SuaraSerangga Papua,2013,8(1)Juli-September 2013 11 First record of a female Delias nee/tje (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) Mike Wild P.O.Box369,Sentani 99352, Jayapura, Papua, INDONESIA Email: [email protected] SuaraSerangga Papua:8(1): 11 - 16 Abstract:The previously unknown female Oeliasneeltje,recorded from Mokndoma, Papua, isdescribed and illustrated. Comparison ismade between O.neeltjeand the closely allied O.c/athratafrom PNG. Rangkuman: Deskripsi betina Oeliasneeltje yang sebelumnya belum dikenal, disajikan, setelah ditangkap di daerah Mokndoma, Papua, Indonesia, dilengkapi dengan foto-foto dan peta. Sekaligus dibuat perbandingan antara O.neeltjedan O.c/athrata dari P.N.G. Keywords:Oeliasc/athratacomplex, Central Mountain Range Papua, Indonesia. Introduction Delias neeltje belongs to the clathrata group of Delias consisting of nineteen species, all endemie to the centra I mountain ranges of the mainland of New Guinea. According to current classification, fourteen species areendemie in Papua (thewestern part ofthe island);andfour speciesareendemie inPapuaNew Guinea, while asingle speciesisknown from both sidesofthe 141O-ELborder.Theclathrata group (or Group XV,according to Talbot) has been divided into sixsub-groups, with D,neeltje Gerrits &van Mastrigt, 1993 placed inthe clathrata subgroup along with D.ciathrata Rothschild, 1904 and its subspecies limata Jordan, 1930, Delias sawyeri Van Mastrigt, 1996 and Delias catocausta which has three subspecies. Following the publication of D.neeltje byGerrits &Van Mastrigt in 1993,the same species was described later inthe same year byYagishita asD.ciathratasakumai, ataxon which hassubsequently been treated asajunior synonym of D.neeltje. Abbreviations The abbreviations given below have been used throughout the text: BMNH - Natural History Museum, London, U.K. BMNH (E)- asabove Entomological Dept. KSP - Koleksi Serangga Papua,Jayapura, Indonesia LT - Lectotype PT - Paratype 12 SuaraSerangga Papua,2013,8(1)Juli-September 2013 Delias nee/tje female (figs 1-2) Material examined: Puncak Jaya, Mokndoma, E137046.5'; S30 38.6; 2180 rn, 13.7.2013, Mike Wild Fam.<;1(,will be moved to KSP). Diagnosis: D.nee/tje differs from D.c1athrata, including ssp./imata, in the following features (see figs 1-14): The bright orange to red subapical and terminal spots on the underside ofthe forewing; inc1athrata, these spots arelight orange oreven yellow; the underside of the hindwing iswhite with seven dark spots; in ciathrata the spots are larger and the white parts areoften filled with greyish brown diffusion; the dark spot in the base on underside of hindwing does not reach the inner border and isdivided bya broad white stripe while in ciathratathe dark triangle does reach the inner border and isdivided bya narrow white stripe. Description: Upperside of forewing milky, slightly translucent white with black costal border slightly wider than the male, bearing four very smalIsubapical dots inwhich some coloration isvisible from spots on underside. Broad black costa connected with black border, entering the discal cell, de-bar partly visible. Small streak ispresent 2/3 up costal border towards apex, reaching inward to M3. Inner edge of black border scalloped from above de-bar totornus, slightly entering along inner margin. Basal area with grey-black diffusion. AII veins are clearly visible. Upperside of hindwing istranslucent white, revealing the patterns on the underside. Costa is white. Blackborder from apex to tornus iswider than the male with undulate inner edge, with abright orange subapical band, formed byfour spots, with the second oneelongated and pointing inwards. Basalareawith grey-black diffusion. Underside of forewing asin male: milky white with black border of same sizeasupperside, but inner edge lessscalloped. Athick black costal band from baseto black border, entering mid way into the discal cell, and cutting off an elongate greyish spot at Sc.AIIveins areclearly visible. Underside of hindwing similar to male: milky white, with black border from apex to torn us,narrowed and more clearly defined than on upperside, with especially undulate inner margin. Ablack subbasal band from costa to dorsum, crossing the discal and cubitus cells at subbasallevel, following the anal margin, at apex connected with terminal black border. A second very broad, bowed band consists of sixdistinctly separate black spots from costa to dorsum, completed to half acircle bya large seventhspot atthe innerside. These spots -Iess developed than in males - crossthe discal and cubitus cells medially to postmedially. Top most discocelluar spot very faint. Inbase below white costa Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 8(1)Juli -September 2013 13 black pear-shaped spot, separate from subbasal black band bywhite streak/band. Concentration ofyellow scalescauseabroad yellow greyish band from basealong anal margin, much more yellowish than in clathrata. AIIveins are clearly visible. Length of forewing: 29 mmo O· ~o .~ .-', '.o. I Map1.Collection areaof De/ias nee/tje <:;l Discussion The close morphological relationship between D.nee/tje and D.c/athrata raisesthe question of whether nee/tje isasubspecies of c/athrata or aseparate species. The significant differences mentioned in the above description and the distance between the localities of both species (over 500 km) arethe principle reasons for maintaining two separate species.Theappearance ofthe D.nee/tje female confirms the differences previously known between males of the two species. 14 Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 8(1)Juli-September 2013 Acknowledgements Iwant to thank my sonswho collected the D.nee/tjeC(. Thanks to Henkvan Mastrigt for valuable information, additional notes, pictures of KSPmaterial. and help in the editing of this article. Thank you also to David Lees (BMNH) for allowing photography of BMNH material and to Chris Davenport for pictures and proof reading. Literature Gerrits, Fred&Henk van Mastrigt [1993]. New Results on Oeliasfrom the CentraIMountain Range of Irian Jaya(Lepidoptera: Pieridae) - Treubia Vol. 30(1992) Part 3:381- 402. Jordan, K.1930. Some new butterflies and moths from Eastern New Guinea - Nov. Zool. XXXV(1930): 277-278 (277). Parsons,M. 1999.The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea: their Systematics and Biology, pp. I-XVI, 1-736, PI.1-162 (132 col.); HB.Academie Press,London.ISBN 0-12-545555-0. (pp.109-115) PI.29-39,117-118. Rothschild, 1904. Lepidoptera from British New Guinea, collected by Mr A.S.Meek - Nov. Zool. XI(1904): 310-322 (315). VanMastrigt, Henk. 2000. Areview ofthe Oeliasc1athrata group from Irian Jayaand Papua New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) - NEN,Marktleuthen 48. Band (April/Mai 2000): 3-68, incl. Color PI.I-XI:figs 1-189. Van Mastrigt, Henk & Mike Wild. 2013. The environment of Mokndoma and its Oelias (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) -SUGAPA7(4):92-106. SuaraSerangga Papua,2013,8(1)Juli-September 2013 15 2 3 4 6 Figs1-4. Oeliasnee/tje 1-2upperside &underside 9(Mike Wild Fam.) 3-4.Upperside &underside cîPT(KSP21880); Figs5-6. Oe/iasc/athrata c/athrata upperside &underside cî[BMNH(E) #983493]- Head of R.Aroa (Meek)]. 16 SuaraSerangga Papua,2013,8(1)Juli-September 2013 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figs7-8. Oeliasc/athrata c/athrata upperside &underside <;! [(BMNH(E) #983492) - Owgarra (coll, Meek) excolI.Herbert Druce]. Figs9-14. Oe/iasc/athrata /imata: 9-1O.upperside &underside óLT[West Side of Herzag Mts(coII.A.F.Eichhorn -BMNH(E)];11-12upperside &underside <;![(BMNH(E) #984006) - West Sideof Herzag Mts (colI.A.F.Eichhorn); 13-14. upperside & underside ó[CD-Kerowagi, Simbu Prov.,P.N.G.].