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Preview First-principles study of the phonon-limited mobility in n-type single-layer MoS2

First-principles study of the phonon-limited mobility in n-type single-layer MoS 2 Kristen Kaasbjerg,∗ Kristian S. Thygesen, and Karsten W. Jacobsen Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD), Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (Dated: January 26, 2012) Inthepresentworkwecalculatethephonon-limitedmobilityinintrinsicn-typesingle-layerMoS2 as a function of carrier density and temperature for T > 100 K. Using a first-principles approach for the calculation of the electron-phonon interaction, the deformation potentials and Fr¨ohlich in- 2 teractionintheisolated MoS2 layeraredetermined. Wefindthatthecalculated room-temperature 1 mobilityof∼410cm2 V−1 s−1 isdominatedbyopticalphononscatteringviadeformationpotential 0 couplings and the Fr¨ohlich interaction with the deformation potentials to the intravalley homopo- 2 lar and intervalley longitudinal optical phonons given by 4.1×108 eV/cm and 2.6×108 eV/cm, respectively. The mobility is weakly dependent on the carrier density and follows a µ∼T−γ tem- n perature dependence with γ = 1.69 at room temperature. It is shown that a quenching of the a characteristic homopolar mode which is likely to occur in top-gated samples, boosts the mobility J with ∼ 70 cm2 V−1 s−1 and can be observed as a decrease in the exponent to γ = 1.52. Our 5 findingsindicatethattheintrinsicphonon-limitedmobilityisapproachedinsampleswhereahigh-κ 2 dielectric that effectively screens charge impurities is used as gate oxide. ] i PACSnumbers: 81.05.Hd,72.10.-d,72.20.-i,72.80.Jc c s - l I. INTRODUCTION In order to shed further light on the measured mobili- r t tiesandthepossibleroleofphonondampingduetoatop- m gate dielectric,8 we have carried out a detailed study of Alongside with the rise of graphene and the explo- . the phonon-limited mobility in single-layer MoS . Since at ration of its unique electronic properties,1–3 the search phonon scattering is an intrinsic scattering mec2hanism m for other two-dimensional (2D) materials with promis- that often dominates at room temperature, the theo- ing electronic properties has gained increased interest.4 - retically predicted phonon-limited mobility sets an up- d Metaldichalcogenideswhicharelayeredmaterialssimilar per limit for the experimentally achievable mobilities in n tographite,provideinterestingcandidates. Theirlayered single-layerMoS .15 Inexperimentalsituations,thetem- o 2 structure with weak interlayer van der Waals bonds al- c peraturedependenceofthemobilitycanbeusefulforthe lows for fabrication of single- to few-layer samples using [ identification of dominating scattering mechanisms and mechanicalpeeling/cleavageorchemicalexfoliationtech- also help to establish the value of the intrinsic electron- 1 niques similar to the fabrication of graphene.5–8 How- phononcouplings.16 However,theexistenceofadditional v ever, in contrast to graphene they are semiconductors 4 extrinsicscatteringmechanismsoftencomplicatesthein- and hence come with a naturally occurring band gap—a 8 terpretation. For example, in graphene samples impu- property essential for electronic applications. 2 rity scattering and scattering on surface polar optical 5 Thevibrationalandopticalpropertiesofsingle-tofew- phononsofthegateoxideareimportantmobility-limiting . 1 layer samples of MoS2 have recently been studied ex- 0 tensively using various experimental techniques.9–11 In 2 contrast to the bulk material which has an indirect-gap, :1 it has been demonstrated that single-layer MoS2 is a a Mo 0.6 K K(cid:2) 0.45 v direct-gap semiconductor with a gap of 1.8 eV.10,12 To- a S ]/a 0.3 0.30 Xi gether with the excellent electrostatic control inherent [2(cid:1) 0.0 eV ar oitfwtwelol--dsuimiteednsfioornallowmaptoewriearlsa,ptphleiclaatrigoensb.a13ndSogafparm, ealkeecs- ky--00..63 0.15 trical characterizations of single-layer MoS2 have shown -0.6-0.30.0 0.3 0.6 0.00 n-typeconductivitywithroom-temperaturemobilitiesin kx [2(cid:0)/a] the range 0.5 3 cm2 V−1 s−1.5,6,8 Compared to early − FIG.1: (Coloronline)Atomicstructureandconductionband studies of the intralayer mobility of bulk MoS where mobilities in the range 100 260 cm2 V−1 s−21 were of single-layer MoS2. Left: Primitive unit cell and structure reported,14 this is rather low−. In a recent experiment ofanMoS2 layerwiththemolybdenumandsulfuratomspo- sitioned in displaced hexagonal layers. Right: Contour plot the use of a high-κ gate dielectric in a top-gated device showingthelowestlyingconductionbandvalleysasobtained was shown to boost the carrier mobility to a value of withDFT-LDAinthehexagonalBrillouinzoneofsingle-layer 200cm2 V−1 s−1.8 Theobservedincreaseinthemobility MoS2. Forn-typeMoS2,thelow-fieldmobility isdetermined was attributed to screening of impurities by the high-κ bythecarrierproperties intheK,K′-valleyswhich aresepa- dielectric and/or modifications of MoS phonons in the rated in energy from the satellite valleys inside the Brillouin 2 top-gated sample. zone. 2 factors.17–22 It can therefore be difficult to establish the valueandnatureoftheintrinsicelectron-phononinterac- tion from experiments alone. Theoretical studies there- 4 fore provide useful information for the interpretation of experimentally measured mobilities. ) 2 Inthepresentwork,theelectron-phononinteractionin V e single-layerMoS2 iscalculatedfromfirst-principlesusing y ( 0 1.6 a density-functional based approach. From the calcu- g r 1.4 latedelectron-phononcouplings,theacoustic(ADP)and e n optical deformation potentials (ODP) and the Fr¨ohlich E 2 1.2 (cid:4) interaction in single-layer MoS2 are inferred. Using 1.0 these as inputs in the Boltzmann equation, the phonon- 4 limited mobility is calculated in the high-temperature (cid:4) 0.8 K M (cid:5) regime(T >100K)wherephononscatteringoftendom- M K M (cid:3) inate the mobility. Our findings demonstrate that the calculatedphonon-limitedroom-temperaturemobility of FIG. 2: (Color online) Band structure of single-layer MoS2. 410cm2 V−1 s−1 is dominatedby opticaldeformation Theinsetshowsazoomoftheconductionbandalongthepath ∼ potential and polar optical scattering via the Fr¨ohlich Γ-K-M. The parabolic band (red dashed line) with effective interaction. The dominating deformation potentials of mass m∗ = 0.48 me is seen to give a perfect description of D0 = 4.1 108 eV/cm and D0 = 2.6 108 eV/cm the conduction band valley in the K-point for the range of HP × LO × originate from the couplings to the homopolar and the energies relevant for the low-field mobility. intervalley polar LO phonon. This is in contrast to pre- viousstudiesforbulkMoS ,wherethemobilityhasbeen 2 assumed to be dominated entirely by scattering on the latticeconstantofthehexagonalunitcellshowninFig.1 homopolar mode.14,23,24 Furthermore, we show that a was found to be a = 3.14 ˚A using a 11 11 k-point × quenchingofthecharacteristichomopolarmodewhichis sampling of the Brillouin zone. In order to eliminate in- polarized in the direction normal to the MoS layer can teractions between the layers due to periodic boundary 2 be observedas a changein the exponent γ ofthe generic conditions, a large interlayer distance of 10 ˚A has been temperaturedependenceµ T−γ ofthemobility. Sucha used in the calculations. ∼ quenchingcanbeexpectedtooccurintop-gatedsamples where the MoS layeris sandwichedbetweena substrate 2 and a gate oxide. A. Band structure The paper is organized as follows. In Section II the band structure and phonon dispersion of single-layer Inthe presentstudy,the bandstructureofsingle-layer MoS2asobtainedwithDFT-LDAarepresented. Thelat- MoS is calculated within DFT-LDA.28,29 While DFT- 2 ter is required for the calculation of the electron-phonon LDA in general underestimates band gaps, the resulting coupling presented in Section III. From the calculated dispersion of individual bands, i.e. effective masses and electron-phonon couplings, we extract zero- and first- energy differences between valleys, is less problematic. order deformation potentials for both intra and inter- We note, however, that recent GW quasi-particle cal- valley phonons. In addition, the coupling constant for culations which in general give a better description of the Fr¨ohlichinteractionwith the polar LO phononis de- the band structure in standard semiconductors,52 sug- termined. In Section IV, the calculation of the phonon- gestthat the distance between the K,K′-valleysandthe limited mobility within the Boltzmann equation is out- satellite valleys located on the Γ-K path inside the Bril- lined. This includes a detailed treatment of the phonon louin zone not as large as predicted by DFT (see below) collision integral from which the scattering rates for the and that the valley ordering may even be inverted.53,54 different coupling mechanisms can be extracted. In Sec- This, however, seems to contradict with the experimen- tion V we present the calculated mobilities as a function talconsensusthatsingle-layerMoS isadirect-gapsemi- 2 ofcarrierdensityandtemperature. Finally,inSectionVI conductor10,12 and further studies are needed to clarify we summarize and discuss our findings. this issue. In the following we therefore use the DFT- LDA band structure and comment on the possible con- sequences of a valley inversion in Section VI. II. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND PHONON The calculated DFT-LDA band structure is shown in DISPERSION Fig. 2. It predicts a direct band gap of 1.8 eV at the K-poing in the Brillouin zone. The inset shows a zoom The electronic structure and phonon dispersion of of the bottom of the conduction band along the Γ-K- single-layer MoS have been calculated within DFT in M path in the Brillouin zone. As demonstrated by the 2 the LDA approximation using a real-space projector- dashedline,theconductionbandisperfectlyparabolicin augmented wave (PAW) method.25–27 The equilibrium theK-valley. Furthermore,thesatellitevalleypositioned 3 onthe pathbetweenthe Γ-pointandthe K-pointlies on the orderof 200meV abovethe conduction bandedge 60 ∼ and is therefore not relevant for the low-field transport. TherightplotinFig.1showsacontourplotofthelow- 50 ) V estlying conductionbandvalleys inthe two-dimensional e Brillouin zone. Here, the K,K′-valleys that are popu- m40 ( lated in n-type MoS2, are positioned at the corners of y the hexagonalBrillouin zone. Due to their isotropic and nc30 e parabolic nature, the part of the conduction band rele- u q20 vant for the low-field mobility can to a good approxima- e tion be described by simple parabolic bands Fr 10 ~2k2 ε = (1) k 2m∗ 0 K M (cid:6) (cid:6) with an effective electron mass of m∗ = 0.48 m and e where k is measured with respect to the K,K′-points FIG. 3: Phonon dispersion of single-layer MoS2 calculated inthe Brillouinzone. The two-dimensionalnatureofthe with the small displacement method (see e.g. Ref.30) using carriersisreflectedintheconstantdensityofstatesgiven a 9×9 supercell. The frequencies of the two optical Raman by ρ0 = gsgvm∗/2π~2 where gs = 2 and gv = 2 are the active E2g and A1g modes at 48 meV and 50 meV, respec- spinandK,K′-valleydegeneracy,respectively. Thelarge tively, are in excellent agreement with recent experimental density of states which follows from the high effective measurements.9 massoftheconductionbandintheK,K′-valleys,results in non-degenerate carrier distributions except for very high carrier densities. results in the so-calledLO-TOsplitting between the two modes in the long-wavelength limit. The inclusion of this effect from first-principles requires knowledge of the B. Phonon dispersion Borneffectivecharges.32–34Intwo-dimensionalmaterials, however, the lack of periodicity in the direction perpen- The phonon dispersion has been obtained with the dicular to the layer removes the LO-TO splitting.35 The supercell-basedsmall-displacementmethod30 usinga9 couplingtothemacroscopicpolarizationoftheLOmode × 9 supercell. The resulting phonon dispersion shown in will therefore be neglected here. Fig. 3 is in excellent agreement with recent calculations The almost dispersionless phonon at 50 meV is the of the lattice dynamics in two-dimensional MoS2.31 so-calledhomopolarmodewhichischara∼cteristicforlay- With three atoms in the unit cell, single-layer MoS 2 ered structures. The lattice vibration of this mode cor- has nine phonon branches—three acoustic and six opti- responds to a change in the layer thickness and has the cal branches. Of the three acoustic branches, the fre- sulfur layers vibrating in counterphase in the direction quency of the out-of-plane flexural mode is quadratic in normal to the layer plane while the Mo layer remains q for q 0. In the long-wavelengthlimit, the frequency → stationary. The change in the potential associated with ofthe remaining transverseacoustic (TA) and longitudi- this lattice vibration has previously been demonstrated nalacoustic(LA) modes aregivenbythe in-plane sound toresultinalargedeformationpotentialinbulkMoS .14 velocity c as 2 λ ω =c q. (2) qλ λ Here, the sound velocity is found to be 4.4 103 and × 6.5 103 m/s for the TA and LA mode, respectively. III. ELECTRON-PHONON COUPLING × The gap in the phonon dispersion completely sepa- rates the acoustic andopticalbranches evenatthe high- In this section, we present the electron-phonon cou- symmetry points at the zone-boundarywhere the acous- plinginsingle-layerMoS obtainedwithafirst-principles tic and optical modes become similar. The two lowest 2 based DFT approach. The method is based on a su- optical branches belong to the non-polar optical modes. percell approach analogous to that used for the calcula- Due to an insignificant coupling to the charge carriers, tion of the phonon dispersion and is outlined in App. A. they are not relevant for the present study. The calculated electron-phonon couplings are discussed The next two branches with a phonon energy of ∼ inthecontextofdeformationpotentialcouplingsandthe 48 meV at the Γ-point are the transverse (TO) and lon- Fr¨ohlich interaction well-known from the semiconductor gitudinal (LO) polar optical modes where the Mo and S literature. atoms vibrate in counterphase. In bulk polar materials, the coupling of the lattice to the macroscopic polariza- Within the adiabatic approximation for the electron- tion setup by the lattice vibration of the polar LO mode phononinteraction,thecouplingstrengthforthephonon 4 mode with wavevectorq andbranchindex λ is givenby for the effective mass, MN = Aρ, and the expression in Eq. (5) is obtained. ~ For scattering on acoustic phonons, the coupling ma- gλ = Mλ , (3) kq s2MNωqλ kq trix element is linear in q in the long-wavelengthlimit, M =Ξ q, (6) whereω isthephononfrequency,M isanappropriately qλ λ qλ defined effective mass, N is the number of unit cells in where Ξ is the acoustic deformation potential. the crystal, and λ Inthecaseofopticalphononscattering,bothcoupling to zero- and first-order in q must be considered. The in- Mλ = k+qδV (r)k (4) kq h | qλ | i teractionviatheconstantzero-orderopticaldeformation isthecouplingmatrixelementwherekisthewavevector potential Dλ0 is given by of the carrier being scattered and δV is the change in qλ M =D0. (7) the effective potential per unit displacement along the qλ λ vibrational normal mode. The coupling via the zero-order deformation potential is Due to the valley degeneracy in the conduction band, dictated by selection rules for the coupling matrix ele- bothintraandintervalleyphononscatteringofthecarri- ments. Therefore, only symmetry-allowed phonons can ers in the K,K′-valleys need to be considered. Here, the coupleto the carriersviathe zero-orderinteraction. The coupling constants for these scattering processes are ap- couplingviathefirst-orderinteractionisgivenbyEq.(6) proximated by the electron-phonon coupling at the bot- with the acoustic deformation potential replaced by the tom of the valleys, i.e. with k = K,K′. With this ap- first-order optical deformation potential D1. Both the proach,theintraandintervalleyscatteringfortheK,K′- λ zero- and first-order deformation potential coupling can valleysarethusassumedindependentonthewavevector give rise to intra and intervalley scattering. of the carriers. Theabsolutevalueofthecalculatedcouplingmatrixel- In the following two sections, the calculated electron- ements M areshowninFig.4forphononswhichcou- phononcouplingsarepresented.36Thedifferentdeforma- | qλ| pletothecarriersviadeformationpotentialinteractions. tion potential couplings are discussed and the functional Theyareplottedintherangeofphononwavevectorsrel- form of the Fr¨ohlich interaction in 2D materials is es- evantforintraandintervalleyscatteringprocesses,39and tablished. Piezoelectriccouplingtotheacousticphonons only phonon modes with significant coupling strengths which occurs in materials without inversion symmetry, have been included. Although the coupling matrix ele- is most important at low temperatures37 and will not ments are shown only for k = K, the matrix elements be considered here. As deformation potentials are of- for k = K′ are related through time-reversal symmetry tenextractedasempiricalparametersfromexperimental as MK = MK′ . The three-fold rotational symmetry mobilities,itcanbe difficulttodisentanglecontributions qλ −qλ of the coupling matrix elements in q-space stems from fromdifferentphonons. Here,thefirst-principlescalcula- the symmetry of the conduction band in the vicinity of tionoftheelectron-phononcouplingallowsforadetailed theK,K′-valleys(seeFig.1). Sincethesymmetryofthe analysis of the couplings and to assign deformation po- matrix elements has not been imposed by hand, slight tentials to the individual intra and intervalley phonons. deviations from the three-fold rotational symmetry can be observed. The acoustic deformation potential couplings for the A. Deformation potentials TA and LA modes are shown in the two top plots of Fig. 4. Due to the inclusion of Umklapp processes here, The deformation potential interaction describes how the coupling to the TA mode does not vanish as is most carriersinteractwiththe localchangesin the crystalpo- oftenassumed.40Onlyalonghigh-symmetrydirectionsin tentialassociatedwithalatticevibration. Withinthede- theBrillouinzoneisthisthecase. Thisresultsinahighly formation potential approximation, the electron-phonon anisotropiccouplingtotheTAmode. Ontheotherhand, coupling is expressed as38 the deformation potential coupling for the LA mode is perfectly isotropic in the long-wavelength limit but also ~ becomes anisotropic at shorter wavelengths. In agree- g = M , (5) qλ qλ s2Aρωqλ mentwith Eq.(6), both the TA andLAcoupling matrix elements are linear in q in the long-wavelengthlimit. where A is the area of the sample, ρ is the atomic mass The next two plots show the couplingsto the intraval- densityperareaandM isthe couplingmatrixelement ley polar TO and homopolar optical modes. While the qλ for a given valley which is assumed independent on the interaction with the polar TO phonon corresponds to k-vector of the carriers. This expression follows from a first-order optical deformation potential, the interac- the general definition of the electron-phonon coupling in tion with the homopolar mode acquires a finite value of Eq.3bysettingtheeffectivemassM equaltothesumof 4.8 eV/˚A in the Γ-point and corresponds to a strong ∼ the atomic masses in the unit cell. With this convention zero-order deformation potential coupling. The large 5 have significant weight here, the homopolar lattice vi- Intravalley brationgivesrisetoasignificantshiftoftheK,K′-valley K K(cid:7) states. The large deformation potential associated with the coupling to the homopolar mode is also present in bulk MoS .14 2 The two bottom plots in Fig. 4 show the couplings for the intervalley TA and polar LO phonons. Due to the nearly constant frequency of the intervalley acoustic phonons, their couplings are classified as optical defor- mation potentials in the following. Both the shown cou- pling to the intervalley TA phonon and the coupling to the intervalley LA phonon result in first-order deforma- tion potentials. The intervalley coupling for the polar LO phonon givesrise to a zero-orderdeformationpoten- tialwhichresultsfromanidenticalin-planemotionofthe twosulfurlayersinthelatticevibrationoftheintervalley phonon. In general, the deformation potential approximation, i.e. the assumption of isotropic and constant/linearcou- pling matrix elements, in Eqs. (6) and (7) is seen to hold in the long-wavelengthlimit only. At shorter wave- lengths,thefirst-principlescouplingsbecome anisotropic Intervalley and have a more complicated q-dependence. When de- K K(cid:8) termined experimentally from e.g. the temperature de- pendence of the mobility,16 the deformation potentials in Eqs. (6) and (7) implicitly account for the more com- plex q-dependence of the true coupling matrix element. In Section V, the theoretical deformation potentials for single-layerMoS aredeterminedfromthefirst-principles 2 electron-phonon couplings. This is done by fitting their associated scattering rates to the scattering rates ob- tainedwiththefirst-principlescouplingmatrixelements. The resulting the deformationpotentials, can be used in practical transport calculations based on e.g. the Boltz- mann equation or Monte Carlo simulations. It should be noted that similar routes for first-principles calcula- tions of deformation potentials have been given in the FIG. 4: (Color online) Deformation potential couplings in literature.41–43 single-layer MoS2. Only phonon modes with significant cou- plingstrengthareshown. Thecontourplotsshowtheabsolute value of the coupling matrix elements |Mqλ| in Eq. (4) with k=K and k′ =K+q as a function of the two-dimensional B. Fro¨hlich interaction phonon wave vector q (note the different color scales in the plots). The upper four plots correspond to intravalley scat- The lattice vibration of the polar LO phonon gives tering and the two bottom plots to intervalley scattering on rise to a macroscopic electric field that couples to the phononswithwavevectorq=2K. Thetwozero-orderdefor- mation potential couplings to the intravalley homopolar and charge carriers. For bulk three-dimensional systems, the intervalley LO phonon play an important role for the room- coupling to the field is given by the Fr¨ohlich interaction temperature mobility. which diverges as 1/q in the long-wavelengthlimit,40 1 e2~ω 1 1 1/2 LO g (q)= , (8) deformation potential coupling to the homopolar mode LO qs 2ǫ0V (cid:18)ε∞ − ε0(cid:19) stems from its characteristic lattice vibration polarized inthe directionperpendicularto the layercorresponding where ǫ0 is the vacuum permittivity, V is the volume of toachangeinthelayerthickness. Theassociatedchange thesample,andε∞andε0arethehigh-frequencyoptical in the effective potential from the counterphase oscilla- and static dielectric constant, respectively. tion of the two negatively charged sulfur layers results In atomically thin materials, the two-dimensional na- in a significant change of the potential towards the cen- tureofboththeLOphononandthechargecarriersleads ter of the MoS layer. As the electronic Bloch functions to a qualitatively different q-dependence of the Fr¨ohlich 2 6 wherethetimeevolutionofthecrystalmomentumisgov- 100 First-principles erned by ~k˙ =qE and q is the charge of the carriers. In Analytic the caseof a time-independent uniformelectric field, the 75 steady-stateversionofthelinearizedBoltzmannequation ) V takes the form e m q q () 50 ~E·∇kfk0 =−k TE·vkfk0(1−fk0) q B ( gLO = ∂fk , (11) 25 ∂t (cid:12)coll (cid:12) 0 where fk0 = f0(εk) is the e(cid:12)(cid:12)quilibrium Fermi-Dirac dis- K tribution function, ∂f0/∂ε = f0(1 f0)/k T, and (cid:9) v = ε /~ is the bkandkveloc−ity.k In−linekar rBesponse, k k k ∇ the out-of-equilibrium distribution function can be writ- FIG.5: (Coloronline)Fr¨ohlichinteractionforthepolaropti- cal LO mode. The dashed line shows the analytical coupling tenasthe equilibriumfunction plusa smalldeviationδf in Eq. (9) with the coupling constant gFr = 98 meV and away from its equilibrium value,46 i.e. the effective layer thickness σ = 4.41 ˚A fitted to the long- wavelength limit of thecalculated coupling (dots). δfk =fk−fk0 =fk0(1−fk0)ψk. (12) Here, the last equality has defined the deviation func- tion ψ . Furthermore, following the spirit of the itera- interaction. The situation is similar to 2D semiconduc- k tive method of Rode,47 the angular dependence of the tor heterostructures where the Fr¨ohlich interaction has deviation function is separated out as been studied using dielectric continuum models and mi- croscopic based approaches.44,45 From the microscopic ψ =φ cosθ , (13) considerations presented in App. B, we derive the fol- k k k lowingfunctionalformfortheFr¨ohlichinteractiontothe where θ is the angle betweenthe k-vector andthe force k polar LO phonon in 2D materials, exerted on the carriers by the applied field E. In gen- eral, φ is a function of the k-vector and not only its k g (q)=g erfc(qσ/2). (9) LO Fr× magnitudek. However,forisotropicbandsasconsidered here,theangulardependence ofthe deviationfunctionis Here, the coupling constant g is the equivalent of the Fr entirely accounted for by the cosine factor in Eq. (13).38 square root factors in Eq. (8), σ is the effective width of Considering the phonon scattering, the collision inte- theelectronicBlochstatesanderfcisthecomplementary gral describes how accelerated carriers are driven back error function. towards their equilibrium distribution by scattering on Figure 5 shows the first-principles coupling g to the LO acoustic and optical phonons. In the high-temperature polar LO phonon in single-layer MoS (dots) as a func- 2 regime of interest here, the collision integralcan be split tionofthephononwavevectoralongthe Γ-K path. The up in two contributions. The first, accounting for the dashed line shows a fit of the coupling in Eq. (9) to the quasielastic scattering on acoustic phonons, can be ex- long-wavelengthlimit of the calculatedcoupling. With a pressedin the form of a relaxationtime τ . The second, couplingconstantofg =98meVandaneffectivewidth el Fr of σ =4.41 ˚A, the analytic form gives a perfect descrip- describing the inelastic scattering on optical phonons, will in general be an integral operator I . The colli- tion of the calculated coupling in the long-wavelength inel sion integral can thus be written limit. For shorter wavelengths, the zero-order deforma- tionpotentialcouplingtotheintervalleyLOphononfrom ∂f δf k k Fig.4becomesdominant,andadeviationawayfromthe ∂t =−τel +Iinel[ψk], (14) behavior in Eq. (9) is observed. (cid:12)coll k (cid:12) where the explicit(cid:12)forms of the relaxation time and the (cid:12) integral operator will be considered in detail below. IV. BOLTZMANN EQUATION Withtheaboveformofthecollisionintegral,theBoltz- mann equation can be solved by iterating the equation Intheregimeofdiffusetransportdominatedbyphonon scattering, the mobility can be obtained with semiclas- φ = eEvk +I′ [φ ] 1 −1 (15) sical Boltzmann transport theory. In the absence of k k T inel k × τel (cid:20) B (cid:21) (cid:18) k (cid:19) spatial gradients the Boltzmann equation for the out-of- equilibriumdistributionfunctionfkofthechargecarriers for the deviation function φk. Here, the angular depen- reads46 douentcaencdotshθeknaenwdiantfekg0r(a1l−opfek0r)atfoarctIo′r haisvedebfieneenddbiyvided ∂f ∂f inel k +k˙ f = k , (10) ∂t ·∇k k ∂t (cid:12)coll Iinel =fk0(1−fk0)cosθkIi′nel. (16) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 7 From the solution of the Boltzmann equation the cur- Here, n is the two-dimensionalcarrierdensity. In the re- rent and drift mobility of the carriers can be obtained. laxationtimeapproximationφ˜ =τ andthewell-known k k Taking the electric field to be oriented along the x- Drudeexpressionforthemobilityµ=e τ /m∗ isrecov- k h i direction, the current density is given by ered. 4e j σ E = v δf , (17) x xx x x k ≡ −A k X whereσ istheconductivity,Aistheareaofthesample, xx andv =~k /m∗ isthebandvelocityforparabolicbands A. Phonon collision integral i i withi=x,y,z. Fromthe definitionµ =σ /neofthe xx xx drift mobility, it follows that The phonon collision integral has been considered in e φ˜ great detail in the literature for two-dimensional elec- µ = h ki (18) tron gases in semiconductor heterostructure (see e.g. xx m∗ Ref.37). In general,these treatments consider scattering wherethemodifieddeviationfunctionφ˜ havingunitsof on three-dimensional or quasi two-dimensional phonons. k Inatomicallythinmaterialsthephononsarestrictlytwo- time is defined by dimensional which results in a slightly different treat- m∗k T ment. In the following, a full account of the two- φ˜ = B φ , (19) k eE ~k k dimensional phonon collision integral is given for scat- x tering on acoustic and optical phonons. and the energy-weighted average is defined by h·i With the distribution function written on the form in Eq. (12), the linearized collision integral for electron- 1 ∂f0 A = dε ρ(ε )ε A . (20) phonon scattering takes the form46 k k k k h i n −∂ε Z (cid:18) k(cid:19) ∂f 2π g 2 ∂tk =− ~ ǫ|2(qqλ,|T)× fk0 1−fk0+q Nq0λ(ψk−ψk+q)δ(εk+q−εk−~ωqλ) (cid:12)coll qλ (cid:20) (cid:12) X (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) +f0 1 f0 1+N0 (ψ ψ )δ(ε ε +~ω ) (21) k − k−q qλ k− k−q k−q− k qλ (cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) where N0 = N0(~ω ) is the equilibrium distribution for the proper screened mobility. qλ qλ of the phonons given by the Bose-Einstein distribution function and f0 = f0(ε ~ω ) is understood. The k±q k ± q different terms inside the square brackets account for 1. Quasielastic scattering on acoustic phonons scattering out of (ψ ) and into (ψ ) the state with k k±q wave vector k via absorption and emission of phonons. Forquasielasticscatteringonacousticphononsathigh Screening of the electron-phonon interaction by the car- temperatures, the energy of the acoustic phonon can be riers themselves is accounted for by the static dielectric neglected in the collision integral in Eq. (21). As a con- function ǫ, which is both wave vector q and tempera- sequence, the collision integral can be recast in the form ture T dependent. Due to the large effective mass of of the following relaxation time37 the conduction band, the charge carriers in single-layer 1 MoS2 arenon-degenerateexceptatveryhighcarriercon- τel = (1−cosθkk′)Pkk′ (22) centrations. Semiclassical screening where the screening k k′ X length is given by the inverse of the Debye-Hu¨ckel wave where the summation variable has been changedto k′ = vector kD = e2n/2kBT therefore applies.48 For the con- k q and the transition matrix element for quasielastic sidered values of carrierdensities and temperatures, this sca±ttering on acoustic phonons is given by corresponds to a small fraction of the size of the Bril- 2π ilnouginenzeornale,iniv.eo.lvkesDla≪rge2rπw/aa.veAvsecstcoartst,ersicnrgeeonningphboynothnes Pkk′ = ~ |gqλ|2 Nq0λδ(εk′ −εk) q (cid:20) X carriers can to a good approximation be neglected here. The calculated mobilities therefore provide a lower limit + 1+Nq0λ δ(εk′ −εk) . (23) (cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 For isotropic scattering as assumed here in Eq. (6), the scattering is given by square of the electron-phononcoupling can be expressed as Pkk′ = 2~π |gqλ|2× Nλ0δ(εk′ −εk−~ωλ) g 2 = Ξ2λ~q , (24) Xq (cid:20) qλ | | 2Aρcλ + 1+Nλ0 δ(εk′ −εk+~ωλ) . (cid:21) wherethe acousticphononfrequencyhasbeen expressed (cid:0) (cid:1) (28) intermsofthesoundvelocityc . Exceptatverylowtem- λ ppreoraxtimuraetsio~nωqN≪q0 ∼kBkTBiTm/p~lωyqing≫th1atfotrhetheqeuBipoasret-iEtiionnstaepin- FEoqr. t(h1e6)inc-ascnatbteerinexgtrpaacrtte,dthferomdesiψrekd′ ucosisnθgk tfhacetorrelain- distribution applies. With the resulting q-factors in tion cosθk′ = cosθkcosθkk′ sinθksinθkk′. Since the − the transition matrix element in Eq. (23) canceling, the sine term vanishes from symmetry consideration, the in- cosθkk′ in the k′-sum in Eq. (22) vanishes and the first scattering part of the inelastic collision integral reduces term yields a factor density of states divided by the spin to andvalley degeneraciesρ /g g . The relaxationtime for 0 s v acoustic phonon scattering becomes I′iinnel[φk]= φk′cosθkk′Pkk′11−ffk00′. (29) 1 m∗Ξ2k T Xk′ − k B = . (25) τel ~3ρc2 The evaluation of the k′-sum in Eqs. (27) and (29) is k λ outlined in App. C. Here, the assumption of dispersion- Theindependenceonthecarrierenergyandtheτ−1 T less optical phonons allows for an semianalytical treat- ∼ temperature dependence of the acoustic scattering rate ment. Forzero-andfirst-ordercouplingwithinthedefor- are characteristic for charge carriers in two-dimensional mation potential approximation, the sum can be carried heterostructures and layered materials.14,37 out analytically. The resulting expressions for the colli- sionintegralaregiveninEqs.(C14),(C15),(C16),(C17) and (C18). In the case of the Fr¨ohlich interaction, the 2. Inelastic scattering on dispersionless optical phonons angular part of the q-integralmust be done numerically. Forinelasticscatteringonopticalphononsthe phonon energy can no longer be neglected and the collision in- 3. Optical deformation potential scattering rates tegral in Eq. (21) must be considered in full detail. Un- der the reasonable assumption of dispersionless optical In spite of the fact that the collision integral for in- phonons ωqλ =ωλ, the inelastic collision integral can be elastic scattering on optical phonons cannot be recast in treated semianalytically. The overall procedure for the the form of a (momentum) relaxation time,49 a scatter- evaluation of the collision integral is given below, while ing rate related to the inverse carrier lifetime can still the calculational details have been collected in App. C. be defined from the out-scattering part of the inelastic The resulting expressions for the collision integral apply collision integral alone. The scattering rate so defined is tobothintravalleyandintervalleyopticalandintervalley given by acoustic phonons. terIinngthienfoEllqo.w(in1g6,)tihsesinptlietgruaploipnersaetpoarrafotreinoeulta-staincdscaint-- τi1nel = Pkk′11−ffk00′ (30) scattering contributions, k Xk′ − k and corresponds to the imaginary part of the elec- I′inel[φk]=I′oinuetl[φk]+I′iinnel[φk], (26) tronic self-energy in the Born approximation.46 Below, the resulting scattering rates for zero-order and first- which include the terms in Eq. (21) involving ψ and k orderdeformationpotentialscatteringare givenfor non- ψ , respectively. With the contributions from differ- k±q degeneratecarriers,i.e. withtheFermifactorsinEq.(30) ent phonon branches λ adding up, scattering on a single neglected. They follow straight-forwardly from the ex- phonon with branch index λ is considered in the follow- pressions for the out-scattering part of the collision in- ing. tegral derived in App. C. It should be noted that the From Eq. (21), the out-scattering part of the collision scattering rate for the zero-order deformation poten- integral follows directly as tial interaction given below in Eq. (31), in fact defines a proper momentum relaxation time because the in- 1 f0 I′oinuetl[φk]=−φk Pkk′ 1− fk0′, (27) sccaastet(esreinegAppapr.tCo)f.the collision integral vanishes in this k′ − k X For zero-order deformation potential scattering, the where the transition matrix element for optical phonon scattering rate is independent of the carrier energy and 9 given by thetotalscatteringratefromthevariouselectron-phonon couplingstotheintraandintervalleyphononswhichhave 1 = m∗(Dλ0)2 1+e~ωλ/kBTΘ(ε ~ω ) N0. (31) beengroupedaccordingtotheircouplingtype,i.e. acous- τinel 2~2ρω k− λ λ tic deformation potentials (ADPs), zero/first-orderopti- k λ (cid:20) (cid:21) cal deformation potentials (ODPs) and the Fr¨ohlich in- Here, Θ(x) is the Heavyside step function which assures teraction. The acoustic deformation potential scatter- that only electrons with sufficient energy can emit a ingincludes the quasielasticintravalleyscatteringonthe phonon. TA and LA phonons with linear dispersions. Scatter- The scattering rate for coupling via the first-order de- ing on intervalley acoustic phonons is considered as op- formation potential is found to be tical deformation potential scattering. Both the total scattering rate and the contributions from the different 1 = m∗2(Dλ1)2 (2ε +~ω )+e~ωλ/kBT coupling types have been obtained using Matthiessen’s τkinel ~4ρωλ (cid:20) k λ rulebysummingthe scatteringratesfromthe individual phonons, i.e. Θ(ε ~ω )(2ε ~ω ) N0. × k− λ k− λ λ (cid:21) τ−1 = τ−1. (33) (32) tot λ λ X Due tothelineardependence onthecarrierenergy,zero- For carrierenergies below the optical phonon frequen- order scattering processes dominate first-order processes cies,thetotalscatteringrateisdominatedbyacousticde- at low energies. Only under high-field conditions where formation potential scattering. At higher energies zero- the carriers are accelerated to high velocities will first- order deformation potential scattering and polar optical order scattering become significant. scatteringviatheFr¨ohlichinteractionbecomedominant. The expressions for the scattering rates in Eqs. (31) Due to the linear dependence on the carrier energy, the and (32) above apply to scattering on dispersionless in- first-order deformation potential scattering on the inter- tervalley acoustic phonons and intra/intervalley optical valley acoustic phonons and the optical phonons is in phonons. Except for a factor of √ε ~ω originat- k λ ± ing from the density of states, the energy dependence of the scattering rates is identical to that of their three- Parameter Symbol Value dimensional analogs.38 Lattice constant a 3.14 ˚A Ion mass density ρ 3.1×10−7 g/cm2 V. RESULTS Effective electron mass m∗ 0.48 me Transverse sound velocity cTA 4.2×103 m/s In the following, the scattering rate and phonon- Longitudinal sound velocity cLA 6.7×103 m/s limited mobility in single-layer MoS are studied as a Acoustic deformation potentials 2 functionofcarrierenergy,temperatureT andcarrierden- TA ΞTA 1.6 eV sity n using the material parameters collected in Tab. I. LA ΞLA 2.8 eV Here, the reported deformation potentials represent ef- Optical deformation potentials fectivecouplingparametersforthedeformationpotential TA DK1,TA 5.9 eV approximation in Eqs. (6) and (7) (see below). LA DK1,LA 3.9 eV TO DΓ1,TO 4.0 eV A. Scattering rates TO DK1,TO 1.9 eV LO DK0,LO 2.6×108 eV/cm With access to the first-principles electron-phonon Homopolar DΓ0,HP 4.1×108 eV/cm couplings, the scattering rate taking into account the Fr¨ohlich interaction (LO) anisotropy and more complex q-dependence of the first- Effective layer thickness σ 4.41 ˚A principles coupling matrix elements can be evaluated. Coupling constant gFr 98 meV Theyareobtainedusingtheexpressionforthescattering Optical phonon energies rate in Eq. (30) with the respective transition matrix el- Polar LO ~ωLO 48 meV ements for acoustic and optical phonon scattering given in Eqs. (23) and (28).50 In order to account for the dif- Homopolar ~ωHP 50 meV ferentcoupling matrixelements inthe K,K′-valleys,the scattering rates have been averaged over different high- TABLE I: Material parameters for single-layer MoS2. Un- symmetry directions of the carrier wave vector k. The less otherwise stated, the parameters have been calculated resulting scattering rates are shown in Fig. 6 as a func- from first-principles as described in the Secs. II and III. The tion of the carrier energy for non-degenerate carriers at Γ/K-subscriptontheopticaldeformationpotentials,indicate couplings to theintra/intervalley phonons. T =300K. The different lines show the contributions to 10 for the anisotropy and the full q-dependence of the first- 1014 T=300 K principles electron-phonon couplings. However, as mo- mentumandenergyconservationlimitphononscattering to involve phonons in the vicinity of the Γ/K-point,39 ) 1s(cid:10) 1013 the fitting procedure yields deformation potentials close e ( to the direction averaged q Γ/K limiting behavior at of the first-principles coupling→matrix elements. For the g r1012 ADP zero-order deformation potentials, the sampling of the n ri Zero-order ODP coupling matrix elements away from the Γ-point in the e t First-order ODP k′ sum in Eq. (30), leads to a deformation potentials cat1011 Fr hlich which is slightly smaller than the Γ-point value of the S (cid:11) Total coupling matrix element. Fitted The total scattering rate resulting from the fitted de- 1010 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 formation potentials is shown in Fig. 6 to give an al- Energy (eV) most excellent description of the first-principles scatter- ing rate. With the mobility in the relaxation time ap- FIG. 6: (Color online) Scattering rates for the different proximationgivenbythe energy-weightedaverageofthe electron-phonon couplings as a function of carrier energy at relaxationtime(seeEq.(18)),thedifferencebetweenthe T = 300 K. The scattering rates have been calculated from associatedmobilitieswillbenegligible. Hence,thedefor- thefirst-principleselectron-phononcouplingsinFigs.4and5. mation potentials provide well-founded electron-phonon The (black) dashed line shows the scattering rate obtained coupling parameters for low-fieldstudies of the mobility. using the fitted deformation potential parameters defined in Eqs.(6)and(7). Thekinksinthecurvesfortheopticalscat- tering rates mark theonset of optical phonon emissions. C. Mobility general only of minor importance for the low-field mo- The high density of states in the K,K′-valleys of the bility. This is also the case here, where it is an order conductionbandingeneralresultsinnon-degeneratecar- of magnitude smaller than the other scattering rates for rierdistributionsinsingle-layerMoS . Thisisillustrated 2 almost the entire plotted energy range. The jumps in in the left plot of Fig. 7 which shows the carrier density the curves for the optical scattering rates at the optical versusthepositionoftheFermilevelfordifferenttemper- phonon energies ~ω are associated with the threshold λ atures. At room temperature, carrier densities in excess for optical phonon emission where the carriers have suf- of 8 1012 cm−2 are needed to introduce the Fermi ficient energy to emit optical phonons ∼ × levelintotheconductionbandandprobetheFermi-Dirac statistics of the carriers. Thus, only at the highest re- portedcarrierdensities ofn 1013 cm−2,5 arethe carri- B. Deformation potentials ersdegenerateatroomtemp∼erature. Forthelowesttem- peratureT =100K,thetransitiontodegeneratecarriers Inthissection,wedeterminethedeformationpotential occursatacarrierdensityof 2 1012 cm−2. Thetran- ∼ × parameters in single-layer MoS . They can be used in sitionfromnon-degenerateto degeneratedistributions is 2 the following study of the low-field mobility within the also illustrated by the discrepancy between the full and Boltzmann approach outlined in Section IV. dashed lines which shows the Fermi level obtained with The energy dependence of the first-principles based Boltzmann statistics. scattering ratesin Fig. 6 to a high degree resemblesthat TherightplotofFig.7showsthephonon-limiteddrift of the analytic expressions for the deformation poten- mobility calculated with the full collision integral as a tial scattering rates in Eqs. (25), (31) and (32). For function of carrier density for the same set of tempera- example, the acoustic and zero-order deformation po- tures. The dashed lines represent the results obtained tential scattering rates are almost constant in the plot- with Boltzmann statistics and the relaxation time ap- ted energy range. The first-principles electron-phonon proximationusing the expressionsinSectionIVforopti- couplings can therefore to a good approximation be de- cal phonon scattering and Matthiessen’s rule for the to- scribed by the simpler isotropic deformation potentials talrelaxationtime. Thestrongdropinthemobilityfrom in Eqs. (6) and (7). The deformation potentials are ob- 2450cm2 V−1 s−1atT =100Kto 400cm2V−1 s−1 ∼ ∼ tained by fitting the associated scattering rates for each at T = 300 K, is a consequence of the increased phonon of the intra and intervalley phonons separately to the scattering at higher temperatures due to larger phonon first-principles scattering rates. The resulting deforma- population of, in particular, optical phonons. The rela- tionpotentialvaluesaresummarizedinTab.I.Inanalogy tively low intrinsic room-temperature mobility of single- withdeformationpotentialsextractedfromexperimental layer MoS can be attributed to both the significant 2 mobilities, the theoretical deformation potentials repre- phonon scattering and the large effective mass of 0.48 senteffectivecouplingparametersthatimplicitlyaccount m intheconductionband. Whilethemobilitydecreases e

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