apical % whitish brown; pleu- spot mesially; cuneus dark brown, with pale ra widely reddish brown, with ostiolar per- apex in 2 apex of i left cuneus dark as in itreme yellow. Clavus with a distinct dark ; Fig. 1; membrane grayish brown. Coxae mesial spot and extreme apex infuscated; unicolorously creamy yellow; legs dark semi-circular large mesial marking of cori- brown; basal part of each femur, apical um continuing to embolium; dark, inner parts of meso- and metatibiae, and all tarsi apical marking of corium distinct; mem- yellowish brown; lengths ofmetafemur, tib- brane somber grayish brown. Coxae pale ia and tarsus rd/$): 0.86/0.88, 1.44/1.50, brown; legs dark brown, partly tinged with 0.35/7. Male genitalia as in Figs. 4-8; ve- red; pro- and mesofemora yellow basally; sica with two subapical spines (8). apical parts of tibiae and whole tarsi yel- Dimensions: 619: Body length 2.5/2.7; lowish brown; lengths of metafemur, tibia head width incl. eyes 0.61/0.57; vertex and tarsus (619): 0.96/0.88,7 /1.44,7 /0.29. width 0.09/0.20; mesal pronotal length Male genitalia as in Figs. 9-10; vesical 0.39/0.38; basal pronotal width 0.88/0.90; spines long and slender (10). width across hemelytra 1.04/1.13. Dimensions: 619: Body length 2.8/2.4- — Holotype. d, Konoura, Sotome T, Na- 2.9, head width 0.68/0.60-0.62, vertex gasaki Pref., Kyushu, ex Quercus acutissi- width 0.08/0.22-0.23, mesal pronotal ma, 4. viii. —1996, T. Yasunaga. length 0.41/0.40. basal pronotal width 0.92/ Paratype. 1 9, Wakaura, WakayamaC, 0.96-0.99, and width across hemelytra Wakayama Pref., Honshu, 25. viii. 1991, M. 1.08/1.12-1.1—7. Kitabata. Holotype. 6, Funaura, Iriomote Is., — Etymology. From the Greek, myia (= Yaeyama Group, Ryukyus, light trap, 10. v. Y fly) in combination with cephalus (kephal- 1993, Naka—tani. os) C= head), referred to the fly-like head Paratypes. 1 9, Omoto, Ishigaki Is., of this new—species. Yaeyama Group, Ryukyus, light trap, 21. v. Remarks. Resembling Psallops ocula- 1998, K. Takahashi; 1 9, Sakae, Ishigaki Is., tus Carvalho, the present new species is 27. iii. 1999, K—. Takahashi. easily distinguished by the different color- Etymology. Named after Dr. Yukinobu ation on the scutellum and hemelytra (see Nakatani, who collected and offered me the Carvalho. 1956). holotype spe—cimen. I collected a male of P. myiocephalus Remarks. This new species is closely from an oak, Quercus acutissima (Faga- allied to the preceding one, from which it ceae) in Nagasaki Prefecture of Kyushu. can be distinguished by the characters in the This is the only species of Psallops known key and different structure of the male gen- from a temperate zone. italia. Psallops nakatanii Yasunaga, Psallops yaeyamanus Yasunaga, new species new species (Figs. 2, 9-10) (Fig. 3) — Description. Head shagreened, with Description. Female: Dorsal surface silky, upright pubescence, height 0.69 as with pale vestiture, lacking darkened setae. long as width including eyes in frontal Head with silvery, suberect pubescence. 740 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 4-10. Male genitalia ofPsallops myincephalus (4-8) and P. nakatanii (9-10). 4-6, 9, Left paramere. 7, Right paramere. 8, 10, Vesica. Scales: lines = 0.1 mm. height 0.86 times as long as width including head width incl. eyes 0.63-0.65; vertex eyes in frontal view; vertex 0.84-0.91 times width 0.19-0.20; mesal pronotal length as wide as an eye. Antenna pale brown; 0.47-0.48; basal pronotal width 1.00-1.06; segments III and IV dark brown; lengths of width across—hemelytra 1.28-1.32. segments I-IV: 0.24-0.27, 0.88-0.93, 0.48- Holotype. 9, Mt. Uehara, Iriomote Is., 0.50, 0.32-0.36. Pronotal setae pale brown; Ryukyus, 12.—v. 1993, T. Yasunaga. mesoscutum shagreened; apical Vs-V^ of Paratypes. Ryukyus, Yaeyama Group: scutellum yellow; pleura widely reddish 1 9, Omoto, Ishigaki Is., 9. v. 1993, T. Ya- brown, with yellow ostiolar peritreme. sunaga; 1 9, same locality, light trap, M. Hemelytra with dark, wide marking form- Tomokuni; 1 9, Takeda, Ishigaki Is., 27. xi. ing almost continuous U- or W-shaped fas- 1998, K. Takahashi; 1 9, Mt. Buzama, Ish- cia posteriorly (Fig. 3); cuneus, except for igaki Is., 16. iv. 1998, K. Takahashi; 1 9, yellow extreme apex, dark brown; mem- same locality, 13. xii. 1998, K. Takahashi; brane pale grayish brown. Coxae and legs 1 9, Komi, Iriomote Is., 13. v. 1993, T Ya- yellowish brown; apex of each femur san- sunaga. — guineous; metafemurdark brown; basal half Etymology. Named after the Yaeyama of metatibia darkened; lengths of metafe- Group of the Ryukyus, type locality of this mur, tibia and tarsus: 1.08-1.12, 1.76-1.80, new species.— 0.34-0.36. Male: Unknown. Remarks. This new species is easily Dimensions: 9: Body length 2.9-3.3; distinguished from P. myiocephalus and P. VOLUME 101, NUMBER 4 741 nakatanii by the generally larger size, pale preciate the reviews of the manuscripts by setae on the dorsum, and the widely infus- Dr. T. J. Henry (Systematic Entomology cated hemelytra. Laboratory, USDA, Washington, D. C.) and Psallops yaeyamanus was collected by Dr. R. T. Schuh (Department of Entomolo- sweeping broad-leaved evergreen trees, and gy, American Museum of Natural History, by a light trap. New York). My cordial thanks are due to Dr. K. Takahashi (JIRCAS, Okinawa Sub- Key to Japanese Species of Psallops tropical Station, Ishigaki City), Dr. M. To- 1. Antennal segment I pale brown; setae on pro- mokuni (National Science Museum, To- notum pale; scutellum pale on apical Vi-Vi; kyo), and Dr. Y. Nakatani (National Insti- dark maculation on hemelytra large, forming tute of Agro-Environmental Science, Ibar- an almost continuous fascia (Fig. 3) yaeyamanus aki) for offering valuable specimens. - Antennal segment I fuscous; pronotal setae dark; more than apical % of scutellum pale; Literature Cited dark markings on hemelytra symmetrically di- Carvalho, J. C. M. 1956. Heteroptera: Miridae. Insects 2. vMiedseidaltodaerakchmasirdkeing on corium to embolium 2 oolfulMui,crHoanweasiiia.7:Be1r-n1i0c0e.P. Bishop Museum, Hon- tcroirainugumlaarn;ddmaerskiaslpoptasrtoonfcilnanveursaopbisccaulrep;aratpeoxf Henry,T.J. andJ. MaldonadoCapriles. 1982.Thefour "ocelli" of the isometopine genus Lsometocoris ofclavus pale (Fig. 1) myiocephalus Carvalho and Sailer (Hemiptera: Miridae). Pro- - Mesial dark marking on corium to embolium ceedings of the entomological Society of Wash- semi-circular, darkspotson innerapicalpartof ington 84: 245-249. corium and mesial clavus distinctly fuscous; Schuh. R. T. 1976. Pretarsal structure in the Miridae apex ofclavus infuscated (Fig. 2) .... nakatanii (Hemiptera) with a cladistic analysis of relation- Acknowledgments ships within the family. American Museum Nov- itates 2601: 1-39. I especially thank Dr. S. Miyamoto (Fu- . 1995. Plant Bugs ofthe World (Insecta: Het- kuoka City) for his continuous advice and eroptera: Miridae). Systematic catalog, distribu- encouragement. I am also grateful to Mr. M. tions, host list and bibliography. The New York Entomological Society, xii-t-1329 pp. Takai (Kochi Agricultural Research Center, Usinger, R. L. 1946. Hemi—ptera Heteroptera ofGuam. Nankoku City) for providing photographs In Insects of Guam. II. Bulletin of Bernice P. of P. nakatanii and P. yaeyamanus. I ap- Bishop Museum 189: 58-91.

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