HYM. RES. J. Vol. 10(2), 2001, pp. 131-137 First Record of Aridehis nifotestaceus Tobias (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Euphorinae) Parasitizing Nezara viridula Nymphs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with Observations on its Immature Stages and Development Scott R. Shaw, Gianandrea Salerno, Stefano Colazza, and Ezio Peri (SRS) Insect Museum, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-3354, USA; (GS) Department of Arboriculture and Plant Protection, University of Perugia, 06122 Perugia, Italy; (SC, EP) Institute of Agricultural Entomology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy — Abstract. Aridehis nifotestaceus Tobias is recorded for the first time from Italy as parasitizing the pentatomid bug Nezara viridula L. This is the first record of the species in southern Europe and the first host data. The species is re-described and illustrated. New information is provided on its immature stages, development, and biological control potential. Species of the euphorinebraconid genus He (1980) describeci a new species from Aridehis Marshall are cosmopolitan in dis- China, Chou (1987) revised the species of tributit^n, but most diversified in tropical Taiwan, and, most recently, Chen and van areas (Shaw 1985). Aridehis species are Achterberg (1997) revised \heArideliis spe- cjuite distinctive in appearance, and can be cies ofChina. They indicated that about40 easily distinguished from other braconids Arideliis species are now known, of which by their coarse honey-combed areolate 20 are recorded from China. Shaw (1985) mesosomal sculpture in combination with estimated that there are at least ten un- the long, tubular first metasomal segment described Arideliis species in the Neotrop- and fore wing with a closed second sub- ical region. Despite recent taxonomic marginal cell (Shaw 1997). Their biology work, until now only one species of Ari- is not well known but the available re- deliis has been recorcied from Europe (She- cords indicate that they are solitary koino- nefelt 1969; Papp 1974; Capek and Davi- biont endoparasitoids of heteropteran dova-Vilimova 1978). bugs in the families Pentatomidae, Platas- The purpose of this paper is to provide pidae, Scutelleridae, and Acanthosomati- new host and distribution records for Ar- dae (Kirkpatrick 1937; Shenefelt 1969; idehis riifotestnceiis Tobias recently discov- Papp 1974; Capek and Davidova-Vilimova ered in Italy parasitizing the pentatomid 1978; Tobias 1986; Shaw 1988; Maeto and bug Nezara viridula (L.). This is the first re- Kudo 1992). cord of the species in southern Europeand Papp (1965) provided a taxonomic the first host data. The host, Nezara viri- monograph of the world species of Aride- dula, is one of the mostserious agricultural his, however, six Afrotropical species de- insect pests worldwide, damaging a wide scribed by De Saeger (1946) were not in- variety of fruit, nut, grain, and vegetable cluded in Papp's monograph. Later, Papp crops. It is the primary pest of soybean in (1974) erected the genus Arideloides for a many parts of the world (Todd 1989) and species from New Guinea, but Shaw it also attacks many wild hosts that serve (1985) transferred the species to Aridehis. as reservoirs until agricultural crops are 132 Journal of Hymenoptera Research available (Jones and Sullivan 1988). In It- 515 scanning electron microscope. Adult aly, annual losses due to this pest fluctu- specimens were preserved in 95% ethanol ate in relation to changes in population and sent to SRS for description. Preserved abundance of N. viridiiln (Zandigiacomo adult specimens were transferred to 100% 1990; Colazza and Bin 1990, 1995). Al- ethanol for 24 hours, then into chloroform though this pest has been the focus of nu- for 30 minutes prior to drying and point- merous biological control programs, most mounting to prevent shrinkage. of the recorded biological control agents attack the egg stage. The only other par- Arideliis rufotestnceus Tobias, 1986 asitoids known to attack the nymphal and (Figs. 1-10) — adult stages of N. viriduln are Tachinidae Description of adult female. length of and Encyrtidae. Until now no species of body 4.8 mm; length of fore wing 3.5 mm. Braconidae has been discovered attacking Head: Width of head in ciorsal view 2.1 this host (Jones 1988). times its length; length of first tlagelk^m- MATERIALS AND METHODS ere 1.5 times length of second flagellom- ere; length of first and penultimate flagel- Periodically, during summer and au- lomeres 4.5 and 0.8 times their width, re- tumn 1998 and 1999, adults and nymphs spectively; median frontal carina weakly of N. viridula were collected in the fields developed and somewhat obscured by in Umbria, Lazio and Sicily regions fol- coarse punctate sculpturing; vertex sculp- lowing the seasonal sequence ofhostplant ture densely punctate; ocellar-ocular dis- species. Most of the specimens were col- tance 4.5 times ocellar diameter; occipital lected on maize and various vegetable carina dorsally well-developed and com- plants. A study colony of the parasitoid plete; length of eye in dorsal view 1.6 was established and maintained in Italy times length of temple; face and clypeus by GS. Parasitoids were reared in the lab- scultpture densely and coarsely punctate; oratory at a temperature of 24 plus or mi- intertentorial line 1.6 times length of ten- nus 1 degree C, relative humidity 65'/o torial-ocular line; malar space 0.33 times plus or minus 5%, and light/dark condi- height of eye. Mesosoiiia: 1.8 times longer tions of 16 hours light and 8 hours dark- than wide in dorsal view, densely areo- ness daily. The insects were kept in plastic late. Wings: Pterostigma 2.0 times longer boxes and fed with vegetables and sun- than wide at midpoint, anterior margin flower seeds. Boxes were examined daily distinctly rounded and protruding well to collect parasitoid cocoons. Also, each beyond anterior margin of wing as delim- day 5 N. viridula nymphs of the same age ited by vein C-l-SC-(-R; length of marginal (reared in the laboratory) were exposed to cell 0.85 times pterostigma length; vein r a parasitoid female in a plastic box (7 X nearly perpendicular to pterostigma and 5.5 X 2.5 cm) for 24 h. The parasitized 2.5 times longer than vein 3RSa bordering nymphs were removed from the box and second submarginal cell dorsally; vein kept separately until appearance of para- 3RSb nearly straight basally then curving sitoid cocoons. towards wing margin apically; vein m-cu Some nymphs were dissected toobserve slightly antefurcal relative to vein 2RS, the different developmental stages of the with very short segment of vein (RS+M)b parasitoid. For SEM analysis theimmature present. Metasoiua: Entirely smooth and stages were fixed in Karnovsky's medium highly polished; length of first metasomal (Karnovsky 1965) for one hour at 4 °C, de- segment 7.0 times its width at spiracles; hydrated in graded ethanol series, critical- metasoma beyond petiole 2.7 times longer point dried, mounted on stubs, coated than wide in dorsal view; ovipositor with gold and observed with a Philips EM sheath very short, exposed portion about Volume 10, Number 2, 2001 133 Figs. 1-5. Aridchi^ nttotc^Uucus. \, Eggs with developingembryos, 200x. Figs. 2-4. First instarlarva. 2, Lar\'a still partiallysurrounded by trophamnionand teratocytes,ventral view,70x.3, Lateralview, lOOx.4,Ventral view of head capsule and mouthparts, 170x. 5, Third instar larva, antero-ventral view of head capsule and mouthparts, 105x. 0.5 times length of hind basitarsus. Color. remainder of mesosoma, and ovipositor Head, antenna basally, lateral borders of sheath black; wing venation brown, mem- pronotum, legs, and metasoma orangish brane clear—to slightly dusky medially. brown; mandible apically, ocellar triangle, Variation. Body position at cieath vary- 134 Journal of Hymenoptera Research Figs. 6-10. Aridclus rnfotcstaceiis. 6, Third instar larva, ventral view, 11X. Figs. 7-10 Adult. 7, Female near Neznrn viridiila nymph. 8, Propodeum and metasoma, dorsal view, 42x. 9, Propodeum, dorsal view, 38x. 10, Head, mesoscutum, and scutellum, dorsal \'iew, 42x. ing from metasoma fully extended poste- dorsally, hind femur, hind tibia, petiole, riorly to fully extended anteriorly (ovipo- and dorsum of metasoma posteriorly sitional stance) with metasomal petiole more or less infused with sn^iokey black bent under mesosoma and apex of meta- pigmentation. \n all cases dead preserved soma extending well beyond face. Sonie specimens appear somewhat to have a individuals appear darker with the head darker mesosoma; while alive some or- Volume 10, Number 2, 2001 135 angish brown color shows through the than wide. The caudal appendage is lost. darker black pigmentation. Aside from The third and final iiistar larva is also hy- genitalic differences, the male is quite sim- menopteriform and apneustic, but thicker ilar in form and sculpture, but is much and more maggot-like. It is tapering at lighter in color appearing mostly orange, both ends and thickest medially, being even over the mesosoma where black pig- about 3x l—onger than wide at maturity. mentation is limited to smokey pigmen- Biology. Aridelus rufotestnceus was tation along the borders of the a—reolation. found for the first time in October 1998 Description of iuunaturc stages. The egg near the Umbria region of Perugia, Italy is alecithal (with no visible yolk), oval, (parasitism rate4.3%). During the summer with a clear chorion through which the of 1999 we found the parasitoid in the La- white enibryo and developing tropham- zio region (parasitism rate 21.7%) and in nion are visible. The developing embryo Sicily (parasitism rate 12.5%). The mature has a large oval head capsule, followed by egg is usually lemon-shaped, with a ped- 12 similar undifferentiated body seg- icel. When the first instar larva hatches ments. The thoracic segments are not vis- from the egg, the teratocytes dissociate ibly different from the abdominal seg- into the hemolymph and increase in size. ments. The trophamnion forms a large In laboratory conditions the period from mass of spongy white teratocytes below egg deposition to emergence ofthe mature the embryo, enveloping the embryo pos- larva was 23.18 plus or minus 2.77 days teriorly. The mature embryo has a thick (n = 37). The mature larva emerges from round head capsule with no trace of eyes the host through a hole in the interseg- or antenna, deep anterior tentorial pits, mental membrane between the ultimate long sickle-like mandibles, simple mouth and penultimate segments, crawls away, opening, 11 undifferentiated similar body and spins an oval white silk cocoon. After segments, and 12"' segment longerbearing emergence of the parasitoid larva the host anus ventrally and a long tapering caudal may survive for several days (although appendage. The first instar larva is of the clearly not in healthy condition). Adults caudate form, similar to the mature em- emerged from the cocoon in 22.27 plus or bryo with a thick round head capsule with minus 1.45 days (n = 37). The adult life no trace of eyes or antenna, deep anterior span was, in mean, 212.08 plus or minus tentorial pits, long sickle-like mandibles, 8.18 days (n = 106) with a range from 6 simple mouth opening, 11 undifferentiat- to 43 days. Reproduction is parthenoge- ed similar body segments, and 12* seg- netic (thelyotokous, or sometimes deuter- nient k^nger bearing anus ventrally and a otokous). In the lab only 3 males were ob- long tapering caudal appendage densely tained relative to 200 females. Prior to ovi- covered with short, thick, flexible setae. position females approach potential hosts The first instar has an apneustic respira- on foot and inspect them, both visually tory system, with no visible spiracles. The and via antennation. Oviposition is typi- body becomes much thicker as the young cally very rapid, lasting a few seconds at larva feeds and grows. The second instar most, during which the female rapidly ap- larva becomes hymenopteriform remains proaches the host on foot, throws back the apneustic. The sclerotized head capsule is antennae, flexes the metasoma under the much smaller, with short mandibles, and mesosoma while both exserting the ovi- becomes enveloped by the fleshy first tho- positor and telescoping posterior metaso- racic segment as the larva grows. The sec- mal segments. Eggs are inserted into the ond instar larva is yellowish white with membranous cervical region between the undifferentiated segments, less distinct head and thorax or into the intersegmental than in the first instar, and about 5x longer areas of the posterior abdominal region of 136 Journalof Hymenoptera Research the host. Supernumerary eggs of larvae the observed color forms are related to were dissected from hosts collected in the patterns of host use. field and in hosts parasitized in the labo- The study of Capek and Davidova-Vi- ratory, but in all cases only one larva de- limova (1978) suggested that there are veloped per host, hi the laboratory Aride- four larval instars in A. cgrcgius, but our liis nifotestnccus was able to parasitize 2"'\ observations suggest only three larval in- 3"-\ and 4* instar host nymphs, as well as stars in A. rufotcstnccus. Capek and Davi- adults. Younger instars were more suit- dova-Vilimova defined their instars 1 and able for parasitoid development with 95% 2 as morphologically similar, but differing of 3'^' instars parasitized and 85.7% of 2"^^ only in slight differences in the length of instars parasitized permitting complete the mandible. In fact, since their firstinstar parasitoid development. The highest mor- was arbitrarily defined as comprising the tality rate recorded for parasitized adults smallest individuals, and was based only was 80.0%. on 2 individuals (N = 2), their sample size Discussion.—Terminology used in the was simply too small to demonstrate a sta- description follows that of Sharkey and tistically significant difference between Wharton (1997). This species is a typical their instars 1 and 2. Another possible ex- member of the genus and can be keyed to planation is that all their individuals with genus without difficulty using the key long, fighter-type mandibles and caudal provided by Shaw (1997). This species can appendage belong to the same instar (1) be identified using the key to Chinese Ar- and there are only 3 instars. iiiclus species provided by Chen and van It is worth stressing that in Italy no braconid has ever been recorded as para- Achterberg (1997). In the key to world species of Papp (1965) this species keys to sitoid of Pentatomidae. Moreover, since 1989, the Department of Arboriculture couplet 23, A. iiigritliornx Muesebeck, but and Plant Protection of the University of A. nifotestnccus can be distinguished from Perugia periodically collected N. viriduln that species by its lighter colored antenna from the field to assess the parasitization (flagellum entirely black in A. nigrithoriix), more coarsely sculptured head (head only level of tachinid flies, and the presence of any braconid was never observed. In con- finely punctate in A. iiigrithonix), and sideration of this, we can hypothesize a re- weakly developed median frontal carina cent fortuitous introduction of A. iicznrn- (strongly developed in A. )iigritliomx). A. plingus in Italy, as happened in the past for rufotcstnccus can be distinguished from A. the tachinid Triciiopodn pcniiipcs F. (Colaz- egrcgrius Schmiedeknecht, the only other za ct nl. 1996). Since the parasitoid was al- European species, by its more coarsely ready recorded from China and Russia, sculptured head and lighter body (head this may be a natural range extension mostly smooth and body black in A. cgrc- from eastern areas. Another possibility is gius). The three described North America that the parasitoid may have previously species, A. fishcri (Viereck), A. uiclaudcri been present but niade a recent host- (Brues), and A. iiigrithonix Muesebeck, are switch from other hosts. However, no al- identical morphologically but differ only ternate hosts have yet been found in Italy, in color (entirely orange, black head, or although the following pentatomids have black mesosoma, respectively). Given the been examined for the presence ofthe par- wide range of color variations seen in A. asitoid: Eiirydciun olcrnccum (L.), Eurydciiin rufotcstnccus, it would seem questionable vcntrnlc (Kit.), Eurygnstcr sp., Grnpliosoiiin to separate Aridclus species based on color lincntuiii (L). and G. scmipuiictntuiii (F.). alone. Careful field studies are needed for Mntc—rinI cxnniiiicd for rc-dcscriptioii of the North American species to examine if ndiilt. 3 females: Italy, Palermo, lab Volume 10, Number 2, 2001 137 reared ex. Nezara viridiila, December 1999; (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Annals ofthe Ento- 5 females, 1 male, same data except Pe- mological Societi/ofAmerica 81(2): 262-273. rugia, October 1998; 21 females, same data Jones, W. A. and M. J. Sullivan. 1982. Role of host plants in populationdynamicsofstinkbugpests except Perugia, August 1999. Specimens of soybean in South Carolina. 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