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First Law of Mechanics for Black Hole Binaries with Spins Luc Blanchet,1 Alessandra Buonanno,2 and Alexandre Le Tiec2 1Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, UMR 7095 du CNRS, Universit´e Pierre & Marie Curie, 98bis Bvd. Arago, 75014 Paris, France 2Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics & Joint Space-Science Institute, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA (Dated: January 25, 2013) We use the canonical Hamiltonian formalism to generalize to spinning point particles the first law of mechanics established for binary systems of non-spinning point masses moving on circular orbits[LeTiec,Blanchet,andWhiting,Phys. Rev. D85,064039(2012)]. Wefindthattheredshift observable of each particle is related in a very simple manner to the canonical Hamiltonian and, more generally, to a class of Fokker-type Hamiltonians. Our results are valid through linear order in the spin of each particle, but hold also for quadratic couplings between the spins of different 3 particles. TheknowledgeofspineffectsintheHamiltonianallowsustocomputespin-orbittermsin 1 0 theredshift variablethrough 2.5PN order,for circular orbits andspinsaligned or anti-aligned with 2 the orbital angular momentum. To describe extended bodies such as black holes, we supplement thefirstlawforspinningpoint-particlebinarieswithsome“constitutiverelations”thatcanbeused n for diagnosis of spin measurements in quasi-equilibrium initial data. a J PACSnumbers: 04.25.Nx,04.30.-w,04.80.Nn,97.60.Jd,97.60.Lf 3 2 I. INTRODUCTION thehelicalsymmetry. Thisrelationallowedthecomputa- ] c tion of previously unknown high-order PN terms in the q circular-orbit binding energy by using the redshift ob- The need to develop faithful template waveforms for - servable computed numerically within the gravitational r the search of gravitational waves from compact-object g self-force (GSF) formalism [11–13, 23]. Moreover, the binary systems (compact binaries, for short) with cur- [ results in Paper I led to the following applications: rent interferometric detectors [1, 2] has led, during the 2 last years, to synergies and unexpected common ground 1. Reference [19] computed the exact binding energy v among previously distinct research areas. The two main and angular momentum of two non-spinning com- 0 analytical frameworks used to study the relativistic dy- pactobjects(modeledaspointparticles)movingon 6 namics of compact binaries are (i) the post-Newtonian circular orbits, at leading order beyond the test- 0 1 (PN) approximation [3, 4], which describes the inspiral- particle approximation, and recovered the exact . ing motion beyond the Newtonian limit, in the small ve- frequency shift ofthe Schwarzschildinnermoststa- 1 locity and weak-field regime (v c), and (ii) black hole ble circularorbitinducedby the conservativepiece 1 ≪ perturbation theory [5], which describes both the weak- of the GSF [24]; 2 1 field and strong-field dynamics in the small mass-ratio 2. Reference [20] built upon the works[14, 15, 19, 22] v: limit (m1 ≪ m2). The other main research area in the andderivedthe exactexpressionsofthe EOBmet- study of the two-body problem is numerical relativity Xi [6], which aims at describing the strong-field regime by riccomponentsthroughfirstorderinthe(symmet- ric) mass ratio. Quite interestingly, the results in r solving numerically the exact Einstein field equations. a Furthermore, in order to build templates for the search Refs. [16, 18, 19] strongly suggest that the domain of validity of black hole perturbation theory calcu- ofgravitationalwaves,the effective-one-body(EOB)ap- lations may extend well beyond the extreme mass- proach [7, 8] combines the information from those dif- ratio limit. ferent techniques in a flexible and effective way, and can provide accurate merger templates for advanced LIGO Given the relevance of the first law of binary mechan- and Virgo. As said above, several studies [9–21] at the icsinenhancingourknowledgeofthetwo-bodydynamics interface between those different frameworks have im- in the comparable-mass case by using information from proved our knowledge of the two-body dynamics and the perturbative GSF framework, we generalize it here gravitational-waveemission. to point particles carrying spins. We derive the first law Recently, Le Tiec, Blanchet, and Whiting [22] (hence- of mechanics using the canonicalArnowitt-Deser-Misner forth, Paper I) derived a “First Law of Mechanics” for (ADM)formalism[25]appliedtospinningpointparticles binary systems of point particles moving on exact circu- [26, 27]. In the PN context, both the ADM formalism larorbits(compatiblewithanhelicalKillingsymmetry). and the harmonic-coordinate approach have been devel- Using the firstlaw,the authorsfound averysimple rela- oped up to high orders in the approximation, in order tionbetweenthePNbindingenergyofthebinaryandDe- to compute the conservative part of the orbital dynam- tweiler’sredshiftobservable[11] —whichcanalsobe in- ics of compact binaries. For non-spinning point masses, terpretedas the particle’s Killing energyassociatedwith the Hamiltonian [28–30] and the harmonic-coordinates 2 equations of motion [31–35] are known through 3PN or- along the trajectory. The tetrad is orthonormal, in the der. More recently, partial results at 4PN order have sense that g e µe ν =η , and defines a “body-fixed” µν α β αβ been reported [36, 37]. The logarithmic contributions to frame.1 The rotation tensor Ωµν associated with that the conservative dynamics at 4PN and 5PN orders are tetrad is defined by also known [13, 22]. High-order spin-orbit effects have been computed in harmonic coordinates [38–40], in the Deαµ = Ωµνe , (2.1) αν Hamiltonian [26, 41, 42], and within the Effective Field ds − Theory (EFT) approach [43]. See Ref. [44] for a review where D/ds uν is the covariant derivative with re- ν of the canonical ADM formalism for spinning point par- ≡ ∇ spect to the parameter s along the worldline. Equiva- ticles, andits applicationinPNtheory. In this paper we lently, we have shall not consider spin-spin couplings or higher-orderef- De ν fects in the spins. High-order spin-spin effects have been Ωµν =eαµ α . (2.2) computedinthe Hamiltonian[26, 45–48]andusing EFT ds techniques [49–54]. Because of the normalization of the tetrad the rotation The paper is organized as follows. In Secs. II and III tensor is antisymmetric: Ωµν = Ωνµ. we review the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms − for systems of point particles carrying spins. In particu- lar, we derive a crucial relationship between the redshift A. Lagrangian formulation observable and the variation of a general (Fokker-type) Hamiltonian,validatlinearorderinthespins. InSec.IV Following [49, 56], we look for an action for the spin- wederivethefirstlawofmechanicsforbinarysystemsof ning particle that is at once: (i) a covariant scalar, (ii) spinningpointparticlesusingthecanonicalADMformal- an internal Lorentz scalar, and (iii) reparametrization- ism, and discuss some mathematical and physical con- invariant (i.e., its form must be independent of the pa- sequences of this law. Then, in Sec. V, we employ the rameterusedtofollowtheparticle’sworldline). Weshall firstlawofmechanicsandtheADMHamiltoniantocom- assume that the dynamical degrees of freedom are the pute the spin-orbit contributions to the redshift observ- particle’s position rµ and the tetrad e µ. We restrict α ablethroughthe (leadingplus sub-leading)2.5PNorder. ourselves to a Lagrangian depending only on the four- We find full agreementbetweenour results andthose re- velocityuµ, the rotationtensorΩµν, andthe metric g . µν cently obtained from a direct computation based on the In particular, this confines the formalism we are using near-zone PN metric [55]. In Sec. VI we discuss the first to a pole-dipole model and to terms linear in the spins.2 lawinthe particularcaseofbinaryblackholesincorota- Thus, the postulated “particle” action is of the type tion. Finally, Sec. VII summarizes our main results and discusses some prospects. Throughoutthis paper we use S [rµ,e µ]= dsLˆ (uµ,Ωµν,g ). (2.3) “geometrized units” where G=c=1. part α Z part µν We cover the Lagrangian Lˆ with a hat in order to part distinguishitfromtheusualdefinitionoftheLagrangian, II. LAGRANGIAN AND HAMILTONIAN OF A L =Lˆ ds/dt(withtthecoordinatetime), thatwe part part SPINNING POINT PARTICLE shall use later. As it is written, depending only on Lorentz scalars, In this Section, we review some necessary material for Lˆ isautomaticallyaLorentzscalar. Byperformingan part constructing a Lagrangianand then a Hamiltonian for a infinitesimal coordinate transformation, one easily sees spinning pointparticle incurvedspacetime. The formal- that the requirementthat the Lagrangianbe a covariant ism we shall use derives from the early works [56, 57]. It scalarspecifiesitsdependenceonthemetricasbeing(see has recently been developed in the context of the EFT e.g. Ref. [57]) framework[49]. Alternativesandvariantstothis formal- ism can be found in Refs. [26, 44, 58]. The formalism 2∂Lˆpart =pµuν +Sµ Ωνρ, (2.4) yields for the equations of motion of spinning particles ∂g ρ µν andthe precessionofthe spinsthe classicresultsvalidin general relativity [59–66]. Let us consider a single spinning point particle mov- ing in a given curved “background” metric gµν(x). The 1 Hereηαβ =diag(−1,1,1,1)denotes theMinkowskimetric. The particle follows the worldline rµ(s), with tangent four- indicesµ,ν, aretheusualspacetimecovariantindices,while ··· α, β, arethe internalLorentz indices. Theinverse(ordual) rveeplorceisteyntuaµtiv=edwroµr/lddlsin,ew.hIenraefisrisstsatapgaerawmeedtoernoatlornegqutihree tetrad··e·αµ,definedbyeαµeαν =δνµ,satisfiesηαβeαµeβν =gµν. that the four-velocity be normalized, i.e., s need not be Wealsohavethecompleteness relationeαµeβµ=δαβ. 2 Such a model is “universal” in the sense that it can be used the propertime elapsedalongthe worldline. To describe for black holes as well as neutrons stars. Indeed, the internal some internal degrees of freedom to be associated with structure ofthe spinningbody appears onlyatthe next (S2), the particle’s spin, we introduce a moving tetrad e µ(s) e.g. throughtherotationallyinducedquadrupolemomenOt. α 3 where we have defined the conjugate linear momentum δrνΓµ e ρ =0, and the variation gives the well-known pµ and the antisymmetric spin tensor Sµν as −Mathisνsρonα-Papapetrou[61–63] equation of motion pµ ≡ ∂∂Lˆupaµrt(cid:12)(cid:12)Ω,g, (2.5a) Ddpsµ =−21uνRµνρσSρσ. (2.11) (cid:12) ∂Lˆ (cid:12) S 2 part . (2.5b) With morework,Eq.(2.11)canalsobe derivedusingan µν ≡ ∂Ωµν (cid:12) arbitrary coordinate system. (cid:12)u,g (cid:12) Finally,varyingwithrespecttothemetric(whilekeep- Note that the right-hand side (RH(cid:12)S) of Eq. (2.4) is nec- ing δθµν = 0) gives the stress-energy tensor of the spin- essarily symmetric by exchange of the indices µ and ν. ning particle. We musttakeinto accountthe scalarityof Finally, imposing the invariance of the action (2.3) by the action, as imposed by Eq. (2.4), and we obtain the reparametrization of the worldline, we find that the La- standard result [59–66] grangian must be a homogeneous function of degree one in the velocities uµ and Ωµν. Applying Euler’s theorem to the function Lˆpart(uµ,Ωµν) immediately gives Tµν = dsp(µuν) δ(4)(x−r) part Z √ g 1 − Lˆ =p uµ+ S Ωµν, (2.6) δ(4)(x r) part µ 2 µν dsSρ(µuν) − , (2.12) ρ −∇ Z √ g where the functions p (uρ,Ωρσ) and S (uρ,Ωρσ) must − µ µν be reparametrizationinvariant. Note that, at this stage, whereδ(4)(x r)denotesthefour-dimensionalDiracfunc- their explicit expressions are not known. They will be tion,suchth−at d4xδ(4)(x)=1. Itcaneasilybechecked isspeimcipfioedseodn,laysodnicsecuassspedininsuSpepcle.mIIeCntabreylocwo.ndition (SSC) that∇νTpµaνrt =R0asaconsequenceoftheequationofmo- tion (2.11) and the equation of spin precession (2.9). Wenowinvestigatetheunconstrainedvariationsofthe action (2.3) with respect to e µ,rµ, and gµν. First, we α vary it with respect to the tetrad e µ while keeping the α B. Hamiltonian formulation position rµ fixed. We must have a way to distinguish intrinsic variations of the tetrad from those which are induced by a change of the metric g . This is done by We now want to define a Hamiltonian associated with µν decomposing the variation δe ν according to the Lagrangian (2.6). Because of the reparametrization- α invariancecondition,performing a Legendretransforma- δe ν =e δθµν + 1δgµν , (2.7) tion with respect to the variables uµ and Ωµν yields a α αµ(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) vanishing result. Different routes are possible. One may addintheactionamass-shellconstraintwithaLagrange in which we have introduced the antisymmetric tensor multiplier and vary the action, keeping the momentum δθµν eα[µδe ν], and where the corresponding symmet- ≡ α pµ as an independent variable. Through various changes ric part is simply given by the variation of the metric, of variables and gauge fixings, the action is transformed i.e. eα(µδeαν) = 12δgµν. Then we can consider the inde- into an actionwhich possessesEuler-Lagrangeequations pendent variations δθµν and δgµν. Varying with respect oftheformofHamilton’sequations,suchthatthecanon- to δθµν, but holding the metric fixed, gives the equation ical(ADM)Hamiltoniancanbereadofffromtheseequa- of spin precession which is found to be tions (see Ref. [44] for a review). DS Adifferentstrategy,thatwe shallfollowhere, iscloser dsµν =ΩµρSνρ−ΩνρSµρ, (2.8) to the usual procedure ofclassicalmechanics. It consists ofusingasinternaldynamicalvariablesthesixrotational or,alternatively,usingthefactthattheRHSofEq.(2.4) degrees of freedom of Lorentz matrices, and defining the is symmetric, Hamiltonian by means of a 3+1 split, with a preferred DS timecoordinate,withtheusualLegendretransformation µν ds =pµuν −pνuµ. (2.9) [58]. The tetrad eαµ is decomposed into the product of an internal Lorentz transformation Λβ and a refer- We nextvarywithrespecttotheparticle’spositionrµ α enceorthonormaltetradfieldǫ µ(x), whichis associated while holding the tetrad e µ fixed. Operationally, this α α with the background metric g (x) and is evaluated at meansthatwehavetoparallel-transportthetetradalong µν the particle’s position, xµ = rµ(s).3 The point is that the displacement vector, i.e., we have to impose using as dynamical variables the six internal angles φa δrν e µ =0. (2.10) ∇ν α Asimplewaytoderivetheresultistouselocallyinertial coordinates,suchthatΓµνρ =0alongtheparticle’sworld- 3 Such decomposition was already implicitinthe variation of the line rµ(s). Then, Eq. (2.10) yields δeαµ = δrν∂νeαµ = tetradweperformedtoderivethespinprecessionequation(2.9). 4 of Lorentz matrices Λβ allows us to have usual-looking Finally, the Hamiltonian is simply given in this ap- α Euler-Lagrangeequations. We thus write4 proach by the Legendre transformation as eαµ(φ,r)=Λβα(φ)ǫβµ(r). (2.13) Hpart =Pivi+Pφaφ˙a−Lpart, (2.19) Next,weperforma3+1decompositionofallthefields. In particular, we split the particle’s position and coordi- and Hamilton’s equations yield Eqs. (2.11) and (2.9), or nate velocity according to rµ = (t,r) and vµ = (1,v), equivalently (2.18) [58]. The Hamiltonian is a function where v dr/dt and boldface letters denote ordinary ofconjugatevariablesandagaindepends onthe position spatial ve≡ctors(often also denoted with spatial indices i, rµ only through the backgroundtetrad: j, = 1, 2, 3). We choose for the parameter s along ··· the worldline the proper time τ and define the so-called H =H P ,φa,P ;ǫ µ(t,r) . (2.20) part part i φa α redshift variable z by [11, 22] (cid:2) (cid:3) z dτ = g (t,r)vµvν 1/2. (2.14) An explicit computation of the Hamiltonian (2.19) with ≡ dt − µν the help of Eqs. (2.6) and (2.17) yields [58] (cid:2) (cid:3) Then the ordinary Lagrangian L zLˆ , such that part part 1 Spart = dtLpart, becomes a functi≡on of the variables Hpart =−pt− 2Sµνǫαµ∇tǫαν. (2.21) t, r, v, φRa, and the ordinary derivative φ˙a dφa/dt, ≡ with the dependence in t and r entering only through Both terms should be understood as being functions of the background metric or, rather, through the reference the conjugate variables, like in Eq. (2.20). As in ordi- tetrad evaluated at the particle’s location: nary classical mechanics, this is obtained by inverting L =L v,φa,φ˙a;ǫ µ(t,r) . (2.15) Eqs. (2.17) to obtain vi and φ˙a as functions of ri, Pi, φa part part α and P . However, here we need an additional relation (cid:2) (cid:3) φa We have ordinary Euler-Lagrangeequations for the gen- toexpressp asafunctionoftheconjugatevariables;this t eralizedcoordinates(r,φa) of the spinning particle (spa- is provided by Eq. (2.6) which, in the 3+1 split, gives tial vectors ranging over three components i = 1,2,3 p =L vip zS Ωµν. t part− i− 2 µν while the rotation label runs over a=1, ,6): ··· dP ∂L i part = , (2.16a) dt ∂ri C. Relating the Hamiltonian to the redshift dP ∂L φa = part , (2.16b) dt ∂φa InthisSectionweshallrelatetheLagrangianL and part where the conjugate momenta are defined in the usual theHamiltonianH totheredshiftvariablez. Todoso part way by P ∂L /∂vi and P ∂L /∂φ˙a. They we must introduce a realistic physicalmodel for the spin i ≡ part φa ≡ part explicitly read of the point particle in the pole-dipole approximation. 1 Uptonowwehaveconsideredunconstrainedvariations Pi =pi+ 2Sµνǫαµ∇iǫαν, (2.17a) of the action (2.3), which describes the particle’s inter- naldegreesoffreedomby the6independent components 1 ∂Λ α P = S Λγβ γ , (2.17b) of the tetrad e µ — a 4 4 matrix subject to the 10 φa 2 αβ ∂φa α × constraints g e µe ν =η — or equivalently by the 6 µν α β αβ where S = e µe νS denote the tetrad components internal angles φa. To correctly account for the number αβ α β µν of the spin tensor in the “body-fixed” frame. The Euler- of degrees of freedom associated with the spin, we must impose 3 SSC. In this Section, we adopt the Tulczyjew Lagrange equations (2.16a) and (2.16b) are equivalent to the equations of motion (2.11) and spin precession covariantconditions [59, 60] (2.9),respectively[58]. Inparticular,the spinprecession equationisrecoveredinthisformalismasthenaturalfact Sµνp =0. (2.22) ν that the spin components remain constant in the frame attached to the body: ItwouldbepossibletospecifytheLagrangianin(2.3)so dS thattheconstraints(2.22)aredirectlytheconsequenceof αβ =0. (2.18) the equations derived from that Lagrangian [56]. Alter- dτ natively, one could also introduce Lagrange multipliers into the action to enforce these constraints [44]. Here, forthesakeofsimplicity,weshallratherimposethecon- 4 Theindicesa,b=1, ,6labeltheinternalanglesφaofLorentz straints (2.22) directly in the space of solutions. Fur- matricessatisfyingηγ··δ·ΛγαΛδβ =ηαβ. Sinceǫαµ isatetradwe thermore,bycontractingEq.(2.9)withpν andusingthe havegµνǫαµǫβν =ηαβ and,ofcourse,stillgµνeαµeβν =ηαβ. equation of motion (2.11), one obtains the relation link- 5 ing the four-momentum p to the four-velocity u as5 of proportionality is associated with the moment of in- µ µ ertia, say I, of the spherical top. The previous relation 1 can be solved iteratively, yielding an expression for S p (pu)+m2u = uλRν SρσS , (2.23) µν µ µ 2 λρσ µν as a function of m, I, Rµνρσ, and Ωµν, which schemati- cally reads S I Ω I RΩ+ I 2RRΩ+ . The where we have defined m2 ≡ −gµνpµpν. The parameter functionaldep∼end(cid:2)enc−eo2nmmisex(cid:0)p2lmici(cid:1)tinthisex··p·r(cid:3)ession. m is the mass of the particle, and it can be checked us- Takingapartialderivativewithrespecttothemass,and ing Eqs. (2.22) and (2.23) that it is constant along the replacing back Ωµν in terms of the spin, we deduce that trajectory, that is dm/dτ =0. ∂S /∂m= (S). Sincetherotationtensorisalso (S), µν Henceforthwerestrictourattentiontospin-orbit(SO) we finally getOΩµν∂S /∂m= (S2). We thus conOclude interactions, which are linear in the spins. Neglecting µν O that the second term in Eq. (2.25) will not contribute at quadratic spin-spin (SS) and higher-order interactions, linearorderinthespin. Thus,wehaveprovenwithinthe the linear momentum is simply proportionalto the four- covariantSSC (2.22) that velocity: p = mu + (S2). To linear order, Eq. (2.9) µ µ O reduces to the equation of paralleltransportfor the spin ∂L tensor,DS /dτ = (S2), andthe correspondingstress- part = z+ (S2). (2.26) µν O ∂m − O energy tensor reads Using the properties of the Legendre transformation vµvν δ(3)(x r) (2.19), we readily find that the partial derivative of the Tµν =m − part z √ g Hamiltonian with respect to the mass, holding the con- − jugate variables r, P , φa, and P fixed, is δ(3)(x r) i φa Sρ(µvν) − + (S2), (2.24) ρ −∇ (cid:18) √ g (cid:19) O ∂H − part = z+ (S2). (2.27) ∂m O whereδ(3)(x r)isthethree-dimensionalDiracfunction, suchthat d−3xδ(3)(x)=1,andweuse the parametriza- The latter result will be central to the derivation of the tion by thRe proper time τ and the notation (2.14), with firstlawofmechanicsforbinarysystemsofspinningpar- vµ = zuµ. Furthermore, thanks to (2.6) the Lagrangian ticles in Sec. IV. For the moment we note that it has beenprovenonly forasinglespinning particlemovingin at linear order in the spin reads a given curved “background” spacetime. 1 L =z m+ S Ωµν + (S2). (2.25) part µν (cid:18)− 2 (cid:19) O III. LAGRANGIAN AND HAMILTONIAN OF INTERACTING SPINNING PARTICLES We now want to compute from Eq. (2.25) the partial derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the mass m of the particle, while holding the dynamical degrees In this Section, we consider a self-gravitating matter of freedom r, v, φa, and φ˙a fixed. The first term in systemconsistingofN spinningpointparticles,whichwe (2.25)willcontributeinanobviousway;howeverwemust shalllabel by A,B =1, ,N. The Lagrangianfor each ··· also controlthe partialderivative of the spin tensor S , particleisoftheform(2.15)inagivenmetric,sothesys- µν which is the conjugate of the rotation tensor Ωµν, with temofN particles(interactingonlythroughgravitation) respecttothemass. Letusshowthat,infact,thesecond is described by the matter Lagrangian terminEq.(2.25)willnotcontributetothe resultatthe N reqTuoirsehdoOw(tSh)i.s we choose the time-like tetrad vector to Lmat = Lpart vA,φaA,φ˙aA,mA;ǫαµ(rA) . (3.1) AX=1 (cid:2) (cid:3) agreewiththe four-momentumrescaledbythemass,i.e. e µ = pµ/m. Then, using Eq. (2.1) and the equation of Here we have added for later convenience the depen- 0 mwiotthiotnhe(2S.S11C)(w2e.2g2e)taΩnµdνupνsin=g12puν=RµmνρuσS+ρσ.(CSo2m),pwaeriinng- dquenacderaotnictohre hmigahssermoArd=er(−inpAµthpeµAs)p1/in2.s,NtehgislecLtainggratnegrimans µ µ O ferthatS andΩ mustbeproportional,uptoasmall reduces to µν µν curvaturecouplingtothespinandsomehigher-orderspin terms: S Ω 1 R Sρσ+ (S3). Forinstance, N 1 µν ∝ µν−2m µνρσ O L = z m + SA Ωµν + (S2) . (3.2) such a proportionality relation is verified in models for mat A(cid:20)− A 2 µν A O A (cid:21) the relativistic spherical top [49, 56], and the constant AX=1 In the above equation, the spins SA should be seen as µν functions of r , v , φa, and φ˙a through their relations A A A A 5 Wedenote (pu) pνuν. Byfurthercontracting Eq.(2.23)with to the rotation tensors ΩµAν, as discussed in the previous uµ weobtainan≡explicitexpressionfor(pu),whichcanthen be Section. Next, we add the usual Einstein-Hilbert term substitutedbackinto(2.23). for gravitation, LEH = 161π d3x√−gR, and obtain the R 6 total Lagrangian describing the “matter + gravitation” The FokkerLagrangian[67]is now obtainedby insert- system as ing the formal solution (3.5) into (3.4); hence L=L v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;ǫ µ(r ) +L g , (3.3) Lharm =L v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;ǫ¯ µ(r ) +Lharm g¯ . mat A A A A α A EH µν F mat A A A A α A LL µν (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (3(cid:3).7) in which the spacetime metric reads g = ǫ ǫα , and µν αµ ν the brackets refer, with obvious notations, to a func- This Lagrangian gives the correct equations of motion tional dependence. Varying the Lagrangian (3.3) with (and spin precession) for the matter variables. Its vari- respect to the tetrad ǫαµ we get the Einstein field equa- ational derivative with respect to either the position rA tions Gµν = 8πTµν , where the matter tensor is a sum or spin parameters φa [which we collectively denote as mat A of terms of the type (2.24), one for each particle. σA ≡(rA,φaA)] reads δLharm δL F = mat v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;¯ǫ µ(r ) δσ δσ B B B B α B A. Fokker Lagrangian A A (cid:2) (cid:3) δǫ¯ µ δLharm + α , (3.8) We shall define the Fokker Lagrangian [67] by for- δσA δǫ¯αµ mally solving the Einstein field equations and eliminat- where the last term vanishes thanks to Eq. (3.6).6 The ingthegravitationalfielddegreesoffreedominEq.(3.3). equationsofmotionandprecessionarepreciselythosewe Writing the metric as g = η +h , the field equa- µν µν µν expect for spinning particles within the background ¯ǫ µ tions are solved perturbatively in powers of h by us- α µν generated by all the particles themselves, i.e. ing the graviton propagator. As usual we discard in the Einstein-Hilbert action a total derivative and consider δL instead the Landau-Lifshitz Lagrangian, which involves mat v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;ǫ¯ µ(r ) =0. (3.9) δσ B B B B α B only first-order derivatives of the metric; symbolically A (cid:2) (cid:3) L = 1 d3x√ gΓΓ. Furthermore,weneedtospec- LL 16π − To obtain this result, the Fokker Lagrangian (3.7) must ify a coordiRnate system to solve the field equations; this involve not only the matter part evaluated in the back- is done by adding some gauge-fixing terms to the action. groundgeneratedbytheparticles,butalso,crucially,the Choosingtheharmoniccoordinatesystem,thisyieldsthe Einstein-Hilbert (or Landau-Lifshitz) part for the gravi- “harmonic-gauge-relaxed”Lagrangian Lharm which con- LL tational field. tains at quadratic order the graviton propagator , µνρσ We can now use the properties of the Fokker La- say Lharm = 1 d3x[h −1h+ (h3)] (see e.g. APpp. A LL −2 P O grangian to compute its partial derivative with respect of Ref. [68]). WeRthus consider tooneofthemasses,saym ,holdingalldynamicalvari- A ables (and the other masses) fixed. As before we obtain Lharm =L v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;ǫ µ(r ) +Lharm g . mat A A A A α A LL µν (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (3(cid:3).4) ∂Lharm ∂L F = mat v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;ǫ¯ µ(r ) ∂m ∂m B B B B α B A A (cid:2) (cid:3) Next,weperturbativelysolvetheharmonic-gaugeEin- ∂¯ǫ µ δLharm steinfield equationsandwe formally re-expandthe solu- + α , (3.10) ∂m δǫ¯ µ tioninaPNapproximation. Expandingtheretardations A α of retardedintegrals in a PN scheme yields accelerations where again the last term vanishes thanks to Eq. (3.6), andtimederivativesofaccelerations. Itwillalsogenerate such that it remains only higher time derivatives of the spin variables. The solu- tion,validatanypointxµ inthe near-zone,isafunction ∂Lharm ∂L of all the source parameters, ∂mF = ∂mpart vA,φaA,φ˙aA,mA;ǫ¯αµ(rA) , (3.11) A A (cid:2) (cid:3) ǫ¯αµ(x)≡¯ǫαµ x;rB,vB,aB,φaB,φ˙aB,φ¨aB,mB , (3.5) where we usedEq. (3.1) to express the result in terms of (cid:2) (cid:3) the single-particle Lagrangianfor particle A. From (3.2) where we collectively denote the higher time derivatives and the proof given above Eq. (2.26), we have, at linear bya =(dv /dt,d2v /dt2, )andsymbolicallybyφ¨a order in the spin S , B B B ··· B A forthespinvariables. Thenthenear-zonemetricsolution isg¯ =ǫ¯ ǫ¯α . Thus,byconstructionthesolution(3.5) ∂Lharm µν αµ ν F = z + (S2). (3.12) satisfies ∂m − A O A A δLharm δL mat v ,φa,φ˙a,m ;ǫ¯ µ(r ) δǫ¯ µ ≡ δǫ µ A A A A α A α δLhαarm(cid:2) (cid:3) 6 NoticethatinthelasttermofEq.(3.8)thefunctionalderivative + δǫLαLµ (cid:2)g¯µν(cid:3)=0. (3.6) pδǫ¯rαesµe/nδcσeAofisactcoelbereattiaoknesnaiBn aangdenφ¨eaBra.lized sense, because of the 7 We emphasize that this result is valid in the background “new” on all variables, but we shall keep in mind that fieldgeneratedby the systemofN particles;the redshift they correspond to non-harmonic coordinates. variable therein reads in full glory Finally, we have an ordinary Lagrangian L depend- F ing on the dynamical variables (r ,v ,φa,φ˙a); like in A A A A 1/2 z = g¯ r ;r ,v ,a ,φa,φ˙a,φ¨a,m vµvν . Eq.(2.19) we apply a standard Legendre transformation A (cid:16)− µν(cid:2) A B B B B B B B(cid:3) A A(cid:17)(3.13) itnogobPtAaint∂hLec/o∂rrveispaonnddiPngAHam∂iLlto/n∂iaφ˙na,,swayeHhaFv.eDefin- In particular, it depends on the masses m of the other i ≡ F A φa ≡ F A B particles in the system. N H = PAvi +PAφ˙a L , (3.15) F AX=1(cid:16) i A φa A(cid:17)− F B. Fokker Hamiltonian where v and φ˙a are now viewed as functions of the A A That a relationship analogous to Eq. (3.12) holds also conjugate variables r , PB, φa, and PB, obtained by for the Hamiltonian is not completely straightforward, B i B φa inverting the definitions of the momenta PA and PA. because of the presence of higher-order derivatives (no- i φa And like in Eq. (2.27), a consequence of the Legendre tably accelerations) in the harmonic-coordinate Fokker transformation(3.15)isthatthepartialderivativeofthe Lagrangian (3.7). The higher-order derivatives come Hamiltonian with respect to the mass m , holding the from the replacement of the metric by the perturbative A conjugatevariablesr ,PB,φa,andPB (andthemasses solution (3.5), and from explicit time derivatives in the B i B φa m =m ) fixed, is self-interactionterms (such as ∂h∂h) of the gravitonac- B 6 A tion. However, as shown in Ref. [69] (see also [33, 70]), ∂H one can remove from a PN expanded Lagrangian the F = z + (S2). (3.16) ∂m A O A higher-order derivatives of v through a suitable redefi- A A nition of the position variables, r rnew, and the ad- ditionofatotaltimederivativetoAth→eLaAgrangian.7 This Theresult(3.16)isthemainingredientofthefirstlawof mechanicsforbinarysystemsofspinning pointparticles, process can be implemented to all orders in PN theory which is the topic of Sec. IV. [33, 69,70]. The perturbativemethodofRef.[69]is very general, and there should be no obstacle in applying it tothe spinvariables,i.e. inremovingfromaLagrangian the higher-order derivatives of φ˙a through a redefinition C. Constructing the canonical Hamiltonian A φa (φa)newandtheadditionofatotaltimederivative. TAhu→s weAcan eliminate all the higher-order time deriva- Working within the ADM Hamiltonian formalism, the tivesintheharmonic-coordinateFokkerLagrangian(3.7) authors of Refs. [26, 27] showed that, starting from the by introducing the new (non-harmonic) Lagrangian unconstrained Hamiltonian depending on the spin vari- ablesSµν,itispossibletobuildtheconstrainedcanonical δLharm δLharm dG Hamiltonian for gravitationally interacting particles by L =Lharm+ F δr + F δφa + , (3.14) F F δr A δφa A dt imposing suitable constraints and gauge conditions, and A A makingachangeofvariablesforthepositions,momenta, where we denote δr rnew r and δφa (φa)new and spins of the particles. On the other hand, starting φa, and G is some Afun≡ctiAon o−f tiAme that dAo≡es noAt affec−t from the Hamiltonian (2.19) which depends on the spin A the dynamics. The Lagrangian (3.14) now depends on variablesφa andPφa,theconstructionoftheconstrained rnewandvnew,butnolongeronaccelerationsanew;andit canonical Hamiltonian for a single spinning particle in a A A A depends onthe spinsonlythrough(φa)new and(φ˙a)new. given curved spacetime was explicitly done in Ref. [58], A A Also,thenon-harmonicmetric(ortetrad)solutionofthe thereby extending to curved spacetime the classic work field equations in the new variables takes the same form by Hanson and Regge [56] for a relativistic top in flat asinEq.(3.5),butwithoutthecontributionsfromhigher spacetime. Beingguaranteedthata constrained,canoni- time derivatives. This is because the redefinition of the calADM Hamiltonianexists for gravitationallyinteract- positions r rnew can be seen as being induced by a ing spinning point particles [26, 27, 44], henceforth we coordinateAtr→ansfoArmation of the “bulk” near-zone met- assumethattheconstructionofRef.[58]canbeextended ric, and that metric when evaluated at the location of to interacting particles. Let us then briefly review how the particles is necessarily free of higher derivatives (see theconstrainedHamiltonianforasinglespinningparticle Sec. 3 in Ref. [70]). Thus, we have the same result as in was built in Ref. [58]. Eq.(3.12). We shallfromnowonremovethesuperscript WestartfromtheunconstrainedHamiltonianforasin- gle spinning particle H (r,P ,φa,P ), together with part i φa the Poisson bracket operation , (see Sec. III B in {· ·} Ref.[58]fortheexplicitexpressionsofthePoissonbrack- 7 As usual, non-linear contributions in accelerations can be re- ets between the relevant variables). We consider a set of movedbytheadditionofso-called“multiple-zero”terms[71,72]. constraints ξk = 0 with k = 1, ,2M (with M < 9) ··· 8 such that the matrix C = ξ ,ξ is not singular. Fol- quantity z is defined in terms of the coordinate four- kl k l A lowing Ref. [56], these constr{aints}can be imposed by (i) velocityvµ =(1,v ) ofparticleA, in ADM-type coordi- A A replacingthe originalPoissonbracketswithDiracbrack- nates, by ets,8 and (ii) inserting the constraints directly in the dτ 1/2 original, unconstrained Hamiltonian. More specifically, z = A = g¯ r ;r ,v ,S ,m vµvν , Ref.[58]firstimposedtheNewton-WignerSSC[56],suit- A dt (cid:16)− µν(cid:2) A B B B B(cid:3) A A(cid:17) (4.2) ably generalized to curved spacetime, to eliminate 3 out with g¯ being the background metric generated by the of the 6 variables P (a = 1, ,6), and an additional µν φa ··· twoparticles,andevaluatedatthelocationofparticleA. constraint to eliminate 3 out of the 6 variables φa, such Notethattheparticlevelocityv intheRHSofEq.(4.2) thatthe constrainthypersurfacecontainsthe same num- A shouldbeviewedasafunctionoftheconjugatevariables berofconfigurationcoordinatesandconjugatemomenta. r , p , S , obtained by inverting the definition of the Then, the constrained Hamiltonian H (r,p,S) and the A A A C momentum p . We emphasize that Eqs. (4.1)–(4.2) are phase-spacealgebraoftheconstrainedsystemwerecom- A valid for generic orbits and spin configurations. For cir- puted, showingthat they are canonicalatlinearorderin cularorbitsandspinsalignedoranti-alignedwithrespect theparticle’sspin. Thus,thevariablesr,p,andS—with Si = 1εijkS where S = ǫ µǫ νS (i,j,k = 1,2,3)— totheorbitalangularmomentum,zAwouldcoincidewith 2 jk jk j k µν the (gauge-invariant) redshift observable introduced by obey the standard commutation relations ri,p = δi { j} j Detweiler [11]. This is the redshift of a photon emitted and Si,Sj = εijkSk, all other brackets vanishing. As fromthe particle and observedat a largedistance, along { } usual, this algebra can be used to compute the dynami- the symmetry axis ˆz perpendicular to the orbital plane. calevolutionofany(time-independent)functionf ofthe In order to derive the first law, we reduce the ADM canonicalvariablesaccordingtof˙ df/dt= f,H . Fi- HamiltonianH(r ,p ,S ,m ),giveninagenericframe ≡ { } A A A A nally,theconstrainedcanonicalHamiltonianconstructed of reference, to the center-of-mass Hamiltonian, say in Ref. [58] coincides with the ADM Hamiltonian for a H(r,p,S ,m ). This is achieved by first imposing that A A spinning particle moving in a given background. the ADM linear momentum P = p +p vanishes, ADM 1 2 As said, we shall assume that the construction above thensubstituting theindividualmomentap fortherel- A can be extended to gravitationally interacting spinning ativelinearmomentump p = p ,anddenoting the 1 2 ≡ − point particles. The resulting constrained Hamiltonian coordinate separation by r=r r . 1 2 − H (r ,p ,S ) with A=1, ,N with usual canonical We shall also limit our study to spins aligned or anti- C A A A ··· variables will coincide with the ADM canonical Hamil- aligned with the orbital angular momentum L, and to tonian. Furthermore, being constructed from the class circularorbits. DefiningL=Lˆz,whereˆzistheunitvec- of Fokker Hamiltonians (3.15), it necessarily satisfies tor orthogonal to the orbital plane, we have S = S ˆz, A A Eq. (3.16). Thereafter, we restrict ourselves to a binary with S < m2. Using polar coordinates (r,ϕ) in the | A| A system of spinning point masses, i.e. A = 1,2, and we orbital plane, we can express the Hamiltonian as a func- denote the canonical ADM Hamiltonian by H. tionoftheseparationr = r,oftheradialmomentump , r | | of the azimuthal momentum p = L, and of the masses ϕ m andamplitudes S ofthe spinsofthetwopointpar- A A IV. FIRST LAW OF MECHANICS FOR BINARY ticles. An unconstrained variation of the Hamiltonian POINT PARTICLES WITH SPINS H(r,pr,pϕ,SA,mA) thus gives ∂H ∂H ∂H A. Derivation of the first law δH = δr+ δpr+ δL ∂r ∂p ∂L r ∂H ∂H In Section IIIB we proved the remarkable relation- + δm + δS , (4.3) A A (cid:18)∂m ∂S (cid:19) ship(3.16),validwhenneglectingnon-lineartermsinthe XA A A spins of the type (S2) and (S2), i.e. O 1 O 2 where to ease the notation we have omitted to indicate that the partial derivatives with respect to r, p , L, ∂H r =z . (4.1) S , and m are computed keeping all the other vari- ∂m A A A A ables fixed. If the variationcomparesone solutionof the Hamiltonian dynamics to a neighboring solution, then Note that this relationis not only valid for linear contri- Hamilton’s equations of motion must be satisfied. For butions (S ) and (S ), but also for non-linear spin 1 2 O O circular orbits, this yields ∂H/∂r = p˙ = 0, as well as contributions of the type (S1S2). Here the redshift − r O ∂H/∂p = r˙ = 0. The constant circular-orbit frequency r is given by ∂H/∂L=ϕ˙ =Ω, and the Hamiltonian is nu- merically equal to the ADM mass: H = M. Therefore, “on shell” we have 8 For two phase-space functions A and B, the Dirac brackets are gseivnetnthbeyp{rAo,jeBc}tiDon=o{fAth,eBo}r+igi{nAal,ξsky}m{pBle,cξtli}c[Cst−ru1]cktlu,raenodntroeptrhee- δM =ΩδL+ ∂H δmA+ ∂H δSA . (4.4) (cid:18)∂m ∂S (cid:19) phase-spacesurfacedefinedbytheconstraints. XA A A 9 At linear order in the spins, the Hamiltonian can be B. Consequences of the first law writtenasthesumofanorbitalpartH ,whichdoesnot O dependonthespinsS ,andaspinpartH = Ω S . A S A A A We now explore some consequences of the first law for The partial derivatives of the Hamiltonian wPith respect spinning pointparticles. Inparticular,weestablishalge- to the spins, braicexpressionswhichcanbe regardedasfirstintegrals associated with the variational relations (4.6) and (4.8). ∂H Ω = , (4.5) For two spinning point particles with masses m and A ∂S A A spins S , on a circular orbit with azimuthal frequency A are the so-called precession frequencies of the spins. In- Ω,theADMmassM,orbitalangularmomentumL,red- deed, using the algebra satisfied by the canonical vari- shifts zA and precession frequencies ΩA are all functions ables,the spins SA caneasilybe seento satisfy—inthe of the five independent variables (Ω,m1,m2,S1,S2). most general, precessing case — the Newtonian-looking Therefore,thefirstlaw(4.6)isequivalenttothefollowing (but exact) precession equations S˙ = Ω S . Thus, set of partial differential equations: A A A × theusualEuclideannormsofthecanonicalspinsarecon- ∂M ∂L served, SA SA = const, and SA are also referred to as Ω =0, (4.9a) the constan·t-in-magnitude spins, or constant spins.9 ∂Ω − ∂Ω Finally,combiningEqs.(4.1),(4.4),and(4.5),thefirst ∂M ∂L Ω =z , (4.9b) law of mechanics takes on the simple form10 ∂mA − ∂mA A ∂M ∂L Ω =Ω . (4.9c) δM −ΩδL= zAδmA+ΩAδSA . (4.6) ∂SA − ∂SA A XA (cid:0) (cid:1) Note that the relations (4.9a) and (4.9b) are unchanged This differential relation gives the changes in the ADM with respect to the results in the non-spinning case [see mass M and orbital angular momentum L of the binary Eqs. (2.40) and (2.41) of Paper I], where they have been systemunder smallchangesinthe individual massesm A checked up to 3PN order plus the logarithmic contribu- and spins S of the two point particles. We emphasize A tions at 4PN and 5PN order. However, in the spinning thatEq.(4.6)isvalidforanyspinmagnitude S <m2. | A| A case we have the additional equations (4.9c) relating the It is convenient to replace the orbital angular momen- precessionfrequenciesΩ tothe partialderivativesofM A tum L in favor of the total (ADM-like) angular momen- and L with respect to the spins S . A tum J. Foralignedoranti-alignedspins, we simply have By combining Eqs. (4.9a)–(4.9b) with numerical cal- culations of the GSF effect on the redshift z of a non- 1 J =L+ S . (4.7) A spinning point particle on a circular orbit around a XA Schwarzschild black hole [11, 23, 74], the exact expres- sionsofthetotalmassM andorbitalangularmomentum In terms of J, the first law (4.6) reads Lcouldbe determined,atleadingorderbeyondthetest- particle approximation [19]. This result was used in [20] δM ΩδJ = z δm +(Ω Ω)δS . (4.8) − XA h A A A− Ai (seealsoRef.[21])toimprovetheknowledgeoftheEOB model[7,8,75]fornon-spinningbinaries. Weleavetofu- We recallthat the expressions(4.6) and (4.8) ofthe first tureworkthegeneralizationofthesefindingstospinning laware,inprinciple,validonlyatlinearorderintheam- point masses. plitudes S of the constant (or canonical) spin variables Bycommutationofpartialderivatives,Eqs.(4.9b)and A S . It is true that the definitions (4.5) of the precession (4.9c) can be combined to give the interesting relation A frequencies do not require that the Hamiltonian H be linear in the spins; if contributions quadratic (or higher) ∂zA ∂ΩB = . (4.10) in the spins were included in the Hamiltonian, then the ∂SB ∂mA precessionfrequenciesΩ wouldbecomefunctionsofthe A This equation relates the variation in the redshift z of spinsS . Nevertheless,ourproofinSec.III ofthe result A A particleAunderasmallchangeinthespinS ofparticle (3.16) is only valid at linear order in the spins. B B tothevariationoftheprecessionfrequencyΩ ofpar- B ticle B under a small change in the mass m of particle A A. Therefore, for A = B, Eq. (4.10) reflects some equi- 6 9 Notethattheconstantspinsarenotuniquelydefined,becausea librium state of the spinning point particles under their localEuclideanrotationleavesthemagnitudeSA SAofthespin mutual gravitational attraction. For A = B, we obtain SA unchanged. However, for spins aligned or an·ti-aligned with anon-trivialrelationbetweenthe redshift(coinciding,in theorbitalangularmomentum,thisremaininggaugefreedomis adaptedcoordinates,withthehelicalKillingenergy)and irrelevant,asitdoesnotaffectthe(algebraic)magnitudeSA. the precession frequency of each spinning point particle. 10 A similarresult was previously established in [73], see Eq. (24) We now derive the first integral associated with the there,althoughwithoutthecrucialmassvariationtermszAδmA intheright-handside. variational first law (4.6) by following the same steps as 10 in the proof given in the non-spinning case in Paper I. This simple relation immediately gives the SO contribu- First, we introduce the convenient combination tions to the ADM mass M once those in the redshift observables z and z are known, and vice versa. 1 2 M ΩL. (4.11) Until now, all results were given in terms of the or- M≡ − bital angular momentum L. We can rewrite them using Making the change of variables (Ω,m ,m ,S ,S ) 1 2 1 2 → the total angular momentum (4.7) instead. The partial (Ω,m,ν,χ ,χ ), where m m +m is the total mass, 1 2 ≡ 1 2 differential equations (4.9) then become ν m m /m2 the symmetric mass ratio, and χ 1 2 A S ≡/m2 the dimensionless spins, Eqs. (4.9b)–(4.9c) ca≡n A A ∂M ∂J be combined to give Ω =0, (4.17a) ∂Ω − ∂Ω ∂M ∂J ∂ ∂ Ω =z , (4.17b) mAzA+2ΩASA = (cid:18)mA∂mM +2SA∂SM(cid:19) ∂mA − ∂mA A XA (cid:0) (cid:1) XA A A ∂M ∂J ∂ Ω =ΩA Ω. (4.17c) =m M. (4.12) ∂SA − ∂SA − ∂m Equation(4.17a)isthe“thermodynamical”relationcom- Next,wenoticethattheratio /misdimensionlessand M monly used in PN theory for quasi-circular orbits (see, symmetric by the exchange m m of the particles; it 1 ↔ 2 e.g., Refs. [29, 76]), or in the construction of sequences must thus be a function of mΩ, ν, χ , and χ ; see e.g. 1 2 of quasi-equilibrium initial data for binary black holes Eqs. (5.7) below. This last observation implies the rela- and binary neutrons stars [77–80]. In terms of the total tionship m∂( /m)/∂m=Ω∂( /m)/∂Ω, which when M M angular momentum, Eq. (4.13) becomes combined with (4.9a) and (4.12) yields the first integral relation M 2ΩJ = m z 2(Ω Ω )S , (4.18) A A A A M 2ΩL= mAzA+2ΩASA . (4.13) − XA h − − i − XA (cid:0) (cid:1) which is, as expected, the first integral associated with Alternatively,Euler’stheoremforhomogeneousfunctions the variational first law (4.8). The existence of such a providesamorestraightforwardproofoftheresult(4.13). simple, linear,algebraicrelationbetween the localquan- SincetheEinsteinfieldequationsdonotcontainanypriv- tities z and Ω on one hand, and the global quantities A A ilegedmassscale,theADMmassmustbeahomogeneous M and J on the other hand, is noticeable. functionofdegreeoneinL1/2, m andS1/2. Hence,Eu- A A ler’s theorem implies V. SPIN-ORBIT EFFECTS IN THE PARTICLE’S ∂M M(L,m ,S )=L1/2 REDSHIFT OBSERVABLE A A ∂L1/2 ∂M ∂M + m +S1/2 , (4.14) We employ the ADM Hamiltonian to derive the spin- XA (cid:18) A∂mA A ∂SA1/2(cid:19) orbit terms at next-to-leading 2.5PN order in the parti- cle’s redshift observable (or helical Killing energy) using which when combined with the first law (4.6) immedi- the relation (4.1). We keep neglecting all terms (S2) ately yields the first integral relation (4.13). This result orhigher. Wedonotincludenon-linearspininteraOctioAns generalizes to spinning point particles the first integral of the type (S S ) either, even though they must sat- 1 2 relationderivedinthenon-spinningcase[seeEq.(1.2)of isfy ourfirstOlawofmechanics. The center-of-massADM PaperI],asitinvolvesappropriateadditionalspinterms. Hamiltonian can then be written as Furthermore,wecanusethepreviousresultstoobtain arelationshipbetweenthespincontributionstotheADM H =H(r,p,S ,m )=H +H +H , (5.1) A A O SO NLSO massM andthesum m z oftheredshiftedmasses. A A A Indeed, Eqs. (4.10) anPd (4.9c) successively imply where H is the orbital (or non-spinning) Hamiltonian, O which is known through 3PN order, while the leading- ∂ ∂Ω ∂ ∂ m z = m B = m M . order 1.5PN spin-orbit term reads [81] A A A A ∂S ∂m ∂S ∂m B XA XA A B XA A (4.15) 2 H = S L, (5.2) By combining Eqs. (4.12) and (4.13), we can easily re- SO r3 eff· place the sum m ∂ /∂m in the RHS by the ex- A A M A with L=r p the orbital angular momentum, n=r/r ipnretshseiosnp−inMs, ∂+2P2M/(−∂S2AP∂SABS)A=∂M0,/a∂nSdAw.eAfitnlidnearorder the unit vec×tor pointing from m2 to m1, and M ∂S∂B(cid:0)M +m1z1+m1z2(cid:1)=0. (4.16) Seff ≡(cid:18)1+ 34mm21(cid:19)S1+(cid:18)1+ 34mm12(cid:19)S2. (5.3)

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