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First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species PDF

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Preview First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species

ANNALES ZOOLOGICI (Warszawa),2001, 51(2): 221-225 FIRST RECORD OF THE GENUS MYRMICA (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) FROM NORTHERN VIETNAM, WITH A DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES W ALEX.4NDER G. Radchenko' and Grailam Elmes2 'Miisrinii (imI Institute of ZooUMjtj, PolisJi Acadc/u// of Sciences. Hi. W'ilezn stn, OO-li'f). Warsdir. Poldiid/Institute ofZooJooj/ ofnnriiiu'aii \'<i1ioiKitAcculeiiii/ ofScieiu-es. 15. B. KliDieliiitsJi-}/str..Kier-SO. 2r)2()01. Ukraine:e-iiiait: mct(<iiiseiic.t,-ier.iia -'('EH Dorset. Wi)tfritli Teclniologj) Centre. Winfrit/i Xewbnrg. Dorcliester. Dorset UT2 HZD. UnitedKinz/dom:e-niait(/irvCaeeli.ac.n/i — Abstract. Two i\qwMi/rwico species (J/, titciiiica and.1/. ,i/a>nai/ei) are described from tlie mountains ot Nortliern Vietnam, and their taxonomic status is discussed. .Also, the first report of.1/. sericei from Metnani and a newreport o!M. ritae from Thailand are I'ecorded. — Key words. .Ants, Formicidae, Mijrniica, M. titeiuica, M. i/aiiKniei, taxonomy, new species, \'ietnani. Introduction Emery (Northern Thailand, Doi Inanthon National Park, near Chaing Mai, 20.viii.l998, leg. S. Yamane, in rotten Mjli'ttiicd species ntainly live in the Temperate Zone wood); this is only the third report of a species first col- oftheHolarcticRegionbut somearefoundon mountains lected in 1889 (see Radchenko and Elmes 1998, 1999). in tlie northern parts of the Oriental Region. These include many species from the ritae species-group of Methods Mi/rttiicd. which is distributed from Taiwan to Himalayas, including southern China, northern Burma Wetookmeasurements ofthe three specimens (using and Thailand (Radchenko and Elmes 1998, 1999; Elmes a graticule accurate to 0.01mm) which can be compared and Radchenko 1998). Worker.s and queens ofthe ritae- with data for other species published byRadchenko and gToup differ from other Palaearctici////7?//c« by a vari- Elmes (1998). As in that paper, we use the following ety of morphological features, particularly by very long abbreviations for morphometries and indices. propodeal spines, a long and low petiole, a fig-shaped postpetiole, and a longantennal scape (which is weakly Morphometries cuned at the base and usuallylonger than head). HL- length of head in dorsal \iew', measured in a Recently, Prof. Seiki Yamane sent us someMyriitica straight line from the anterior point of median samples, collected in Northern Vietnam; these were the clypealmargintomid-point oftheoccipitalmargin first records ofgenusMtjfititea fromVietnam. The sam- HW- maximum width of head in dorsal view behind ples included three species, all of which belong to the the eyes rttdc-group. There were 2 workers ofMi/n/iico serica FW- minimumwidth offronsbetw^een thefrontallobes Wlieeler (Xeo Mi Ti, 1680 m.. Sa Pa, Lao Cai, northern FLW- maximumwidth between externalborders ofthe \letnam, 29-3().\ii.l998, leg B. TViet). These specimens frontal lobes showed minor differences from txTjicalM. .serico, which SL - maximum straight-hne length of antennal scape were insufficient to warrant describing a new species: seen in profile furthermore, M. serica appears to be relatively wide- .AL - diagonal length of the alitrunk seen in profile, spread in adjacent southern China (Radchenko and from the neck shield to the posterior mai-gin of Elmes 1998). Three workers were sufficiently different metapleural lobes (workers) and from the ante- from all other kno\Mi sjjecies from the /7Yr/('-grou]D for rio-dorsal point ofalitrunk lo posterior margin of them to be described as new for science (below). In addi- metapleural lobes (queens and males) tion. Prof. Yamane sent (3 workers of Mz/rinica ritae HTL - length of tibia of hind k>g 222 A. G. Radchenko ond G. W. Elmes PNW- maximumwidthofpronotumfromaboveindorsal Indices \iew (workers) PL - maximum length ofpetiole from above Cephalic PPL- maximum length ofpostpetiole from above PW- maximum width ofpetiole from above PPW- maximumwidth ofpostpetiole from above PH - maximum height ofpetiole in profile PPH- maximum height ofpostpetiole in profile ESL- maximum length ofpropodeal spine in profile ESD- distancebetweentipsofpropodealspinefromabove SCW- maximum width of scutum from above (queens and males) SCL - length ofscutum+scutellum from above (queens and males) AH- height of alitrunk, measured from upper level of mesonotum perpendicularly to the level of lower margin ofmesopleurae (queens and males) MYRHIKA OFVIETNAM 223 224 A. G. Radchenko and G. W. Eimb 12 gs^ 5?^^ Figures8-l2. Details ofstruclure olMuniiica natiKuiei (holoU-pe.worker). (8) Head, dorsalview, (9) anteniial scape in profile, (10) alitrunk and waist inprofile, (U) samefromabove, (12) tibiaofliindleg. Scalelineforallfiguresequal to 1 mm. Spurs on middle and hind tibiae well developed and dis- Discussion tinctly pectinate. WTiole body with very coarse sculpture. Frons Both new species clearly belong to the /v'tof^-gToup. between frontal carinae level with the eyes with six Despite its size, on all principle features M. titunicd rugae. Onlyfrons andgenaewithsinuous rugae, remain- belongs in the r/taf'-complex (Radchenko and Elmes der of head dorsum with coarse reticulation; clypeus 1998), particularlybythecoarse rugosityoftheheadand with coarse longitudinal rugae; mandibles striato-rugu- alitrunk, and the smooth surfaces between rugae on the lose; frontal triangle smooth and shiny. headdorsum. Except iovMyrmlca angulata Radchenko Alitrunk dorsum very coarsely reticulates, sides of et ul. 2001, M. titanica differs from all other species of pronotumwith reticulation, mesopleurae and lower part the r/taf'-complex by the punctures of the surfaces of propodeal sides with rugae; petiole and postpetiole between rugae ofthepetiole and postpetiole. However, it withcoarse concentricrugae. Surfaces ofhead, alitrunk, clearly differs fromM. angulata which has scapes that petiole and postpetiole between rugae superficially but are sharply curved at their base, by its much larger size distinctly punctured, appearing dull (but punctures of and gradually cur\'ed scapes (also compare measure- pronotum somewhat reduced); gaster smooth and shiny ments and indices with those in Radchenko et at. 2001). Numerous outstanding hairs present on head margins; Superficially, it most resembles the previously largest hairs onalitrunkverylong; hairs ofantennal scapes and knownMyrtnica species,if.gigantea (ColUngwood),but tibiae subdecumbent. Colour of alitrunk and head dark is much larger than that species (HW > 1.80 mm versus reddish-brown, gaster brownish-red, antennae and legs < 1.65mm;HL > 2.10mm v < 1.90mm;AL > 3.30mm r yellowish-red. < 2.60 mm). M. titanica also has much longer erect to Queens, males and ecology are unknown. suberect hairs onantennal scape and tibiae comparedto Types. Holotypeworker. Northern Vietnam, Lao Cai, M. gigantea. Furthermore, comparison of the various Sa Pa, Xeo Mi Ti, alt. 1680 m, 29-30.vii.1998, leg. B. T. indices (Table 1) with those for M. gigantea holotype Viet. Holotype in collection of S. Yamane (Kagoshima (RadchenkoandElmes 1998) andthesecondfoundwork- University- see acknowledgement). er (Radchenko and Elmes 1999), shows thatIf. titanica Etymology. This species is dedicated to the has relativelylonger scapes (SIl 0.98 v 0.89), arelatively Japanese myrmecologist Prof. SeikiYamane, who kindly shorterpetiole (PIl 1.13v 1.55 andPI20.55 v 0.48), arel- sent us material for investigation. ativelylonger,higherbutnarrowerpostpetiole (PPIl 1.16 MYRMICA OF VIETNAM 225 r 1.06; PPI3 1.33 v 1.43), relatively longer spines (ESLI bly many more /vYf/f-group species endemic to particu- 0.46 r 0.35) andlegs (HTI 1.21 v 1.05). lar mountain systems in northern Burma, Thailand, The taxonomie position of the M. yomanei is less Laos and Vietnam, and of southern China, yet to be dis- clear While it clearly belongs to the /v'to^^-group, it covered (Radchenko and Elmes 1998). shares features of both the ritae- and 6o/^o///-complex- es (Radchenko and Elmes 1998). The fto/to^//-complex Acknowledgements differs from the /77«r^-complex by a much more finely rugose or even striated head and alitrunk, a punctured We are sincerely gi-ateful to Prof. Seiki Yamane (not rugose) waist, and a head dorsum with distinctly (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. punctured surfaces between the rugae.M. jicniKtnei has Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University, Koi'imoto thecoarse sculpture ofthewholebodywhichistypical of 1-21-35, Kagoshima, 890-0065, Japan) who sent us his the r//o('-complex (based on this feature we assign it to material ofthe species considered above. that complex), but the surfaces between rugae have the punctures that are tj'pical in the ?^o/to/?/-complex. This References unusual combination of features well discriminates M. il<nn(ni('i from any known species from the ritne-gvo\i\i Elmes,G.W. andA. (i.Radchenko. 1!)9S..AntsofthegenusMi/niiicd except torJ/, draco Radchenkoet al. 2001. It differs from from Taiwan (Hynienoptera, Formieidae). Chinese Journal of M. draco byitswell-developed, coarse, reticulated sculp- Entomology, 18:217-2:24. ture of the head dorsum and by the punctures on sur- Radchenko, A. G. and (i. W. Elmes. 1998. Taxonomie I'evision ofthe r/'tdc species group of the genus .Ifi/n/i/ca (Hymenoptoi'a, faces betweentherugaeofthealitrunk (compareFigs. 8, Fofinicidae). \'estnikZoologii. 32: 3-27. 10, 11 with Figs.ll, 13, 14 in Radchenko et al. 2001). Radchenko, A. G. and G. W. Elmes. 1999. First description of the The fact that a small number of samples from the femaleofMi/rni/ca ritae(Hynienoptera,Formieidae),withsome mountains of northern Vietnam produced examples of notesonthe/77«^'-gToup. Vestnik Zoologii. 33: 9,5-98, Radchenko, A. G,, S. Zhou and G, W. Elmes, 2001, New and rai'e three species from the r//«(^-group olMijriinca provides Mijriuk-(t species (H\inenoptera, Eoi'micidae) from Southern furtherconfirmation ofouropinion that there are proba- China,Annates Zoologici, .t1: 211-219, Received: .March30,2001 .Accepted: May20,2001

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