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First principles study of the solubility of Zr in Al Emmanuel Clouet∗ and J. M. Sanchez Texas Materials Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 C. Sigli 4 Pechiney Centre de Recherches de Voreppe, B.P. 27, 38341 Voreppe cedex, France 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 The experimental solubility limit of Zr in Al is well-known. Al Zr has a stable structure DO 2 3 23 and a metastable one L1 . Consequently there is a metastable solubility limit for which only few 2 n experimentaldataareavailable. Thepurposeofthisstudyistoobtainbyab-initio calculationsthe a solubility limit of Zr in Al for the stable as well as the metastable phase diagrams. The formation J energies of several ordered compounds AlxZr(1−x), all based on an fcc underlying lattice, were 2 calculated using the FP-LMTO (Full Potential Linear Muffin Tin Orbital) method. Taking into 2 account all therelaxations allowed bythesymmetry,wefound theDO structureto bethestable 23 oneforAl Zr. Thissetofresultswasthenusedwiththeclusterexpansioninordertofitageneralized 3 ] Ising model through the inverse method of Connolly-Williams. Different ways to consider volume i c relaxations were examined. This allowed us to calculate in the Bragg-Williams approximation the s configurationalfreeenergyatfinitetemperature. AccordingtothepreviousFP-LMTOcalculations - l the free energy due to electronic excitations can be neglected. For the vibrational free energy of r ordered structures we compared results obtained from a calculation of the elastic constants used t m with the Debye model and results obtained from a calculation of the phonon spectrum. All these different steps lead to a calculation of the solubility limit of Zr in Al which is found to be lower . t than the experimental one. The solubility limit in the metastable phase diagram is calculated in a m thesame way and can thusbe compared to thestable one. - d I. INTRODUCTION turalanalysisandelectricresistivitymeasurements),and n o Kuznetsov et al.11 (determined from resistivity, micro- c hardness and lattice constant measurements as well as The development of methods based on the density [ metallography). The solubilities reported in these last functional theory1,2 and of the computer power has al- studies are higher than the ones of the assessed phase 1 lowedtoconceivecalculationsofphasediagramfromfirst v principles3,4 asanalternativetolaboratoryexperimenta- diagram. 0 tions. Traditionally,only substitutional effects werecon- 3 sidered, which was good enough to reproduce the topol- 4 1 ogy of most phase diagrams. So as to obtain a more Al 0 quantitative agreement with experimental data, it has 4 been shownmore recently that electronic excitations5 as Zr 0 wellaslattice vibrations6,7 couldplayanimportantpart / t in the relative stability of different phases. We chose to a δ testtheabilityofthesefirstprinciplesmethodstopredict Al m the solubility limit of Zr in an aluminium solid solution d- this part of the Al-Zr phase diagram being interesting δ n because of the presence of a metastable phase. Zr o The Al-richest intermediate phase of the Al-Zr phase c diagram55 is Al Zr. This compoundhasthe DO struc- : 3 23 v ture which is body-centered tetragonalwith eight atoms i per unit cell, some of these atoms being allowedby sym- X metry to move along the main axis of the unit cell (Fig. ar 1). It is stable up to 1580±10◦C. The solubility limit of Zr in Al (fcc) is really low, the maximum solubility being 0.083 at.% at the peritectic reaction, Liquid+ZrAl ←→ (Al). The solubilities of 3 Zr in both liquid and solid were definitively determined by Fink and Willey8 and the assessed phase diagram is FIG. 1: Definition of the structures DO23 (left) and L12 basedontheir data. The solidsolubility wasdetermined (right). fromresistivitydataandcheckedbymetallography. Solid solubilities were also reported by Glazov et al.9, Drits Supersaturated solid solution of Zr in (Al) containing et al.10 (solubilities determined by means of microstruc- as much as 3 at.% Zr can be prepared by rapid solid- 2 ification. A coherent metastable phase Al Zr precipi- gieswasusedtomakeacorrecttreatmentofthe4psemi- 3 tatesfromthesupersaturatedsolution12. Thisphasehas core states of Zr. The same uniform mesh of points was the structure L1 which is simple cubic with 4 atoms usedtomaketheintegrationsintheBrillouinzoneforva- 2 per unit cell (Fig. 1). This metastable phase can also lenceandsemicorestates. Thenumberofdivisionsalong form from the melt as a primary phase during rapid reciprocalvectorswaschosenbigenoughtoensureacon- solidification13,14: Al Zr acts as nuclei for solidification vergenceofthetotalenergyoftheorderof0.1mRy/atom 3 of(Al)andZrcanthusworkasagrainrefinerofAl. This for each structure. The radii of the muffin-tin spheres metastable phase is also responsible for the effectiveness were chosen to have a compactness of 47.6% for Al sites of Zr to control recrystallization in Al-based alloys: it and58.4%forZr sites. Inside the muffin-tin spheres,the leads to a more uniform distribution of fine precipitates potential is expanded in spherical harmonics up to l=6 that pins grains and subgrains boundaries. Moreover, and in the interstitial region spherical Hankel functions thisphaseisreallystableagainstcoarseningandredisso- of kinetic energies κ2 = 1 Ry and 3.0 Ry were fitted up lution,allthis makingithighlydesirable. Asfew experi- to l = 6. The calculations were performed in the local mentaldataareavailableforthisphase,itishardtofita densityapproximation(LDA)1,2andtheparametrization thermodynamic model for it. In sucha case,a first prin- used was the one of von Barth-Hedin19. Jomard et al.20 ciplescalculationofthephasediagramshouldallowusto showed that generalized-gradient corrections have to be obtain properties that are not available experimentally. included in order to obtain a correct description of the In order to assess the metastable phase diagram, we stabilityofthedifferentphasesofpureZr,butaswewere studied with the same tools and approximations the interested only in the Al-rich part of the phase diagram L1 and DO phases: this allows us to check first the we did not include these gradient corrections. 2 23 agreement between the stable phase diagram obtained Ground state energies at equilibrium E , equilibrium 0 and experimental data, and then to compare it to the volumes per atom V , and bulk moduli B were obtained 0 metastable phase diagram. by fitting the Rose equation of state21 to the energies In a first part, we study the stability of ordered com- calculated for different volumes around the minimum pounds based on an fcc underlying lattice in the Al-Zr r−r r−r system. The energies of different structures were calcu- E(r)=E 1+ 0 exp − 0 , (1) 0 latedusinganab-initiomethod,thefull-potential-linear- δ δ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) muffin-tin-orbital (FP-LMTO). The equilibrium param- where r is the Wigner-Seitz radius associated to the eters,like the volume,shape ofthe unit cell, orpositions atomicvolumeV andδ isrelatedtothe bulk modulus B of atoms, were obtained. For stable structures they can through the relation be compared to experimental data. Usingthiswholesetofcalculationsweappliedtheclus- −E 0 terexpansiontodeducetheenergyofanystructurebased B = . (2) 12πr δ2 on the same underlying lattice in the Al-Zr system, ex- 0 amining carefully the way to include volumerelaxations. For the different compounds, the energies were opti- At finite temperature, the electronic excitations, the mized with respect to the volume and all other degrees vibrational free energy, and the configurational entropy offreedomallowedbythesymmetry,liketheshapeofthe have to be taken into account. At the end of this part, unit cell or some atomic positions. The equilibrium vol- weareable to obtaina thermodynamicmodelwrittenin umes V , bulk moduli B, and formation energies Eform 0 the same way as in a Calphadapproachand to calculate relative to the fcc phases of both pure Al and Zr are the corresponding solubility limits. presented in table I. We note that all the formation en- ergies are negative, and they thus characterize Al-Zr as an ordering system. II. GROUND STATES OF ORDERED We examined more closely the stability of the phases COMPOUNDS L1 , DO , and DO of Al Zr according to relaxations. 2 22 23 3 L1 being cubic, its energy was optimized with respect 2 Formation energies were calculated at absolute zero to atomic volume only, whereas in the tetragonal DO 22 temperature for 26 compounds in the Al-Zr binary sys- phase optimization was performed additionally with re- tem,allbasedonanfcclattice. Calculationswerecarried spect to the c/a ratio and in the tetragonal DO phase 23 out using a full-potential linear-muffin-tin-orbital (FP- to the c/aratioandtothe atomicdisplacements δ and Al LMTO)method15,16,17intheversiondevelopedbyMeth- δ (δ and δ are defined on Fig. 1). Zr Al Zr fessel and Van Schilfgaarde18. The basis used contained Our results for Al Zr agree really well with the exper- 3 22energy independent muffin-tin-orbitals(MTO) per Al imental ones (Table II). The equilibrium volumes ob- and Zr site: three κ values for the orbitals s and p and tained for the L1 and DO phases are lower than the 2 23 two κ values for the orbitals d where the corresponding experimental ones, but this is a known feature of LDA. kinetic energies were κ2 = 0.01 Ry (spd), 1.0 Ry (spd), This can be improved by adding gradient corrections: and2.3Ry(sp). Asecondpanelwithabasiscomposedof ColinetandPasturel23usingthegeneralizedgradientap- 22energyindependent MTO withthe samekinetic ener- proximation instead of LDA found a better agreement 3 TABLEI:EquilibriumvolumeV ,bulkmodulusB,andformation energyEform forrelaxedAl-Zrcompoundscalculated with 0 LDA. Pearson Structure V B Eform 0 symbol type (˚A3/atom) (GPa) (mRy/atom)a Al(fcc) cF4 Cu 15.82 80.78 0. Al Zr cP32 ? 15.99 82.56 −3.04 31 Al Zr cI32 ? 16.10 84.27 −6.99 15 Al Zr tI18 V Zn 16.25 86.24 −9.77 8 4 5 Al Zr (D1) cF32 Ca Ge 16.30 87.32 −14.33 7 7 Al Zr (D1 ) tI10 MoNi 16.58 92.10 −21.12 4 a 4 Al Zr (L1 ) cP4 Cu Au 16.12 99.59 −39.00 3 2 3 Al Zr (DO ) tI8 Al Ti 16.60 99.65 −39.04 3 22 3 Al Zr (DO ) tI16 Al Zr 16.35 100.05 −40.72 3 23 3 Al Zr (α) hP3 CdI 18.01 87.16 −11.73 2 2 Al Zr (β) tI6 MoSi 17.13 96.40 −26.19 2 2 Al Zr (γ) oI6 MoPt 17.15 96.51 −26.08 2 2 AlZr(L1 ) tP4 AuCu 18.15 103.33 −37.07 0 AlZr(L1 ) hR32 CuPt 19.04 93.29 −16.50 1 AlZr(CH40) tI8 NbP 18.52 100.48 −33.56 AlZr(D4) cF32 ? 18.49 92.58 −14.78 AlZr(Z2) tP8 ? 18.63 99.70 −21.03 Zr Al (α) hP3 CdI 20.38 98.10 −10.72 2 2 Zr Al (β) tI6 MoSi 19.53 104.84 −24.78 2 2 Zr Al (γ) oI6 MoPt 19.44 104.05 −26.36 2 2 Zr Al (L1 ) cP4 Cu Au 19.71 107.67 −27.11 3 2 3 Zr Al (DO ) tI8 Al Ti 19.88 105.14 −23.49 3 22 3 Zr Al (DO ) tI16 Al Zr 19.80 102.77 −25.18 3 23 3 Zr Al (D1 ) tI10 MoNi 20.31 99.85 −16.30 4 a 4 Zr Al (D1) cF32 Ca Ge 20.93 101.66 −7.96 7 7 Zr(fcc) cF4 Cu 21.70 98.74 0. aReferencephasesareAl(fcc)andZr(fcc). ′ ′ ′ TABLE II: Calculated volumes V , c/a ratios (c =c/2 for DO phase and c = c/4 for DO phase), atomic displacements 0 22 23 ′ (normalized by c), and ground state energies relative to the DO phase for Al Zr compared to previous calculations and 23 3 experimental data. ′ Method V c/a Atomic ∆E 0 (˚A3/atom) displacements (mRy/atom) L1 Present work 16.12 1.71 2 FP-LMTO22 0.64 VASP23 17.4 2.3 Experiments24 17.14 1.69 DO Present work 16.60 1.141 1.68 22 FP-LMTO22 2.63 VASP23 17.7 1.141 1.9 DO Present work 16.35 1.087 δ =−0.0021 0. 23 Al δ =−0.0273 Zr FP-LMTO22 16.28 1.09 δ =+0.003 0. Al δ =−0.026 Zr VASP23 17.5 1.079 δ =+0.0003 0. Al δ =−0.0101 Zr Experiments22 17.25 1.0775 δ =+0.0004 Al δ =−0.0272 Zr with experimental data for these equilibrium volumes. not enough to consider only the relaxation of the shape After relaxing all the degrees of freedom, we see that of the unit cell (c/a ratio) of the phase DO to sta- 23 DO is the stable phase. As been shown previously by bilize it, the atomic displacements δ and δ allowed 23 Al Zr Amadoret al.22 using the FP-LMTOtechnique too, it is by the symmetry have to be relaxed too, otherwise L1 2 4 still has a lower energy. This was confirmed by Colinet same correlation functions. Denoting D the number α and Pasturel23 with calculations in the pseudopotential ofsuchequivalentclustersperlattice site,ordegeneracy, method, and we observed such a behaviour too. The any configurational function fs can be expanded in the values obtained after relaxation for these displacements form25 are close to those measured by neutron diffraction by Amador et al.22: the sign of δAl is wrong but this rela- fs = Dαfαζαs, (4) tive displacement is too close from 0 to be really signif- α X icant. The enthalpy of transformation from the L1 to 2 where the sum has to be performed over all non equiv- the DO structurewasmeasuredbyDeschet al.24. The 23 alent clusters and the coefficients f are independent of experimental value (∆H =−1.69 mRy/atom) agrees re- α the structure. ally well with the value obtained from ours calculations The usefulness of the expansion (4) rests on the fast (∆H = −1.72 mRy/atom), which was not the case of convergenceofthesecoefficientswiththesizeoftheclus- previous calculations. ters, i.e. with the number of points included in the clus- For Zr Al, we found the phase L1 to have the lowest 3 2 teraswellasthemaximaldistancebetweenpointsinside formation energy compared to the two other structures the cluster. This allows one to truncate the sum using we investigated. This is in agreement with the experi- only a finite number of clusters. Knowing the value of mental fact that L1 is the stable phase of Zr Al. For 2 3 the function fs for a finite set of structures, the coeffi- other compositions, the experimental stable structures cients f can then be obtained using the inverse method are not based on an fcc underlying lattice, and therefore α proposed by Connolly and Williams26, i.e. by a matrix no directcomparisoncanbe made with ourcalculations. inversion if the number of structures is the same as the numberofclustersusedinthetruncatedexpansion. Here we used more structures than clusters and obtained the III. CLUSTER EXPANSION OF THE FORMATION ENERGY coefficients by a least square fit. We can thus check the convergence of the expansion by its ability to reproduce fs. The FP-LMTO method only allows one to calculate Rather than doing the fit directly on the configura- the energy of perfectly ordered systems which contain tional function fs, we did it on the excess function asso- a few atoms per unit cell. Disordered or partially or- ciated which is defined as dered systems can be modeled by super-cells, but this requires a too large computational time. Moreover, to 1+ζs 1−ζs compute the free energy of these systems, one needs to ∆fs =fs− 1fA− 1fB, (5) 2 2 calculate the energy of every configuration. This cannot be directly done with ab-initio calculationsanda cluster where ζs is the point correlation and fA and fB are 1 expansion has to be used. That is why in the following the values of the function fs for a lattice occupied by we will directly use the FP-LMTO calculations only for respectively only atoms A (ζ = 1) and atoms B (ζ = 1 1 the perfectly orderedcompounds Al3Zr inthe structures −1). In the case of the energy, this excess function is L12 and DO23, and for the solid solution Al-Zr we will nothing else but the formation energy. make a cluster expansion. Using the expansion (4) we obtained 1+(−1)|α| 1−(−1)|α| A. Formalism ∆fs = Dαfα ζαs − 2 −ζ1s 2 , α,X|α|≥2 (cid:20) (cid:21) (6) Considering a binary crystal of N sites on a rigid lat- where |α| denotes the number of points contained in the tice, its configuration can be described through an Ising model by the vector σ = {σ ,σ ,...,σ } where the cluster α. 1 2 N ApplyingtheConnollyWilliamsmethodtotheexpres- pseudo-spin configuration variable σ equals ±1 if an A p sion(6)ratherthanto(4)allowsonetoimposeeasilythe or B atom occupies the site p. Any structure is then de- finedbyitsdensitymatrixρs,ρs(σ)beingtheprobability condition that ∆fs should be equal to zero for pure A of finding the structure s in the configuration σ. and pure B. We thus obtain the coefficients fα only for clusters containing more than one point, the coefficients To anycluster ofn lattice points α={i ,i ,...,i } is 1 2 n f and f of the empty and point clusters being then associated the following multisite correlationfunction 0 1 obtained by the relations 1 ζs =Trρs σ = ρs(σ) σ , (3) α i 2N i f +f 1+(−1)|α| i∈α σ i∈α f = A B − D f , (7a) Y X Y 0 2 2 α α where the sum has to be performed overthe 2N possible α,X|α|≥2 configurations of the lattice. f −f 1−(−1)|α| A B f = − D f . (7b) Clusters related by a translation or a symmetry op- 1 α α 2 2 eration of the point group of the structure have the α,X|α|≥2 5 B. Relaxations (Fig. 2 h). The values of the coefficients obtained for these three totally relaxed expansions are presented in The volume of a structure, like any other property, table III and the errors compared to the direct calcula- depends on its configuration. But this volume enters di- tion for the 25 structures in table IV. rectlyintheclusterexpansionasthe coefficientsf have α to be calculated for a given volume. As we are gener- allyinterestedintheequilibriumproperties,thisleadsto some relaxations. In this study we will consider in two differentwaysthese volumerelaxations,the globallyand totally relaxed expansions27,28. We first canmake the cluster expansionexplicitly vol- ume dependent, writing (a){3,1} (b){3,2} (c){3,3} (d){3,4} fs(V)= D f (V)ζs, (8) α α α α X where the coefficients f (V) are obtained by calculating α the property fs for different structures at the same vol- ume V, the other degrees of freedom (shape of the unit cell and positions of atoms) being relaxed, and then by (e){3,5} (f){3,6} (g){3,7} (h){4,1} usingthe Connolly-Williamsmethod. Doingsuchaclus- terexpansionfortheenergy,wecanthendeducetheequi- FIG.2: Definitionofthethreeandfourpointsclustersonan librium volume associated with a given configuration by fcc lattice used for theexpansion. minimizingwithrespecttothevolumeitsenergyasgiven by expression (8). This is known as the globally relaxed scheme and is based on the assumption that the volume occupiedbyeveryclusterisindependentonitsconfigura- TABLEIII:Clusterexpansionoftheequilibriumvolume(co- tion. Such an assumption is questionable in cases where there is a significant difference between the atomic vol- efficientsVα),bulkmodulus(Bα),andformationenergy(Jα) in the total relaxation scheme. umes of the constituent elements as in the Al-Zr system. calAcunloattheerthweacyoteofficcoinensitdsefrreflraoxmatitohneseoqfutihliebvrioulummveailsuteos Cluster Dα (˚A3/Vaαtom) (GBPαa) (mRyJ/αatom) α fs(Vs) where everything included the volume is allowed {0} 1 18.587 98.15 −625.05 0 {1} 1 −3.230 −11.12 419.87 torelax. Thecoefficientsf arethenvolumeindependent α {2,1} 6 0.149 −1.12 3.69 andthevaluespredictedbytheexpansionaredirectlythe {2,2} 3 −0.128 1.88 −3.86 ones at equilibrium. Such a treatment is called a totally {2,3} 12 −0.013 −0.09 0.07 relaxed expansion. This expansion is still rigorous from {2,4} 6 −0.027 −0.11 −0.15 a mathematical point of view since the relaxations are {2,5} 12 −0.037 0.07 0.16 themselves functions of the configuration, so the relaxed {2,6} 4 0.009 −0.30 0.93 structures will also be. {2,7} 24 0.014 −0.17 0.18 {3,1} 8 0.013 −0.14 1.74 {3,2} 12 −0.031 −0.40 −0.45 C. Results {3,3} 24 −0.001 −0.14 −0.55 {3,4} 6 0.023 0.21 −0.31 {3,5} 24 0.004 0.21 −0.33 1. Total relaxations {3,6} 24 0.010 0.14 0.22 {3,7} 24 0.005 0.06 0.54 We first made a cluster expansion of the equilibrium {4,1} 2 0.030 −0.55 0.88 volume, the bulk modulus, and the formation energy for the Al-Zr system on an fcc lattice: we are thus doing three different totally relaxed expansions. To perform Looking at the cluster expansion of the formation the least square fit of the expansion, we used the 26 energy, it can be seen that the maximum difference structuresforwhichtheseequilibriumpropertieswereob- between the energy given by the expansion and the tained from our FP-LMTO calculations (Table I). The one directly obtained from the FP-LMTO calculations best agreement between our ab-initio calculations and is 4.0 mRy/atom and that the standard deviation is theirexpansionhasbeenobtainedwhenusing17clusters: 1.4 mRy/atom. We did not manage to find a better the empty cluster {0}, the point cluster {1}, the pairs set of clusters producing a smaller error: as we still had from first to seventh nearest neighbours {2,1}...{2,7}, more structures to fit than clusters, we tried to include seven triangles {3,1}...{3,7} presented in figures 2 a- more clusters like the pair to the eighth nearest neigh- g and the tetrahedron of first nearest neighbours {4,1} bourbutthisdidnotimprovethe differencebetweenour 6 2. Global relaxations TABLE IV: Deviations for the cluster expansion of the equi- libriumvolume(δV ),thebulkmodulus(δB),andtheforma- 0 tion energy (δEform) in the total relaxations scheme. Using the same sets of clusters and structures, we ex- panded the ground state energy in 21 different volumes δV0 δB δEform between 14 and 24 ˚A3/atom. For each structure, these (˚A3/atom) (GPa) (mRy/atom) 21 expansions gave the ground state energy of the re- Al(fcc) 0. 0. 0. laxed structures at the corresponding fixed volume, and Al Zr 0.052 0.30 0.42 31 wethenusedtheseresultstoobtainthevolume,thebulk Al Zr 0.035 0.83 −1.02 15 modulus, and the ground state energy at equilibrium by Al Zr (NbNi ) 0.157 −1.05 4.01 8 8 fitting the Rose equation of state21. Al Zr (D1) 0.018 0.31 0.87 7 Al Zr (D1 ) −0.012 −1.62 1.96 4 a Al Zr (L1 ) −0.109 −0.02 −0.21 3 2 TABLEV:Deviationsfortheclusterexpansionoftheequilib- Al Zr (DO ) −0.029 0.63 −0.58 3 22 riumvolume(δV ),thebulkmodulus(δB),andtheformation Al Zr (DO ) −0.079 0.73 −2.10 0 3 23 energy (δEform) obtained in theglobal relaxations scheme. Al Zr (α) −0.017 0.10 −0.36 2 Al2Zr (β) −0.028 0.52 −1.11 δV δB δEform 0 Al2Zr (γ) −0.041 0.60 −1.38 (˚A3/atom) (GPa) (mRy/atom) AlZr(L1 ) 0.219 −1.18 1.96 0 Maximal deviation −0.351 −2.26 5.15 AlZr(L1 ) 0.323 −0.86 0.60 1 Standard deviation 0.120 0.94 1.44 AlZr(CH40) 0.077 −0.11 0.56 AlZr(D4) −0.348 0.64 −1.20 AlZr(Z2) 0. 0.41 0.49 The maximal and standard deviations between the Zr Al (α) 0.011 0.03 0.16 2 properties deduced from the expansion and the ones Zr Al (β) −0.007 0.46 −0.71 2 directly obtained from the FP-LMTO calculations are Zr Al (γ) 0.002 0.49 −0.59 2 shown in table V. They are close to what we previously Zr Al (L1 ) −0.095 1.21 −0.32 3 2 obtained in the total relaxation scheme. Actually, we Zr Al (DO ) −0.038 2.01 −1.29 3 22 did not get any important difference between the results Zr Al (DO ) −0.061 −2.03 −0.69 3 23 Zr Al (D1 ) −0.012 −1.62 1.96 obtained according to the way volume relaxations are 4 a Zr Al (D1) 0.085 0.32 1.78 considered. For each structure the deviation is quite the 7 Zr(fcc) 0. 0. 0. same in both cases,this being true for the formationen- ergy as well as for the equilibrium volume and the bulk Standard deviation 0.116 0.91 1.33 modulus. Such a result could not have been easily pre- dicted as the size difference between Al and Zr is quite important: the atomicvolumesgivenbyourcalculations for the fcc structures of Al and Zr are respectively 15.82 and 21.70 ˚A3 (Table I). This proves that the globally and locally relaxed expansions are equivalent. FP-LMTOcalculationsandtheir expansion. Suchaner- As the totally relaxed expansion only gives us one set ror does not allow one to reproduce the relative stability of coefficients for the whole range of volumes, it is more between different ordered compounds at a same concen- convenient and we will use this expansion in the follow- tration, for instance between the phases L1 , DO , and 2 22 ing. DO of Al Zr. But as we are interested in using the 23 3 clusterexpansiononlyforthesolidsolutionAl-Zr,thisis not a problem: for perfectly ordered compounds we can IV. FINITE TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES directly use the results of our ab-initio calculations. At finite temperature, the vibrational and electronic Forthe equilibriumvolume,we cancomparethe accu- contributions as well as the configurationalentropyhave racyoftheclusterexpansionwiththeoneoftheVegard’s to be included in the description of the system. Consid- law which assumes a linear relation between the atomic ering two different time scales, a slow one for the con- volumeandtheconcentration. Thestandarddeviationof figurational effects and a much faster for vibrations and the Vegard’s law is 0.427 ˚A/atom. For none of the con- electronic excitations4, we define a vibrational and elec- sidered structures such an important error occurs, and tronic free energy, Fvib(σ) and Fel(σ), both depending wehavethusobtainedanimportantimprovementbynot ontheconfiguration. Usingthevariationalprinciple,the consideringonlytheemptyandpointclusterasonedoes free energy is obtained by minimizing the functional in the Vegard’s law. F[ρ]=hE i+hFvibi+hFeli+k Thlnρi, (9) 0 B For the bulk modulus, the accuracy of our FP-LMTO beingoftheorderof1GPa,heretoowecanconsiderthe where k is the Boltzmann constant and ρ the density B convergence of the cluster expansion to be good. matrix. 7 The cluster expansion of the formation energy at T = Zr (fcc), Al Zr (L1 ), and Al Zr (DO ) (Fig. 3). In the 3 2 3 23 0 K gives us an expression for the cohesive part of the range of temperature of interest, i.e. below 1000 K, this functional of Eq. (9). We do not have to take into ac- electroniccontributionissmallerthan1mRy/atom,and countanyvariationofthelatticeparameterwithtemper- so is the excess free energy associated. This is the same atureaswechosetoworkintheharmonicapproximation: range of order as the accuracy of the cluster expansion Ozolin¸ˇsandAsta7 showedonthe solubilitylimit ofSc in of the formation energy. We thus chose to neglect this Al that there was only a small improvement when going contribution to the free energy. from the harmonic to the quasiharmonicapproximation. Similar expressions have to be found for the electronic and vibrational parts of the expression (9). The mini- B. Vibrational free energy mization of F[ρ] with respect to ρ will then be done in the Bragg-Williams approximation. We studied the vibrationaleffects in the harmonic ap- proximation, comparing the ability of the Debye model withaphononcalculationtopredictthe thermodynamic A. Electronic free energy properties. At a temperature of 0 K, all electronic states of en- ergy below the Fermi level ǫ are occupied, whereas the 1. Phonon calculation f ones above are empty. At finite temperature, the elec- trons closeto the Fermilevels canbe promotedto states A calculation of the phonon DOS n(ω) allows one to of higher energiesaccording to the Fermi-Dirac distribu- compute the vibrational free energy. For temperatures tion f(ǫ,T). The electronic excitations induce a change higher than 300 K, it is enough to consider only its high ofthechargedensityandthusoftheeffectivepotentialof temperature expression the one electron Hamiltonian. This leads the electronic density of states (DOS) n(ǫ) to be temperature depen- ∞ Fvib = k T −3ln(k T)+ ln(~ω)n(ω)dω dent. But the changes induced on the total energy and B B on the entropy by this temperature dependence of the (cid:20) Z0 (cid:21) 1 electronic DOS are small5. We thus assumed the elec- +O . (11) T tronic DOS to be temperature independent and equal to (cid:18) (cid:19) the one obtained at T =0. The energy change ∆Eel(T) Phonon DOS were calculated for Al (fcc), Zr (fcc), and the entropy Sel(T) due to electronic excitations are Al Zr (L1 ), and Al Zr (DO ) in the linear response then 3 2 3 23 theory framework29. We used energy independent MTO ∞ as a basis for representing the first order correction to ∆Eel = ǫn(ǫ)[f(ǫ,T)−f(ǫ,0)]dǫ, (10a) the one electron wave functions in the implementation Z−∞ developedbySavrasov30,31. Thesecalculationswereper- ∞ Sel = −k n(ǫ){f(ǫ,T)ln[f(ǫ,T)] formedintheLDAusingtheparametrizationofMoruzzi- B Z−∞ Janak-Williams32. The radii of the muffin-tin spheres +[1−f(ǫ,T)]ln[1−f(ǫ,T)]}dǫ. (10b) were taken equal to the ones of the band structure cal- culation. Forvalence states,the basisusedwasthe same whereas the 4s and 4p states of Zr were treated in two 0 different panels with the respective kinetic energies κ2 (c) (a) 2.7 and 1.1 mRy. For fcc structures, phonon frequencies (d) -0.2 werecalculatedonagridof8×8×8wavevectors~q lead- ing to 29 points in the irreducible Brillouin zone (IBZ), atom) -0.4 (b) forL12 agridof5×5×5leadingto 10points inthe IBZ Ry/ was used, and for DO23 a grid of 4×4×4 wave vectors m elF ( -0.6 leading to 13 points. The calculated phonons dispersion for Al fcc is com- -0.8 Al (fcc) (a) pared in figure 4 to the measurements of Stedmam et Zr (fcc) (b) al.33,34 for three different high-symmetry directions. We Al3Zr (L12) (c) -1 Al3Zr (DO23) (d) see thatourcalculationoverestimatesphononfrequency. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 OtherphononcalculationsforAlfcc35,36,37 usingthelin- T (K) earresponsetheorytooobtainedabetteragreementwith FIG. 3: Electronic free energy, Fel=∆Eel−TSel. experimental data. They all used a plane waves basis in the pseudopotentialframework,but the use ofanenergy independent MTO as a basis does not seem to be the We calculated the electronic contribution to the free reason of the discrepancy with experimental data in our energy, Fel = ∆Eel −TSel, for the structures Al (fcc), case,as Savrasovshowedfor Nb30as wellas forNbC and 8 12 values of elastic constants. Moreover,as we are lowering (0,0,q) (0,q,q) (q,q,q) thesymmetryofthestructurebydeformingit,somenew 10 degrees of freedom can appear, but we did not consider either these ones. z) 8 The elastic constants calculated with the FP-LMTO H are compared to the experimental ones in table VI. The T y ( discrepancy between the calculated and experimental c 6 n ue constants is in the order of 10%. This leads to some dif- q Fre 4 ferences between the Debye temperatures obtained from these calculated constants and the ones obtained from the experimental constants, but the relative positions of 2 these temperatures are correctly predicted. In table VII, we show Debye temperatures obtained 0 Γ X K Γ L from a calculation of the elastic tensor for cubic struc- turesfcc,D1,andL1 oftheAl-Zrsystem. Thestructure 2 FIG.4: Calculated phononsdispersion forAlfccin solid line D4 of AlZr is cubic too, but this phase was found to be comparedtoexperimentaldata(Ref.33,34)denotedbycrosses. mechanically unstable through a Bain deformation path and cannot be used to calculate a Debye temperature. Si31 thatthis basiswaswell-suitedtoobtainphonondis- persion. 3. Comparison for ordered compounds The phonon DOS obtained from these calculations for Al (fcc), Zr (fcc), Al Zr (L1 ), and Al Zr (DO ) are 3 2 3 23 As we calculated the phonon spectrum for Al Zr for presented in Fig. 5. For Al (fcc), we compared our cal- 3 thestablestructureDO andthemetastableoneL1 ,we culated phonon DOS with experimental ones. Experi- 23 2 were able to compare the excess vibrational free energy mental DOS34,38,39 were obtained by means of a Born- ∆Fvib obtained from the phonon DOS and the Debye von Karman model. Force constants were fitted up to model, the reference phases being Al (fcc) and Zr (fcc) the eighth nearest neighbours in order to reproduce the (high temperature expressions are given in table VIII). phonon measurements in high-symmetry directions of We thus see that the Debye model makes an important Stedmam et al.33,34, the Born-von Karman model be- error in predicting this excess free energy as it overes- ingusedthentocomputethefrequencydistribution. We timates it by a factor ∼ 2. This error comes from the can see on the phonon DOS too that our calculated fre- inability of the Debye model to reproduce the phonon quenciesareslightlytoohigh. Nevertheless,the shapeof DOS as shown by figure 5. Moreover the phonon calcu- the frequency distribution is correct. lation shows that the two considered structures of Al Zr 3 should have the same vibrational free energy which is not correctly predicted by the Debye model. This error 2. Debye model of the Debye model would lead to a stabilization of the phaseL1 athightemperatures(T &905K)whichisnot The Debye model assumes a linear dispersionbetween 2 true experimentally. In order to correctly describe the the phonon frequency and its wave vector. This leads to relativestability ofthese twoorderedphasesofAl Zrwe the following high temperature expression of the vibra- 3 cannot use the Debye model, but we need the phonon tional free energy calculation. θ 1 Fvib =k T −1+3ln D +O , (12) B T T (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19) 4. Cluster expansion for the disordered phase where the Debye temperature θ is obtained from the D elastic constants of the structures40. Forthevibrationalfreeenergyofthedisorderedphase, The elastic constants were obtained by means of FP- we made a cluster expansion of the vibrational free en- LMTO calculations using the same set of parameters as ergiesof severalorderedstructures. As the Debye model for the formation energy calculations. The unit cell of onlyrequiresthecalculationoftheelastictensor,whichis the crystal was deformed around its equilibrium posi- muchmorefasterthanacalculationofthewholephonon tion in order to obtain the second derivative of the en- spectrum, we useditto calculate the vibrationalfree en- ergy at its minimum which can be then related to the ergy of these ordered compounds (Debye temperatures elastic tensor41,42. During this deformation, no relax- in Table VII). By doing so we saw previously that we ationwas allowed. For the DO structure, the c/aratio overestimates ∆Fvib, but a calculation of the phonon 23 and the position δ and δ of the atoms were frozen at spectrum is not conceivable for a number of structures Al Zr theirequilibriumvalue. Forsomeofthedeformations,we large enough to fit the cluster expansion. We have then checked that these relaxations did not change much the to accept such an error. 9 phonon calculation phonon calculation 1.6 Debye model 1.6 Debye model m)) experimental ((ba)) m)) Hz.ato 1.2 Hz.ato 1.2 T T S (states/( 0.8 S. (states/( 0.8 O 0.4 O 0.4 D D 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (THz) Frequency (THz) (a)Al(fcc): (a)fromref.34,38 and(b)from (b)Zr(fcc) ref.34,39 phonon calculation phonon calculation 1.6 Debye model 1.6 Debye model m)) m)) o o at 1.2 at 1.2 z. z. H H T T es/( 0.8 es/( 0.8 at at st st S ( S ( O 0.4 O 0.4 D D 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Frequency (THz) Frequency (THz) (c)Al3Zr(L12) (d)Al3Zr(DO23) FIG. 5: Phonon density of state. TABLE VI:Elastic constant Cij (in GPa) calculated with theFP-LMTO compared toexperimental valuesfor Al (fcc), Al3Zr (DO23), and Zr (hcp), and Debye temperature θD associated. Debye temperatures obtained by calorimetric measurements of thespecific heat, when available, are given in brackets. C11 C33 C12 C13 C44 C66 θD (K) Al(fcc) FP-LMTO 101.5 ··· 70.4 ··· 31.7 ··· 385 exp.45,46 114.3 ··· 61.9 ··· 31.6 ··· 431 (428)43 Al Zr (DO23) FP-LMTO 215.3 228.2 54.1 33.3 103.2 123.5 616 3 exp.47a 208.8 208.3 70.5 49.1 87.2 102.2 575 Zr(hcp) FP-LMTO 153.1 171.2 63.4 76.5 22.4 44.9 262 exp.45,48 155.4 172.5 67.2 64.6 36.3 44.1 299 (310)44 ameasuredatroomtemperature Looking at the high temperature expression of the vi- which allows us to write the vibrational free energy as brationalfreeenergygivenbytheDebyemodel(Eq. 12), we can make the following cluster expansion Fvib =k T D J ζ −3lnT . (14) B α α α " # α X 3lnθ −1= D J ζ , (13) By doing so, the temperature dependence of the free en- D α α α ergyisreallysimpleandwedonothavetomakeacluster α X 10 be neglected. The functional F[ρ] is minimized in the TABLE VII: Elastic constants Cij (in GPa) for Al-Zr com- Bragg-Williamsapproximation. This assumes thatthere pounds of cubic symmetry and Debye temperature θD asso- isnoshortrangeorderandthatthecorrelationfunctions ciated. canbefactorizedoverthemeanvaluesofthepseudospin C11 C12 C44 θD (K) variablehσniforthelatticesitescontainedinthecluster, Al(fcc) 101.5 70.4 31.7 385 Al Zr (D1) 136.5 62.7 45.8 449 7 Al3Zr (L12) 187.3 55.7 95.1 557 ζ =h σ i= hσ i. (15) α i i Zr Al (L1 ) 163.8 79.3 86.5 388 3 2 i∈α i∈α Zr Al (D1) 136.3 84.4 56.6 300 Y Y 7 Zr(fcc) 121.4 87.1 45.7 249 The Bragg-Williams approximation thus assumes that the lattice sites interact only through their mean oc- cupancy and neglects all correlations between different TABLE VIII: Comparison of the high temperature expres- sites. This can be improved by using the Cluster Varia- sionsofthevibrationalfreeenergyobtainedwiththephonon tionMethod(CVM)49,butinthecaseofalowsolubility, calculation and theDebyemodel. noreallyimportantimprovementisexpectedwhengoing AAll33ZZrr ((LD1O22)3) DDPPhheebboonnyyeeoonnss ∆∆FFvviibb ==== 1100....47884455kkkkBBBBTTTT ++++OOOO(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)TTTT1111(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) fMtwlorhoiwoetmhresfroottehvlheueeebres,inliBiztetrehyraegogiyfngc-tobWAhmyeliplmm(luifacteaacmax)tnisimosannaaoapdlflpcatrltuhsoimsxettiheemCer.naVlteoAMiconesngsiZsnratracorrnyhegtaahtessoeeiansoCtrbaeeVtraaaMlloilcnyt-. (cid:0) (cid:1) tions of the cluster expansion of the formation energy requires a too large cluster, we chose to work with the expansion of the free energy at every temperature. Bragg-Williams approximation. Weonlyusedfourclustersinthe truncatedexpansion: Within the Bragg-Williams approximation, the con- the empty cluster {0}, the point cluster {1}, the pair figurational entropy has the following expression for a {2,1} of first nearest neighbours, and the triangle {3,1} binary compound of first nearest neighbours. The eight structures of table VIIwereusedtofitthecoefficientsoftheexpansion. The S[ρ] = −k (1+hσ i)ln(1+hσ i) B n n resultsofthisexpansionarepresentedintableIX(a)and n thedeviationsintableIX(b). Althoughonlyfewclusters X +(1−hσ i)ln(1−hσ i). (16) were used in this expansion, the convergence is really n n good. 1. Disordered phase TABLEIX:Clusterexpansionofthefunctionfs =3lnθD−1 for the vibrational free energy. For a disordered state, all lattice sites are equivalent bysymmetry. Theyhavethusthesamepointcorrelation fs δfs ζ1 = 2x − 1, where x is the Zr atomic concentration. Consequently any correlation function can be written in Cluster Dα Jα Al (fcc) 16.86 0. {0} 1 17.385 Al Zr(D1) 17.32 −0.08 terms of the point correlation: 7 {1} 1 0.874 Al Zr(L1 ) 17.97 0.04 3 2 {2,1} 6 −0.197 Zr3Al(L12) 16.88 0.04 ζα =ζ1|α|. (17) {3,1} 8 −0.027 Zr Al(D1) 16.11 −0.08 7 Zr (fcc) 15.55 0. Theclusterexpansionofthefunctionfs,usingthe ex- pression (6) of the excess function ∆fs, can then be ex- (a)Coefficients ofthe expansion. (b)Deviationδfs ofthe pressed as a function of the point correlation, or equally expansion. as a function of the concentration. This leads to an ex- pressionsimilar to the way the internal energy of a solid solution is written in a Redlich-Kister model which is of common use in the Calphad method50 C. Bragg-Williams approximation fs =xfA+(1−x)fB+x(1−x) L (2x−1)n, (18) n n≥0 X We thus obtained an expression for the different parts where the coefficients L are obtained from the coeffi- of the free energy functional F[ρ] of expression (9): the n cients J by the relations cohesive part is given by the cluster expansion of the α FP-LMTO calculations (coefficients in table III), the vi- L =−4 D f . (19) brational energy by the expression (14) with the coeffi- n α α cients oftable IX(a), andthe electroniccontributioncan Xi≥1|α|X=αn+2i

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