ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 23(1): 118–121 25 JUNE 2014 First record of sap beetles Epuraea ocularis and Stelidota geminata (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Caucasus Первая находка жуков-блестянок Epuraea ocularis and Stelidota geminata (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) на Кавказе V.A. TSINKEVICH* & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV В.А. ЦИНКЕВИЧ, И.А. СОЛОДОВНИКОВ V.A. Tsinkevich, Department of Zoology, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 18 Sovetskaya Str., Min sk 220030, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected]. *Соrresponding author. I.A. Solodovnikov, Department of Zoology, Vitebsk State University, 3 Moskovski Prosp., Vitebsk 210038, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected] Two invasive species of the sap beetles, Epuraea ocularis Fairmaire, 1849 and Stelidota gemi- nata (Say, 1825), are recorded from Caucasus for the first time: from Abkhazia and from Russia (Krasnodar Territory) and Abkhazia, respectively. Stelidota geminata is also a new species for the fauna of Russia. Два инвазивных вида жуков-блестянок – Epuraea ocularis Fairmaire, 1849 and Stelido- ta geminata (Say, 1825) – впервые обнаружены на Кавказе: в Абхазии и в Абхазии и Краснодарском крае России соответственно. Stelidota geminata впервые указан также для фауны России. Key words: sap beetles, alien species, Caucasus, Russia, Abkhazia, Coleoptera, Nitidulidae, Epuraea, Stelidota, new records Ключевые слова: жуки-блестянки, инвазивные виды, Кавказ, Россия, Абхазия, Coleo- ptera, Nitidulidae, Epuraea, Stelidota, новые указания In Europe, the beetles predominate E. ocularis and S. geminata can be found on among the terrestrial invasive arthropods. the Internet (Benisch, 2014). Twenty-six species of the alien sap beetles were recorded from Europe, and a few from Epuraea ocularis (Fairmaire, 1849) them have economic importance (Denux & Zagatti, 2010). During the field studies in Material examined. Abkhazia, Gudauta Dis- the northwestern part of the southern slope tr., Pitsunda, Riapshi Valley, 5–6 km SE from of the Greater Caucasus mountain range Ludzava Vill., 43°10´43.33´´N 40°25´37.21´´E, in 2013–2014, the junior author collected 2–14 May 2012, about 40 specimens, leg. two invasive species of the sap beetles, Epu- I.A. Solodovnikov. raea ocularis Fairmaire, 1849 and Stelidota Remarks. Beetles were collected in geminata (Say, 1825), which are new for the the river valley overgrown with decidu- Caucasian fauna; S. geminata is also a new ous trees: walnut (Juglans regia), chestnut species for Russia. The most beetles were (Castanea sp.), boxtree (Buxus colchica), at caught in pitfall traps with nine-percent elevations of 58–70 m (Fig. 1). Each ely- acetic acid. All the captured specimens are tron of all the captured specimens has dark deposited in the collections of both authors. maculae (oval at the base, trapezoid at the The photographs of general appearance of apex, and transverse at the middle). © 2014 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes V.A. TSINKEVICH & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE NEW FOR CAUCASUS 119 Figs 1, 2. Abkhasia: 1, sample site of Epuraea ocularis and Stelidota geminata, 43°10´43.33´´N 40°25´37.21´´E; 2, sample site of Stelidota geminata, 43°12´35.07´´N 40°31´30.60´´E. Epuraea ocularis belongs to the subge- Stelidota geminata (Say, 1825) nus Haptoncus Murray, 1864. Species of Material examined. Abkhazia, Gudauta this subgenus are rather common in tropi- Distr.: 5–6 km SE of Ludzava Vill., cal and subtropical regions. Two of them, E. 43°10´43.33´´N 40°25´37.21´´E, 2–14 May ocularis and E. luteola Erichson, 1843, were 2012, 9 specimens, leg. I. Solodovnikov; near introduced to Europe in the first half of the Otkhara Vill., h = 180 m, 43°12´35.07´´N 20th century and now demonstrate very 40°31´30.60´´E, 13 May – 6 July 2013, 3 speci- rapid expansion over the continent (Audi- mens, leg. I.А. Solodovnikov, S.V. Solodovniko- sio, 1993; Kirejtshuk, 1998; Jelínek, 2007; va, V.M. Kotsur; near Mtsara Vill., Zashirbara Jelínek & Audisio, 2007). Both species are Mountain Range, h = 680–690 m, Mtsara Val- currently widely distributed over Europe: E. ley, 43°16´7.50´´N 40°8´46.0´´E, 11 May – 5 luteola is known from 19 countries (Jelínek July 2013, 2 specimens, leg. I.А. Solodovnikov, & Audisio, 2007); E. ocularis is known from S.V. Solodovnikova, V.M. Kotsur, S.М. Pav- luchuk, N.Yu. Pichugin. Russia, Krasnodar Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Terr., Khosta Distr.: Alek Mountain Range, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and h = 650–670 m, head water (riverheads) of Turkey (Jelínek & Audisio, 2007; Mifsud & the Malaya Khosta River, 43°39´22.88´´N Audisio, 2008), and was also recorded from 39°53´02.63´´E, 3 May – 9 July 2013, 1 speci- Canary Islands, Israel, Hawai and the main- men, leg. I.A. Solodovnikov, S.V. Solodovniko- land of North America (Jelínek, 1997; Ew- va, V.M. Kotsur; Kraevo-Ar myan skoe Vill., ing & Cline, 2004; Cline & Audisio, 2011; Matsesta Valley, h = 110 m, 43°35´44.88´´N Rittner & Nir, 2013). Nowadays both spe- 039°048´47.48´´E, in flight and on grapes cies are considered as cosmopolitan. Epu- leaves, 11 July 2013, 4 specimens, leg. I.А. raea ocularis is recorded here from Cauca- Solodovnikov. sus (Abkhazia) for the first time. Remarks. Beetles were collected on the Epuraea ocularis is associated with de- plains and in the mountains. In the moun- caying fruits and other decomposing plant tains, all the finds were made in the decidu- substrates; imagines frequently visit flowers ous forests (hornbeam, beech, oak, and ha- of trees and bushes. Larvae were recorded zel) (Figs 2–3). on fermenting fruits (peach, apple, orange Stelidota geminata originates from the etc.), in fruit bodies of tree-fungi and simi- North American continent and is known lar substrates, as well as on decaying flow- under the name “strawberry sap beetle”. ers. Imagines occur during a whole year In 1980s it was firstly introduced to the in the tropical regions (Kirejtshuk, 1998; Azores (Portugal) and later, to the conti- Audisio et al., 2000; Tsukada et al., 2005). nental Europe (Israelson, 1985; Jelínek, © 2014 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 23(1): 118–121 120 V.A. TSINKEVICH & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE NEW FOR CAUCASUS REFERENCES Audisio P. 1993. Coleoptera Nitidulidae – Kat- eretidae. Fauna d’Italia, 32. Bologna: Calde- rini. 971 p. Audisio P., Jelínek J., Mariotti A. & De Biase A. 2000. The Coleoptera Nitidulidae and Kateretidae from Anatolian, Caucasian and Middle East regions. Biogeographia, Lavori della Societa Italiana di Biogeografia, 21: 241–354. Benisch C. 2014. Nitidulidae (sap beetles). Up- dated 7 july 2013 [visited 10 January 2014]. Available from: http://www.kerbtier.de/cgi- bin/enFSearch.cgi?Fam=Nitidulidae Fig. 3. Sample site of Stelidota geminata, Krasnodar Cline A.R. & Audisio P. 2011. Epuraea (Hap- District (Russia): 43°39´22.88´´N 039°53´02.63´´E. toncus) ocularis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Niti- dulidae) recently found in the U.S.A., with comments on Nearctic members of Epuraea 2007). Today, according to the literature, Erichson. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 65(1): it was found in at least eleven countries: 24–26. Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hun- Denux O. & Zagatti P. 2010. Coleoptera fami- lies other than Cerambycidae, Curculioni- gary, Italy, Portugal (Azores), Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey (Jelínek & Audi- dae sensu lato, Chrysomelidae sensu lato and Coccinellidae. Chapter 8.5. In: Roques A. et sio, 2007; Köhler, 2009; Merkl et al., 2009). al. (Eds.) Alien terrestrial arthropods of Eu- The species is recorded here from Caucasus rope. BioRisk, 4(1): 315–406. and Russia for the first time. At the present EPPO 2010. Stelidota geminata: another inva- time it is considered as subcosmopolitan sive species in Europe? EPPO Reporting Ser- species. vice – Pests & Diseases, Paris, 187: 10–11. The strawberry sap beetle feeds on ripe, Ewing C.P. & Cline A.R. 2004. New records and taxonomic updates for adventive sap beetles overripe and injured fruits of various spe- (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in Hawaii. Bishop cies (apple, peach, citrus fruit and other), Museum Occasional Papers, 79: 42–47. but only after fruit fall on the ground or Israelson G. 1985. Notes on the Coleopterous when they are low-growing (Weber & Con- fauna of the Azores, with description of new nell, 1975). In the Northeastern United species of Atheta Thomson (Coleoptera). States this species is reported to be one of Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, 37: the important strawberry pests. Larvae con- 5–19. taminate harvestable fruit and make them Jelínek J. 1997. New descriptions and records of Brachypteridae and Nitidulidae from the unmarketable (EPPO, 2010). The only Palaearctic region (Coleoptera). Folia Hey- registration in Europe was in strawberry rovskyana, 5: 123–138. plantations on ripe berries in Serbia in 2011 Jelínek J. 2007. Adventivarten der Nitidulidae (Spasić et al., 2011). Stelidota geminata und Kateretidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) was found in European countries in forests, in Mitteleuropa. Entomologica Romanica, 12: parks and gardens, in decaying fruit and in 83–86. leaf litter. Jelínek J. & Audisio P. 2007. Family Nitidulidae. In: Löbl I. & Smetana A. (Eds) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Elateroidea – Der- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS odontoidea – Bostrichoidea – Lymexyloi- dea – Cleroidea – Cucujoidea, 4: 459–491. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Stenstrup: Apollo Books. Prof. N.B. Nikitsky (Zoological Museum, Mos- Kirejtshuk A.G. 1998. Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) cow University) for advice on the species. of the Himalayas and Northern Indochina. © 2014 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 23(1): 118–121 V.A. TSINKEVICH & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. SPECIES OF NITIDULIDAE NEW FOR CAUCASUS 121 Part 1: subfamily Epuraeinae. (Theses Zoolog- nellidae) and Epuraea ocularis (Coleoptera: icae, Vol. 28). Koeningstein: Koeltz Scientific Nitidulidae) from Israel. Zootaxa, 3609(3): Books. 489 p. 349–350. Köhler F. 2009. Stelidota geminata Say, 1825 Spasić R., Smilijanić D., Dordević B. & Grag- (Col., Nitidulidae) – eine neue Adventivart ora D. 2011. Prvi nalaz Stelidota geminata in Deutschland. Mitteilungen des Entomolo- (Say) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) na plodovi- gischen Vereins Stuttgart, 44: 6–8. ma jagode u Srbiji. [The first finding of Steli- Merkl O., Lőkkös A. & Szalóki D. 2009. A sza- dota geminata (Say) (Coleoptera: Nitidu- mócafénybogár (Stelidota geminata) Mag- lidae) on strawberry fruits in Serbia]. Biljni yarországon (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) [First Lekar (Plant Doctor), 39(4): 419–425. (In records of the strawberry sap beetle (Stelido- Serbian). ta geminata) in Hungary (Coleoptera: Niti- Tsukada M., Asai M. & Higuchi H. 2005. De- dulidae)]. Növényvédelem, 45(11): 615–617. velopmental period and adult size of Hapton- (In Hungarian). cus ocularis (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) at four Mifsud D. & Audisio P. 2008. The Kateretidae temperature conditions. Applied Entomology and Nitidulidae of the Maltese Archipelago and Zoology, 40(3): 489–495. (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Entomological Weber R.G. & Connell W.A. 1975. Stelidota Society of Malta, 1: 15–37. geminata (Say): studies of its biology (Coleo- Rittner O. & Nir A. 2013. First record of Myr- ptera: Nitidulidae). Annales of the Entomo- rha octodecimguttata (Coleoptera: Cocci- logical Society of America, 68: 649–653. Received April 17, 2014 / Accepted May 28, 2014 © 2014 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 23(1): 118–121